myRIO GPS Interfacing
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I would like to provide a complete discussion on introduction to GPS and myRIO as well as
myRIO GPS Interfacing as the most related part. First of all I would like to tell you about GPS, from what it is abbreviated, at which principle it works and how it plays its role in our daily life. GPS is basically derived from the word Global Positioning System. GPS is a complete network of satellites which are continuously rotating in their orbits and send information to earth about their accurate position in space. GPS receivers are used to receive the signals, and the received signals help us to estimate the precise time, position and speed of anything moving around. I have share
GPS Library for Proteus in my previous tutorials, which is quite helpful for the engineering students.
GPS plays a vital role in our daily life. It provides a complete map, i.e. it helps us to easily go through the places which we have never seen before. GPS first system was developed by Americans in 1960's. They introduced it to locate their ships in the ocean. This system has five (5) satellites which are used to locate their ships once in every hour. GPS has three basics parts named as satellites, control stations and receivers. All of these will be explained later. This entire system is able to provide us the information about altitude, precise position, speed etc. But there are also some errors while estimating all these things. The major cause of its error is the inaccurate time of the receivers clock. Due to this fact, we get same GPS coordinates for the different points and it becomes impossible to locate anything accurately. For example, in a small garden we want to locate a robotic lawn mower. But due to the error problem we get the same GPS coordinates, for the initial as well as the final position of the lawn mower. This system has a lot of real life applications e.g. mapping forests, military applications, intelligence applications, locating ship, navigating vehicles and aircraft, guide hikers etc.The further detail about the GPS and myRIO GPS interfacing will be provided later in this section.
Introduction to GPS Receiver Module
GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It is the network of satellites which are orbiting in their orbits and send information to the earth, about the precise position. This system plays a vital role in daily life. It was first introduced by Americans to navigate their ships. It is now enhanced to a great level and is able to provide information about forest mapping, guide hikers, locating air crafts, navigating vehicles and a lot more. If we want to go at newer places which we have never visited before, we can easily go there taking help from the GPS system by using GPS receiver. The GPS receiver or a GPS module is shown in the figure given below.
- You can see from the above figure, I have cut white and yellow wire because I am not using it.
- I have used the other four remaining wires for the communication between GPS module and myRIO.
- I have also provided the detailed article on Getting Started with myRIO and Introduction to myRIO, you should also go through this articles.
1. GPS Pins
- GPS has total six (6) pins, but we will use only four (4) of them.
- Each of the pins has different functions to perform.
- GPS module/receiver pins are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
2. GPS Pins Description
- Since each pin is assigned with a different task, so must know about functions associated with each pin.
- GPS pin description are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
3. GPS Receiver Operating Conditions
- Like all other devices, GPS receiver also works on certain conditions, which must be fulfill to get better performance.
- Normal operating conditions for this particular GPS receiver are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
4. GPS Receiver Specifications
- The specifications are such parameters which show the efficiency of that device.
- GPS receiver specifications are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
5. GPS Receiver Ratings
- Ratings tell us about the power, current and voltage requirement of any electronic device.
- GPS receiver absolute maximum ratings are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
6. GPS Receiver Applications
- Most of the electronic devices are known on the basis of their applications.
- GPS receiver applications are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
myRIO GPS Interfacing
In the previous section we have discussed i detail about the basics parameters of the GP receiver module and the different properties and applications associated with that particular module. Now, in this section of the tutorial myRIO GPS interfacing, I am going to tell the step by step procedure to be followed in order to interface a GPS receiver module with NI myRIO. So, the major focus of the section will be the only discussion on the interfacing of GPS receiver module using NI myRIO and NI LabVIEW. All the step are explained in detail below. So, do follow all the steps in the same way as I did.
1. myRIO GPS Interfacing Actual Wiring Diagram
- In my previous tutorial, I have shared the detail about Interfacing of GPS Module with Arduino in Proteus ISIS, you must have a look at this article for the better understanding of the current article.
- GPS receiver module interfaced with myRIO is given in the figure shown below.
2. NI LabVIEW Final VI for sReceiving GPS Data
- The Virtual Instrument (VI) is huge in size, so I have added it into three different parts.
- Each part of the entire VI is given in the separate figure.
- Below, I am going to share each part of the VI and will explain a bit about it later.
- The first part of the VI for receiving GPS data is given in the figure shown below.
- In the first part of the VI as shown above, I have used VISA Serial Port for the communication between GPS receiver and myRIO.
- VISA Resource Name is basically the MXP of myRIO as described in Introduction to myRIO.
- ASRL1 shows the GPS receiver is attached with the MXP A of myRIO.
- If you want to attach your GPS receiver with MXP B, then you have to select ASRL2.
- 9600 is the baud rate, shows the rate at which GPS is communicating with myRIO or vice versa.
- So, that was the discussion about the first part of VI for getting GPS data.
- The second part of the VI is given in the figure shown below.
- At the extreme left of the above figure, I have used a VISA Read block, which is reading continuously 100 characters when termination character encountered.
- Then I used a block Concatenate String which takes input from VISA Read and produces NMEA sentences, which are back to its input as feedback.
- Moving to the right the next small While Loop is for extracting the data fields.
- The next comparatively large loop is for getting latitude, longitude, UC time, speed etc.
- And at the top right corner of the above figure I have added a delay of 100 milli seconds.
- So, that was the detailed description of the second part of the VI for getting GPS data usig NI myRIO.
- The 3rd part of the VI for getting GPS data is shown in the figure given below.
- In the above figure, inside the While Loop, I have used Digital Input whose output is connected to and LED.
- The above step describes the monitoring of one pulse per second signal (1PPS) on the on-board LED 3.
- Then I have used Merge Error block to produce a single final output.
- Then, I used a Simple Error block in order to visualize the error, if it occurs.
- At the end, I have used a Reset myIRO block, which resets the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) target and all the input/output channels on myRIO.
- So, that was the detailed description of the third part of the block diagram window VI for receiving GPS data using NI myRIO.
- You can easily receive the data from GPS receiver by following all of the above steps carefully.
3. NI LabVIEW Final GUI for Receiving GPS Data
- I have made a complete VI in LabVIEW to receive GPS data.
- The arrangements of the blocks e.g.time, latitude, longitude and speed are made to provide a better look to the GUI.
- An LED on the right side shows the one pulse per second (1-PPS).
- On the bottom left of the above GUI, I have made a region to obtain all the data from the GPS receiver module.
- The final form of GUI (Graphical User Interface) is given in the figure shown in the figure below.
- In the above figure, at the bottom right you can see a button with a red colored small square inside it.
- Using this button, you can terminate your program when it is in running condition, this function can also be performed using Esc button from either your personal computer or from your laptop.
4. Received GPS Data
- The data obtained from the GPS receiver is displayed on the GUI.
- The GUI is given in the figure shown below.
- From the above figure, you can see that the longitude, longitude are properly obtained.
- At the top left corner of the above GUI, I have shown the exact time inside a Numeric Indicator.
- Date has also been displayed in the middle of the right side of the GUI.
- I have displayed longitude, latitude, time, date etc as shown in the figure above.
- So, that was the brief discussion on the results obtained from GPS receiver module.
- You can download the complete NI LabVIEW VI (Virtual Instrument) here by clicking on the button below.
That is all from the tutorial
myRIO GPS Interfacing. I have covered almost all the necessary details about getting GPS data from the satellites using GPS receiver/module. I have also provided the detail about the GPS network and working of the whole network. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and hoping for your appreciation for this effort. I have shared the complete NI LabVIEW VI (Virtual Instrument) for myRIO GPS interfacing. Just by downloading it you will be able to get GPS data using any of the GPS receiver/module. I will further share interesting and informative topics in my later tutorials so, till then take care and bye :)
Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Interfacing
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I would like to provide a complete discussion on
Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Interfacing. I would like to tell you some detail about ultrasonic sensor, after that we will move towards ultrasonic sensor Arduino interfacing. Ultrasonic sensor is also known as SONAR sensor. SONAR basically stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging. Ultrasonic is mostly used for the distance measurements. It can also be used for measuring the depth of the sea.
I have already shared
Ultrasonic Sensor Library for Proteus. Ultrasonic/SONAR sensor is an electronic device used to estimate the distance of an object by continuously transmitting sound waves at a particular frequency and listens to that transmitted sound wave to bounce back. It measures the time between the transmission and receiving of that sound wave, which is actually equal to the distance of an object from the SONAR. An optical sensor has both a transmitter to transmit and a receiver to receive the waves. But in comparison to that optical sensor ultrasonic sensor has only a single element for both transmitting and receiving ultrasonic/sound waves. I have also shared
Ultrasonic Sensor Simulation in Proteus. Ultrasonic sensor has four pins whose detail will be given later in this tutorial. This is another sensor similar to the ultrasonic sensor i.e. PNG sensor. PNG has three pins. Both of these sensors are designed for the estimation of the distance of an object from the sensor. In this tutorial I am going to use ultrasonic sensor. The basic principle of ultrasonic sensor is that, it transmits ultrasonic waves and receives it back after getting reflected back from the surface of the object and measures the time between transmitting and receiving of the ultrasonic wave. The further detail about ultrasonic sensor/SONAR will be given later in this article.
Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Interfacing
Ultrasonic sensor is also known as SONAR. It is used for measuring the distance between the object and the sensor itself. It transmits ultrasonic waves and receives it back after reflecting from the surface of an object. Then its measures the time during entire process which is equal to the distance between object and the sensor itself. It has four pins and is very easy to use. It is easily available in the market and is available at very low cost. It has a wide range of applications e.g. estimating the sea’s depth and many more. SONAR/ultrasonic sensor along with proper labeling is given in the figure shown below.
1. Ultrasonic Sensor Pins
- Ultrasonic sensor has total four pins, each pin has to perform different task.
- Ultrasonic sensor all pins are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
2. Ultrasonic Sensor Pins Description
- Since each pin has different task to perform, so we must know about the functionality of each pin.
- Ultrasonic sensor pins description is listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
3. Ultrasonic Sensor Pinout
- Pinout diagram provides us the information about all the pins of electronic device.
- Ultrasonic pinout diagram is given in the figure show below.
4. Ultrasonic Sensor Working Principle
- Ultrasonic sensor transmits sound waves.
- These waves are reflected back from the surface of an object.
- Ultrasonic sensors receives the reflected waves.
- Then it measures the time elapsed during the entire process, from transmission to receiving, it is known as round trip time.
- This time is equal to the distance between an object and the sensor itself.
- I have also provide some visual, so that you can easily understand its working principle.
- Ultrasonic sensor principle is shown in the figure given below.
5. Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Interfacing Wiring Diagram
6. Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Interfacing Source Code
- I have provided the complete Arduino code for ultrasonic sensor Arduino interfacing.
- You need to just copy and paste the entire code in your Arduino software.
- After uploading it to Arduino board, you will be able to get the desired results.
// defines arduino pins numbers
const int trigPin = 12;
const int echoPin = 11;
// defines variables
long duration;
int distance;
void setup()
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input
Serial.begin(9600); // Starts the serial communication
void loop() {
// Clears the trigPin
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Calculating the distance
distance= duration*0.034/2;
// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Distance from the object = ");
Serial.println(" cm");
- First of all I have defined the pins for Echo and Trig pin.
- Then I changed their mode to input and output as well.
- Then I defined the formula to calculate the distance.
- You can download the wiring diagram and complete Arduino source code here by clicking on the button below.
7. Ultrasonic Sensor Ratings
- From the ratings of a device we can learn about its power, voltage and current requirement.
- Ultrasonic sensor ratings are listed in the figure shown below.
8. Ultrasonic Sensor Dimensions
- The dimensions of ultrasonic sensor are given in the figure shown below.
9. Ultrasonic Sensor Features & Formula to Measure Distance
- Ultrasonic sensor features are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
- The formula to calculate the distance between an object and the sensor itself is given below.
Distance = (Speed of sound × Time)/2
In the tutorial
Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Interfacing, we have learnt about the pins and working principle of ultrasonic sensor to estimate the distance of an object from the sensor. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. I have provided all the important details about ultrasonic sensor Arduino interfacing. If you find something missing, please let me know in comments, so that I can update the tutorial correspondingly. I will share further topics in my upcoming tutorials. Till my next post take care and bye :)
Introduction to myRIO
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I would like to give a detailed discussion on
Introduction to myRIO. myRIO is basically a sort of micro controller introduced by National Instrument (NI), that is why it is sometimes known as NI myRIO. First of all I would like to tell you a bit about this device then we will move further. After listening its name i.e. myRIO, the first question comes in mind that what is this RIO. So, RIO is basically abbreviated from Re-configurable Input/Output.
myRIO is a portable device and students can easily use it for the design and control of robots and may other systems quite efficiently. It operates on the frequency 667 MHz. myRIO has dual core ARM cortex A9 programmable processor. It has a Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). FPGA support in myRIO helps the students to design real life developing systems and to solve real problems quite faster as compared to the other micro controllers. Using FPGA support we can avoid the complicated syntax used in C language and in many other. We just have to create logic instead of writing the complicated code with the proper syntax. So, it has reduced the student's difficulties while designing complicated systems. It is student friendly device and is very easy to use. The processing speed of myRIO is quite higher than the standard micro controllers. So, it can be used t solve real life problems and it can be easily used in efficient systems which need a quick output response. It supports different languages e.g. C, C++ and graphical language (FPGA). The further detail about NI myyRIO will be provided later in this article.
Introduction to myRIO
myRIO is a real time embedded for evaluation. It was introduced by National Instruments. We can use it to develop the systems which require on board FPGA and microprocessor. LabVIEW is required to program it. Using this device, it is quite easy for the students to design complicated systems and to solve real life problems quite efficiently and quickly. It processing speed is almost ten times of the standard general micro-controllers and microprocessor. We can us this device in the systems where there is a need of quick responses e.g. CNC machines, two wheeled self balancing robots, robots performing different human operations. NI myRIO is shown in the figure given below.
- If you are using myRIO for the first time, you should go through How to Configure NI myRIO on Wifi first in order to get the complete idea about its configuration using USB canle or WiFi.
1. myRIO Pins
- myRIO has thirty four (34) pins in total, each having different functionality.
- All of these pins are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
2. myRIO Front View
- myRIO has two ports named as port A and port B.
- It has a builtin WiFi shield and on board LED's.
- The front view of the myRIO is shown in the figure given below.
3. myRIO Bottom View
- At the bottom side of the myRIO, it has power pin, PC connection point, and USB port.
- The bottom view of the myRIO is shown in the figure given below.
4. myRIO Side View
- myRIO side view consists of two types of ports named as MXP A and MXP B.
- The side view of NI myRIO is shown in the figure given below.
5. myRIO Block Diagram
- The block diagram helps us to understand the internal structure of a device.
- NI myRIO block diagram is shown in the figure given below.
6. myRIO Required Software
- There are different software required for NI myRIO.
- These software are shown in the table shown in the figure given below.
7. myRIO Optional Software
- There are some optional software which can be used in case of myRIO.
- Some optional software are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
8. myRIO Supported Systems
- myRIO has able to perform tasks on different operating systems.
- The different operating systems are given in the table shown in the figure below.
9. myRIO Features
- The unique features can make a device more and more popular.
- myRIO major features are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
In the tutorial
Introduction to myRIO, I have tried my level best to provide you the entire necessary details about the basic use of NI myRIO. I have provided complete pins configurations in order to use it properly. I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial. If you have any problem you can ask us in comments anytime you want. Me and my entire team is 24/7 available to entertain you. I will share different interesting topics in my upcoming tutorials. Till my next tutorial Take care and bye :)
2 Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to provide a detailed discussion on
2 Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino. First of all I would like to explain you that
what is relay and how to use it and then we will move forward towards 2 relay module interfacing with Arduino. I have already controlled
relay with 555 timers. 2 relay module consists of two relays. Relay is basically an electronic device or a switch which is used to open and close the circuits electronically.
A relay controls an electric circuit by opening and closing contacts in another circuit. When the relay contact is normally open (NO), there will be an open connection when the relay is not energized. When the relay contact is normally closed, there will be a closed connection even when the relay is not energized. We can use relays to control the smaller currents in different electronic circuits. 2 relay module has two relays. One relay can control two AC/DC device simultaneously. That means 2 relay module can control four AC/DC devices at a time. 2 relay module is normally used to control the DC motors in different projects e.g. robotics, automation, embedded projects etc. It can control two DC motors simultaneously. Moreover, we can also use it for different applications e.g. to control DC/AC fans, AC/DC lights, AC/DC bulbs and a lot more. The further detail about 2 relay module interfacing with Arduino will be given later in this tutorial.
2 Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino
2 Relay Module is an electronic device consists of two relays as its major components. Relay is a switch which makes or loses the connection between two different circuits. A single relay is capable of controlling two AC/DC devices simultaneously. So, 2 relay module is able to control four AC/DC devices at the same time. Mostly it is used to control the DC motors. It can also be used in different projects e.g embedded projects, robotic, automation, power etc. 2 relay module is shown in the figure given below.
1. Relay Proteus Simulation
2. 2 Relay Module Components
- A complete list of the components used while designing 2 relay module is shown in the figure given below.
3. 2 Relay Module Input Pins
- 2 relay module has five (5) input pins in total, each perform different action.
- All of its pins are provided in the table shown in the figure below.
4. 2 Relay Module Input Pins Description
- We must know about the functions of each pin.
- 2 relay board/module input pin functions are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
- Both IN1 and IN2 comes from the micro-controller (Arduino UNO in this case).
- IN1 pin controls the 1st relay attached on 2 relay module.
- IN2 pin controls the 2nd relay attached on 2 relay module
5. 2 Relay Module Output Pins
- 2 relay module has three (3) output pins for each relay.
- Its output pins are given in the table shown in the figure given below.
6. 2 Relay Module Output Pins Description
- Each output pin of 2 relay module has its own functions.
- 2 relay module pin functions are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
- NO pin is normally open pin and device attached to this pin will not work if the relay is not energized.
- COM is a common pin i.e. ground pin.
- NC is normally closed pin and device attached to this pin will start working even if the relay is not energized.
7. 2 Relay Module Compatibility
- 2 relay module is compatible with different micro-controllers.
- Some of those micro-controllers are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
8. 2 Relay Module Circuit Diagram
- Circuit diagram of 2 relay module is given in the figure shown below.
9. 2 Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino Wiring Diagrams
10. 2 Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino Actual Diagrams
- I have provided the complete wiring diagram for 2 relay module interfacing with Arduino.
- Wiring diagram is shown in the figure given below.
11. 2 Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino Source Code & Description
- If you are new to Arduino software then you must have a look at How to write Arduino code.
- You just need to copy and paste the source code given below in your Arduino software.
- The complete source code for 2 relay module interfacing with Arduino is given below.
int relay1 = 6;
int relay2 = 7;
void setup() {
pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relay2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
- First of all I have defined relay pins.
- Then I have changed the mode of these pins to output.
- After that I have turned on and off both of the relays with the delay of 1 sec or 1000 msec.
- So, that was the brief description about the source code for 2 relay module interfacing with Arduino.
- You can download the wiring diagram and complete Arduino source code here by clicking on the button below.
12. 2 Relay Module Features
- The most common features associated with 2 relay module are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
13. 2 Relay Module Application
- 2 relay module applications are given in the table shown in the figure below.
In the tutorial
2 Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino, we have learnt about the components used in the design of 2 relay module. We have also learnt about the 2 relay module interfacing with Arduino. I have provided the complete Arduino source code, you can control this module using the same code. I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial. If you have any problem you can ask us in comments. Out team is 24/7 available for you. I will share different informative engineering topics in my upcoming tutorials. So, till my next tutorial, take care and bye :)
Introduction to Pixy Camera
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give you an elaboration about
Introduction to Pixy Camera. It is basically is an electronic device or sensor having fast vision. It is also known as fast vision sensor most of the time. Using this device we can teach to find objects in a very less time duration. It is an image sensor having a very powerful processor. Pixy is easy to interface with the micro-controllers e.g. Arduino. We can make different programs only to send the desired data from the device to micro-controller. In this way micro-controller can not overwhelm.
Pixy camera is able to communicate with the micro-controller in several different ways e.g. serial communication, I2C protocol, digital out, analog out and SPI communication techniques. Using this type of communication between pixy camera and micro-controller we can also perform other tasks when camera is communicating with micro-controller. We can also attach multiple pixy cameras with a single micro-controller. Its normal mean of image detection is through RGB (Red Green Blue) color detection technique. Moreover, it can also detect different images using hue and saturation techniques. Light doesn't effect the image detection of this camera. Its a huge problem while doing image processing techniques. This module has an ability to find hundreds of objects simultaneously and it can remember seven different types of colors. It detects images with a very fast processing speed of 50 frames per second. It is a low cost and highly efficient device available in the market. The further detail about introduction to pixy camera will be given later in this section.
Introduction to Pixy Camera
Pixy camera is a fast vision electronic device. It can capture 50 frames per second. It can communicate with the mirco-controller using different types of communications e.g I2C protocol, SPI and serial communication. Its image detection technique is not effected by the light like all other devices. It cam remember 7 different colors simultaneously. Its a low cost device. It also uses hue & saturation technique for image detection. Pixy-camera is shown in the figure given below.
1. Pixy Camera Pins
- It has six pins having assigned with different tasks.
- All the pins are given in the table shown in the figure given below.
2. Pixy Camera Pinout
- Pinout diagram tells us about the complete information of all the pins of any device.
- Pixy-camera pinout diagram is given in the figure shown below.
3. Pixy Camera Technical Specifications
- Technical specifications tell us about the efficiency and different tasks whether they can be performed by it or not.
- Pixy-camera technical specifications are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
4. Pixy Camera Features
- Any device can become a lot popular only on the basis of its unique features.
- Pixy-camera features are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
5. Pixy Camera Communication Techniques
- Pixy-camera has an ability to communicate with the micro-controller in different ways.
- Alla the communication mediums are provided in the table shown in the figure below.
6. Pixy Camera Result Visualization
- Its results can be visualized on an application named as Pixy Mon.
- Pixy Mon is an applications that is able to run on computer or MAC.
- Using this application we can visualize, that pixy-camera sees, in the form of either raw video or processed video.
- While using pixy camera, you must know about How to Train Pixy Camera with Computer.
- Pixy set the output port and manage colors.
- USB cable maintains communication between pixy mon and pixy-camera.
7. Pixy Camera Problems
- Each electronic device has its pros and cons, similarly pixy-camera has also some issues with it.
- The two major problems associated with the pixy-camera are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
8. Pixy Camera Applications
- Pixy-camera has several different real life applications.
- Some of the major applications are provided in the table shown in the figure below.
The tutorial
Introduction to Pixy Camera has provided the detailed discussion on the basics of this module. I hope this tutorial is proved to be an informative for you and you will enjoy this tutorial. You can ask us if you have any problem. I will try me best to help out you. I will share different informative topics in my upcoming tutorials. Till my upcoming tutorial, taker care and bye :)
Introduction to Laser Sensor
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to provide a detailed discussion on
Introduction to Laser Sensor. Laser sensor is basically an electronic device which we often use for the detection of accurate positions as well as small objects. Laser sensors transmit or radiate laser light. This laser light consists of light waves having same wave length. Due to this fact laser light travels in a parallel direction from the source emitting this light. Due to its travel in parallel direction it can be transmitted over long distances. This light is dangerous for the human beings.
We must avoid by looking directly into the light. It causes serious eye damaging effect and even can make anyone blind. As we know optical fiber cables are used for the communication theses days and it uses only light to transmit data. If the communication is for shorter distance, LED will be used as a information transmitting source. If we want to communicate over long distances we must use laser because it has the light waves of same wave lengths and has a capability to be transmitted over long distances. If we use laser for the shorter distance communication, the medium will be overloaded with a lot of information and hence data will be damaged and can not be sent to the receiving end. Laser sensor has basically two wires but if it is attached on a small PCB board, then it has three pins which will be discussed later. The further information about laser sensor module will be provided later in this tutorial.
Introduction to Laser Sensor
Laser Sensor is an electronic device usually used to detect small objects. It is also used to detect the accurate positions. Laser light has light waves of same wave lengths. Due to the fact, laser light travels in a parallel direction. It is dangerous for humans because it can cause serious eye problems, if you look directly into the light when it is ON. It can cause blindness too. It can be used to transmit data over long distances, which is considered to be its major benefit. Laser sensor module is shown in the figure given below.
1. Laser Sensor Pins
- Laser sensor has basically two pins, usually known as power pins.
- Both of the pins are provided in the table shown in the figure below.
2. Laser Sensor Pins Description
- We must know about the functions of all the input/output pins in order to use the device properly.
- Laser sensor pin descriptions is given in the table provided in the figure given below.
3. Laser Sensor Working Principle
- Laser radiated a laser beam as shown in the figure below.
- Receiver lens concentrates the light reflected off the target, and produces an image on a light receiving element.
- The concentrated light reflects at several different angles, when distance changes.
- With the change in angle of the concentrated light, position of the image changes correspondingly.
- I have provided the three visuals at different distances in the figure shown below.
- From the three figures given below, you can easily understand the working principle of a laser sensor.
- The laser principle for reference distance is shown in the figure below.
- The laser principle for shorter distance is shown in the figure given below.
- Laser principle for longer distance is shown in the figure given below.
4. Laser Sensor Ratings
- Ratings provides us the basic and general specifications of any electronic device.
- Laser sensor ratings are given in the table shown in the figure given below.
5. Laser Sensor Applications
- Most of the times the electronic devices are known on the basis of their applications.
- Laser sensor has a wide range of real life applications.
- Some of the common applications are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
6. Laser Sensor Advantage
- Advantages are the parameters which can improve the efficiency of the particular device.
- Laser Sensor advantages are shown in the table given in the figure below.
7. Laser Sensor Disadvantage
- Like other devices laser sensor also has some serious disadvantages.
- Few of the main and avoidable disadvantages are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
In the tutorial
Introduction to Laser Sensor, I have explained about the basic parameters associated with the laser sensors and which are important to be known before using it. I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial and hoping for your appreciation. If you have any sort of problem you can ask us in comments any time. Our team is always there to help to help you. I will share different amazing and informative topics in my upcoming tutorial. Till then take care and bye :)
Benefits of a Good Web Host
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. Today's tutorial is about the benefits of a good web host and this tutorial is especially for those engineering students who want to earn online from their website or blog. Web hosting is a service that makes it possible for individuals and organizations to post web content onto the Internet. However, the question still remains, are all web hosting exactly the same, and if not, what are the advantages of using a good host?
Although bad web hosting does exist, there are multiple ways in which your brand, business or website can flourish with the help of a good web service.
Good Uptime and Performance Speed Will Gain More Credibility
It might already be obvious but your profits will increase when your brand grows and gains market exposure. That’s one of the main reasons for which you will want a good web host that allows your website to run smoothly. Otherwise, a slow loading page will make your customers run for the hills, or reconsider their choice of opening your page. A good web host provides a high-performance server network that will increase your loading speed and maximum uptime.
Good Security
There is no denying that security is imperative nowadays. The reality is that any website can be hacked, however, a good web hosting company is able to provide their clients with a higher level of security. Aside from the usual threats (i.e. viruses and malware), you should also be aware of things like DDoS attacks. In other words, investing in a web host can assure you that you have done your best in order to protect your business, long-term.
Backup and Restore
Similar to having personal computers, laptops or phones, it’s important to backup your data. This goes hand in hand with the security point, as website attacks can destroy high amounts of data that are vital to your company. While we would always recommend backing up your own data, having a second party do that for you will guarantee that you won’t lose any information you may later need. This way you will be well-protected against any surprise web attacks or viruses.
Professional Email Appearance
Amongst the biggest advantages of having a good web host is the ability to create your own email accounts with your chosen domain name. This will ultimately make your website look even more professional, and like it’s been well-established for years. It will prove to be a much better choice than using your Google, Yahoo in order to approach or respond to clients and vendors. Last but not least, a reliable web host will offer additional email features such as filtering and spam protection.
Spend Less Time Fixing Web Problems
If you’ve embarked on the journey of creating your own personal brand or business, you are already aware of difficult it can be, to begin with. That’s why having one or two areas on which you can rely on customer support is vital. And that’s what you will get when selecting a web host. In other words, instead of focusing on the idea of the website functioning the way you want it to, you can create the content which is going to deliver your vision and your passion.
Promote Your Website
In some circumstances, web hosts include free advertising and search marketing credits. The immense benefit of having that around is that you can, free of charge, promote your website and help with site exposure.
The decision ultimately belongs to you, however, there are undeniable benefits to using a good web hosting company, and ultimately this decision can help you improve your vision and business.
PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to provide the detailed discussion on
PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing. PIR basically stands for Passive Infrared Sensor. Basically PIR is an electronic equipment which is often used to measure the infrared light radiating from the different objects in their field of view. It detects the infrared energy released from animals as well as from human beings, when this energy is higher than the certain threshold level PIR sensor shows an indication correspondingly. The energy detected by PIR sensor is usually in the form of heat i.e. emitted by humans as well as from animals.
We can also test and verify our results in Proteus using PIR sensor. I have already shared
PIR Sensor Library for Proteus. PIR sensor is most of the time used for sensing the motion of the different objects. It can sense the different objects up to 10 meters. It has three different pins. Each pin is assigned with the different task to be performed when the sensor is in working condition. PIR sensor has several different features like wide voltage supply ranges, automated induction, photosensitive control, low micro-power consumption, high output signal and many more. PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor is most of the time used in security systems. Moreover, it can be used in OEM applications, automatic illuminating devices, building detection, building automation, alarm & security systems and at a lot more places in real life. The further detail about PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing will be given later in this tutorial.
PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing
PIR sensor stands for Passive Infra Red sensors. As it is clear from its name that PIR is an electronic device or sensor used to measure the infrared energy emitted by animals and human beings. This energy is emitted in the form of heat. When this energy is above the certain level, there is algorithm to show an an indication that the desired level has be reached. This tutorial is based on PIR interfacing with Arduino. PIR sensor is shown in the figure below along all of its pin names.
1. PIR Sensor Pins
- PIR sensor has three pins voltage, output and ground respectively.
- All of the pins are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
2. PIR Sensor Pins Description
- Each pin has different task to perform while the sensor is in working condition.
- PIR sensor pin descriptions are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
3. PIR Working Principle
- PIR sensor has two different slot which are sensitive to infrared light/energy.
- When the sensor is in normal condition, both of the slots measure the same amount of infrared energy radiated by walls etc.
- When a warm body e.g animals and human beings crosses its coverage area, they first cross PIR sensors's first slot, which produces positive differential change between two slots.
- When an animal or human being leave from the sensing area, a corresponding negative differential change is produced.
- By detecting these types of changes PIR sensor can detect the motion of different objects which radiates infrared energy.
- I have tried to elaborate the PIR working principle through some visuals shown in the figure given below.
- I have also provided the visuals about how PIR sensor generates an output signal after sensing different objects/
- PIR sensor object sensing is given in the figure shown below.
4. PIR Sensor Schematic Diagram
- To understand the internal structure of any electronic device, we must have a look at its schematic diagram.
- PIR sensor schematic diagram is shown in the figure given below.
5. Apparatus Required
A list of apparatus required for PIR interfacing with Arduino is given below.
- PIR (Passive Infra Red) Sensor
- Arduino (Microcontroller)
- Jumper wires
6. PIR Interfacing with Arduino Wiring Diagram
- I have already shared a brief article on Interfacing PIR sensor with Arduino.
- Now, this is a detailed article about the similar topic.
- I have provided wiring diagram for PIR interfacing with Arduino.
- You can make the similar wiring diagram and can test and verify your results as well.
- PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing wiring diagram is shown in the figure given below.
7. PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing Source Code and Description
- If you have never use Arduino software for programming then you should first go through How to Write Arduino Code.
- I have provided the complete source code for PIR interfacing with Arduino.
- You just need to copy and paste the entire code and upload it to your Arduino board and observe the results.
- You can also made the same simulation on Proteus as well and can verify the results.
- In case of Proteus simulation you must need to know about How to get Hex File from Arduino.
int LED = 13;
int inputPin = 2;
int VALUE = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
VALUE = digitalRead(inputPin);
if (VALUE == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
if (PIR_STATE == LOW) {
// we have just turned on
Serial.println("Motion has been detected!");
} else {
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
// we have just turned of
Serial.println("Motion has been stopped!");
- I have initialized the LED pin, PIR state pin and the pin and a variable for reading sensor's data.
- Then I have checked whether the detected value from the sensor is above or below the certain level.
- Then I have decide to be print the certain values on Serial Monitor.
- If it is above the certain level a message "Motion has been detected" will be displayed on the serial monitor through Serial Communication.
- If the detected value is below the certain level then the message "Motion has been stopped" will be displayed on the serial monitor in Arduino software.
- So, that was the brief description of the source code designed for PIR interfacing with Arduino.
- You can download the complete wiring diagram along with the complete Arduino source code here by clicking on the button below.
8. PIR Sensor Interfacing with Arduino Actual Circuit Diagram
- I have also provided the actual circuit diagram for PIR interfacing with Arduino.
- Actual circuit diagram is shown in the figure given below.
9. PIR Sensor Ratings
- To know the power, current and voltage requirements of an electronic device can be known through its ratings.
- PIR sensor ratings are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
10. PIR Sensor Features
- A device can be popular on the basis of its amazing and unique features, which make it different from other devices.
- PIR sensor some of the main features are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
11. PIR Sensor Applications
- PIR sensor has several different real applications.
- Some of common applications associated with PIR sensor are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
- I have provided a circuit designed for security alarm system, which is its most common application.
- The complete circuit design for security alarm system is given in the figure shown below.
- PIR sensor's another application is making a timer circuit using PIR.
- I have provided timer circuit using PIR sensor, shown in the figure given below.
- Another most common application of PIR sensor is the motion detection.
- Motion detection circuit diagram using PIR sensor is shown in the figure given below.
12. PIR Sensor Advantages
- There are a lot of advantages associated with Passive Infrared Sensor, few of them are given below.
13. PIR Sensor Disadvantages
- Infrared sensors also have some disadvantages but they are in a very small as compared to its disadvantage.
- Infrared sensor disadvantage are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
The tutorial
PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing has provided the detailed discussion about the interfacing of PIR sensor with Arduino. If you feel any problem in PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing, you can ask me in comments anytime. I will try me level best to entertain you and to solve your problems. I will share further informative topic in my later tutorials. Till then take care and bye :)
DHT11 Arduino Interfacing
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, we will have a look at the DHT11 Arduino Interfacing. DHT11 is an embedded sensor, used to measure both temperature and humidity of the surroundings. It is made up of two different parts i.e. capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor. DHT11 is a slow sensor but is quite efficient for the applications where we need to do some basic analog data exchange. There is a small chip inside this sensor which performs the function of analog to digital to analog conversion and gives the results for temperature as well as for humidity in digital form. This digital signal can be read easily through any micro-controller.
LM335 is another temperature sensor and to understand today's post more properly, you should also go through Introduction to LM335. DHT11 is a low cost sensor and is easily available in the market now a days. This property makes it more popular among the similar type of sensors. It provide precise results with the higher efficiency. It has a small size and low power consumption. It can transmit the signal up to 20 meters. It has four pins whose detail will be explained later. DHT11 has a lot of features including low cost, long term stability, fast response time, excellent quality, long distance signal transmission and many more. In real life DHT11 can be used at several different places e.g. home appliances, weather stations, consumer goods etc. the further detail about DHT11 Arduino Interfacing will be given later in this tutorial.
Where To Buy? |
No. | Components | Distributor | Link To Buy |
1 | DHT11 | Amazon | Buy Now |
2 | Arduino Uno | Amazon | Buy Now |
What is DHT11 Sensor?
- DHT11 is an electronic sensor, consists of 4 pins and is used to measure the temperature and humidity of the surroundings.
- DHT Pinout is as follows:
- Pin#1: Vcc (+5V)
- Pin#2: Out (digital)
- Pin#3: NC (Not Connected)
- Pin#4: GND (Ground)
- It has both a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor embedded in it.
- It is a low-cost sensor but provides precise results and it gives value once every 2 seconds.
- DHT11 measures the relative humidity of the surrounding.
- It is used in home appliances, weather stations, medical humidity control, data loggers, HVAC and at several security places.
- DHT11 along with its pinout is shown in the figure given below.
DHT11 Pinout
- Before using any electronic device we must know about the functions of its all pins.
- DHT Pinout is as follows:
- Pin#1: Vcc: We need to provide +5V to this pin.
- Pin#2: Out: Output Pin for reading DHT11 data.
- Pin#3: NC: It's an open pin and is not connected to anything(For future use).
- Pin#4: GND: Need to provide ground to this pin.
- DHT11 pin description is provided in the below table:
DHT11 Working Principle
- In order to measure temperature, DHT11 uses a thermistor also known as NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) temperature sensor.
- A thermistor is simply a variable resistor, which changes its resistance with respect to the temperature.
- A thermistor is made up of sintering of semiconductors in order to provide a large change in its resistance with the small changes in temperature.
- NTC means the resistance decrease with the increase in temperature.
- I have provided a visual display of the relation between temperature and resistance for the DHT11 sensor, shown in the below figure:
- For humidity sensing, DHT11 uses a capacitive humidity sensor.
- The humidity part consists of two electrodes having moisture-holding substrates in between them.
- As the humidity level changes, the resistance between both of the electrodes or conductivity also changes correspondingly.
- This change in conductivity or resistance is estimated and processed by an internal IC.
- I have also provided the visual description of humidity sensing using DHT11 sensor, as given in the figure shown below.
DHT11 Temperature Sensing Characteristics
- The temperature sensing characteristics of the DHT11 sensor are listed in the below table:
DHT11 Humidity Sensing Characteristics
- The humidity sensing characteristics of the DHT11 sensor are listed in the below table:
I have also made some LabVIEW simulations for temperature measuring and conversion, their links are shared below.
Components Required for DHT11 Arduino Interfacing
As its a simple project, so we are going to need few components, listed below:
- DHT11 Sensor (Temperature and humidity sensor)
- Arduino UNO (Microcontroller Board)
- Jumper wires (Male to Female)
DHT11 Arduino Interfacing
- The connections between Arduino and DHT11 pins are shown in the figure given below.
- The circuit diagram for DHT11 Arduino Interfacing is given in the below figure:
Arduino Code
- If you have not written Arduino code before, you must have a look at How to Write Arduino Code.
- You just need to copy and paste the source code given below into your Arduino software.
- After that just upload the code into your Arduino board to test the results.
#include<dht.h>// DHT11 humidity sensor library
dht DHT; //Creating sensor object
#define DHT11_PIN 2 // Sensor is connected to Arduino pin 2
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //setting baud rate
Serial.println(" =====================================================");
Serial.println(" || Welcome to Temperarue and Humidity Detector ||");
Serial.println(" =====================================================");
void loop()//method used to run the code repeatedly
int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); //Reading data from sensor
Serial.print(" Humidity = ");//prints on the serial monitor
Serial.print(DHT.humidity);// prints obtained humidity on serial port
Serial.print(" g/m^3");
Serial.print(" \tTemperature = ");//prints on the serial monitor
Serial.print(DHT.temperature, 1);//prints obtained temperature on serial port
Serial.println(" degrees");
delay(2000);//adding the delay of 2 seconds
- First of all, I have defined the library for the DHT11 sensor.
- After that, I have read the humidity and temperature values from DHT11 sensor in digital form.
- Then I have printed the digital values of both humidity and temperature on the Arduino Serial Monitor.
- We can print the values obtained from the sensor on the serial monitor using Serial Communication.
- So that was the brief description about DHT11 interfacing with Arduino.
- You can download DHT11 library, wiring diagram and complete Arduino source code here by clicking on the button below.
Temperature & Humidity Results on Serial Monitor
- I have printed the digital values obtained from DHT11 sensors.
- Both temperature and humidity digital values are given in the figure shown below.
DHT11 Sensor Interfacing with Arduino Circuit Diagram
- I have provided an actual circuit diagram for DHT11 sensor interfacing with Arduino.
- Actual circuit diagram is given in the figure shown below.
DHT11 Features
- The features are such parameters depending upon which a device can flop as well as features that can make a device more popular due to their uniqueness.
- DHT11's major features are provided in the table given in the figure shown below.
DHT11 Applications
- Most of the devices are usually known by their range of applications.
- DHT11 sensor applications are given in the table shown in the figure below.
That is all from today's tutorial. If you have any problem you can ask me in comments any time you want. Till my next tutorial bye :)
Flame Sensor Arduino Interfacing
Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to provide a detailed discussion on
Flame Sensor Arduino Interfacing. Flame sensor is an electronic device which is capable of sensing/detection of fire or a high temperature zone. It gives an indication through an LED attached at its top, just after sensing the fire. These type of sensors are usually used for short ranges. They are able to detect the fire up to 3 feet. Flame sensors is the most common device available in the market these days due to its good results and cost efficiency. You should also have a look at
Flame Sensor Library for Proteus.
Flame sensors are available in the market in two types one having three pins and the other having four pins respectively. Both of the sensors can be easily interfaced to any micro-controller. I am using four pin flame sensor in this tutorial. You will see the complete wiring diagram for interfacing flame sensor with Arduino and the complete Arduino source code and its description as well. Flame sensor can detect fire or any other light sources whose wavelength is in the range of 760nm to 1100nm. This device consists of and IR sensor, an LED for indication, operational amplifier circuit and a potentio-meter. The device is sensitive to flame so when it detects the flame it turns on its LED to show an indication. The sensitivity of the flame sensor can be adjusted according to the requirements. It can be used at different places e.g. in offices, home, institutions, industrial applications.
Flame Sensor Arduino Interfacing
Flame Sensor is an electronic device which is used to sense the fire or any other light having wavelength between 700nm to 1100nm. It consists of either three or four pins both of them are compatible with all micro-controllers. It is sensitive to flame and gives the indication for the presence of the flame. It can be sued in homes, offices, industrial applications. Flame sensor along with its pi names are shown in the figure below.
1. Flame Sensor Pins
- Flame sensor has four pins with different individual function.
- Flame sensor pins are given in the figure shown below.
2. Flame Sensor Pins Description
- Each pin has different tasks to perform.
- Flame sensor pin descriptions are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
3. Flame Sensor Working Principle
- Flame sensor is very sensitive to flame and other lights.
- Its analog output provides real time output voltage on the thermal resistance.
- When the temperatures reaches at the certain threshold the output high and low signal threshold adjustable via potentio-meter , Its the task of digital output.
4. Flame Sensor Circuit Diagram
- Flame sensor diagram is shown in the figure given below.
5. Apparatus Required for Flame Sensor Interfacing with Arduino
- Arduino UNO (Micro-controller)
- Flame Sensor
- Jumper wires
- Wero board
- Light or another flame sensor
6. Flame Sensor & Arduino Pin Connections
- Connections between Arduino and flame sensor pins are given in the table shown in the figure below.
7. Flame Sensor Arduino Interfacing - Wiring Diagram
- Before hardware interfacing, you can also test your result on Proteus.
- For Proteus simulation, you need to know about How to get Hex File from Arduino.
- I have shared a brief tutorial on Interfacing of Flame Sensor with Arduino in my previous tutorial.
- I have given a completely labeled wiring diagram for Flame Sensor Arduino Interfacing.
- You can test & verify your results by making the same wiring diagram.
- Wiring diagram for Flame Sensor Arduino Interfacing is shown in the figure given below.
8. Flame Sensor Interfacing with Arduino Source Code & Description
- If you haven't written Arduino code ever, you must go through How to Write Arduino Code.
- You just need to copy & to paste the complete source code given below in your Arduino software.
- And just upload the code onto your Arduino board in order to verify the results.
int led_pin = 13 ;// initializing the pin 13 as the led pin
int flame_sensor_pin = 2 ;// initializing pin 7 as the sensor output pin
int flame_pin = HIGH ; // state of sensor
void setup ( ) {
pinMode ( led_pin , OUTPUT ); // declaring led pin as output pin
pinMode ( flame_sensor_pin , INPUT ); // declaring sensor pin as input pin for Arduino
Serial.begin ( 9600 );// setting baud rate at 9600
void loop ( ) {
flame_pin = digitalRead ( flame_sensor_pin ) ; // reading from the sensor
if (flame_pin == LOW ) // applying condition
Serial.println ( " FLAME , FLAME , FLAME " ) ;
digitalWrite ( led_pin , HIGH ) ;// if state is high, then turn high the led
Serial.println ( " no flame " ) ;
digitalWrite ( led_pin , LOW ) ; // otherwise turn it low
- First of all I have defined the pins for led and the flame sensor.
- The I have printed the digital information on the Serial Monitor obtained from the flame sensor.
- The messages are displayed on the serial monitor via Serial Communication.
9. Flame Sensor Interfacing with Arduino
- The actual circuit diagram for flame sensor interfacing with Arduino.
10. Flame Sensor Applications
- Flame sensor has a lot of different applications.
- Some of them are given below.
The tutorial
Flame Sensor Interfacing with Arduino has explained the entire necessary detail about the flame sensor interfacing with Arduino. If you have any kind of problem you can ask me in comments anytime. I will try my level best to solve your issues. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. I will share other informative topics in my upcoming tutorials. Till my next tutorial take care and bye :)