dsPIC33EP512MC806 & MCLV-2

I am new to Microchip and starting on a new project with dsPIC33E.

I am working with dsPIC33EP512MC806 (TQFP - 64 package) for a motor control application. To develop the motor control code, I need a development board and looking at dsPIC33EP512MC806 product page, it has MCLV-2 listed. This board is ideal for me when looking at the motor I am using.

Now MCLV-2 comes with dsPIC33EP256MC506 plug in module. I am trying to find a plug in module for dsPIC33EP512MC806(TQFP-64) but unable to do so. I cannot simply replace the PIC by de-soldering as they are not pin to pin compatible.

Hence, could you please help me on how I can use dsPIC33EP512MC806 with MCLV-2 development board?
If that is not a possibility, what will be the best option?

PIC32MMGPL028 - Pauses in SPI transfer in 8bit and 16bit mode

i am currently evaluating some PIC32MM devices.
For a Testproject, i want to control some SK6812 - LED (wich are WS2812 compatible).
Those require a strict timing. I use the SPI of the PIC, using a 8MHz Clock (using the PLL for 16MHz system clock). In theory, it is possible to achive the WS2812 timing.

I got a small SPI Problem there:
I can achive the timing only, if i use the SPI in 32bit-Mode. In 8bit or 16 bit-mode, i get constant "pauses" between two transfers.
See attached picture. For the picture, i am constantly writing 8bit 0xAA. Channel1 is data, Channel2 is clock.

The main loop consists of [code] LATBbits.LATB2 = 1; SPI2_RXTX_EBUF_8bit(0xAA); LATBbits.LATB2 = 0;[/code] Thats all. I use the Port B2 for timing tests.

My SPISettomgs: [code] //init SPI SPI2CON = SPI2CON2 = 0; SPI2CONbits.MODE16 = 0; //1 for 16bit mode SPI2CONbits.MODE32 = 0; //1 for 32bit mode SPI2CONbits.CKE = 0; SPI2CONbits.CKP = 1; SPI2CONbits.ENHBUF = 1; set->Baudrate = SPI2_Setbaud(set->Baudrate, pCLK); SPI2CONbits.MSTEN = 1; SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0; SPI2CONbits.ON = 1;[/code] I use the following for transfer: [code]inline uint8_t SPI2_RXTX_EBUF_8bit(uint8_t data){ while(SPI2STATbits.SPITBF); SPI2BUF = data; return SPI2BUF; }[/code] Tools:
- XC32 v 1.4
- MPLABX 3.51
- PICkit 3 (also for power)

The SPI-Code works fine on a PIC32MX470 and PIC32MX250. I dont remember any pauses from previous projects with PIC32 MX devices.

What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks for any help in advance!

Problem with 2.02b web net server demo

I am having a problem with Harmony 2.02b, demo web_net_server_nvm_mpfs with a fixed IP address. (MPLAB X 3.45).

1. I loaded the example project and used the green down arrow icon to rebuild the project and download it. No problems.

I could ping and the browser worked with

When I tried mchpboard_e in both ping and the browser, they could not resolve the hostname.

2. I re-generated the MHC code and saw a couple of differences in the generated files. I accepted all of them and reloaded the project.

Again, the pings and web pages worked the same, except now the web pages did not update. After many resets and power cycles, I got the the web pages to work again (although slower it seemed), but I never was able to get the web server to respond to the mchpboard_e hostname.

Has anyone loaded the HTTP NET web server example and had it work with the mchpbpard_e hostname?

Harmony 1.10 + PIC32MX795F512L - error on GFX_HGC_GetScreenState


I am working with setup - Harmony 1.10 + PIC32MX795F512L and new driver for ILI9163C (LCD controller).
The code passes through the SYS_Initialize fine, but errors out on GFX_HGC_GetScreenState() in routine SYS_Tasks -> while in the following fuction call:
GFX_HANDLE primitiveHandle = (GFX_HANDLE)GFX_PRIMITIVE_Open(obj->index );
It goes to GFX_HGC_GetScreenState() and seems like it cannot get the screenstate and errors out and goes to ExceptionHandler.

Anyone having similar issue? need your help :)


PIC32MZ with USB Microphone interaction (Harmony).

I have a PIC32MZ2048EFH144. I also have a USB Microphone that I am connecting straight into the PIC32MZ.

I was trying to use harmony and use an example project (usb microphone) but it seems that PIC32MZ is not supported for that certain project. Is there any way to use that code for this MCU?

I essentially just want to initialize the microphone in MPLAB and get data from it, maybe through coolterm or a signal oscilloscope.
PIC32MZ, Harmony

Explorer 16/32 with PIC32MZ and LAN9303 Daughter Board

I have:
An Explorer 16/32 development board
A AC320004-4 - LAN9303 PHY Switch Daughter Board

I am really new to this but have been working my way through the;
PIC32 Family Reference Manual
PIC32MZ Datasheet
LAN9303 Daughter Board Datasheet
This is fairly new to me but so far i have done some small things with the buttons, leds, adc and pwm without any use of harmony.

My goal is to eventually make something that can take some readings, then send them over an ethernet connection back to another device (probably a computer).

My first question
How do i go about physically connecting the daughterboard to the 16/32 development board? (info and question expanded bellow).

From the LAN9303 Daughter Boards product page I know that it is supported by:
PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II
So i started by looking at the layouts of those boards,

The PIC32 Embedded Connectivity Starter Kit Users Guide Shows:
(1) - ETXEN (13) - X
(2) - ETXD0 (14) - X
(3) - EXTD1 (15) - ERXD1
(4) - X (16) - ERXD0
(5) - X (17) - ERXERR
(6) - GND (18) - ECRS/RH13
(7) - External Osc Enable? (19) - EMDC
(8) - Clock In (20) - EMDIO
(9) - GND (21) - SOSCI / RC13
(11) - X (23) - X
(12) - X (23) - X

My Second Question
How Do I find out what the other pins that are marked with 'X' in each of the documents are? I cant find any reference information for what these are.

PIC32 Floating Point Unit Starter Kit Users Guide Shows:
The same except,
(22) - EBIRDY2 / RH11

PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II Users Guide Shows:
The same except,
(21) - INT3/SCL1/RA14

LAN9303 Information Sheet Shows:
The same except,
(17) - RX_ER - Grounded
(21) - nINT - Interrupt??

PIC32MZ Datasheet for RMII Interface Signals Shows:
EMDC - Management Clock (Output)
EMDIO - Management I/O
ETXEN - Transmit Enable (Output)
ETXD0 - Transmit Data
ETXD1 - Transmit Data
EREFCLK - Reference Clock (input)
ECRSDV - Carrier Sense - Receive Data Valid (input)
ERXD0 - Receive Data (input)
ERXD1 - Receive Data (input)
ERXERR - Receive Error (input)

My Third Question
Should I connect:
PIC32 LAN9303

My Fourth Question
What is ICSP_MCLR_VPP_TARGET and how is it used in this case? (I know ICSP is In Circuit Serial Programming and have read that applying a certain voltage to this pin can make a chip enter programming mode, but in the LAN9303 doc i cant find anything relevant so am not certain on its use).

My Fifth Question
Are the EMDC and EMDIO used for interfacing with the LAN9303, to configure it? If not, how is that typically achieved?

My understanding is that these are for the PHY Registers (in MAC or PHY SMI modes), but I havnt gotten to the point of knowing all that's available here and what will be needed, I'm still new to this.

My Sixth Question
What is generally the best practice for clock inputs?

From what i can tell,
I can use an external OSC and supply to both the PIC32 OSC1 and the LAN9303 CLK_IN, with the PIC32 controlling the external OSC EN.
I can supply to the PIC32 OSC1 only, and use the PIC32 OSC2 to supply to the LAN9303
I have seen an Input for the PIC32 called EREFCLK (Ethernet Reference Clock), how does it relate to the outputs of the LAN9303? The LAN9303 daughter board doesnt seem to have a clock output from the documentation i can find.

From what i have been able to work out I am going to want,
to use my PIC32MZs internal MAC
to have the device set up as RMII, and therefore clock of 50Mhz input
to use the LAN9303 in virtual PHY mode

This is about as far as i have gotten, any pointer to resources that will give more detail for me to read or explanations would be very welcome.

Thanks in advance.

PIC16F877A : Software UART

Dear All,

In My application in need Dual UART in PIC16F877A.
I written a code for Software UART with Bit-bang using MPLAB X and MPLAB XC8 Compiler.

The code perfectly worked with 1200 Baud Rate but Not worked with 9600 Baud Rate as I needed.

XTAL = 11.0592MHz I am using .
Code Attached..

Please Guide me How it works with 9600 Baud Rate ?


MCC I2C Lib, Slave only Acks every other read

Hey y'all,
Been trying to run the dsPIC33EP256MC202 as an I2C slave. Generated the MCC I2C lib and have it running ok (just using the sample EEPROM callback code generated by MCC). Works fairly well, but there is one catch I'm trying to sort out. When I perform a read to an address I only get a successful exchange every other read... i.e. I must read the address twice. Otherwise I get an Ack after the Slave Device Addr transmission and a Nak after the desired read register address is sent. Any thoughts?

Sending data to microcontroller PIC32


So I need to send information from server to uC utilizing UDP/IP protocole I have no involvement with that yet I am attempting to burrow of late and the primary question that rung a bell is can a server send information to a customer (PIC32 for my situation ) without being initially asked by this same customer to build up association ?

Second question to open an attachment from the server side I require localAddress and localPort ( as specified in the capacity opening attachment in the TCP/IP stack in record udp.c ) so these neighborhood informations are for the server the customer's IP address and residential location assume.

I wish you can illuminate my considerations and give me some thought to begin programming.

I am utilizing Mplab x with agreement V2.02 and xc32 compiler and I am attempting to code in C++.



I just bought a chipkit FIRE wifi.

I can not find a code example in harmony.

I found an example for the chipkit wifi pic32MX695 but not for the FIRE

Can someone help me to find an example that works

thank you
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir