Create a WiFi Extender with Raspberry Pi 4

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Welcome to the following tutorial in our raspberry pi four programming tutorial. In the previous tutorial, we learned how to build a raspberry pi four website monitoring tool. We say how beautiful soap is applied in browser automation tasks such as tracking website activities. But in this guide will discover how to utilize our Raspberry Pi 4 as a wifi repeater. If you want a lag-free wireless network, a wifi Wireless Adapter is exactly what you need. You may want to set up a wifi repeater if your signal is weak in certain rooms of your home or if you have entirely lost service in one or more rooms that are too small to accommodate your current network setup. If you want to increase the range of the wifi connection without breaking the bank or wasting a lot of energy, consider getting a Raspberry Wifi Extender. Compared to a wireless access point, a wifi extender has significant differences.

The critical distinction is that instead of using an Ethernet cable, it uses a WiFi adapter to connect to the internet. Two WiFi adapters are required to finish this tutorial, and one of them must be able to function as an access point. You might expect a significant slowdown in your network speed when using the WiFi repeater. That's because devices can't join your network until your initial WiFi communication has gone through and been rebroadcast from your Pi 4.

Our Virtual private network Access Point tutorial, which explains how to set up a VPN connection, complements this one nicely and can be found immediately. It will demonstrate how to install an OpenVPN client and route all network traffic through that app. You'll need two Wireless dongles to finish this guide, at least one of which should be able to function as an AP. Those components are listed below.


  • Raspberry Pi

  • Power Supply

  • WiFi x 2

How WiFi boosters improve your internet connection?

A standard wireless range extender may pick up the signal from your existing wireless router, boost its signal strength using several channels, and broadcast it over a larger region in your house or workplace. Say, for instance, you have your WiFi router put on the ground floor of your building, and you are studying on the 2nd floor of your room. You're trying to link up your computer or mobile device, but obstacles keep popping up. A WiFi Extender, which, once activated, enables wireless connectivity to the router, is an ideal solution for resolving this issue.

How to Setup a WiFi Range Extender

Because it doubles as a Domain Name System (DNS) and a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server, the dnsmasq package is essential to setting up our RPi Wireless Extender and doing the bulk of the legwork for this guide. Another program we'll need to use is hosted, enabling us to use one of your wifi gadgets as an AP. Don't forget that you'll need access to a working wireless router and an Ethernet device to bridge your wireless connection; follow this guide. For starters, we'll update the rPi by typing the two commands below into the terminal.

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

Installing dnsmasq and hostapd, two necessary packages, is now a simple matter of running the appropriate commands.

sudo apt install dnsmasq

sudo apt install hostapd

It's important to prepare the wlan0 network connection before moving forward. It is possible to skip to Step 5 if you have previously established a wireless network connection. Alternatively, you can access the WPA-supplicant.conf script by issuing the command below on your RPi:

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Incorporate the following into this file, switching out "ssid" for the network's id and "psk" for the passcode.





Save the script by clicking Control + X, followed by Y, then finally, ENTER key once you have provided your network username and password. Assuming you successfully installed all the packages and connected to the wifi network, the next step would be to configure dhcpcd to provide our RPi with a permanent IP address. This can be accomplished by adding the command below to the dhcpcd.conf script:

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

The lines below, added to the file's end, will configure the wlan1 connection as desired. Please insert the lines below.

interface wlan1

static ip_address=

static routers=

Clicking Control + X, followed by Y, and then Return will save the file and allow us to exit the program. After making changes to the DHCP configuration, it is necessary to restart the service.

sudo service dhcpcd restart

Next, we'll change the configuration file for hostapd by entering the following command into the terminal of your RPi.

sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

The following lines, which must be written into this file, establish the framework for our communication with the WLAN hardware. The only two lines in this file that warrant serious consideration are the ssid= and WPA passphrase= entries. Some wifi devices have particular driver needs; thus, you may need to modify the driver= line to point to the most significant driver for your device. A quick Google search will do the trick if you need help figuring out which driver to use.
















To restrict access to your wifi booster from prying users, you need to modify your WPA passphrase to a strong password of your choosing. We can save the file and exit the program using Ctrl + X, Y, and Enter. Once that is complete, we can make changes to the hostapd configuration script in /etc/default/ and /etc/init.d/. It must first read these files for hosting to use the newly produced configuration file. The command below will open the initial of these two script for editing.

sudo nano /etc/default/hostapd

The following line needs to be updated in this document.


Instead, substitute


Clicking Control + X, followed by Y, and ENTER will save the file and allow us to exit the program. We'll modify the next script we need to set up now, which can be located in the init.d folder. The command prompt will allow us to make changes to the file:

sudo nano /etc/init.d/hostapd

The lines below need to be updated in this document.


Change to:

Tapping Control + X, followed by Y, and afterwards, ENTER will save the file and allow us to exit the program. Now that hostapd is ready to go, we can move on to configuring disease, but first, we need to relocate the default config file. Let's use the command below to accomplish this:

sudo mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.Orig

After relocating the old configuration script, you can start working on your new file. The command below will be used to make the new file and make any necessary changes:

sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Including the lines below this file is recommended, instructing the dnsmasq service about handling incoming connections.

interface=wlan1       # Use interface wlan1  

listen-address=   # Specify the address to listen on  

bind-interfaces      # Bind to the interface

server=       # Use Google DNS  

domain-needed        # Don't forward short names  

bogus-private           # Drop the non-routed address spaces.  

DHCP-range=,,12h # IP range and lease time  

Pressing CTRL + X, followed by Y, and afterwards ENTER will save the file and allow us to exit the program. Now we must set up our Raspberry Pi to relay all wlan1 traffic over to wlan0. To begin, modify the sysctl.conf config file using the command below to activate it:

sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

locate the line below in this file and delete the hash symbol (#).


substitute with


Pressing Control + X, followed by Y, and then ENTER will save the file and allow us to exit the program.

In any case, if you don't want to wait for it to activate on the next boot, you can use the command below to make it happen instantly:

sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

Now that IPv4 Forwarding is working, we can set up NAT across our wlan0 and wlan1 networks. Essentially, this will redirect all wireless network traffic from our AP to our ethernet link. To implement our new iptable rules, we must execute the following commands:

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE  

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o wlan1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT  

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan1 -o wlan0 -j ACCEPT

If you have any problems after typing the above lines, try doing a sudo reboot on the Pi. The new rules we create will need to be saved somewhere so that they can be reloaded into iptables after each reboot of the Raspberry Pi. Use this command to store our modified set of rules permanently:

sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"

Now that we have our new rules written down, we need to ensure they have loaded back in every time the system restarts. Changing the RC.local file is the simplest solution. To begin making changes to the file, type in the following command:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Since we're already here, we might add this line that follows the file. See that this line is visible from Exit 0 and higher. This line extracts our iptables configuration settings. Iptables takes the rules from the ipv4.nat file and applies them.


Add this:

iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

We can now save the file and exit the program. We may conclude by using systemctl to enable the two services we just started. Put these two commands to work:

sudo service hostapd start

sudo service dnsmasq start

If everything went smoothly up to this point, you should now have a fully functional Pi Wireless AP, which you can test by linking any of your wifi devices to it with the Id and WPA Passcode you established earlier the tutorial. A restart may be all that's needed to get things back up and running when an error has been detected. This will guarantee that the Raspberry Pi's re-enabled features work correctly after restarting. To force a reboot of the Raspberry Pi, type the following command:

sudo reboot

Implementing a Virtual Private Network on the Pi 4 wifi Extender

Any device, regardless of whether it has VPN software installed, can be routed through a secure connection by connecting to a VPN Access Point since all traffic from that device will immediately begin passing through a VPN tunnel after being connected to your Pi 4 wireless access point. This article expands upon our earlier guide on setting up a wifi access point by making one significant adjustment: redirecting all data traffic through a virtual private network. Using either VyprVPN or NordVPN, we'll demonstrate how to set up this secure tunnelling protocol. For this guide, we tested several different VPN services, which proved to be among the most dependable in terms of speed and privacy policies.

Installation of OpenVPN on the App

This guide will explain how to use your VPN provider's software to establish an encrypted tunnel between your local network and the wider internet. This guide will discuss using VyprVPN and NordVPN as Virtual Private Networks. Both of these met our requirements for dependability, speed, and sound privacy protections, so we settled on them. OpenVPN will be used for the VPN connection; as both services, we'll discuss offering complete support for OpenVPN standard and supply us with the files to get it up and running. Now that everything has been up to date, we can set up OpenVPN, the program we'll be using. Using the terminal, we may accomplish this by inputting the command below:

sudo apt install OpenVPN -y

Let's now move into the OpenVPN directory, where we'll keep all the files and configuration settings for our Raspberry Pi VPN server. Let's use the change folder command to go directly to that folder.

cd /etc/openvpn

We need to generate an authorized file now that we are in the OpenVPN directory. The auth.txt file we will make is where your VPN login information will be stored.

Create the file initially by issuing the below nano instruction.

sudo nano /etc/openvpn/auth.txt

Copy and paste the example login and password below into the file. We will configure OpenVPN to use this file as its login credentials whenever you connect to your VPN.

When you're finished making changes, save the script, and we'll go on.

Where to Locate the VyprVPN OVPN script

First, execute this command to verify that you are still in that OpenVPN folder before proceeding with downloading the VyprVPN installation files. Of course, you'll need a VyprVPN account before using these files.

cd /etc/openvpn

Once the VyprVPN OVPN files have been downloaded, you can access the configuration directory. We will be loading these components to connect to Vypr's server network. Download the archive from VyprVPN's servers using the wget command.

sudo wget -O \

After transferring the zipped file to the RPi, we must extract it to use its contents. The unzip command below can be executed in the terminal to extract the file.

sudo unzip

Now that the.ovpn files have been generated, you can explore them in the corresponding directory. Make a note of the target server's location, as you'll need to supply it in a later operation.

cd OpenVPN256

Execute the command below to display a list of all.ovpn files are currently stored here. Remember the filename of the desired location; for example, "USA - San Francisco.ovpn" would be remembered if a connection to San Francisco, California, in the U.s was desired.


The required ovpn file should be transferred from the OpenVPN256 folder to the OpenVPN folder. Since we'll be making modifications to the file, having it under the OpenVPN directory will make autostarting the daemon much less hassle. Our sample file may be relocated to the correct folder with a command like this. You must be in the VyprVPN folder to run this command. You'll need to rename the extension if you want OpenVPN to recognize and use the file.ovpn to.conf. We will modify the file after moving it to make it more user-friendly.

sudo mv "USA - San Francisco.ovpn" "../USASanFran.conf"

After that, you can proceed to "Setting up the Virtual private network access point," where you'll find detailed instructions on modifying the.ovpn file and setting the VPN to launch when the system boots automatically.

Accessing NordVPN's OpenVPN configuration files

After finishing the auth.txt file, head to NordVPN and download the necessary.ovpn configuration files. Please note that you will need a NordVPN subscription to use these files. However, before we proceed, let's double-check that we're already in the correct directory by entering the following command into the terminal.

cd /etc/openvpn

Now, navigate to the ovpn area of the NordVPN webpage to get the OpenVPN configuration files. Locate the server you want to use on this site, right-click on "Download UDP," and select "Copy Address" to copy the link. Simply replace the URL in the following command with the copied URL. We'll be using the au514 server in this example.

sudo wget

The downloadable file should now be renamed. You can save some time in the tutorial by giving the file a new name before using it. Additionally, you must convert the file extension from.ovpn to.conf. This modification is required for OpenVPN to recognize the file and incorporate it into its startup process when autostart is enabled. See how easy it is to rename a file with the mv command by looking at our working example. To make the filename more manageable while still providing sufficient information about which server it is for, we reduced it to just au514.conf.

sudo mv au514.conf

The section "Setting up the Virtual private network access point" can be accessed once the file has been renamed. In this part, you will learn how to connect to an OpenVPN server and redirect traffic through it.

Configuring the Virtual Private Network Access Point

Since we have a working.ovpn file, we need to tweak it so that our RPi Virtual private network access point can connect to the internet. Start by executing the following command, changing the filename to the one you want to use.

sudo nano au514.conf

The following line in this file has to be edited, so go ahead and do a search. To quickly locate this passage, press CTRL + W. This modification will cause the Vpn client to load the auth.txt file whenever it is opened automatically.


Switch to

After making changes, use CTRL + X, Y, and enter to save the script.

After that is complete, we can verify that OpenVPN is connecting to our VPN service, NordVPN. When we run the command below, it will overwrite the existing one.conf (.ovpn) script with the one we edited in the previous section. We'll use the "au514.conf" configuration file as an illustration.

sudo openvpn --config "/etc/openvpn/au514.conf"

While this operation establishes the connection, it will generate a large amount of text; the most important is the format we've demonstrated below. If you get similar results, you are successfully connected to your OpenVPN provider's servers.

After a successful trial run of the OpenVPN client, we may terminate it and move on to making it launch automatically at system boot and adjusting firewall routing to force all traffic to go through the Virtual private network tunnel. Hit Control + C to cancel the action you're now performing. Now that we have a functional VPN, we can use iptables to redirect the wlan0 traffic through the VPN instead of directly to an Ethernet-like we did in the previous wireless AP tutorial. But before we do so, we need to clear away our existing iptables, which we can accomplish by using the three lines below on the RPi.

sudo iptables -F

sudo iptables -t nat -F

sudo iptables -X

Finally, we can install the updated iptables by issuing the command below, which will direct all wlan0 traffic through the tunnels.

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE

At this point, we may save our iptables and remove the rules we previously set up for our Wireless AP guide. To accomplish this, enter the command below into the RPi terminal.

sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"

Since the firewall is operational, the Vpn client's config file will need to be modified. To start modifying the file, type in the following line.

sudo nano /etc/default/openvpn

The following line should be uncommented, and "all" should be substituted with a file name you edited in the previous Steps when you return to this file. Please see the example we've provided below.


Instead, substitute


After making the necessary edits, press Control + X, followed by Y, and finally, return the key to save and quit the Vpn config file. Rebooting your RPi should now allow you to test out your Setup. At boot-up, it must connect to the VPN, create the tunnel, and route all wireless signals.

sudo reboot

When using a VPN, the best way to ensure it is functioning correctly is to compare your Internet address to that of a device that is not linked through a Private network. On the other hand, both NordVPN and VyprVPN, two of our examples, clearly indicate whether you are "Protected" or not at the very top of their websites. If you want the same results as those shown above, you'll need to make one tiny adjustment and use the below commands. Most noticeably, we will now use our wlan1 connections to tunnel traffic rather than wlan0.

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o wlan1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan1 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT

Now your raspberry pi should be set up as a wifi extender

Pi 4's strengths as a wifi booster

Depending on several factors, you can take advantage of a Wireless extender in various settings. These wifi Extender Benefits analyze why you need one and the amount of money you may save using one.

  • Increased Protection in Open Space

When your home has a lot of electronic devices, a wifi Booster or repeater is a robust solution for covering wireless communication coverage. Connecting a wifi extender to your home's network can increase the signal's reach, which is one of the device's primary benefits. It will boost your router's password by acting as a repeater.

  • The Wireless Extender is Simple to Install

Plug-and-play capabilities and automated configuration are standard on modern wifi range extenders. It's user-friendly enough that you won't need to study a technical manual before putting it to work. You can take a product straight from the box, put it into an electrical outlet, and start using it. The Setup and maintenance of a wifi range extender are free of charge.

  • The existing Router Will Be Reused.

Since the Wireless repeater and the original router share the same Id, you can continue to use the original router with the repeater. Range extenders can be used to convert an existing router into a repeater, saving you the trouble of having to dispose of the device. You can reuse the signal in different rooms without running additional cables by setting up a wifi range extender. You can get the most out of your outdated network gear.

  • Budget-Friendly

Adding a wifi repeater to your network will increase its coverage without requiring additional hardware. One of the benefits of wireless extenders is the money they can save you. Moreover, a Wireless extender setup requires no extra wires or labour, making it the simplest to set up. These gadgets are completely pre-configured, so there is no need to spend money on laborious Setup or special cables.

  • Connectivity for a large number of users

A key drawback of having a shared wifi network is the loss of connection speed every time a new user joins your wireless network. Imagine you're attempting to load Wikipedia while someone else is streaming in high volume. It's common to run into this issue when the number of users on the network rises, and the available bandwidth decreases. A wifi range extender is helpful for these people because it allows them to connect to the network from anywhere in the house by using various channels and frequencies.

Limitations of Wireless-Fi Extender Technology

While a wifi repeater is a fast, innovative, and cheap solution to wifi coverage concerns, it is essential to note that it is not a magic bullet. You may encounter these drawbacks of wifi Extender, which may cause you to reevaluate your position.

  • Bad Reception

If your wifi adapter is emitting a weak signal, a Wireless extender can help. If your router is older or unsecure, you may run into any of these primary issues as a consequence of utilizing a Wireless Booster at home. Repeaters typically reduce network bandwidth for connected PCs by two, so upgrading your modem and wifi extender is not a good idea. A signal is received, processed, and then repeated on many channels by a repeater. Both the PC and the router take part in this procedure. Because of this cause, the signal intensity is weakened.

  • Low Speeds

There may likely be a decrease in Wireless internet speed because of the signal's passage through the repeater due to signal weakness. As the wifi range extender strives to boost the movement within your residence, the quality of your network will inevitably decline.

  • Issues of Incompatibility

However, setting up a repeater from a different manufacturer to work with the router can become a chore. There could be compatibility or operability concerns as a result of this. Generally, it's best to use parts and software made by the router's original manufacturer.

In most cases, the repeater will have a unique password and SSID from the router. Launching a new brand name comes with its share of challenges.

  • Adherence to emerging wifi standards

It is wise to verify how often a wifi range extender's software is updated before purchasing. You should think about this if you want to use it for a long time. Wireless range extenders can become unusable if their firmware is out of the current. Don't buy anything if the fixes aren't readily available as patches.


This tutorial taught us how to build a raspberry pi four wifi extender to increase the wifi range of our home wifi network connection. We also looked at how we can configure a VPN for the same pi four wifi extender to offer security to our home network. Now we can try out more advanced ideas like how to boost the signal strength of the wifi extender without interfering with the internet service provider. Using a Raspberry Pi and a SIM800L in the following tutorial, we'll set up an IVR system that can dial numbers and send text messages automatically.

Monitor a Website with Raspberry Pi 4 using Python

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Welcome to the next tutorial in our raspberry pi programming. In the previous tutorial, we learned how we could run Xbox cloud on our pi 4. We found that we can run any game easily without lag or having raspberry pi shut down, proving that pi 4 is quite a powerful minicomputer. However, this tutorial will demonstrate how to use Python on raspberry to monitor websites. This Python program will execute on Pi 4 and watch over a website, alerting you whenever it changes or goes down. This is accomplished by keeping a straightforward webpage duplicate locally and monitoring for updates. This webpage monitor is straightforward, so it should work well on pi Zero. Throughout this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to develop your custom code to monitor a webpage. With this information, you ought to be able to modify the script to meet your unique requirements.   However, for email updates to function, a few settings must be made in the core code.

The lack of an interface makes this project ideal for a headless Pi. Even though this tutorial concentrates on Pi 4, the core code can be used on any device that supports Python 3. That implies that, if you'd want, you could even execute this program on a Windows computer.


  • Raspberry Pi

  • Micro SD Card

  • Power Supply

  • Ethernet Cable or Wi-Fi

How to get your Raspberry Pi ready for the webpage monitor

Ensure you have all the components you need to execute your website monitoring program before you begin. These actions include installing Python 3 and the necessary Python libraries. Updates to the package registry and any current packages come first. To make these upgrades, we must execute the following lines in the console on our Pi 4.

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade -y

We must make sure that Py 3 and its application manager, "pip," are both installed on the mini-computer. To guarantee that the two packages are loaded, use the below command.

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Installing the necessary Python libraries is the last step before writing the program to monitor our web pages. Download the packages for queries, beautiful soup4, and lxml with this line.

pip3 install requests beautifulsoup4 lxml

Coding a website monitor for your Pi 4

Having completed the installation of the necessary packages, we can begin drafting our elementary website monitoring code. So that you can understand how everything functions, we'll break this down into its parts. Though the nano editor will work, a more capable integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code is recommended. Get started on the Python code to keep an eye on a website with your Raspberry Pi. is the name of the script we'll be working with throughout this guide. Launch nano and enter the following command to begin writing the script.


Writing a Simple Website Monitor in Python

Before we get too far into coding a complex website monitoring program for our RPi, let's start with the simplest possible solution. We shall craft a basic script to retrieve a web page, check its contents against a known master copy, and output an appropriate message if any changes have been made. At the beginning of any script, we must import the packages we'll be working with. These scripts' launch requires the "os," "sys," and "requests" packages.

  • Os: To communicate with the os, you will need to install the package known as os. For our purposes, we'll be using this to store a copy of our most recent website request in a cache. To detect any modifications, we will check this cache.

  • Sys – For any arguments supplied to the program, we utilize the sys library to retrieve them. We'll allow the user to provide the URL of the website and the name of the cache in this case.

  • Requests – Python can only send requests thanks to the requests package.

This allows us to take a certain website's content and save them.

import os

import sys

import requests

Coding the has_website_changed() method

Most of our logic will be handled by a function we'll write next. Two parameters must be set for this function: "has the website changed." The first input, the website URL, contains the website's address. We will make we obtain a request from this point forward. The website name, the second parameter, contains the website's name. This is a condensed form of the name used for the cached file. This method will have 3 potential return values: -1 if the webpage is "not ok," 0 if the webpage hasn't changed, and One of the webpages is altered.

def has_website_changed(website_url, website_name):

Keep in mind that indentation is crucial when using Python. Please make careful to keep the indentation when you complete this function.

Using Python Request Headers

Now that our function is specified, we can move on to implementing it. To initiate a website request, we must first define the headers sent by the request module. We are doing two things with these headers. For starters, there's the "User-Agent" header. Set it to whatever works best for you. For the most part, we are trying to keep things straightforward here.

Second, we instruct the client and the destination server not to store this request in their cache by setting the "Cache-Control" header to "no-cache." There is no guarantee that the requested web server will comply.

headers = {

        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; PIWEBMON)',

        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'


Putting in a Request to the Internet Service Provider

The queries package is secure enough to retrieve the passed-in URL with the requested headers. This is a vital part of our RPi's website monitoring software, as it returns the site's current status. This is an example of the get function included in the "requests" package. The "headers" and "website URL" variables are passed in. The result of this query will be saved in the "response" parameter.

response = requests.get(website_url, headers=headers)

Check That We've Gotten a Good Response

Once we've retrieved the website's response, we need to double-check that it was an "OK" response. Simply put, we need to ensure the error code is not below 200 or above 299, inclusive.

If the value is outside our allowed range, we will return "-1" to indicate an error on our end.

if (response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code > 299):

        return -1

Record the Message and Cache Name in a Temp Directory

Let's set up two more variables after verifying the response to ensure we get a proper status code. For now, we'll keep the text of the response we received in a variable called "response text." This variable will allow us to tailor the response wording before saving it. Our RPi website monitor will continue to work with the present form of the answer text for the time being.

As a second step, we set up a variable named "cache filename" to hold the location of our cache's data file. This name will be fabricated using the "website name" argument and the suffix "_cache.txt." If our website's name were to be entered as "theengineeringproject," the resulting filename would be "theengineeringproject cache.txt."

response_text = response.text

       cache_filename = website_name + "_cache.txt"

Making a Cache for a Brand-New Website

It's possible that the current website's URL won't have a cache file when you initially run the program. We use the "path.exists()" function from the "os" package to see if the cache script already exists. If the cache file doesn't already exist, we make one by opening it with the "w" switch. We then append the text of the current response to the file, allowing our Raspberry Pi to check for updates to the website. Given that this is a brand-new request, we will respond with a value of 0 to indicate that the reply has not changed.

If not os.path.exists(cache_filename):

        file_handle = open(cache_filename, "w")



        return 0

Review the Pre-Cached Reply to a Prior Request

If the program reaches this stage, the "previous response text" variable will need to be updated with the contents of the cache file. Now we'll utilize "r+" with the open function. The following command informs open that we want to be able to read and write to our cache file. After Python finishes reading a file, the stream position is reset to the beginning; thus, we need to use the "seek()" function to return to the beginning. If this is a fresh reply, it will be simpler to truncate the file.

file_handle = open(cache_filename, "r+")

    previous_response_text =

Verify the Message Text Identical to the Stored Message

We may now check for a match between the answer text and the original one.

If the responses are identical in content, we exit the process by closing the file handle and returning 0. Recall that a value of 0 indicates nothing has changed in the responses. This, together with the else statement, completes our RPi's "has website changed" monitoring function.

if response_text == previous_response_text:


        return 0

How to make a New Cache Whenever the Response Has Changed

If the responses don't match, our RPi has picked up on a change while keeping tabs on the webpage. If the race were being run right now, it would be in position 0. We then append the updated reply to the file once it has been truncated. The file handle can be closed as soon as the writing is done because it is no longer required. Since the answer has shifted, we send back a 1 to show that it has been updated.





        return 1

Formulating the main() method

To continue our RPi-based website monitor, we must now create its main method. This method will be invoked anytime the script is executed. In this script section, we'll mostly be concerned with invoking the function we just made, so it should be rather simple. First, we'll identify the primary role. This is where the real magic happens for our RPi-based webpage monitoring.

def main():

Inspecting the Website for Updates

At this point, we can access the "has website changed()" method we've created. This method's initial and next parameters will be passed in via the "sys" package. The web address (Uniform resource locator) will be the first argument. As for the second, it will become the cache file's title. The function's output is saved in the "website status" variable we created.

website_status = has_website_changed(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

Website Response Printing

Our variables now contain the current online status, so we can use that to inform our output. Our basic website monitoring software for the Raspberry Pi is now complete. We can expand upon this feature to make it possible to communicate via email or text message. This is a basic if, Elif clause that prints out various text based on the input.

if website_status == -1:

        print("Non 2XX response while fetching")

    elif website_status == 0:

        print("Website is the same")

    elif website_status == 1:

        print("Website has changed")

Last, we can wrap up our script by including the call that activates the script's main method. Using an if clause, we can be sure that the program was actually called and not just loaded as a Python package.

if __name__ == "__main__":


The Final Structure of the basic program

The program can be saved and tested at this stage. What we have provided here is how the completed core code should appear. To save your work in the nano editor, use control + X, followed by Y, and finally, the Return key.

import os

import sys

import requests

def has_website_changed(website_url, website_name):

    headers = {

        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; PIWEBMON)',

        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'


    response = requests.get(website_url, headers=headers)

    if (response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code > 299):

        return -1

    response_text = response.text

    cache_filename = website_name + "_cache.txt"

    If not os.path.exists(cache_filename):

        file_handle = open(cache_filename, "w")



        return 0

    file_handle = open(cache_filename, "r+")

    previous_response_text =

    if response_text == previous_response_text:


        return 0






        return 1

def main():

    website_status = has_website_changed(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

    if website_status == -1:

        print("Non 2XX response while fetching")

    elif website_status == 0:

        print("Website is the same")

    elif website_status == 1:

        print("Website has changed")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Let us put the RPi's Web Server Monitoring Basics to the test.

Seeing that our web monitoring software is complete, it can be deployed on the Raspberry Pi. The following procedures will help us test and verify that the script is functioning properly. Our web monitoring script requires elevated permissions before proceeding. By executing the following line on the RPi, we may grant this access to the website monitoring program.

chmod +x

Now that the script has the correct permissions, we can run it. When running this script, you will need to know the URL you want to monitor and the name you want to use for its cache. For our example, we will use "” as our URL to monitor and “project” as our cache name.

python3 project

You may check if the website monitor produced the cache file with the ls command in the console. A text document with the extension "_cache.txt" should be present. Take the "theengineeringprojects cache.txt" file as an illustration. If you execute this script, you may find an issue right away. Metadata can be dynamically set on some websites, meaning that even if the content remains unchanged, each request to the site could result in a slightly different response. If you use our website, you'll see that our script will flag the page as modified whenever we update the core code. In the next part, we'll demonstrate how to use Python's lovely soup to tidy up the outcome and remove anything that could falsely flag the webpage as modified.

Utilizing beautifulsoup to enhance the RPi Web Monitor

Here we'll use beautiful soup to enhance Raspberry Pi's web server monitoring. The beautifulsoup Python module is a potent tool for modifying HTML documents. We may eliminate clutter like style and script tags, for instance. You'll need to adjust the script we built in the last step for this one. A new import is added to the script's initialization. This will bring in the bs4 library and its BeautifulSoup module.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Developing a Brand-New cleanup HTML() method method

Our new mission must now begin. Any HTML obtained from the queries package will be cleaned up using this method. As a result, our RPi's behavior during web monitoring will become more standardized. Including the following code in the file will define the new method. The HTML material to be processed will be supplied as the sole input to this function.

def cleanup_html(HTML):

Produce an instance of the BeautifulSoup object.

A fresh instance of BeautifulSoup is instantiated now. The first argument is the HTML string to be cleaned up. We specify the HTML parser we need to utilize in the second argument. XML is used since it is quick and has all the required features. A faster and more efficient program is always welcome in a resource-constrained environment like our RPi, in which we are executing a web monitor.

soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML, features="lxml")

Using BeautifulSoup to clean up the HTML.

With BeautifulSoup, we can parse HTML and get rid of unwanted tags. We strip off the "script," "style," and "meta" tags with for loops as well as BeautfulSoup's "select" method. You'll see that the ".extract()" method is called on each loop iteration. When an element matching the given criteria is located, this function deletes it.

for s in'script'):


    for s in'style'):


    for s in'meta'):


The BeautifulSoup Object returned as a string.

After BeautifulSoup has processed the HTML retrieved by our website monitoring software, we can return it. It's not enough to return your soup object to its current state. Alternatively, the "str()" function must be used to transform it into a regular string.

return str(soup)

Streamlining the Obtained HTML Response

Our "cleanup html()" function is complete; now, we only need to update some other code to use it. Locate the piece of code below and change it. Instead of storing the reply text without thinking, we first pass it through the new method. The "has website changed()" method is where you'll want to put it.

Substitute the following for the sentence.

response_text = cleanup_html(response.text)

How to save the new extended web monitor

Once you've finished editing the script, the program should resemble what we've displayed below. To save your work when using nano, use control + X, followed by Y, and finally, the Return key.

import os

import sys

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def cleanup_html(HTML):

    soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML, features="lxml")

    for s in'script'):


    for s in'style'):


    for s in'meta'):


    return str(soup)

def has_website_changed(website_url, website_name):

    headers = {

        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; PIWEBMON)',

        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'


    response = requests.get(website_url, headers=headers)

    if (response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code > 299):

        return -1

    response_text = cleanup_html(response.text)

    cache_filename = website_name + "_cache.txt"

    If not os.path.exists(cache_filename):

        file_handle = open(cache_filename, "w")



        return 0

    file_handle = open(cache_filename, "r+")

    previous_response_text =

    if response_text == previous_response_text:


        return 0





        return 1

def main():

    website_status = has_website_changed(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

    if website_status == -1:

        print("Non 2XX response while fetching")

    elif website_status == 0:

        print("Website is the same")

    elif website_status == 1:

        print("Website has changed")

if __name__ == "__main__":


The script is ready for further testing. More stable outcomes are expected this time around. We can decrease the likelihood of a false detection by eliminating the "script," "style," and "meta" tags. For instance, every query on our website must not be recorded as "modified" if you follow this pattern.

Implementing email support to the pi 4 web  monitor

Our Raspberry Pi monitoring system is somewhat useless without a way to be alerted when a website has been updated. We'll add to our functionality here by notifying you through email anytime the script notices a shift. Remember that this will necessitate you to have the SMTP information for your email provider at hand. Here, we'll use the SMTP settings for Gmail as an example.

Introducing a Fresh Import

We must import a separate package to make SMTP connections from within Python. Thankfully, Python already has this module built in. Include the following line in your script's imports. This line will make it possible to establish SMTP connections quickly by importing the necessary "smtplib" package.

import smtplib

The Process of Defining Constants to Save Email Information

At the outset of the Python code, we must define certain constants. Below the existing "import" command, add the lines below. The fact that Python doesn't truly support constants doesn't stop us from naming these parameters with all capital letters, though. You shouldn't modify these values while the program is running.


Identity for your outgoing mail server (Simple mail transfer protocol) connection, as defined by this constant. This is the account you'll use to access Gmail.

We refer to the value saved in this constant for the simple mail transfer protocol connection.



The SMTP user's password must be set inside this constant. This is the password for your Gmail account. Second-factor authentication (which you should enable) requires a separate app passcode.



The address or URL to which the SMTP connection should be established is saved in the "SMTP HOST" constant. Here, we'll use the SMTP server information for Gmail as an example.



Using this setting, we tell our RPi web monitor which port to use when it detects a change and needs to notify us through email. Using Gmail's port for implicit SSL, as shown below: (port 465).



These days, most email providers offer a secure connection (SSL or TLS). Our software will only be able to utilize HTTPS protocol. Ensure the constant is set to True to activate this support. By setting this to False, SSL will be turned off.



At long last, we have the option to designate the sender's email address for this message. It must be an account you have created to use this email. If you're using an Email account, this should be a verified email address. You need to set up that email account and domain in your transaction email provider, such as Mailgun.



The final required setting is the destination email address for the script to use to send the email. Enter the email address at which you would like to be notified of updates to the website.


Creating the Email Notification method

Our "email notification()" method can be written when we have declared all necessary constants. This function will take care of the process of connecting to an SMTP server and sending an email. Let's begin by identifying our new role. There will be two inputs for it. 

def email_notification(subject, message):

Forming an SMTP Link

Initiating an SMTP session is the first step of this method. Since we need to accommodate both SSL and non-encrypted connections, we'll have to make two distinct calls separated by an if clause. An SMTP session is established and saved in the "SMTP server" parameter if the "SMTP SSL" flag is set to True. When SSL is not enabled, we also take this action. We include the SMTP HOST and SMTP PORT environment variables when establishing the link.

if (SMTP_SSL):

        smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT)


        smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT)

The SMTP Login Process

After establishing contact with the SMTP mail server, we can start composing and sending the email. We'll first fire off an "eh" to the server. We won't delve too deeply into what this information conveys to the server. The next step is to send an authentication message to the server. The credentials saved in the variables "SMTP USER" and "SMTP PASSWORD" will be sent along with this login request.

    smtp_server.login(SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASSWORD)

How to Layout an Electronic Message

The next thing we need to do is compose the message sent via the SMTP connection. This is crucial since it allows our Raspberry Pi to send you an alert if it detects a change to the website you've instructed it to monitor. This structure is adaptable to your needs. To avoid any confusion, please use the "FROM," "Too," and "Subject" lines as shown here. On different lines, please. In addition, one blank line should precede the main body of your email.

email_text = \

"""From: %s

To: %s

Subject: %s


""" % (SMTP_FROM_EMAIL, SMTP_TO_EMAIL, subject, message)

Email transmission

As the final step of this procedure, we transmit the email over our SMTP session. The previously generated email, along with the email address from "SMTP FROM EMAIL" and the destination email address from "SMTP TO EMAIL," are passed into this function call. After the message has been transmitted, we terminate the SMTP session.

smtp_server.sendmail(SMTP_FROM_EMAIL, SMTP_TO_EMAIL, email_text)


Including Function Calls for email notification()

Since the necessary method has been written, it must be called from within the program. Here, we'll modify the "main()" procedure. You need to locate the line below in your Python code.

print("Non 2XX response while fetching")

Follow that with the line below. The script will automatically send you an email to notify you every time the RPi web monitor encounters an error connecting to the webpage.

Moreover, we should have a line that alerts us whenever the webpage updates. Check your script for the following line. Ideally, it would be located below the previously discovered line. Try to find the following:

The following line should be added above it. Every time this line is reached, an email will notify you that the web has been updated.

The Complete Code

After making the necessary modifications, your script's core code should resemble what we have provided as an example. Before moving forward, make sure to save your code. Your website monitoring service should now send you email alerts if functioning properly. It will send a notification email whenever it is launched and detects a change to the website. This website will, however, notify you by email if it becomes unavailable or produces a status code other than 2XX.

import os

import sys

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import smtplib








def email_notification(subject, message):

    "Send an email notification.

    Message - The message to send as the body of the email.


    if (SMTP_SSL):

        smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT)


        smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT)


    smtp_server.login(SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASSWORD)

    email_text = \

"""From: %s

To: %s

Subject: %s


""" % (SMTP_FROM_EMAIL, SMTP_TO_EMAIL, subject, message)

    smtp_server.sendmail(SMTP_FROM_EMAIL, SMTP_TO_EMAIL, email_text)


def cleanup_html(html):

    """Cleanup the HTML content.

    html - A string containg HTML.


    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml")

    for s in'script'):


    for s in'style'):


    for s in'meta'):


    return str(soup)

def has_website_changed(website_url, website_name):

    """Check if a website has changed since the last request.

    website_url - URL that you want to monitor for changes.

    website_name - Name used for the cache file.


    headers = {

        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; PIWEBMON)',

        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'


    response = requests.get(website_url, headers=headers)

    if (response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code > 299):

        return -1

    response_text = cleanup_html(response.text)


    cache_filename = website_name + "_cache.txt"

    if not os.path.exists(cache_filename):

        file_handle = open(cache_filename, "w")



        return 0

    file_handle = open(cache_filename, "r+")

    previous_response_text =

    if response_text == previous_response_text:


        return 0






        return 1

def main():

    """Check if the passed in website has changed."""

    website_status = has_website_changed(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

    if website_status == -1:

        email_notification("An Error has Occurred", "Error While Fetching " + sys.argv[1])

        print("Non 2XX response while fetching")

    elif website_status == 0:

        print("Website is the same")

    elif website_status == 1:

        email_notification("A Change has Occurred", sys.argv[1] + " has changed.")

        print("Website has changed")


if __name__ == "__main__":


Put your RPi web monitoring software on a schedule.

If you've taken the time to write a Python script to keep tabs on many websites, you'll want to set it to run regularly. You may implement an infinite loop to make the script run indefinitely; however, a cronjob will suffice. Our Python program must be installed on the RPi before you continue. You can grab the core code from the Git repo if you'd rather skip the intro. Be careful to complete the SMTP connection information. This instruction section assumes the script is located in the "pi" user's home directory (/home/pi/). After making the necessary changes to the crontab, our program will be run automatically every minute.

Start modifying the active user's crontab with this command.

crontab -e

When requested to choose a text editor, we suggest "nano." Please insert the following line at the end of the document. If you wish to track a certain URL, you'll need to make a small change to the command. In addition, a cache name must be specified. The cache name is optional and can be any string that helps you distinguish this request from others. Insert at the end.

CTRL + X, Y, and ENTER will save your changes to crontab. A new minutely check of the specified website will now be performed by your RPi. The software will notify you if it identifies a modification to a page's content.

Let's take a look at the main gains of monitoring your website.

  • Encourages problem-free operation of systems

To maintain optimal performance and satisfy clients, monitoring the website is essential. Customers are in a buying mood and don't want to wait for webpages to open or for controls that don't work. If you own an online store, you should examine key performance indicators such as daily bounce rates and page load time. However, regular usability testing will ensure consistent functionality and keep visitors returning.

  • Keeps a site running smoothly and efficiently

A growing top line is a sign of a healthy website. However, you will not be able to spot warning signs unless you understand your typical exchange rates and annual peaks. Monitoring your statistics can provide a clear picture of your website's performance.

  • Detailed user insights are revealed.

One of the essential benefits of web tracking is the ability to uncover hidden user and product possibilities. This may be achieved by setting up quarterly or monthly usability tracking based on your staff's population and your website's structure. One of the most effective strategies to enhance your site and raise customer satisfaction is demonstrating empathy for your customers by performing routine monitoring activities like analyzing comments.

E-commerce transactions can be optimized using customer feedback, for example, by removing an extra photo or description step between the product selection and the shopping basket. There's a chance that another user will vent their annoyance over not being able to access subscriber-only deals. If you take the time to listen to and empathize with your users' complaints, follow up with them to let them know they must sign in to obtain the offer and assure them that the site will be improved soon.

  • assures usability and boosts return on investment

Users may not be able to access and engage with your website in the event of downtime or page breaks. Prolonged outages can lead to being de-indexed, dropped in search engine rankings, and a dent in your reputation. No one will wait for a down website. Customers are not easily won back, and doing so requires an investment of both time and resources. If your site goes down in Perth but remains accessible in Sydney, you won't realize the difference unless you watch it constantly. In an emergency, tracking can assist you alert consumers and fixing any accessibility problems before they affect users.

In addition to preventing disruptions in the future, automatic downtime monitoring can provide real-time alerts by studying past incidents. Whether you need to check if your SSL certificate has expired or if there is an API problem affecting site speed, automation and control can help.

  • Facilitates easy interaction

When servers go down, your website becomes inaccessible, and so does all of your correspondence. Because of the prevalence of remote work and international teams, port failures have become increasingly expensive. Unfortunately, there is no viable or efficient way to communicate by text message on a mobile device.

Servers and port monitoring are often included in downtime monitoring software. Systems and tools make it easy to resolve communication issues between teams, offices, and nations. Customers will appreciate the timely alerts, and your employees will appreciate the mental stimulation.

Disadvantages of Website Surveillance

There are, of course, a few drawbacks to keeping an eye on your website. To decide if tracking is the best option for you and the team, consider these drawbacks. Some sites and portals may have a foundation of cybersecurity or automatic monitors; depending on your firm's specifics, you may just need a few more tools and processes. There is a silver lining to every cloud in the website monitoring storm. This article will provide some advice and solutions to help you deal with the drawbacks.

  • Costly

The cost of a good website monitoring technology might be a significant drain on a company's resources. Though many products provide free tiers of service, these tiers are sometimes not as feature-rich as paid tiers, leaving you vulnerable to security holes or unsupported APIs. Spending on paid monitoring software, if any, might range from $15 per month to $500 per month, depending on the features you require and the size of your firm.

  • Consumes a lot of time

Time is a necessary component of the organization, approach, and resource for successful web monitoring. How long would it take, for instance, to become an expert in website monitoring if you taught your current team how to do it? Because of the potential lack of workforce in other areas as a result of a single employee's pivot, training may not always be an option. Assume for a moment that your group possesses the necessary expertise to perform monitoring in-house. You should consider how much effort it will take and whether outsourcing is an option.

  • Blocklists

Checking in on your website regularly is essential. It's important to check in numerous times a day to ensure no outages. Regrettably, excessive monitoring can raise red flags with your hosting service, leading to your IP address being blocklisted. To some, blocklisting might prevent electronic communications and alert consumers that your site is a security threat, a major downside of website monitoring. However, this problem can be easily fixed by contacting your server and having your IP address allowed.

  • Monitoring errors

Even the most composed teams can quickly become flustered when confronted with novel tools and increased data. Mistakes in tracking can be caused by several factors, including a failure to communicate, inexperience, and hazy objectives. However, when a team is inundated with information, they may become paralyzed and unable to get the answers they need. Since the point of tracking is to swiftly handle problems within all data available instead of getting mired in data analysis, this may be particularly stressful and disheartening.


This tutorial taught you the fundamentals of setting up a web-based monitoring system on a Raspberry Pi 4. This code will retrieve the most recent version of the given URL each time it is used. Then, the cached response is checked again on the new request to determine if any changes were made. This script will notify you via an outside email server if the URL changes or becomes unavailable. In the following tutorial, we will learn how to build a raspberry pi 4 Wi-Fi extender for our home use.

Run Xbox Cloud Gaming on Raspberry Pi 4

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Greetings, and welcome to the next section of our Raspberry Pi 4 tutorials. In the last section, we discovered how to set up and run our self-host bitwarden on our Raspberry Pi. We learned how to set up admin panels and perform a wide range of actions, such as limiting the creation of new accounts and users for security purposes. However, in this guide, we will discover how to configure a PS3 or PS4 joystick with our raspberry pi and set up and run Xbox cloud gaming on our Pi 4.


  • Raspberry pi 4

  • SD card

  • Power supply

  • Ethernet cable or wifi

  • Xbox controller

  • Xbox game pass ultimate subscription

  • USB keyboard

  • USB mouse

  • HDMI cable

Through a service called Xbox Cloud Gaming, users may play a wide variety of games without having to download any software onto their devices. Here, we'll use Microsoft's Xbox Internet Gaming service to transmit these programs to your Pi 4. A membership to Xbox Gaming Pass Ultimate is required to use this feature. Xbox Gaming Pass is required for this streaming service, but the subscription unlocks a wealth of video game apps.

Incorporating Xbox internet Game streaming on Pi 4 is a breeze with the help of the Chromium internet browser. Remember that there will be some delay in responding to your inputs, but don't let that deter you from playing most games. As a bonus, this guide will show you how to convert your Raspberry Pi running the "light" version of the Xbox One operating system into a dedicated cloud gaming computer for the Xbox One.

Regarding game streaming services, Xbox internet Gaming isn't the only option for your Pi 4. Games can also be streamed to your Pi 4 using Google's Stadia program. Alternatively, you can use a streaming service like Steam to play your games on the go. To play games via Xbox Cloud, you'll need to be in a region where it's available.

Get your Raspberry Pi ready for setup.

You must fulfill a few prerequisites before you can begin using Xbox internet Gaming on your Pi 4. Here, you'll learn how to update your Raspberry Pi and set up the Chrome internet browser we'll need to connect to the cloud game platform. These instructions have been designed with Pi OS Lite compatibility in mind. The "Lite" version of Xbox internet Gaming will require additional effort.

To move on, we must ensure that our Raspberry Pi is up-to-date with the latest software. The software has to be updated so that we get the most incredible possible performance with the Xbox internet Gaming platform. You can upgrade your Pi's software to the most recent version using the following two instructions.

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade -y

After the update is finished, we can add any other software to our pi four that is required for Xbox internet Gaming. We'll primarily be using the Chrome internet browser, which can be obtained by running the instruction below.

sudo apt install chromium-browser xserver-xorg x11-xserver-utils xinit openbox bluealsa unclutter

We'll install just the bare minimum of software to get Chromium up and running on pi 4 OS Lite. Having a controller linked to your pi 4 is the next step. Most Xbox Cloud Gaming titles necessitate the usage of a controller. Despite the inclusion of third-party controller functionality, the Xbox joystick remains the superior option. And if you want to know which controllers work with their internet gaming platform, you can find that information in their official docs. Another option is to use a PlayStation joystick with Pi 4, and we will show you how to do just that.

How to Configure PlayStation joysticks on a pi 4

You may have discovered that using a PlayStation joystick with a Raspberry Pi is not a walk in the park. This tutorial is written in the hopes of making the whole thing easier.

Here at the pi 4 Wiki, we have a comprehensive tutorial for connecting and setting up Ps controllers of all generations. We walk you through installing the six-pair program for PS3 controllers and configuring your joystick to work with your pi four and any Bluetooth-enabled device. The procedure of connecting a PlayStation 4 joystick to a Raspberry Pi via Bluetooth is detailed here, and alternate methods are provided in case your joystick is incompatible with the default implementation of Bluetooth. The pi 4 is compatible with various game controllers, including Xbox joysticks.

Configure a PlayStation 3 Controller for Use with a pi 4

It's not easy to get a Ps3 controller working with a pi 4. If you want to use it wirelessly, we'll walk you through the setup process from start to finish. The wired PS3 joystick should function as simply a plug-and-play accessory. When using a PlayStation 3 controller, all of its functions must work correctly, and Sixad does just that. If you want to use a USB micro cable to connect the joystick to the pi 4, you should get one before you start this part of the pi 4 PlayStation tutorial. The configuration of the PS3 joystick for communicating with Wireless controllers is necessary for this.

Setup of the PlayStation 3 Joystick with the pi 4

The first step is to install a library, which will allow us to compile the six-pair code. The libusb-dev library enables the software to communicate with USB storage devices.

sudo apt install libusb-dev

Now that we have the necessary package loaded, we can get the six-pair script and set up a folder to store it.

mkdir ~/sixpair

cd ~/sixpair


Now that we have the six pair code on our pi 4, we can build it with the help of the command below. Use this command to initiate a compilation using the GCC compiler.

GCC -o sixpair sixpair.c -lusb

Now that Sixpair has been compiled on our pi 4, we can connect our PS3 joystick to the RPi through its USB micro port. After connecting the joystick, use the following command to start six pair. So that our Wireless device can communicate with the joystick, Six pair will modify its settings.

sudo ~/sixpair/sixpair

If the six-pair program has successfully re-paired your PS3 joystick with your RPi's Wireless dongle, you will see the output in the terminal interface that looks like the example below.

After these modifications, you can disconnect the Playstation 3 joystick from the Pi 4; we won't need it plugged in through USB again unless you upgrade your Wireless adapter. You can either use the bluetoothctl program to communicate to the Playstation 3 joystick or compile and install sixad to manage the connection. We think you should give Wireless a shot because it works well with other wireless devices. Read on to learn more about utilizing Bluetooth to link your PlayStation 3 joystick. If you'd rather learn how to connect the joystick with SIXAD, you can do so below.

Getting your Playstation 3 joystick set up with bluetoothctl

Now that the Playstation 3 joystick has been prepped for use with the Pi 4, we can proceed to pair the two devices. The first step is launching the Bluetooth setup tool on pi four by entering the command below.

sudo bluetoothctl

Our Bluetooth setup tool is now active, and we can turn on the agent and tell it to use the default agent. To do so, simply enter the two instructions below.

agent on


Following the successful execution of the preceding command, the program will begin scanning for new wireless devices, allowing us to locate them.

scan on

Any nearby wireless device will immediately become visible in the command prompt. Put these out of your mind for the time being and focus only on the Playstation 3 controller. The controller may now communicate with the pi four by holding the Ps button. The terminal's command line will begin to fill up shortly.

The MAC address will show in a format similar to the following; be sure to write it down. It's the string of words delineated by colons.

A MAC address has just become available, so write it down. Now that you have the MAC address, you may put it to use in the subsequent command. By issuing the command below, we hope to establish communication with the gadget and retrieve its unique identifier. You may need to retry this command several times before it works if you've tracked down a MAC address, substitute "YOUR MAC ADDRESS" with it.


If your Ps3 joystick stops attempting to connect, please check the status and hit the Playstation key again. If the following text shows in the cli, the connection was established successfully. We can go on to the next phase now that we have the UUIDs.

We need the MAC address to add the device to our Bluetooth-approved approved list. This enables the controller to connect with the Raspberry Pi without human intervention. We can accomplish this by inputting this command into our Pi 4. Be sure to change "YOUR MAC ADDRESS" to the address you uncovered.


After adding your Playstation 3 controller to the authorized list, the terminal should read as follows.

We may now exit the Bluetooth settings tool on the Pi 4 since the Playstation 3 joystick has been successfully paired with the Pi 4. Type the following commands or press CTRL + D to exit the program.


The RPi can be restarted at this point. This is done to verify that our system performs as expected during testing. To force the Raspberry to restart, type the command below.

sudo reboot

After rebooting the Pi 4, you can verify that your joystick appropriately communicates with the device by pressing the Playstation button. The controller's lights will momentarily blink when it connects, but subsequently, assuming everything went smoothly, only one morning will stay on.

Getting Your Playstation 3 Controller to Work with SIXAD

We need to install some prerequisite software on our RPi before we can begin compiling and configuring SIXAD. libusb-dev and libbluetooth-dev are required for compiling the sixad program and are essential libraries. Libusb-dev is a collection of source code that enables us to communicate with USB devices connected to a computer. To communicate with the Wireless stack in an OS, Libbluetooth-dev supplies the necessary code. In sixad's setup, this is what monitors for the presence of a Playstation 3 controller when it is plugged into the Pi 4.

sudo apt install git libbluetooth-dev check install libusb-dev

sudo apt install joystick pkg-config

Since we have everything we need, we can download the SIXAD repo from Retropie. We're using Retropie's fork because it includes some bug fixes and has been validated on the Pi 4. You can download the GIT repo onto our Pi 4 using the two commands below.

cd ~

git clone

Now that we have the repo downloaded to our Pi 4, we can begin compiling. The following two instructions are all that are needed to compile SIXAD. The first line of code changes directories, and the second line of code builds the program by executing the makefile.

cd ~/sixad


Compiling the sixad code was the first step, but there are still a few things to accomplish before we can put it to use. The first step is creating a directory in which sixad stores all its user profiles. Create a new folder by running the command below.

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/sixad/profiles

Let's finish by launching the checkinstall package we set up in the previous section. This program just verifies the current installation and, if necessary, executes the "make install" commands.

sudo checkinstall

During installation, you may be prompted to provide information or confirm selections; however, you can safely skip them and hit ENTER to proceed. Following completion of the installation, the following lines should show at your terminal.

The command below will launch sixad on your Raspberry Pi after completing the installation process.

sudo sixad --start

You should be prompted to push the Playstation key on your joystick to ensure proper operation. Connect the joystick to the Pi immediately.

Since we have sixad functioning, we need to set it the default loader at startup so we can always use our Playstation 3 joystick. The command below will insert sixad into the RPi's boot procedure.

sudo update-RC.d sixad defaults

How to Configure a PS4 Controller for Use With a Pi 4

The Ps4 controller can be used with the Pi 4 in various ways. There are a few of these that are easier to handle than others.

Wireless USB Adapter from Sony

To connect your PlayStation 4 joystick to your Pi 4, the Sony Bluetooth Adapter is your best bet. Especially considering that, in theory, the dongle should work immediately upon removal from its packaging and connect with any of the approved Playstation 4 controllers.


To use Bluetooth, you'll need a Pi 4 or a USB wireless adapter in addition to the certified Sony Wireless adaptor. Although this solution should work for most Playstation 4 controllers, some users have reported success with a userspace gamepad driver named ds4drv. If you have already installed the SIXAD utility, you will need to remove it before you can use your Playstation 4 joystick with the Pi 4.

Universal Serial Bus Cable

To use your Playstation 4 joystick, simply plug it into a USB port on your computer using the same USB connection you used to connect to your Playstation 4. The Playstation 4 joystick should automatically connect via USB and work without additional setup.

Setting up BluetoothCTL for your Playstation 4 Controller

The next instructions are only necessary if you have followed the tutorial on pairing a Playstation 3 controller with a Pi 4 via Bluetooth. In that case, you can skip this part of the process to uninstall SIXAD.

The PS4 controllers cannot pair or function appropriately with SIXAD installed, so they must be deleted. Simply running the command below on Pi 4 will remove the compiled and configured sixad program we discussed in the PS3 part.

sudo dpkg -r sixad

Before setting up the rest of the system, let's double-check that our Pi 4 has the most recent updates by issuing the instructions below.

We will now start connecting our Playstation 4 controller to the Pi 4. The Bluetooth CLI utility will be used throughout this tutorial. Start up your RPi by entering the command below.

sudo bluetoothctl

After starting the bluetoothctl utility, we may activate the client and return it to its default settings by entering the commands below.

agent on


We may now begin scanning for devices after activating the agent. Scanning must be started so that our controller appears when we initiate synchronization.

scan on

Now is the moment to simultaneously hit the "Share" key and the Playstation button, as depicted in the following diagram. Continue holding them until the joystick's light begins blinking.

If you see the output in the cli similar to what is shown below, jot down the MAC address. If you take the hex value after the ':' symbol, you have the MAC address.

If your joystick is still blinking, enter this command as soon as possible. When entering the MAC address, ensure to replace "YOUR MAC ADDRESS" with the actual value. It establishes communication with your Playstation 4 controller when you enter this instruction. Press the "Share" and "PS" keys to make the joystick stop blinking.


The following will display in the terminal window if the connection is successful.

So that the PlayStation 4 controller may instantly link to the Pi 4, we must now include our MAC address in the authorized list.


Now that the Wireless dongle on the Raspberry Pi recognizes the Playstation 4 joystick, we can exit the program by typing "quit." The next step is to verify the joystick's functionality.

Even though the joystick feature may already be present in your Raspbian distribution, let's install it. This set has the software we need to ensure our joystick is functioning correctly. You may get the program installed on your RPi by executing the following Unix command.

sudo apt install joystick

Once the joystick library is installed on your Pi 4, you can check js0 and retrieve its values by using the command below.

sudo jstest /dev/input/js0

Changing values whenever you move and push buttons on the joystick indicates that your Playstation 4 joystick is ready to use. However, you may need to resort to the userspace drivers if your joystick stubbornly refuses to function. Finally, after getting the joystick set up, we can move on to installing the cloud on the pi four os Desktop.

Online Xbox Play with Raspberry Pi Desktop OS

Gaming on the go with Xbox internet Gaming is a breeze with the Pi 4 OS Desktop and Microsoft's cloud service. Instead of devoting your computer solely to Xbox internet Gaming, you can use the desktop OS of pi 4. Chromium and iCloud can be accessed with the click of an icon and by entering the relevant URL, as shown below.

To access the internet with your RPi, launch the Chrome browser on the desktop. To access this, select the globe icon in your screen's upper right corner.

Open your internet browser and head to the Xbox internet Gaming website. To access this in Chrome, enter the following URL into the URL bar.

You'll need to sign in with your Xbox credentials if you haven't already done so from your Pi 4. You can access the login page by clicking the "Sign in" button.

You may see a "your browser is not supported" message after signing in. No need to panic; the XCloud server is compatible with the Chromium internet browser we are using on our Pi 4, so there's no need to switch browsers. To close this panel, click the "X" in its upper right corner.

Simply clicking on an Xbox game will begin streaming it to your Pi 4. Any gamepad, keyboard, or joystick can be used to navigate this interface.

There is a notice on the XCloud platform that says your streaming experience might not be ideal. Once you've selected a game for streaming to your Pi 4, you can keep playing by selecting the "CONTINUE ANYWAY" option.

You have now installed and configured the Xbox Internet Gaming platform to run on your Pi 4. Now that you know how to handle the joystick, you can have a blast playing the video game.

Playing Games over the cloud on an Xbox using the Pi 4 OS Lite

There are a few extra hoops to jump through to get the Xbox Internet Gaming platform working on a Pi 4 OS Lite device. After completing these procedures, your Raspberry Pi will automatically log you in and begin running Chromium.

Configuring Pi 4 for Automatic Login

If you wish to access Xbox Internet Gaming as soon as you turn on your Pi 4, you'll need to take the following settings. Skipping these will result in a login prompt for the "pi" user before you can use the internet browser.

We utilize the "Pi 4 Config tool" to set up our RPi so that it automatically enters the console at bootup, skipping the usual login process. The following command can be used to activate this utility on your gadget.

sudo raspi-config

Use the ARROW keys to move around the available options. To choose the highlighted item, use the Enter button. Starting with the raspi-config utility, select "System Options" from the drop-down menu. Select it by pressing the Enter button since it is the first choice.

You'll find "Boot / Auto Login" under "System Options" in the panel. Selecting this menu item may instruct the OS to log us into the console automatically.

The "Console Autologin" option comes next and must be chosen. If you select this, the Pi 4 will bypass the login screen and go straight to the console, where you can utilize the "pi" account.

Having made this selection, the RPi Config Wizard can be exited with the ESC key. When prompted, choose "Yes>," and then click the Enter button to restart the computer.

Setting up Chromium such that it launches alongside X-Server

Once the RPi is set up to enter the console at startup, the "autostart" file can be edited to initiate the Chrome internet browser. In addition, we need to edit the ".bashrc" file by adding a single line to ensure that the window utility Chromium needs to run launched automatically after the operating system has loaded.

So, let's begin by editing the "autostart" script in the "/etc/xdg/Openbox" folder. We'll use the nano editor to make the necessary changes to this script.

sudo nano /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart

Please copy and paste the lines below at the very end of this script.

xset s off

xset s noblank

xset -dpms

unclutter &

sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly":false/"exited_cleanly":true/' ~/.config/chromium/'Local State'

sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly":false/"exited_cleanly":true/; s/"exit_type":"[^"]\+"/"exit_type":"Normal"/' ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences

chromium-browser --disable-infobars --enable-features=OverlayScrollbar --kiosk ''

Our screensaver disable commands are located on the first three lines. We employ unclutter to conceal it merely as an alternative to entirely deactivating the mouse. This is helpful because we'll frequently use the mouse for things like logging in. Finally, we start Chrome on the RPi in kiosk mode, redirecting the browser to the Xbox Internet Gaming site.

After you've added these commands, save and exit the file. The final step is setting the Pi user's bash account so that the terminal automatically launches the window manager. 

nano ~/.bash_profile

This line has to be added at the very end of this document. This line will check whether it is the first time starting the terminal and if so, it will set the "$DISPLAY" property. When these prerequisites are met, the "startx" statement will be executed to launch the window manager.

[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && startx

When you're finished adding that line, save and exit the file. If we want to use Chromium immediately, rather than after an RPi reboots, we can launch the window manager directly. When you launch the window manager now, Chrome will also launch because you modified the "autoboot" script earlier.


Be sure you're typing this command into the terminal of your Pi 4 itself. If you try to use it with SSH, you will be disappointed. If you choose, you can force a restart of your RPi by executing the command below.

sudo reboot

Utilizing Pi 4 OS Lite for Xbox Live Cloud Gaming

Once the RPi and Chrome have been set up, Xbox Live Games can be accessed. Your Pi's internet browser should automatically launch to the Xbox Game Pass portal.

To use Xbox Internet Gaming for the first time, you'll need to sign in using your Xbox credentials. To access the login page, please click the image below. In any case, the "Sign In" button on this page will get you started with the login procedure if you didn't notice it before.

After logging in, you may notice a message indicating that your browser isn't supported. Since this is a Chromium-based internet browser, the "X" in the corner can be used to close the current window.

We can now play games on our Pi 4 by streaming them through Microsoft's Live service with Xbox Game Pass. Make sure the controller is plugged into the Pi before choosing a game. Xbox Cloud platform also allows you to use your controller for menu navigation.

Here's a notification to let you know that the internet browser you're using isn't supported, which will appear whenever you try to play a video game that requires it. Selecting "CONTINUE ANYWAY" will allow you to disregard this notice safely.

We can play "Phoenix Point" through the Xbox Internet Gaming service, broadcast directly to our Pi 4 in the image below. The stream may not appear where you expect it to when it first begins. However, once play begins, things should correct themselves.


Now you should be able to play Xbox games through the internet on your Pi 4. Because it is included with Xbox Game Pass, Xbox internet Gaming allows you access to various games. To a large extent, this video game streaming platform runs smoothly on the Raspberry Pi 4. There may be spikes in latency now and then, but if you play video games that don't necessitate pinpoint controls, you can probably overlook them. The following tutorial will teach how to utilize Raspberry Pi 4 as a radio streaming and broadcasting device.

Self-Host Bitwarden In Raspberry Pi 4

Following this, we will configure bitwarden and host it on our Raspberry Pi 4. The last tutorial discussed utilizing a Raspberry Pi to install and run zeroTire on pi 4. By the end of the project, you will have learned how to set up a Raspberry Pi 4 with the necessary software for password management, including bitwarden, docker containers, and portainer, and how to configure their respective user interfaces.

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1Raspberry Pi 4AmazonBuy Now

Why Would You Do This?

An effective password manager is a must-have. For the past decade-plus, I've relied on a password manager. The catch is that not all security-focused apps are created equal. Initially, I relied on password managers in my browser, but I soon switched to KeePass. It was an intelligent move ten years ago. The export features of my browsers allowed me to import all of my passwords into a single KeePass database, where I could then construct a system to keep track of them. However, technology has advanced, and now there are safer alternatives to these password managers. Once I discovered I could self-host Bitwarden, I felt it was my best option. I had been using LastPass with Mobile, but as they introduced sync limits into their free tiers, I decided to uninstall it. YubiKey compatibility is one of the features that Bitwarden lacks compared to LastPass, but which I was able to implement thanks to self-hosting. KeePass's lack of support for statistics on hacked, weak, and recycled passwords is disappointing. Most people agree that Bitwarden is the most excellent free password manager.


  • Raspberry pi 4

  • Power supply

  • Ethernet or wifi

Preparing your Raspberry Pi for Bitwarden

To host our Bitwarden server on our domain, we must first take care of a few technical details. Setting up Docker is a necessary first step.

If we like, we can also decide to use Portainer for Docker container management. Either we can run it from the command-line interface or incorporate it into Portainer. A Bitwarden container can be managed with Portainer's user-friendly online interface.

We can then upgrade our operating system once Docker has been installed and a decision has been made regarding using Portainer. After applying the latest updates, our Raspberry Pi should be in peak running condition and ready to host Bitwarden.

Installation of Docker on a Raspberry Pi 4

It's no exaggeration to say that Docker is a powerful piece of software because it enables OS-level virtualization to distribute software applications within containers. When running inside a container, the software is restricted from accessing any resources that weren't explicitly allocated by the Docker runtime. Since everything is contained within the containers the runner installs, Docker makes it easy to distribute your software to devices. What's more, Docker accomplishes all of this with minimal extra effort. The software's low overhead makes it possible to function on a Raspberry Pi, which has little RAM and processor power.

The Docker team has made it easy to set up their container program by creating a handy installation script. Connecting via SSH to your RPi is an option for completing the tasks below.

The following command will fetch and run Docker's official installation script.

curl -sSL | sh

The code will be inserted into the command prompt if you use this command. Usually, you shouldn't, but you can trust Docker, so we'll make an exception here. You can view the script at if you are hesitant to run it before inspecting it. Time should be allowed for this code to finish as it will autodetect and install all requirements to run the Docker container on the RPi.

Portainer setup on a Raspberry Pi 4

The container management tool Portainer is small, accessible, and open-source. You may use this program to efficiently build, manipulate, and remove Docker containers on your Raspberry Pi. The software is simple to operate and requires no configuration outside of a Docker container, making it a breeze to set up.

Due to its lightweight design, Portainer doesn't significantly slow down your computer's performance. It's the best option for controlling your containers without messing with the command-line interface.

Once Docker has been installed and configured, Portainer can be installed on the Raspberry Pi. The newest version of Portainer can be obtained by using the command below, as it is hosted as a container on the public Docker hub.

sudo docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest

The docker file will be downloaded to your device after running this command. We tell it to get the ARM versions of the container by adding ":Linux-arm" to the conclusion of the pull request.

To begin using Portainer, wait for Docker to complete downloading the file to your RPi. We need to supply some more parameters when telling Docker to launch this container. Launch Portainer on your Pi by typing the command below into the console.

sudo docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest

The most important things we accomplish here involve defining which ports Portainer should have access to. For us, it means using port 9000. Assigning the name "portainer" to this docker container facilitates easy recognition in the event of an emergency. If this Docker goes offline for whatever reason, the Docker management is instructed to start it up again.

Accessing Portainer with its Web-Based UI

You must establish a connection to the program's graphical interface before we can proceed with any tasks. You'll need access to an internet browser and the IP address of your RPi to complete this. The local IP address of your Raspberry Pi may be easily retrieved if you have forgotten it. The IP address allotted to our Pi locally can be shown by entering the hostname command.

hostname -I

For the quickest and easiest access to Portainer, simply type the following into your browser. You see that the port ":9000" is explicitly specified at the end of the address. The location at which Portainer can be accessed is this port.


Always change "[PIIPADDRESS]" to your RPi's private IP address. This IP address was part of the previous steps' necessary actions.

How to set up Portainer on Pi 4?

When you first access the online interface for Portainer, you'll be prompted to make an administrator account. Specifying a username is required to establish this administrator account. Next, create a password for the new version. Passwords for Portainer must be a minimum of 12  letters in length. After entering the desired username and password, you can create the user by clicking the "Create user" button.

Now we can tell Portainer what kind of container ecosystem to maintain. The Docker option is the best fit for our needs. After making this selection, hit the Connect button.

The Portainer installation on your RPi should now be complete. Now you may use it to control the containers on any computer or mobile device.

Raspberry Pi 4 Bitwarden Setup

Now that our RPi is ready, we can proceed with installing the Bitwarden application. The availability of Bitwarden RS as a container in Docker makes its setup a breeze.

To set up Bitwarden with Portainer

The first part of this section will explain how to set up Bitwarden on Pi 4 using the Portainer online interface. We've already established that Portainer is an excellent option for managing Bitwarden on your RPi without using Secure Shell.

Bitwarden Container Preparation

First, we'll need to have Portainer set up so we can deploy the Bitwarden container. A few simple steps are required, but the total time is relatively short.

To get started, launch the Portainer web UI. The IP address of your Pi 4, followed by port 9000, will give you access to this.

Make sure that "[PIIPADDRESS]" is changed to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

You must switch to the local Container endpoint while loading the interface. To access the container management interface, please go here.

It is necessary to construct a volume for the Bitwarden containers before they can be created. Look for a link labeled "Volumes" in the menu slides out from the side.

There should be a collection of volumes you've made available here. An "Add volume" link must be placed here first. To access the volume settings, press the button.

A title should be selected for this new volume. In this tutorial, we will continue using Bitwarden exclusively. Simply give the book you're creating in RPi Bitwarden a title, and then hit the "Create the volume" option.

Following successfully creating the volume, we must now navigate to the "Containers" section of the interface. To toggle to this view, select "Containers" from the sidebar.

The containers that can be used with your RPi are listed below. The "Add container" button is up here somewhere.

Developing the Pi 4 Bitwarden RS Container

We have completed the preliminary setup and are ready to install the Bitwarden on our RPi.

As a first step, identify the container's label. Our own container's name is Bitwarden. The next step is to tell Docker which image to retrieve. This is the RPi's Bitwarden container in our instance. Don't forget to type "vaultwarden/server:latest" into the "Image" field.

The container's network configuration comes next. Find the heading labeled "Network ports setup."

Select the "publish a new network port" button below this heading twice. The boxes to set the Bitwarden ports to expose should now be visible.

Firstly, ensure the host is set to "" in the first box. Make sure that port 80 is entered into the container settings as well. From this port, you can access Bitwarden's web-based administration console.

To proceed to Step 2, please change the host to "". The correct port number for "container" is 3012. (3.). This port is used by Bitwarden for communicating over web sockets. As a side note, both host ports have been tied to the local computer. Because we can use them without any extra hardware, these are made public via a reverse proxy hosted by NGINX.

Keep going down until you reach the advanced containers settings heading. If you want to adjust the volume, click the "Volumes" tab. To add the RPi's volume to the container, we must next select the "map extra volume" option. Ensure that "/data" is entered into the "container" field.

At this point, we'll want to apply the custom volume setting we made before. Bitwarden-local is a good name for this.

Our next step is to keep Bitwarden running on the Raspberry Pi. Changing the startup policy will accomplish this. Simply select the "Restart policy" tab here. There should be an "Always" option for restarting. That way, even if the container goes offline for any reason, Docker will attempt to keep it running.

We may now deploy the Bitwarden containers after we have done setting it. The "Deploy the container" button may be found under this site's "actions" heading.

In the containers list, you'll find Bitwarden once Portainer has downloaded the file to your Pi 4. Below is a snapshot of our containers list after Bitwarden was successfully installed.

Docker command line interface installation of Bitwarden

You can also use the command line interface if you avoid installing and using Portainer with Bitwarden on the RPi. Following these instructions, you can successfully download and install Bitwarden on your device.

We will use Docker to retrieve the most recent version of Bitwarden RS. The newest server version will be downloaded and made available after these procedures.

docker pull vaultwarden/server:latest

Docker will automatically begin downloading Bitwarden RS to the Pi 4. The next step will be to launch the image. To accomplish this, please type in the command below and hit enter.

sudo docker run -d --name bitwarden \

    --restart=always \

    -v /bw-data/:/data/ \

    -p \

    -p \


With this command, our Bitwarden RS servers will begin running from the downloaded file. The ports to which we require Docker to connect the Bitwarden image are then specified. Here, we're listening for connections on port "8080" to our web server. As a next step, we open up "port 3012," which is the port Bitwarden's URL sockets use for communication. The RPi's localhost IP address will be the only one able to access these ports ( In the following part, we'll set up a proxy server to enable HTTPS for Bitwarden, allowing it to be accessed from outside the local network.

Installing Bitwarden with an NGINX Proxy

We have Bitwarden functioning, but it is not usable unless we configure HTTPS. The Bitwarden WebClient uses secure HTTPS connections for certain JavaScript operations. Setting up an NGINX proxy is required to enable HTTPS functionality. NGINX will handle processing requests to our Bitwarden server hosted on an RPi.

Pi NGINX Preparation

Setting up NGINX is a prerequisite to deploying Bitwarden. To establish a secure HTTPS connection, it is necessary to install the web server program and create an SSL certificate.

NGINX installation is a prerequisite for continuing with this section. So then, let's go ahead and do it.

Raspberry Pi NGINX installation.

There are a few reasons why Nginx is a good choice than Apache for Pi 4. NGINX is preferable to other web servers for the Raspberry Pi because it makes more efficient use of the Pi's limited resources, such as its memory and processing power. While NGINX has more space to maneuver than Apache, you still shouldn't count on it to handle heavy loads or major PHP tasks.

Since Apache2 may already be installed on your machine, we will use the command below to remove it. Since we want to use NGINX as our web server, we have decided to disable it from autostarting and accessing port 80. If you know that Apache2 hasn't been set up on your Pi 4, you can ignore this step.

sudo apt remove apache2

Now that we have the most recent versions of all the packages and have gotten rid of Apache 2, we can continue with the procedure. Finally, use your RPi to execute the command below and set up NGINX.

sudo apt install Nginx

Now that NGINX has been installed, we may launch it. To activate your RPi's web server, enter the command that follows into the terminal.

Sudo systemctl start Nginx.

Now that the NGINX server is running, we may obtain a local IP address. This is done so that we can use a different web browser to check the functionality of our web server. Use the hostname statement to learn your RPi's local Internet Protocol address.

hostname -I

Now that we know the local Internet address for our Pi 4, we can visit that location in any internet browser. Once you have the local Internet Protocol Address by using hostname -I, simply navigate there. The address works for me.


If you type in the URL above, your browser should take you to the desired location. In the rare case that this displays an Apache page, you should not worry; NGINX does not always replace the Apache index.html file.

After NGINX is set up, we'll make an SSL cert for it. You can make a license on your RPi in two distinct ways.

You can use "Let's Encrypt to generate a trusted SSL certificate" if you have a domain name registered with them. A signed certificate cannot be issued with just an Internet address as the DNS name. If you follow this way, remember to write down the path to where your certificate is kept.

Secure Sockets Layer Certificates for Raspberry Pi with Let's Encrypt

Using this Certbot client and your existing web server or a temporary server, you can acquire an SSL cert from Let's Encrypt. To purchase an SSL Cert for your RPi, you must have a DNS name directed to your Internet address. Ensure your DNS settings are configured to avoid going through Cloudflare's proxy if you use them as your DNS provider. As the proxy disguises your actual internet protocol address, the Let's Encrypt program will be unable to validate your RPi's IP address and provide an SSL cert.

Now, using one of the commands below, we may install the LetsEncrypt application onto our Pi 4. "Cabot" is the program's name in question. Set up the certbot package for Apache if you're using that web server, or use the standalone certbot program.

sudo apt install python3-certbot-apache

sudo apt install certbot

Now that Certbot is set up, we can go to Let's Encrypt and request an SSL cert for our Pi 4. The situation can be approached from two different angles. You can ignore this step if you do not use Apache. If you're using Apache, you may quickly and easily install a certificate into Apache's settings by executing the following command. To begin, you must ensure that ports 80 and 443 are routed. Cloudflare, which disguises your Internet address, must be temporarily bypassed if it is your DNS service provider.

sudo certbot --apache

We can take two approaches to obtain a license cert from Let's Encrypt if Apache is not used. With certbot, we have the option of running a separate python server to seize the host machine. You can also use another web server, such as NGINX, and we will still be able to retrieve the certificate from it. Once you get the license, though, you will need to set it up manually.

If you want to use the web server without having to install anything more, all you have to do is ensure port 80 is open and forwarded. You must modify to your domain name.

sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d -d

More expertise is needed to use webroot than the installed web server. Check that the directory /var/www/example exists and can be accessed from the internet by changing its pointing to the correct location.

sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/example -d -d

Following these instructions, you will be asked to supply information, including your e-mail address. The information you provide will help Let's Encrypt maintain track of the licenses it issues and get in touch with you if any problems arise. After you enter the necessary data, it will immediately retrieve the permit from Let's Encrypt. If you are having problems, check that ports 80 & 443 are not banned and that your DNS name is correctly pointed to your IP address. Finally, if Cloudflare is your DNS service provider, double-check that the DNS settings currently exclude the proxy servers. This is where certbot client licenses will be saved after being downloaded. 

The secret key file for the license (privkey.pem) and the entire certificate chain (fullchain.pem) can be found in these directories. Keep in mind that these documents are what authenticates your Https connection and keep it safe; therefore, you shouldn't share them with anyone.

Building a solid Diffie-Hellman group is our final preparation step. This is to assist in strengthening SSL connections on your devices.

sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 2048

NGINX Proxy Configuration

To have NGINX act as a proxy for Bitwarden, a virtual host must first be created. Thankfully, setting NGINX as a proxy requires no effort.

First, we need to get rid of NGINX's factory settings file. If you intend to use Bitwarden with a domain name, there is no need to do so.

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

A newer NGINX config file must be made. Launch the nano editor and type the instruction below to get started editing this new configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/bitwarden.conf

Copy and paste the below lines of text into this document. The first rule we're creating will force all HTTP (port 80) traffic to use HTTPS instead (port 443).

server {

    listen 80;

    listen [::]:80;

    server_name _; #Change this to your domain name

    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;


The web server block will manage the proxy and Hypertext transfer protocol connection we'll add next. If you created the certificate with Let's Encrypt, you'd also need to change the locations of the "SSL certificate" & "SSL certificate key" environment variables.

server {

  listen 443 ssl http2;

  server_name _; #Change this to your domain name


  ssl_certificate      /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-bitwarden.crt;   #Swap these out with Lets Encrypt Path if using signed cert

  ssl_certificate_key  /etc/ssl/private/nginx-bitwarden.key; #Swap these out with Lets Encrypt Path if using signed cert

  ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;

  # Allow large attachments

  client_max_body_size 128M;

  location / {


    proxy_set_header Host $host;

    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;



  location /notifications/hub {


    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";



  location /notifications/hub/negotiate {




According to your needs, tweaks to your RPi Bitwarden server are sometimes necessary. If you have a custom domain name, you should substitute it for the server name.

At completion, your document should resemble the one displayed below.

You may now save this document. The NGINX service just has to be restarted at this point. Our modifications will not take effect until we continue the operation. Type in the following instructions if you want to reboot NGINX on your RPi.

sudo systemctl restart Nginx

The Bitwarden Web Client Access Procedure

The Bitwarden web application on our RPi is now accessible and usable, thanks to the installation of a proxy server.

Visit this link in your preferred web browser to access the Bitwarden interface. Always change "YOURPIIPADDRESS" to reflect your RPi's actual Internet address. A domain name, if you have one, must be used instead.

You will get a warning if you try using a certificate you signed yourself.

Creating a Bitwarden account is a prerequisite to using the service. There must be a "Create Account" link on the login screen. If you can locate this link, please click it.

Starting immediately, you can enter data for your brand-new account. To get prompted, type in your Bitwarden account's e-mail address. You'll need to use this e-mail address to sign in. Next, provide Bitwarden with a label to utilize throughout its user interfaces. Next, you'll want to protect this account with a strong password. This needs to be a robust and difficult-to-guess password. After reading and accepting Bitwarden's terms of service and privacy policy, you can finish creating your account. When you're through customizing your account, click the "Submit" button.

Having signed up, you can now access your Bitwarden vault. Enter the e-mail address you used to create the account first. Now, please log in using the password you just created. The "Log In" button is active, allowing you to enter the site.

Once you've installed Raspberry Pi Bitwarden, you may begin using it as a secure repository for your data.

Allowing access to the Bitwarden admin Panel

Your account has been created, and the administrator token can be created now. You'll need the admin token to go into the Bitwarden control panel. We'll have to adjust the settings on our Docker containers to accommodate this. You will have access to a list of all users who have registered, as well as the option to delete them from the administrative dashboard. Even if you've turned off the feature, you can still create invites for new users. Bitwarden's settings can also be adjusted through this user interface. You may wish to decide if you want others to be capable of signing up.

Create a new Admin Token

The first order of business is to produce a new Bitwarden administrator token. Given this token's importance, we will use OpenSSL to construct a long string of robust randomly generated digits. You may create this secure code using the following program on your Pi 4.

openssl rand -base64 48

Keep this token secure as it provides unrestricted access to the Bitwarden RS server if it falls into the wrong hands.

Connecting to the admin Panel

This current admin token will need inputted into the Bitwarden Docker container running on our RPi. The Portainer online interface or a customized command line can be used to accomplish this.

Configuring the Admin Token in Portainer

The Portainer UI must be launched, and then the container list revisited to change the administrator token. Find the Bitwarden container in the list of containers. Click on the link once you've located it to read more about it.

There must be a "Duplicate/Edit" button at the top of the page you're about to visit. The container's properties can be modified by clicking this button.

To access the "Advanced container options," please continue scrolling down. Click the "ENV" button to switch to the Environment tab under this header. For us to add the administrator token, please select the "add environment variable" button. After you click the button, you should see two new text fields appear at the page's footer. Just enter "ADMIN TOKEN" into the "name" field. A valid admin token must be entered in the "value" field. You can now click "Deploy the container" after creating the administrator token.

Please read the following message before attempting to update the Bitwarden container on your Raspberry Pi using Portainer. The container with the same name will be replaced, as shown by this message. For this, select the "Replace" option.

Configuring the Admin Token via the Terminal

Using a command prompt to update a container is a little more involved than doing it via the GUI, as you will need to delete the old container by hand. The Bitwarden container on our Pi 4 will need to be taken offline for us to delete it. Using this command, you can terminate a container that is already executing.

sudo docker stop bitwarden

Next, the old container must be discarded. If a container with an identical name and port number already exists, Docker will not allow us to create a duplicate. Execute the following command to get rid of the current Bitwarden container.

sudo docker rm bitwarden

The final step is to restart the docker process. Instead of using the default token, we'll use the administrator token we just created.

sudo docker run -d --name bitwarden \


    --restart=always \

    -v /bw-data/:/data/ \

    -p \

    -p \


To use these new commands, you must first produce a token and replace all occurrences of "EXAMPLETHEENGINEERINGPROJECTS" with that key.

The Bitwarden Control Panel Login

Access the Bitwarden administration website once you've successfully implemented your freshly generated administrator token on Pi's Bitwarden setup. You should type this address into your internet browser's address bar. Remember to change "YOURPIIPADDRESS" to the address of your Pi 4.


The Bitwarden control panel can be accessed at this location.

The created administrator token is required to be entered here. You can now log in by selecting the "Enter" button after you have provided the token.

To manage your Bitwarden account, you can now visit the control panel. These sections allow you to control who has access to Bitwarden and how it operates.

Prevent the creation of new users

After logging in for the first time and gaining access to the control panel, you may remove the option for new users to register. As a result, only anyone you grant permission can add new users to the Bitwarden safe.

Bitwarden's new account creation can be disabled in the admin interface of your Raspberry Pi. Once you have logged into the control panel as an administrator, you can continue.

New user registrations can be disabled using a setting in the system's global preferences. Click the corresponding button to access the locations buried in the "General settings" panel.

You should see an option labeled "Allow new signups" within the "General settings" menu. To turn off this feature, uncheck the box close to it.

A confirmation of the new settings will appear at the end of the page. There should be a blue "Save" button near the bottom of the page. To keep the current changes, please click here.


As of this point, your Raspberry Pi ought to be running Bitwarden. Clients for Bitwarden, a free and open-source password manager, are available for virtually any platform. Using a modified version of the standard client that uses fewer system resources, you may set up your Bitwarden web service on your Raspberry Pi. The following article will teach you how to use Pi 4 to play Xbox games in the cloud.

How to Build a Raspberry Pi FM Transmitter

Throughout our lives, we've relied on Radio and tv stations to keep us engaged. While we're on the subject of contradictions, it's also fair to say that these Stations can become tedious at times due to the RJ rambling on about nothing or annoying advertisements, and this may have left you wondering why you can't own a Radio station to broadcast your data over short distances.

Almost any electronics technician uses coils and other hardware to make an FM transmitter, although the tuning process is time-consuming and difficult. Setting up your FM station and going live in your neighborhood shouldn't take more than 30 minutes using an RPi. If you use the right antenna, you must be able to transmit to your school or community within 50 meters. Wow, that's interesting! So, let's get started right now.

Caution: This project is an education project and should not be abused in any way that might harm or inconvenience anyone. Interfering with neighboring FM frequencies is illegal, so please exercise caution when using this feature. In the event of any mishaps, we take no responsibility for them.

Where To Buy?
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1Jumper WiresAmazonBuy Now
2Raspberry Pi 4AmazonBuy Now


  • Raspberry Pi

  • Internet connection

  • Microphone

  • An enthusiastic RJ


Your RPi should already be running an os and be able to establish a network connection. If you haven't done so already, go through the instructions on how to use a raspberry pi.

A virtual server such as VNC, or a putty terminal window, is assumed to be accessible to you at all times. For the sake of this tutorial, we will run the program on RPi using the putty terminal session.

Frequency Modulation: What is it?

A method or procedure known as FM involves changing the carrier signal frequencies to match the frequencies of the modulated signal to encode information on a specific signal. Since data must be conveyed after being transformed into an electrical signal, a modulation signal is simply that.

A carrier's signal is transformed by an original signal in the modulation technique, which uses a methodology similar to amplitude modulation. On the other hand, FM maintains or maintains a steady signal loudness.

Why is FM necessary?

Fm is primarily used to decrease noise as well as the size of antennae, respectively. We know that a bigger antenna is required to send reduced frequency signals, whereas a smaller one is necessary to broadcast high-frequency signals.

Therefore, the sound signals are transformed into high-frequency radio waves and broadcast using the FM technique. Once more, the demodulation circuit on the receiver's side converts the high-frequency radio transmission frequency into the original understandable audio signal.

There is little interference since different signals are transmitted over a specific channel using separate wavelengths. So many folks can converse simultaneously and unhindered in a large metropolis.

FM transmission using coils

The construction of a long-range FM transmitter has long been on my bucket list of cool things. I've been so intrigued by some of the transmitter's uses, particularly since I was a kid, and spent much of my time fantasizing about how awesome it would be to have a few of the technology and technologies used in espionage movies. So lately, while reviewing one of my residence automation projects by using RPi and the motion package library, I felt it would be cool to add audio to the deliverable and stream live, so in addition to the multimedia feedback provided by the RPi, I could also get sound feedback out from area under monitoring. Even while this FM transmitter would not let me hear distantly (a range exceeding 10 kilometers), it will at least enable me to maintain an "ear" on events while I am about the property; then, after building it, I would have accomplished a few of the objectives that the younger me had set out to attain. It took me a few days ago, but I eventually got the motivation to make one, and I'll show you how to do it in today's post.

To avoid violation of policies of some countries, this experiment is being conducted solely for educational and scientific purposes. Keep the FM transmission at a low range and make sure it is built in compliance with applicable laws of one’s nation and therefore does not induce a disruption to others. This is essential. For any mishaps, I take no responsibility.

How do FM transmitters work

Using the concepts of the modulated signal, an FM transmitter can transmit the audio it receives from its input. Most FM transmitters are constructed in the manner depicted in the diagram below.

An amplification is frequently included in the transmitters because the transmission power of audio input is relatively low. This is done by utilizing an oscillator component to produce the carrier signal, which is then combined with an audio stream to generate a modulated signal that can be transmitted. When it comes to communicating, the low-impedance modulation signal is fed via a power amplifier to get to the antenna.

FM broadcast circuit

The electrical component should be connected as illustrated in the following FM transmitter diagram.

In this photo, you can see the prototype version of the FM radio transmitter.

The first transistors amplify the mic's output signals to a level suitable for transmission because the mic's output waveform is typically modest. In addition to amplification, the transmitter must also modulate. After that, the boosted audio signal is combined with the desired transmission carrier frequency to create a final signal. Because there is no visible output to identify the precise frequency where the transmitters are working, you may need to modify the FM transceiver radio well within the frequency range stated above to get the transmission frequency. This carrier signal can be differed using a 20pF capacitor attached to the inductor. The traditional spectral range of this specific design would be between 88MegaHeartz and 108MegaHertz. Once the carrier signal has modulated the audio signal, it is sent to the antenna, where it is received.

The resistors and capacitors used aren't set in stone, so you can experiment with them to get the best performance out of the transmitters.

Several other uses for this design aren't mentioned above, such as baby monitors or school address systems. Before constructing any of those practical items, please remember to check your local laws.

How Pi 4 works as a transmitter 

How can RPi, a board designed to serve as a development platform for microprocessors, do all of this? What if I don't need extra hardware to use the board as an FM station?

To prevent interference problems, each CPU will have a synchronized digital device. A signal known as a Spread-spectrum system clock, or SSCS is responsible for this Electromagnetic interference suppression. This frequency ranges from 1 MegaHeartz to 250 MegaHeartz, which fortunately fits well within the FM spectrum. We can make the Pi become an FM broadcaster by developing some code that uses the spread-spectrum clock frequency to modulate the frequencies. The Rpi Pi's GPIO pin 4 is where the frequency modulation will be sent. To use this pin as an antenna, we need a piece of standard wire attached to it no longer than 20 cm in length.

Getting the pi 4 readies for programming

Otherwise, read on for instructions on accessing your pi through the Command window if you haven't already done so. Boot Raspberry Pi with an HDMI connection to a display and an input device once you've installed a new operating system.

Link your Raspberry to the network by searching for a network option on the Raspberry desktop. Then go to the raspberry menu, click raspberry settings, and activate the SSH connection afterward. On your Windows or MAC computer, reconnect your computer to the same network as your Raspberry Pi so that both devices may communicate with each other on the local area network. You're ready to begin now that you've had Putty installed and running. Enter the Raspberry Pi's Internet protocol address and press enter. If you don't know your PI's Internet address, go to the admin side of your router and see if it's 192.168.43.XXX or something similar. An open command prompt will appear and ask for your login and passcode if all is done correctly. The default login and passcode are pi and Raspberry, respectively. Press Enter to see the next screen after entering it.

Convert Pi 4 into an FM station

GitHub provides the code needed to turn the Raspberry into a radio station. This page can be cloned directly into Raspberry; the application can be compiled and launched if you understand how to do so. Just follow the instructions below, and you'll be transmitting your audio files in no time.

Step 1:

Set up a new directory for our software files and put them there. Create a new guide by typing 'mkdir RPI FM' inside the command prompt, and then enter the folder using the word 'cd.'

mkdir PI_FM

cd PI_FM

Step 2: 

We must now copy the application from GitHub and place it in the folder we just made. Since we've previously moved inside the folder, we can run the following command below to complete the task.

sudo git clone

Step 3:

We'll need a C compiler and other tools to run the C program we just acquired. GCC and G++ are the tools for this code, and the software for compiling them is termed make. To obtain compilers, enter the code shown below. Once the file is downloaded, your display will appear like the one below.

sudo apt-get install GCC g++ make

Step 4:

Compiling the code is now a cinch. You can do this by going into the folder using the change directory 'cd' FM transmitter and then compiling the script with root user 'sudo make .'The screen below should appear once your code has been successfully compiled.

cd fm_transmitter

sudo make

Step 5:

Launching the system is the last step. The intensity for which we would like to transmit, and the identity of the audio recording we would like to play must be specified when the program is launched. Star wars.wav is the default sound file that will be retrieved together with the code. We'll play the Movie Theme song at a 100megahertz frequency for testing purposes. The launch line's syntactic structure is:

sudo ./fm_transmitter [-f frequency] [-r] filename

The channel will be 100 MegaHeartz long because we need to play the movie file at that frequency.

sudo ./fm_transmitter -f 100  -r star_wars.wav

Test the Pi 4 FM transmitter

After you have started the application and you see the playback message as seen above, we may link an antenna to a Gpio 4 of Raspberry, I use a standard connecting wire, and it works perfectly for me.

Take a Radio, then set it to 100MegaHeartz channel, and you'll be able to listen to the movie music being aired. After making sure it works, you may switch out the movie theme with any other music or audio recording you choose and broadcast it with the same instructions as in step 5.

Transmitting live sound

While playing pre-recorded audio clips is entertaining, using this Pi 4 FM broadcast live audio would be much more enticing. With the help of the same tool, this is also possible. Just plug a mic into the Raspberry Pi's USB connection and modify the startup command-line interface. For additional information on this, please visit the GitHub homepage. Use the comment section of the forums if you run into any issues getting this to function.

Applications of FM

When it comes to frequency modulation uses, radio transmission dominates the list. Due to its higher signal-to-noise ratios, it provides a significant advantage in a radio broadcast. That is, there is little radio wave interference as a result. This is the fundamental justification for why so most radio stations choose to transmit music via FM.

Furthermore, many of its applications can be found in telematics, geophysical prospecting, EEG, various radio technologies, music creation, and devices used for broadcasting video. Fm offers a significant benefit over all other modulations in a radio broadcast. It will resist radio wave disruptions far better than an equally powerful modulation amplitude (AM) signal because it has a higher signal-to-noise ratio. The majority of music is aired through FM radio for this important reason.

  • Radio transmission frequently uses pulse modulation technology. Each radio broadcast station has its frequency range, and all broadcaster station signals are sent over the same transmission system. We can adjust the Radio's tuning to link it to a specific radio channel.

  • Our pc connections also employ pulse modulation technology.

  • The pulse modulation method is employed in magnetic storage tape recording systems.

  • Radio Detecting And Range (RADAR) systems employ the pulse modulation approach.

  • Multimedia content communications, including voice/video broadcasts, also use pulse modulation technology. Most of the time, the sound is delivered over FM, and occasionally, the film is as well.

  • The modulated signal generates an electrical impulse for usage in electronic instruments.

  • The monitoring system also makes use of FM technology.

  • Audio is synthesized by using the FM technology in pc sound adapters.

  • Military communication systems like Walkie-Talkies employ pulse modulation technology.

  • Additionally, Bluetooth and Zigbee communications technology utilize the FM method.

  • The Broadcasting method is also employed in ambulance systems.

  • The satellite radio technology uses FM technology.

  • Due to its low electronic noise, this FM method is employed in two-way radio transmission.

Benefits of FM

  • Low noise distortion

  • A smaller antenna is needed for pulse modulation equipment.

  • The pulse modulation platform's can be built to consume little power. This is a significant benefit of the modulation technique.

  • The pulse modulation process is more efficient because the signal's amplitude is always consistent.

Drawbacks of FM

  • The frequencies modulation circuit has many intricate parts.

  • A carrier wave is required for the frequency modulation process.

  • Amplification modulation is appropriate for long transmission lines, while FM is not.


In this article, we have learned how to create a radio station using a raspberry pi 4 with a few very simple steps. We have broadcasted a Star Wars movie theme through this system, and now you can try many other forms of data to broadcast, including video and live sound using a mic to get more familiar with the system. The next tutorial will teach us how to build a temperature log.

Stop Motion Movie System using Raspberry Pi 4

Thank you for joining us for yet another session of this series on Raspberry Pi programming. In the previous tutorial, we built a motion sensor-based security system with an alarm. Additionally, we discovered how to use Twilio to notify the administrator whenever an alarm is triggered. However, in this tutorial, we'll learn how to build a stop motion film system using raspberry pi 4.

Where To Buy?
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1BreadboardAmazonBuy Now
2Jumper WiresAmazonBuy Now
3Raspberry Pi 4AmazonBuy Now

What you will make

With a Raspberry Pi, Py, and a pi-camera module to capture images, you can create a stop-motion animated video. In addition, we'll learn about the various kinds of stop motion systems and their advantages and disadvantages.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using LEGO to create animations!

What will you learn?

Using your RPi to build a stop motion machine, you'll discover:

  • How to install and utilize the picamera module on the RPi

  • This article explains how to take photos with the Picamera library.

  • RPi GPIO Pushbutton Connection

  • Operate the picamera by pressing the GPIO pushbutton

  • How to use avconv to create a video clip from the command prompt



  • Raspberry Pi 4

  • Breadboard

  • Jumper wires

  • Button


It is recommended that FFmpeg comes preconfigured on the most recent release of Raspbian. If you don't have it, launch the terminal then type:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt install FFmpeg

What is stop-motion?

Inanimate things are given life through the use of a sequence of still images in the stop-motion cinematography technique. Items inside the frame are shifted slightly between every picture to create the illusion of movement when stitched together.

You don't need expensive gadgets or Graphics to get started in stop motion. That, in my opinion, is the most intriguing aspect of it.

If you've ever wanted to learn how to make a stop-motion video, you've come to the right place. 

Types of stop-motion

  1. Object-Motion

Product Animation can also be referred to as the frame-by-frame movement of things. You're free to use any items around you to tell stories in this environment.

  1. Claymation

Changing clay items in each frame is a key part of the claymation process. We've seen a lot of clever and artistic figures on the big screen thanks to wires and clay.

  1. Pixilation Stop Motion

Making folks move! It is rarely utilized. For an artist to relocate just a little each frame, and the number of images you would need, you'll need a lot of patience and possibly a lot of money, if you're hiring them to do so.

The degree of freedom and precision with which they can move is also an important consideration. However, if done correctly, this kind can seem cool, but it can also make you feel a little dizzy at times.

  1. Cutout Animation

One can do so much with cuts in cutout motion because of this. two-dimensional scraps of paper may appear lifeless, yet you may color & slice them to show a depth of detail.

It's a lot of fun to play about with a cartoon style, but it also gives you a lot more control over the final product because you can add your graphics and details. However, what about the obvious drawback? I find the task of slicing and dicing hundreds of pieces daunting.

  1. Puppet Animation

Having puppets can be a fun and creative way to tell stories, but they can also be a pain in the neck if you're dealing with a lot of cords. However, this may be a challenge for professional stop motion filmmakers who are not the greatest choice to work with at first. These puppets are of a more traditional design.

When animators use the term "puppet" to describe their wire-based clay character, they are referring to claymation as a whole. Puppets based on the marionette style are becoming less popular.

  1. Silhouette Stop Motion

Position the items or performers behind a white sheet and light their shadows on the sheet with a backlight. Simple, low-cost methods exist for creating eye-catching animations of silhouettes.

How long does it take to make a stop-motion video?

The duration takes to create a stop-motion video is entirely dependent on the scale and nature of your project. Testing out 15- and 30-second movies should only take an hour or two. Because of the complexity of the scenes and the usage of claymation, stop-motion projects can take days to complete.

Connect the camera to the raspberry pi.

You must first attach the camera to the Pi before it can begin rebooting.

Next to Ethernet, find the camera port. Take a look at the top.

The blue side of the strip should face the Ethernet port when it is inserted into the connector. Push that tab downward while keeping the ribbon in place.

Try out the camera

Use the app menu to bring up a command prompt. The following command should be typed into the terminal:


If all goes well, you'll see a sneak peek of what's to come. What matters is that it's not upside-down; you can fix it afterward. To close the preview, hit Ctrl + C.

For storing an image on your computer, run the command below:

libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg

To examine what files are in your root folder, type ls in the command line and you'll see test.jpg among the results.

Files and folders will be displayed in the taskbar's file manager icon. Preview the image by double-clicking test.jpg.

There is no default way to make Python Picamera work with Raspbian newest version.

To make use of the camera module, one must activate the camera's legacy mode.

The command below must be entered into a command window:

sudo raspi-config

When you get to Interface Options, hit 'Enter' on your keyboard to save your changes.

Ensure that the 'Legacy Camera option is selected then tap the 'Return' key.

Select Yes using the pointer keys and hit the 'Return' key.

Repeat the process of pressing 'Return' to verify.

Click on Finish with your mouse cursor buttons.

To restart, simply press the 'Return' key.

Py IDLE can be accessed from the menu bar.

While in the menu, click Files and then New Window to launch a Python code editor.

Paste the code below paying attention to the capitalization with care into the newly opened window.

from picamera import PiCamera

from time import sleep

camera = PiCamera()





Using the File menu, choose Save Animated film.

Use the F5 key to start your program.

You should be able to locate image.jpg on your desktop. It's as simple as clicking it twice to bring up a larger version of the image.

It's possible to fix an upside-down photo by either repositioning your picamera with a camera stand or by telling Python to turn the picture. Adding the following lines will accomplish this.

camera.rotation = 180

Once the camera is set to PiCamera(), the following is the result:

from picamera import PiCamera

from time import sleep

camera = PiCamera()

camera.rotation = 180





A fresh photo with the proper orientation will be created when the file is re-run. Do not remove these lines of code from your program when making the subsequent modifications.

Connect a physical button to a raspberry pi

Hook the Raspberry Pi to the pushbutton as illustrated in the following diagram with a breadboard and jumper wires:

Pushbutton may be imported at the beginning of the program, attached to pin17, and the sleep line can be changed to use the pushbutton as a trigger in the following way:

from picamera import PiCamera

from time import sleep

from gpiozero import Button

button = Button(17)

camera = PiCamera()





It's time to get to work!

Soon as the new preview has begun, press the pushbutton on the Pi to take a picture.

If you go back to the folder, you will find your image.jpg there now. Double-click to see the image once more.

Take a picture with Raspberry Pi 4

For a self-portrait, you'll need to include a delay so that you can get into position before the camera board takes a picture of you. Modifying your code is one way to accomplish this.

Before taking a picture, put in a line of code that tells the program to take a little snooze.






It's time to get to work.

Try taking a selfie by pressing the button. Keep the camera steady at all times! It's best if it's already mounted somewhere.

Inspect the photo in the folder once more if necessary. You can snap a second selfie by running the application again.

Things to consider for making a stop motion animation

  1. You must have a steady pi-camera!

This is made easier with the aid of a well-designed setup.  To avoid blurry photos due to camera shaking, you will most likely want to use a tripod or place your camera on a flat surface.

  1. Keep your hands away from the pi-camera

If you don't press the push button every time, your stop-motion movie will appear the best. To get the camera to snap a picture, use a wireless trigger.

  1. Shoot manually

Maintain your shutter speed, ISO, aperture, and white balance same for every photo you shoot. There are no "auto" settings here. You have the option of selecting and locking the app's configurations first. As long as your preferences remain consistent throughout all of your photos, you're good to go. The configurations will adapt automatically as you keep moving the items, which may cause flickering from image to image if you leave them on auto.

  1. Make sure you have proper lighting.

It's ideal to shoot indoors because it's easier to regulate and shields us from the ever-changing light. Remember to keep an eye out for windows if you're getting more involved. Try using a basic lighting setup, where you can easily see your items and the light isn't moving too much. In some cases, some flickering can be visible when you're outside of the frame. Other times the flickering works well with animation, but only if it does so in a way that doesn't disrupt the flow of the project.

  1. Frame Rate

You do not get extremely technical with this in the beginning, but you'll need to understand how many frames you'll have to shoot to achieve the series you desire. One sec of the film is typically made up of 12 images or frames. If your video is longer than a few secs, you risk seeming like a stop motion animation.

  1. Audio

When you're filming your muted stop motion movie, you can come up with creative ways to incorporate your sound later. 

Stop-motion video

The next step is to experiment with creating a stop motion video using a collection of still photos that you've captured with the picamera. Note that stills must be saved in their folder. Type "mkdir animation" in the command line.

When the button is pushed, add a loop to your program so that photographs are taken continuously.


frame = 1

while True:



        camera.capture('/home/pi/animation/frame%03d.jpg' % frame)

        frame += 1

    except KeyboardInterrupt:



Since True can last indefinitely, you must be able to gently end it. If you use Ctrl + C to force it to end, the picamera preview will collapse and the loop will be terminated because it is using try-except.

Files stored as "frame" with a three-digit number preceded by a leading zero (009,005.) are known as "frame" files because of the % 03d format. This makes it simple to arrange them in the proper sequence for the video.

To capture each following frame, simply push the button a second time once you've finished rearranging the animation's main element.

To kill the program, use Ctrl + C when all the images have been saved.

Your image collection can be viewed in the folder by opening the animation directory.

Create the video

To initiate the process of creating the movie, go to the terminal.

Start the movie rendering process by running the following command:

FFmpeg -r 10 -i animation/frame%03d.jpg -qscale 2 animation.mp4

Because FFmpeg and Py recognize the percent 03d formatting, the photographs are sent to the movie in the correct sequence.

Use vlc to see your movie.

vlc animation.mp4

The renderer command can be edited to change the refresh rates. Try adjusting -r 10 to a different value.

Modify the title of the rendered videos to prevent them from being overwritten. Modify animation.h264 to a different file to accomplish this.

What's the point of making stop motion?

Corporations benefit greatly from high-quality stop motion films, despite the effort and time it takes to produce them. One of these benefits is that consumers enjoy sharing these movies with friends, and their inspiring content can be associated with a company.  Adding this to a company's marketing strategy can help make its product extra popular and remembered.

When it comes to spreading awareness and educating the public, stop motion films are widely posted on social media. It's important to come up with an original idea for your stop motion movie before you start looking for experienced animators.

Stop Motion Movie's Advantages

In the early days of filmmaking, stop motion was mostly employed to give animated characters the appearance of mobility. The cameras would be constantly started and stopped, and the multiple images would all be put together to tell a gripping story.

It's not uncommon to see films employ this time-honored method as a tribute to the origins of animations. There's more, though. 

  1. Innovation

In the recent resurgence of stop motion animations, strange and amazing props and procedures have been used to create these videos. Filmmakers have gone from generating stop motion with a large sheet of drawings, to constructing them with plasticine figures that need to be manually manipulated millimeters at a time, and to more esoteric props such as foodstuffs, domestic objects, and creatures.

Using this technique, you can animate any object, even one that isn't capable of moving by itself. A stop-motion movie may be made with anything, thus the options are practically limitless.

  1. Animated Tutorials

A wide range of material genres, from educational films to comedic commercials, is now being explored with stop motion animation.

When it comes to creating marketing and instructional videos, stop motion animations is a popular choice due to their adaptability. An individual video can be created. 

Although the film is about five minutes long, viewers are likely to stick with it because of its originality.  The sophisticated tactics employed captivate the audience. Once you start viewing this stop motion video, it's impossible to put it down till the finish.

  1. Improve the perception of your brand

It's easy to remember simple but innovative animations like these. These movies can assist a company's image and later recall be more positive. Stop motion video can provoke thought and awe in viewers, prompting them to spread the creative message to their social networks and professional contacts.

It is becoming increasingly common for organizations of all kinds to include stop-motion animations in their advertisements. 

  1. In education 

Stop-motion films can have a positive impact on both education and business. Employees, customers, and students all benefit from using them to learn difficult concepts and methods more enjoyably. Stop motion filmmaking can liven up any subject matter, and pupils are more likely to retain what they've learned when it's done this way.

Some subjects can be studied more effectively in this way as well. Using stop motion films, for instance, learners can see the entire course of an experiment involving a slow-occurring reaction in a short amount of time.

Learners are given a stop motion assignment to work on as a group project in the classroom. Fast stop motion animation production requires a lot of teamwork, which improves interpersonal skills. Some learners would work on the models, while others might work on the backdrops and voiceovers, while yet others might concentrate on filming the scenes and directing the actors.

  1. Engage Customers and Employees

The usage of stop motion movies can be utilized to explain product uses rapidly, even though the application of the device and the output may take a while. You can speed up the timeline as much as you want in stop motion animations!

For safety and health demonstrations or original sales demonstrations, stop motion instructional films may also be utilized to effectively express complex concepts. Because of the videos' originality, viewers are more likely to pay attention and retain the content.

  1. Music Video

Some incredibly creative music videos have lately been created using stop motion animations, which has recently seen a resurgence in popularity.  Even the human body could be a character in this film.

Stop-motion animations have the potential to be extremely motivating. Sometimes, it's possible to achieve it by presenting things in a novel way, such as by stacking vegetables to appear like moving creatures. The sky's the limit when it comes to what you can dream up.

  1. Reaction-Inducing Video

When it comes to creating a stop motion movie, it doesn't have to be complicated. If you don't have any of these things in your possession, you'll need to get them before you can begin filming. However, if you want to create a professional-level stop motion film, you'll need to enlist the help of an animation company.

As a marketing tool, animated videos may be highly effective when they are created by a professional team. 

  1. Create an Intriguing idea

The story of a motion-capture movie is crucial in attracting the attention of audiences, so it should be carefully planned out before production begins. It should be appropriate for the video's intended audience, brand image, and message. If you need assistance with this, consider working with an animation studio.


But there are several drawbacks to the overall process of stop motion filmmaking, which are difficult to overcome. The time it takes to create even a min of footage is the most remarkable. The time it takes to get this film might range from a few days to many weeks, depending on the approach used.

Additionally, the amount of time and work that is required to make a stop-motion movie might be enormous. This may necessitate the involvement of a large team. Although this is dependent on the sort of video, stop motion animating is now a fairly broad area of filmmaking, which can require many different talents and approaches.


Using the Raspberry Pi 4, you were able to create a stop-motion movie system. Various stop motion technologies were also covered, along with their advantages and disadvantages. After completing the system's basic functions and integrating additional components of your choice, you're ready to go on to the next phase of programming. Using raspberry pi 4 in the next article, we will build an LED cube.

Running ZeroTier On the Raspberry Pi 4

Our next step in the Raspberry Pi training program is to get zero tiers up and run on a Raspberry Pi 4. How to utilize a Raspberry Pi to measure internet speed and store the results in Grafana or Onedrive was the topic of the last piece. During the project, you will discover how to install ZeroTier on a Raspberry Pi and get it up and running. We will also learn how to set up a firewall to secure our network.

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  • Raspberry pi 4

  • Power supply

  • Ethernet or wifi

What is zeroTier

ZeroTier is a software that provides a streamlined web-based interface for constructing virtual networks connecting various gadgets. Somewhat akin to configuring a virtual private network on a Raspberry Pi, these networks exist only in cyberspace. The process of provisioning, however, is much easier, especially when dealing with several devices.

Using a decentralized system, all of your gadgets will connect. The end-to-end encryption used to protect these connections helps ensure that your data remains private at all times.

ZeroTier can be used on various platforms, from computers to mobile phones. Its cross-platform compatibility with Unix, Microsoft, and macintosh means you can set up a virtual connection without worrying about whether or not your hardware will be able to connect to it.

The ZeroTier business model is "freemium." Using our free plan, you can connect up to 50 approved devices to the virtual network.

Retrieving your ZeroTier Network ID

You need to create an account on the ZeroTier website before you can use the program on your Raspberry Pi. This is because virtual network administration is performed through their website.

You may manage your entire virtual network from one central web-based console, including assigning permanent IP addresses to individual devices.

Registration on the ZeroTier hub website is required before a network ID can be generated. Access your virtual networks with this web-based interface. Go to ZeroTier Central on whichever browser you like. When you go to the site, look for the "Register" button so you can start the account creation process.

Sign up for ZeroTier by providing the necessary information on the supplied registration form. After you've finished filling out the form, hit the "Register" button at the bottom.

Your account won't be active until you confirm your email address after signing up for it. 

The following window will appear once you've created an account and logged into the web interface. Hit the "Create A Network" button in the screen's center to get started.

When you initially visit ZeroTier and click the button, your first network will automatically generate. The network identification number is listed here. We require this identifier to link your Raspberry Pi to the ZeroTier virtual network. Keep this ID in a safe place; we'll need it soon. Select the entry to change the network's settings, such as the name.

Listed below are the default configuration options for your ZeroTier system. You can modify the network's name, provide a description, and adjust its security level using these options. In addition to the IP subnet, ZeroTier gives you control over many other virtual network features.

Installing ZeroTier to the Raspberry Pi

We can move on now that you've joined ZeroTier and have your network ID. In this part, you'll learn how to download and install ZeroTier on your pi device.

First, let's check that the software on your pi Device is up to date.

To be up-to-date, we need to run the following two instructions for the item list and all installed modules.

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

After adding the GPG key, we can install ZeroTier via their installation repository on our pi Device. With this key, we can ensure that the tools we're installing are directly from ZeroTier and don't include any malicious code. To obtain the GPG key via their repo, type the following code and store the contents of the "de-armored" file in the "/usr/share/keyrings/" folder.

curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/zerotierone-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null

Now that the GPG key has been inserted, a source list containing the ZeroTier repository must be compiled. First, we need to create a shell variable named "RELEASE" and assign it the operating system's internal codename. To construct the proper URLs for the ZeroTier repo in the subsequent steps, we will execute the following command.

RELEASE=$(lsb_release -cs)

Once we have the shell variable configured, we can utilize it to construct the relevant ZeroTier repo Urls for the Operating system. We finally save this string in the "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" folder under the name "zerotier.list."

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/zerotierone-archive-keyring.gpg]$RELEASE $RELEASE main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list

The next time you refresh the Raspberry Pi's packages lists, it will pull ZeroTier directly from this location.

Since we have modified the Rpi's source code, we must revise the list of installed packages. Using the command line, you could change your system's component list.

sudo apt update

After updating, we can use the command beforehand to download the ZeroTier package onto our RPi.

sudo apt install -y zerotier-one

ZeroTier can be set up to automatically launch on system startup as part of the setup procedure.

Running ZeroTier on Raspberry Pi 4

Having finished the ZeroTier installation on our RPi, we can now link to the networking we created in the introduction. First, make sure you get the network's identifier handy.

To connect the RPi to the network, we must use the ZeroTier Command line. You can utilize the following code to accomplish this. As a first step, swap out "[NETWORKID]" for the ID you gathered previously in this tutorial.

sudo zerotier-cli join [NETWORKID]

So after this message, your RPi should've just joined the ZeroTier channel.

Joining the ZeroTier channel doesn't make your machine an official part of the network until you verify it. To accomplish this, you must go back to a ZeroTier Main dashboard and change your network configuration. You can also access the site via the following Link, where you should substitute your network Address for "[NETWORKID].[NETWORKID]

The "Members" portion is located toward the bottom of the managerial section for the ZeroTier system on the RPi.

  1. You'll need to select the "Auth" box to tick here after identifying the machine you added. As a result, your RPi can communicate with other gadgets on the same network.

  2. A machine through your ZeroTier channel can be located using the information in the "Address" column. The "sudo zerotier-cli status" prompt will cause the RPi to display this data.

  3. The Name/Description field can be used to assign a memorable label to this innovative gadget for future reference.

  4. Lastly, take a peek at the "Managed IPs" section.

If an IP address has been assigned to the gadget, it will appear in this column. These IP addresses will allow you to gain access to that machine. This column can specify which device will receive the IP address. If you're trying to get an Internet address for a newly approved source, be patient; it could take a few minutes.

As soon as your RPi executes the command below, you will know it is linked to the ZeroTier channel. Using this prompt, you can see a complete list of the tracks to which the ZeroTier configuration is currently connected, along with information about the health of those connections.

sudo zerotier-cli listnetworks

Whenever your RPi successfully connects to the ZeroTier networks, you must see something similar to what is shown below. The last number is Pi's Internet protocol address within the VPN connection.

Connecting your RPi to your ZeroTier network must now be complete.

Connecting to other gadgets on the VPN connection is now possible. Having the device's Internet protocol is all that's required. The ZeroTier management console is the quickest way to learn which IP addresses are assigned to particular gadgets. 

Protecting your Raspberry Pi with UFW

Syncthing is a piece of software developed specifically for real-time file synchronization between several devices like the RPi. TLS is used to synchronize data among nodes. Thanks to encryption, the data will be safe and private in transit, making it more challenging to steal. Every node must prove its identity with a rock-solid cryptographic certificate. A connection will be denied to a node if it does not present a valid certificate, preventing unauthorized access. Files on your Microsoft, Macintosh, or Unix computer can be synchronized with your Raspberry Pi via Syncthing. Simple Syncthing apps are accessible for all of these platforms.

Setting Up Syncthing on a Raspberry Pi

Here you can find detailed instructions for setting up your RPi with the Syncthing program. For the program to be installed, we must first add the program's PGP keys and the package repo as possible sources.

We need to upgrade our Rpi before downloading the files synchronization program. We can use the following two commands to keep our RPi up to date.

sudo apt update

sudo apt full-upgrade

Following this, check that the apt-transport-HTTP package has been successfully installed. When using the installer, you can now access sources that utilize the secure Secure protocols, thanks to this package's inclusion. It's not possible to do this by default. This is included by default in most modern operating systems, but it may be missing from lightweight distributions like Raspberry Pi OS Lite. Executing the line below will install the necessary package.

sudo apt install apt-transport-HTTPS

Finally, the Syncthing credentials may be added to our keyrings folder. The purpose of these keys is to verify the authenticity and integrity of the packages we install before trusting them. To obtain the credentials, execute the command that follows on the RPi.

curl -s | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/syncthing-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null

Since the key has been included, the repo itself may be included. The RPi project will use the Syncthing program, namely the stable release. Use the following command to include the repo in the list of sources.

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/syncthing-archive-keyring.gpg] syncthing stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list

We have to refresh the installation list before installing Syncthing from the repo. We must revise the list for the package manager to use our different sources. To update your RPI, type the following command into your device's terminal.

sudo apt update

Let's finish setting up our RPi by installing the Syncthing app. Now that the package repository has been added, the program can be installed with a single command.

sudo apt install syncthing

Permitting Third-Party Access to the Syncthing Graphical Interface

The Syncthing web application will only be accessible while close to the device. Those using a Raspberry Pi without a monitor or keyboard would have a very frustrating time if this were the case, but we can change the setup to allow external access.

The first order of business is to discover the RPi's actual local network address. Before proceeding, please ensure that your Rpi has been assigned a permanent IP address. This command lets you find your Pi's local IP address.

hostname –I

To move on, a single iteration of Syncthing must be run to create initial configuration files. The RPI user will be used solely in this tutorial to launch Syncthing.


Press CTRL + C to exit the program after the first launch.

The necessary configurations for Syncthing will be generated after the first execution. The Syncthing program must be launched in the context of the pi user for this configuration file to take effect. With nano editor, start editing the necessary configuration file with the line below.

nano ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml

Locate the following code in this script with the searching key CTRL + W to quickly locate this sentence.

This line needs to have the local Internet protocol of our Pi substituted for the default local Internet address ( For instance, with our Pi's IP address, this code would become something like this.

We are limiting our access to people in the same local area network by use of the local Internet address. Alternatively, you can use the internet address "" to grant access to every IP. Following the successful IP address change, save changes to the script.

Installing Syncthing on a Raspberry Pi as a Web Service

One final step is necessary now that the Syncthing us may be accessed from devices other than the RPi. This responsibility includes developing and launching a system for the program. The Service will enable Syncthing to launch automatically at system boot and be halted and started quickly.

Once again, we'll use nano to make the necessary changes to the Service's configuration file. The Syncthing authorized GitHub is the source for the application we will be developing. To start adding content to the file in "/lib/systemd/system," run the following command.

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/syncthing.service

copy lines below and paste them to this file.


Description=Syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization




ExecStart=/usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0



SuccessExitStatus=3 4

RestartForceExitStatus=3 4

# Hardening







Those lines specify how our Rpi's OS must deal with Syncthing. When you're done adding lines, save the file. We could now set up our Service to automatically launch at system startup. Enter this command and hit enter.

Sudo systemctl enable syncthing

Let's run the Service to use the Syncthing internet UI. Once again, the systemctl tool will need to be used to kick off the Service.

sudo systemctl start syncthing

The Syncthing program on the RPi should be checked to ensure it has begun. Using the below program, we can make sure of that.

sudo systemctl status syncthing

The notification should read as follows if the Service was successfully started and is now active.

Web-based Syncthing management through RPi

If everything goes smoothly, you should utilize the Syncthing program on the RPi. Now that the hardware has been added, we can move on to configure the program and synchronize our data. We'll break this up into chunks for easy reading. The web-based user interface makes installing and linking devices a breeze.

Establishing a Link to the Syncthing Online Control Panel

You'll need to launch the web-based interface in your preferred internet browser to begin using it. The Internet address of the RPi is required to use the web-based interface. Using the Url, navigate to the following location in your preferred internet browser.


Since the Syncthing program only listens on port 8384, you mustn't remove it from the end of the string.

After creating login details, you will be prompted to sign in before proceeding to the next step.

Safeguarding Syncthing's User Interface

There is no predetermined login information for Syncthing, meaning anyone with access to the UI can change your preferences. Login credentials can be set up to prevent unauthorized users from wreaking havoc.

You will be warned of the potential risks if you have never specified the login details. The "Settings" button on this caution will take us directly to the configuration page.

The configurations page can also be accessed by choosing the "Actions" menu box in the upper right corner and then choosing "Configurations" if this notice isn't shown.

Navigate to the "GUI" tab on the popup settings page. Access this window's account by selecting "GUI" from the window's header.

Login credentials are required to access this page. Passwords should be firm and difficult to guess. Use a mix of alphabetic characters, numeric digits, and special characters. After inputting each, hit the "Save" option to keep your modifications.

After resetting your password, this website will log you out. You'll need to sign in with your new credentials each time you access Syncthing's graphical interface.

How to Get the Syncthing ID of a Device

For Syncthing to function, it must create a random identifier for each connected device. Adding the other device's ID to your own is necessary for sharing information between devices. The RPi Syncthing installation's unique identifier can be located via the web interface.

To return to the main page of the web interface, select "Actions" from the toggle menu in the top right. Select "Show ID" from the selection menu to open the desired dialogue box.

The identification string and corresponding QR code are displayed below. The ideal identifier length is between 50 and 56 characters and may incorporate digits, letters, and hyphens. System-wise, the hyphens are disregarded, but they improve readability. If you want to connect your Raspberry Pi to additional devices, you'll need to give each of them the unique ID assigned to your Pi. You must also include their identification number. Syncthing's mechanism for linking many gadgets to a single pool requires the ID.

Incorporating a New Device into Your Raspberry Pi's Syncthing Network

We've covered how to get your gadget id Number, so now we'll cover adding a new one. Keep in mind that the identifier for your RPi must be entered into whatever gadget you are installing. If not, communication between the devices will be impossible.

The "Add Remote Device" button may be in the lower right corner of the Syncthing UI. When we click this option, we'll be taken to a dialogue where we can add a gadget to our Syncthing collection.

You can add any unique Id to your pool from this dialogue box. Enter the identifier for the gadget you wish to link to the top textbox. Despite its length, the ID is easily copied and pasted. After that, you can connect the device by clicking the "Save" option.

Incorporating each other's Syncthing server Identifiers should result in a successful connection.

Replicating a Directory Across All of Your Devices

Now that we have a device linked to the RPi Syncthing, you can test directory sharing. In this particular chunk, the default directory will suffice. Here, we keep our sync files in a folder called "/home/pi/sync" on our RPi.

Select the "Edit" button next to a directory to change its share settings. We can access the folder's sharing settings dialog by clicking this option and making the necessary changes.

We must navigate to the Share tab under the file settings dialogue. Select the "Share" tab to switch to this view.

The dialog box lets you pick which gadgets will access the shared folder. As soon as you've decided which devices you wish to sync with, choose the "Save" option.

When syncing with the other gadget, keep in mind that you'll need to accept the shared folder on that gadget before synchronizing can begin.

Your directory should have started syncing immediately. When the syncing process is complete, the guide and the gadget should be labeled "Up to current."


Having ZeroTier Syncthing installed on your RPi and linked to a VPN, you may now sync data across machines. If you're looking for a basic virtual network solution, ZeroTier is it. And the best part is that it offers an ideally enough free plan for most people's fundamental needs. Additionally, Syncthing is a user-friendly software that enables you to synchronize folders across several gadgets. The program is among the best methods for allowing many computers to maintain directory consistency in real time. No longer will you have to trust a remote service like Cloud Servers to keep your data safe.

Build a Twitter bot in Raspberry pi 4

Thank you for joining us for yet another session of this series on Raspberry Pi programming. In the preceding tutorial, we integrated a real-time clock with our raspberry pi four and used it to build a digital clock. However, In this tutorial, we will construct your personal Twitter bot using Tweepy, a Py framework for querying the Twitter application programming interface.

You will construct a Response to mentions robot that will post a response to everybody's tweet mentioning it with a certain keyword.

The response will be a photo we will make and put any text over it. This message is a quote you will acquire from a 3rd application programming interface. Finally, we will look at the benefits and drawbacks of bots.

This is what it looks like:

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To continue through this guide, you'll need to have the following items ready:

An AWS account

Ensure you've joined up for Aws Beanstalk before deploying the finished project.

Twitter application programming interface auth credentials

To connect your robot to Twitter, you must create a developer account and build an app that Twitter provides you access to. 

Python 3

Python 3.9 is the current version, although it is usually recommended to use an edition that is one point behind the latest version to avoid compatibility problems with 3rd party modules. 

You have these Python packages installed in your local environment.

  • Tweepy — Twitter's API can be used to communicate with the service.

  • Pillow — The process of creating an image and then adding words to it

  • Requests — Use the Randomized Quote Generation API by sending HTTP queries.

  • APScheduler — Regularly arrange your work schedule

  • Flask — Develop a web app for the Elastic Beanstalk deployment.

The other modules you will see are already included in Python, so there's no need to download and install them separately.

Twitter application programming interface auth credentials

OAuth authentication is required for all requests to the official Twitter API. As a result, to use the API, you must first create the necessary credentials. The following are my qualifications:

  • consumer keys

  • consumers secret

  • access tokens

  • access secrets

Once you've signed up for Twitter, you'll need to complete the following steps to generate your user ID and password:

Step 1: Fill out an Application for a Developers Twitter Account

The Twitter developer’s platform is where you may apply to become a Twitter developer.

When you sign up for a developer account, Twitter will inquire about the intended purpose of the account. Consequently, the use case of your application must be specified.

To expedite the approval process and increase your chances of success, be as precise as possible about the intended usage of your product.

Step 2: Build an App

The verification will arrive in a week. Build an application on Twitter's developers portal dashboard after Twitter's developers account access has been granted.

Apps can only use authentication details; thus, you must go through this process. Twitter's application programming interface can be used to define an app. Information regarding your project is required:

  • Your project's name serves as its identifier.

  • Your project's category should be selected here. Choose "Creating a bot" in this scenario.

  • Your project's purpose or how users will interact with your app should be described in this section. 

  • The app's name: Finally, give your app a name by typing it in the box provided.

Step 3: The User Credentials should be created

To begin, navigate to Twitter's apps section of your account and create your user credentials. When you click on this tab, you'll be taken to a new page on which you can create your credentials.

The details you generate should be saved to your computer so they may be used in your program later. A new script called should be created in your project's folder and contains the following four key-value pairs:





You can also test the login details to see if everything is functioning as intended using:

import tweepy

# Authenticate to Twitter

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET")

auth.set_access_token("ACCESS_TOKEN", "ACCESS_SECRET")

api = tweepy.API(auth)



    print("Authentication Successful")


    print("Authentication Error")

Authorization should be successful if everything is set up correctly.

Understand Tweepy

Tweepy is a Python module for interacting with the Twitter application programming interface that is freely available and simple. It provides a way for you to interact with the Application programming interface of your program.

Tweepy's newest release can be installed by using the following command:

pip install tweepy

Installing from the git repo is also an option.

pip install git+

Here are a few of its most important features:


As part of Tweepy, OAuthHandler class handles the authentication process required by Twitter. As you can see from the code above, Tweepy's OAuth implementation is depicted below.

Twitter application programming interface wrapper

If you'd want to use the RESTful application programming functions, Tweepy provides an application programming interface class that you can use. You'll find a rundown of some of the more popular approaches in the sections that follow:

  • Function for tweet

  • Function for user

  • Function for user timeline

  • Function for trend

  • Function for like


Tweepy model class instances are returned when any of the application programming interface functions listed above are invoked. The Twitter response will be contained here. How about this?

user = api.get_user('apoorv__tyagi')

When you use this method, you'll get a User model with the requested data. For instance:

python print(user.screen_name) #User Name print(user.followers_count) #User Follower Count

Fetch the Quote

You're now ready to begin the process of setting up your bot. Whenever somebody mentions the robot, it will respond with a picture with a quotation on it.

So, to get the quote, you'll need to use an application programming interface for a random quotation generator. If you want to do this, you'll need to establish a new function in the script and send a hypertext transfer protocol request to the application programming interface endpoint. Python's requests library can be used to accomplish this.

Using Python's request library, you can send hypertext transfer protocol requests. As a result, you could only fixate on the software's interactions with services and data consumption rather than dealing with the complex making of requests.

def get_quote():

    URL = ""


        response = requests.get(URL)


        print("Error while calling API...")

This is how they responded:

The JSON module can parse the reply from the application programming interface. You can use import JSON to add JSON to your program because it is part of the standard libraries.

As a result, your method returns the contents and author alone, which you will use. As you can see, here's how the whole thing will work.

def get_quote():

    URL = ""


        response = requests.get(URL)


        print("Error while calling API...")

    res = json.loads(response.text)

    return res['content'] + "-" + res['author']

Generate Image

You have your text in hand. You'll now need to take a picture and overlay it with the text you just typed.

The Pillow module should always be your first port of call when working with images in Python. The Python Pillow imaging module provides image analysis and filetypes support, providing the interpreter with a strong image processing capacity. should be created with a new function that accepts a quote as the argument.

def get_image(quote):

    image ='RGB', (800, 500), color=(0, 0, 0))

    font = ImageFont.truetype("Arial.ttf", 40)

    text_color = (200, 200, 200)

    text_start_height = 100

    write_text_on_image(image, quote, font, text_color, text_start_height)'created_image.png')

Let's take a closer look at this feature.

  • A new photo is created using the given mode and size. The first thing to consider is the style used to generate the new photo. There are a couple of possibilities here: RGB or RGBA. Size is indeed the second factor to consider. The width and height of an image are given as tuples in pixels. The color of the background image is the final option (black is the default color).

  • ImageFont.TrueType() font object is created by this method. It creates a font object with the desired font size using the provided font file. While "Arial" is used here, you are free to use any other font if you so like. Font files should be saved in the project root folder with a TrueType font file extension, such as font.ttf.

  • In other words, the text's color and height at which it begins are specified by these variables. RGB(200,200,200) works well over dark images.

  • Image. Save () created png image will be saved in the root directory due to this process. It will overwrite any existing image with the same name that already exists.

def write_text_on_image(image, text, font, text_color, text_start_height):

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    image_width, image_height = image.size

    y_text = text_start_height

    lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=40)

    for line in lines:

        line_width, line_height = font.getsize(line)

        draw.text(((image_width - line_width) / 2, y_text),line, font=font, fill=text_color)

        y_text += line_height

A message will be added to the image using the following method in the same script, Let's take a closer look at how this feature works:

  • Create two-dimensional picture objects with the ImageDraw package.

  • A solitary paragraph is wrapped in texts using text wrap. Wrap () ensures that each line is no more than 40 characters in length. Output lines are returned in a tally form.

  • Draw. Text () will draw a text at the provided location. 

Use parameter:

  • XY — The text's upper-left corner.

  • Text — The text to be illustrated.

  • Fill — The text should be in this color.

  • font — One of ImageFont's instances

This is what look like after the process:

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

import text wrap

def get_wallpaper(quote):

    # image_width

    image ='RGB', (800, 400), color=(0, 0, 0))

    font = ImageFont.truetype("Arial.ttf", 40)

    text1 = quote

    text_color = (200, 200, 200)

    text_start_height = 100

    draw_text_on_image(image, text1, font, text_color, text_start_height)'created_image.png')

def draw_text_on_image(image, text, font, text_color, text_start_height):

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    image_width, image_height = image.size

    y_text = text_start_height

    lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=40)

    for line in lines:

        line_width, line_height = font.getsize(line)

        draw.text(((image_width - line_width) / 2, y_text),line, font=font, fill=text_color)

        y_text += line_height

Responding to Mentions by Keeping an Eye on the Twitter Feed.

You've got both the quote and an image that incorporates it in one. It's now only a matter of searching for mentions of you in other people's tweets. In this case, in addition to scanning for comments, you will also be searching for a certain term or hashtags.

When a tweet contains a specific hashtag, you should like and respond to that tweet.

You can use the hashtag "#qod" as the keyword in this situation.

Returning to the tweet code, the following function does what we want it to:

def respondToTweet(last_id):

    mentions = api.mentions_timeline(last_id, tweet_mode='extended')

    if len(mentions) == 0:


    for mention in reversed(mentions):

        new_id =

        if '#qod' in mention.full_text.lower():


                tweet = get_quote()


                media = api.media_upload("created_image.png")


                api.update_status('@' + mention.user.screen_name + " Here's your Quote", 

            , media_ids=[media.media_id])


                print("Already replied to {}".format(

  • Respond to tweet() The last id is the function's only argument. Using this variable, you can only retrieve mentions produced after the ones you've previously processed. Whenever you initially invoke the method, you will set its value to 0, and then you'll keep updating it with each subsequent call.

  • mentions_timeline() Tweets are retrieved from the Tweepy module using this function. Only tweets with the last id newer than the provided value will be returned using the first parameter. The default is to show the last 20 tweets. When tweet mode='extended' is used, the full uncut content of the Tweet is returned. Text is shortened to 140 characters if the option is set to "compat."

Create favorite() is used to generate a favorite for every tweet that mentions you in reverse chronological order, starting with the earliest tweet first and working backward from there.

In your case, you'll use update status() to send a reply to this message, which includes the original tweet writer's Twitter handle, your textual information, the original tweet's identification, and your list of multimedia.

To Prevent Repetition, Save Your Tweet ID

There are several things to keep in mind when repeatedly responding to a certain tweet. Simply save the tweet's identification to which you last answered in a text document, tweetID.txt; you'll scan for the newer tweet afterward. The mention timeline() function will take care of this automatically because tweet IDs can be sorted by time.

Now, you'll pass a document holding this last identification, and the method will retrieve the identification from the document, and the document will be modified with a new one at the end.

Finally, here is what the method response to tweet() looks like in its final form:

def respondToTweet(file):

    last_id = get_last_tweet(file)

    mentions = api.mentions_timeline(last_id, tweet_mode='extended')

    if len(mentions) == 0:


    for mention in reversed(mentions):

        new_id =

        if '#qod' in mention.full_text.lower():


                tweet = get_quote()


                media = api.media_upload("created_image.png")


                api.update_status('@' + mention.user.screen_name + " Here's your Quote", 

            , media_ids=[media.media_id])


      "Already replied to {}".format(

    put_last_tweet(file, new_id)

You'll notice that two additional utility methods, get the last tweet() and put the last tweet(), have been added to this section ().

A document name is required for the function to get the last tweet(); the function putlasttweet() requires the document as a parameter, and it will pick the most recent tweet identification and modify the document with the latest identification.

Here's what the final tweet should look like after everything has been put together:

import tweepy

import json

import requests

import logging

import Wallpaper

import credentials

consumer_key = credentials.API_key

consumer_secret_key = credentials.API_secret_key

access_token = credentials.access_token

access_token_secret = credentials.access_token_secret

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret_key)

auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

api = tweepy.API(auth)

# For adding logs in application

logger = logging.getLogger()



def get_quote():

    url = ""


        response = requests.get(url)

    except:"Error while calling API...")

    res = json.loads(response.text)


    return res['content'] + "-" + res['author']

def get_last_tweet(file):

    f = open(file, 'r')

    lastId = int(


    return lastId

def put_last_tweet(file, Id):

    f = open(file, 'w')


    f.close()"Updated the file with the latest tweet Id")


def respondToTweet(file='tweet_ID.txt'):

    last_id = get_last_tweet(file)

    mentions = api.mentions_timeline(last_id, tweet_mode='extended')

    if len(mentions) == 0:


    new_id = 0"someone mentioned me...")

    for mention in reversed(mentions): + '-' + mention.full_text)

        new_id =

        if '#qod' in mention.full_text.lower():

  "Responding back with QOD to -{}".format(


                tweet = get_quote()


                media = api.media_upload("created_image.png")

      "liking and replying to tweet")


                api.update_status('@' + mention.user.screen_name + " Here's your Quote",,



      "Already replied to {}".format(

    put_last_tweet(file, new_id)

if __name__=="__main__":


Deploy the bot to Server

In order to complete the process, you will need to upload your program to a server. Python applications can be deployed using AWS Elastic Beanstalk in this area.

Amazon web service simplifies management while allowing for greater flexibility and control. Your application is automatically provisioned with capacity, load-balanced, scaled and monitored for health using Elastic Beanstalk.

Here is how it's going to work out:

  • Install Python on the AWS  environment

  • Build a basic Flask app for the bot

  • Connect to AWS and deploy your Flask app

  • Use logs to find and fix bugs

Set up Elastic Beanstalk environment

After logging into the Aws services account, type and pick "Elastic Beanstalk," then click "setup a New App."

You'll be asked to provide the following information:

  • Name of the application; 

  • Application's tags; 

  • Environment;

  • Code of the application

Each AWS Elastic Beanstalk application resource can have up to 50 tags. Using tags, you may organize your materials. The tags may come in handy if you manage various AWS app resources.

Platform branches and versions are automatically generated when Python is selected from the selection for the platform.

Later, you will deploy your app to elastic Beanstalk. Select "sample app" from the drop-down menu and click "new app." For the most part, it should be ready in about a minute or two

Create a Flask app

Python is used to create Flask, a website development framework. It's simple to get started and use. Flask has no dependencies, making it a more "beginner-friendly" framework for web applications.

Flask has several advantages over other frameworks for building online applications, including:

  • Flask comes with a debugger and a development server.

  • It takes advantage of Jinja2's template-based architecture.

  • It complies with the WSGI 1.0 specification.

  • Unit testing is made easier with this tool's built-in support.

  • Flask has a plethora of extensions available for customizing its behavior.

Flask as a micro-framework

It is noted for being lightweight and simply providing the needed components. In addition to routing, resource handling, and session management, it includes a limited set of website development tools. The programmer can write a customized module for further features, such as data management. This method eliminates the need for a boilerplate program that isn't even being executed.

Create a new Python script and call it, then paste the code below into it while AWS creates an environment.

from flask import Flask

import tweet_reply

import atexit

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

application = Flask(__name__)


def index():

    return "Follow @zeal_quote!"

def job():



scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()

scheduler.add_job(func=job, trigger="interval", seconds=60)


atexit.register(lambda: scheduler.shutdown())

if __name__ == "__main__":, debug=True)

Use up scheduler and a flask app to execute a single job() function that will ultimately call the main method in the tweet script on a minute basis.

As a reminder, the object instance's identifier of the flask app must be "app." For Elastic Beanstalk to work with your application, you must give it the correct name.

Deploy and set up the app to Amazon Web Services.

Your online app's code can include Elastic Beanstalk conf files (.ebextensions) for configuring amazon web services resources and the environments.

The .config script extension is used for YAML files, and these are put in the .ebextensions directory together with the app's code during the deployment process.

Establish a new directory called .ebextensions inside the code folder and add a new file called Python .config. Add the following code:



    mode: "000644"

    owner: root

    group: root

    content: WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

If you want Elastic Beanstalk to tailor its settings to the app's prerequisites, you'll need to include a list of any external libraries inside a requirements.txt script you produce.

Execute the command below to generate the requirements.txt file using pip freeze

Finally, package up everything for uploading on Elastic Beanstalk with Elastic Beanstalk. The architecture of your project directory should now look like this:

Compress all the files and directories listed here together. Open amazon web services again and select Upload Code.

Once you've selected a zip archive, click "Deploy." When the health indicator becomes green, your app has been successfully launched. "Follow @zeal quote!" if all of the above steps have been followed correctly, they should appear on your website link.

Procedure for getting an error report in the system

The following steps will help you access the reports of your app in the event of an error:

  • Logs can be seen under the "Environment" tab in the Dashboard.

  • After choosing "Request Log," you'll be taken to a new page with an options list. The last lines option is for the latest issues, but the "full log" option can be downloaded if you need to troubleshoot an older error.

  • To see the most recent log line, click "Download," A new web page will open.

    The Benefits and Drawbacks of Twitter Autonomy

    Media platforms entrepreneurs benefit greatly from automation, which reduces their workload while increasing their visibility on Twitter and other media platforms. We may use various strategies to ensure that we're always visible on Twitter.

    The benefits of automation are numerous. 

    There is still a need for human intervention with any automated process.

    However, automation should only be a minor element of your total plan. An online presence that is put on autopilot might cause problems for businesses. If your campaign relies on automation, you should be aware of these problems:

    Appearing like a robot

    Engaging others is all about being yourself. The tweet was written by a person who was using a phone to produce it, based on the bad grammar and occasional errors. Those who aren't in the habit of writing their own Twitter tweets on the fly risk seeming robotic when they send out several automated messages. Tweets written in advance and scheduled to post at specific times appear disjointed and formulaic.

    It is possible to appear robotic and dry if you retweet several automated messages. If your goal is to promote user interaction, this is not the best option.

    The solution: Don't automate all of your messages. The platform can also be used for real-time interaction with other people. Whenever feasible, show up as yourself at gatherings.

    Awful Public Relations Fumbles

    When you plan a message to go out at a specific time, you have no idea what will be trending. If a tragic tale is trending, the tweet could be insensitive and out of context. On Twitter, there is a great deal of outrage. Because everyone is rightly concerned about their collective destiny, there is little else to talk about.

    Then, in a few hours, a succession of your tweets surface. Images showing the group having a great time in Hawaii.

    While it's understandable that you'd want to avoid coming across as uncaring or unaware in this day and age of global connectivity and quick accessibility of info from around the globe, it's also not a good look. Of course, you didn't mean it that way, but people's perceptions can be skewed.

    What to do in response to this: Automatic tweets should be paused when there is a major development such as the one above. If you're already informed of the big news, it's feasible, but it may be difficult due to time variations.

    Twitter automation allows your messages to display even if you are not into the service. Your or your company's identity will remain visible to a worldwide audience if you have a global target market.

    If an automatic tweet appears before you can brush up on the latest events in your location, follow it up with a real one to show your sympathy. People find out about breaking news through Twitter, a global platform. Few of us have the luxury of remaining in our small worlds. While it's excellent to be immersed in your company's day-to-day operations, it's also beneficial to keep up with global events and participate in Twitter's wider discussion.

    Absence of Reaction

    People respond to your automatic tweet with congratulations, questions, or pointing out broken links that go unanswered because you aren't the one publishing it; a program is doing it in your stead, not you. Awkward.

    Suppose something occurs in the wee hours of the morning. Another tweet from you will appear in an hour. After seeing the fresh tweet, one wonders if Mr. I-Know-It-All-About-Social-Media has even read his reply.

    What to do in response to this situation: When you next have a chance to log on, read through the comments and answer any that have been left. Delayed responses are better than no responses. Some people don't understand that we're not all connected to our Twitter 24 hours a day.

    Damage to the reputation of your company

    As a means of providing customer support, Twitter has become increasingly popular among businesses. It's expected that social media queries will be answered quickly. Impatience breeds on the social web since it's a real-time medium where slow responses are interpreted as unprofessionalism.

    On the other hand, Automatic tweets offer the idea that businesses are always online, encouraging clients to interact with the company. Customers may think they're being neglected if they don't hear back.

    When dealing with consumer issues, post the exact hours you'll be available.

    Vital Comments Left Unanswered

    As soon as somebody insults you, the business, or even just a tweet, you don't want to let those unpleasant feelings linger for too long. We're not referring to trolls here; we're referring to legitimate criticism that individuals feel they have the right to express.

    What should you do? Even though you may not be able to respond immediately, you should do so as soon as you go back online to limit any further damage.

    Inappropriate actions like Favoriting and DMing might be harmful.

    Individuals and organizations may use IFTTT recipes to do various tasks, like favorite retweets, follow back automatically, and send automated direct messages.

    The unfortunate reality is that automation cannot make decisions on its own. In light of what people may write unpredictably, selecting key phrases and establishing a recipe for a favorite tweet that includes those terms, or even postings published by certain individuals, may lead to awkward situations.

    Spam firms or individuals with shady history should not be automatically followed back. Additionally, Twitter has a cap on the number of followers you can follow at any given time. Spammy or pointless Twitter individuals should not be given your followers.

    What should you do? Make sure you are aware of what others are praising under your name. Discontinue following anyone or any company that does not exude confidence in your abilities. In our opinion, auto-DMs can work if they are personalized and humorous. Please refrain from including anything that can be found on your profile. They haven't signed up for your blog's newsletter; they've just become one of your Twitter followers. Take action as a result!

    Useful Benefits

    Smaller companies and busy people can greatly benefit from Tweet automation. As a result of scheduling Twitter posts, your workload is reduced. A machine programmed only to do certain things is all it is in the end. But be careful not to be lulled into complacency.

    Social media platforms are all about getting people talking. That can’t be replaced by automation. Whether you use automation or not, you must always be on the lookout for suspicious activity on your Twitter account and take action as soon as you notice it.


    In this article, you learned how to build and publish a Twitter robot in Py.

    Using Tweepy to access Twitter's API and configuring an amazon web service Elastic Beanstalk environment for the deployment of your Python application were also covered in this tutorial. As part of the following tutorial, the Raspberry Pi 4 will be used to build an alarm system with motion sensors.

    Interfacing of RTC module with Raspberry Pi 4 for real-time Clock

    Where To Buy?
    No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
    1Jumper WiresAmazonBuy Now
    2DS1307AmazonBuy Now
    3Raspberry Pi 4AmazonBuy Now


    Thank you for joining us for yet another session of this series on Raspberry Pi programming. In the preceding tutorial, we implemented a speech recognition system using raspberry pi and used it in our game project. We also learned the fundamentals of speech recognition and later built a game that used the user's voice to play. However, this tutorial will integrate a real-time clock with our raspberry pi four and use it to build a digital clock. First, we will learn the fundamentals of the RTC module and how it works, then we will build a digital clock in python3. With the help of a library, we'll demonstrate how to integrate an RTC DS3231 chip with Pi 4 to keep time.

    Real-Time Clocks: What Are They?

    RTCs are clock units, as the name suggests. There are eight pins on the interface of the RTC IC, the DS1307. An SRAM cell backup of 56 bytes is included in the DS1307, a small clock, and a calendar. Secs, mins, hrs, days, and months are all included in the timer. When a month has fewer than 31 days, the date of the end of this month is automatically shifted.

    They can be found in integrated circuits that monitor time and date as a calendar and clock. An RTC's key advantage is that the clock and calendar will continue to function in the event of a power outage. The RTC requires only a small amount of power to operate. Embedded devices and computer motherboards, for example, contain real-time clocks. The DS1307 RTC is the subject of this article.

    The primary purpose of a real-time clock is to generate and keep track of one-second intervals.

    The diagram to the right shows how this might look.

    A program's method, A, is also displayed, which reads a second counter and schedules an action, B, to take place three secs from now. This kind of behavior is known as an alarm. Keep in mind that the secs counter doesn't start and stop. Accuracy and reliability are two of the most important considerations when choosing a real-time clock.

    A real-time clock's hardware components are depicted in the following diagram.

    An auxiliary crystal and a spectral reference can be used with a real-time clock's internal oscillator, frequently equipped with an interior crystal. The frequency of all clocks is 32,768 Hertz. A TCXO can be used with an exterior clock input since it is extremely accurate and steady.

    An input to a Prescaler halves the clock by 32,768 to generate a one-second clock, which is selectable via a multiplexer.

    For the most part, a real-time clock features a secs counter with at least thirty-two bits. Certain real-time clocks contain built-in counters to maintain track of the date and time.

    Firmware is used to keep track of time and date in a simple real-time clock. The 1 Hertz square waveform from an output terminal is a frequent choice. It's feasible for a real-time clock to trigger a CPU interrupt with various occurrences.

    Whenever the whole microcontroller is turned off, a real-time clock may have a separate power pin to keep it running. In most cases, a cell or external power source is attached to this pin's power supply.

    Achieving Accurate and Fair RTC Timing

    Using a 32,768 Hertz clock supply, real-time clock accuracy is dependent on its precision. The crystals are the primary source of inaccuracy in a perfectly-designed signal generator. The internal oscillators and less costly crystals can be employed with sophisticated frequency enhancement techniques for incredibly precise timing. A crystal has three primary causes of inaccuracy.

    • Tolerances for the initial circuitry and the crystal.

    • Temperature-related crystal smearing.

    • Crystallization

    Real-time clock accuracy is seen graphically in the figure below:

    Using this graph, you can see how a particular concern tolerance changes with increased temperature. The temperature inaccuracy is visible inside the pink track. The quadratic function used to predict the future characteristics of crystals is essential to correct for temperature. Once a circuit board has been built and the temp is determined, an initial error measurement can be used to correct most of the other sources of error.

    To acquire an accurate reading, you'll need to adjust to the yellow band. A year's worth of 1 ppm equals 30 seconds of your life. To some extent, the effects of crystallization can't be undone. Even though you're getting older, it's usually just a couple of years.

    DS1307 Pin Description:

    Pin 1, 2: The usual 32.768-kilohertz quartz crystal can be connected here. 

    Pin 3: Any conventional 3 Volt battery can be used as an input. To function properly, the battery voltage must be in the range of 2V to 3.5V.

    Pin 4: This is the ground.

    Pin 5: Streaming data input or output. It serves as the serial interface input and output, and a resistor is required to raise the power to the maximum of 5.5 volts. Irrespective of the current on the VCC line.

    Pin 6: Input for the serial timer Data sync is done via the interface clock here.

    Pin 7: Driver for the output waveform. A square wave frequency can be generated by connecting a signal to the out pin with the sqwe value set to 1.

    Pin 8: The main source of power. Data is written and read whenever the voltage provided to the gadget is within standard limits.

    Features of RTC Module

    • an output waveform that can be programmed

    • Power-failure detection and switch circuitry automation

    • Consume less power

    • Real-time data and time is provided

    The rtc is mainly used for writing and reading to and from its registers. Addresses for the rtc registers can be found from zero to 63. If necessary, transitory variables can be stored in random access memory in place of the first eight clock registers. Second, minute, hour, dates, months, and years are all included in the clock's top seven registers. Let's have a look at how DS1307 operates.

    The sole purpose of a real-time clock is to record the passage of time. Regular monitoring of the passing of time is critical to the operation of computers and many smaller electronic devices. Although it simply serves one purpose, managing time has many applications and functions. Nearly every computer activity uses measurements taken and monitoring the present time, from the generation of random numbers to cybersecurity.

    Kinematic activities or a real-time clock module keep track of time in a classic watch, so how does it work?

    The answer is in crystal oscillators, as you would have guessed. The real-time clock uses oscillator pulses in electronic components to keep track of time. Quartz crystals are commonly used in this oscillator, which typically operates at a frequency of 32 kilohertz. Software cleverness is needed to take the processing times and correct any differences related to power supply variations or tiny changes in cycle speed.

    Auxiliary tracking is used in real-time clock modules, which uses an exterior signal to lock onto a precise, uniform time. As a result, this does not override the internal measures but complements them to ensure the highest level of accuracy. An excellent example is a real-time clock module that relies on external signals, such as those found on cell phones. Oscillation cycles are counted again if the phone loses access to the outside world.

    An object made of quartz crystals has a physical form. As a result, the real-time clock module accuracy can degrade over time due to extreme heat and cold exposure. Many modules include a temperature sensing technique to counteract the effects of temperature variations and improve the oscillator's overall accuracy. There is a wide range of frequencies available in cheap a crystal used in Computer systems. So, the error rate is around 72 milliseconds per hr in real-time. In this case, the following criteria are met:

    • Start data transfer: Clock and Data lines must be high for a START.

    • Stop data transfer: In STOP mode, data lines go from low to high while the clock lines remain high.

    • Data valid: START conditions must be met before a clock signal high period can be used to determine if the transmission line is stable. The info on the channel must be updated when the clock signal is at a lower frequency. Each piece of data has one clock frequency.

    Each data transfer begins and ends with START and END conditions, respectively. During the START or STOP circumstances, the data rate bytes that can be sent are not restricted and are set by the master unit. Byte-by-byte, each recipient validates the transmission with a 9th bit.

    RTC Timing Modification

    A real-time clock can be used in systems to correct timing faults in two different ways. The graphic below shows the Prescaler counting the oscillation cycles per the second period.

    The advantage of this method is that the time interval between each second is only slightly altered. However, a variable Prescaler and an extra register for storing the prescale counts, and the interval between applications are necessary for this technology to work. 

    Suppose the real-time clock does not contain a built-in prescaler that can be used to fine-tune the timing. This diagram illustrates a different way of approaching the problem.

    The numbers in the rectangles indicate the secs counter. The program continuously tracks and calculates the real-time clock seconds count. A second is added or subtracted to compensate for the cumulative mistake whenever the error reaches 1 second.

    This strategy has a drawback: the difference in seconds whenever an adjustment is made might be rather considerable. With this method, you can use it with any real-time clock.

    Time and Date

    To keep track of the current date and time, certain RTCs use electronic counters. Counting seconds, mins, hours, days, weeks, months, and years and taking leap years into account is necessary. Applications can also keep track of the time and date.

    The second counter of a real-time clock can be used to implement this system on a microcontroller.

    The proprietary method gets time(), or something similar is commonly used to access the device timer. Using get time() is as simple as taking a second counter and printing out the resulting value. The library handles the remainder of the work to convert this time in secs to the present time of day and date.

    The real-time clock circuit

    If you turn off your RPi, you won't have access to its internal clock. It uses a network clock protocol that requires an internet connection when it is turned on. A real-time timer must be installed in the raspberry pi to keep time without relying on the internet.

    Wiring Pi 4 with the rtc board.

    First, we'll need to attach our real-time control module to the RPi board. Ensure the Rpi is deactivated or unplugged before beginning any cabling.

    Make use of the links in the following table and figure:

    The rtc is powered by a 3.3V supply; hence it needs an input of 3.3V. Connect the RTC to the Pi 4 via a communication protocol.

    Configuring the RTC Chip

    We must first enable I2C in the RPi to use the RTC component.

    Open a terminal window and enter the command raspi-config:

    sudo raspi-config

    Select the Interfacing Option in the configuration tool.

    Selecting I2C will allow I2C in the future.

    Before rebooting, enable the I2C.

    sudo reboot

    Confirm the Connections of the RTC. Then using the I2C interface, we can check to see if our real-time clock module is connected to the device.

    Ensure your Pi's software is updated before putting any software on it. Defective dependencies in modules are frequently to blame for installation failures.

    sudo apt-get update -y

    sudo apt-get upgrade -y

    If our RPi detects a connection from the real-time clock module, we'll need python-SMBus i2c-tools installed.

    On the command line:

    sudo apt-get install python-SMBus i2c-tools


    sudo i2cdetect -y 1

    Many real-time devices use the 68 address. This indicates that any driver is not using the address. If the address returned by the system is "UU," it indicates that a program actively uses it.

    Using the RTC Package

    Install Python.

    sudo apt-get install python-pip

    sudo apt-get install python3-pip

    To get the git library, you'll first need to get the git installed on your computer.

    $sudo apt install git-all

    First, we will have to download the library using the following command in the command line.

    sudo git clone

    A file called "RTCmodule" should be created after cloning. The following code should be copied and pasted into a new py file. Please save it.

    import time

    import SDL_DS3231

    ds3231 = SDL_DS3231.SDL_DS3231(1, 0x68)


    while True:

    print “Raspberry Pi=\t” + time.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)

    print “Ds3231=\t\t%s” % ds3231.read_datetime()


    Code Walkthrough

    We begin by importing the packages we plan to use for this project.

    The clock is initialized.

    Next, the RPi and real-time clock module times are printed.

    Then, execute the program.

    $ python

    In this case, the output should look something like the following.

    Clock Differences: Making the RTC different From RPi Clock

    The write all() function can alter the rtc to run at a different rate than the Pi's clock.


    import time

    import SDL_DS3231

    ds3231 = SDL_DS3231.SDL_DS3231(1, 0x68)


    while True:

        print “Raspberry Pi=\t” + time.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)

        print “Ds3231=\t\t%s” % ds3231.read_datetime()


    Time and date are shown to have adjusted on the rtc. With this, we'll be able to use the real-time clock and the package for various projects. However, more setup is required because we'll use the RPi's real-time clock for this project.

    RPI with the real-time clock Module

    , we will configure the rtc on the RPi used in this project. The first thing to do is to follow the steps outlined above.

    The real-time clock address is 0x68, so we must use that. Configuration.txt must be edited so that a device tree layer can be added.

    sudo nano /boot/config.txt

    Please note where your real-time clock chip is in the Pi config file and include it there.






    After saving and restarting the Pi, inspect the 0x68 address status.

    sudo reboot

    After reboot, run:

    sudo i2cdetect -y 1

    Once the "fake hwclock" has been disabled, we can use the real-time clock real hwclock again.

    The commands below should be entered into the terminal to remove the bogus hwclock from use.

    sudo apt-get -y remove fake-hwclock

    sudo update-RC.df fake-hwclock remove

    sudo systemctl disable fake-hwclock

    RTC as the primary timer

    We can use our rtc hardware as our primary clock after disabling the fake hwclock.

    sudo nano /lib/udev/hwclock-set

    Afterward, type in the lines below.

    #if [-e/run/systemd/system];then

    #exit 0


    #/sbin/hwclock --rtc=$dev --systz --badyear

    #/sbin/hwclock --rtc=$dev --systz

    We can now run some tests to see if everything is working properly.

    On the RPi, how do we sync real-time clock time?

    To begin with, the real-time clock will show an inaccurate time on its screen. To use the real-time clock as a device, we must first correct its time.

    To verify the current date, the real-time clock is launched.

    $sudo hwclock

    It is necessary to have an internet connection to our real-time clock module to synchronize the accurate time from the internet.

    To verify the date of the terminal and time input, type in:


    Time can also be manually set using the line below. It's important to know that the internet connection will immediately correct it even if you do this manual process.

    date --date="May 26 2022 13:12:10"

    How to Sync Time From RTC to Pi

    The real-time clock module time can also be used to set the time of the Rpi.

    sudo hwclock –systems


    sudo hwclock –w

    Setting the time on our real-time clock module is also possible using:

    sudo hwclock --set --date "Thu May 26 13:12:10 PDT 2022"


    sudo hwclock --set --date "26/05/2022 13:12:45"

    Once the time has been synchronized, the real-time clock module needs a battery inserted to continue saving the timestamp. Once the real-time clock module has been installed on the RPi, the timestamp will be updated automatically!

    Building our application

    Next, we'll build a digital clock that includes an alarm, stopwatch, and timer features. It is written in Python 3, and it will operate on a Raspberry Pi using the Tkinter GUI library.

    What is Tkinter???

    The library includes the Tkinter Graphical interface framework, which runs on various operating systems and platforms. Cross-platform compatibility means that the code can be used on every platform. 

    As to why Tkinter?

    Tkinter is a small, portable, and simple-to-use alternative to other tools available. Because of this, it is the best platform for quickly creating cross-platform apps that don't require a modern appearance.

    Python Tkinter module makes it possible to create graphical user interfaces for Python programs.

    Tkinter offers a wide range of standard GUI elements and widgets to create user interfaces. Controls and menus are included in this category.

    Advantages of Tkinter

    Layered technique

    Tkinter has all of the benefits of the TK package, thanks to its layered design. When Tkinter was first developed, its Graphical interface toolkit had already had time to evolve, so it benefited from that experience when it was created. As a result, Tk software developers can learn Tkinter very quickly because converting from Tcl/Tcl to Tkinter is extremely simple.


    Because Tkinter is so user-friendly, getting started with it is a breeze. The Tkinter application hides the complex and detailed calls in simple, understandable methods. When it comes to creating a working prototype rapidly, python is a natural choice. Because of this, it is anticipated that its favorite Graphical interface library will be applied similarly.


    Tkinter-based Py scripts don't require any running changes on a different platform. Any environment that implements python can use Tkinter. This gives it a strong benefit over many other competitive libraries, typically limited to a single or a handful of operating systems. Tkinter, on the other hand, provides a platform-specific look and feel.


    Python distributions now include Tkinter by default. Therefore, it is possible to run commands using Tkinter without additional modules.

    Tkinter's flaws

    Tkinter's slower execution may be due to the multi-layered strategy used in its design. Most computers are relatively quick enough to handle the additional processes in a reasonable period, despite this being an issue for older, slower machines. When time is of the essence, it is imperative to create an efficient program.

    Importing Modules

    Import the following modules.

    from Tkinter import *

    from Tkinter. ttk import *

    import DateTime

    import platform

    Tkinter Window Creation

    We are now going to build a Tkinter window.

    window = Tk()



    Here, we've created a basic Tkinter window. "Clock" has been officially renamed. And make it a 700X500 pixel image.

    Control tabs in Tkinter

    Tkinter notebook can be used to add tab controls. We'll create four new tabs, one for each of the following: Clock, Alarm, Stopwatch, and Timer.

    tabs_control = Notebook(window)

    clock_tab = Frame(tabs_control)

    alarm_tab = Frame(tabs_control)

    stopwatch_tab = Frame(tabs_control)

    timer_tab = Frame(tabs_control)

    tabs_control.add(clock_tab, text="Clock")

    tabs_control.add(alarm_tab, text="Alarm")

    tabs_control.add(stopwatch_tab, text='Stopwatch')

    tabs_control.add(timer_tab, text='Timer')

    tabs_control.pack(expand = 1, fill ="both")

    We've created a frame for every tab and then added it to our notebook.

    Create Clock

    We are now going to add the clock Tkinter components. Instead of relying on the RPi to provide the date and time, we'll use the rtc module time and date instead.

    We'll include a callback function to the real-time clock module in the clock code to obtain real-time.

    def clock():

            date_time = ds3231.read_datetime()

            time_label.config(text = date_time)

            time_label.after(1000, clock)

    Timestamps are retrieved from the DateTime package and transformed to Am or Pm time. This method must be placed after Tkinter's initialization but before the notebook.

    Create Alarm

    We'll design an Alarm that will activate when the allotted time has expired in the next step.

    Tkinter Components for Alarms

    get_alarm_time_entry = Entry(alarm_tab, font = 'calibri 15 bold')


    alarm_instructions_label = Label(alarm_tab, font = 'calibri 10 bold', text = "Enter Alarm Time. Eg -> 01:30 PM, 01 -> Hour, 30 -> Minutes")


    set_alarm_button = Button(alarm_tab, text = "Set Alarm", command=alarm)


    alarm_status_label = Label(alarm_tab, font = 'calibri 15 bold')


    Set the alarm with the following format: HH: MM (PM/AM). For example, the time at which 01:30 PM corresponds to 1:30 p.m. As a final step, a button labeled "Set Alarm Button." In addition, the alarm status label indicates if the alarm has been set and shows the current time.

    Make an alarm method

    The set alarm button will trigger an alarm when this method is called. Replace Clock and Notebook setup functions with this one.

    def alarm():

            main_time ="%H:%M %p")

            alarm_time = get_alarm_time_entry.get()

            alarm_time1,alarm_time2 = alarm_time.split(' ')

            alarm_hour, alarm_minutes = alarm_time1.split(':')

            main_time1,main_time2 = main_time.split(' ')

            main_hour1, main_minutes = main_time1.split(':')

            if int(main_hour1) > 12 and int(main_hour1) < 24:

                    main_hour = str(int(main_hour1) - 12)


                    main_hour = main_hour1

            if int(alarm_hour) == int(main_hour) and int(alarm_minutes) == int(main_minutes) and main_time2 == alarm_time2:

                    for i in range(3):

                            alarm_status_label.config(text='Time Is Up')

                            if platform.system() == 'Windows':


                            elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':

                                    os.system('say Time is Up')

                            elif platform.system() == 'Linux':

                                    os.system('beep -f 5000')




                    alarm_status_label.config(text = '')


                    alarm_status_label.config(text='Alarm Has Started')



            alarm_status_label.after(1000, alarm)

    In this case, the module's time is taken and formatted in this way in case the If the time provided matches the time stored, it continues. In this case, it beeps following the operating system's default chime.

    Make Stopwatch

    As a final step, we'll add a stopwatch to our code.

    Add stopwatch Tkinter component.

    To complete our timer, we'll add all Tkinter elements now.

    stopwatch_label = Label(stopwatch_tab, font='calibri 40 bold', text='Stopwatch')


    stopwatch_start = Button(stopwatch_tab, text='Start', command=lambda:stopwatch('start'))


    stopwatch_stop = Button(stopwatch_tab, text='Stop', state='disabled',command=lambda:stopwatch('stop'))


    stopwatch_reset = Button(stopwatch_tab, text='Reset', state='disabled', command=lambda:stopwatch('reset'))


    The stopwatch method is activated by pressing the Start, Stop, and Reset Buttons located below the Stopwatch Label.

    Add stopwatch counter method.

    Stopwatch counters will be included in the next section. Two stopwatch counters will be added first. Tkinter Initialization and the clock's method should be added to the bottom of the list.

    stopwatch_counter_num = 66600

    stopwatch_running = False

    The stopwatch is described in these words. Adding a Stopwatch Counter is the next step. Add it to the bottom of the alarm clock and the top of the notebook's setup procedure.

    def stopwatch_counter(label):

            def count():

                    if stopwatch_running:

                            global stopwatch_counter_num

                            if stopwatch_counter_num==66600:



                                    tt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stopwatch_counter_num) 

                                    string = tt.strftime("%H:%M:%S") 



                            label.after(1000, count)

                            stopwatch_counter_num += 1


    The counter controls the stopwatch on the stopwatch. At the rate of one second each second, the Stopwatch counter is incremented by 1.

    Add stopwatch method

    The stopwatch method, which is invoked by the Stopwatch Controls, is now complete.

    def stopwatch(work):

             if work == 'start':

                     global stopwatch_running






             elif work == 'stop':





             elif work == 'reset':

                     global stopwatch_counter_num







    Make Timer

    We will now create a timer that rings when the timer has expired. Based on the stopwatch, it deducts one from the counter rather than adding 1.

    Add timer Tkinter component

    The timer component will now be included in Tkinter.

    timer_get_entry = Entry(timer_tab, font='calibiri 15 bold')


    timer_instructions_label = Label(timer_tab, font = 'calibri 10 bold', text = "Enter Timer Time. Eg -> 01:30:30, 01 -> Hour, 30 -> Minutes, 30 -> Seconds")


    timer_label = Label(timer_tab, font='calibri 40 bold', text='Timer')


    timer_start = Button(timer_tab, text='Start', command=lambda:timer('start'))


    timer_stop = Button(timer_tab, text='Stop', state='disabled',command=lambda:timer('stop'))


    timer_reset = Button(timer_tab, text='Reset', state='disabled', command=lambda:timer('reset'))


    Get timer provides guidance that explains how to set the timer. HH:MM: SS, For instance, 01:30:40 denotes a time interval of one hour, thirty minutes, and forty secs. It then has a toggle that calls the Timer method, which has a start, stop, and reset button.

    Add timer counter method

    To begin, we'll insert 2 Timer counters. The two lines of code below the stopwatch and the clock method below should be added.

    timer_counter_num = 66600

    timer_running = False

    In this section, we learn more about the "Timer" feature. Next, we'll implement the Timer Counter feature. In between the Stopwatch method and Notebook Initiation, put it.

    def timer_counter(label):

            def count():

                    global timer_running

                    if timer_running:

                            global timer_counter_num

                            if timer_counter_num==66600:

                                for i in range(3):

                                        display="Time Is Up"

                                        if platform.system() == 'Windows':


                                        elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':

                                            os.system('say Time is Up')

                                        elif platform.system() == 'Linux':

                                            os.system('beep -f 5000')




                                    tt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timer_counter_num) 

                                    string = tt.strftime("%H:%M:%S") 


                                    timer_counter_num -= 1


                            label.after(1000, count)


    The Timer counter controls the timer. Timer counter-variable num is decreased by one each second.

    Add timer method

    def timer(work):

             if work == 'start':

                     global timer_running, timer_counter_num


                     if timer_counter_num == 66600:

                             timer_time_str = timer_get_entry.get()


                             minutes = int(minutes)  + (int(hours) * 60)

                             seconds = int(seconds) + (minutes * 60)

                             timer_counter_num = timer_counter_num + seconds  






             elif work == 'stop':





             elif work == 'reset':







                     timer_label.config(text = 'Timer')

    If the task is started, this method retrieves the Timer input text and formats it before setting the Timer counter and calling the Timer counter to set the clock running. The timer is set to "False" if programmed to Stop. The counter is set to 666600, and running is configured to "False."

    Start clock and Tkinter

    Finally, here we are at the end of the project.   Finally, add the code below to start Tkinter and the clock.


    window.main loop()

    It will open the Tkinter and clock windows.





    Disadvantages of RTC module

    • 32-Bit Second Counter Problems

    Even while this counter can operate for a long period, it will eventually run out of memory space. Having a narrow count range can pose problems. 

    Application of an RTC module

    • Management of the streetlights

    Lighting Street Management System is a one-of-a-kind solution that regulates the automatic reallocation of lights in public spaces. It can measure electric consumption and detect tampering and other electrical situations that hinder the most efficient use of street lights. IoT-based automated streetlight management systems are intended to cut electricity usage while decreasing labor costs through precession-based scheduling. Streetlights are a vital element of any town since they improve night vision, offer safety on the streets, and expose public places, but they waste a significant amount of energy. Lights in manually controlled streetlight systems run at full capacity from sunset to morning, even if there is adequate light. High reliability and lengthy stability are guaranteed by this method. This task is carried out using computer software. When compared to the previous system, the new one performs better. Automated On and Off processes are based on the RTC module for the time frame between dawn and dusk of the next day. Manual mode was removed because of human flaws and difficulties in timely on and off activities, which necessitated the relocation of certified electricians over wide distances and caused time delays. Using an Internet of things controlled from a central command center and portable devices helps us avoid these delays while also identifying and correcting faults, conserving energy, and providing better services more efficiently. 


    This tutorial teaches the mechanics of a real-time clock and some major applications in real life. With ease, you can integrate this module into most of your projects that require timed operations, such as robot movements. You will also understand how the RTC works if you play around with it more. In the next tutorial, we will build a stop motion movie system using Raspberry pi 4.

    Creating a Pi-hole That Blocks Ads in Raspberry Pi 4

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    Thank you for joining us for yet another session of this series on Raspberry Pi programming. In the preceding tutorial, a facial recognition system on a Raspberry Pi 4 was used to develop a smart security system. We also learned how to create a dataset using two Python scripts to train and analyze a series of photographs of a certain person. This tutorial will teach you how to install pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi 4 and use it to block advertisements from anywhere. This is a great initiative for folks who are tired of annoying pop-up adverts while browsing. First, we'll learn how to set up the pi-hole without the need for an environment, then we'll use Docker to install pi-hole, and ultimately we'll see how we can access it from anywhere.


    • A minimum of 512MB of RAM on the Raspberry Pi 4
    • A minimum of 2GB of space on a Memory card.
    • The Raspberry Pi must be able to connect to the internet.
    • The ability to log into the management interface of your router.

    The Pi-hole architecture

    Ads with poor quality are all over the internet, causing havoc with the entire user experience. Various varieties of these intrusive ads are available, ranging from video content that takes control of your browser to ads that infect your computer with malware and steal your private information without your knowledge.

    So far, using an ad blocker has shown to be an effective method of preventing advertising of this nature. What if you could have an ad blocker that works on all your local area network devices instead?

    Using Pi-hole, an ad-blocking program for the raspberry pi computer, you can block all major advertising networks from loading adverts on your networked devices.

    You must first install and configure Pi-hole on your RPi before using it.

    What is pi-hole, and how does it work?

    DNS server requests are used by all internet services, including adverts, to get you from source to destination. A DNS server translates into server IP addresses that your web browser can use to connect to the site. As with DNS, ad networks use it to request that their advertising be served.

    When you see a Google ad, your internet explorer is likely making requests to domains like to deliver them appropriately. You have to intercept and prevent these adverts from loading, and that's exactly what Pi-hole does.

    You can use Pi-hole to operate as a DNS server for your network. Requests to ad networks are initially routed through Pi-hole, which serves as your Domain name server. Thousands of domains on its blocklist are compared to see if any match these. Ads will be prohibited if the website is blocked, allowing you to have an ad-free experience.

    Devices with limited ad-blocking options will find this useful. If you want to avoid adverts on your smart TV or gaming console, you'll need a third-party tool such as Pi-hole to handle the job for you.

    Pi-web hole's interface allows you to block or allow specific domains to prohibit strange advertising networks or other questionable sites from loading if you need to tailor the system.

    Options for installing pi-hole

    Pi-hole can be installed in two methods on a Raspberry Pi and other Unix distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu. When running a Linux distribution other than rasbian, a single-line command can be used to install it.

    Alternatively, you can utilize Docker on the RPi to isolate Pi-hole in a software container. However, Docker requires many configurations, but it does enable you to host pi-hole on a virtual machine.

    Option 1: Install using an automated installation script

    The fastest approach to get Pi-hole up and running is to utilize the designer's installation script. Running the script via curl or downloading it manually are two options.

    Launch a command line and enter:

    sudo curl -SSL | bash

    Before the setup is complete, you can customize Pi settings holes by running the automatic installation script and downloading any necessary packages.

    Curling a program from the web is generally terrible practice because you can't preview what the script does before running it, even if it is allowed. You could download your program and then explicitly run it as a last resort.

    Obtaining the file is as simple as opening a terminal and typing.

    wget -O

    sudo bash

    Installing Pi-hole and any other required tools will be completed using the same script used during setup.

    Configuring Pi-hole during installation

    Your network connection and chosen logging level will be requested for confirmation at some stage in the installation procedure under the terminal's config choices.

    • Start by pressing return to get through some initial setup screens. Use the arrow buttons to select Wi-Fi or ethernet, then tap space or return to complete the selection process. You can shift to the OK selection by pressing the tab key, then press enter to verify.
    • Next, you will be requested which external Domain name server you would like to use. Use the arrow buttons to navigate to the service provider you want, then press return to verify your selection.
    • A question about advertisement blocking lists will come up next. By default, Pi-hole gives four lists, which you should leave chosen, and you can always activate or deactivate any of them by clicking them and pressing space on the keyboard.
    • The next step is to press enter after selecting OK using the tab key.
    • By default, Pi-hole blocks advertisements on both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Unless you choose to alter this, leave the default settings enabled, hit the tab to choose OK, and then press enter.
    • If the Internet protocol and Internet gateway displayed are valid, you'll be prompted to verify its use in Pi-static hole's Internet protocol setting. Type Yes or No, to update your preferences.
    • In the event of an IP clash, Pi-hole will provide an alert. Accept this notice by using the enter key.
    • Pi-hole comes with a web browser-based admin panel that you may use to customize and monitor it. This is the default setting for setup, and it is the best choice here. To continue, press the tab, then select the OK option. In the next step, you will need to verify that a web server has been installed for the administration interface.
    • To log inquiries, Pi-hole will prompt you. What Pi-hole is restricting and how frequently certain domains are restricted may be found here. To check that this is the default option, press the tab and return.
    • You can choose how much information you want to see about the Pi-hole, so if you're okay with the default setting, press the tab and return.
    • The Pi-hole setup will begin after you've chosen your desired login level. You will receive a final confirmation request in the command line once the setup is finished and will be given instructions on where to access the online portal and a password that was automatically generated. The installation can be terminated by pressing the tab and entering this stage.

    If you don't want to risk losing the randomly created admin passcode displayed at the end of the installation, make a note of that information. If you lose or forget the passcode, you will have to open a command line and run the below to change the password.

    sudo pihole -a -p

    Option 2: Install using Docker container

    A Docker container can be used instead of the script supplied above to manage Pi-hole.

    What is Docker?

    Docker is a free software platform for creating containers. With the rise of cloud-native systems, container delivery has gained popularity as a more efficient means of distributing dispersed applications.

    It's possible to develop a container without Docker. However, the framework makes the process easier and more secure to do. Docker is a set of tools that make it easy for programmers to create, deploy, operate, upgrade and terminate containers with a single application programming interface and a few basic instructions.

    How does Docker work?

    The Unix kernel has inbuilt isolation and virtualization features that make containers practical. Many of the same functionality that a hypervisor provides to allow multiple virtual machines to share a common hardware CPU and memory can also be found in the os.

    Since containers provide all the benefits and features of Virtual machines, like software isolation, low-cost scaling, and disposability, they also offer some major new benefits:

    • Lighter weight:Virtual machines carry the whole Operating system and hypervisor; containers comprise operating system processes and requirements required to run code. Megabyte-sized containers make greater use of hardware resources and start up more quickly.
    • High resource efficiency:As a result, containers allow you to execute several instances of the same program on single hardware as virtual machines. This can help you save money on cloud storage.
    • Improve developer’s productivity:Containers are more convenient and quicker to deploy, manage, and reboot than VMs.

    How can we install Docker?

    Install using shell script

    Docker provides a shell script that makes it simple to get it up and run.

    curl -sSL | sh

    The following two commands can be used to analyze programs before they are executed:

    curl -SSL -o


    Using Docker as a non-root user

    The "permission denied" message will appear if you run several Docker commands, indicating that the root account can only use Docker. For non-root users that want to run Docker commands, the following command will work:

    sudo usermod -aG docker pi

    It is possible to add users to groups using usermod with -aG. A person called "pi" is now part of a " docker group." This made it possible for pi to perform docker instructions. Any other user can substitute the default pi account.

    The command below can be used to confirm this:

    groups pi

    Check to see if Docker is mentioned as a group.

    Test Docker

    We will use the hello-world image to see how well Docker works.

    docker run hello-world

    To tell whether you have installed Docker correctly, you will see "Hello from Docker!"

    How can we install Docker-compose?

    With the help of Docker-compose, you can create and maintain your environment with YAML files. For applications that require various interconnected services, this is a particularly helpful feature.

    To get docker-compose up and running, run pip3 to get it started.

    sudo pip3 -v install docker-compose

    Setting up Pi-hole as a Docker container


    You'll need to clone the Pi-hole Docker installer from the Pi-hole Git repository to run Pi-hole in a docker container. Let us install Git so that we can get started on this.

    Installing Git

    Git keeps track of all the modifications you make to scripts, allowing you to roll back to previous versions if necessary. Using Git, many people may merge their contributions into a single source, making it easier for everyone to work together.

    You can use Git irrespective of whether or not you develop code that you alone will view or if you are collaborating.

    Git program can be executed on a computer's hard drive. You have access to all of your documents and their histories on your computer. Online hosting can also be used to keep a duplicate of the documents and the histories of their modifications. Sharing your modifications and downloading others' updates in a central location makes it easier to collaborate with other programmers. You may even integrate the modifications made by two people working on the same project without losing one another's work, thanks to Git's ability to combine changes automatically.

    Download and install Git

    You may get the software of any os from the Git official site.

    Installing Git from the command-line interface is as simple as typing the commands below into your terminal window:

    sudo apt-get install git-all

    Create your git username

    Type in the following command:

    git config --global "TheEngineeringProjects"

    The quote marks are for your name. The —global parameter specifies that your Git name will be set for all your computer's repositories.

    Type the command below to make sure you typed your username accurately when in doubt.

    Git config --global

    this should return your username:

    Set up email

    When pushing code to GitHub, you'll need to provide a valid email address. This can be done in Git.

    git config --global ""

    To make sure you've entered your email address correctly, here's a final check:

    git config --global

    Let us clone the pi-hole GitHub repository.

    In a command window, enter the following commands.

    git clone

    The pi-hole git repository will be fetched to run Pi-hole in a Virtualized environment. Your container's setup script may be found in the copied Pi-hole directory. You should look over and make any necessary changes to the setup script before executing it.

    The program automatically generates an admin passcode for Pi-hole, as are other options like the time - zone Pi-hole utilizes and the standard Domain name server it uses for outbound DNS queries.

    • It's possible to make modifications to these parameters in the nano editor.
    • Open a command window and type the following command into it. Pi-hole should now be running in its own Virtualized environment upon successful completion of the script.


    Take note of the passcode displayed when the script has been completed successfully. Please note that this passcode is required for further configuration of the Pi-hole.

    A reboot of your raspbian should immediately start the service Pi-hole, thanks to its Docker launch script use of the —restart=unless stopped parameter.

    However, this only works if you have performed the above steps to activate the container init file to ensure the Docker container is automatically launched upon startup.

    Configure individual devices to use pi-hole

    Your gadgets should be ready to use Pi-hole now that it has been installed and operating. Default by Pi-hole does not block advertisements in your network. Change your device Domain name server settings to use the Rpi's internet address instead, and they will work.

    Each gadget on the local network can be configured for Pi-hole as its Domain name server manually or set up your home network router for Pi-hole instead. To physically configure each device to use Pi-hole, please follow the instructions below.

    • Windows 10:A list of available DNS servers can be found under "Network Connections" in the Windows control panel. Select Change connection settings and note the info in the Property section under Status. IPv4 should be set to manual with the slider beside it, and the rest of your Internet protocol settings should match what was originally indicated under Properties by selecting edit from the Internet protocol settings menu. Preserve the Pi-hole Internet address in the column titled "Preferred DNS."
    • Android: To modify your Domain name server settings, you'll need to go into the Configurations on your Android phone or tablet, but the process will differ greatly based on the device type and os version. Click the Connectivity area and then click Advanced to proceed. Static internet address configurations, rather than dynamic host configuration protocol, may be required to configure your Domain name server manually. Add the Pi-hole Internet address as a Domain name server in this section and then save.
    • Other devices:Utilize the instructions below to set up the router for Pi-hole rather than your router's default network configuration, or review the manual that came with your devices to learn how to do this.

    Your Pi-hole admin interface should begin to show web requests from all devices once configured to utilize the Raspberry Pi's Internet address. Launch an ad-supported application or visit a site like Forbes if you want to ensure Pi-hole is restricting advertisements.

    Pi-hole should function properly if the adverts are blocked. In some cases, restarting your devices may be necessary for the Domain name server settings to take effect.

    Configure the router for pi-hole domain name server

    To utilize Pi-hole on many devices within your network, you'll need to configure all of the local network's computers and routers, which is time-consuming and inefficient.

    You should use your Rpi's internet address instead of your router's Domain name server settings. As a result, no advertising will be sent to any gadgets on the local area network. By contrast, manually configuring the Domain name server on each device is time-consuming and inconvenient.

    To change your Domain name server settings, you will need to know what kind of router you have and what model it is. This information should be displayed on the router or included in the package that came with it.

    As a last resort, you might examine your router's guide, use an internet browser, and try out some popular internet protocol addresses.

    Internet providers' Domain name servers are typically pre-configured in the router. Ensure the Internet protocol address of the RPi is used as the DNS server.

    As a result, all devices connected will be directed to use Pi-hole as the initial gateway for all Domain name server requests. There will be no processing of banned queries, while approved queries will be forwarded to the internet domain name server provider you've selected in your Pi-hole settings.

    You may need to reset your router for your new Domain name server configurations to take effect throughout your whole network.

    How to configure pi-hole from the admin portal?

    If Pi-hole is up and running, you may log into the administrator site from any internet browser by entering the URL below.

    If that doesn't work, it may be necessary to look up your Rpi Pi's internet protocol address if that doesn't work.

    Users who haven't logged in to Pi-admin hole's site should be able to see a summary of the service's statistics. Even though Pi-hole is designed to be a "set it and leave it" solution, you will have to make any necessary changes to the settings here.

    The Pi-hole administrator site can be accessed by clicking the Login button in the left navigation. Signing in requires you to use the passcode you set up while installing Pi-hole.

    If you ever forget the Pi-hole administrative passcode, launch a command prompt or remote SSH connect and use the following command to change the passcode.

    sudo pihole -a -p


    docker exec -it pihole pihole -a -p

    When using Docker containers to execute Pi-hole.

    You will see all of Pi's features, hole stats, and reports after you have logged in. Pi-hole logs, bans and access control lists, and settings area are all accessible from this left navigation bar.

    Most popular advertising networks are blocked by Pi-hole's lists which are frequently updated and managed by individuals and companies.

    You can see them by selecting Group Management afterward Adlists in the left menu, where you may deactivate or delete any existing groups, or you can create your own.

    Restrict and unblock domains by adding and removing them from the Blacklisted domain list. You can add a DNS server and descriptions to either the Blacklisted or Allowed domains menu by clicking on the Add button.

    Select the red delete button symbol next to any entry in the Category of items section below that you want to delete.

    How can we access pi-hole from anywhere?

    If you've got an RPi running Pi-hole, you can utilize it as the Wi-Fi network's domain name server. At home, this is a terrific way to relax. However, you must be at home for this to work. Your Pi-hole must be accessible from any location if you wish to utilize it to prevent advertisements.

    Pi-holes in the cloud is the most obvious method of accomplishing this. As long as you don't take further safeguards, malicious actors could exploit your Pi-hole to target other network portions. You also need to subscribe to it and integrate a cloud server. Regardless, we'll go with the low-cost and simple solution of using our RPi with Tailscale.

    What is the tail scale?

    There is no better way to connect every device safely and conveniently than Tailscale. It gives you the option of selecting a Domain name server.

    Tailscale can be used for free in most situations like this by individuals.

    Step 1: Install Tailscale in Pi 4

    the first step is the installation of transport HTTP

    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

    Afterward, include the tailscale sign key and repo in the

    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

    curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list

    With the code provided below, tailscale is now up and running

    sudo apt-get install tailscale

    Link your computer to the Tailscale network by authenticating and connecting it there.

    sudo tailscale up --accept-dns=false

    Pi-upstream hole's servers are Linux-configured Domain name servers, to which it sends DNS requests it cannot answer. Pi-Hole should not attempt to act as its source as it will serve as our Domain name server in this configuration.

    Now you're linked up! You can discover your Tailscale Internet protocol address by:

    tailscale IP -4

    Step 2: Install Tailscale

    Tailscale's official website has the software you need to get started.

    Step 3: Set your Raspberry Pi as your DNS server

    Tailscale's administrator console allows you to set up Domain name servers for your whole network. As a universal name server, provide the Internet address of your RPi's Tailscale as the Domain name server address.


    Ensure to use the Override domain Name server option upon entering the Rpi's Tailscale Internet address so that our internet Domain name server will overwrite any local Domain name server settings that endpoints may have.

    Step 4: Disable key expiry

    The security of your network may require that from time to time, you re-authenticate your devices with Tailscale. You'll want to turn off key expiration on the RPi in the administrator dashboard to prevent Domain name server outages when this happens.

    That's all there is to it! Whenever you sign in to Tailscale, the Pi-hole will immediately serve as the Domain name server for that machine.

    If the Pi-hole is preventing you from accessing whatever you need, you can deactivate it by deactivating Tailscale and reconnecting whenever you're ready.

    Once Pi-hole is configured, what next?

    If something goes wrong, you'll want to be comfortable with the Pi-hole administrator interface, but you won't need to use it regularly. Advertising networks and trackers will be secured and blocked on all or some of your equipment when your gadgets have been configured with Pi-hole in the background.

    Because of Docker, you can run multiple programs on the Raspberry Pi simultaneously, providing a 24-hour DNS for you to access. As we've described in earlier chapters, you can use a Rpi network storage or a Rpi VPN to protect your privacy and anonymity online.

    Benefits of pi-hole

    Ad-serving Domains will be blocked.

    A list of well-known ad-serving domains is produced using data obtained from third parties.

    Ads Can Be Banned On All Devices.

    Using internet filtering, it is possible to ban adverts in many platforms, such as mobile applications and smart screens.

    Enhance the network's performance.

    Your network connection will perform better because advertising is prevented before they load.

    Reduce the amount of data you use on your phone

    Use adblocking software with a VPN service for advertisement blocking and data savings.

    Keep Track Of Results And Statistics

    You can see the number of ads prevented and a query history on the Graphical interface.

    Limitations of pi-hole

    Pi-hole blocks not all advertisements; however, the majority of them are. Pi-hole is a Domain name server with some blocked and allowed features pre-installed. It's not much more than that. Those guidelines determine whether or not a request is granted or refused. To filter advertising that does not use a Domain name server, Pi-hole uses a Domain name server and domain matching. This is a common occurrence in games played on smartphones. Ads are a common feature in many video games. It will not be possible to ban adverts that use the same domains as legitimate traffic. You'll have to put up with the YouTube advertising, even on pi-hole.


    With Pi-hole and docker container, we learned how to filter intrusive advertisements from the world wide web. Our datagrams will be accessed more quickly, data loss will be minimized, and cost-effective. Using a raspberry pi 4, we'll develop a voice recognition system in the next chapter.

    Syed Zain Nasir

    I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

    Published by
    Syed Zain Nasir