Hey guys and gals. I recently acquired a giant chest of drawers - so to speak - from a thermal camera repair company that went out of business. It was filled with loose parts in tiny bins and I have no use (or knowledge) for them. I was going to toss them, but when I filled a 5 gal bucket and still had drawers to go through I thought I should see if someone could use them. Not sure where to go to try to get rid of them. I don't know enough about the parts to place an add on ebay or local craiglsit. Some of the bins are labeled, some just have parts numbers. There are numbers and such on the actual parts though. I have less than 20 of some things (12 bit dac, 16k x 4 drams, opamps, cvdg, etc.) and more of others (resistors, capacitors, regulators, etc.). If anyone has a need/want for any of these parts or knows anyone who might - or maybe where I might have better luck getting rid of them would be greatly appreciated.
I was told at the time I picked the thing up that some of the parts were obsolete and to just toss them. After speaking with an electrical engineer neighbor, he thought someone may want them as there are those who 'tinker' with analog stuff.
Thanks in advance for any help.
surplus analog parts