Database server MS Access mdb and accdb

I have a program that I am trying to upgrade and using Crystal Reports. The database for the report is MS access 2010 (.accdb).

When I start the program it is looking for the prior MS Access database .mdb and I can not log on to the correct database.

I understand from my research that this was a problem with VS 2008. There must be a solution someware.

Database server MS Access mdb and accdb

I have a program that I am trying to upgrade and using Crystal Reports. The database for the report is MS access 2010 (.accdb).

When I start the program it is looking for the prior MS Access database .mdb and I can not log on to the correct database.

I understand from my research that this was a problem with VS 2008. There must be a solution someware.

No value given for one or more required parameters. WHILE FILLING DATATABLE

i create a datatable in dataset in degine mode with union query.

query as below

SELECT DateofPickup AS Mdate, Name, Address, PhoneNo, SerialNo, DateofVist, ItemName, DateofPickup, TotalQty, Rateof, OpeningB, Dateofretrun, Retrun, Balance,
TotalDay, NULL AS adv
FROM Report
SELECT Dateofpay AS Mdate, Name, Address, PhoneNo, SerialNno AS SerialNo, DateofVist, NULL AS ItemName, Dateofpay AS DateofPickup, NULL AS TotalQty, NULL
AS Rateof, NULL AS OpeningB, NULL AS Dateofretrun, NULL AS Retrun, NULL AS Balance, NULL AS TotalDay, Adv
FROM PaymentDetail

when i try to fill this datatable with where condation on page load event then it show error (No value given for one or more required parameters.) without where condation its work fine. code as below.

Dim report As New CrystalReport1
Cmd.CommandText = "Select * from RFinal where serialno='" & Form4.SerialNoTextBox.Text & "'"

da.SelectCommand = Cmd
da.Fill(ds, "rfinal")---------error occur here No value given for one or more required parameters
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report
End Sub

i also try it with parameter

Cmd.CommandText = "Select * from RFinal where serialno=@a"

Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", Form4.SerialNoTextBox.Text)

da.SelectCommand = Cmd
da.Fill(ds, "rfinal")---------error occur here No value given for one or more required parameters

the serial read didnot complete within the specified timeout period

I have been using a Cobra-SRC and a frame grabber PCIe-1433 of NI for a while. I use LABVIEW to make Cobra-SRC work and used MATLAB to read data from PCIe-1433. Before they all ran well but now, when grabbing, it showed a dialog in LABVIEW:"IMAQ error: the serial read didnot complete within the specified timeout period". And an error occurs in MATLAB: "ni: cannot detect recognizable video source". I'm so confused that I did not change anything in MATLAB and LABVIEW. Could someone answer me this question???? Thank you in advance.

PXI RT crash, exception code: 0xC0000005

Hello Everyone,

I'm developing an LabVIEW application to acquire data from an instrument connected by ethernet, communicating with SCPI commands and my application is host on a NI8106 PXI controller.

My problem is that sometimes the PXI crash and restart because of a "system error", I tried to put probes everywhere to try to catch an eventual error at this moment but I didn't saw anything. On the error log of the PXI, i have the famous "0xC0000005" error.

Sometimes the PXI crash several time per day, sometimes it doesn't crash for more than 24 hours and I'm doing all the long the same operations.

On my code I have three task that runs in parallel, a "command parser" that monitor a variable on a server, the "Instrument task" acquires the data and sends them to the "Data Publisher" that log the data on the server and saves them in local.

The server is a server of my company and there is a homemade library to communicate with it. But i'm writing on the server once every 30 minutes and sometimes the PXI crash before so, I don't think if it's linked. I'm running now the code by disabling all the part dedicated to the server communication to see if there is a difference.

Sync. from two SQL Compact Edition 4.0 database

Is it possible, to synchronize two SQL CE 4.0 with LabVIEW?
The situation is, that on two notebook is a database with same tables just filled with diffrent data. SQL Compact Edition 4.0

Is it possible to get both databases in one with labview ?

AF Inheritance on cRIO

Hi all,

I have started to experiment more seriously with the Linked Network Actor, to communicate between cRIO and Windows. One thing I have noticed while developing my test projects is this:

When I create a class on the cRIO I can't change the Inheritance to the Actor.lvclass. It offers me no inheritance other than the default LVObject. When I create it on the Windows side I can change the inheritance to Actor Framework, but when I move it to the cRIO the Class locks. As a result, I can't check the inheritance or make changes to it.
Why is that? Is it really the idea, to code on the windows target and then move everything to the cRIO?

When I do this, it sometimes happens that the launcher on the cRIO opens all actors instead of just the one on the RIO.

Thanks in advance for all your input.

Array Manipulation Bug

I''m running into an Array Manipulation bug that sometimes generates an extra element causing a bogus numbers to be added to the array for some odd reason. It doesn't do this all the time, but it does it sometimes. Which is of course is inconstant.

I can't quite see what I'm doing wrong, and why it is inconsistent results. There should never be a "0" in the array's, but it keeps showing up. But it only shows up if an extra element is added to the array. I tried to isolate it using Case statements, but both Array manipulation routines are doing it.

This routine example is intended to exercise Array mathematical operations. However these VI's are sometimes adding elements and inserting "0" at random times. How am I incorrectly using these Array Manipulation VI's?
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir