I just started learning logic gates and I have a project on a traffic light system. I don't know how to start since this project is tasked to us even without learning much into the lectures. Hence, I need some assistance on how to start this project. I am trying to use 74191 up/down sync counter in this project as well.
Below is the project guideline on what I am suppose to come out with. Good tips and diagrams will be appreciated.
A traffic light controller produces five output signals. Three output signals named Veh_Red,
Veh_Amber, Veh_Green control the flow of vehicles while the other two signals named Man_Red,
Man_Green control the flow of pedestrians. Veh_Red and Man_Green are always asserted at the
same time. Similarly, it applied on Veh_Green and Man_Red. Each traffic light indicator will last for
seven seconds in the following steps:
1) 7 seconds for Veh_Red and Man_Green
2) 7 seconds for Veh_Green and Man_Red
3) 7 seconds for Veh_Amber
The process is repeated. A push button is used for pedestrians to cross the road. Three seconds after
pressing the push button, the traffic light controller will trigger to the step (3), 7 seconds for
Veh_Amber. So the pedestrians can cross the road after ten seconds pressing the button. A seven
segment display is used to show the remaining time for pedestrians to cross the road. It only works
in Step (1). It is noted that push button should not work during Step (1) and the 3-second waiting
D1 Project Guideline:
D1A: Implement the push button and a three second counter
D1B: Implement the main controller part
D1C: Implement the seven segment display
Need help on traffic light project!

[url=http://www.theengineeringprojects.com/2015/04/led-flashing-project-555-timer-proteus.html]LED Flasing Project with 555 Timer in ProteusJunaid! Thanks for your input. With regards to your questions, this is actually my first. The 74191 chip was given to me during the project handout so I suppose this will be the easier way out I assume?
What I know is that I need to make a MOD 7 and MOD 3 counter to represent the 7s flashing and 3s for the push button.
But in terms of putting together a logical circuit that fulfill all the questions asked in the project, I am kinda confuse. Perhaps, you can guide me through with any form of schematic?
Any input is very much appreciated.
I guess you're just starting with this assignment and you have nothing done.
But what you have in mind, do you know how to develop a counter with 74191 ?.
Have you a simulator for electronic circuits where you develop your projects ?.
I guess this system for traffic lights will be located at an intersection.
The circulation of vehicles, on a street, it would be:
North <---> South.
And on the other will be:
East <---> West.
And will have lights for pedestrians. As you describe in your original message.
I could help you develop this system for traffic lights but I need to know how much you know about it.
You have developed similar projects or is this the first ?.