I have two Arduino (a mega and nano) and two nRF24L01 + to communicate them.

The connection of the wires according to the library and using the SPI pins modeled on arduino.

NANO 328:
MISO -> 12
MOSI -> 11
SCK -> 13
CE -> 8
CSN -> 7
VCC -> 3.3v

MEGA 2560:
MISO -> 50
MOSI -> 51
SCK -> 52
CE -> 8
CSN -> 7
VCC -> 3.3v

Use the library "Mirf" found in the playground (http://www.arduino.cc/playground/InterfacingWithHardware/Nrf24L01) and the examples ping_server and ping_client (without changing anything).

The problem is that the communication fails. If I connect the nano as a server and a mega as a client, mega sends the message to the nano, it receives and sends the replay although but mega not receives and displays a timeout.

If I do the contrary, the mega as a server and nano as a client, the nano sends the message and the mega does nothing.

At the time I thought of any of the Nrf24L01 + bad but I have exchanged and error remains the same so it is clear that the problem has to be in the mega arduino that is unable to receive any message.

And after that summarize, someone has managed to use an arduino Nrf24L01+ with and mega with the library "Mirf" or with another library.

Thank you.