GSM Based Home Security System

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a complete project named as GSM Based Home Security System. I have designed its complete working simulation in Proteus and have used different libraries which you can also download from our blog. In the previous post, I have posted Home Automation Project using XBee & Arduino and today we are gonna work on Home Security System.

We have designed this simulation after a lot of efforts that's why we have placed a very small amount of $50 on it so that engineering students can download it and get knowledge from it. Moreover, as its a complex project so when you buy it then there's a chance that you can't run it by yourself so we also offer a free service. If you got into any trouble while running this simulation then use our Contact Form we will help you out personally within 24 hours.

GSM based Home Security System

  • You can buy this complete project by clicking the below button:

Buy This Project

  • When you will click the above button, you will be taken to the sale page for this project and you can buy this project using PayPal.
  • When you buy it you will get the complete code along with working Proteus simulation.
  • So, let's have an overview of this GSM Based Home Security System.
  • This GSM based Home Security System contains seven sensors which will be installed theoretically in your home. :)
  • These seven sensors are:
    1. PIR Sensor: For Motion Detection.
    2. Smoke Sensor: For Smoke Detection.
    3. Flame Sensor: For Fire Detection.
    4. Vibration Sensor for Window: For Detection of vibrations on Window.
    5. Vibration Sensor for Door: For Detection of vibrations on Door.
    6. Ultrasonic Sensor for Window: For intruder Detection on Window.
    7. Ultrasonic Sensor for Door: For intruder Detection on Door.
  • When we are talking about security then we have to take care of door and windows.
  • That's why I have placed two sensors on each of them. If someone tries to break the window then the vibration sensor will sense it and if someone tries to open the window then ultrasonic sensor will detect it.
  • The same will happen for the door.
  • So, whenever any of these seven sensors will get activated then the buzzer will go on and at the same time the user will receive a warning message.
  • Moreover, I have also placed an LCD which will display the sensors' condition.
  • Here's the Proteus Simulation for this GSM based Home Security System:
  • You can see in the above figure that I have used all these seven sensors mentioned above.
  • Moreover, I have used the GSM module, you can read more about it on GSM Library for Proteus.
  • Moreover, we have the Power circuit and the Buzzer Driver Circuit at the bottom.
  • Arduino UNO acting as the brain of this GSM Based Home Security System.
  • Now, let's run this simulation and if everything goes fine then you will get something as shown in below figure:
  • First of all, the system will configure the GSM module and then it will display two screens on LCD side by side.
  • First LCD screen is shown in below figure:
  • The first screen will show the status of first three sensors.
  • Now here's the screenshot of second screen showing the status for next four sensors:
  • That's how this project is working, now when any of these sensors got HIGH then buzzer will go ON and a message will be sent to the given number:
  • Now, you can see when I click the Smoke Sensor HIGH, it got detected immediately and a warning message is sent to my number.
  • I have explained this GSM based Home Security System in detail in the below video:
So, that's all for today. I hope you guys have enjoyed this awesome project. Before buying it, you must read it completely and also watch the video so that you are sure about what you are buying.

Home Automation Project using XBee & Arduino

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a new Home Automation Project using XBee & Arduino. Home Automation Project is a most commonly designed project by the engineering students. So, that's why I have thought to create a complete Home Automation Project so that engineering students can get benefit out of it.

We all know about automation which is originated from automate or automatic. In automation the task is done automatically and you don't need to control it. In normal Home automation project, there are few sensors which are displayed wirelessly to user and there are few controls like user can ON or OFF Lights, Fans etc via remote or mobile App.

In this Project, I have used Arduino UNO board and I have designed its complete working simulation in Proteus software, so that users got sure that its working perfectly. Because we have to work a lot in designing this complete working simulation of home Automation Project that's why its not free but you can buy it for a small price of $50. In this price, you will get the compelte Arduino code along with the working Proteus Simulation. But before buying this project, must have a look at the details below so that you are sure what you are buying. So, let's get started with Home Automation Project using XBee & Arduino.

Home Automation Project using XBee & Arduino

  • You can buy the complete working Proteus Simulation along with the Arduino Programming Code by clicking the below button.
  • You can pay via Paypal and the download link will be instantly available to you and if you don't have the PayPal account then use our Contact Us Form and we will find some other way for you.

Buy This Project

1: Overview
  • First of all, let's have an overview of this Home Automation Project.
  • In this Project, I have designed two simulations, one simulation is for Remote using which we are gonna control our appliances and the second simulation is for the controlling of these appliances.
  • So, when you press buttons from your remote section, a wireless command will be sent to the control board and it will turn ON or OFF the respective load.
  • Moreover, there's an LCD on the Remote on which you will also check the values of the sensors.
  • So, in simple words, the remote will be in your hand and using this remote you can easily turn ON or OFF your appliances and can also check the status of your different sensors wirelessly.
  • Let's first have a look at the remote section:
Remote Control:
  • In Remote Control Section, I have used the below main modules:
    • Arduino UNO: Microcontroller Board.
    • KeyPad: Commands will be sent by clicking this Keypad's buttons.
    • LCD (20 x 4): For Displaying Sensor's Data & Commands.
    • XBee Module: It's an RF Module used for sending wireless commands.
  • Now when you click any button on your Keypad, a command is sent from Arduino to XBee Module and the XBee module then forwards that command to other XBee on the Control Unit.
  • Moreover, when the Control Unit sends the Sensors' data on xbee then Arduino receives that data and then displayed that data on LCD.
  • Here's the block diagram of Remote control section which will give you a better idea of its working:
  • Here's the Proteus Diagram of our Remote Section:
  • In the above Proteus Simulation of Remote Control, you can see that we have Arduino UNO board which is connected with LCD, KeyPad and XBee Module.
  • Working of this Remote section will be discussed in the later section.
  • Now let's have a look at the Control Unit Side of Home Automation Project.
Note:You must also have a look at below tutorials because I have interfaced these modules separately with Arduino as well: Control Unit:
  • In the previous section, we had an overview of the Remote section, now let's have a look at the Control Unit.
  • The Control Unit is the Unit which is being controlled by the Remote Control.
  • The Main components of Control Unit are:
    • Arduino UNO: Microcontroller Board.
    • Relays: Used to control the appliances. I have added eight relays so you can control eight appliances.
    • Lamps: Indicating the Bulbs.
    • DC Motors: Indicating the Fans.
    • Smoke Sensor: Used to detect the Smoke.
    • Flame Sensor: Used for Fire detection.
    • DS18B20: Used to measure atmospheric temperature.
  • On this Control unit, the Arduino UNO is getting the data from the smoke sensors and then sending this data via XBee to Remote Control.
  • We have seen in the previous section that this data is then displayed over LCD.
  • Moreover, when any button is pressed from the Remote Control, the command is received by this Arduino via XBee.
  • On receiving this command, Arduino UNO then turns ON or OFF the respective relay which in turn ON or OFF the respective appliance.
  • Here's the block diagram of this control unit:
  • You can see in the above block diagram that I have connected three sensors with Arduino and Arduino is receving their values and then sending these values to the remote control via XBee.
  • Moreover Relays are also connected to Arduino and then loads are further connected to these Relays.
  • So, Arduino is controlling these Relays which in turn are controlling the loads.
  • I have used eight relays and hence eight loads.
  • The Loads I have used are all DC loads because Proteus doesn't have AC active loads in it but you can place AC loads as well.
  • Here's the Proteus Simulation of Control Unit:
  • You can see all the modules are present in it.
  • Eight relays are present on the right side and their outputs are going into the loads.
  • I have used four lamps and four DC Motors.
  • Now let's have a look at their operation.
Note:You should also have a look at below tutorials in which I have interfaced these sensors separately with Arduino:
2: Operation
  • I have already mentioned their operation in above section so I am not gonna discuss it in detail.
  • But let's have a little talk about their operation.
  • First I am gonna discuss the operation of Remote Control:
Remote Control:
  • The remote Control has an XBee module which is used for wireless communication.
  • The Keypad has buttons on it so now when you press button "1" on the keypad then the Signal is sent via XBee to Control Unit.
  • The control unit will automatically turn on the first load when it will receive the command from button "1" of Remote Control.
  • When you press "1" for the first time then the first load will turn ON but when you press button "1" again then the first load will go off.
  • So, its like if you want to turn it ON then press it and if you want to turn it OFF then press again. (Quite simple :P)
  • As there are eigth loads, so button "1" to "8" are working for loads "1" to "8" respectively.
  • Moreover, when sensor's data come from control unit then it is updated in the LCD of Remote Control.
  • Now let's have a look at the operation of Control Unit:
Control Unit:
  • As the Control Unit is concerned, it keeps on waiting for the command from remote and whenever a command is received from the Remote Control, it turns ON or OFF the respective load.
  • Moreover, it also sends the data of sensors continuously to the Remote Control.
  • For this wireless communication, XBee is used here.
3: Working
  • This is the last section of this project where will will have a look at the working of the project.
  • I haven't divided this section in parts instead I have create a video which will explain the working in detail.
  • Here's the First look of Remote section image while working:
  • Now when the Sensor's data come from the remote Section then it will be displayed in the LCD as shown in below figure:
  • You can see in the above figure that both sensors are detecting and the temperature is also displayed in the LCD.
  • Now the complete working of this project is shown in the below video which will give you complete idea of this project:
  • If you buy this project and you are unable to run it properly then we will provide you free service and will make it work on your laptop perfectly. :)
So, that's all for today. I hope you have liked this Home Automation Project and are gonna buy this one. But again before buying it must read this tutorial and also watch the video so that you get complete understanding of this project.

Interfacing of Flame Sensor with Arduino

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a new tutorial which is Interfacing of Flame Sensor with Arduino. I have recently posted a tutorial in which I have shared the Flame Sensor Library for Proteus. Now in this tutorial, I am gonna use that Flame Sensor Library and will interface this Flame Sensor with Arduino. So, if you haven't downloaded this file then I suggest you to download this Flame Sensor Library so that you can easily simulate this flame Sensor in Proteus.

I am sharing interfacing of this Flame Sensor with Arduino today, but soon I will also post a tutorial on Interfacing of Flame Sensor with PIC Microcontroller. If you guys have any questions then ask in comments. I have also given the Simulation file and the Programming code below to download. But I would recommend you to design this proejct on your own so that you make mistakes and then learn from them. So, let's get started with Interfacing of Flame Sensor with Arduino:

Interfacing of Flame Sensor with Arduino

  • You can download the complete Proteus Simulation along with Arduino programming code from the below button:

Download the Simulation

  • Now design a small Arduino code as given below:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

int Flame = 7;

void setup() {
  pinMode(Flame, INPUT_PULLUP);
  lcd.begin(20, 4);
  lcd.print("Flame : ");

void loop() {
  if(digitalRead(Flame) == HIGH){lcd.setCursor(8,0);lcd.print("Detected    ");}
  if(digitalRead(Flame) == LOW ){lcd.setCursor(8,0);lcd.print("Not Detected");}
  • Add this code in your Arduino software and compile it to get the Hex File from Arduino Software.
  • Upload this hex file in your simulation and then run your simulation and if everything goes fine then you will get something as shown in below figure:
  • In the above figure, you can see the sensor is off that's why in the LCD its written that no smoke detected.
  • Now, let's bring some Flame by clicking the Logic State on Flame Sensor and you will see the below results:
  • Now you can see in the above figure that when the Flame is detected then the LCD indicated that Flame has detected.
  • That's how we can easily simulate the Flame Sensor with Arduino.
  • I have explained this project in detail in the below video:
That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this project and now you can easily interface your Flame Sensor with Arduino in Proteus ISIS.

Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and enjoying your lives. Today, I am going to share a comparison titled Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi. Actually, I have been receiving a lot of emails and comments from new engineering students that "we are new in embedded and we want to start our project so please tell us which one is better Arduino or Raspberry Pi?" So, I thought to write a post on Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi and in this post, I am going to make a detailed comparison between the two and will let you know, which one you should use in your project and why?

So, I hope that you are all aware of or at least have heard about these two boards, which are Arduino and Raspberry Pi. If you haven't heard yet then you must have a look at Arduino Official Site and Raspberry Pi Official Site. They will give you a basic overview of what these boards are. Anyhow, I am going to start it from the very basics so that you guys won't get into much trouble. So, let's get started with Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi:

Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1Arduino Mega 2560AmazonBuy Now
2Arduino NanoAmazonBuy Now
3Arduino Pro MiniAmazonBuy Now
4Arduino UnoAmazonBuy Now
5Raspberry Pi 3AmazonBuy Now
6Raspberry Pi 4AmazonBuy Now
7Raspberry Pi PicoAmazonBuy Now
8Raspberry Pi ZeroAmazonBuy Now

Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi

I have created few points below and in each of these points, I have made the difference between these two boards. I have also mentioned their strengths and weaknesses and which one to use. Obviously, they both have their own importance so we can't say that one is better than the other. Instead, we are making a comparison between the two and then you will get a clear idea of which one you should use for your project. The selection of your controller board actually depends entirely on the nature of your project. Am I getting far :O don't worry if it's more to digest about Arduino Uno R3 Vs Raspberry PI 3, I am explaining them below in detail. :D

1. History


  • The idea of Arduino was first presented by Massimo Banzi in Italy. That's why it's written Made in Italy on each of these boards. :)
  • Banzi was a teacher at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea and the reason for designing these boards was to help his students by giving them an easy-to-use platform.
  • So that, students don't waste much time over soldering etc and spend more time in designing the algorithms.
Raspberry Pi:
  • Raspberry Pi was first invented by Eben Upton in the United Kingdom.
  • He was also a teacher and he has the same reason for developing these boards.
  • He also wanted to help his students so that they learn more out of it.
  • Upton was a Professor at the University of Cambridge.
Obviously, they both have co-founders, who have helped them a lot in bringing these ideas to existence. So, let's move on to the next step of this Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi comparison.

2. Nature of Arduino & Raspberry Pi

  • The Arduino boards are actually Microcontrollers boards but in a very easy-to-use form.
  • Have you ever worked on PIC Microcontroller, Atmel or 8051 Microcontroller?
  • If you have worked on standalone microcontrollers, you must be aware of Microcontroller basic circuit, which includes crystal oscillator and pull-up resistors, capacitors etc.
  • Moreover, you also need the programmer/burner hardware using which you upload your code into these microcontrollers.
  • But in Arduino, you don't need to use any of these. Arduino comes with a built-in programmer and an onboard basic circuit for powering up the microcontroller.
  • So, what you need to do is simply plug Arduino board and start testing your code.
  • So, in simple words, Arduino is nothing but a simple microcontroller board.
Raspberry Pi:
  • Now if we talk about Raspberry Pi, it's a mini-computer and is actually termed a microprocessor.
  • Raspberry Pi has onboard RAM, ROM, i/O Ports, USB Ports, HDMI Port etc.
  • Seems quite powerful than Arduino but don't come to a conclusion right away :)
  • But yes Raspberry Pi is like a small computer, obviously, it's not comparable with your Laptop or PC but it's really powerful.
  • And the beauty of it lies in the small size and low price.
  • The latest Raspberry Pi even has a RAM of around 3GB, which is quite a lot. I am using Note 3 Mobile and it has 3GB RAM. So, now you can get an idea of what it is capable of.
  • As it's a small computer so you must be thinking what its operating system. When it comes out of the factory, it has no operating system on it but one can install any operating system like Linux, Windows etc.
  • Normally it is used with Linux and its current operating system is called Raspbian.
So, from the above discussion, we concluded that Arduino is a Microcontroller board while Raspberry Pi is a mini-computer. Next, we are going to have a look at the type of Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi.

3. Types of Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi

  • The first board developed by the Arduino company was Arduino UNO which uses Atmega328 Microcontroller but later on, they have developed many new boards.
  • For example, now we have Arduino Ethernet Shield, Arduino Wifi Shield using these we can provide Internet access to our system.
  • Recently they have also developed the Arduino YUN board, which also supports Linux just like Raspberry Pi.
  • Arduino Due is another board that works on a 32-bit instruction set.
  • So, in short, there are a lot of Arduino boards and by combining different boards you can accomplish anything.
  • Suppose, you want to control your Fan via Wifi then you can use Arduino UNO with Arduino Wifi shield and you can easily design this IoT project and can control the fan over WiFi.
Raspberry Pi:
  • Raspberry Pi doesn't have different boards for different tasks like Arduino.
  • Like once there was Raspberry Pi Model A but then they added some more functionality like increased the RAM end so we have Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3 Raspberry Pi 4 etc.
  • So, you can think of Raspberry Pi as a mobile, whose models come out with more enhancement.
  • As I told you earlier Raspberry Pi is a small computer board so it already has everything in it like Wifi, Ethernet, USB Host etc.
  • Raspberry Pi has recently launched a Microcontroller board called Raspberry Pi Pico, which is available for $4.

4. Programming Code

  • For programming Arduino boards, Arduino has launched official software called Arduino IDE.
  • Arduino uses C programming language with a slight difference in syntax from the original C.
  • It has an extensive list of libraries(mostly third-party) for interfacing sensors and modules.
Raspberry Pi:
  • Raspberry Pi can be programmed in any high-level programming language i.e. python, C# etc.
  • Normally, python is used for programming purposes.

Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi - Which one you should prefer?

For a new Engineering student, who has just started his project. He always wonders which one I should use among these two. Should I go with Arduino or should I start working on Raspberry Pi? It's really a big question if you are new in this field. So, let me tell you one thing first, no one is better than the other, Arduino and Raspberry Pi both have their own importance. Now which one you should use, entirely depends on the nature of your project. So, let's take a look at projects for both of these boards. I think this Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi comparison is now going to take an interesting turn. :)

  • Whenever you are working on some pure hardware-related project, in which you need to use different sensors, need to move your motors or actuators etc. then you should always go for Arduino because Arduino is a microcontroller and its best for hardware equipment controlling.
  • That's why in most of the Electrical, Electronics, Mechatronics and Mechanical Projects, Arduino is preferred.
  • It's not like you can't control sensors or motors on Raspberry Pi but it's too difficult in Raspberry Pi and quite easy in Arduino.
  • Moreover, with Arduino, you can attach as many sensors as you want. In simple words, Arduino has a lot of I/Os.
  • Once I have to work on a project, in which I have to control fifty relays so in that case I have used Arduino Mega 2560 which has around 60 input/Output Pins.
  • But you can't control fifty relays with Raspberry Pi.
  • So, in all the hardware projects where you don't need to do cloud computing, IoT etc. it's always preferred to use Arduino boards.
Raspberry Pi:
  • Raspberry Pi is mostly used in computer software projects i.e. IoT, cloud computing etc.
  • Like you have a project in which you need to send data over to some network, then in these types of projects, your first choice should be Raspberry Pi.
  • I once had a project in which I have to design an online Home Automation system.
  • So, in such projects, we just need to interface few sensors which we can do with the Raspberry Pi as it has few Input/Output Pins.
  • But the main part of such projects is to send sensors data over to some network so Raspberry Pi is the right choice here.
  • Although we can also use Arduino YUN in such projects as well but because Raspberry Pi is programmed in python so it's more flexible to use when it comes to cloud computing.
  • Similarly, if you want to design some Face recognition project then Raspberry Pi comes in handy because we can easily install openCV on it as it's an OS (LINUX), we can install anything we want.

So, that's a kind of an overview on Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi, which I think you guys must have enjoyed. It was quite boring so that's why I have tried my best to make it as interesting as I can, but still, if you find it boring then I can't do anything. :) So, that's all about Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi, I hope you guys have got something out of it. Will see you guys in the next tutorial. Till then take care and have fun. :)

How to Measure Frequency using Arduino

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share on How to measure Frequency using Arduino board. Its quite a simple tutorial but is an essential one especially when you are working on some power related project. Because in Power projects, you have to measure the frequency of AC voltages. I was working on a project in which I have to do dimming of AC Lamp so in that project I have to measure the frequency of AC signal.

I have designed this project using Arduino UNO and have simulated in the Proteus software, which you all know is my favorite simulating software. :) The code is also quite simple which I have given below for download. The simulation is also included in download package but again I suggest you to design it on your own. If you got into any trouble then ask in comments and I will try to resolve them. Anyways let's get started with How to measure frequency using Arduino.

How to Measure Frequency using Arduino ???

  • You can download the simulation for this frequency measuring by clicking the below button:

Download Project Files

  • Now let's design this project in Proteus. So, first of all, design a simulation as shown in below figure:
  • The small block attached with the pin # 2 of Arduino is a frequency meter.
  • We can create any kind of frequency signal using this component.
  • If you double click it then its properties will open up where you can change the frequency as shown in below figure:
  • You can see in the above figure that I have setted the Clock Frequency to 2000 Hz.
  • Now, let's design the programming code for this project. So, paste the below code in your Arduino software:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(13,12,11,10,9,8);

long freq, tempo;
int pulsos;
boolean pulso;
void setup() {
  lcd.begin(20, 4);
  lcd.print("Frequency =");

void loop() {
  tempo = millis();
      pulsos = pulsos + 1;



    freq = pulsos/2;
  • Now using the above code, get your hex file from Arduino software and upload it in your Proteus software.
  • Now once you are done then run your simulation and if everything goes fine then you will get results as shown in below figure:
  • Now you can see the LCD is showing the same frequency as we set in the properties of the frequency meter.
  • The code is quite simple, I don't think it needs any explanation but if you get into sme trouble then ask in comments.
  • The below video will show you this project in detail:
So, that's all for today. I hope now you know How to measure frequency using Arduino. So, will meet you guys in the next tutorial. Till then take care !!! :)

Interfacing of GPS Module with Arduino in Proteus ISIS

Hello Everyone, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to interface GPS Module with Arduino in Proteus ISIS software. Recently, I have shared this amazing GPS Library for Proteus, using which you can quite easily simulate your GPS Module in Proteus software. Today, I am going to interface this GPS Module with the Arduino UNO board and will simulate the result in Proteus software. I am going to use TinyGPS Library and will get Longitude and Latitude out of this GPS Module.

So, if you are new to GPS and you haven't yet installed the GPS Library for Proteus, then you must first download that library and install it. I am using Arduino board in today's tutorial but you can use any other microcontroller as well like PIC Microcontroller or 8051 Microcontroller. So, let's get started with the Interfacing of GPS Module with Arduino in Proteus ISIS. I have explained this project in detail in the below video:


Interfacing of GPS Module with Arduino in Proteus ISIS

  • You can download the complete Simulation along with Arduino Code by clicking the below button, but as I always suggest, design it on your own so that you learn the most out of it.
Download Project Files
  • So, design a simulation in your Proteus software as shown in the below figure:
  • As shown in the above figure, I have used Arduino UNO along with GPS Module.
  • I have used a Virtual terminal to show values getting from the GPS Module.
  • So, I am getting data from the GPS Module via the RX pin of Arduino and then sending this data to Serial Terminal via TX pin.
  • Now, the next thing you need to do is to upload the below code to your Arduino board:
#include <TinyGPS.h>

TinyGPS gps;  //Creates a new instance of the TinyGPS object

void setup()
  Serial.print("Simple TinyGPS library v. "); Serial.println(TinyGPS::library_version());
  Serial.println("Testing GPS");
  Serial.println("Designed by:");

void loop()
  bool newData = false;
  unsigned long chars;
  unsigned short sentences, failed;

  // For one second we parse GPS data and report some key values
  for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)
    while (Serial.available())
      char c =;
      if (gps.encode(c)) 
        newData = true;  

  if (newData)      //If newData is true
    float flat, flon;
    unsigned long age;
    gps.f_get_position(&flat, &flon, &age);   
    Serial.print("Latitude = ");
    Serial.print(flat == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : flat, 6);
    Serial.print(" Longitude = ");
    Serial.print(flon == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : flon, 6);

 // if (chars == 0)
   // Serial.println("** No characters received from GPS: check wiring **");
  • Now Get the Hex File from Arduino software, and upload it to your Arduino board.
  • Now run your simulation and if everything goes fine then you will get results, as shown in the below figure:
  • Now you can see in the above figure that we have our Latitude and Longitude.
  • This Latitude and Longitude will not change because we have added the dummy values in our GPS module.
  • So, that's how you can quite easily simulate your GPS module with Arduino in Proteus ISIS.

If you have any questions then ask in the comments and I will try to resolve them. Take care. :)

DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock in Proteus

Hello everyone, today I am going to share a complete project which is DS1307 Arduino based digital Clock in Proteus ISIS. In this project, I have designed a digital clock using Arduino UNO and DS1307 RTC Module. So, first of all, if you haven't yet installed then, you should install Arduino Library for Proteus using which you will be able to easily simulate Arduino baords in Proteus. Along with Arduino Library you will also need to install DS1307 Library for Proteus, which I have shared in my previous post as we are gonna use this RTC Module DS1307 for designing our digital clock.

So, now I hope that you have installed both these libraries successfully and are ready to design this DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock. I have given the Simulation and Code for download below but as I always advise, don't just download the files. Instead design your own simulation and try to write your own code. In this way, you will learn more out of it. So, let's get started with DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock in Proteus ISIS:

DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock in Proteus

  • You can download the complete Proteus Simulation along with Arduino Code by clicking the below button.
  • You will also need DS1307 Library for Arduino, which is also available in this package.

Download Project Files

  • Now, let's get started with designing of this DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock.
  • So, first of all, design a circuit in Proteus as shown in below figure:
  • You can see in the above figure that I have used Arduino UNO along with RTC module, LCD and the four buttons.
  • These four buttons will be used to change the year,date etc as mentioned on each of them.
  • Now here's the code for DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <DS1307.h>
#include <Wire.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(13,12,11,10,9,8);

int clock[7];

void setup(){
for(int i=3;i<8;i++){


void loop(){

lcd.print("Time: ");
lcd.print("Date: ");

 if(clock[5]>59) clock[5]=0;

 if(clock[4]>23) clock[4]=0;

  if(clock[2]>31) clock[2]=1;

 if(clock[1]>12) clock[1]=1;

 if(clock[0]>99) clock[0]=0;


void Print(int number){
  • Now get your hex file from Arduino software and then upload it in your Proteus software.
  • Now run your simulation and if everything goes fine, then it will look like something as shown in below figure:
  • Now you can see its today's date in the LCD and the same is shown over on the small pop up of DS1307 Clock.
  • Now the time will start on ticking and the buttons will used to change the minutes hours etc.
  • You will get the better demonstration of this project in the below video.
So, that's all for today. I hope this projects DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock will help you in some way. So see you in next post.

DS1307 Library for Proteus

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. In today's post, I am going to share a new DS1307 Library for Proteus. Recently, I have shared the GSM Library for Proteus, which was really appreciated by the readers so I got quite excited and have designed another new Proteus Library. Currently I am working on many Proteus Libraries. In future, I am gonna design almost all the sensors in Proteus. So stay tuned with us.

Anyways coming to today's post, today we are gonna have a look at DS1307 Library for Proteus. Using this library, now you can quite easily simulate DS1307 module in Proteus in a quite stylish way. ;) I have designed it in red color because its available in red color in market. DS1307 module is already available in Proteus but that one is quite basic and it looks quite dull. The one designed by our team looks quite attractive and is also easy to use. I will post its tutorials soon in which I will interface it with Arduino and PIC Microcontroller. You should also have a look at DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock in Proteus. So, let's get started with DS1307 Library for Proteus:

DS1307 Library for Proteus

  • First of all, download the DS1307 Library for Proteus, by clicking the below button:
DS1307 Library for Proteus

  • Now, when you click this button you will get a rar file so unrar this file and in it you will find two files named as:
  • RTCModuleTEP.IDX
  • RTCModuleTEP.LIB
  • Place both of these files in the library folder of your Proteus software.
  • Now restart your Proteus software or open it.
  • In the search component bx, search for RTCModuleTEP or DS1307 and place it in your workspace.
  • If everything goes fine then you will get your RTC Module DS1307 as shown in below figure:
  • That's it, now you have the ready to use DS1307 module in Proteus.
  • You need to add a crystal oscillator between X1 and X2 pins while the remaining are used for I2C Protocol, which is a common protocol for RTC Modules.
  • I will also post a tutorial in which I will interface this RTC Module with Arduino or PIC Microcontroller and then you will get a better idea of how to use it.
  • If you design some project using this DS1307 Library for Proteus then do share it with our community so that others could also get benefit out of it.

So, that's all for today. You should also have a look at these New Proteus Libraries for Engineering Students. I hope you are gonna enjoy this DS1307 Library for Proteus. If you have any suggestions or feedback then do let us know in comments. Till next tutorial, take care and have fun!!! :)

Send SMS with SIM900D in Proteus ISIS

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a new exciting post on Send SMS with SIM900D in Proteus ISIS. In my previous post, I have shared the new GSM Library for Proteus, which is the first ever designed library for Proteus, and I am quite excited while sharing its features. So, today, we will use this GSM Lirbary for Proteus and we are gonna send sms with Sim900D module available in that library. We are gonna design this whole project in Proteus ISIS.

If you wanna implement it on hardware then you must have a look at Send SMS with SIM900D module with Arduino which is designed in real hardware but today we are gonna just do the simulation part. Iam not gonna use any Microcontroller today. Instead I will just send the AT commands through virtual Terminal and we will make it work.So, let's get started with Send SMSM with Sim900D in Proteus ISIS.

Send SMS with SIM900D in Proteus ISIS

  • First of all, I assume that you have already installed the GSM Library for Proteus. If you haven't then first intall it because without this library you can't use GSM module in Proteus ISIS.
  • Next thing you need to do is to design a circuit as shown in the below figure:
  • Now we need to run the simulation, so run it and in your virtual terminal, send these commands as shown in below figure:
  • The first AT command is for testing our GSM module and as it has given OK in reply so it means its working correctly.
  • The second command AT+CMGF=1 is for converting our GSM module to text messages, which it has accepted correctly and has given us OK in reply.
  • Now we are ready to send our SMS.
  • So, in order to do that we have to send it the command, as shown in below figure:
  • Now you can see, when I have given it the command which is AT+CMGS="+923326062060" , it has accepted it and replied back with this sign ">" , now the GSM module is actually asking for the message body.
  • So, let me write some text and then when I enter the Cntrl+Z command then it will send the message as shown in below figure:
  • So, I have given it the text of my blog link and then when I entered Cntrl+Z then it has sent the SMS and replied me back with +CMGS: 01 means its the first SMS sent from this GSM module.
  • So, that's how you can send any nmber of messages as you want from this module.
  • AS its a simulation, so obviously you are not gonna get the actual message on your mobile number but you can use it for testing your codes.
  • In the next post, I am gonna hopefully implement it using Arduino board or PIC Microcontroller.
So, that's all for today, I hope you have enjoyed the Send SMS with Sim900D in Proteus ISIS software. Till next tutorial, take care and have fun!!! :)

GSM Library for Proteus

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. In today's post, I am going to share GSM Library for Proteus. Yeah you have read absolutely fine, today I am gonna share the most awaited and most demanded Proteus Library. :) Till now, I have received hundreds of suggestions and requests about this Library and I have always told them that its under designing process and I will post it real soon. So finally the wait is over and we have our new GSM Library for Proteus, ready to download and simulate in Proteus. Using this GSM library for Proteus, now you can easily simulate your GSM module in Proteus and can test your code. :)

As its the first version of our GSM Library so its not complete or perfect. It is really the basic model of GSM Library and rite now it will only support some commands, which I will post below. I am still working on it and I will soon update these files and will add more commands in it but till then you have to use these commands only. Moreover, this Library contains only one module in it which is SIM900D module. I will add more soon like SIM900A and Sim300 etc. real soon. I will also interface it with different Microcontrollers like Arduino or PIC Microcontroller etc. and will share their tutorials. So. let's get started with GSM Library for Proteus:

Note: Other Proteus Libraries are as follows:

GSM Library for Proteus

  • First of all, download the GSM Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
GSM Library for Proteus

  • When you download it, you will get three files in it which are:
    • GSMLibraryTEP.IDX
    • GSMLibraryTEP.LIB
    • GSMLibraryTEP.HEX
  • Place all these files in the Libraries folder of your Proteus software.
  • Now, open your Proteus software or restart it if its already open and in components list search for SIM900D and you will get three results for it.
  • Place all of them in your Proteus workspace and they will look like as shown in below figure:
  • Now, you can see in the above figure that we have three GSM Modules in our Proteus software.
  • These three GSM modules are exactly same in functionality as you can see they all have two pins on them which are TX and RX and they are only differ in color but they all work on Serial Port.
  • One is in light blue color which is kind of our theme color, next one is in green color while the last one is in red color.
  • So, now let's have a look at how you can use it in your Proteus simulations.
  • Double click any of them and in the program file section, browse to the GSMLibraryTEP.HEX file and upload it in SIM900D module as shown in below figure:
  • AS you can see in the above figure that I have uploaded the GSMLibraryTEP.HEX file in the Program file section.
  • Now click OK and interface a Virtual Terminal with SIM900D, as shown in below figure:
  • Now, I am gonna run my simulation and will send it AT commands we will check the response of this GSM module. :)
  • Now these are some basic commands, which are rite now supported by this version of GSM Module.
  • It won't be able to send or receive SMS rite now because these functionalities are not added yet but they are coming soon, as I am still working on it.
Note: Here's the complete list of commands currently supported by this Sim900D module:
  • AT
  • AT+CPIN?
  • AT+CSQ
  • AT+COPS?
  • ATA
  • ATH
  • AT+VTS=1
  • AT+CSMP?
  • AT+CSCS?
  • AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0
  • AT+CMGF=1
  • AT+CMGD=1
  • So, these are the commands which are currently supported by this Version 1.0 of our SIM900D GSM Module. I am gonna add more soon. :)
  • Now, here's a quick video in which I have shown its working, which will give you the better idea of this GSM Module.

Upgrade # 1: Send SMS with Sim900D

That's all for today, I hope you are gonna enjoy this GSM Module. Must write your experience in the below comments which will work as a boost for me and I will design it even faster. :) So, till next tutorial, take care and have fun !!! :)
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir