When an app user buys the goods for a period of time, the user can initiate a refund, and Google himself will perform a refund without the developer.

At that time the system should be the user's “coins“ to recover. So I read the [url=https://developers.google.com/android-publisher/voided-purchases]Google void purchase API[/url] and found:

The Google Play Voided Purchases API allows you to revoke access to in-app products that are associated with purchases that a user has voided. The user can void a purchase in the following ways:

The user requests a refund for their order.
The user cancels their order.
An order is charged back.
So I found an order ID by this API's purchaseToken, and I use the order ID in the Google developers console find some of the orders are Refund, but some are Charged, I checked my own mistakes, but did not found.

Is Google Void Purchases Bug ?

Why Charged order is return by Google Void Purchases ?

How do I get all refund orders ?