LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun. In today's post we are gonna have a look at LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus. In the previous post, we have seen how to design a 5V Power Supply in Proteus ISIS, which I have designed using IC regulator 7805. Today I am going to share How to design LM317 Voltage Regulator Circuit in Proteus. This DC power supply is a variable one means you can set its output voltage to any level you want. In order to change its output value we have used a variable resistor and by changing its value you can change the output value. It is a basic level project and very simple but used as a base to design large industrial projects. In this project, we are going to control the speed of a DC Motor and the corresponding voltages, appearing across it. The reason for designing this variable DC power supply is that, when you are working on some engineering project then each electronic module has its own power level i.e. xbee module works on 3.3V while Arduino board works on 5V. So, there's a need to design such power supply which can provide variable voltages and we can set them according to our demand. So, for all Microcontrollers like Arduino or PIC Microcontroller or 8051 Microcontroller, I designed 5V Power supply using 7805 but for 3.3V modules like XBee, NRF24L01 etc I design this variable DC power supply using LM317. I hope now you got the importance of this LM317 Voltage Regulator.

To design this, we will be using LM317k. Basically, it is a Voltage Regulator IC. It has 3 pins. Pin # 2 is for input voltages, marked as VI. Pin # 3 is for output voltages, marked as VO, and pin # 1 is used for Regulating Voltages and it is marked as ADJ. Further, if you notice the circuit diagram, which is given in the figure, then you will see that pin # 1 is connected to a Potentiometer. Potentiometer is a Variable Resistor device and it is also known as Voltage Divider. The feature of this electronic device is that, we can adjust the voltage through it according to our own choice. It operates on 12 Volts and it gives us ease that, we can adjust its voltages from 0 to MAXIMUM (which is 12 volts in most cases). Further if we notice the circuit, then we will see that a LED is connected in parallel with a simple DC motor and a voltmeter is also connected in parallel with Motor to monitor the voltages appearing across it. Above information was a little demo about the individual components of the circuit, now let’s be practical and move towards Hardware and see how actually Electronic components respond. You should also have a look at Introduction to LM317, if you wanna read all the basics about it. So let's get started with LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus:

LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus ISIS

  • You can download this complete LM317 Voltage Regulator simulation by clicking the below button but I recommend you to design it on your own so that you learn most from it.

Download Proteus Simulation

  • First of all, place all the components in Proteus workspace, as shown in image:

  • A 12-Volt DC supply is provided to input pin (# 2) of LM317 and potentiometer is connected to Adjustable pin of LM317, which is, pin # 1.

  • At output pin we have connected DC Motor and a Voltmeter is also connected in parallel with Motor.
  • The complete circuit, ready for simulation is shown below in image:

Stage # 1
  • Set the potentiometer at 0% and run the simulation, you will notice that Motor will rotate very slowly in clock-wise direction and 1.25 volts will appear on the voltmeter across it. If all the connections are OK, and when you will run the simulation, LM317 Voltage Regulator simulation will look like as shown in the image below:

  • If you don't want to use the variable resistance, then you should use this LM317 Calculator to get value of your second resistance.
Stage # 2
  • Now, set the potentiometer value to 11% and you will see that, Motor will start to rotate with a faster rate and on voltmeter scale, we will see 6.40 volts. In this setting, the interesting thing is, LED will start to Flash and it will turn ON & OFF automatically. This phenomenon can be seen in images below:

  • Stage # 2 is our transient stage. When the potentiometers setting is below 11%, voltage appears across the motor and it also rotates but LED doesn’t glow. On the other hand, when potentiometers setting is above 11%, then LED glows continuously while motor also rotates as before, and voltmeter also gives some particular values of voltages appearing across the motor.
Stage # 3
  • Now at final stage, set potentiometer to 100% and you will observe that motor is rotating with full speed and voltmeter reading will be 10.6 volts while LED is glowing continuously. This stage of the simulation can be seen in the image below:

Now, we can conclude that, LM317 is the monitoring device of this circuit. We can set the value of potentiometer according to our own choice and by this, the speed of motor can be controlled and also the corresponding voltages, appearing across it.

Here's the video in which I have given the detailed introduction of LM317 and have also run its simulation:

Alright friends, that's all for today and I hope now you can easily design this LM317 Voltage Regulator. In the next post, I have discussed DC Motor Drive circuit in Proteus ISIS . Till than take care and be safe !!! :)

Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying. Today we are going to share our new project’s tutorial which is Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. It is a very simple but a bit technical project. This project has various applications both in industry and in small educational projects.

Servo motor is a DC operated motor and it is available in various sizes and powers. Generally the servo motor used in basic projects, is named as micro servo motor. It is of small size and low power rating. But as I stated earlier that it needs dc supply to operate but it also needs a continuous pulse train to operate and this pulse is commonly generated by some sort of timers or micro controllers. Since my today’s project tutorial (Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS) is of basic level so, we will be using 555 timer to generate the continuous pulse train or PWM. Now let’s move towards hardware but dear friends, always remember that to become a technical person, you must have to perform technical work by yourself.

Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

  • First of all, place the components in your Proteus workspace, as shown below in image.
  • A 555 timer is an 8 pin IC. Pin # 6 is called threshold pin and for 555 timer threshold level is 5 volts.

  • So, 555 timer will trigger above 5 volts and it will generate output which can be collected from pin # 3 represented as ‘Q’ which is output pin of 555 timer.
  • After that the output pulse is sent to servo motor through a Transistor which is BC547.
  • BC547 is basically a NPN transistor and the pulse signal is sent to servo motor through its Emitter.
  • The full angle deflection of servo motor is from -180 degrees to +180 degrees. It can’t rotate through full 360 degrees. Now it’s your own choice that either you want to rotate the motor at one particular angle or at multiple angles or to get full rotation.
  • Since in this tutorial (Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer), we are going to get full deflection of motor so, we have inserted 2 switches in the circuit. The complete circuit will look like:

  • Switch # 1 will rotate the servo motor to 180 degrees in anti-clockwise direction. We will press the button only once and when the motor completes its rotation, it will automatically stop.

  • After that if we press the switch # 2, then it will rotate the servo motor in clockwise direction and again after completing the angle, motor will again stop.
  • If you have connected the components in correct order and when you will run it, the exact simulation will look like as shown:

  • Sonow, if you have a close look on the above two iages then you can see in theState # 1 image I have pressed the left button and the servo motor is moved to -90 degree, this -90 is also mentioned in the green LEDbox just below servo motor.
  • And in State # 2, I have pressed the right button and thus the motor is moved to +90 degrees. That's how it will work.
  • You can Download the simulation of Angle Control of Servo Motor Project Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS, by clicking on below button:

Download Angle Control of Servo Motor Project using 555 Timer

Alright Friends, that's all for today, In the coming posts, we will discuss few more such projects. Till than, take care and be safe !!! :)

LED Dimming Project Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

Hello friends, hope you all are enjoying and having fun. In today's tutorial we are gonna see how to design a LED Dimming Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. In our previous tutorials we have seen how to design Multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS and also Single and Double LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS, in which we have seen how to flash Single and Multiple LED's using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. In today's post i am gonna extend the same concept and we will see how to design a LED Dimming Project Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.

It is a quick and very simple tutorial and it elaborates how to control the Intensity of LED using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. It's a very simple project and the complete project is given at the end for download but again as i always say try to design it by yourself so that you get some knowledge out of it. It's a very simple project and these type of projects are designed by Engineering students in their First semester and are really a good start in learning electronics. If you have any queries regarding this project then feel free to ask and i will try me best to resolve them. So, let's get started with implementation of LED Dimming Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.

LED Dimming Project Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

  • 555 timer is a well known IC used in timing Projects and it is the most widely used IC before micro controllers.
  • In our previous projects we have seen how to flash a single or multiple LED's but today we are going one step ahead and we are gonna learn How to Control the Intensity of LED using 555 timer in Proteus ISIS.
  • So. first of all, open your  Proteus software and include the below components into its work space.
  • After adding these components, now we need to design the circuit diagram.
  • So, design a circuit diagram of LED Dimming Project using 555 Timer as shown below:
  • If you look closely at the project then you will see that it is similar to one of our project titled Sequential LED Blinking Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.
  • In this project we will control the intensity of LED through 555 timer.
  • These kind of projects are also used for Decoration purpose and the beauty of this system is that we can change the Dimming rate of LED and we can control it our self.
  • Now we are done with the Designing of the project and let's run its Proteus simulation.
  • When you run the Proteus simulation and if everything is alright then the LED pattern will be like:
  • The above figure shown the three states of the project.
  • State # 1 shows the OFF state of LED, State # 2 shows that LED has started to glow and State # 3 shows that LED is glowing with full intensity.
  • After that the loop starts again from State #1 to State # 3, unless you keep running the Proteus Simulation.
  • You can download the simulation of LED Dimming project using 555 Timer by clicking on below button:

Download Project Simulation

That's all for today, in the coming post we will discuss few more such projects. Till than take care !!! :)


Multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

Hello friends, hope you all are enjoying and having fun. In today's tutorial, we are gonna see How to design a Multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. In our previous tutorial we have seen How to design a LED Flasher Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS, in which we have flashed single and double LEDs. In today's post, I am gonna extend that previous tutorial and will see How to flash multiple LEDs with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.

Its quite a quick tutorial, as I don't have much material on it and its also quite simple so no much explanation is required. The complete project is given at the end for download but again as I always mention, try to design it by yourself, so that you get some knowledge out of it.This type of projects are normally designed by engineering students in their first or second semesters and are really a good start in learning electronics. IF you have any questions related to this project then ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve them. So, let's get started with implementation of multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.

Multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

  • 555 Timer is well known IC used in timing projects and its the most widely used IC before microcontrollers.
  • In our previous project we have flashed one and two LEDs using 555 Timer which was quite simple and easy and today we are gonna go a little advance and will flash multiple LEDs using 555 Timer.
  • So first of all, open your Proteus software and include the below components into its workspace.
  • After adding these components, now we need to design the circuit diagram.
  • So, design a circuit diagram of Multiple LED FLasher Project using 555 Timer as shown below:
  • If you have a look at the above figure closely and compare it with the previous project of 2 LED Flasher with 555 Timer in Protes ISIS then you can have the idea that its simple an extended version of that project.
  • I haven't done anything but simply added LEDs in parallel to those 2 LEDs and give it a beutiful form so that it look attractive.
  • These kinds of projects are normally used for decoration where you need to set some pattern for LEDs and make them blink.
  • So, now we are done with the designing of our project so let's run the PRoteus Simulation.
  • When you run the Proteus Simulation, and if everything's gone fine then these LEDs will start flashing as shown in the below figure:
  • The above figure shows the three states of this project.
  • State # 1 shows the OFF state of this project while State # 2 and 3 are the ON states, these LEDs will keep on flashing as long as the simulation is running.
  • You can download the Proteus simulation of Multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer by clicking on the below button:

Download LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer

That's all for today, I hope I have conveyed some knowledge and helped in some way. It was a quite an easy project that's why I haven't explained much but if you have some querries then ask in comments. Subscribe us via email to get these tutorials straight in your inbox. Till next tutorial, take care !!! :)

Display ADC value on LCD using Arduino

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having good life. In today's project, we will see how to display ADC value on LCD using Arduino in Proteus ISIS. Its quite a simple project in which we are gonna measure the voltage of ADC pins and then will display them over to LCD. The microcontroller I am using in this project is Arduino. The simulation is designed in Proteus ISIS. IF you are working on PIC Microcontroller then you should have a look at How to Display ADC value on LCD using PIC Microcontroller in Proteus ISIS.

Arduino has 10 bit ADC pins so whenever you apply voltage on these pins it will give you a value ranging from 0 to 1023 depending on the voltage provided. One can easily get this value using a simple function in Arduino analogRead(); but the real problem is to convert this analog value into the actual voltage present on the pin. Suppose you are using A0 pin of arduino and you are providing 3.3V over to this pin, now when you use this analoagRead() function then it will give you some value say 543, but you wanna know what's the actual voltage at this pin which is 3.3V so now converting this 543 to 3.3 is a bit tricky part. It's not difficult but involves a little calculations, which I am gonna cover today in detail. Before going any further, make sure you have already installed the Arduino Library For Proteus, if not then first do it because without this library you won't be able to use Arduino board in Proteus. So, let's get started with How to Display ADC value on LCD using Arduino.

Display ADC value on LCD using Arduino in Proteus ISIS

I have divided this tutorial on How to Display ADC value on LCD using Arduino in few steps, follow these steps carefully and if you get into some trouble then ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve them, all the materials are provided at the end of step 1 for download but I suggest that you design your own so that you do mistakes and learn from them. Moreover, you should also have a look at these Arduino Projects for Beginners. Anyways, let get started:

Step1: Circuit Designing in Proteus
  • First of all, I have designed a circuit in Proteus for Displaying ADC value on LCD using Arduino.
  • In this circuit, I have used two transformers which I have named as Potential Transformer and Current Transformer. I am supplying 220V to these transformers which is then converted into 5V.
  • I have set the turn ratio of these transformers such that they give maximum 5V at the output.
  • Now,rest of the circuit is simple, I have just connected the LCD with Arduino so that we could display these ADC value over to LCD.
  • Here's the circuit diagram of displaying ADC value on LCD using Arduino in Proteus ISIS:
  • You can download the Proteus Simulation and the Arduino hex file for Displaying ADC value on LCD using Arduino by clicking on below button:

Download Proteus Simulation and Arduino Hex File

  • It's quite simple and self explanatory. After designing the circuit diagram, now let's move to second step, which is code designing for Displaying ADC value on LCD using Arduino.
Step 2: Arduino Code Designing
  • Now copy the below code and paste it into Arduino software. Compile your code and get the Arduino hex file.
  • If you dont know How to get the hex file from Arduino then read Arduino Library for Proteus, I have explained it in detail there.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#define NUM_SAMPLES 10

int sum = 0;
unsigned char sample_count = 0;
float voltage = 0.0;

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
const int PT = A0;
const int CT = A1;
float Cur;
float Vol;
float Power;

void setup() {
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(20, 4);
// Print a message to the LCD.
lcd.print("Welcome To");
lcd.print("Energy Meter");


void loop() {
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
ShowVoltage(9, 0, PT);
Vol = voltage;
ShowVoltage(9, 1, CT);
Cur = voltage;
Power = Vol * Cur;

void Constants()
lcd.print("Voltage: ");
lcd.print("Current: ");
lcd.print("Power: ");

void ShowVoltage (int x,int y, unsigned int value)
while (sample_count < NUM_SAMPLES)
sum += analogRead(value);

voltage = ((float)sum / (float)NUM_SAMPLES * 5.015) / 1024.0;
lcd.setCursor(x, y);
sample_count = 0;
sum = 0;
  • The code is quite simple and self explanatory, the only difficulty is in ShowVoltage function. In this function, I have first taken an average of 10 ADC values and after that I have applied a simple formula over it and then it will start start giving the voltage value which I have simply displayed over the LCD.
  • Now everything's done, so Get your Hex File from Arduino Software and let's check the results whether it displayed ADC value on LCD using Arduino or not
Step 3: Result
  • We have designed the electronic circuit in Proteus and have also designed our code and uploaded the hex file in Arduino.
  • Now press start button and you will see something like this:
  • Now if you compare the voltages in voltmeter and on LCD, you can see they are exactly the same. You can check the value of variable resistor and the values in LCD will also change as the voltage in voltmeter change.
That's all for today, hope I have conveyed some knowledge today and now you can easily Display ADC value on LCD using Arduino. In the next post we will explore more Arduino features. Till then take care and have fun !!! :)

LED Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying life. In today's tutorial, I am gonna show how to do LED Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. Its quite a simple project and usually done by engineers in their first or second semester. I have done this project in my first semester and have learned quite a lot from it. I recently done it on Proteus so thought of sharing it with you guys. It will also work on hardware as I have tested it. In this tutorial, we will first have a look at How to do single LED Flashing with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. And afterwards, we will also see how to flash two LEDs with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. Its quite simple and anyone one with basic knowledge of electronics can design it in his first attempt. Still if you get into any trouble, then ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve your issues, but I don't think its gonna happen as its quite basic. So let's start with this project:

Single LED Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

  • First of all, copy these components from the Proteus components library:
  • After selecting these components, now design a circuit in Proteus as shown in the below figure:
  • Now when you click on RUN button in PRoteus ISIS, the LED will kep on flashing,it will go ON for 1 sec and then go OFF as shown in below figures.
  • State # 1 is showing the OFF state of LED while the State # 2 is showing the ON state of LED.
  • So, it will keep on flashing unless you Stop the Proteus ISIS simulation.
  • You can download this simulation by clicking on the below button.

Download Single LED Flashing with 555 Timer in Proteus

Double LED Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS

  • In the above portion, we have seen how to flash a single LED with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS, now let's flash two LEDs with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.
  • First of all design a circuit as shown in below figure:
  • As you can see its quite similar to the above project for single LED flashing with 555 timer in Proteus ISIS but has small changes in thhe values of resistor.
  • So, now when you hit RUN button on Proteus ISIS then these LEDs will start flashing one after another, means when first LED is ON then the second one will be OFF and vice versa.
  • Below figures are showing their ON OFF states:
  • State # 1 is showing the OFF state for both the LEDs, while State # 2 is showing the ON state for first LED and OFF state for second and in third State first LED is OFF while the second LED is ON.
  • So, this simulation will work in this way, if first LED is ON then the second one will be OFF and vice versa.
  • You can download this second simulation by clicking on the below button:

Download 2 Led Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus

That's all for today, in the coming post we will have a look how to design a traffic signal flasher with 555 timer in Proteus ISIS, which is gonna be quite exciting tutorial, so let's meet in the next tutorial. Till then take care and have fun !!! :)

Installation of Arduino driver in Windows

In today's tutorial, we are going to see how to install Arduino driver in Windows. In the previous post, we have seen what is Arduino? and why is it so popular and whats its use? Now, afer getting the basic knowledge of Arduino, the next step you need to do is to install Arduino driver in your computer so that it got recognized by your computer as Arduino. If you don't install the Arduino driver in Wndows then you won't be able to program Arduino using Arduino software.

tis tutorial is quite basic and is for the newcomers, who wants to start working on the Arduino software, if you have already run some codes on your Arduino then its not for you. You can skip it. Anyways, It's quite easy and it won't take much time. So let's get started with it.

Installation of Arduino driver in Windows

  • First of all, download the Arduino software from Arduino official website. Download the most reent version of Arduino software, which is 1.6.3 while writing this post.
  • After downloading the software, now plug your Arduino USB into computer.
  • You will hear a small beep and Windows will try to intall the driver itself, but finally a yellow box will appear on the taskbar saying driver can't be installed.
  • If you haven't bought your Arduino UNO yet, then you can buy it from this reliable source:

  • So, now right click on your My Computer, open properties, then click on Device Manager and you will get a Window as shown in below figure:
  • Now click on Other devices which is encircled in the above figure and you will get a new element named as Unknown device. This Unknown device is actually our Arduino UNO on which we are going to install the driver.
  • Right click this Unknown device and then click on the Update Driver Software.
  • As you click on it, it will give you two options so click on the below one which says Browse My Computer For Driver Software.
  • On clicking it, you will get a Browse option, so now Browse in the Arduino software folder which you downloaded from the Arduino website and then open the drivers folder as shownin below figure and then hit NEXT button.
  • After clicking the Next button, it will start installing the driver as shown in below figure:
  • After the successful installation, it will show a window as shown below:
  • So, now we have succesfully installed the Arduino driver for Windows and if you check it has also assigned the Com Port to Arduino, which is COM16 in my case, as shown in above figure.
  • It will also be updated in the Device Manager as shown in below figure:
  • That's it, Arduino driver in Windows is succesfully installed and now you can use it and can upload the programming code in it, which we will see in the next post.
Hope it helped you in some way. Let's meet in the next post. Take care and have fun.

Send SMS with PIC Microcontroller & SIM900

Hello friends, in today's post I am gonna show how to send SMS with PIC Microcontroller and SIM900. In my previous posts, we have seen how to Send SMS with Arduino and SIM900D and have also seen how to Receive SMS with Arduino and sim900D, both of them were using Arduino board. So, today I thought to post same project using PIC Microcontroller. The logics I am gonna use are exactly the sameas I did for Arduino but the only thing gonna change is the programming syntax. I am using MikroC Pro for PIC compiler for PIC Microcontroller and PIC18F452 is gonna use here. I have also posted on How to Receive SMS with AT Commands using SIM900 & PIC Microcontroller, so check it out as well if you are planning to work on PIC Microcontroller and SIM900.

There are different GSM modules available in the market but they all work on the same principal. They all are operated via Serial port, also known as UART, and are controlled via AT commands. You need to connect the PIC Microcontroller with GSM module via TX / RX pins and you are ready to start working on it. Today, I am gonna share how to send SMS with PIC Microcontroller and SIM900 and in the next post I will share how to receive SMS with SIM900 on PIC Microcontroller. So, lets start with it.

Send SMS With PIC Microcontroller & SIM900

  • Sim900 shield I am gonna use is shown below, but if you don't have this one then no need to panic, simply find the TX and RX pins from your Sim900 shield.
  • As you can see above I have mentioned the TX and RX pins, so you are gonna just need these two pins and connect them with PIC Microcontroller. The connections will be:
    • RX pin of Sim900 into Pin # 25 (TX) of PIC Microcontroller.
    • TX pin of Sim900 into Pin # 26 (RX) of PIC Microcontroller.
  • One more thing you will also need the basic circuit of PIC Microcontroller, which is as follows:
  • Finally, don't forget to make the GND common for PIC Microcontroller and Sim900, as PIC Microcontroller is working on 5V while the GSM module is working on 12V. There are also GSM modules available which work on 5V or 3.3V. So, whatever the case, just make sure their GND is common with GND of PIC Microcontroller.
  • So, now I hope you are done with the connections and ready to start with programming, so open your MikroC Pro for PIC compiler and upload the below code into it.
void Initialization() { UART1_Init(9600);   // Initialize Serial Port at 9600 baud rate } void SendSms() { Delay_ms(2000); UART1_Write_Text("ATE0rn");   // AT command for Echo OFF Delay_ms(1000); UART1_Write_Text("ATrn"); Delay_ms(1000); UART1_Write_Text("AT+CMGF = 1rn"); Delay_ms(1000); UART1_Write_Text("AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0rn"); Delay_ms(1000); UART1_Write_Text("AT+CMGS="+923326062060"rn"); delay_ms(500); UART1_Write_text("www.TheEngineeringProjects.com rn"); UART1_Write(26); } void main() { delay_ms(5000); delay_ms(5000); Initialization(); SendSms(); do { } while(1); }
  • Its quite a simple code, in which I first initialized the serial port at 9600 bad rate and after that I sent AT commands to our SIM900 module, which will then send the SMS.
  • In the above code, change the mobile number which I have highlighted and also change the message body, change it with whatever you wanna send. Right now I am sending www.TheEngineeringProjects.com which is my website. :P
  • The AT commands description is as follows:
    • ATE0: It is used to turn off the Echo of Sim900 module.
    • AT: It is used to test the Sim900 module.
    • AT+CMGF = 1: This command is converting our Sim900 module to text mode.
    • AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0: This command is configuring our Sim900 module. Its not compulsary but is better to use, its actual benefit will be in the next tutorial of receving sms.
    • AT+CMGS: This is the actual command to send the SMS. It gets number and SMS body and then send the sms.
  • In all AT commands, we need to press Enter in order to send that command to SIM900, that's why I have used rn after every command.
  • But for AT+CMGS command, we have to use Cntrl+Z after sending the command and thaat's why I have used UART1_Write(26); where 26 is the ascii code for Cntrl+Z.

That's all for today, hope it will help you in some way. I have also posted on How to Receive SMS with AT Commands using SIM900 & PIC Microcontroller, so check it out as well if you are planning to work on PIC Microcontroller and SIM900. Till then have fun. :)

What is Arduino ?

Hello friends, today I am posting a very basic tutorial on what is Arduino ??? In this tutorial I am gonna explain the basics of Arduino for the beginners. I am writing this tutorial because I got a lot of requests from the engineers in which they ask questions like what is Arduino ? What's the difference between Arduino and PIC? How to use Arduino? etc etc. So I thought of writing this topic. It's a very basic tutorial so if you are already familiar with this board and know the answer of this simple question What is Arduino ??? then you can skip this tutorial but again you must read it once, may be you get something out of it. :)

I have posted a tutorial on Arduino Projects, in which I gave all the links of Arduino projects and tutorials posted on my blog, that's another reason for posting this tutorial. I am treating that Arduino Projects page as an ebook on Arduino so I am gonna post everything about Arduino as much as I can. And an ebook must have an intro chapter, which will be this one. So, let's get started.

What is Arduino ???

  • Arduino is nothing but a simple microcontroller board which is normally used in engineering projects where there's a need to automate something.
  • You can interface sensors with this board, can drive motors with this board, can plug switches in it etc.
  • In old ages ( not old enough :P ), people used simple switches for turning ON a bulb so like you click the switch and the bulb is ON, it was quite a simple circuit, after that relays are invented and then engineers used 555 timer circuits in order to turn ON lights on some specific time. But the 555 timer circuits are quite big in size, so finally engineers discovered Microcontrollers in which there are simple OUTPUT and INPUT pins, so now if you want to turn on light at some certain time then you just simply plug the blub on output pin of microcontroller and then do some programming and add a timer to automatically turn on the bulb.
  • So, the benefit of microcontroller is the circuit is quite simple and small in size.Moreover, its flexible, suppose you want to change the time of turning ON bulb then what you need to do is simply change the coding and it will be changed, but in 555 timer circuits you need to change the components in order to do so.
  • Now, we know the use of microcontroller and also their benefit but thing is what is Arduino ??? In microcontrollers like PIC or Atmel, there's a small drawback.
  • Suppose you want to work on PIC then you have to first design its basic circuit also need to design a power circuit to supply power to it and after that in order to upload the code in it, you have to buy a programmer/ burner as well. So, first of all you need to write the code for PIC Microcontroller and after that you need to upload code in it using a programmer and then plce PIC microcontroller back into the circuit and test, which is quite lengthy plus also got hectic when you are working on some project because you have to test code again and again.
  • By the way, now advance programmers like PICkit2 and PICkit3 can be plugged on board but still you have to design the basic circuit so coming to bottom line, in order to do project with PIC or Atmel microcontroller you have to do soldering etc.
  • But that's not the case with Arduino Board, Arduino has built in programmer and the basic circuit in it. So what you need to do is simply plug in Arduino with your computer via usb cable, get its software and start uploading code and also start testing.
  • So, you don't need to plug unplug or do anything, simply upload the code and test. Moreover, it also has some very efficient tools using which you can test your output as well quite easily. Arduino board also has the pins on which you can simply plug your devices and can turn them ON or OFF. So, hats off to Arduino team for providing us a simple board which has everything on it.
  • Another advantage of Arduino is that, because of its popularity all the electronic components also have the Arduino libraries which are free and using them you can operate that electronic component quite easily with Arduino. Its open source and hence its developing day by day.

Types of Arduino Boards

  • There's a long range of Arduino boards available online, the basic Arduino board is named as Arduino UNO which is most widely used in projects.
  • Arduino UNO has total 13 digital pins and 6 analog pins which are used for connecting sensors with them.
  • Suppose you have a project in which you want to interface 30 sensors, then what you need to do ?? Now you need to buy another Arduino board named as Arduino Mega 2560. This board has around 70 pins on it which can be used as output or input and hence you can plug your sensors quite easily.
  • Moreover, Arduino have also developed different shields like Arduino Ethernet shield. Using this shield you can provide internet access via Ethernet to your project.
  • Then they have Arduino Wifi shield which is used for providing Wifi access to your project.
  • They have also developed Arduino GSM shield for GSM or GPRS purposes, in short there's a wide range of Arduino boards available online.
  • So which Arduino board you need to buy depends on the requirements of your project.

How to use Arduino ??

  • Now I think you have got the basic idea of what is Arduino ? and why is it so popular ? So now lets have a look at how to use Arduino.
  • When you order for your Arduino board, you will get a package similar to the image below:
  • Along with this box, you will also have the USB cable, now take your Arduino board out of this box and plug the cable in it, connect the Arduino with your computer and you are ready to start working on it.
  • In order to connect Arduino with your computer you have to install the Arduino drivers in Windows.
That's all for today, hope I have conveyed some knowledge and you now know the basics of Arduino i.e. what is Arduino ? and why to use Arduino.

Arduino Projects

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives.Today I am not gonna post a new topic or tutorial, instead I am going to arrange all my Arduino Projects and tutorials in this post, as its better to have all of them in one place. I recently posted a PIC Microcontroller Projects post and it was highly appreciated by the followers so I thought to do the same with Arduino as well because I have posted more Arduino projects as compared to PIC Microcontroller. I will post all the Arduino Projects & Tutorials links below in sequence i.e. from easy to pro level so if you are a new user and want to get command over Arduino projects then read all of them one by one. Moreover, I will also keep on updating this post whenever I am gonna add any new Arduino Project or Tutorial. If you feel problem in any of the below tutorials then ask in comments and I will try my level best to solve your queries. As I always say learning is all about practise and patience. So while doing Arduino Projects, you have to be patient and practical, don't just read these articles, always test these arduino Projects and tutorials. Because when you practically perform some project then you will do mistakes and get the chance to learn from them. You should also have a look at these Arduino Project for Beginners.

Arduino Introductory Tutorials

If you have already run your first code on Arduino then you can skip this section. This section is for the beginners who don't know anything about Arduino. I have explained in detail how to get started with Arduino board and at the end of this section, you will have the complete idea of how Arduino works and how to program arduino. You must visit the Official Arduino Site and join their forum because they have posted a lot of Arduino Projects there.
Arduino Tutorials - Basics
What is Arduino ??? Here's our first tutorial where I have explained the very basics of Arduino i.e. what is Arduino and how to use it? Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi In this tutorial, I have explained the difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi in detail. I have discussed their Pros and Cons in detail. So, give it a try if you are confused in choosing between them. Installation of Arduino driver in Windows When you run your Arduino board for the first time on your laptop or computer then you have to install Arduino drivers. Without installing Arduino drivers, you can't upload your Arduino code in Arduino board. How to get Hex File from Arduino ??? When you are using Proteus software for simulating your Arduino Projects then its necessary to upload Hex File in it. How to Upload Bootloader in Atmega328 ??? Arduino UNO board uses Atmega328 microcontroller so if you wanna use Arduino as a programmer and want to upload code in your Atmega328 microcontroller then you need to upload the Bootloader in it, which is explained in this post. Getting Started With Arduino Software Now I suppose that you have installed the Arduino drivers in previous tutorial so now you are ready to get an overview of Arduino software. Getting Started with Arduino Programming In this tutorial, I have mentioned basic concepts of Arduino Programming and have also written a very small code to get you familiar with Arduino Programming. How to Reset Arduino Programmatically ??? In some Arduino projects we have to reset the Arduino board programmatically instead of manually so I have shared this small trick in this tutorial.
Arduino Boards - Introduction
Here I am gonna give you the basic Introduction of all Arduino boards one by one. I would suggest you to at least read that one, on which you are working. I have shared detailed Pinouts, Pin Description and features. Introduction to Arduino UNO In this tutorial, I have discussed the detailed overview of Arduino UNO alongwith its Pinout. That's the most commonly used Arduino Board. Introduction to Arduino NANO In this tutorial, I have discussed the detailed overview of Arduino NANO alongwith its Pinout. It is used because of its small size. Introduction to Arduino Pro Mini In this tutorial, I have discussed the detailed overview of Arduino Pro Mini alongwith its Pinout and design. That's the smallest Arduino Microcontroller board. Introduction to Arduino Mega 2560 In this tutorial, I have discussed the detailed overview of Arduino Mega 2560 alongwith its Pinout. It's famous because of its large number of I/O Pins. Introduction to Arduino DUE In this tutorial, I have discussed the detailed overview of Arduino DUE alongwith its Pinout. If you are working on it, then must read that tutorial. Introduction to Arduino Lilypad In this tutorial, I have discussed the detailed overview of Arduino Lilypad alongwith its Pinout. That's the most stylish Arduino board. :) Introduction to ATmega328 Atmega328 is the Microcontroller used in Arduino UNO, NANO and Pro Mini. So I would suggest you to read about it as well.
Arduino Libraries

I always advise students to work on simulation first. If you are working on Arduino Projects, then Proteus is the best software for simulations. You should have a look at these New Proteus Libraries for Engineering Students, but here I have only posted Arduino Libraries, which are free to download directly from our site.

[TEPImg17]Arduino Library For Proteus Using this Arduino Library for Proteus, you can easily simulate your Arduino boards in Proteus software and can easily design any Arduino Project in Proteus. This Library includes five Arduino boards. Arduino UNO PCB Design for Proteus ARES In this post, I have shared the PCB design of Arduino UNO board in Proteus ARES, which you can easily download from this post and then can import it in your Proteus ISIS software. Arduino Lilypad Library For Proteus This Library includes the Arduino Lilypad Library for Proteus. Using this library you can easily simulate your Arduino Lilypad board in Proteus ISIS. This Library contains only the Arduino Lilypad board.

Arduino Projects

Now you know the basics of Arduino board and also have the idea how to use arduino software and write code in it. So, now let's get started with Arduino Projects. I have divided this section in several sections depending on which Arduino board I am using in the project. These arduino projects are designed by our team and are designed after quite a lot of efforts but are free here for the readers, so if you wanna share them then do mention us. :)
Arduino Tutorials - Basic
These are few basic Arduino Tutorials, which are very essential for you, if you are a beginner. So, follow them one by one and also design their basic Proteus simulations so that you learn more. So, let's get started with them:
Arduino UNO Projects
  • Circuit Designing of LCD With Arduino in Proteus .? Now you have understood the basics of Arduino board and have also installed the Proteus Library of Arduino board so now you are ready for designing small Arduino Projects.In this tutorial, I have interfaced LCD with Arduino baord and I have done it in Proteus ISIS software.
  • Interfacing of Keypad with Arduino in Proteus ISIS.? After the interfacing of LCD, next thing you should interface with Arduino is Keypad which is done in this tutorial. So, in this tutorial I have interfaced the Keypad with Arduino and then have shown the keypad characters on LCD.
  • Display ADC value on LCD using Arduino in Proteus ? Now that we have interfaced the LCD with Arduino so now its time to display something on it. So, for that purpose I have displyed the ADC value of Arduino analog Pin on LCD. This Project is also designed in Proteus ISIS software.
  • Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino Simulation in Proteus ? In this tutorial, I have interfaced Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino board in Proteus ISIS software.Remember, we have installed the Ultrasonic Sensor Library for Proteus in the previous section. So, using that Library now I have interfaced this Utrasonic Sensor with Arduino Board.
  • Interfacing of Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino ? In this tutorial, I have interfaced the Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino in hardware. I have designed a circuit on Vero Board and then tested it. Distance of obstacle from Ultrasonic Sensor is displayed on LCD in cm.
  • Interfacing of Multiple Ultrasonic Sensors with Arduino ? In the previous tutorial, I have interfaced single ultrasonic sensor with Arduino but in this post I have interfaced multiple ultrasonic sensors with Arduino board and displayed their values via Serial Terminal in Proteus ISIS.
  • Interfacing of Temperature Sensor 18B20 with Arduino ? In this project, I have interfaced the Temperature Sensor 18B20 with Arduino and displayed the atmospheric temperature on LCD. Its a one wire Temperature sensor and gives quite accurate value.
  • How to use Temperature Sensor 18B20 with Arduino in Proteus ISIS ? In this project, I have interfaced the Temperature Sensor 18B20 with Arduino and displayed the atmospheric temperature on LCD. Its a one wire Temperature sensor and gives quite accurate value. This Arduino Project is designed in Proteus ISIS.
  • Interfacing of Temperature Sensor LM35 with Arduino ? In this project, I have interfaced the Temperature Sensor LM35 with Arduino and displayed the atmospheric temperature on LCD. Its an analog Temperature sensor and gives quite accurate value. This Arduino Project is designed in Proteus ISIS.
  • Interfacing of Seven Segment With Arduino in Proteus ? In this project, I have interfaced the Seven Segment Display with Arduino and displayed different alphanumeric value on this Seven Segment Display. This Project is also designed in Proteus ISIS software.
  • Interfacing PIR Sensor with Arduino ? In this project, I have interfaced the PIR Sensor with Arduino. I have used the PIR Sensor Library for Proteus in order to design this Arduino Project. PIR Sensor is used for motion detection and it displayed the results on LCD.
  • Interfacing of Flame Sensor with Arduino ? In this project, I have interfaced the Flame Sensor with Arduino and used it for Fire Detection. Its an analog Sensor used for Flame detection, on the basis of which we decides whether there's Fire or not. This Arduino Project is designed in Proteus ISIS.
  • Interfacing of NRF24L01 with Arduino ? In this project, I have interfaced the NRF24L01 RF module with Arduino and designed two nodes among which data is transferred wirelessly. First Node acted as a Transmitter while the second node acted as a Receiver. This was one of the toughest Arduino Projects.
  • NRF24L01+ with Arduino - Response Timed Out ? While using NR24L01, I have encountered a problem named as Response timed Out and in this post I have shown a small trick on How to remove this error and after that it worked perfectly fine. If you are working on NRF24L01 then you must check it out.
  • Interfacing of RFID RC522 with Arduino ? In this project, I have interfacedRFID RC522 with Arduino and detected different RFID cards with this RFID module. I have designed it on hardware as this sensor is not yet available in Proteus ISIS.
  • Arduino Bluetooth communication using HC-05 ? In this project, I have done a Bluetooth communication using HC-05 bluetooth module. This bluetooth module was connected with Arduino board and then data is sent from Arduino to mobile via Bluetooth.
  • Control Servo Motor with Arduino in Proteus ? In this project, I have controlled the Servo Motor with Arduino in Proteus ISIS. Its quite a quick tutorial but is very hepful if you are working on Servo Motors. Servo Motors are controlled via single Pin and are used in Arduino Projects where accuracy is required.
  • Traffic Signal Control Project Using Arduino ? Its a small Arduino Project which is normally designed by students in their first or second semesters. In this Project I have modeled a complete Traffic Signal Control. This Project is designed in Proteus ISIS.
  • Scrolling Text on LED Matrix 8×8 using Arduino in Proteus ISIS ? In this project, I have interfaced LED Matrix 8x8 with Arduino and then I have displayed a scrolling text on these LED Matrices. This Project is designed in Proteus ISIS.
  • Intelligent Energy Saving System ? In this Arduino project, I have designed an Intelligent Energy Saving System. In this project, the system automatically turns ON or OFF the lights & Fans depending on presence of person in the room. Its YouTube video is also given in this tutorial.
  • USB Communication between Android and Arduino ? In this project, I have communicated between Arduino & Android via USB. The Android phone is connected with Arduino via USB cable and then data is sent from Android phone to Arduino via USB.
  • Home Automation Project using XBee & Arduino ? In this project, I have designed a complete Home Automation Project in which the Loads of a room are controlled via remote. For wireless communcation between remote and the loads I have used XBee module.
  • GSM Based Home Security System ? In this project, I have designed a Home Security System and used seven sensors for security purposes and when any of those sensors gave warning then a tet message is sent over to user's mobile phone.
GSM Module (SIM900) With Arduino: EasyVR Shield With Arduino:
  • Voice Recognition Project Using EasyVR Shield ? Its a series of tutorials on EasyVR shield and its the first tutorial in this series. In this tutorial, I have given an overview of the Project named as Voice Recognition Project using EasyVR Shield.
  • Getting Started with EasyVR Commander ? Its the second tutorial in the series of EasyVR Shield. In this tutorial, I have explained how to get started with EasyVR Commander which is a software for uploading voices in EasyVR shield.
  • Interfacing of EasyVR Shield with Arduino UNO ? Its the third tutorial in the series of EasyVR Shield. In this tutorial, I have interfaced EasyVR shield with Arduino UNO and then recognized the commands said by the user. It's quite an interesting Arduino Project.
  • How to solve Training Error: Recognition Failed in EasyVR ? Its the fourth tutorial in the series of EasyVR Shield. While working on EasyVR shield I encountered this error so I thought to share its solution with your guys. So, if you encountered such error then check this tutorial.
XBee Module With Arduino: Pixy Camera With Arduino: Motor Interfacing With Arduino:
Arduino Wifi Projects
Arduino YUN Projects
These Arduino Projects and tutorials I have yet posted on my blog, I hope these will help you in some way. I will keep on updating this post with more Arduino Projects. So stay tuned and remember me in your prayers. Take care!!! :) [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir