Traffic light system using 555 timer

I want to build a traffic light system that uses only the 555 timer with astable and monostable configuration only (without decoder or counter). Please help me.....
For example, say you wanted just a red, amber and green lights on for say 1 minute, 15 sec and 1 minute respectively.
Mono A would drive the Red light and be set for 1 min
Mono B - amber
Mono C - Green.
When the outoput of Mono A goes low, it triggers Mono B, when Mono B goes low it triggers Mono C. The cycle re-starts when Mono C goes low.
You may need a pulse to start the sequence when the power is switched on, but I suspect it won't be necessary as the monos will quickly lock into the correct sequence.
A counter or shift register solution would be more elegant.
Recommended Tutorial:
[url=]Traffic Signal Control using 555 Timer