Dear All
Recently I build a machine that is it is used to perform the Break-In process for radio control car engines. This machine has a stepper motor connected to a pulse generator, also has an RPM sensor and a temperature controller.
What I want to do is to improve my machine and be able to collect the data from the RPM sensor and temperature controller to be send via a wifi signal to my mobile phone and also have the capability to control the stepper motor.
Everything that I have put together is with simple hardware store supplies and what I was able to read and get from Ebay, but I think this task is much complex and I am struggling with understanding on how to do this. So if someone is able to help me I will really appreciate it.
Help with machine improvements.

If you want to provide Wifi access to your project then I would suggest you to buy Raspberry Pi 3. Arduino also has different Wifi modules and I have worked on almost each one of them but they are not as flexible as pi. My conclusion is when it comes to cloud computing with Embedded, Raspberry Pi is the best solution.
But if you still wanna remain in Arduino domain then you can use Arduino Wifi Shield or Arduino YUN. Arduino Wifi Shield is easy to use. Let me know if you have more questions.