I have an SVG file which looks like


When converted through Android Vector Studio, the xml looks like
[code]<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:width="580dp" android:height="400dp" android:viewportWidth="580.0" android:viewportHeight="400.0"> <path android:name="someName" android:pathData="M0,30a30,30 0,1 0,60 0a30,30 0,1 0,-60 0z" android:strokeColor="#000" android:fillColor="#fff" android:strokeWidth="1.5"/> <path android:name="someOtherName" android:pathData="M60,100a40,40 0,1 0,80 0a40,40 0,1 0,-80 0z" android:strokeColor="#000" android:fillColor="#000" android:strokeWidth="1.5"/> </vector>[/code] When any of the circles or paths of this vector are clicked, I want to know which layer or circle has been clicked. I could not find any method which will let me know that there are two layers or which layer has been clicked.

From this answer it looks like getting inner elements of a VectorDrawable is not possible. So is there any way I can get to know exactly which circle/layer is clicked?