Introduction to 2N2222
Hello everyone! I hope you will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give you an
Introduction to 2N2222. It is the most commonly used Negative-Positive-Negative (NPN) Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) available in the market now a days. 2N2222 can be used for different purposes e.g. switching and amplification of analog signals. I hope you have enjoyed the previous post on
Introduction to ULN2003.
The major functional area of 2N2222 is enclosed in TO-18 package. Due to the low cost and small size it is the most commonly used transistor. One of its key features is its ability to handle the high values of currents as compared to the other similar small transistors. Normally it is capable of switching a load current of 800mA which is really high rating as compared to other similar transistors. It is either made up of silicon or germanium material and doped with either positively or negatively charged material. Its applications may include amplification of analog signals as well as switching applications. While performing amplification applications, it receives an analog signal via collectors and another signal is applied at its base. Analog signal could be the voice signal having the analog frequency of almost 4kHz (human voice).
Introduction to 2N2222
2N2222 is the most common NPN bipolar junction transistor available in the market. It can be used for amplification of analog signals as well as switching applications. The major functional area of 2N-2222 is enclosed in TO-18 package. It is most common in the market due to the cost efficiency and the smaller size.
- It is shown in the figure shown below.
1. 2N2222 Pinout
- 2N 2222 has 3 pins in total, which are:
- Pin # 1: Emitter.
- Pin # 2: Base.
- Pin # 3: Collector.
- 2N2222 Pinout is shown in the figure below:
2. 2N2222 Pin Description
- The functions associated with each pin of 2N2222 along with the pin names are shown in the table given below.
- That was the description of the pins of the transistor.
- Pin configuration is shown in the figure below.
3. 2N2222 Voltage/Current Ratings
- The current, power and voltage ratings for 2N 2222 transistor are shown in the table given below.
- From the above table you can see the voltage across collector base junction is almost double as compared to the voltage across collector emitter junction.
- emitter base voltage is 12 times lesser than the voltage across the collector emitter junction.
- It can drive high amount of current loads as compared to the other similar transistors i.e. 800mA.
- This IC should be operated between the temperature ranging from -65 to 200 degree celcius.
- That was the brief description of the power, current and voltage ratings of the IC 2N2222.
4. 2N2222 Characteristics
The key characteristics associated with 2N2222 are given below.
- The total power of this component should not exceed by 500mW.
- The maximum capacity of handling frequency is 250MHz.
- For the collector current of 10mA and for 10 volts the DC current is around 75.
- Maximum tolerance of 2N2222 is 60V across its base and collector.
- Some of the other characteristics are shown in the table given below.
- That was the brief description about the key characteristics of the transistor 2N2222.
5. 2N2222 Simulation in Proteus
- I have also made a two different simple simulation in Proteus ISIS using the transistor 2N2222.
- The Proteus ISIS simulation for controlling an LED using 2N2222 is shown in the figure given below.
- If you change the state of the logic state from 0 to 1, current will be supplied to the collector and hence an LED attached to its emitter will be turned on.
- The running form of the above simulation is shown in the figure below.
- I have made another simulation in Proteus ISIS to control a simple DC motor using Arduino UNO.
- The simulation of the task is shown in the figure below.
- Source code for the above simulation is given below.
int MotorInput = 2;
int MotorOutput = 7;
void setup()
pinMode(MotorInput, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(MotorOutput , OUTPUT);
void loop()
if (digitalRead(MotorInput) == HIGH)
digitalWrite(MotorOutput, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(MotorInput) == LOW)
digitalWrite(MotorOutput, LOW);
- You have to just copy and paste the entire code into the Arduino software.
- Obtain its .hex file and insert it into the Arduino of the Proteus ISIS.
- The running form of the above simulation is shown in the figure below:
- You can download the complete Arduino source code and simulation in one package, here by clicking on the button shown below.
Proteus Simulation & Arduino Code
So that is all from the tutorial
Introduction to 2N2222. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problem regarding any thing, you can ask me anytime in comments without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level to entertain you and to solve your issues in a better way, if possible. Our entire team is 24/7 here to entertain you and to solve your issues in a way or the other. I will explore different IC's in my later tutorials and will surely share all them with all of as you as well. So, till then, Take Care :)
Introduction to ULN2003
Hello everyone! I hope you will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give you a detailed Introduction to ULN2003. We will also discuss the ULN2003 Datasheet, Pinout, Circuit Diagram & Proteus Simulation. If you have ever controlled any motor (i.e. DC Motor, Stepper Motor etc.) with a microcontroller (i.e. PIC, Arduino etc.), then you must have heard about drivers. Why do we need to use drivers? We use drivers (to control motors) because of two reasons.
- First: Microcontrollers operate at 5V while motors operate at different voltages (5V, 12V, 24V etc.).
- Second: Motors are Inductive loads thus they produce back emf, which may damage your microcontroller permanently (if not handled correctly).
Because of these two reasons, we have to use the driver in between the microcontroller & motor. There are different types of motor drivers available and ULN2003 is one of them. If we check its datasheet, then we can see that ULN2003 can handle up to 50V & 500mA. As its current rating is not that high, so it's used to control small motors. For heavy motors, we normally use relays in between ULN2003 & motor. In this case, the Microcontroller is sending a signal to ULN2003, which then forwards it to relays (connected at output). Remember, the relay is also an inductive load. So, we can control different types of loads with ULN2003 i.e. motor, relay, solenoid, actuator etc. You should also have a look at Relay Interfacing with Microcontroller using ULN2003A.
Now, let's have a look at what's inside ULN2003 in detail:
Where To Buy? |
No. | Components | Distributor | Link To Buy |
1 | ULN2003 | Amazon | Buy Now |
ULN2003: Definition
- ULN2003 is a 16 Pin IC, consisting of 7 Darlington pairs (each pair protected with suppression diode) and thus has the capability to handle a maximum of 7 loads(could be inductive).
- In simple words, we have 7 drivers in a single ULN2003 chip and thus can control a maximum of 7 loads.
- Each Darlington pair can handle a maximum 500mA load, while the peak value is 600mA.
- Similarly, the maximum output voltage of each Darlington pair is 50V.
- In the below figure, you can see ULN2003 has 16 Pins, where inputs and their respective outputs are placed in front of each other(for ease of circuit designing).
- Other than I/O Pins, we have Ground Pin where we need to provide 0V & Vcc (Common) Pin.
ULN2003 Datasheet
- Here's the link to download ULN2003 datasheet, must read it once.
- I have also given the link to a reliable source, from where you can buy ULN2003 IC.
Download ULN2003 Datasheet
ULN2003 Pinout
- ULN2003 has 16 pins in total:
- 7 Input pins (Pin # 1 to Pin # 7)
- 7 Output pins (Pin # 10 to Pin # 16)
- 1 Ground pin (Pin # 8)
- 1 COM pin (Pin # 9)
- ULN2003 Pinout is shown in the below figure:
ULN2003 Pin Description
- The functions associated with each pin of ULN2003 along with pin names are shown in the table given below.
ULN2003 Darlington Pair
- ULN2003 consists of 7 identical Darlington pairs.
- A single Darlington pair consists of two bipolar transistors its maximum operating values are 50V & 500mA (peak 600mA).
- These two transistors of the Darlington pair have a common emitter, while their collectors are open.
- Here's the circuit diagram of a single Darlington pair, shown in the below figure:
ULN2003A Free-Wheeling Diodes
- ULN2003A has free-wheeling diodes, which protect from back emf.
- So, if we are using an inductive load (i.e. relays), then we don't need to add extra diodes if we are controlling it with ULN2003A.
- Logic Diagram of ULN2003A is shown in the below figure:
ULN2003 Features
There are a lot of key features associated with the relay driver ULN2003. A few of them are given below:
- 500mA of the rated collector.
- The high output voltage of around 50V.
- Relay driver applications.
- Output clamp diodes.
- Compatible input with popular logic types.
- Some of the key features are also given in the table below for a better understanding of the working conditions of ULN2003.
ULN2003 Applications
The relay circuit driver ULN2003 has a wide range of applications in real life. Some of the major applications associated with ULN2003A are given below.
- Logic buffers.
- Line drivers.
- Relay drivers (for driving different loads).
- Lamp drivers.
- LED display drivers (display devices).
- Motor (stepper and DC brushed motor) drivers.
ULN2003 Proteus Simulation
- I have designed a simulation in Proteus ISIS for LED control using ULN2003.
- The screenshot of the simulation is shown in the figure below.
- As you can see in the above figure that I have connected Logic State at all inputs of ULN2003A and have connected Leds at outputs.
- So, now when I make the Logic State HIGH then the respective LED will also go ON.
- The running form of the above simulation is shown in the figure below.
- If you change the state of the logic state from 0 to 1, the corresponding LED will be turned ON as shown in the above figure.
- You can download the Proteus simulation here by clicking on the button below.
- Just download the .rar file, extract it and enjoy the simulation.
ULN2003 Simulation in Proteus
- Here's the video in which I have shown how to use ULN2003A in Proteus:
So that is all from the tutorial Introduction to ULN2003. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problem regarding anything, you can ask me anytime in the comments without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level to entertain you and to solve your issues in a better way, if possible. Our entire team is 24/7 here to entertain you and to solve your issues in one way or the other. I will explore different ICs in my later tutorials and will surely share them with all of you as well. So, till then, Take Care :)
MATLAB Image Processing
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going combine all of my previously published tutorials based on
MATLAB Image Processing. Image processing can be defined as to convert an image into digital form and to perform some actions on it to improve its quality. I have published a number of tutorials on MATLAB image processing but they are not well arranged. So, I am going to combine the links for all of them in order to access them easily. All of the projects that I am going to combine today, are designed and compiled by our team with a lot of hard work.
A number of
MATLAB Image Processing based tutorials are compiled into this single tutorial. These are divided into two different categories i.e free and payable. Some of them are totally free and their source code are easily available to download. Some are not free but we have imposed a low cost on it and the students can easily purchase them even with their pocket money as well. Image processing is an amazing technique now a days and is difficult to do that is why we have imposed a bit cost on some of the major projects. The detailed description of each of the single project based on MATLAB image processing will be given later in this tutorial.
MATLAB Image Processing
Here in the tutorial
MATLAB Image Processing, the combined list of all the previously published tutorials will be given in detail along with their accessible links. First of all I would like to explain you a bit about image processing technique.
- To convert an image into the digitized form and perform some kind of actions on it specially to improve its quality is basically known as image processing technique.
- The images below display the conversion of an image into digitized form to improve their quality.
- The image on which I am going to perform some of the actions for its quality improvement is shown in the figure below.
- Now I am going to perform some of the major actions on it to improve its quality.
- The figure shown below displays the tasks performed on the above image.
- So that was a bit about image processing technique.
- Now, I am going to combine all of my previous tutorials based on MATLAB image processing.
1) Color Detection in Images using MATLAB
This tutorial is about the detection of a specific color among different colors on an image using an amazing tool i.e MATLAB. Color detection becomes necessary sometimes. Like there different cars with same external structure and same specifications but they have different colors. We have to select a red colored car using computerized automated system, to wash it.
Here we need to apply an image processing technique to detect the red color among all of the different colors present at a time. In this tutorial I have take an image having red, green and blue colors in it. I have individually detected each of the colors from this image using MATLAB image processing technique.
- You download the complete simulation here by clicking on the button below.
Download Color Detection in MATLAB using Image Processing
2) Detect Circles in Images using MATLAB
In this tutorial I have explained the methods for the detection of the circles in MATLAB. Its a quite simple technique. The first thing is to choose an image on which the circles are to be detected. Then the second step is the detection of the circles on the selected image. I have used an image of bicycle having two circles i.e. its wheels as shown in the figure on right side.
You can see there are two circles in the image. MATLAB finds the circles first and then shows them to us by detecting them. For this figure MATLAB has found both of the wheels and shown us the detected wheels as white and red dotted line on inner surface of both of the wheels of bicycle.
- You download the complete MATLAB simulation here by clicking on the button below.
Download Detect Circles in Images using MATLAB
3) Image Zooming with Bilinear Interpolation
In this tutorial I have elaborated the technique for the image zooming with bilinear interpolation in MATLAB. Different software e.g. paint and adobe photoshop provides us with the option of zooming the image bu just clicking on the button. In this tutorial I have performed the operation of image zooming in MATLAB using bilinear interpolation. In MATLAB, zooming of an image means that we are increasing the pixels of that image. In order to do so we must have to fill the extra pixels with color of the neighbor pixels. To fill out the extra pixels with some color is usually known as the interpolation. There are a lot of interpolation techniques. I have used a type of linear interpolation named as bilinear interpolation which includes the implementation of interpolation formula on both
x and
y axis. You can see the further details i.e. interpolation formula and its implementation, for this project by clicking on the button below.
- You can download the complete MATLAB simulation for image zooming with bilinear interpolation, just here by clicking on the button below.
Download Image Zooming with Bilinear Interpolation
4) Color Detection in MATLAB Live Video
In this tutorial I have made an algorithm for color detection in MATLAB live video. I have taken a live video from my laptop's camera and then I have detected the specific color from the live video. In order to do this task, you must have to install image processing toolbox in your MATLAB.
I have detected a red color in this tutorial. You can detect any color you want. You have to made a very small change in the code in order to do so. For this tutorial, you can place anything having red color in it, in front of the camera. Algorithm will detect and encircle the red color in that image. The algorithm in working condition is also shown in the figure on right side.
- You can download the complete MATLAB simulation for color detection in MATLAB live video, here by just clicking on the button below.
Download Color Detection in MATLAB Live Video
5) Motion Detection in MATLAB
In this tutorial, I have made an algorithm for the detection of the motion in MATLAB. This project can be used as the security purposes. For hardware purpose IR sensor is used to detect the motion in the surroundings. I have used MATLAB software for the motion detection in the real environment instead. I have used a webcam and then applied a simple algorithm in order to detect the motion in the surroundings.
I have made GUI having different sections on it. on the first axis the image is to be captured and then you need to press Start Comparison button to visualize the change in surroundings. If any change is occurred in the environment or not, corresponding text will be displayed on the GUI at the bottom right corner of the GUI.
- You can download the complete MATLAB simulation for Motion Detection in MATLAB, here by just clicking on the button below.
Download Motion Detection in MATLAB
6) Eye Ball Detection in MATLAB
In this project I have designed an algorithm for Eye Ball Detection in MATLAB. I have designed a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to detect the eye balls from the images loaded into the GUI. Our team has worked very hard to design this algorithm. So, I have not share the simulation for this task for free.
I have imposed a small amount of cost on it. You can easily buy this project by clicking on the button below. The algorithm is designed in MATLAB 2015 version. So, you must have MATLAB 2015 or its later version because it is not backward compatible. As you run the simulation a GUI will be opened on your screen. You just need to browse the image in which eye balls are needed to be detected. Then press the Load button, you will see that eye balls has been detected successfully as shown in the figure on right side.
- You can download the complete MATLAB simulation for Eye Ball Detection in MATLAB, here by just clicking on the button below.
Buy Eye Ball Detection in MATLAB
So, that is all from the tutorial MATLAB Image Processing. I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial.If you face any sort of problem, you can ask me freely anytime in comments without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level best to entertain you and to sort out your issues in some better way, if possible. I will explore this technique further in MATLAB and on the other software as well in my later tutorials. So, till then, Take Care :)
How to use Print MATLAB
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about
How to use Print MATLAB. As you all know that the design of an algorithm is not enough until we observe its results too. So, there should be a debugging tool in order to check the performance and accuracy of the designed algorithm. Debugging tool helps us to improve the algorithm’s performance and accuracy too by observing its output again and again. In this tutorial I will tell you about using
print command in MATLB for different purposes. So, in this tutorial I am going to use print command as a debugging tool in order to observe the output of the algorithm. You should also have a look at
how to use MATLAB ?
I am going to use print command to either print the desired statement on the command window in MATLAB or to display the graphs on a figure and to automatically save it on any destination wherever you want to. I will elaborate this command with the help of the different examples later in this tutorial. if you new to MATLAB then you should read
Introduction to MATLAB. So, now let's have a look at How to use Print MATLAB:
How to use Print MATLAB
In the tutorial
How to use Print MATLAB, I will tell you about the use of this command in MATLAB while explaining a lot of examples and by displaying their results. The examples include the printing of the statement on the command window in MATLAB as well as to display the graphs and to save its image.
- Here, I am going to print some statement (the name of our website) on the command window using this particular command in m.file.
- The use of the command fprintf is shown below.
clc % clears the command window
fprintf('\n')% prints the desired statement
- Editor also displays that command in the figure shown below.
- You can observe the result of this statement on the command window in MATLAB.
- The result displayed on the command window is shown in the figure below.
- So, that was about how to print the statement on the command window.
- Now, I am going to print the result of some mathematical operations applied on some variables, on command window using the same command.
- I have assigned different values to the two variables a and
- I have calculated their sum and displayed on the command window.
- The commands written on the editor are shown in the figure below.
- The result of the above commands displayed on the command window is shown in the figure below.
- So, that was the description of how to print the results mathematical operations applied on some variables on command window.
- Now, I am going to perform some operations on matrix.
- The source code written in editor of the MATLAB is shown below.
- I have initialized a matrix named as
- I have then displayed that matrix on the command window.
- At the end, I have printed all the values of that matrix on the command window.
- The result of all the above commands displayed on the command window is shown in the figure below.
- First row in the above figure displays the matrix.
- And the second row prints each value of the matrix in next ling using \n.
Graphics Format File
- You need to specify file name and format switch to save your figure as graphics.
- The supported output formats for exporting from MATLAB and switch settings are shown in the table given below.
Print Paper Copy of Figure
In this method a new bar chart will be created and printed to your system default computer. If you do not specify the figure to be printed, then print will use the current figure.
- The source code written on the editor is shown below.
- The editor window with the code is also shown in the figure below.
- The figure generated from the above code is shown below.
- That was the detailed discussion about using print command as a debugging tool in MATLAB.
So, that is all from the tutorial How to use Print MATLAB. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problems regarding anything, you can ask me freely in comments every time, without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level best to solve your issues in a better way, if possible. There's another interesting MATLAB Projects named as
Eye Ball Detection in MATLAB. I will explore different software including MATLAB in my next tutorials and will share all of them with you guys as well. So, till then, take care :)
Multi Color Detection in MATLAB
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about
Multi Color Detection in MATLAB. Color Detection scheme plays a vital role at some places. Like in Image processing technique the detection of specific color among the different colors is necessary to perform some action on it. For example there are three cars of the colors red, blue and green and we want to wash the red car. You should also have a look at
Color Detection in Images using MATLAB because I am gonna use the same code and will add some improvements in it. Moreover, if you are working on Live Videos instead of Images then you should have a look at
Color Detection in Live Video using MATLAB.
For this purpose we need to design an algorithm which is capable of detecting red color among the different colors. Similarly there are a lot of other examples are there to perform the tasks like that. This tutorial will elaborate the step by step explanation of the algorithm designed for multi color detection in MATLAB using Graphical User Interface (GUI). The tutorial consists of two different parts. In first part the GUI will be created while the second part will consist of an algorithm to detect a particular color among the different colors. Further details about the designed algorithm is elaborated in the section below.
Multi Color Detection in MATLAB
Here, in the tutorial
Multi Color Detection in MATLAB, I will explain the step by step description about designing an algorithm for multi color detection in MATLAB GUI. The total project is divide into two parts, GUI will be created in the first part and algorithm designing will be explained in the second part.
- You can download the complete MATLAB GUI simulation here by clicking on the button below.
- Download .rar. file, extract it and enjoy the complete package :)
Download MATLAB Simulation
GUI Design for Multi Color Detection in MATLAB
This section of the tutorial Multi Color Detection in MATLAB will elaborate you all of the steps involved during the design of Graphical User Interface (GUI).All of the steps are given below.
- GUI design consists of several different steps which are explained below.
- GUI consists of the two different panel.
- The left panel is for browsing or loading an image from the laptop or computer.
- Left panel has a button to browse an image, an axis to visualize the loaded image and edit box to view the image's complete path.
- The right panel is designed for color detection for the browsed image.
- Right panel has three different buttons in order to detect red, green and blue colors and an axis to display the detected color on the image loaded in the left panel.
- So that was the detailed description of the GUI, designed for multi color detection in MATLAB.
- Initially designed GUI without panels is shown in the figure below.
- The updated GUI with both the panels with proper tags is shown in the figure below.
Other Image Processing Projects:
Algorithm Design for Multi Color Detection in MATLAB
In this section of the tutorial Multi Color Detection in MATLAB, I will explain you about the design of an algorithm for detecting multi colors from the image loaded into GUI. The algorithm is further divided into two different parts. In the first part image is loaded into the GUI for the detection of multi color. Whereas, the second step consists of the detection of multi colors and its display on the GUI.
- Go to the call back back function of Browse button and just copy paste here, the MATLAB code given below.
global ImageFile
[filename pathname] = uigetfile({'*.jpg';'*.bmp'},'File Selector');
ImageFile = strcat(pathname, filename);
imshow(ImageFile) % displays the image on particular axis
set(handles.edit1,'string',ImageFile); %sets the text of the edit box on GUI
- I have first write a line to load the image from its path into the GUI.
- After loading the images I have adjusted an axis on which the image is to be displayed.
- At the end I have set the text of the edit box as the address of the image.
- So that the was the logic to load an image into GUI of MATLAB.
global ImageFile
data = imread(ImageFile);
diff_im = imsubtract(data(:,:,1), rgb2gray(data)); % subtracts the red color from the image
%Use a median filte tFileo filter out noise
diff_im = medfilt2(diff_im, [3 3]);
diff_im = im2bw(diff_im,0.18);
diff_im = bwareaopen(diff_im,300);
bw = bwlabel(diff_im, 8);
stats = regionprops(bw, 'BoundingBox', 'Centroid');
% Display the image
axes(handles.axes2); % axis adjustment
imshow(data) % displays the image with the detected colors
hold on
for object = 1:length(stats)
bb = stats(object).BoundingBox;
bc = stats(object).Centroid;
plot(bc(1),bc(2), '-m+')
a=text(bc(1)+15,bc(2), strcat('X: ', num2str(round(bc(1))), ' Y: ', num2str(round(bc(2)))));
set(a, 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontSize', 12, 'Color', 'blue');
hold off
- The main part of this code is to subtract the red color from the loaded image and to display it on the axis.
- I have made rectangular areas around the detected colors at the end.
- So that was the description of the algorithm to detect the red colors from the loaded image.
- The final Updated GUI is shown in the figure below.
- The image is to be loaded in the left panel of the updated GUI.
- Loaded image in to the GUI is shown in the figure below.
- Color will be detected in the right panel.
- Red color detected from the loaded image is shown in the figure below.
- Green color detected from the loaded image is shown in the figure below.
- Blue color detected from the loaded image is shown in the figure below.
So that is all from the tutorial Multi Color Detection in MATLAB. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problems, you can freely ask me in comments any time without even feeling any kind of hesitation. Our team will try our level best to entertain you and to solve your issues in some better way, if possible. I will explore MATLAB as well as other software in my later tutorials and will surely share all of them with you guys as well. So, till then, Take Care :)
How to Prepare Screenshots For Your Posts
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a really cool tool with you guys and we will have a look at How to Prepare Screenshots For Your Posts with that tool, and it helped me a lot in my own blog posts and I am sharing it because engineers need to design their images for presentations, report etc. So, must have these tools with you so that you can make your tasks relatively easy. Moreover, if you are a blogger then it also comes in handy.
Accompanying your posts with screenshots can help to provide context, clarification or even just improve the aesthetics of the post. While it is easy enough to capture screenshots, before you include any in your posts it would be a good idea to prepare them beforehand. In order to prepare your screenshots, you should use a photo editor such as Movavi Photo Editor. It will allow you to tweak your photos in several ways, and prepare them by:
How to Prepare Screenshots For Your Posts
So, let's have a look at these steps one by one using which you prepare Screenshots for your Posts:
- Cropping and altering the frame
Sometimes you will want to crop your screenshots to alter the area of your screen that is displayed and how the elements are being framed. With Movavi Photo Editor you can easily crop out any parts of your screenshots, and also rotate, flip, or level them if need be.
- Improving the image quality
Generally, you shouldn’t have any problem with the quality of your screenshots, but if you do it helps to be able to improve it. Within Movavi Photo Editor you can choose to either adjust the color settings manually or use the automated features to do so.
- Removing unwanted elements
If there are any unwanted elements in your screenshot, you should remove them to make the screenshot less cluttered and emphasize the main elements more. That can be done easily with Movavi Photo Editor, and you can even replace the entire background if need be.
- Resizing screenshots to fit your posts
The size of your screenshots matters quite a bit, both because they will determine the file size of the image and as they should fit within a particular area in your post. Using Movavi Photo Editor you can quickly alter the size of your photo according to your needs, and may even want to come up with several different sizes if your website is responsive.
- Adding captions or titles
Including captions or titles in the screenshots that you publish can help to add information directly to them. Whether add text to photo to label elements, provide context, or even just explain the screenshot is up to you and Movavi Photo Editor will let you customize the text and make it look unique. Here's an example:
Make no mistake that is by no means all that Movavi Photo Editor is capable of, and if you explore its features further you’ll find that you’re able to apply artistic filters, utilize digital makeup, fix blurry images, and much more. All in all, however, you should now know what you need to do to prepare your screenshots for a post and because of how easy Movavi Photo Editor is to use, you should have no problem getting started and applying its features to the task at hand.
How to use MATLAB input Function
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about
How to use MATLAB input Function. In this tutorial I would like to tell you about the importance of getting data from the user in MATLAB. If you want to display the data to users, you need to get data from them as well according their requirements. I hope you have read
How to use MATLAB ?
In this way the same source code written in MATLAB will give different result according to the requirements of the each user. So, in other words the source code becomes generic in this way. As we run the program, command window of the MATLAB asks user to enter the desired input. The results on this window are generated according to the
Matlab input given by the user. You should also have a look at Laplace Transform in MATLAB.
How to use MATLAB input Function
Here, in this tutorial I will explain you the importance and the procedure about
How to use MATLAB input Function. The one of the main advantage of getting the data from the user is, the algorithm becomes generic in this way. The different users can get different types of results from the same program according their requirements. The user has to enter the input on the command window and can get the desired results according to the given input.
Getting User Data
- First of all open your MATLAB software and go to the editor in MATLAB.
- Write a simple code in editor as shown below.
x=input('Enter the value of x = ');
y=input('Enter the value of y = ');
- Move to the command window and observe the results.
- As you Run the program you will automatically move to the command window.
- Command window will ask to enter the value of the first variable, which is x in this case.
- The result of the above program is shown in the figure below:
Note:You should also have a look at these MATLAB projects as well:
- After entering the value of x command window will ask to enter the value of the second variable, which is y in this case.
- The figure shown below displays the above results.
- As you enter the value of y and press Enter, you will be able to see the result of the addition of the both of the variables.
- The result is shown in the figure below.
- Till now, I have performed addition operation on the variables whose values are given by the users and the program shows the different results for each user.
- You can also perform a lot of other operations on these variables.
- Here, I am going to perform basic mathematics operations on these two variables.
- The code for multiplication operation is shown below.
clc %clearing command window
x=input('Enter the value of x = ');%takes the value of x from the user
y=input('Enter the value of y = ');%takes the value of y from the user
product = x*y %performing multiplication
- The input MATLAB code will look something as shown in below figure:
- The result on the command window is shown in the figure below.
- Now, I am going to perform the division operation on the both of the variables.
- The source code for the division operation is shown below.
clc %clears comand window
x=input('Enter the value of x = '); %takes the value of x from the user
y=input('Enter the value of y = '); %takes the value of y from the user
product = x/y %performing division operation
- The result of the above source code is shown in the figure below.
- Similarly you can perform a lot of other operations on the variables whose values are given by the user.
- So, that was the brief discussion about How to use MATLAB input Function.
- Here's the video in which I have explained in detail How to use MATLAB input Function:
So, that is all from the tutorial How to use MATLAB input Function. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you find any sort of problem, you can ask in comments anytime without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level best to solve your issues in a better way, if possible. You should also have a look at
Introduction to MATLAB. In my next tutorial I will elaborate that how to generate rectangular signals in MATLAB and how to manipulate them. I will further explore MATLAB in my later tutorials by making further projects on it and will share them with all of you as well. So, till then, Take Care :)
How to use MATLAB
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about
How to use MATLAB. This is an on demand tutorial. The tutorial will help you to learn the the basics of the MATLAB and will elaborate the use of the different tools of it e.g. command window, m.file, Graphical User Interface (GUI) and simulink. Before into the details of this tutorial you must go through
Introduction to MATLAB first for the better understanding of this tutorial. Each of the tools has its own importance while making an algorithm in MATLAB. Command window basically deals with the shorter commands where there is a need of quick execution. Command window shows the result of all of the executed commands if there is no semicolon at the end of the particular statement. You must also have a look at
Declaration of Variables in MATLAB.
MATLAB provides high level of technical computing. It provides an easy to use environment for computation and programming to solve problems and their solutions can be expressed in mathematical symbolic notations. MATLAB can be used for a lot purposes e.g. computational mathematics, simulation, mathematical modeling, engineering graphics, data analysis, prototyping etc. MATLAB works on the basis of matrices whose basic building is an array. MATLAB system has different parts which will be discussed later in this tutorial. MATLAB has a lot of tool boxes in order to provide easiness to the users. Signal processing tool, fuzzy logic tool, control systems tool and simulation tool are its major tools that are used most frequently.
How to use MATLAB
Here in the tutorial,
How to use MATLAB, I will tell you about the basics of the MATLAB and the necessary steps to use the different tools of the MATLAB e.g. command window, GUI, simulink and m.file. First of all I would like to tell you a brief description of the MATLAB software.
Parts of MATLAB
- There are five different main parts of the MATLAB.
- MATLAB Language.
- MATLAB Working Environment.
- Handle Graphics.
- MATLAB Mathematical Functional Library.
- MATLAB Application Program Interface.
- All of these five parts are shown in the figure below.
- The brief description of each of the part is given below.
1) MATLAB Language
It provides high level matrices language. This language includes the features like flow statements, data structures, object oriented programming, input/output etc. It provides the facilities for programming at lower as well as on higher scales. We have posted many Matlab projects in which I have used MATLAB Language, here are few of these projects:
2) MATLAB Working Environment
This part provides set of tools and facilities to the MATLAB users. The facilities include the management of variables in workspace, debugging, m.files and import and export of the desired data. MTALB working environment is shown in the figure below:
3) Handle Graphics
This is a MATLAB system for graphics and it includes image processing and data visualization in two dimensions as well as in three dimensions. It also includes the designing of complete Graphical User Interface in MATLAB. Handle graphics in MATLAB is shown in the figure below:
4) MATLAB Mathematical Functional Library
It has a wide range of computational algorithms from the lower level (e.g. sum, sine, cosine) to the higher level (e.g. matrices inverse, matrices eigen values etc.). Mathematical functional library is shown in the figure below.
5) MATLAB Application Program Interface (API)
It provides you a library to write C programs as well as Fortran programs which interact with the MATLAB. It provides a lot of facilities e.g. MAT files. MATLAB application program interface (API) is shown in the figure below.
- So that was the brief description of the five different parts of the MATLAB.
How to use MATLAB Command Window
Here in this section of the tutorial How to use MATLAB, I will tell you about the the steps to use the command window in MATLAB and its importance in different circumstances. Command window is used to display the results of the algorithm immediately. When you do not specify an output variable whose values is desired to be obtained, then MATLAB uses a variable named as
ans which is the short form of the word
answer. This step is shown in the figure below.
Command window is the window which displays the output in non-graphic form. The symbol
>> shows that the MATLAB is ready for the input to be entered.
- Here I would like to show you the use of command window.
- I have declared three different variables named as a,b and c.
- I have stored the value of the sum of first two variables in the third variable.
- The result is shown in the figure below.
- Command window will only display the result of that statement which has no terminating semi colon.
- Now I am going to compute the values of trigonometric functions.
- The result is shown in the figure below.
- So that was the overview of how to use MATLAB command window.
How to use MATLAB m File
Here in this section of the tutorial How to use MATLAB, I will tell you about how to use the m.file in MATLAB. It is also known as the editor in MATLAB. You must also visit
How to Create m.file in MATLAB for the better understanding.
- I am going to add the simple two of the variables and storing it into the third variable while creating m.file in MATLAB.
- The result of the above description is shown in the figure below.
- Now, I am going to plot a simple sinusoidal signal while creating an m.file in MATLAB.
- The source code is shown in the figure below.
- The resulted plotted sinusoidal signal is shown in the figure below.
- So, that was the brief description about How to create or use m.file in MATLAB.
Note:These are few MATLAB projects in which I have written the MATLAB code in m File:
How to use MATLAB Simulink
Here in this section of the tutorial How to use MATLAB, I will explain you that how to use this amazing tool of the MATLAB. It represents the source code in terms of different blocks. First of all I would like to tell you that how to open the simulink library in MATLAB.
- You need to follow the steps given below.
- Open your MATLAB software, a new window with different MATLAB sections will be appeared on your screen.
- Click on the encircled button as shown in the figure below.
- As you press this button, a new window having simulink library in it, will be opened on your screen.
- The simulink library is shown in the figure below.
- Now, I am going to generate two simple sinusoidal signal in MATLAB simulink.
- Press Ctrl+N and a new window will appear upon which we need to place the desired blocks.
- Go to the Sources and select the sine wave block from it.
- Drag this blcok and drop it on the second window as shown in the figure below.
- Similarly copy and paste the same block.
- Here I am going to add the both of the sinusoidal signals having phase shift of 90 with each other.
- I have placed a scope to observe the addition of the both of the signals visually.
- All of the above steps are shown in the figures below.
- The selection of the add block is shown in the figure below.
- The selection of the scope is shown in the figure below in order to visualize the results.
- Now, the complete source code for the addition of two sinusoidal signals is shown in the figure below.
- After making this algorithm just run the program by clicking on the button encircled in the above figure.
- Double click on the Scope in order to visualize the desired result.
- The result of the addition of both the signals is displayed on the scope and is shown in the figure below.
- So, that was the brief description about how to open and use simulink library in MATLAB.
How to use MATLAB GUI
In this section of the tutorial How to use MATLAB, I will explain you about how to create Graphical User Interface (GUI) in MATLAB and how to operate it. GUI displays the desired results visually which helps us in better understanding of the algorithm instead of observing the results in analog form or in digital data. It also provide better external look to the designed algorithm. You should also have a look at
How to Create a GUI in MATLAB. I have designed many projects using GUI in MATLAB so you go through these below projects:
In order learn that how to perform different tasks using GUI in MATLAB, you need to follow the below steps:
- Go to the command window and type guide there.
- The step is shown in the figure below.
- When you press Enter a new window will be appeared on your screen.
- Go to the Create New GUI and select the blank GUI and hence a new GUI will be opened and its source code will be generated automatically in m.file of the MATLAB.
- The above steps are shown in the figure below.
- Now, pres OK button and a GUI will be appeared on your screen.
- The GUI appeared on the screen is shown in the figure below.
- Now you can pick and place the buttons, tables and graphs from the left side of the GUI.
- I picked a graph, a table and a button from the left bar of the GUI.
- All of the above steps are shown in the figure below.
- That was the overview of the basics of the MATLAB.
So that is all from the tutorial How to use MATLAB. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problem regarding anything, you can anytime ask me in comments, freely, without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level best to solve you issues in some better way, if possible. I will explore MATLAB and other software and hardware too in my later tutorials later and will surely share them with all of you guys as well. So, till then, Take Care :)
Stepper Motor Projects
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share a list of
Stepper Motor Projects using different software e.g. Arduino, Matlab and NI LabVIEW. I have already shared these projects but they are posted randomly. So, today I thought that I should combine all those projects into a single one. So I am going to share the links of all of those tutorials in this tutorial so that it may be helpful for engineering students or anyone who wants to visit. This tutorial will help you to visit all of my Stepper Motor Projects. You should also have a look at this Stepper Motor Simulation in Proteus.
The links of all the tutorials will be given and you will be able to download the desired project code or simulation from the corresponding link. I will make separate sections for each software to control stepper motor. In each section all the possible controls of stepper motor will be given in detail. If you have any sort of problem, you can ask in comments. I will try my level best to solve your issues. So, let's get started with Stepper Motor Projects. first of all, I will post projects i which I have done direction control of stepper motor:
Stepper Motor Projects
In this section of Stepper Motor Projects, I will provide you the list of the tutorials in which I have already controlled the direction of the stepper motor using three different software e.g. Arduino, Matlab and NI LabVIEW. I have used the same hardware and Arduino source code in all of these tutorials. In case of Matlab and NI LabVIEW I have sent commands through the serial monitor towards Arduino and hence the whole system works.
Stepper Motor Direction Control using Arduino
In the tutorial Stepper Motor Direction Control using
Arduino, I have interfaced a stepper motor with Arduino UNO board to control its clockwise and counter clockwise direction. I have used a motor controller named as H-Bdridge to control the direction of stepper motor. It can control only one stepper motor at a time.. The algorithm was very simple. Commands for clockwise and counter clockwise rotation are sent through the serial monitor of Arduino softwrare.
These commands are then passed to the motor controller and then it decides the direction of rotation of stepper motor after manipulating the Arduino commands. Direction of stepper motor can be reversed by simply changing the polarity so L298 controls the direction of the stepper motor by continuously making its pins low, high and vice versa.
- You can download the complete simulation there.
- Download .rar file, extract it and enjoy the complete simulation:
Stepper Motor Direction Control Using Arduino
Stepper Motor Direction Control using Matlab
In the tutorial Stepper Motor Direction Control in
Matlab, I have created a simple Graphical User interface (GUI) in Matlab having three different buttons for controlling the clockwise, counter clockwise direction of the stepper motor and to stop the stepper motor as well. Two more buttons are also there on the GUI for opening and closing the serial port.
As we press any of the buttons, corresponding command is sent through the serial port from Matlab to Arduino and then Arduino transfers those commands to the H Bridge and hence the entire process gets completed. Pressing the Open Serial Port button, serial port will be opened and we will be able to communicate with the Arduino using serial communication and at the end we must close the serial port in order to avoid the exchange of unnecessary commands being sent through the serial port.
- You can download the complete simulation here.
- Download .rar file, extract it and start playing with the simulation.
Stepper Motor Direction Control Using MATLAB
Stepper Motor Direction Control using NI LabVIEW
In the tutorial Stepper Motor Direction is Controlled in
NI LabVIEW, I have controlled the clockwise and counter clockwise direction of the stepper motor using serial communication between NI LabVIEW and Arduino. Commands like
C, S and
A are sent through NI LabVIEW towards Arduino for clockwise rotation of the stepper motor, stop the stepper motor and anti clockwise rotation of the same stepper motor respectively.
There are three different buttons on the front panel of NI LabVIEW. These buttons are used to send commands
C, S and
A from NI LabVIEW to Arduino using Serial communication.
- You can download the complete simulation here.
- Download .rar file, extract it and start playing with the simulation.
Stepper Motor Direction Control in LabVIEW
Stepper Motor Direction Control using PIC Microcontroller
First of all I have made
Stepper Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS and I have controlled the speed angle as well as the direction of the stepper motor using PIC micro controller. I have made a pretty simple logic. I have placed a serial terminal in my Proteus simulation. You have to sent the commands through that serial terminal. The stepper motor will change its direction as well the speed after manipulating those commands.
- You can download the complete simulation here.
- Download .rar file, extract it and start playing with the simulation.
Stepper Motor Direction Control using PIC Microcontroller
Stepper Motor Speed Control
In this section of Stepper Motor Projects, I will provide you the list of the tutorials in which I have already controlled the speed of the stepper motor using three different software e.g. Arduino, Matlab and NI LabVIEW. I have used the same hardware and Arduino source code in all of these tutorials. In case of
NI LabVIEW I have sent commands through the serial monitor towards Arduino and hence the whole system works.
Stepper Motor Speed Control using Arduino
In Stepper Motor Speed Control using Arduino, I have actually used the builtin command
myStepper.step to control the speed for the stepper motor. For this purpose, I have not used PWM pins of L298 motor controller instead I only used input pins of it, to control the speed of the stepper motor. By assigning higher values to the myStepper.step motor can be rotated at higher speed. Similarly motor will rotate slowly if the value of myStepper.step is lower.
All the executed commands are printed on the serial monitor and I have also printed those executed commands on LCD as well for this project.
- You can download the complete Arduino Source code here.
- Download .rar file, extract it and start playing with the simulation.
Stepper Motor Speed Control using Arduino
Stepper Motor Speed Control in Matlab
In Stepper Motor Speed Control in Matlab, I have created a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Matlab having two extra buttons as compared to the GUI of Stepper Motor Direction Control in Matlab. One for continuously accelerating the speed of the stepper motor and the other for continuously deaccelerating the speed of the same stepper motor.
As we press any button, corresponding command will be sent through the serial port from Matlab to Arduino using serial communication. The logic created is pretty simple, the speed of the motor will accelerate continuously as many time we press the button and if the maximum speed is reached, motor maintains the same speed even we continue to enhance its speed. Same procedure will be followed to reduce the speed of the stepper motor.
- You can download the complete simulation here.
- Download .rar file, extract it and start playing with the simulation.
Stepper Motor Speed Control using MATLAB
Stepper Motor Speed Control using NI LabVIEW
This one is the last one among Stepper Motor Projects, named as Stepper Motor Speed Control in NI LabVIEW, I have have placed five different buttons on the front panel to control the direction as well as the speed of the DC motor. By pressing the
Accelerate button again and again speed of the stepper motor will increase in proportion to the number of times the buttons is pressed.
Similarly, by pressing
Deaccelerate button again and again the speed of the stepper motor will decrease in proportion to the number of times the button is pressed. First of all you need to press the
Start button in order to start the serial communication between NI LabVIEW and Arduino. After pressing it you will be able to send the commands serially from NI LabVIEW towards Arduino.
- You can download the complete simulation here.
- Download .rar file, extract it and start playing with the simulation.
Stepper Motor Speed Control using LabVIEW
These are all
Stepper Motor Projects posted yet on our blog. I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problem you can ask me anytime without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level best to solve your issue in a better way, if possible. I will explore Arduino, Matlab and NI LabVIEW further in my later tutorials. Till then, Take care :)
LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to combine all of my previous tutorials for
LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers, at a single platform for your easiness. You will able to see and learn the interfacing of LCD with three different microcontrollers. Before going into any detail I would like to tell you a bit about the history of LCD. There are a lot of devices in the market now a days, which can be used as the displaying devices. LCD's are also among those devices and considered as the one of the most important devices specially for the microcontroller based projects. The word
LCD is basically abbreviated from
Liquid Crystal Display because it is made up of Liquid Crystal Technology. LCD is also a great debugging tool just like
Serial Port.
It becomes a lot difficult to use any debugger every time and is not reliable too. Where as LCD's can used to observe the output quickly while making changes in your code. It plays a vital role in almost all kinds of microcontroller based as well as electronic based projects. While making these types of projects we need to display the output and some messages. Seven segment is the basic the device to do that task but it has a lot of limitations. Another best option available is LCD. It comes in different dimensions. The most commonly used LCD's have dimensions of
16×2 i.e. 16 columns and 2 rows. It is capable of displaying 32 ASCII characters, 16 characters per line. Other dimensions of the LCD includes 20×4, 128×64 etc. You just need to know how to interface the LCD and then you will find that it is the easiest, cheapest and reliable output device available in the market. LCD has a wide range of applications e.g. robotics, power electronic based projects, microcontroller based projects, mobile phones,
cameras, high resolution color displays.
LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers
Here in the tutorial, LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers, I will tell you about the configuration of the LCD, its pins specifications and about the procedure to interface it with different microcontrollers e.g Arduino,
PIC Microcontroller and 8051. First of all, I would like to tell about the desired components and their specifications in the form of a list.
Components Required
The list for the basic and necessary components required while LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers is given below.
- Microcontroller (Arduino, PIC, 8051)
- Jumper Wires (Male-female)
- Soldering Iron
- Soldering Iron and Gum
- Male Pins for LCD
- LCD (either 16×2 or 20×4)
Components Description
- Microcontroller acts as the back bone of any project because it controls and handles all the tasks and is used to exchange the desired commands either serially or simultaneously. In the tutorial LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers, I am going to use three different microcontrollers as the backbone of the project, i.e. Arduino, PIC microcontroller and 8051 microcontroller.These microcontrollers are shown in the figure below.
- Jumper Wires are basically used for making the connections between microcontrollers and LCD in order to obtain the circuit in proper working condition. The jumpers wires are usually of for different types i.e. male-male, male-female, female-female and female-male. The jumper wires are shown in the figure below.
- Soldering Iron is used to join the male pins with the LCD specifically in this case. Its a device or an electronic equipment used to make the permanent connections between two or more devices. Soldering Iron is shown in the figure below.
- Soldering Gum and Stand are used for the purpose of clean soldering and supporting the solder respectively. The soldering gum along with the soldering stand is shown in the figure below.
- Male Pins for LCD are used to make connect between LCD and microcontroller. These supporting pins are shown in the figure below.
- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is used to display output messages and the desired results. LCD are available in the markets now a days, in different sizes. 16×2 and 20×4 are the most commonly used dimensions of the LCD. This type of LCD has 16 pins. Each pin is associated with the different function. The functions associated with each pin of the LCD are shown in the table below.
- LCD can be operated in two different modes 4-bit mode and 8-bit mode, depending upon the selection of data pins. If we have selected four of its data pins (DB0-DB3) then LCD will be in 4-bit operating mode and if we have selected all of its data pins (DB0-DB8) the LCD will operate in 8-bit mode. 16×2 LCD is shown in the figure below.
- Another most frequently used small LCD with 20×4 dimension is shown in the figure below.
- For the proper working of LCD in 4-bit mode we need to use four of its data pins i.e. (DB4-DB7). In total we need to use 8 pins including RS, Enable, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7, Voltage (5V) and Ground (0V). Data pins are used for the exchange of the data between microcontrollers and LCD.
- RS is the pin 4 of the LCD and it selects data register when high and command register when low as described in the above table.
- Enable is the pin 6 of the LCD. When it is high a low pulse is provided and it i used to send data to data pins (DB4-DB7) in this case.
- So, that was the brief discussion of the components necessary for LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers.
- Now, I am going to combine all of my previous tutorials related to LCD interfacing with different microcontrollers here on a single platform.
New LCD Library for Proteus
In this tutorial, I have shared a new LCD library for Proteus which will help you in interfacing LCD with
Arduino or any other microcontroller in Proteus ISIS. We have designed two new LCDs in Proteus. Proteus already has builtin libraries for LCD but they are not such good looking. So, I designed them which are good looking as compared to the builtin LCDs of the Proteus.
I have provided two different libraries in this package. You just need to copy and paste them in libraries folder of your installed Proteus software. After restarting the Proteus software you will be able to search two different LCD's with excellent external look. Pick anyone of them from the search option and start interfacing it with the Arduino in Proteus and observe its working.
- You can download these libraries here by clicking on the button below.
- Download .rar file, extract it and enjoy these libraries.
Download LCD Library for Proteus
LCD Interfacing with Arduino
Here, in this section of the tutorial LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers, I will combine my previous tutorials having detailed discussion about how to interface LCD with Arduino.
Scrolling Text on LCD with Arduino
Here, in the tutorial
Scrolling text on LCD with Arduino, I have shared my knowledge with all of guys that how make an algorithm in Arduino software in order to generate a scrolling text on LCD. I have used a very basic 16×2 LCD in Proteus for this article.
This tutorial will help you to learn how to interface 16×2 LCD with Arduino and how to display a scrolling text on it in
Proteus. I have written a simple code to print the name of our website on LCD first, then I updated the same code for displaying the name with a movement in both left and right direction.
- You can download the Arduio source for displaying scrolling text on LCD.
- Download .rar file, extract it and enjoy the complete code.
Arduino Source Code
ADC Value on LCD using Arduino
In the tutorial ADC Value on LCD using Arduino, I have provided the detailed discussion about the circuit designing for LCD to interface it with Arduino. The design consists of two types of transformers named as current transformer and potential transformer. AC power is supplied to these transformers which is converted into 5V later. After designing the circuit properly I have designed an algorithm to display ADC values on LCD using Arduino.
The second part of this section of the tutorial LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers consists of the source code for displaying ADC values on LCD using Arduino in Proteus. The algorithm is very simple and is easy to understand. The function for displaying voltage is a bit complicated but not so difficult.
- You can download the circuit designed in Proteus and the Arduino Hex file here by clicking on the button below.
- Just download the .rar file, extract it and enjoy the complete package containing both Proteus design as well as Arduino Hex file.
Proteus Simulation & Arduino Hex File
LCD Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller
In this section of the tutorial, LCD Interfacing with Microcontroller, I will explain you that how to interface an LCD with
8051 Microcontroller and the step by step procedure to design a simple program for 8051 microcontroller in order to display the messages on the LCD interfaced with it.
In the tutorial, I have given a detailed discussion about both, the designing of the circuit in Proteus as well as the source code for printing the text on LCD using 8051 microcontroller. I have divided this tutorial in two different parts.
The first part includes the designing of the circuit in Proteus whereas the second part contains the description about the
embedded code for 8051 microcontroller. Source code is written using keil uvision3 compiler and 8051 microcontroller. I have used AT89C51.
- You can download the complete Proteus design and the complete source code here by clicking on the button below.
- Download .rar file, extract it and enjoy the complete package.
Proteus Simulation and Code
LCD Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller
Here, in this section of the article LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers, I have shared a detailed discussion with all of you guys about designing a circuit for LCD interfaced with PIC microcontroller as well as about designing an algorithm to display ADC value on LCD using the same microcontroller i.e. PIC microcontroller.
Display ADC Value on LCD using PIC Microcontroller
In the tutorial
Display ADC Value on LCD using PIC Microcontroller, I have elaborated the design of the circuit for LCD interfacing with PIC microcontroller and to display ADC values on LCD. Basically I have divided this task into two different parts. In the first part I have performed the task for
Circuit Designing of LCD with PIC where as in the second part contains the code for displaying ADC values on LCD.
- You can download the Proteus simulation here by clicking on the button below.
- Download .rar file, extract it and enjoy the package.
Proteus Design
- That was the combined version of my all of the previous tutorials related to LCD Interfacing with the three different types of microcontrollers.
So, that is all from the tutorial LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problem regarding anything, you can ask me freely anytime without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level best to solve your issues in some better way, if possible. I will explore different software e.g. Arduino, Keil uvision3, MATLAB,
NI LabVIEW etc as well as the hardware based projects, in my later tutorials and will surely share them with all of guys as well. In my next tutorial I will explain about the different amazing tools of
MATLAB e.g. command window, m.file, simulink and Graphical User Interface (GUI). So, till then, Take Care :)