Adding arduino library in Proteus 8
I dont have library folder, when i install proteus 8. Where do i add arduino library. At internet solution for proteus 7 is given but when i installed proteus 8 it does not have library folder.
How can Arduino Mega2560+Wifi Shield 2.0 (seeedstudio) receive data from database in xampp server on my pc
I'm trying to connect my Arduino Mega via wi-fi to my xampp server. My main objective is get a value at my database and store it on a variable in Arduino code. With this new variable I'll be able to control the rest of the program... so for that matter I need your help. Can someone give-me advice?
I already try every thing that i found in the internet but it just dosen't work.
I think that the simple way is to send a GET request to the server and read his response... but for some reason i cant send the GET request trought...
I test it on the browser directly and the value show up, so i think that the server side is allright.
Here is my Arduino Code:
[code]#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "WiFly.h"
#include "HTTPClient.h"
#define SSID "mySSID"
#define KEY "myKEY"
#define HTTP_GET_URL ""
// Pins' connection
// Arduino WiFly
// 2 <----> TX
// 3 <----> RX
SoftwareSerial uart(10, 11);
WiFly wifly(uart);
HTTPClient http;
char get;
void setup() {
Serial.println("------- WIFLY HTTP --------");
uart.begin(9600); // WiFly UART Baud Rate: 9600
// Wait WiFly to init
// delay(3000);
// check if WiFly is associated with AP(SSID)
if (!wifly.isAssociated(SSID)) {
while (!wifly.join(SSID, KEY, AUTH)) {
Serial.println("Failed to join " SSID);
Serial.println("Wait 0.1 second and try again...");
}; // save configuration,
Serial.println("\r\nTry to get url - " HTTP_GET_URL);
while (http.get(HTTP_GET_URL, 10000) < 0) {
while (wifly.receive((uint8_t *)&get, 1, 1000) == 1) {
if (wifly.commandMode()) {
Serial.println("\r\n\r\nEnter command mode. Send \"exit\"(with \\r) to exit command mode");
void loop() {
int c;
while (wifly.available()) {
c =;
if (c > 0) {
while (Serial.available()) {
c =;
if (c >= 0) {
And here is my PHP code:
if((isset($_SESSION["ID"])) AND (isset($_GET["temp"])))
$sql="SELECT temp FROM perfil, client WHERE perfil.ID ='$id'";
$person_data=mysqli_fetch_array($consult, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
header("HTTP/1.1" . " " . 200 . "OK");
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
header("Content-Length: 1112");
header("Connection: close");
echo $temp;
//se user dosen't exist on data base
Easy VR Commander... Training error;recognition failed
I have an Arduino Mega 2560 and the EasyVR shield. When I use EasyVR Commander, I can only train the trigger command. Everything else I try to train it tells me "Training Error: Recognition Failed".
This is the only issue I'm having since I can test the trigger command as well as the wordlist. I even tried using the same command on the group lists but even that tells me the message.
Any help is appreciated.
How to communicate the Arduino board with SIM900?
I have a problem. I bought a SIM900 board, but I can not connect there with the Arduino. To send AT commands on the serial the SIM900 doesn't respond, but the LED indicating that the network is on. I've tried to change the baud rate of 9600 to 19200 in the firmware of the Arduino, but it still fails. I think I'm having a problem with the connections of the SIM900, since this board strikes me as obscure (could not find the schematic on the Internet)
I'm 90% sure that I am connecting to the wrong pins. But I tried to reverse the jumpers and even some soldered pins on UART.
Voice recognition with easyVR - bridge problem
Hi guys !
I'm working on a vocal recognition with the shield easyVR 3.0. I got both, shield and module.
Actually, I added the easyVR library in the arduino program, and upload the bridge example to my board. I guess that my shield is well plugged with my arduino, I saw some tutorials like this :
So when I uploaded the bridge example in my arduino, this is what I got in the serial monitor :
Bridge not started!"
As I saw in the same tutorial, I tried to connect the shield with the program easyVR commander. So I chose the same COM as my arduino, and tried to connect but, even if I got the bridge example in my arduino, I always got this :
" device has been found,but the 'bridge" software is not responding or it is outdated. You need to manually download the updated "bridge" software to the device (see instructions)."
Could someone help, I don't understand anything even after many research !
If you need some pictures of how I plugged the shield and the arduino, or what I did in the program, just ask