Here is a chance to share some of your knowledge about certain types of organic molecules.
My partner decided to bail on me and leave this whole assignment to do by myself. I really need help because with the internet resource I have at my disposal is very limited and I was given one day to complete this assignment (at school internet is free at home I have none so I need to use the library which is very far from home).
Some of the organic families have been done by me. Please help me out, you don't have to go out of your way to do this, just remembering some interesting molecule that belongs to one of the families mentioned below and posting it's name would be great.
Here is what I need:
Alkyl Halides: two molecule names and why they are unique/their application (cannot be Tetrafluoroethylene)
Aldehydes: three molecule names and why they are unique/their application
Esters: three molecule names and why they are unique/their application
Ethers: two molecule names and why they are unique/their application (not diethyl ether)
Amines: three molecule names and why they are unique/their application
Amides: three molecule names and why they are unique/their application
Organic Molecules and Their Application