Traffic light system using 555 timer

I want to build a traffic light system that uses only the 555 timer with astable and monostable configuration only (without decoder or counter). Please help me.....

Beginner wanted a delay timer trigger with 555 timer.

Hello everyone!

I have the following scenario.
When a 9v battery is switch on, it waits 5 seconds, then a reed relay is activated.

I am a complete beginner in this so please explain to me as if I'm an idiot.

I only know about capacitor, relays, and diodes at this point.
Am I making any sense?

thank you,

DC Power Supply LM317

Hopefully someone with more knowledge of power supplies can answer this. I've built a variable DC power supply based on the LM317 regulator to power my guitar effects. I have a wall wart with 20VAC output connected to a full bridge rectifier I made from individual diodes. The rest of the circuit is one of the designs I've seen for the LM317. Some of the designs I've seen have additional diodes across the 3 pins of the regulator and some don't. Mine doesn't. When I power the circuit up, the DC voltage out responds well (~2-24VDC) when I turn the adjustment pot. The problem is that I also have an AC component that also responds to turning the pot. I understand that ripple can occur, but the AC voltage goes a high as 70v! Is this normal? I'd hate to fry one of my guitar effects. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Multiple State LED Flasher

I am looking for advice on the best/most efficient way to set up a sequence of led flashing events without the use of a microprocessor. The start of the sequence will be initiated by an optical sensor detecting a switch on position. The sensor output will remain high in the on position and low in the off position.

Once triggered the single led will turn on steady for 1 minute and then begin flashing at 1 flash per second for 1 minute (on 1 sec/off 1 sec). At the end of that minute it will start flashing at a rate of 1 flash per 250ms (on 250ms/off 250ms) and remain in this state until the switch is moved to the off position. So the led conditions are:

Steady On
1 Sec Flash
ΒΌ Sec Flash

I am thinking I can do this with a couple of 556 timers but am not sure how to trigger the sequences. Any advice would be greatly appreciated or perhaps 555's are not the best route to take. Again I would appreciate any advice. Thanks to all.

Displaying ADC value in LCD using PIC

Hi all,

I am in a situation where I need to read ADC value and display it in LCD. Im using PIC18F4620. I have interfaced the LCD with the PIC and it can display normal strings very well. But I have been caught in a difficult situation when I try to read an analog value and display it in my LCD. This is my simple code:

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB5_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
// End LCD module connections

int temp;

void main() {
TRISB = 0; //PORTB as output
TRISA = 0xFF; //PORTA as input
ADCON1 = 0x7A; // Configure all ports with analog function as digital except RA2
CMCON |= 7; // Disable comparators
Lcd_Init(); //Initialize LCD

while (1){
temp = 5000*ADC_Read(2)/1023;

Lcd_Out(1, 1, temp);

There are few problems here. I am not sure what value will the variable 'temp' have. When I use the function LCD_Out, I get a warning that reads: "Implicit conversion of int to ptr" and the LCD would show a string of funny symbols. When I use LCD_Chr, it doesnt give any warning, but I only get to see a single numeric character on the display. Furthermore, I am not sure if I should convert temp from hex to decimal or binary to decimal since I am not sure the nature of the read value. Please help me on this, thanks in advance. Your suggestions/opinions are much much anticipated.

How to display ADC voltage on LCD Display

Good Day All.

I am still very new to the Arduino microcontroller so please bear with me.

I have got a LCD connected to my Arduino UNO, and I would like to be able to display the raw ADC voltage on the LCD Display to three decimal places.

Could someone please give me an example code, or a link to a post that would help me on my way?

Thanks for your time.

Best Regards.

Need help on traffic light project!


I just started learning logic gates and I have a project on a traffic light system. I don't know how to start since this project is tasked to us even without learning much into the lectures. Hence, I need some assistance on how to start this project. I am trying to use 74191 up/down sync counter in this project as well.

Below is the project guideline on what I am suppose to come out with. Good tips and diagrams will be appreciated.

A traffic light controller produces five output signals. Three output signals named Veh_Red,
Veh_Amber, Veh_Green control the flow of vehicles while the other two signals named Man_Red,
Man_Green control the flow of pedestrians. Veh_Red and Man_Green are always asserted at the
same time. Similarly, it applied on Veh_Green and Man_Red. Each traffic light indicator will last for
seven seconds in the following steps:
1) 7 seconds for Veh_Red and Man_Green
2) 7 seconds for Veh_Green and Man_Red
3) 7 seconds for Veh_Amber
The process is repeated. A push button is used for pedestrians to cross the road. Three seconds after
pressing the push button, the traffic light controller will trigger to the step (3), 7 seconds for
Veh_Amber. So the pedestrians can cross the road after ten seconds pressing the button. A seven
segment display is used to show the remaining time for pedestrians to cross the road. It only works
in Step (1). It is noted that push button should not work during Step (1) and the 3-second waiting
D1 Project Guideline:
D1A: Implement the push button and a three second counter
D1B: Implement the main controller part
D1C: Implement the seven segment display

Windows 7 -> driver installation -> code 10

hi, (im using a Dell laptop, with Windows 7, x64)

Yesterday i used my new Arduino UNO for the first time. I've downloaded the Arduino Software on the official website, and unzipped the folder. I plugged in the USB cable with my Arduino UNO board. I opened the Arduino.exe and i opened the Blink example. I uploaded it and it seems it was successfull. The LED was blinking on/off. But after that, i've changed the code in the Blink example (i would let blink 2 leds) and tried to upload it. Then i get the error: Serial port 'COM3' can't be found. I looked in the menu at extra--> serial port. This is unclickable and grey.

I searched on the Arduino site (and forum and Google) for errors and troubleshooting but i can't get it working. But i know, i forgot to installate the driver for the Arduino UNO. So i went to the Configuration Window of my laptop, choose Hardware & Sounds --> Device Manager. In the list with devices i tried to find the Ports (COM & LPT), but it was in my list. I neither found 'Unknown devices' in the list. I enabled in the Menu --> View --> View hidden devices. It doesnt work. After that I tried in the menu 'Add older hardware'. There i chose 'Looking for hardware and installate automatically. In the following list i clicked on Ports (COM & LPT). In that list i see Arduino LLC ( I clicked on Browse and chose the arduino-1.0.3/drivers/Arduino UNO.inf . In the following list i clicked on Arduino UNO and then on Next.

The installation began and then came the following message: The next hardware is installed: Arduino UNO. The software for this device is installated, but it seems it does not correctly work. This device does not start (Code10).

I have tried everything. I tried it on another computer + Laptop (both with Windows 7), and nothing happened. It seems the Arduino (or usb cable) is not recognized. The LED on my Arduino is still working and the ON light is green. An orange light (L) is ON/OFF/ON/OFF.. I've pressed the RESET button on the Arduino but nothing helps me...

Please, can somebody help me? Thanks in advance. (Sorry for my bad English)

GSM Modem Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller

Hi to all...
I am doing a project in which i will be interfacing a gsm modem with PIC microcontroller(16f877).. when i connect the gsm modem with PC i can able to send and read the messages in the sim using AT commands in hyperterminal...Then i iniatized UART in PIC send and received data to PC through hyperterminal its working properly...
When i interfaced PIC with GSM Modem i can able to send AT command to GSM modem but the reply "OK " from GSM modem to PIC is not received by PIC...


AT (Enter)-----In Hyperterminal
OK ------Message from GSM Modem

Baud Rate:9600 bps
GSM MOdem:Wavecom HT-W2101

I can able to send AT and Enter command from UART to PIC... But i cant able see the reply from GSM modem... but it works well when i interface GSM modem with PC hyperterminal...

Help me...

Arduino Yun: no connection and linux not work

Hi to everyone,
I buy Arduino Yun from and I used the IDE 1.7. For a while everything works well but some days ago my Arduino stop to work and I don't understand why.

These are my symptoms:

- USB LED always ON;
- No Wifi;
- No Ethernet;
- Can't access to Linux part with ssh;
- Reset buttons not works;
- I follow this guide but nothing happened:

I stopped a project because of that and I don't know how to restore my Arduino and what is the problem.

I use MAC OSX Yosemite and the IDE Arduino 1.7.

Please, help me.

Thanks in advance.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir