sms projects

hi,we do the project automatic car parking system using sms. now we need to interfacing gsm module without first of all we neeed to receive sms,then after receiving sms we need to transmit pls anyone help to send the code .

assembly code for controlling stepper motor for sun tracking system


i m desgning a sloar tracking system and i have problem in writing the assembly code for movement for stepper motor with the sun...plz help me..THANX

RF-C2500 communocation

hello friends,

i have 2 autonomous bot...and for communication betweem them RF-C2500...

can u help me,how to use INTERRUPT while bots are communicating..

its better,if u tell me the coding behind communication and interrupt..

we r using AVR ATmega16 microcontroller...

T89C51AC2 10bit ADC

I have succesfully programmed a T89C51AC2 microcontroller into using its in-built ADC in 8-bit mode. However I would like to operate this in-built ADC in 10-bit mode. Below please find the code for an 8-bit mode operation:


#include <T89C51AC2.h> //T89C51AC2 Library

unsigned char PAN_DAT[5]; //Array containing 5 spaces
unsigned int value_converted;

void main(void)
unsigned int value;

ADCF=0x07; //Set P1.0, P1.1, P1.2 as ADC
ADCON=0x20; //Enable ADC function
ADCLK=0x00; //Pre-Sacler Time=0us

value = ADC(0xF9,0x01); //Initialize ADC for pin 1 of P1 using mask

PAN_DAT[0] = (value/100)|0x30; //Extract 'units' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[1] = ('.'); //Separate 'units' from 'tenths' with '.'
PAN_DAT[2] = ((value%100)/10)|0x30; //Extract 'tenths' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[3] = (value%10)|0x30; //Extract 'hundredths' value and convert to ASCII

unsigned char ADC(unsigned char channel,mask)

unsigned int value; //Integer space declaration 'value'

ADCON=ADCON&channel; //select ADC pin using ADC control
ADCON=ADCON|mask; //Mask for I/O pin
ADCON=ADCON|0x08; //Start ADC conversion in 8-bit (ADSST=1)
while((ADCON&0x10)!=0x10); //Wait ADEOC=1 bit4
value=ADDH; //Save result in 'value'
ADCON=ADCON&0xEF; //Clear ADEOC (flag=0)
return(value); //Return 'value' to main

Now I know that in order to use the 10-bit mode operation an interrupt must be used. Currently I have arrived here in programming:


#include <T89C51AC2.h> //T89C51AC2 Library

unsigned char PAN_DAT[5]; //Array containing 5 spaces
unsigned int value_converted;
bit EOC = 0; //End-of-Conversion Flag

void main(void)
unsigned int value;

ADCF=0x07; //Set P1.0, P1.1, P1.2 as ADC
ADCON=0x20; //Enable ADC function
ADCLK=0x00; //Pre-Sacler Time=0us
EA = 1; //Enable Interrupts
EADC = 1; //Enable ADC Interrupt

value = ADC(0xF9,0x01); //Initialize ADC for pin 1 of P1 using mask

PAN_DAT[0] = (value/100)|0x30; //Extract 'units' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[1] = ('.'); //Separate 'units' from 'tenths' with '.'
PAN_DAT[2] = ((value%100)/10)|0x30; //Extract 'tenths' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[3] = (value%10)|0x30; //Extract 'hundredths' value and convert to ASCII

unsigned char ADC(unsigned char channel,mask)
unsigned int value; //Integer space declaration 'value'

ADCON=ADCON&channel; //select ADC pin using ADC control
ADCON=ADCON|mask; //Mask for I/O pin
ADCON=ADCON|0x48; //Start ADC conversion in 10-bit (ADSST=1, PSIDLE = 1)
while(!EOC); //Wait end-of-conversion
EOC = 0; //Clear software flag
value = value_converted;
return(value); //Return 'value' to main

void IT_ADC(void) //ADC Interrupt
ADCON=ADCON&0xEF; //Clear ADEOC (flag=0)
value_converted = ADDH<<2; //Save first 8-bits in 'value_converted'
value_converted |= (ADDL & 0x03); //Save last 2-bit in 'value_converted'
EOC = 1; //Set end-of-conversion flag


Can someone please identify where the problem is?

Regarding the ADC interrupt 'IT_ADC' I know that it should be called in order for the program to execute it but I do not know where to call it and also, when I read the datasheet it said that:

"An interrupt end-of-conversion will occurs when the bit ADEOC is actived and the bit EADC is set. For re-arming the interrupt the bit ADEOC must be cleared by software."

Electronic flowmeter

Hello,I am working on a project of electronic flowmeter in which input to microcontroller is from IR sensor.I have to display the RPM count and send a message to a particular mobile no.So can anyone help me out in code for calculating the RPM count and sending it to a mob no.Please help as soon as possible.

Display times on computer from a 8051 stopwatch

Dear guys,

What is the best way to display the times in the seven segment on a computer? Is it possible to use a parallel port pins connected to the seven segment display?

ir sensor ckt

Hi i am working on a project to made a obstacle avoiding robot.....

it will detect the obstacle using IR beam......and which will be further controlled through microcontroller....

Plz help me in making that IR sensor ckt.

wireless system

Which is the better among wifi, bluetooth, zigbee.

and if we are interfacing these modules with microcontroller then which is easier to do....

XBEE interfacing with 8051

I want to interface XBEE RF module with 8051.. but XBEE works at 3.3V & the output of 8051 is 5V.

how do i reduce the voltage to 3.3V???

The data sheet of XBEE module says,

Transmit current(typical) = 45mA@3.3V...

If at all v reduce the voltage to 3.3V using LM1117 v get output of 3.3V at a current of 800mA.

can this voltage & current value be given to input of XBEE to transmit???

will the current rating of 800mA burns the XBEE module??

please help me out friends...

i want to know..curious about it

do i need to use virtual terminal to connect to 8051 OR directly connect sim900d to 8051? and if i connect should i type the command?
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir