Basically I am a software developer and I am new to electronics. Consider that a paper have different touch points drawn with a graphite / pencil and I would like to transmit the touch points' codes / values to an android mobile application. And I have an android app which runs a thread with a timer. I need to match the exact time position in a thread and touch time on my paper circuit.
I need to know the basic components required to collect different code values of each touch point in my paper circuit and transmit the value to the android application instantly where my application can compare whether the user action is matched with the automated timer logic.
I simply tried a paper circuit by lighting an LED with a power supply by referring this video link Also this video too. If possible I can use wifi to transmit the value to my android app. Few of my friends suggested to use Bluetooth. I need to know first whether on touch we can enable some point in a pcb circuit to transmit some defined code value. (pls see the video)
Also I would like to know how the keys in that DIY paper circuit midi keyboard works? how the program captures each key and play different sounds accordingly?
Kindly suggest your ideas. If anyone can provide some basic circuit examples I will be more grateful.
What are the components required for a paper circuit for transmitting data to android mobile?