Interface Remote Control RF Module (433mhz) with Pi 4

Welcome to the next tutorial of our raspberry pi 4 programming course. The last guide covered connecting a Sharp infrared distance measurement sensor to a Raspberry Pi 4. Infrared (IR) sensors were demonstrated to be widely used for nearby object recognition and motion tracking. But in this session, we'll utilize Raspberry Pi 4 to create a radio-frequency (RF) remote control that can be used to operate the gadgets wirelessly. With the help of this RF remote control, we can Power On/Off the devices.


Transmitter Side

  • RF Transmitter

  • HT12E IC

  • 4 Push Buttons

  • 750k resistor

  • 9 Volt battery

Receiver Side

  • Raspberry Pi

  • 16x2 LCD

  • 10K POT

  • Breadboard

  • 1K Resistor (Five)

  • 33K resistor

  • HT12D IC

  • RF Receiver 

  • LEDs (Five)

  • 4 10K resistor 

  • Jumper wires

RF Module

This ASK Hybrid Transmitter/Receiver module communicates at 433Mhz. For optimal range and frequency stability, this module utilizes a crystal-stabilized oscillator. The module requires only a single external antenna.

This module is for you if you need RF communication over a great distance at a low cost. The high levels of background noise at this frequency and in its Analog technology mean that this module cannot directly transmit data via the UART communication of a PC or microcontroller. Using encoder and decoder ICs, we may utilize this module to retrieve information from background static.

At full Power, a transmitter's range is over 100 meters; at 5 volts, it's around 50-60 meters when employing a single-code wire antenna measuring just 17 centimetres.

There are two primary limitations placed on the wireless system designer: the system must function within a particular range and send a certain quantity of data within a given data rate. The RF module is incredibly compact and can run on a broad voltage spectrum (from 3V to 12V).

Transmitter and receiver RF modules operating at 433 MHz constitute the bulk of the RF modules. Because the carrier frequency is completely suppressed during transmission of logic zero, the transmitter's power consumption is significantly reduced during battery operation. A logic one signal turns the carrier on to around 4.5mA at 3 volts when it is off at 0 volts. The data is transmitted serially from the transmitter to the tuned receiver. Two microcontrollers are suitably interfaced with the transmitter and receiver for communication.

RF Transmitter Features

  • Range of Operation: 433 MHz

  • Power at the Output: 4-16 dBm

  • Power supply input: 3 to 12-volt dc

Pin Description of RF Tx

  • GND stands for "ground," which indicates a supply connection to the earth.

  • Data in - When serial data is received from an encoder, it is input via this pin.

  • VCC - This jack must be wired to Vcc - +5 Volt.

  • Antenna - The data transmission antenna wraps around this pin.

RF Receiver Features

  • The sensitivity is -105 dBm.

  • IF Rate of 1 megahertz.

  • Less need for a power supply.

  • The current is 3.5 mA.

  • Five-volt power source.

Pin Description of RF Rx

  • GND - Ground

  • Data In - This pin give

  • s output serial data to Decoder

  • Vcc - +5 Volt should be connected to this pin

  • Vcc - +5 Volt should be connected to this pin

  • GND - Ground

  • GND - Ground

  • Antenna - A wrapped connection to this pin for proper Reception of data

Encoder IC usage

The output pin on an HT12E is used for its principal purpose, which is to transmit a 12-bit encoded signal. The IC's built-in Oscillator makes it simple to put it to use. The IC may operate from 2.4V – 12V, although in most cases, +5V is supplied to the Vcc (pin 18), while pin 9 is left unconnected. Connect pin 14 (Transmission Enable) to the ground terminal to start the transmission process. This IC has an integrated oscillator, which is necessary for data decoding. To activate it, we need only connect pins 15 and 16 (OSC1 and OSC2) with a 1M resistor. The address, which is 8 bits long, must be established using pins A0–A7, and the data to be transmitted, which is 4 bits long, must be given to pins AD0–AD1. Your Decoder must have the same address for the two devices to communicate. Below is a simple HT12E IC wiring diagram.

Through the use of a series of ground connections on the address pins, I have programmed the eight-bit address data in the circuit above to read 0b00000000. Any eight pins can be made high by connecting it to 5V to improve security. A +5V supply, such as that provided by a voltage regulator such as 7805, is used to power the entire IC. Any Digital IC capable of supplying the required 4-bit data will do, and its pins AD3, AD2, AD1, and AD0 will be linked to those. They can be connected to switches for manual data transmission and Reception. In this example, I have set all four data bits to be zero (low), and the HT12D decoder IC's output will be the same type of bits. Similarly, if we modify these four bits, the HT12D's output will change accordingly.

The Dout pin is where you'll find the encoded 12-bit value (pin 17). The HT12D has to receive this information to decode it, and it can do so via wire or a wireless channel (such as RF or IR). Following this, you will know the necessary to configure the HT12D.

HT12D RF decoder usage.

HT12D's main job is to interpret the 12-bit signal through the input pin. The IC's built-in Oscillator makes it simple to put it to use. The IC's ground (pin 9) and power (pin 18) terminals should be connected to 5V. This IC has an integrated oscillator, which is necessary for data decoding. It's activated by connecting pins 15 and 16 (OSC1 and OSC2) using a 470K resistor. Received data in increments of 4 bits are available on pins AD0 and AD1, and an address in increments of 8 bits must be programmed using pins A0 through A7. The Decoder's address must match the encoder's if you want to use it successfully. See below for a simplified circuit depiction of the HT12D IC.

Through the use of a series of ground connections on the address pins, I have programmed the eight-bit address data in the circuit above to read 0b00000000. Any eight pins can be made high by connecting it to 5V to improve security. A +5V supply, such as that provided by a voltage regulator such as 7805, is used to power the entire IC. Any Digital IC capable of reading 4-bit data will work with the AD3, AD2, AD1, and AD0 pins. As a bonus, they can be hooked up to an LED so you can see the data being transmitted in real-time. Due to the uncertainty of the Encoder IC's Input signal, the four-bit output data is represented as a question mark. If there is any good information received, it can be read off of these four pins.

The HT12E Encoder IC's description is provided to help you learn how to encode a 4-bit data stream for transmission to the IC's input pin.

Working Explanation

In this setup, four buttons on the transmitter side (the remote) activate corresponding LEDs on the receiver side. Whenever one of the four buttons is pressed, a signal is sent to an encoder IC, which then passes it on to a radio frequency (RF) transmitter, which broadcasts it into the surrounding environment. The RF receiver picks up the signal, which then transmits the 4-bit decoded signal to the Raspberry Pi through the Decoder IC HT12D. The Raspberry Pi will then interpret these data snippets, perform the appropriate action, and activate the corresponding LED. Once a key is pressed, a buzzer will sound for one second. In addition, a 16x2 LCD shows whether the LEDs are on or off.

For the demonstration, this project only uses four LEDs; to initiate any action, press the appropriate button on the "RF Remote." The LEDs may be swapped out for AC home appliances via the relay, and the same "RF Remote" can be used to operate both sets of lights wirelessly. Consequently, you may use the same circuit for your RF-based Raspberry Pi-based home automation project. You can see all of the Home Automation Projects we've produced in the past, including Bluetooth, DTMF, GSM control, and more, right here: Home Automation Projects.

Circuit Explanation

This RF remote control for the Raspberry Pi features an easy-to-assemble circuit consisting of just the Pi board, a few buttons, an LCD, an RF pair, and an encoder/decoder IC. Raspberry Pi manages the LCD, processes input, and communicates results. However, any Raspberry Pi model should do in this case; Raspberry Pi 3 was utilized. The circuit consists of an RF receiver section and an RF transmitter section. The below figure depicts both circuits.

LCD pins rs, en, d4, d5, d6, and d7 from the receiver are wired to GPIO pins 11, 10, 6, 5, 4, 1, and 4 in 4-bit Mode. The RF receiver picks up the signal and decodes it by the HT12D IC once it has been sent from the RF transmitter. Decoder IC pins D8, D9, D10, and D11 of the HT12D are linked straight to wiringPI GPIO pins 25, 24, 23, and 22. LEDs are wired to wiringPi GPIO pins 26, 27, 28, and 29 for output. When a key is pressed, the buzzer connected to wiringPi GPIO 0 sounds an alarm.

The HT12E Encoder IC is part of the RF transmitter circuit, with four buttons used to toggle the LEDs on and off. Every address line in an encoder/decoder IC is grounded.

Installation of wiringPi Library in pi 4

To access the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins in C, we must use the wiringPi Library, much like how Python programmers include the import RPi.GPIO as an IO header file. You can use Terminal or an SSH client like Putty to execute the commands below one by one to complete the installation. If you want more information on how to work with and set up the Raspberry Pi, read our introduction to  Raspberry Pi tutorial.

sudo apt-get install git-core

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

git clone git://

cd wiringPi

git pull origin

cd wiringPi


Test the installation of wiringPi Library by using the below commands:

gpio -v

gpio readall

Programming Explanation

We start by including the necessary header files and defining the LCD's pins, and then we initialize certain variables and connection pins for receiving input and displaying LED indications.

#include "wiringpi.h"

#include "wiringserial.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#include "string.h"

#define RS 11

#define EN 10

#define D4 6

#define D5 5

#define D6 4

#define D7 1

#define led1 26

#define led2 27

#define led3 28

#define led4 29

#define buzz 0

#define d1 25

#define d2 24

#define d3 23

#define d4 22

int am = 0;

int flag1=am ,flag2=am ,flag3=am ,flag4=am;

Then, in the void setup() procedures, we tell all the GPIO Pins what to do.

void setup()


   if (wiringPiSetup () == -1)



     print("Unable to start"); 




  pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(led4, OUTPUT);

We have used the digitalRead and digitalWrite functions in the code to receive and send the Decoder's output to an LED and a device, respectively.




        print("D1  D2  D3  D4");







            print("ON ");



Additional functions utilized in this project are listed below. To send a command to the LCD, use the void lcdcmd method, and to provide data to the LCD, use the void write function. You can call the void clear() function to reset the LCD. The cursor is used to deliver a string to the LCD instead of printing it. To start the LCD up in 4-bit Mode, call the void to begin, and use the void buzzer() function to make the buzzer sound. Find the complete code for this RF remote control using a Raspberry Pi below.

Full code

#include "wiringpi.h"

#include "wiringserial.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#include "string.h"

#define RS 11

#define EN 10

#define D4 6

#define D5 5

#define D6 4

#define D7 1

#define led1 26

#define led2 27

#define led3 28

#define led4 29

#define buzz 0

#define d1 25

#define d2 24

#define d3 23

#define d4 22

int am = 0;

int flag1=am ,flag2=am ,flag3=am ,flag4=am;

  void lcdcmd(unsigned int ch)


    int temp=0x80;

    digitalWrite(D4, temp & ch<<3);

    digitalWrite(D5, temp & ch<<2);

    digitalWrite(D6, temp & ch<<1);

    digitalWrite(D7, temp & ch);

    digitalWrite(RS, LOW);

    digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(EN, LOW);

    digitalWrite(D4, temp & ch<<7);

    digitalWrite(D5, temp & ch<<6);

    digitalWrite(D6, temp & ch<<5);

    digitalWrite(D7, temp & ch<<4);

    digitalWrite(RS, LOW);

    digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(EN, LOW);


    void write(unsigned int ch)


    int temp=0x80;

    digitalWrite(D4, temp & ch<<3);

    digitalWrite(D5, temp & ch<<2);

    digitalWrite(D6, temp & ch<<1);

    digitalWrite(D7, temp & ch);

    digitalWrite(RS, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(EN, LOW);

    digitalWrite(D4, temp & ch<<7);

    digitalWrite(D5, temp & ch<<6);

    digitalWrite(D6, temp & ch<<5);

    digitalWrite(D7, temp & ch<<4);

    digitalWrite(RS, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(EN, LOW);


  void clear()




  void setCursor(int x, int y)


    int set=0;







  void print(char *str)








  void begin(int x, int y)








 void buzzer()


     digitalWrite(buzz, HIGH);


     digitalWrite(buzz, LOW);


  void setup()


   if (wiringPiSetup () == -1)



     print("Unable to start"); 




  pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(led4, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(buzz, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(RS, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(EN, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(D4, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(D5, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(D6, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(d1, INPUT);

  pinMode(d2, INPUT);

  pinMode(d3, INPUT);

  pinMode(d4, INPUT);

  digitalWrite(led1, LOW);

  digitalWrite(led2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(led3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(led4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(buzz, LOW);



//void loop()

void main()




   print("  RF Module ");


   print(" Interfacing ");



   print("Raspberry Pi");


   print("Circuit Digest");



   print("System Ready");




  print("OFF OFF OFF OFF");




        print("D1  D2  D3  D4");







            print("ON ");











        else if(digitalRead(d2)==0)






            print("ON ");











         else if(digitalRead(d3)==0)






            print("ON ");











        else if(digitalRead(d4)==0)






            print("ON ");














Transmitted modules, which plug into the Raspberry Pi, allow for the transmission of radio frequency signals at a range of 433 MHz to remote receivers. Devices like remote controllers, headphones, baby phones, and additional Raspberry Pis can pick up these signals. An RF module's performance will vary from that of other radio-frequency devices depending on several parameters, such as the strength of the transmitter, which directly affects the range of the signal it can collect. The downside is that this will significantly reduce the battery life of the transmitter device. Using this device with a higher transmission power will also cause interference with nearby RF appliances. The subsequent tutorial will cover the Bluetooth connection between a Raspberry Pi 4 and an ESP32.

Interface Sharp Infrared Distance Measurement Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4

Hello friends, I hope all are fine. Today, we are going to share the 3rd chapter of Section-III in our Raspberry Pi Programming Course. In our previous lecture, we interfaced the Soil Moisture Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4. Today, we are going to Interface the Infrared(IR) sensor with RPi4.

IR Sensor is typically employed for the presence/motion detection of objects in the immediate area. With their low power consumption, straightforward design, and user-friendly features, IR sensors are a popular choice for detection purposes. Infrared(IR) impulses are invisible to the naked eye and lie between the visible and microwave parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. So let's get started:

Components Required

To learn how an IR sensor detects the existence of an object, we'll set up a basic circuit to detect any object. The following electronic components are required for this task:

  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • IR sensor module
  • LED
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires

What is IR Sensor?

  • The IR sensor(Infrared sensor) consists of a transmitter and a receiver; the transmitter sends out infrared radiations, which are reflected by the barriers/receiver and get back to the receiver of the sensor.
  • The sensor computes the incoming signal and sets the module's output.
  • With an IR sensor and a Raspberry Pi 4, we can see what's around us, how fast things are moving, and how far away things are from the sensor.
  • There are three connections on this IR sensor: Vcc, Ground, and output.
  • Vcc is linked to 5V, Ground is grounded, and output is the pin, from where we read the sensor's data.

Working Principle

An infrared sensor incorporates an infrared LED(light-emitting diode) and a photodiode, which, when joined together, can function as a photo-coupler or optocoupler. This sensor employs Plank's radiation, Stephan Boltzmann, and Wein's displacement principles of physics.

The infrared LED is a transmitter that produces IR radiations. Visually, the IR LED is identical to a regular LED, although the IR radiation is invisible to the naked eye. Radiation sent out by an infrared source is primarily detected by an infrared receiver. Photodiodes are one physical shape that these infrared detectors can take. Unlike regular photodiodes, IR photodiodes only respond to infrared light. Variations in voltage, wavelength, package size, etc., are the primary categories separating the many types of infrared receivers.

The wavelength of the IR receiver must be the same as that of the IR transmitter whenever the two are utilized together. In this case, an infrared LED acts as the sender, and an infrared photodiode acts as the receiver. An infrared LED produces infrared light, which an infrared photodiode can detect. The amount of IR light collected correlates with the photo-resistance diodes and the resulting shift in output voltage. It is on this concept that the IR detector operates.

Some of the infrared radiation sent out by the transmitter will be reflected back to the receiver. The IR receiver can calibrate the sensor output to the level of the response.

Infrared Detector Varieties

You can choose between active or passive IR sensors when shopping for an infrared detector.

  1. Active IR Sensor

The active infrared sensor, we are going to use in today's project, incorporates both the transmitter and the receiver.

These detectors can receive and process data via radiation from an external source. The signal processor can then be used to extract the data that is required for further analysis. The reflectance sensor and the break beam sensor are the two most common active infrared sensors.

  1. Passive IR Sensor

Passive infrared sensors consist solely of detectors and lack any transmitter. A transmitter or infrared source is used in these sensors. An infrared detector can pick up the object's radiation. The signal is then processed by a signal-understanding device to extract the necessary data.

The pyroelectric detector, the bolometer, the thermocouple-thermopile, etc., are all excellent examples of this type of sensor. Thermal infrared sensors and quantum infrared sensors are two examples of these devices. The wavelength is not a factor for the thermal IR detector. For these sensors to function, they use a hot energy source. Infrared quantum sensors have a fast response and detection times; their sensitivity is wavelength-dependent. To take accurate readings, these sensors must be regularly cooled.

Schematic of an Infrared Detector

The infrared sensor is one of the most common and fundamental sensor circuits in modern electronics. One of the most prominent uses for this sensor is obstacle detection. The following elements are used in IR circuit:

  • LM358 IC 2 IR transmitter and receiver pair
  • Resistors of the range of kilo-ohms.
  • Variable resistors.
  • LED (Light Emitting Diode).

An infrared (IR) sensor located in the transmitter part constantly broadcasts IR waves that are picked up by an infrared (IR) receiver module. How the receiver receives IR photons affects what comes out of its IR output terminal. Because this deviation cannot be examined separately, it can be sent into a comparator circuit. An LM339 operational amplifier (op-amp) is employed in this application as a comparator.

Without a signal, the comparator IC's inverting input has a greater potential than its non-inverting counterpart (LM339). As a result, the LED doesn't light up and the comparator's output drops low. The input's inverting potential will drop when the IR receiver module detects an incoming signal. As a result, the comparator's (LM 339) output gets high, and the LED lights up.

The IR LED Devices, such as the Photodiode, require a current of at least 10 mA, which is maintained by Resistors R1 (100), R2 (10k), and R3 (330). Output terminal adjustments are made with resistor VR2 (preset=5k). Circuit sensitivity is adjusted by resistor VR1 (preset=10k). Learn more about IR detectors by reading up on the topic.

A Transistor-Based Infrared Circuit

Below is a schematic of the IR sensor's transistor-based circuit, demonstrating how to use two transistors for obstacle detection. This circuit's primary function is to detect obstacles in the path of an infrared LED. So, two transistors, such as NPN and PNP types, are all you need to use to construct this circuit. Transistors of the BC547 and BC557 types are utilized, respectively, for NPN and PNP operations.

For the above circuit to work, one IR LED must be ON at all times, while the other IR LED is connected to the base terminal of the PNP transistor. Infrared (IR) LEDs-2, 100-ohm, and 200-ohm resistors, BC547 and BC557 transistors, and a simple LED are all needed for this design.

When an infrared LED is identified, a tiny current is distributed through the sensor, thanks to the object's reflected light. By doing so, the NPN and PNP transistors are turned on, and the LED lights up. You may use this circuit to make automatic lamps that turn on when someone walks into the room.

IR Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4

  • The presence-detection circuit is depicted as follows in the schematic:

  • To construct the circuit depicted in the preceding diagram, we will first attach the Pi 4, the IR sensor, and the LED to the breadboard.

  • We'll hook up the Infrared sensor and LED to the Raspberry Pi using the table as a guide.

Python Code for IR Sensor Object Detection with RPi 4

If you want to use the Raspberry Pi's infrared (IR) sensor to identify an object, you'll need to create a Python script; to do so, launch the nano text editor and navigate to the file named ""


This is the Python code we will be writing now:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

#importing the library of RPi.GPIO

import time

#importing the library of time

sensor = 16

#declaring BCM pin 16, which is GPIO 23 of Raspberry Pi

led = 18

#declaring BCM pin 18, which is GPIO 24 of Raspberry Pi


#declaring the BCM mode of pins


#set the behavior of the sensor as input


#set the behavior of led as output


    while True:

        #initiated an infinite while loop

        if GPIO.input(sensor):

            #checking input on the sensor

            GPIO.output(led, False)

            #led turned on

            while GPIO.input(sensor):

                #checking input on the sensor again


                #generate a time delay of 0.2 seconds



            #led turned off if there is no input on the sensor

            except KeyboardInterrupt:

            # terminate the program


            #cleanup the GPIO pins for any other program use

Code explanation

Time and the RPi.GPIO library has been imported, and pins 16 and 18 have been designated with the sensor and the LED, respectively. Setmode = GPIO.BOARD; sensor = input; led = output; these PINs correspond to the board's PINs.

Then, when an object is detected, the sensor's input is checked in an infinite while loop to determine whether or not the LED's brightness should increase. Now run the Python file in your terminal, and you should see the led blink when an object is detected.

When the subject is not in range, and the LED is turned off:

The LED will light up as the object passes over the IR sensor.

Uses for Infrared Sensors

Infrared (IR) sensors can be broken down into several categories depending on their intended use. Examples of how various sensor technologies are typically put to use. It is possible to get numerous motors working in unison using a speed sensor. The sensor's temperature readings are used in factories for climate regulation. The passive infrared (PIR) sensor is employed in an automated door opening system, whereas the ultrasonic (US) sensor measures distance.

The infrared (IR) sensors detailed below can be found in various sensor-based applications and electrical gadgets.

  1. Radiation Thermometers

Features of radiation thermometers, which use infrared (IR) sensors to determine an object's temperature, vary with the object's material and temperature.

  • remote sensing and measurement, where no physical contact is required

  • quicker response

  • Simple Pattern Sizing

  1. Flame Monitors

The light given off by the flames may be detected, and the fire's progress can be tracked with such gadgets. Flames emit a wide spectrum of light, from ultraviolet to infrared. Numerous types of detectors, including PBS, PbSe, Two-color detectors, and pyroelectric detectors, are utilized in flame monitors.

  1. Gas Analyzers

Gas analyzers use IR sensors to analyze gas based on their absorption characteristics in the IR region. Two techniques are utilized: dispersive and non-dispersive. In the dispersive method, the emitted light is separated spectroscopically, and the absorption is analyzed to determine the gas composition and sample quantity. The non-dispersive method, also known as NDIR technology, is the more widely used technique. It employs optical filters similar to sunglasses to filter out unwanted radiation and determines the absorption without spectroscopically separating the emitted light. NDIR analyzers are commonly used for carbonated drinks, while non-dispersive analyzers are frequently used for automotive exhaust gas analysis and fuel leak detection.

  1. IR Imaging Devices

An IR imaging device generally applies IR waves due to its invisible property. It finds use in thermal cameras, night vision equipment, and others. All objects, including water, rocks, soil, vegetation, the atmosphere, and human tissue, emit IR radiation, which the Thermal infrared sensors measure within the IR spectrum to create a map of the object/area's temperature distribution. Thermal cameras are often made up of Sb (indium antimonite), Gd Hg (mercury-doped germanium), and Hg Cd Te (mercury-cadmium-telluride) sensors. 


The IR sensor's transmitter continuously sends out infrared beams, which bounce back when they encounter an object. The receiver of the IR module then detects these beams, resulting in a high output from the IR sensor. IR technology has various applications in daily life and industries, such as televisions, where an IR sensor detects signals from a remote control. In this article, we have integrated the IR module with the Raspberry Pi 4 and demonstrated the functioning of the IR module through a simple object detection project.

So, that was all for today. In the next lecture, we will interface PIR Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4. Till then, take care. Have fun!!!

Interface a Ws2812 RGB with Raspberry Pi 4

Thank you for joining us today for our in-depth Raspberry Pi programming tutorial. The previous guide covered the steps necessary to connect a fingerprint scanner to a Raspberry Pi 4. In addition, we developed a python script to complement the sensor's ability to identify fingerprints. Yet, in this guide, we'll discover how to interface a ws2812 RGB to a Raspberry Pi 4.

Bright, colorful lights are the best, and this tutorial shows you how to set up Fully Configurable WS2812B led strips to run on a Pi 4 computer as quickly and flexibly as possible. In that manner, you can have the ambiance of your home reflect your tastes.

In most cases, when people talk about a "WS2812B Strip," they mean a long piece of extensible PCB with a bunch of different RGB LED Nodes spread out and dotting all along the top. As a bonus, WS2812B strips can be addressed individually. Each RGB node can independently set its own color and brightness. The functionality of non-addressable RGB strips will be identical to that of WS2812B strips. WS2812B Strips are superior in every way, allowing for more imaginative LED light shows. It is possible to create more complex animations, stripes, and chases by individually programming the actions of each LED Node.

The "WS" in WS2812B indicates that this is the second major revision of this design; "World Semi" refers to the chip's original equipment manufacturer, "2812" to its specific part number, and "B" to its revision number. Each WS2812B LED Node contains an integrated circuit chip, as shown below.

Fully Configurable Strip LEDs now come in wide varieties. It's important to remember whether the strip operates on 5 volts or 12-volt power. To power our 5V-powered Raspberry Pi Computer, we need to use a 5V power supply. Or we'll have to install extra gear to meet the 12v Dc power specifications. LED Node densities also vary across WS2812B LED strips. Since our strip consists of WS2812B nodes soldered onto rigid PCBs, it may also be controlled by the Python script included in this article. ws2812B LED strips are the ideal LEDs to use because of the benefits above. What this manual entails is listed below.

The control mechanism implemented in this tutorial works with WS2812B LED nodes, whether they are rigidly coupled on a PCB or flexibly arranged over a long strip. No prior experience with Raspberry Pi has required, thanks to our comprehensive online raspberry pi 4 for the introduction. You should be able to follow these guidelines if you've read at least chapter 1. 

Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1Jumper WiresAmazonBuy Now
2Raspberry Pi 4AmazonBuy Now

WS2812B protocol

Let's go over the protocol for these addressable LEDs so you can see how they function. Each WS2812B unit's red, green, and blue LEDs can be independently controlled to one of 256 brightness levels. Each LED module needs 24 bits of data or three groups of eight brightness bits. Here's a quick rundown of the steps involved:

  • The first LED in the string receives this data stream from the microcontroller, which consists of eight green bits, eight red bits, and eight blue bits.

  • In the case of several LEDs, the data sequence for the second LED begins with green, red, and blue information immediately after the information for the first LED. The process repeats itself until each LED is turned on.

  • The first LED acts as a receiver for data for all subsequent LEDs in the chain and then sends that data to the second LED without applying the same sequence.

  • When the original "number one" LED unit runs out of binary LED sequences, it passes the baton to the next available unit.

What You Need

What follows are detailed instructions for configuring a single Raspberry Pi board to manage many individually addressable LEDs.

  • A pi 4

  • 5v led strip

  • A DC barrel jack to 2-pin terminal block adapter. 

More than 30 WS2812B strip Nodes will necessitate the usage of an external power supply. Even with highly efficient LEDs, producing brilliant light takes a lot of energy. On average, each pixel will consume 20mA, and while projecting white light at full brightness, each pixel will consume 60mA. This information shows us that 30 Pixels can consume 600mA on average and 1.8A at full brightness. As a side note, staring directly into a room with the lights set to full white causes blind spots in my vision. Because of this, I typically set the brightness of my WS2812B lights to 20%. Ensure your WS2812B strip's power source is adequate for the illumination level you intend to achieve.

In today's world, 3.3V data logic is compatible with most WS2812B LED nodes. The GPIO Pins on a Raspberry Pi have an operational voltage range of 0 to 3.3V; therefore, this works out perfectly. This surface-mounted WS2812B strip Node has seen five minor changes since its inception. Since the earlier WS2812B strip can only work on 5V Data Logic, a logical level shifter may be necessary if you're experiencing strange or intermittent issues.

Assembling Hardware

We'll configure our Raspberry PI to look and act like a desktop PC because that's how most people use computers at home and because it's the most user-friendly setup for novice makers. To convert our Raspberry Pi into a desktop computer, we'll need to install a micro-SD card pre-flashed with the operating system. Then hook it up to a monitor via HDMI and a mouse/keyboard combo. Also, this is a good moment to install a small heatsink on the Raspberry Pi Board's central processing unit IC. Look at the image below to see the setup adjacent to a short WS2812B LED strip with three wires protruding from it. The WS2812B has three wires that have not yet been connected to the Raspberry Pi. WS2812B LED Strip PCBs are often marked with arrows to indicate the direction of data flow. It is a common problem in troubleshooting when this is ignored.

How to Configure Hardware for WS2812B Chains with fewer than 30 Nodes We need to plug in the 5V WS2812B Strip's three wires to the Raspberry Pi before turning the power on. Link the Raspberry Pi's 5V Power Input Pin with the Red Power Cable. Join the white wire labeled "Ground" to the Pi's Ground pin. Join the Raspberry Pi's Green Input Pin to its GPIO 18 port. It is important to remember that the Green Input Pin could be any GPIO pin as long as the appropriate adjustments are made in your Python programs. In this manual, GPIO 18 will be used for the Data Line in all scripts. The picture below shows how these three wires are joined together. This straightforward system can provide power and data transmission for a limited amount of LEDs.

Hardware Configuration for a WS2812B Strip with more than 30 Nodes in Length. However, the Pi 4 Power Pin Out is not powerful enough to power a full LED strip. It's important to know the power requirements of fully addressable WS2812B LEDs, especially when used in large quantities. 150 fully illuminated RGBW LEDs should be manageable by a high-quality 5v 4A power supply.

Following the diagram below, we will connect a 5V 4A power source via a DC barrel jack. Our WS2812B LEDs are pre-soldered with one green data wire, two red power wires, and two white ground wires. The white wire should be attached to the DC barrel jack's negative terminal using a screwdriver. Join the Red Wire to the Terminal With the Positive Screw Down. The White Connectors all link to one other, indicating a Common Ground shared by the Raspberry Pi and the power source. The two devices can't be connected without ground, which will prevent voltage fluctuations and data transmission mistakes.

Furthermore, the WS2812B Strip is no longer connected to the Pi 4 computer via a red power wire. We have found an alternative to using a Raspberry Pi to run our system. See the diagram below for details on connecting a Raspberry Pi to a string of WS2812B LEDs so that they may be controlled remotely.

There are several great best practices to keep in mind if you're planning on powering many LED strips. If you need to run more than a 5-meter roll of LEDs, I recommend consulting the adafruit documentation on the subject. It's important to think about heat and currents.

Now that everything is hooked up how you like it, you can turn on the Pi 4 System by inserting a USB-C cable.

Set up of software.

You'll need to install a few packages if you're starting with a clean install of Raspberry Pi OS. Since this is the case, WS2812B LEDs will function properly. When you plug the Raspberry Pi into an electrical outlet and finish the initial boot-up wizard, you will be taken to the operating system's familiar desktop.

Click the black button in the upper left corner to open a new terminal window. An interactive terminal will launch. Below is a picture of this happening, with a huge red arrow indicating the pressed terminal icon.

With this terminal window, we can search for specific programs and download them from the internet. Here are the command lines you use in the terminal to install everything you need. Type | Y | to confirm installs if prompted.

sudo pip3 install rpi_ws281x

sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel

sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall adafruit-blinka

You now have the software and programming packages installed on your Device to power and run WS2812B properly.

Flashing led demonstration

You may trigger the Raspberry Pi to turn on the associated WS2812B LED strips in various ways. To begin, I will utilize the simplest and quickest technique, which involves hooking up this Raspberry Pi to a monitor, mouse, and keyboard so that I can execute Python scripts directly to control it. Below, you'll find the best and most fun Python script to start with: | |. Even though it's far more involved than the rest of the Python scripts in this tutorial, we felt it was essential to include it first because it provides a comprehensive overview of the various possible patterns and lighting styles.

import time

from rpi_ws281x import *

import argparse

LED_COUNT      = 30     

LED_PIN        = 18      

LED_FREQ_HZ    = 800000  # LED signal frequency in hertz (usually 800khz)

LED_DMA        = 10      # DMA channel to use for generating a signal (try 10)

LED_BRIGHTNESS = 65      # Set to 0 for darkest and 255 for brightest

LED_INVERT     = False   # True to invert the signal (when using NPN transistor level shift)

LED_CHANNEL    = 0       # set to '1' for GPIOs 13, 19, 41, 45 or 53

def colorWipe(strip, color, wait_ms=50):

    """Wipe color across display a pixel at a time."""

    for i in range(strip.numPixels()):

        strip.setPixelColor(i, color)


def theaterChase(strip, color, wait_ms=50, iterations=10):

    """Movie theater light style chaser animation."""

    for j in range(iterations):

        for q in range(3):

            for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):

                strip.setPixelColor(i+q, color)



            for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):

                strip.setPixelColor(i+q, 0)

def wheel(pos):

    """Generate rainbow colors across 0-255 positions."""

    if pos < 85:

        return Color(pos * 3, 255 - pos * 3, 0)

    elif pos < 170:

        pos -= 85

        return Color(255 - pos * 3, 0, pos * 3)


        pos -= 170

        return Color(0, pos * 3, 255 - pos * 3)

def rainbow(strip, wait_ms=20, iterations=1):

    """Draw rainbow that fades across all pixels at once."""

    for j in range(256*iterations):

        for i in range(strip.numPixels()):

            strip.setPixelColor(i, wheel((i+j) & 255))


def rainbowCycle(strip, wait_ms=20, iterations=5):

    """Draw rainbow that uniformly distributes itself across all pixels."""

    for j in range(256*iterations):

        for i in range(strip.numPixels()):

            strip.setPixelColor(i, wheel((int(i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + j) & 255))


def theaterChaseRainbow(strip, wait_ms=50):

    """Rainbow movie theater light style chaser animation."""

    for j in range(256):

        for q in range(3):

            for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):

                strip.setPixelColor(i+q, wheel((i+j) % 255))



            for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):

                strip.setPixelColor(i+q, 0)

# Main program logic follows:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Process arguments

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    parser.add_argument('-c', '--clear', action='store_true', help='clear the display on exit')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Create NeoPixel object with appropriate configuration.


    # Intialize the library (must be called once before other functions).


    print ('Press Ctrl-C to quit.')

    if not args.clear:

        print('Use "-c" argument to clear LEDs on exit')


        while True:

            print ('Color wipe animations.')

            colorWipe(strip, Color(255, 0, 0))  # Red wipe

            colorWipe(strip, Color(0, 255, 0))  # Blue wipe

            colorWipe(strip, Color(0, 0, 255))  # Green wipe

            print ('Theater chase animations.')

            theaterChase(strip, Color(127, 127, 127))  # White theater chase

            theaterChase(strip, Color(127,   0,   0))  # Red theater chase

            theaterChase(strip, Color(  0,   0, 127))  # Blue theater chase

            print ('Rainbow animations.')




    except KeyboardInterrupt:

        if args.clear:

            colorWipe(strip, Color(0,0,0), 10)

Get started with Python using an IDE like Thonny IDE. You can use any Python Interpreter you like, as Thonny IDE is one of many. Thonny IDE can be accessed through the Application Menu under the Programming submenu. Then, copy the above code inside Thonny Python Editor and save it as on your desktop. Proceed by clicking the large green Run button. See what happens when you do that in the image below.

With that, you should see vibrant hues coming from your LED strip. If individual LEDs on your WS2812B LED Strip aren't lighting up, but the others are, open the Python script, locate the variable labeled LED COUNT, and raise its value till it's in line with the number of LEDs on your strip. The script can be saved and re-run by clicking the Run button. To accommodate the enormous quantity of WS2812B LED Strip, I set this variable to 150. In the next image, you can see a long WS2812B strip that has been wired to an external power source and is controlled by the modified Python script.

Basic Code for WS2812B LED Tape

Now you can check if your Device is properly constructed and functioning with the help of the above script. Moreover, the resulting illumination is just breathtaking. Maker may be left wanting more, though. This is of special importance to the readability of the code, which facilitates its adaptation to specific tasks. This section will show you how to control the WS2812B strip with a few basic Python programs easily modified to suit your needs.

To get started, look at, a very basic WS2812B Control Script.

import time

import board

import neopixel

#Initialise, a strips variable, provide the GPIO Data Pin

# utilized and the amount of LED Nodes on the strip and brightness (0 to 1 value)

pixels1 = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D18, 55, brightness=1)

#Also, create an arbitrary count variable


pixels1.fill((0, 220, 0))

#LED Node 10 and the color Blue were selected

pixels1[10] = (0, 20, 255)

#Showing a different color


#Below will loop until variable x has a value of 35

while x<35:

    pixels1[x] = (255, 0, 0)

    pixels1[x-5] = (255, 0, 100)

    pixels1[x-10] = (0, 0, 255)

    #Add 1 to the counter


    #Add a small time pause which will translate to 'smoothly' changing color


#Below section is the same process as the above loop, just in reverse

while x>-15:

    pixels1[x] = (255, 0, 0)

    pixels1[x+5] = (255, 0, 100)

    pixels1[x+10] = (0, 255, 0)



#Add a brief time delay to appreciate what has happened    


#Complete the script by returning all the LEDs to the off

pixels1.fill((0, 0, 0))

The Python script has been thoroughly commented on, so you should have no trouble following along. The script in the previous paragraph includes readily apparent dials and switches. You'll learn the fundamentals of making a captivating LED Pattern, including how to adjust the number of LED Nodes, the brightness of the LED strips, whether to illuminate the entire board or just a section of it and how to illuminate individual LEDs. Each Node color can be customized by entering a corresponding Red, Blue, or Green numeric value. A number can have any value between zero and 255. The term "RGB Color Code" is commonly used to describe this. While experimenting with different hues can be a lot of fun, the best method to find the precise shade you need is to use a website that lists RGB color codes. Choose any color on this site, and you'll get its corresponding RGB color code in three numbers. After you've located the three-digit color code, you can easily enter it into the Python program.

You can copy and paste the script into Thonny IDE and run it. Once you've saved the file, you can press the run button to activate the script. Below are some screenshots displaying the output.

Control Several LED Strips at Once

Next is to hook up a few different LED Strips to the Pi 4 SBC and run a Python script to manage everything. Hardware-wise, I've replicated the procedure described in Hardware Configuration for Small, fewer than 30 Nodes long WS2812B, adding a second, similarly-sized WS2812B LED Strip.

I wired an additional WS2812B strip of lights up to the GPIO in the manner described below. The Raspberry Pi's other 5V Pin was connected to the red power line. The Raspberry Pi's White Ground Wire was attached to the board's second Ground Port. In this case, GPIO 21 received the green data wire. Check out the diagram of the wired components below; using two WS2812B LED strips of varying density is fine.

Using Thonny IDE as previously, run the python script titled to control these two WS2812B Strips in a no-frills fashion. Look at this thoroughly documented Python script down here.

#include all necessary packages to get LEDs to work with Raspberry Pi

import time

import board

import neopixel

#Initialise two strips variables, provide the GPIO Data Pin

# utilized and the amount of LED Nodes and brightness (0 to 1 value)

pixels1 = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D18, 30, brightness=1)

pixels2 = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D21, 6, brightness=1)

#Focusing on a particular strip, use the command Fill to make it all a single color

#based on decimal code R, G, B. Number can be anything from 255 - 0. Use an RGB Colour

#Code Chart Website to quickly identify a desired fill color.

pixels1.fill((0, 255, 0))

pixels2.fill((0, 0, 255))

#Sleep for one second, and then code repeats for different color combinations. Light changes

#Could happen instead in response to certain buttons being pressed or due to threshold values


pixels1.fill((200, 200, 0))

pixels2.fill((0, 200, 200))


pixels1.fill((50, 70, 215))

pixels2.fill((215, 50, 70))


pixels1.fill((0, 0, 0))

pixels2.fill((0, 0, 0))

Note that a Pi 4Computer has four Data Wire locations that can control individual WS2812B LED Strips, provided the corresponding Python script is updated correctly. The pinouts are numbered as follows: GPIO18, GPIO21, GPIO12, and GPIO10. With some tweaking and development of this technique, you can use a single Raspberry Pi as a standalone controller for four individually addressable WS2812B strips.

Ensure the right number of LED Nodes has been assigned to both LED WS2812B Strips before running the script. Once the script is ready to be executed, click the Thonny IDE's large green Run button. Both strands will suddenly come to life, each filled with a unique color. In the picture below, you can see this in action.


In this tutorial, we looked at connecting a WS2812B led strip to a Raspberry Pi. We also programmed the LEDs to blink in various patterns and colors using Python. You may now explore with your raspberry pi and these led strips to create patterns or whatever you like. Next, we'll look at connecting a Pi 4 to a sharp infrared distance measurement sensor.

Interface a Fingerprint Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4

Hello friends, I hope you all are going great. Today, I am going to share the 10th tutorial of Section-III in our Raspberry Pi Programming Course. In our previous tutorial, we interfaced a Gas Sensor MQ-2 with Raspberry Pi 4. Today, we will be interfacing a Fingerprint Sensor with Raspberry Pi today.

After appearing only in science fiction films until recently, fingerprint sensors are often employed to confirm an individual's identity in various contexts. Today, fingerprint-based systems are used for everything from checking in at the office to verifying an employee's identity at the bank, withdrawing cash from an ATM, and proving one's identity at a government agency. For identifying purposes, fingerprint-detecting technology has been used for some time now.

Fingerprint recognition systems, in general, have advantages over other biometric technologies in terms of speed, affordability, and reliability. Ridges on a fingerprint model make for distinctive whorls and loops, making each fingerprint one-of-a-kind.

There are five different kinds of fingerprints: the whorl, the right circle, the left loop, the tented, and the arch. Most fingerprint identification systems have difficulty telling similar fingerprint types apart. Numerous fingerprint recognition methods exist, and neural networks are utilized to find ridge ends and other details needed to find a match.

Project Description

In today's project, we will design a security system using an optical fingerprint sensor with Raspberry Pi 4. We will use a 16x2 LCD to display the results. Moreover, we will use four buttons: one to enroll a new fingerprint, one to delete a previously stored one, and two more to adjust the index position of fingerprints currently in use.

When the fingerprint reader is ready to accept a finger for matching, an LED will light up. When the user will place his finger on the sensor, the sensor will start scanning it. If the fingerprint matches with any of the stored prints, the lock will open up, otherwise, it will generate a warning.

Components Required

These are the components required to design a fingerprint-based security system using Raspberry Pi 4:

  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • USB to Serial converter
  • Fingerprint Module
  • Push buttons
  • 16x2 LCD (Optional)
  • Bread Board
  • Jumper wires
  • LED
  • 10k pot
  • Resistor 150 ohm -1 k ohm

What is the Fingerprint Scanner?

  • A fingerprint scanner is an electronic/optical sensor, used to scan and detect fingerprints.
  • It can enroll multiple fingerprints in its built-in memory, a normal sensor can save around 100 fingerprints in its database.
  • Moreover, it also has the capability to match a fresh fingerprint with the fingerprints in its database.
  • This device's unique fingerprint biometric technology allows for increased precision, superior performance, and unbreakable security.

If you're concerned about safety, a fingerprint scanner is an excellent alternative to a keycode because the password can be easily scanned but is challenging to get a person's fingerprint. Therefore, normally a fingerprint scanner/reader in conjunction with biometric software for verification, identification, and authentication is used in highly secured places.

Optical, ultrasonic, and capacitive fingerprint readers are the three most typical kinds today. We used optical fingerprint sensors. It uses a camera-like gadget to snap an image of a fingerprint on a glass surface from a predetermined distance. Some optical sensors have added components of primitive artificial intelligence to verify that a living finger is being put on the reader, providing an extra layer of protection.

Fingerprint Sensor Working Principle

Processing plays a crucial role in the fingerprint sensor's operation. There are two essential parts of fingerprint processing i.e.

  • Enrollment of Fingerprint.
  • Matching of Fingerprint.

Each user must place their finger twice during the enrollment process.

This way, the system verifies the fingerprints for processing, creates a fingerprint pattern and saves the information. While in the matching process, the user lays a finger on the sensor and the system checks it against the templates stored in its memory.

Circuit Diagram of Fingerprint Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4

  • The fingerprint module, we are using is UART-based. So, we need to connect a USB-to-Serial adapter to connect the fingerprint module to the Raspberry Pi.
  • Here's the circuit diagram of the Fingerprint Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4:

So, let's design it on real hardware. It's easy to set up:

  • We used a USB-to-serial converter to link the Raspberry Pi's USB port with the fingerprint module.
  • All notifications are shown on a 16x2 LCD.
  • LCDs often have a 10k pot for adjusting contrast.
  • Each 16x2 LCD's RS, EN, d4, d5, d6, and d7 connections are wired to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pin: 18, 23, 24, 25, 8, and 7 respectively.
  • GPIO 5, 6, 13, and 19 on the Raspberry Pi are wired to four buttons.
  • LED is wired to RPI's Pin 26.
  • Here are the images of our hardware setup:

Fingerprint Sensor Python Library Installation

Now that we've finished hooking everything up, we can power on the Raspberry Pi and open the terminal. Now, let's look at how to install a fingerprint library for the Python code:

  • Step 1: This library requires administrator access to be installed. So, let's use the following command to get root access:

sudo bash

  • Step 2: Then, using the provided commands, you may download the necessary packages:

wget –O – | apt-key add –

wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

  • Step 3: The next step is to update our Pi 4 and deploy the acquired fingerprint sensor library:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python-fingerprint –yes

  • Step 4: Once the library has been installed, you can verify the USB port where your fingerprint reader is attached by typing the following command:

ls /dev/ttyUSB*

On the other side of the screen, change the USB port number with the number of the USB connection you have.

Python Code For Fingerprint Sensor

Python code Operation

Running the Python code will display some introductory prompts on the LCD, after which the user will be instructed to place a finger on the fingerprint reader. Now if the fingerprints are matched with the stored prints in the sensor's database. LCDs will read something like "Fount at Pos:2" if your fingerprint has been stored there, or "No Match Found" if it has not been.

Users can enroll a fingerprint by pressing the register button and then reading the on-screen prompts.

If you want to erase a fingerprint, LCD will ask where it is located. The user can now erase a previously saved fingerprint by selecting it using the two increment/decrement push buttons and then pressing the enroll button (which now acts as the Ok button). Watch the video that is provided as part of the final deliverable to get a better grasp on the subject.

Python Code Designing

Using the fingerprint library methods in Python, connecting a fingerprint sensor with the Raspberry Pi is a breeze. If the user insists on creating the interface on their own, things could get tricky.

Since we already used the library, all that's left to do is call the appropriate library function. Defining the pins for the LCD, LED, and push buttons requires first importing libraries of fingerprint, GPIO, and time into the code.

import time

from pyfingerprint.pyfingerprint import PyFingerprint

import RPi.GPIO as gpio

RS =18

EN =23

D4 =24

D5 =25

D6 =8

D7 =7








  • The following step is to initialize and assign functions to the pins:



gpio.setup(RS, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(EN, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D4, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D5, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D6, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D7, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(enrol, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(delet, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(inc, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(dec, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(led, gpio.OUT)

  • Having successfully initialized the fingerprint sensor, let's move on:


    f = PyFingerprint('/dev/ttyUSB0', 57600, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000)

    if ( f.verifyPassword() == False ):

        raise ValueError('The given fingerprint sensor password is wrong!')

except Exception as e:

    print('Exception message: ' + str(e))


  • We've built some functions to initialize and control the LCD; the complete code is included below.

def begin(), def lcdcmd(ch), def lcdwrite(ch), def lcdprint(Str), def setCursor(x,y)

We have placed fingerprint enrolling, searching, and erasing functions after completing the authoring of all LCD driver functions.

  • Call the def enrollFinger() method to enroll or save fresh fingerprints.
  • The def searchFinger() function retrieves fingerprints from a database.
  • When the appropriate button is pressed, the def deleteFinger() function is called to remove the already stored fingerprint.

The Python source code for all of the functions above is included below.

Next, we'll ask the user to place their finger on the sensor to verify their identity, and the system will determine if that print is valid before displaying the findings.



lcdprint("FingerPrint ")


lcdprint("Interfacing ")



lcdprint("Circuit Digest")


lcdprint("Welcomes You  ")




while 1:

    gpio.output(led, HIGH)


    lcdprint("Place Finger")

    if gpio.input(enrol) == 0:

        gpio.output(led, LOW)


    elif gpio.input(delet) == 0:

        gpio.output(led, LOW)

        while gpio.input(delet) == 0:






Complete code

import time

from pyfingerprint.pyfingerprint import PyFingerprint

import RPi.GPIO as gpio

RS =18

EN =23

D4 =24

D5 =25

D6 =8

D7 =7










gpio.setup(RS, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(EN, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D4, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D5, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D6, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D7, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(enrol, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(delet, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(inc, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(dec, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)

gpio.setup(led, gpio.OUT)


    f = PyFingerprint('/dev/ttyUSB0', 57600, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000)

    if ( f.verifyPassword() == False ):

        raise ValueError('The given fingerprint sensor password is wrong!')

except Exception as e:

    print('Exception message: ' + str(e))


def begin():








def lcdcmd(ch): 

  gpio.output(RS, 0)

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x10==0x10:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x20==0x20:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x40==0x40:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x80==0x80:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

  # Low bits

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x01==0x01:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x02==0x02:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x04==0x04:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x08==0x08:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

def lcdwrite(ch): 

  gpio.output(RS, 1)

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x10==0x10:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x20==0x20:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x40==0x40:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x80==0x80:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

  # Low bits

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x01==0x01:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x02==0x02:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x04==0x04:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x08==0x08:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

def lcdclear():


def lcdprint(Str):



  for i in range(l):


def setCursor(x,y):

    if y == 0:


    elif y == 1:



def enrollFinger():


    lcdprint("Enrolling Finger")


    print('Waiting for finger...')


    lcdprint("Place Finger")

    while ( f.readImage() == False ):



    result = f.searchTemplate()

    positionNumber = result[0]

    if ( positionNumber >= 0 ):

        print('Template already exists at position #' + str(positionNumber))


        lcdprint("Finger ALready")


        lcdprint("   Exists     ")



    print('Remove finger...')


    lcdprint("Remove Finger")


    print('Waiting for same finger again...')


    lcdprint("Place Finger")


    lcdprint("   Again    ")

    while ( f.readImage() == False ):



    if ( f.compareCharacteristics() == 0 ):

        print "Fingers do not match"


        lcdprint("Finger Did not")


        lcdprint("   Mactched   ")




    positionNumber = f.storeTemplate()

    print('Finger enrolled successfully!')


    lcdprint("Stored at Pos:")




    print('New template position #' + str(positionNumber))


def searchFinger():


        print('Waiting for finger...')

        while( f.readImage() == False ):





        result = f.searchTemplate()

        positionNumber = result[0]

        accuracyScore = result[1]

        if positionNumber == -1 :

            print('No match found!'


            lcdprint("No Match Found")




            print('Found template at position #' + str(positionNumber))


            lcdprint("Found at Pos:")



    except Exception as e:

        print('Operation failed!')

        print('Exception message: ' + str(e))


def deleteFinger():

    positionNumber = 0



    lcdprint("Delete Finger")


    lcdprint("Position: ")



    while gpio.input(enrol) == True:   # here enrol key means ok

        if gpio.input(inc) == False:


            if count>1000:





        elif gpio.input(dec) == False:


            if count<0:






    if f.deleteTemplate(positionNumber) == True :

        print('Template deleted!')


        lcdprint("Finger Deleted");




lcdprint("FingerPrint ")


lcdprint("Interfacing ")



lcdprint("Circuit Digest")


lcdprint("Welcomes You  ")




while 1:

    gpio.output(led, HIGH)


    lcdprint("Place Finger")

    if gpio.input(enrol) == 0:

        gpio.output(led, LOW)


    elif gpio.input(delet) == 0:

        gpio.output(led, LOW)

        while gpio.input(delet) == 0:






In this case, biometric authentication was implemented. To verify the identity of a user, fingerprint authentication uses an automated comparison of their fingerprint with a fingerprint template. In the next tutorial, we will discuss how to interface a Heartbeat Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4. Stay tuned. Have fun!!!

How Modern Technology is Redesigning Online Poker?

We all know technology is not only changing trends and habits, but it is also reshaping the way we live our daily lives. We are not talking about centuries ago, but even if we examine the previous two decades, everything, from our communication style to our travel means, from our shopping habits to our entertainment industry, is changing rapidly, and this has both pros and cons. In a broader view, we can say that positive impacts are more dominant than negative effects on our lives. Maybe you have the opposite opinion, but I can prove this with the help of a simple and general example that I am going to discuss in detail with you. Just like almost every other sport and game, poker has some visible technical changes, and people can play poker online. Clients and casinos are getting more and more benefits from technical assistance. We are talking about the facts and ways in which modern technologies are reshaping and redesigning online poker. Different technologies, such as artificial intelligence, are changing the way online poker works, and we will try to find the ways and facts by which this change is being seen by experts.

Collectively, we can say that the advancement in technology has positively revolutionized online poker. There are some negative points about modern technology, but the score of the positive points is higher; therefore, we have talked more about these. The techniques such as AI, machine learning, 3D machines, AR, VR, and some others are the backbone of this change, and it seems like these changes are unending because of the advancement in technology every year. If you are interested in more details then you must visit Ignition starting hands guide for the best tips and tricks on online poker.

History of Online Poker

The history of online poker is just as important as the history of the internet because, with the advancement of the internet in the 1990s, many games, including online poker, were introduced for game lovers. This growth was so interesting that everyone was attracted to the internet and online gaming, whether they were players or game developers. Many big names in the world of online poker made a great audience out of this niche, and people are moving more and more towards online poker every year.

In the records of online poker, the first visible name is Planet Poker, which was developed in 1998. This was just the start, and the real fame of online poker started in the 2000s. Another name in the poker game is more interesting. After qualifying through an online satellite tournament, Chris Moneymaker won the 2003 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event, helping to popularize the game and attract more players to online poker sites.

In the market for online poker, the next few years were significant, and these played a vital role in attracting a great community to online poker. The main reason for this was, the great bonuses and discounts offered by these online websites and the great community that was involved with amazing skills there. People were getting more and more discounts by simply signing up the new accounts, and this was an attractive point in the growth of online poker.

But in this journey, there were many ups and downs, and here it is important to mention that the industry was rocked in 2006 by the passage of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) in the United States, which made it illegal for banks to process online gambling transactions. This resulted in a decline in the US market, which had previously been one of the largest for online poker.

Despite this time, the history of online poker has undergone a positive reshaping with the advancement in technology. People seem more convenient to have this game online because of the vast community and more facilities. This will be clear with the help of the points that we are going to share with you.

Role of Modern Technology in Redesigning Online Poker

Now we are talking about some points that will justify that there are many effects of technology on online poker and in every era, we are facing the ups and downs of poker and the conclusion will be made after this discussion. 

Better Safety and Security of Players

When players are connected virtually, the first thing that comes to their mind is the transparent results and the security of the rights of the players. The developers have made the system so secure to win the confidence of the players. Modern technology has helped the owners of the system to minimize the chance of cheating and to reduce the chance of using chat bots and cheating codes to win the game. With the advancement of technology, the algorithms are becoming more and more secure to win the trust of thousands of people at the same time.

An interesting point here is to mention of the involvement of the companies like poker operators that are playing a vital role to improve security and to enhance the level of trust towards online poker platforms.

Personalized and Better Poker Experience

With the advancement in the technologies like artificial intelligence, poker is becoming more and more interesting because of the fantastic features and the availability of the options of personalization that not only gives a quality experience to the players but the rules and options are so clear that even a new player can understand all of them easily without any major issue. This is making online poker more common among the new generation and is still the favorite of the previous one.

For the best gaming experiences, the personalization of the profile and the game is playing an important role. It seems like many controls of the profile are in the hand of the player and he can easily use his profile image in different ways for the best experience.

Role of Data Fusion in Complex Decisions

Data fusion is one of the most significant points in modern technology, and if we purely talk about poker, this game is full of thrill because of its complex decisions and tactics of the game that every player must be pro in to get the best position. The advanced technology helps the player to get a better experience with the help of data fusion. This makes the game more realistic as all the players are in the same database and there is no need of putting the information manually, this makes the user experience better.

With the advancement in artificial technology, machine learning has helped the system to perform better every day by learning from the behaviour of the users every time they play.

Ease of Playing Online Poker

The start of the technology was amazing and easy, but with the passage of time and the introduction of new games and platforms, all of them are using modern technology. With the advancement in it, people have the easiest way to reach these platforms, and by the same token, the availability of multiple choices for online poker has made it more interesting to have the game as every online platform has its features and expertise. So, every user has a variety of online poker platforms with the advancement of technology, and this is the winning point of online poker.

Online Groups in Poker

As we have said, with the advancement in technology, the major work is done on the database of the players, which makes it possible to play with your groups at the same time without any issues. The traditional way of playing poker is to play at a table, and it seems perfect to play with friends in such an environment, but technology has made it possible to play with your own friends on the same table with pre-defined and decided rules according to your mode and choice. Any game with a friend is interesting, and poker is the best option to spend quality time with your friends and loved ones.

Variations with the Advancement of Technology

This is the nature of the human that more variety means more fun, especially if it is about the games. It is observed that real games do not offer more variety than online games because, because of the advancement in technology, the variations in the games are provided to the players so that every time they play, they enjoy a different type of game according to the mode.

Poker is a mind game, and every type of player needs a different game according to their skills. For example, a player at the beginner level will need some relaxation and want to play with the new players for practice. These types of facilities are provided with an online platform with the help of modern technology that gives challenges to players of the same rank and the same skills. The same is true for vice versa.

Modern Technologies of Poker for its Reshaping

Till now, our focus was to justify the points to make clear why the reshaping of online poker is related to modern technology. This time, we are moving to the expert level and will talk deeply about the technology to prove our previous discussion. Online poker and casinos are popular niches globally, and people find it more convenient to play on their mobile devices, desktops, and computers rather than going to the real markets where less security and transparency are provided. To make it more popular, many techniques are being used, and some of these are given next:

Virtual Reality Technology for Online Poker

One of the most popular technologies that we have seen in the market for online poker is virtual reality, which is not only related to this particular topic but to several fields of gaming. When we think about online poker, the only thing that we might miss is the interaction of the people just like in the real world. To overcome this deficiency, now techniques like virtual reality are used with the help of which, the players can interact and deal with the other players conveniently and can read their profiles to learn about their games and their positions. This helps a lot to the players to make the strategy and to have the perfect move at the perfect time. To make it more real, headsets and motion sensors are used for augmented reality, or simply AR, which helps the user gain knowledge about other players and the rules of the game they are playing so that they may have the strategy to win the game. The information about the objects and the working of the object is also related to it and this gives the player a more engaging and realistic experience. 

Blockchain Technology in Modern Poker

If we say that blockchain technology has revolutionized the world of online poker, then it will not be wrong because it is proven in many ways, and in such games, the most important feature is the security and privacy that are provided by the blockchain.

To make sure that every transaction is safe and clear, the blockchain provides many features, that help the online platform win the trust of its users. This means that the player will have a tension-free game with the confidence of having the perfect result without any cheating.

3D Machines in Modern Poker

If we are talking about modern techniques, then how can we forget the 3D machines? To have an immense and real-time experience in online poker, people are using 3D machines, which give a highly interesting experience in such games.  The 3D animation is closer to the real world and the fantastic design gives the best experience with creativity.

The graphics and character modelling of these machines make the game more interesting. The animations make the game more engaging, and the players feel it is more realistic and have a better experience.

We should mention here that the technologies we have mentioned here are not only convenient for the players but also for the developers and the owners of online poker. This gives the player the independence of playing and getting the reward most transparently and conveniently. So, this reshaping of online poker with modern technology is helpful.

Online Casino: What is its technology? & How it's replicating the real-world Casino?

Online technology has had a profound impact on the real world, revolutionizing various industries and areas of our lives. From e-commerce and communication to education, healthcare, and entertainment, online technology has made many aspects of daily life more convenient, accessible, and efficient.

This technology has fundamentally changed the way people interact with the world around them — and there is no denying — another industry that has been significantly transformed by online technology is — the gaming industry.

With the rise of Live casino online technology and advancements in internet connectivity, players can now connect and compete with others from anywhere in the world. Online technology has also enabled the development of massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) that allow thousands of players to interact in shared virtual worlds.

Additionally, online gaming has become more accessible than ever before, with the rise of mobile gaming and the development of cloud gaming platforms that allow players to access games from anywhere on any device.  

And online casinos are no different.

Many players find online casinos to be just as exciting, if not more so, than real-world casinos due to the convenience and accessibility of being able to play from anywhere and at any time. Plus, the availability of a wide selection of games, including live dealer games, can add to the excitement and realism of the online casino experience.

However, it is important to note that gambling can be addictive, and players should always gamble responsibly and within their means to ensure that their online casino experience remains enjoyable and is not detrimental to their overall well-being.

What is an Online Casino?

An online casino is a virtual platform that allows players to gamble and wager on various casino games via the internet. These games include slots, table games, card games, and live dealer games. 

Players can access online casinos using their computer or mobile device, and the games are played using software that simulates the experience of a traditional casino. The outcome of the games is determined by a random number generator , which ensures that the results are fair and unbiased.

Players can make deposits and withdrawals using a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. These casinos are regulated by various authorities, depending on their location, to ensure they operate fairly and securely.

What technology is used in an online casino?

Online casinos use a variety of technologies to provide players with a seamless gaming experience. Some of the most common technologies include:

VR and AR technology:

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology are becoming increasingly popular in the online casino industry, as they provide a more immersive and interactive gaming experience for players.

VR technology allows players to enter a virtual casino environment, where they can interact with other players and dealers as if they were in a real-world casino. This technology uses headsets and motion sensors to create a lifelike and immersive environment that can transport players to a virtual casino floor.

AR technology, on the other hand, overlays virtual objects and information in the real-world environment. In the online casino context, AR can be used to provide players with information about the games they are playing, such as the rules and payouts, or to create a more interactive and engaging gaming experience by overlaying virtual objects in the real-world casino environment.

Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the online casino industry by offering a more secure and fair gaming experience for players.

One of the main benefits of blockchain technology is its transparency and security. By using a decentralized network of computers to verify and store data, blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are safe and clear, and cannot be tampered with or altered.

This means that players can have greater trust and confidence in the fairness of online casino games, as the results of each game can be independently verified and audited.

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to enhance the gaming experience for players and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of casino operations.

One application of AI in the online casino industry is the development of intelligent gaming algorithms that can optimize the gaming experience for players. By analyzing player data and behavior, AI algorithms can identify patterns and preferences, and customize the gaming experience to better meet the needs and preferences of each individual player.

AI can also be used to improve the security and fraud detection capabilities of online casinos. By using machine learning algorithms to analyze data and detect patterns, online casinos can identify suspicious activity and prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities.

3D Slot Machines:

3D slot machines are a relatively new addition to the online casino industry and have quickly become popular among players due to their immersive and engaging gameplay. Unlike traditional slot machines, which feature two-dimensional graphics and simple animations, 3D slot machines feature more advanced graphics and animations that create a more realistic and enticing gaming experience.

3D slot machines use advanced software and graphics technology to create highly realistic 3D graphics and animations, including detailed character models, intricate backgrounds, and realistic sound effects. These elements combine to create a gaming experience that is highly lively and engaging, and that allows players to feel as though they are part of the game.

How do online casinos replicate real-world casinos?

Online casinos strive to replicate the real-world casino experience as closely as possible. The following are some ways that online casinos replicate the real-world casino experience:

1: Game selection

Online casinos offer a wide range of games that are similar to those found in real-world casinos. Some of the most popular games found in online casinos include:


Online casinos offer online slots as one of their most popular games. They come in different themes, graphics, and features and offer various ways to win.

Table games: 

Online casinos offer a variety of table games, including blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps, and sic bo. These games are usually played against the computer, but some online casinos offer live dealer versions.

Video poker: 

Video poker is a game that combines the elements of slots and poker. Players are dealt a hand of cards and must decide which cards to keep and which to discard in the hopes of making a winning hand.

Live dealer games: 

Online casinos offer live dealer games streamed in real-time from a casino studio. Players can interact with a real dealer and other players, creating a more authentic gaming experience.

2: Graphics and sound effects

These virtual casino games are designed with high-quality graphics and sound effects that help to replicate the look and feel of a real-world casino.

The following are some of the ways that graphics and sound effects enhance the online casino experience:

Visual appeal: 

High-quality graphics make the games more visually appealing, creating a more engaging and entertaining gaming experience.

Theme and story: 

Graphics and sound effects are used to create a theme and story for each game. This can include anything from a classic slot machine theme that tells a story or transports players to a different time or place.


These graphics and sound effects can offer more realistic exposure. For example, in live dealer games, the sound of the dealer shuffling cards and the cards' visuals can create a more authentic event like you’re part of the entire process.

Feedback and rewards: 

These visuals and effects are often used to provide feedback and rewards to players. For example, when a player wins a game, the graphics and sound effects may create a celebratory experience to enhance the player's excitement.

3: Live dealer games

Live casino online technology offers live dealer games streamed in real time from a casino studio. This allows players to interact with a real dealer and other players, creating a more authentic gaming atmosphere that both parties can enjoy.

Some of the key aspects of live dealer games include:

Real dealers: 

Live dealer games are hosted by real dealers who operate the game in real time from a casino studio. Players can interact with the dealer and other players like in a real-world casino. 

Game selection: 

Many of the most popular table games are available as live dealer games, including blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and casino hold'em.

Betting options: 

Live dealer games offer a range of betting options, from low-stakes games to high-stakes games for high rollers.


These games provide the convenience of online gaming, allowing players to enjoy the casino experience from the comfort of their own homes.

4: Bonuses and promotions

Bonuses and promotions are an essential part of the online casino experience, offering players the opportunity to boost their bankroll and increase their chances of winning. Some of the most common types of bonuses and promotions offered by online casinos include:

Welcome bonuses: 

Welcome bonuses are offered to new players when they sign up for an online casino. These bonuses usually come in the form of a match bonus, where the casino matches a percentage of the player's first deposit.

Free spins: 

Free spins are a type of bonus that allows players to spin the reels of a slot machine without having to place a bet. Free spins may be awarded as part of a welcome bonus or as a promotion to existing players.

Reload bonuses: 

Reload bonuses are bonuses offered to existing players when they make a deposit. These bonuses are usually smaller than welcome bonuses, but they still offer players the opportunity to boost their bankroll.

Loyalty rewards programs: 

Many online casinos offer loyalty rewards programs that reward players for their continued play. These programs may offer players points that can be redeemed for cash or prizes, or access to exclusive bonuses and promotions.

Cashback bonuses: 

Cashback bonuses offer players a percentage of their losses back as a bonus. For example, a casino may offer a 10% cashback bonus on losses incurred over a certain period.

5: Payment methods

Online casinos offer a range of payment methods that are similar to those offered in real-world casinos. The following are some of the most common payment methods used by online casinos:

Credit and debit cards: 

Visa and Mastercard are the most commonly accepted credit and debit cards at online casinos. These payment methods offer fast and convenient transactions, but players should be aware that some banks may decline transactions with online casinos due to local gambling regulations.


E-wallets like PayPal, Neteller, and Skrill are popular payment methods for online casino players. These payment methods offer fast and secure transactions, with many online casinos offering bonuses and promotions for players who use e-wallets.

Bank transfers: 

Bank transfers are a standard payment method for players who want to transfer large amounts of money. However, bank transfers can take several days to process, which may not be ideal for players who want to start playing immediately.


Some online casinos accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as payment methods. Cryptocurrencies offer fast and secure transactions, but players should be aware of the volatility of these currencies and the potential for significant value fluctuations.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, online casinos have revolutionized the gambling industry by offering players a convenient and accessible way to play their favorite casino games from the comfort of their own homes.

With advancements in technology, online casinos have been able to replicate the real-world casino experience through features such as live dealer games, high-quality graphics and sound effects, and a wide selection of games.

Additionally, the availability of various payment methods and bonuses, and promotions have made online gambling more attractive to players. However, it is important to note that online gambling can be addictive, and players should always gamble responsibly and within their means.

Needless to say, online casinos provide a convenient and entertaining way to enjoy the thrill of gambling, but it is important to approach online gambling with caution and moderation.

That’s all for today. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading the article. If you have experienced playing in online casinos, we’d appreciate your input in the section below. Thanks for your precious time. Until next time!

The Beginner's Guide on How to write a Professional Essay

Writing an essay is a critical skill that every student must learn. 

It’s not an easy task, I understand.

But with deliberate practice and careful attention you can learn to write an essay like a pro. 

Essays serve as a vital tool for academic and personal development, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, opinions, and arguments in a structured and coherent manner. 

Whether you are writing a college application essay, a research paper, or a personal narrative, the ability to communicate your ideas effectively is essential. 

Needless to say, the job of writing an essay can seem daunting, especially if you are a beginner. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the essay writing process, from preparing to write to formatting and finalizing your work. 

In this guide, we’ll learn 8 key steps to write an essay in a compelling and concise way.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Preparing to Write

Preparing to write an essay is an essential step in the writing process that can make a significant difference in the quality of your work. In fact, it can make or break your entire writing process.

While you prepare to write an essay, make sure you:

Understand the prompt

Before you begin writing, make sure you understand the essay prompt. Carefully read the instructions and identify the key requirements, such as the topic, length, formatting guidelines, and due date.

Brainstorm ideas

Once you have a clear understanding of the prompt, brainstorm ideas for your essay. This can involve creating a mind map, listing ideas, or doing free-writing exercises. Consider the main points you want to make and how you will support them.

Organize your thoughts

Once you have generated ideas, organize them into a coherent structure. This can involve creating an outline or using a graphic organizer to arrange your ideas logically. Having a clear structure will help you stay focused and ensure that your essay flows smoothly.

Conduct research

Based on the type of essay you are writing, you may need to conduct research to support your arguments. This can involve reading academic articles, books, or online sources. Take notes and keep track of your sources to make citing them easier later on.

Step 2: Writing the introduction

The introduction of an essay is a crucial step that sets the tone for the rest of the thoughts you’ll sprinkle on the page. It should grab the reader's attention, provide background information on the topic, and present the thesis statement. The key elements to writing a strong introduction include:

Grab the reader's attention

Start your introduction with a hook that grabs the reader's attention. This can be a quote, a surprising fact, a question, or a personal anecdote related to the topic.

Provide background information

After the hook, provide some background information on the topic. This can involve defining key terms, giving a brief history of the topic, or explaining why it is important.

Present the thesis statement

The thesis statement is the main argument or point of your story. Make it clear, concise, and specific. It is important to include it at the end of your introduction so that the reader knows what to expect in the rest of the essay.

Keep it brief

Your introduction should be brief and to the point. Stop beating around the bush and keep it simple and straightforward. It’s wise to aim for around 10% of the total word count of your essay.

Step 3: Developing body paragraphs

The body paragraphs of an essay are where you present your arguments and support your thesis statement. To make a positive impression and make your prose coherent and concise, you must start your body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph. 

  • Plus, provide evidence to support your argument. You can, for instance, use evidence such as quotes, statistics, or examples to support your argument. Be sure to properly cite your sources. And after presenting evidence, explain how it supports your argument. 

  • This can involve analyzing the evidence, drawing connections to other ideas, or explaining the significance of the evidence. To make your body paragraphs flow well, use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your writing glide from one sentence to another effortlessly. 

  • Additionally, each paragraph should focus on a single point related to your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new ideas or going off on tangents. Always, use strong, clear language to communicate your ideas effectively. Avoid jargon or overly complex language that can confuse your reader.

Step 4: Crafting a strong conclusion

Crafting a strong conclusion is a vital part of writing an essay. Of course, you wouldn’t want to make the reader hang in the middle anticipating and guessing your entire point. A good conclusion should summarize your main points, restate your thesis statement, and leave a lasting impression on the reader. 

To craft a strong conclusion you must:

Summarize your main points

Start your conclusion by summarizing the main points you made in your essay. This helps to remind the reader of your key arguments and provides closure to the essay.

Restate your thesis statement

Restate your thesis statement in a different way than in the introduction. This reinforces the main point of your essay and reminds the reader of what you set out to accomplish.

End with a memorable statement

End your conclusion with a memorable statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. This can be a call to action, a question, a powerful quote, or a thought-provoking idea.

Avoid introducing new information

Your conclusion should not introduce new information or arguments. Instead, focus on summarizing your main points and reinforcing your thesis statement.

Keep it concise

Similar to the introduction, your conclusion should be brief and concise. It should support the arguments you made in the entire essay. In fact, it exhibits a quick summary of the points you penned down in the essay.

Step 5: Editing and proofreading

Editing and proofreading are important final steps in the essay writing process. The mistakes and slip-ups come to the surface when you start editing your first draft. One single mistake in the write-up can project an idea of an amateur writer. And you wouldn’t want your entire tedious writing process to go in vain for one single mistake.

The following are some tips for editing and proofreading your essay:

Take a break

After finishing your essay, take a break and come back to it later. This can help you approach your essay with fresh eyes and catch mistakes you may have missed.

Review for structure and organization

Make sure your essay has a clear structure and flows logically. Check that each paragraph relates to your thesis statement and that your arguments are presented in a clear and coherent manner.

Check for grammar and spelling errors

Use a grammar checker or proofread your essay carefully for grammar and spelling errors. Common mistakes include subject-verb agreement, punctuation errors, and misspelled words.

Ensure proper citation

Check that you have properly cited all sources in your essay. Use the appropriate citation style, such as MLA or APA, and make sure all sources are included in your bibliography or works cited page.

Read your essay out loud

Yes, this is important. I have experienced personally that reading out loud provides an entirely different experience. The written words appear different when reading them out loud compared to when you just scan them through your eyes. It can help you catch awkward phrasing, repetition, or other issues with your writing.

Step 6: Formatting and Citations

Proper formatting and citation help to ensure that your essay is clear, professional, and meets academic standards. 

The following are some tips for formatting and citing your essay:

Use the appropriate formatting style

Depending on the subject area and instructor's preference, you may be required to use a specific formatting style, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. Make sure to follow the guidelines for that style consistently throughout your essay.

Set margins and font

Use standard margins and font sizes, such as 1-inch margins and 12-point font. Use a legible font, such as Times New Roman or Arial.

Include a title page

Depending on the formatting style, you may need to include a title page that includes the title of your essay, your name, course name, and date.

Use in-text citations

In-text citations are used to give credit to sources you have referenced within your essay. Depending on the formatting style, citations can be in parentheses, footnotes, or endnotes.

Create a work cited page

A work cited page lists all of the sources you have referenced in your essay. Make sure to follow the appropriate formatting guidelines for your chosen citation style.

Use citation tools

Many citation tools, such as EasyBib and Zotero, can help you format citations correctly and manage your sources.

Step 7: Checking for plagiarism

Checking for plagiarism can ensure that you have not inadvertently used someone else's work without proper citation. To check for plagiarism in your essay you must:

Use plagiarism detection software

There are many plagiarism detection software programs available, such as Turnitin, Grammarly, and Copyscape. These programs compare your essay to a vast database of existing works to identify any instances of plagiarism.

Check for similarities

Look for similarities between your essay and other works by comparing key phrases, sentences, or concepts. This can be done manually or using online tools such as Google Scholar.

Use quotation marks and citations

If you use someone else's words or ideas in your essay, make sure to use quotation marks and properly cite the source. This helps to avoid plagiarism and gives credit where it is due.

Paraphrase correctly

If you paraphrase someone else's work, make sure to put it in your own words and properly cite the source. Paraphrasing is not an excuse for plagiarism, as it still involves using someone else's work.

Step 8: Getting feedback on your essay

Getting feedback on your essay can be a valuable way to improve your writing and make sure your arguments are clear and effective. Here are some tips for getting feedback on your essay:

Ask a trusted friend or classmate

Ask someone you trust to read your essay and provide feedback. Choose someone who can give you honest and constructive criticism.

Seek feedback from a teacher or professor

Your instructor can provide valuable feedback on your essay and help you improve your writing skills. Ask for specific areas to work on or things to improve.

Attend a writing center

Many schools and universities have writing centers where you can get help with your writing. Staff at the writing center can provide feedback on your essay and help you improve your writing skills. Moreover, you can also get help from an essay writing service to make your essay compelling and concise from start to finish. 

Use online resources

There are many online writing resources available that can provide feedback on your essay, such as Grammarly and Hemingway Editor. These resources can help you identify areas for improvement and give you suggestions for how to improve your writing.

Consider a peer review

In a peer review, you exchange essays with another student and provide feedback on each other's work. This can be a valuable way to get feedback on your essay and see how others approach the same topic.


Writing an essay is an essential skill that can benefit you in many ways. By following the steps outlined in this beginner's guide, you can learn how to prepare, plan, write, edit, and proofread your essay effectively. 

Remember to start by selecting a topic that interests you, and to organize your thoughts and ideas before you begin writing. 

Be sure to write a strong introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a compelling conclusion that summarizes your main points. Don't forget to edit and proofread your essay carefully to ensure that it is clear, concise, and error-free. 

Finally, remember to properly format and cite your essay to meet academic standards. With practice and perseverance, you can master the art of essay writing and communicate your ideas effectively in writing.

What are the business applications of 3D Printing?

Although 3D printing feels like a relatively new development, there are lots of promising projects underway. A scheme to build 46 eco-homes has been approved in the UK’s first 3D printed development , for example, and the same is happening in Australia to provide housing for remote indigenous communities in rural areas

But how can 3D printing be applied in business? Here’s a breakdown on how it can be used and the opportunities it creates.

What is 3D printing?

3D printing refers to technology that can form materials using computer designs. The earliest signs of 3D printing came about in 1981. Dr. Hideo Kodama created a rapid prototyping machine that built solid parts using a resin and a layer-by-layer system.

Using a bottom-up technique, the material is layered until a tangible item is created. We are still in very early days when it comes to 3D printing, but engineers are optimistic about how it can be applied on a large scale across industries. There’s great potential for using 3D printing in manufacturing and home building. 

How does 3D printing work?

3D printing begins with a design stage. This is the 3D modelling stage where you can uncover the best path to follow to get the most out of the design, such as the materials used. You will also be able to use this information to determine the cost and speed of your project, adjusting where necessary.

3D printing equipment is powered by a system of control cables such as those from RS to facilitate autonomous 3D printing applications. Data connections are also used to transmit the design to printing equipment.


3D printing is commonly used for prototyping ahead of launching major manufacturing projects. It allows product designers to get a life-size glimpse at the proposed product, enabling them to identify any faults or improvements before going ahead with more expensive resources and materials. While 3D printing can be done to a large scale, it can be done to a much smaller scale too to create smaller, cost-effective prototype models.

Design processes

The attention that is given to the design process and modelling stage means companies can analyse the production method used to create the desired output. Sometimes there will be limitations such as the fact that 3D printing can only work when adding layers on top of one another, which means features like overhangs can’t be catered towards in a simple manner. Regardless, 3D printing can still cater to things that traditional manufacturing can’t.


3D printing can be used to minimise demand on time and manpower. It can be used to tackle more intricate tasks at a larger scale. Aerospace was one of the first industries to utilise this, as well as biomedical and mechanical engineering. In some cases, conventional manufacturing simply can’t replicate the detail at such a large scale.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Data Security

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important for data security. In this post, we'll look at how AI may assist businesses in anticipating and thwarting threats. But before going ahead we will explain the terms artificial intelligence and machine Learning.

What Is Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a discipline of computer science that focuses on making electrical equipment and software intelligent enough to do human activities. AI is a broad concept and a basic subject of computer science that may be used to a variety of domains including learning, planning, problem solving, speech recognition, object identification and tracking, and other security applications.

Artificial intelligence is divided into numerous subsets. We shall look at two of them in this article: 

  • Deep Learning

  • Machine Learning

What Is Machine Learning 

Machine learning (ML)-based computer systems have the capacity to learn and carry out tasks without explicit instructions. These systems find, examine, and comprehend data patterns using ML algorithms and statistical models. Many jobs that are typically completed by people are now routinely carried out automatically using machine learning capabilities.

A machine learning technique called unsupervised learning enables ML algorithms to carry out tasks without clear instructions and produce desired results. Based on analysis and experience, this method determines the best solutions to a problem. When given an input (a task to perform), the model can decide on its own what the optimum course of action is. The model gets better trained and becomes more effective the longer it solves the assignment.

The benefit of ML for many tasks is obvious—machines don't grow bored or upset by repeatedly performing the same monotonous tasks. By automating numerous processes in work chains, they also drastically reduce workloads. Security teams can, for instance, use AI-based solutions (which will be covered later) to automatically detect threats and handle part of them, minimising the amount of human contact necessary for specific security activities. 

Machine learning Can Help Identify Suspicious Activity in an Environment

Data anomalies can be found with the aid of machine learning. You may train algorithms that recognise particular patterns and user behaviour using machine learning. Detecting suspicious behaviour in a workplace, such as an increase in password resets or unexpected requests for sensitive data, will be made possible thanks to this.

Computer vision can also be used to find data trends that might point to a possible system or network vulnerability management violation. Machine learning techniques are employed to forecast future examples of this behaviour based on the environment's present conditions after being trained with historical data on previous successful attacks (e.g., usage patterns).

Besides ML techniques you can rely on the use of VPN. Because you can keep your data from suspicious activities from hackers by installing a VPN. It is easy to set up a VPN on router and once you set it will start monitoring your PCs activities against malicious attacks. 

AI can Detect and Prevent Attacks Before They Happen

Before an attack ever occurs, AI may identify it and stop it. Understanding how data is gathered, processed, and presented is just as important as looking at the data itself. AI is able to spot warning signals of impending attacks and stop them from executing in the cloud, on a network, or even in real time.

By seeing dangerous activity on your virtual machine (including malware) while you're away from home or work or even on mobile devices, AI can also assist you in protecting yourself against AI-enabled dangers of gadgets and PCs both! Additionally, there are social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter and AI also helps to keep them secure from attackers. 

Data Security is Becoming Increasingly Reliant on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important for data security. AI can assist businesses in identifying dangers, spotting abnormalities, and reaching decisions more quickly than ever before.

  • It plays a significant role in contemporary data management techniques, which in turn have significant ramifications for enterprises across all industries.

  • "Domain knowledge" is the capacity for people or computers to comprehend information and take appropriate action without being instructed on its workings or meaning (AKA: natural language processing).

  • "Machine learning" is the process through which computers or humans can perform jobs utilising data sets without any prior knowledge.

In order to learn from mistakes they made earlier in life and produce better results later on when things get difficult again, both of these strategies depend on increasing volumes of data being gathered over time.

IT Asset Inventory

Obtaining a thorough and accurate inventory of all devices, users, and software with access to computer systems. Inventory also heavily relies on categorization and the measurement of business criticality.

Threat Exposure

Hackers, like everyone else, follow trends, therefore what's popular with hackers changes on a regular basis. AI-based counterintelligence systems can provide current knowledge about global and industry-specific threats to assist in making crucial prioritising decisions on the basis not only on what may be employed to defend your organisation, but also on what is likely to be utilised to attack your organisation.

Controls Effectiveness

It is critical to comprehend the significance of the numerous security technologies and verification activities that you have implemented in order to keep a stable security posture. AI can assist you in determining your information security program's strengths and weaknesses.

Breach Risk Prediction

Accounting for IT assets, threat sensitivity, and control efficacy, AI-based solutions may forecast how and where you will be compromised, allowing you to allocate resources and tools to areas of weakness. AI-derived prescriptive insights can assist you in configuring and improving policies and processes to most greatly increase your organisation's cyber resilience.

Incident response

AI-powered systems can give greater context for prioritising and response to safety warnings, for quick incident response, and for surfacing root causes to remediate exposures and avoid future issues.


The explainability of guidance and analyses is critical to leveraging AI to enhance human information security teams. This is critical for gaining buy-in from stakeholders across the organisation, understanding the impact of various information security programmes, and reporting relevant information to all stakeholders involved, including end users, security operations, CISO, audit committees, CIO, CEO, and board of directors.


Although I have been doing this for a while, data security is currently enjoying a comeback. People are more worried than ever about their sensitive data being stolen because hackings are on the rise. The good news is that scalable data protection is possible with artificial intelligence (AI). In this article, we talked about how AI and machine learning combine to find abnormalities in massive datasets and spot trends that point to shady conduct.

PLC Troubleshooting and Online Debugging

Hi Everyone! How are you doing, my friends? Today I bring a crucial topic for PLC programmers, technicians and engineers. We have been working together for a long time using ladder logic programming. We have completed together dozens of projects from real life and industry. One day I was thinking about what we have done in this series of ladder logic programming, and I came across that I missed talking about one essential topic ever. You know what? It’s the PLC troubleshooting and online debugging! After writing a ladder logic program for the project, you can imagine it should operate from the download moment 24/7. As usual, any system goes faulty one day. So we need to go through this matter, showing you how to find our PLC faults, troubleshoot, and go online with the PLC to figure out the cause of the problem. Is it in the program logic? Or inputs and outputs? The hardware has an issue, i.e. battery has died, and the program has gone. For those of you who do not know the meaning of the expression going online with the CPU, do not worry, my friends, as we will show you the operation of the PLC.

What’s after the first program download?

That is such an excellent question to open our tutorial by saying that dealing with PLC has mainly three modes of operations: program mode, in which we are allowed to download from PC to PLC, remote mode, in which we are permitted to download and upload to and from PLC, and the run mode that allows us to go online for monitoring and troubleshooting. So Folks, assume we have just completed the programming of the project. Then we tested the logic and downloaded the program to PLC. So what if a fault occurred, as shown in figure 1, and the operator called you for support? That’s what we are going to discuss in this tutorial trying to transfer our experience to you, helping you to get familiar with troubleshooting PLC, and doing live debugging to your program while it is running on the PLC and all IOs connected to the actual device, including sensors and actuators. So let’s get to the tutorial.

Connecting to PLC

First, you bring the PLC programming cable and plug it from PC into PLC. The type of PLC cable depends on the plc type and model. That information you can find in the PLC manual or google it easily. After plugging the PLC cable from PLC into PC, you open the RSLINX software and create a connection using the appropriate driver. The next step is selecting the CPU to see many options to go with one of them. For example, you will see the “download” option used to move the program from PC to PLC; there is also an “upload” option used to get a copy from PLC to PC. And “GO-ONLINE,” which you use to debug the program while running on the PLC. You also need to know, my friends there are many operating modes of the PLC. The program mode allows you to change and modify the program, but the program is not running in that mode of operation. The run mode of operation is also one option to let the program run, and there is no way to do modifications in that mode. The last mode of operation is the remote mode which allows you to make changes and clear the faults, and the program runs simultaneously.     

Faulty PLC

Once you have tried to connect to the CPU, you will see what Figure 2 depicts below. You can notice, everyone, the status in is red “faulted,” and that fault will not allow the program to run. Now you need to do two things. The first is to go into the vault to see what it is and the cause of the fault to find a way to fix it. Second, after setting the fault, you will need to clear the fault. And ultimately, you will change to run mode.

So now, my friends, how to see the fault description to know the reason behind it? It is straightforward, as you can see in figure 3. You go to the fault and right-click to see a popup menu appear. The popup menu has a couple of options like go to error or clear the fault and other options like go online, download, and upload. Now, why not choose to clearing the fault? That might work if the reason behind the fault has gone. But it won’t as long as the fault is still there. If you try, it wbe incorrectrect once you try to move to remote or run mode. By the way, you can clear the error in the program mode only.

Exploring the Fault

Figure 4 shows how to go to the fault to get to know some information about the fault, like which routine in which the fault took place, the precise description and reason for the fault, and the status bits to show you the statuses of PLC. Figure 4 shows the window of the status bits. One tab is the “errors” tab which shows the details about the fault. Now you can see that guy clearly says there is an issue in the expansion module, so you can check the modules and fix the problem, and then you can go ahead clearing the error, as we will show you in the next section.

Clearing the Fault

Now everyone, after checking the fault reason and getting rid of that issue, it is time to clear the fault and return the CPU to regular operation by switching it back to run mode. Remember, if the fault causes are not eradicated correctly, the fault will return once you try to switch to remote or ryn mode. Figure 5 shows how to clear the fault by right click on the fault highlighted in red and choosing “clear fault.” Now let’s see what happens.

Figure 6 shows a message confirming to clear the fault because going with that will remove the saved information about the fault.

Figure 7 shows that the fault has been successfully cleared, and the program switched to remote program mode meaning the CPU is removed from the fault, but the program still is not running and need to switch to run mode. Remember, my friends, up to this point, we were curious if the fault reason had cured correctly until the CPU switched successfully to run mode.

Figure 8 shows the CPU has switched to run mode in green! That means the errors have cleared, and the causes have gone. Now we need to move on to showing you how to do debugging by going online with your program that is running on the PLC. So let’s see that together, folks.

Connecting and going online

Figure 9 shows the direct step to connect to the PLC by clicking the comms menu and selecting your PLC guy.

Figure 10 shows the connection has been established, and the remote running green appears on the top left, as you can see, my friends.

Figure 11 shows how to go online by clicking on the menu at the top left corner, as shown below, and you will see a popup menu that comes out showing their options: Download, Upload, and GO Online options. Choose the last to complete the online going procedure. So now you are connected and online with the PLC, meaning you can monitor all the parameters and values and see the IO’s statuses.

What’s next???

Thanks, my friends, for following up with me in this tutorial I see it’s essential for you all to practice because I can not imagine a PLc programmer who does not know such practice. Next time will bring a new project from the factory to continue learning and practice together the PLC ladder logic programming. So please stay safe and be ready to meet soon with a new tutorial. 

Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir