Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's lecture, we will have a look at the I2C Communication with STM32 Microcontroller board. I am going to use the Nucleo board for today's lecture. In the previous lecture, we have discussed STM32 Serial communication both in Interrupt Mode and polling Mode. Today, we will study another way of communication(i.e. I2C) with STM32. So, let's first have a look at what is I2C Communication:
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1 | STM32 Nucleo | Amazon | Buy Now |
I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a two-wire serial communication system used between integrated circuits. Like any serial protocol, one of its advantages is that of using only two lines that transmit or receive a sequence of bits, the limit is the communication speed which has been improved over the years.
The bus was conceived and developed by Philips (now NXP) It was designed to overcome the difficulties inherent in the use of parallel buses for communication between a control unit and various peripherals.
Serial transmission is a mode of communication between digital devices in which bits are sent one at a time and sequentially to the receiver in the same order in which they were transmitted by the sender. Although the communication modules are more complex than the parallel transmission, the serial mode is one of the most widespread especially in communications between chips that must communicate with each other over great distances, because:
SDA and SCL lines need to be pulled up with resistors. The value of these resistors depends on the bus length ( ie the bus capacitance) and the transmission speed. The common value is 4.7kO. In any case, there are many guides to size them and we refer their reading to the more attentive reader.
The transmission mode is Half-duplex ie the transmission between devices is alternated.
As shown by the previous image, we can use this communication to put in communication different peripherals as Analog-Digital Converters (ADCs), Digital-Analog Converters (DACs), EEPROM memories, sensors, LCD screen, RF module, Real-Time Clock, etc.
The Nucleo boards provide one or more I2C interfaces that can be quickly configured with STCube Tool.
There are four modes of operation:
The first two are used to operate in slave mode, while the last two are in master mode. By default, the interface is configurated in slave mode.
By default, the I2C interface operates in Slave mode, but it is possible to switch to Master mode to send a Start condition message. Furthermore, it needs to write in I2C_CR2 register the correct clock configuration to generate the expected timings. The Master sends a Stop condition when the last data byte is transferred, and the interface generates an interrupt.
In general, the packet message is as follow:
Furthermore, there are three ways to exchange data, named:
HAL library provides the following functions to transmit and receive in polling mode:
HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)The parameters are:
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)The additional parameters are:
HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
HAL_I2C_Master_Receive_IT(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Master receives in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with interrupt.
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_IT(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Master transmits in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with interrupt.
HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Slave receives in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with interrupt.
HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit_IT(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Slave transmits in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with interrupt.
HAL_I2C_Master_Receive_DMA(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Master receives in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_DMA(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Master transmits in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.
HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_DMA(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Slave receives in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.
HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit_DMA(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)Slave transmits in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA. In the STCube tool, the I2C can be configurated fastly and easily as follow.
In Pinout & Configuration, widow selects Connectivity and selects one of the available I2C (I2C1, I2C2, etc). In parameter settings, the master and slave features can be set. Master features are I2C speed mode (standard mode by default and fast mode) and the I2C clock speed (Hz). In standard mode, the device can send up to 400kbit/s while in fast mode up to 1Mbit/s. In general, like clock speed, the STM32 supports 100kHz, 400kHz and sometimes 1MHz.
The main feature of slaves is the primary address length that in general, as previously said, is 7-Bit. Furthermore, the slave can have a secondary address.
Then need to configure the GPIO, as follow:
Now the I2C configuration is terminated and can be possible to generate the code initialization and finally be ready to write our application.