How to use Arrays in C# ???
Hello friends, I hope you all are having fun. In today's tutorial, we are going to discuss
How to use Arrays in C#. It's our 6th tutorial in C# series and currently we are focusing on basic concepts in C#.
Without understanding these simple concepts, we can't move forward. So, let's get started with Arrays in C#:
How to use Arrays in C# ???
- An array (base type System.Array) is a collection of similar (like-typed) data types, called by a common name. Each data item is referred as an element of array and is assigned an index starting from 0.
- As C# array is an object so we can find its length using member length, which is actually a count of total number of data items in that array.
- Arrays are reference types and implement IEnumerable that's why, we have to use new keyword for new instance of array.
- Here's an example of an array in action:
- You can see in above code that I have first initialized an array named TEPArray and I have fixed its size to 3.
- After that, I have added values in the array at each index 0, 1 and 2. If we count we have 3 positions which is the size of our array.
- After that, I am simply printing those values in the console.
Why we need to use Arrays ???
- Let's say you are working on some project where you need to show marks of some students, let's say 50 students.
- In such cases, it would be too difficult to create separate variable for each student. Instead, you can simply create an array of each subject and save all students' marks in single variable.
- In simple words, we use arrays to handle big data of similar data types.
- Arrays are strongly typed i.e. they take data of single data type, we can't add multiple data types in single array.
- We can't increase Array size after initialization, as in above code I have initialized the array with fixed size of 3 so now if I add a 4th element, then compiler will generate an error. Although, we can use foreach iteration on all arrays in C#, we will discuss that later.
Different ways to initialize Arrays in C#
- There are three different ways to initialize arrays in C#, although they are all same at the end but slightly different in syntax.
- I have shown all these three ways in below figure:
- As you can see in above code, the first way is the same one, we first initialized the array and then added values in it.
- In the second way, we have initialized the array and added values in it, in a single line.
- In the third way, I have just declared the arrays and haven't added the size or the data in it.
- After that I have initialized them and then added values, arrays don't occupy any memory unless initialized.
- Here's the complete code, which we have designed so far:
using System;
namespace TEPProject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// First Way: Initialization first & then added values
int[] TEPArray = new int[3];
TEPArray[0] = 1;
TEPArray[1] = 2;
TEPArray[2] = 3;
// Second Way: Initialization & values added in a single line
int[] TEPArray2 = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Console.WriteLine("Code Designed by \n");
Console.WriteLine("Value at Index 0 is : {0} \n", TEPArray[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Value at index 2 is : {0} \n", TEPArray[2]);
Console.WriteLine("Length of Second Array : {0} \n", TEPArray2.Length);
Console.WriteLine("First element of Second Array : {0} \n", TEPArray2[0]);
// Third Way: Declared First & then initialized & values added
string[] TEPArray3, TEPArray4;
TEPArray3 = new string[5] {"Hello","welcome","to","C#","Tutorial"};
TEPArray4 = new string[] { "Designed", "by", "The", "Engineering", "Projects" };
Console.Write("For loop : ");
for (int i = 0; i < TEPArray3.Length; i++)
Console.Write(TEPArray3[i] + " ");
Console.Write("For-each loop : ");
// using for-each loop
foreach (string i in TEPArray4)
Console.Write(" " + i);
- Till now, we have discussed only One Dimensional Arrays, now let's have a look at Multi-Dimensional Arrays:
Multi-Dimensional Arrays in C#
- We have seen single row of data in arrays so far, but we can also add multiple rows in arrays and such arrays are called Multi-Dimensional Arrays or Rectangular Arrays.
- They are called rectangular because length of each row has to be same in a single array.
- Let's have a look at Multi-Dimensional Array in below figure:
- In the above code, you can see i have created two arrays, the first one TEPArray1 is a 2-Dimensional Array, while TEPArray2 is a 3-Dimensional Array.
- I have also used nested for loop to display data of 2D array, if you can't understand it yet, don't worry we will discuss it in detail in coming lectures.
- But make sure you understand, how I am accessing elements of multi-dimensional arrays.
- Here's the complete code for Multi-Dimensional Arrays in C#:
using System;
namespace TEPProject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[,] TEPArray1 = new string[4, 2] {
{ "one", "two" },
{ "three", "four" },
{ "five", "six" },
{ "seven", "eight" }
int[,,] TEPArray2 = new int[2, 2, 3] {
{ 1, 2, 3 },
{ 4, 5, 6 }
{ 7, 8, 9 },
{ 0, 1, 2 }
// Accessing array elements.
Console.WriteLine("Code Designed by \n");
Console.WriteLine("2DArray[0][0] : " + TEPArray1[0, 0]);
Console.WriteLine("2DArray[0][1] : " + TEPArray1[0, 1]);
Console.WriteLine("2DArray[1][1] : " + TEPArray1[1, 1]);
Console.WriteLine("2DArray[2][0] " + TEPArray1[2, 0]);
Console.WriteLine("3DArray[1][0][1] : " + TEPArray2[1, 0, 1]);
Console.WriteLine("3DArray[1][1][2] : " + TEPArray2[1, 1, 2]);
Console.WriteLine("3DArray[0][1][1] : " + TEPArray2[0, 1, 1]);
Console.WriteLine("3DArray[1][0][2] : " + TEPArray2[1, 0, 2]);
Console.WriteLine("For Loop:");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
Console.Write(TEPArray1[i, j] + " ");
So, that was all about Arrays in C#. If you got into any errors, then ask in comments. In next lecture, we will have a look at How to use Comments in C#. Till then take care & have fun !!! :)
Datatype Conversions in C#
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at Datatype Conversions in C#. We have discussed
C# Data Types in our 3rd tutorial and today we will discuss How to convert one datatype into another.
If you are working on some complex project, then you have to convert one form of data into another i.e. let's say you are getting bill value from barcode reader, this value must be a string and if you want to apply any arithmetic operation on it then you need to convert that string into integer or float. So, let's get started with Datatype Conversions in C#:
Datatype Conversions in C#
- If you are working on some data driven application, then there's always a need to convert one form of data into another and that's where Datatype Conversions are required.
- Few conversions doesn't require any method or class i.e. if we want to convert an integer into float then that can easily be done by the compiler, as there's no chance of data loss.
- Such conversions are called Implicit Conversions, here's an example:
- You can see in above figure that compiler has automatically converted integer into float.
- But if we want to convert a float (let's say 313.56) into integer then we can't do that as integer doesn't have the decimal part.
- So, if we want to convert a float into integer, we will get a compiler error i.e. overflow exception.
- In order to perform such conversions we have to use Explicit Conversions method, pre-defined in C#.
- There are two options for Explicit Conversions:
- Use Cast Operator.
- Use Convert class of C#.
- Both of these methods are shown in below figure:
- Now you can see in above figure that the Cast Operator (int) has just taken the main value and simply ignored the decimal/fractional part.
- While the Convert Class (Convert.ToInt32) has rounded off the number and didn't ignore the decimal part.
String Conversion in C#
- Normally the data received from external/hardware devices, is in the form of strings and we need to convert it into integer or float etc. to perform arithmetic operations.
- There are two options available for String Conversions in c#, which are:
- Here's the implementation of Parse Method for String to integer conversion, in below figure:
- But there's a drawback in Parse that if the string contains alphabetical / special characters then it will create an error and couldn't convert the string into integer.
- So, in order to avoid error, we should use TryParse method, as shown in below figure:
- As you can see in above figure, TryParse takes two parameters:
- First one must be a string, which you want to convert.
- Second one must be an integer, in which the value will be saved.
- Moreover, TryParse method also returns a Boolean type, which will be:
- True, if the conversion is successful.
- False, if the conversion is unsuccessful.
- I have provided a string "323ABC" whcih contains alphabetical characters, that's why ConversionCheck is false and we are not getting any value in our integer.
- Here's a screenshot of one successful conversion of TryParse method:
- Now TryParse is returning True as the conversion is successful and our output integer variable got updated.
- Here's the code used in today's tutorial:
using System;
namespace TEPProject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string Num1 = "323";
bool ConversionCheck = int.TryParse(Num1, out int Num2);
Console.WriteLine("\nValue of Num2 : {0}", Num2);
Console.WriteLine("\nValue of ConversionCheck : {0}", ConversionCheck);
Console.WriteLine("\nString contains non-numeric Values.");
Console.WriteLine("\nOur Converted int : {0}", Num2);
So, that was all about the Datatype Conversions in C#. I hope you have enjoyed today's tutorial. In the next tutorial, we will have a look at
How to use Arrays in C#. Till then take care & have fun !!! :)
Common Operators in C#
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to have a look at few Common Operators in C#. It's 4th tutorial in C# series and before going forward, we have to first understand the working operation of these C# operators.
We have a lot of operators in C# but I have discussed few of them, which are most commonly used. If you got into any trouble then ask in comments. So, let's get started with Common Operators in C#:
Common Operators in C#
- Operators are used to create a link, relation or operation between two entities/variables. Few of these C# operators are as follows:
- Assignment Operator ( = )
- Arithmetic Operators ( + , - , * , / , % )
- Comparison Operators ( == , != , > , < , >= , <= )
- Conditional Operators ( && , | | )
- Ternary Operator ( ? : )
- Null Coalescing Operator ( ?? )
- Escape Sequence ( / )
- Verbatim Literal ( @ )
- Let's discuss them one by one in detail:
1. Assignment Operator ( = )
- Assignment Operator is used to assign a value from one entity to another.
- Let's say we initialize an integer with value 5, so what we need to write is int i = 5; so this assignment operator has assigned a value of 5 to integer i.
2. Arithmetic Operators ( + , - , * , / , % )
- Arithmetic Operators ( + , - , * , / , % ) are used for performing different mathematical operations between two entities/variables.
- Each arithmetic operator has its own mathematical operation associated with it. For example:
- ( + ) is used to add two numbers i.e. int a = 5 + 10; so compiler will first apply the arithmetic operator (+) and will add 5 & 10 and after that will use assignment operator to assign the value 15 to variable a.
- ( - ) is used to subtract two numbers i.e. int b = 10 - 5; result will be 5.
- ( * ) is use to multiply two numbers i.e. int c = 10 * 5; result will be 50.
- ( / ) is used to divide two numbers i.e. int d = 10 / 2; result will be 5.
- ( % ) is used to get the remainder of two numbers i.e. int e = 22 % 4; result will be 2.
3. Comparison Operators ( == , != , > , < , >= , <= )
- Comparison Operators ( == , != , > , < , >= , <= ) are used to compare two entities with one another.
- We will discuss them in detail in Loops section while discussing if loop.
- a == b, it will check whether a is equal to b.
- a != b, a is not equal to b.
- a > b, a is greater than b.
- a < b, a is less than b.
- a >= b, a is greater than or equal to b.
- a <= b, a is less than or equal to b.
- I am using few Comparison operators in this right figure.
4. Conditional Operators ( && , | | )
- Conditional Operators ( && , | | ) are used to create a relation between two conditions.
- This one will also be discussed in more detail in IF Loops section.
- && , It is pronounced as AND, this operator makes sure that both conditions must be true.
- | | , It is pronounced as OR, this operator returns TRUE if either of the two conditions is true.
- I have placed a conditional operator in right figure, I have placed a check that value must be greater than 10 and less than 20.
5. Ternary Operator ( ? : )
- Ternary operator is one of the coolest feature of C# and comes quite handy at times.
- It's a simple form of if loop, which reduces the IF Else Loop code in single line. We will discuss it in C# IF Loop lecture.
6. Null Coalescing Operator ( ?? )
- Null Coalescing Operator ( ?? ) is used to convert nullable value into non-nullable value.
- Let's say we have two integers a and b defined as:
int? a = 15; (nullable variable)
int b = 0; (non-nullable variable)
- Now we want to save value of a into b so if you write a = b; compiler will generate an error.
- So, in order to do that you need to use Null Coalescing Operator ( ?? ) as follow:
int b = a ?? 0;
- if the value of a is null, then b will become 0. It's called the default value, you can set it to anything, I've made it 0.
Complete Code
- Here's the complete code used in this tutorial:
using System;
namespace TEPProject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Enter Numer 1: ");
int Num1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter Numer 2: ");
int Num2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int Total = Num1 + Num2;
if (Total > 10 && Total < 25)
Console.WriteLine("Total count is {0}", Total);
Console.WriteLine("Total count is less than 10 or greater than 25");
I hope you have learnt something from today's tutorial. Let me know if you have any questions in comments. Take care & have fun !!! :)
The Best Bluetooth Trackers To Help Find Your Lost Items
Hello fellows, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will discuss
The Best Bluetooth Trackers To Help Find Your Lost Items. Are you one of those people who always lose things? When you go out with your colleagues, do you find it hard to remember where you put your purse or car keys? Well, you are not alone. Most people lose or forget where they put things at some point.
There is no worse feeling than knowing that you had something within your reach, and now you cannot locate it. It’s upsetting, and for sure you aren’t the only one who feels the same thing.
These berserk searches and hunt could all be evaded with a Bluetooth tracking device. These small devices fasten to your most important items such as your purse, car keys, and phone. Plus, they aid you in locating them when you misplaced them. in today's we will have a look list of the best Bluetooth trackers and their uses. So, let's get started with
The Best Bluetooth Trackers To Help Find Your Lost Items.
The Best Bluetooth Trackers To Help Find Your Lost Items
What, Why, And How
- First of all, we need to define what is a Bluetooth tracker. It is a thin, small device that fastens to your belongings and helps you locate their whereabouts when they end up misplaced.
- With this device, you will earn peace of mind that you can always find your missing belongings.
- If something gets lost, for example, a purse left on a park bench or at a restaurant, your chances of finding it is higher when you have Bluetooth tracking devices attached to your most important belongings.
- Moreover, why do you think you’ll need such a device?
- Remember that people carry important items, both from a sentimental and financial perspective, wherever they go.
- Thus, the capability to find such items when they go missing is a great asset.
- Next, how to install and use such a device? For the most part, Bluetooth tracking devices do not need any installation.
- All you need to do is to fasten them to anything you’d like to track, sync to an application, and go.
- How much do Bluetooth trackers cost? In general, most of them are relatively affordable, which is perfect if you want them to fasten to whatever you want to track.
Honey Key Finder
- This device gets rid of the need for a selfie stick. Aside from functioning as a tracking device, the Honey Key Finder connects with the camera of your mobile device as well.
- With a click of a button, you can, for sure, take a high-quality photo.
- If, for example, locating an item is only one of the many demands that you have at the moment, this Bluetooth tracker could be the device you are looking for.
- Again, other than using to find your valuable items, it can be utilized to snap a photo with your phone’s camera.
Tile Mate
- Some people tend to keep their phones on silent. So, when they lose it, it can be hard to recover it.
- There is no way for a person to make it vibrate or sound.
- However, with the Tile Mate, even if your phone is on silent mode, you can make it ring, making it easier to track it down.
- Moreover, Tile Mate has plenty of features to offer. It arrives with a replaceable battery that’s undoubtedly to operate for a year, and it’s uncomplicated to replace the battery yourself.
- Today, this product is perhaps the most renowned tracker as it’s small, offers many features, and has a huge community of users connected with it.
- Tile Mate lets a user use that community if he or she needs further help locating a missing item.
TrackR Pixel
- For the most part, there are two levels of losing an item. It’s either just misplaced or left in a public area.
- If you can’t remember where’s the last spot you had your item, then the TrackR Pixel will aid you in that situation.
- Since this product is small, you can fasten it to almost anything, such as luggage, bags, wallets, or keys.
- With the help of the TrackR application on your phone, you’ll know the last known spot of the item you’re tracking.
- Also, there is the Global Crowd Locate feature that will help you even more if you cannot recover the lost item at your home.
- Other users of the product all over the world will aid you in tracking the item for you.
- If you’re worried about the battery life of your tracking device, then the SpotyPal could help you out.
- This product has a low-energy usage. Therefore, its battery can last at least a year.
- Plus, replacing batteries would be the least of your concerns.
- Do you find it hard to look for your valuable items when it goes missing? May it be as small as your keys or as big as your laptop.
- Nevertheless, you might be needing a Bluetooth tracker.
- Within a small span of time, you can find your things.
It is the detailed article on the Best Bluetooth trackers if you have any question ask in comments. Thanks for reading. Take care until the next tutorial.
What You Need To Know About Flow Switches And Flow Meters
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at Flow Switches And Flow Meters. There are a lot of flow meters and flow switches types on the market today. Thus, it is sometimes troublesome to choose the ideal device for your demands.
So, why is learning the different types of flow meters and flow switches, as well as their differences, essential? You might wonder why you need to know about this. Well, it is necessary to understand how flow switches differ from flow meters as this impacts your business. There is a lot to consider in choosing the right fit for you and not knowing how it works might cost you another expense.
When you are choosing flow meters and flow switches, it is essential to know the underlying principles to select the tailored-fit merchandise for you. Get a closer look at the details of both flow meters and flow switches. Here are the advantages and differences of flow meters and flow switches.
Flow Switches Versus Flow Meters
The foremost difference between flow switches from flow meters is their functions and features. While flow meters generally monitor flow rates and a person needs to check the pace themselves, when and as instead of a specific time point, to determine if there are issues. Flow switches would instead determine the flow, at a particular point of time and notify the person while performing its designated task.
Flow Switch
A flow switch is simply an automatic machine that is mainly used to maintain the pace of air, liquid, or stream. It works primarily by sending trip notifications to a second device like a pump in a system. The notifications serve as an indication to either turn off or turn on, which protects it from any form of wreckage for freezing circuit protection.
A flow switch will distinguish if the pace is below or above a fixed rate, called the set point — the setpoint, either fixed or adjustable, depending on the description of a single tool. As the setpoint is reached, the reaction is frequently the trigger of an electric circuit. Once skipped, the flow switch will stay in the new state until the pace falls below the expected set point.
Here are the four essential performance and operating considerations you need in choosing the right flow switch.
- Pipe diameter - It outlines the size of the pipe in a system. The switch needs to fit over the pipes securely, and therefore, it is critical to determine the pipe diameter when choosing a flow switch.
- Media temperature range- It is the maximum media temperature that the system can monitor. It is usually reliant on liner and construction material.
- Operating pressure - The pressure media that the tool can withstand is leveled in the operating pressure. It indicates the maximum level that the device can only withstand and is an essential factor in choosing the right flow switch for you.
- Type of media- Knowing the type of media the flow switch is exposed to is essential in choosing a flow switch. If used in water, the device should either be bronze or brass due to its resistance to rust, breakdown, or corrosion. A plastic flow switch can only be used in an application that does not contain freezing or great hot conditions. Plastic is extremely resistant to rust, lightweight and durable.
Flow Meter
Used in fluid systems to measure nonlinear, linear, mass or volumetric flow rate of either gas or liquid. Flowmeter has many different applications and can be suited with a specific integrated flow control valve to stimulate the control of the flow. A range of factors is considered in choosing the best flow meter. It includes the experience of the plant personnel, the familiarity of the tool, the midpoint time between failure on-site, and the availability of the needed spare parts.
Taking note of the demands of the application is a way to trim down the selection and conveys the right tool. Considering the features of the meter type and the use of the meter will help you narrow down the analytic specifications and select a correlated product like flow meters from smartmeasurement. There will always be fluid controls experts that can help you in choosing the best product for you.
Flow meters and flow switchers are notably dependable devices for knowing and controlling flow rates. There are remarkable advantages on both of them that are worth knowing — both their distinct applications, like biomedical and industrial, which are only a few. Flow switches also offer flexibility, accuracy, and economy. Some switches can be used to operate visual alarms and audios, including relays and other controls.
Flow meters have a lot of perks in their favor just like flow switches. First, they can provide you the most accurate readings and give the actual mass flow measurement. Most flow meters are also reliable and are unaffected by temperature, viscosity, and pressure with self-draining features.
There are areas that technology companies are looking to enhance these instruments further. Technology advances would soon arise to make both flow meters and flow switches easy to use with low maintenance.
Choosing is always a hard decision; therefore, your best judgment is still the key. Remember, know the difference, take note of your business demands, and be familiar with the tools is essential and will significantly impact your business.
Top Modern Construction Materials Boosting the Sector’s Growth
Traditional concrete can develop cracks through recurring freeze-thaw cycles over time. Cracks expand as it freezes, potentially letting water seep in further pulling it apart. Just as concrete deteriorates, steel structures do too due to inevitable corrosion. The rusted steel eventually wears the entire structure, threatening a crash if not inspected by a safety engineer. Innovations in building materials are rapidly disarming hazards posed by old materials—a British steel company patented a new form of colour-coated steel, galvanized steel, being used as additional protection against adverse environmental factors. Read more
Researchers have pondered whether materials could be made as such to bounce back from harsh conditions and vulnerabilities. How about self-healing concrete? Or recycled waste used in insulation works? The construction industry can shave off billions in reworks and repairs of faulty building work while cutting down greenhouse gas emissions. Day by day, the industry is marching toward a progressive era of reusable construction materials and nullifying options that serve no one.
Modern construction materials breed modern construction methods. They will bring more strength, safety, and cost-efficiency to structures of tomorrow that’ll enhance their longevity and usability.
Here are five new materials boosting the construction sector’s growth.
Self-Healing Concrete
One of the first scientists to create self-healing concrete, Dr. Schlangen of Delft University has demonstrated that the material can be joined back if its half-sliced pieces are put together and heated in a microwave. This technology innovation can save companies $90 million annually.
Self-healing concrete will help build structures that last—from small shops to skyline-expanding high-rises. These structures will carry minimal repairs and would facilitate easier maintenance. Project owners want to ensure their build not only stays functional in its lifetime but offers incremental benefits to end users, for this to become a widespread reality, builders will have to consider self-healing concrete more aggressively since construction costs are higher with regular concrete that also poses durability threats as the climate worsens.
Using the right materials is only half the battle, making decisive shifts on jobsite is the other half. New building materials will need the consensus of all stakeholders down to the last subcontractor on the project. Without it, flaws in construction processes emerge faster than realized which leads to reworks. Contractors are pressed to extend timelines lest quality suffers and to ensure they’re on track, they use punch lists.
Get more info on how best can punch lists be optimized for maximum results.
Eco-Friendly Bricks
Studying the effect of built environments on occupants, safety and environment specialists are closer to home with their understanding of indoor air quality. Many indoor air cleansing solutions have been introduced but none as efficient to recognize as a permanent fix to continuing air contamination affecting respiratory health. With traditional solutions, more carbon is emitted into the atmosphere, deteriorating outdoor air as well.
Thanks to Cal Poly School of Architecture’s assistant professor, Carmen Trudell, who invented a passive air-cleaning system that puts bricks used on the building’s exterior to filter out toxins and pollutants in the air as it lives inside the space. The air will get funnelled into an internal cyclone filtration section separating heavy elements and dropping them down a hopper at the wall’s base. This pulls clean air into the building with maintenance being only to the extent of removing and emptying the hopper periodically.
Energy-Efficient Cement
Building energy-efficient structures will never go out of style—and, the industry is evolving at breakneck speed to accommodate environmental costs into the build process. One such endeavour is to make cement perform as an energy-saving agent through the process of polycondensation of raw materials including industrial waste, silica, water, alkali, and river sand. Conducted at room temperature, the process uses less energy.
As is popularly echoed, the future is in part influenced by the past—so when researchers look to
eco-friendly new construction materials, they need to grasp what didn’t work with old alternatives. A surge in interest in Roman concrete has thus been stumbled upon as it embodies less energy than the popularly used Portland cement while being much more durable beyond the traditional lifespan of modern architecture. Unexpected weather incidents endanger our infrastructure and buildings for which stronger and energy-efficient materials are important to ensure projects endure the coming times.
Laminated Timber
Widely used 50 years ago, timber’s use is declining today. But cutting-edge engineering has made timber stronger and durable to support heavy structures.
Researchers have developed laminated timber, also called glulam, to create a more water-resistant and durable replacement for wood. This has made timber highly cost-efficient with its current use in projects saving wood usage. Wooden structures absorb a ton of energy and this development couldn’t have been more opportune. Substituting wood with laminated timber would cut down about 3,000 tons of carbon emissions gradually increasing as more builders adopt it.
Reprocessed Scrap Material
Turns out the trash isn’t trash, after all, recycling can make the worst material beneficial. Builders have pioneered the use of recycled scrap such as cardboard, plastics, leftover metal to build structures registering minimal carbon footprints.
When cardboard’s recycled, it’s used for high-quality cellulose insulation that outperforms traditional insulation. Replacing dry processes that generated incalculable filth and dust, cellulose insulation renders air clean. Another scrap material recycled is plastic—from small bags to large containers, recycled plastic can last a few times that cuts new plastic production by a significant number. An unprecedented innovation, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) carpets have given a new lease of life to plastics, turning them into fibrous soft reusable carpets with no expiry date that can be used in insulation.
Closing Comments
Making materials sustainable isn’t a fad. It’s here to stay. It has been having a big impact on construction in multiple ways beyond direct construction activities. It has helped construction companies expand engineering teams for R&D and safety implementation as these new building materials require periodic upgrades like any new technology.
As the industry opens up to eco-friendly substitutes, construction projects would gradually substantially reduce harmful environmental effects. Conscientious builders will get in on the fun early on, leverage competitive edge, and win more bids and public goodwill as they seek to improve the economic status of the sector through redefining how materials are made and used.
6 Types of Industrial Robots
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at
6 Types of Industrial Robots. Industrial and commercial robots make work easier and increase efficiency and accuracy. This of course means more profits for the industries that employ these robots. The modern robots are nothing like the robots of yesteryear. These older robots were bulky and took too long to program. Today’s robots are collaborative robots (cobots), designed to work alongside humans in a shared work area.
These robots are easily programmed, are flexible and they are a much-needed supplement to skilled workers.
Cobots have highly sophisticated sensors that allow them to work near humans. Once they sense a human presence, they either slow down or shut down accordingly. They are very useful in situations where high accuracy is needed, or jobs that involve repetitive movement.
There are many types of industrial robots, with the main ones being:
#1. Articulated
The articulated robot design has rotational joints which can be anything between a simple two jointed structure to complex ones with 10 joints that interact, or more. The arms are connected to a base which has a twistable joint. The arm links are connected to each other by rotary joints. Each joint is known as an axis and it provides the robot with an extra degree of freedom to swivel. Industrial robots mostly have about four or six axes.
The articulated
commercial robots are powered by different means, which includes, but is not limited to electric motors. Most robots used in industries worldwide are articulated robots. Articulated robots can be utilized in material handling and removal among others.
#2. Cartesian
These also go by the name gantry or rectilinear robots. They consist of three linear joints that make use of X, Y and Z or
Cartesian coordinate system. These robots have a wrist attached, which allows rotational movement. These three joints in the form of a prism give a linear movement on the axis.
#3. Cylindrical
This type of robot has at the very least, a single rotary joint at its base, and one slider which connects the joints. Rotational motion is used by the rotary joint along the axis joint, and the slider joint moves in a straight motion. Cylindrical robots work within a cylindrical work envelope.
#4. Polar
These are
also known as spherical robots. Their arms are joined to the base with a joint that twists, and two rotary joints combined with a single linear joint. The axes make a polar co-ordinate and thereby create a spherical-like work envelope.
The SCARA acronym means Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm or Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm. This type of robot is normally used in assemblies. This robotic arm is cylindrical in shape and features two joints that are parallel to each other and that give compliance in one chosen plane.
The SCARA is a manipulator that has 4 freedom degrees. It is used to improve repetitiveness and speed in pick and place jobs, or to improve steps in assembly.
#6. Delta
These robots are
spider-like and consist of three arms that join to universal base joints. Delta robots are mostly used in situations where the robot has to pick products in batches and put them in a container or a pattern. Delta robots have added vision capabilities that allow them to distinguish between colors, sizes and shapes. They then pick and place the objects based on a pattern that is pre-programmed.
By design, the Delta robots move at very high speeds and carry out repetitive tasks with speed and consistency. The robots remove the issue of employee fatigue, caused by repetitive movements. They also remove the problem of injuries caused by repetitive motion caused by reaching overhead, bending or working in uncomfortable positions.
Robots are here to stay, and they will only become more sophisticated in the years to come. 10 years ago, robotics was a whole different ball game from today. A lot of research is being conducted every day and improvements made on existing models. Will we be fully dependent on robots for everything in the next century? Only time will tell.
Which is Easier - to Assemble a Computer or Write a Work in College?
Am almost sure that when faced with a choice whether to write an academic paper or build a computer, you would choose writing a paper. However, both tasks are almost similar if you think about it open-mindedly. The similarity between the two tasks is that you will use already existing materials.
For computer building, you will have to look for all the appropriate parts needed to make a computer. Similarly, you have to look for already published information and data to write your paper and deliver a strong analytical or descriptive essay. So, what makes these two tasks completely different and which one is easier to tackle? Let’s find out together.
Assembling a Computer from Scratch
From a general point of view, this sounds like a very challenging task to handle by yourself. However, you do not have to be intimidated as this is one of the easiest tasks to complete once you master everything there is to learn. Although it will take you some time, you will still be able to build a computer from scratch.
What does it take to be a custom computer builder?
To be an expert in this field, you need to be very committed and focused on mastering the skill. It’s not something you wake up and excel at without putting any work to it: nothing works like that. What does it really take to be an expert?
- Learn all the hardware parts of a computer and how each one of them works.
- Look for sample videos on how to assemble a PC.
- Get to understand all the tools you need for the task at hand.
- Know different brands of computers in the market.
- Get reference materials relating to this task.
Instead of buying a computer from the store, you can decide to build your own. With online free
tutorials, you get all the relevant information about computer building and assembly. All the essential parts you need to get your computer working would include:
- Case and power supply
- Motherboard
- Cooling fan
- The CPU
- Hard Disk
- Processor
- Graphics card
- Display and peripherals
- Operating system
Writing a Paper in College
This is one of the most hated tasks by college students I included. I never liked doing my assignments or writing papers because I always thought I was making a fool of myself. However, it is not as hard as it is painted out to be. I know that for a fact now.
For you to master the art of writing perfect essays and thesis in college, you have to put more effort into learning. When you use an example to learn, you get to understand better. That’s why when learning, you should use a
free descriptive essay or article to understand how to go about the task. Essay samples and examples give you the confidence to conquer the task.
What does it take to be a writer?
For you to excel as a writer, put into consideration a number of factors. First, you have to learn how to create time for your project. Prior and proper planning is another essential aspect you should nurture. It takes a while to be a top-level writer, thus it requires a high amount of self-discipline and patience.
Here is what you need for you to be a good writer:
- Make early preparations for all your writing projects.
- Pay attention to details in the instructions and understand them.
- Do extensive research before you embark on the project.
- Proofread what you write.
- Understand the structure of writing a descriptive essay or paper.
So, what is common about computer building and assembly and essay writing? In both cases, you have to put in a lot of dedication and determination to excel. Understanding the instructions is another essential thing you must do in both tasks.
As a custom computer builder, you have to rely on user manuals and tutorials to understand how all the parts are assembled. As a writer, you also need to use online guides, free essay samples and examples to understand how different sections are put together to create a quality paper.
I think that these tasks are similar to some extent, and none of them is easier than the other. It all depends on your perception.
Building Monitor-Specialized Lifts
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at Building Monitor-Specialized Lifts. The American-based linear motion technologies manufacturer Progressive Automations offers its customers only the most efficient and effective automation solutions applicable to a variety of spheres like shipbuilding, heavy machine building, home interior, engineering, smart houses construction, etc.
The impeccable TV lift technology provided by this company is nowadays widely used for the creation of conference halls, high-tech offices for world business enterprises who break the mold of IT technologies. It allows for installing TV screens of different dimensions almost anywhere. Pop-up TV lifts,
TV lifts for cabinets & furniture, rotating TV lifts, under the bed TV lifts along with attic & ceiling lifts - all these serve the TV automation which is widely required by technology-lovers.
TV Lifts for DIY Implementation
Linear motion technology implemented in TV lifts constructions manufactured by Progressive Automations is distinguished by its extreme safety and high reliability. With this technology making a DIY TV lift installation at home won’t be a serious problem. With particular attention to all the details embodied by Progressive Automations in all their products, everyone can take them and use to create a piece of high-tech art conveniently serving to watch favorite programs when wanted and hide a TV monitor afterward.
TV lifts became something more than just a modern trend nowadays. Their wide implementation along with the use of numerous other last-decade inventions became the matter of contemporary technological approach. Not just because of the style or convenience provided, but because of promising prospects.
Biggest TV Lift Automation Benefit
Not a secret that
automation saves the most indispensable resource humanity has ever had - its time. Just imagine how much time do you personally spend on switching your TV on, making coffee, cooking, cleaning, washing, etc. The technical evolution of the last decades makes it possible to save tonnes of hours usually spent on routine and nowadays unnecessary work. And now imagine that you would have to clean all again manually instead of chatting with your friends somewhere in the public places.
You would be obliged to clean your house instead of your automated vacuum-robot-cleaner. But with an automated show & hide TV monitors the situation is the same. Previously, nobody could even imagine that it will be possible to permanently hide the monitor each time it is not needed. However, now we have this chance and it saves hours to those who regularly watch TV. Hiding a TV screen from sight after watching and when leaving home in business becomes easy.
Automation as the Investment in Everyday Life
The most convenient thing about this branch of automation technology is that it is relatively cheap. Having only about $700 to spend on automation project homeowner can contact Progressive Automations managers asking them for the assistance and they will gladly help customers to make their dreams come true. This is the best combination of cost-effective approach along with reliable services and tested products offered. Make your technological interior now with products & services offered by Progressive Automations.
Nothing's gonna make you happier than the right capital investment in the future of automation. Experience TV lift technology by yourself and make this little convenience serve your everyday life and purposes you set all along through your life. Forget about things you got used to when it comes to TV lift automation - think progressive!
Should you Outsource Mobile App Development
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at Should you outsource mobile app development or keep it in house? Many businesses face the same dilemma when it comes to mobile app development - is it best to keep everything within the company, or pass it onto another pair of hands?
The truth is, there are pros and cons to both. It’s all about what your business wants, how much it is willing to spend, and how much time you have available. If you’re wanting to create a successful mobile app that will stick around, it’s important you consider both options carefully and choose what you really believe will be best for you, your company, and your staff.
Here we’ll go through the pros and cons of both, to allow you to make the most educated decision possible.
What is outsourcing?
- Outsourcing is turning to an outside agency to develop an app for your business. This agency could be a mobile/design studio, a digital agency, mobile specialists, app developers, or even freelancers.
Why should you outsource?
- Outsourcing is best for businesses that do not have the right resources to develop in-house.
- It sounds like common sense, really- however many venture into the unknown when it comes to mobile app development, and end up on the losing side of it.
What is in-house development?
- Development in-house means hiring your own team to manage and create the app.
- Your business will oversee the entire project from start to finish, without the involvement of any third parties.
Why would you keep your development in-house?
This is perfect for businesses who want to take total control of the development. You’ll be able to address any problems quickly and easily, build team skills, and execute everything much quicker.
Which is more cost effective?
Mobile app development is a long term project that can cost you and your business a lot of time and money. Hiring a team in-house will cost you not only in fees, but insurance, holiday pay, and even other company incentives, too.
Passing your project to an outside team will stop you from having to hire new staff, and allow you to pay an upfront fee for all work undergone.
Many find this not only cheaper but less hassle when it comes to managing a whole new team. Staff members are also much more likely to stay with you if you keep the work challenging.
Which will result in quality results?
Mobile development is likely to be very time consuming if IT isn’t your business’ forte. Outsourcing your development means your project is left in safe hands, with a team working towards a tight deadline. Your teams can then work with their skills to get the best out of the app. For example,
Digital Authority Partners suggest that staff from an e-commerce store will be able to focus on customer service, marketing and other efforts to boost your online sales.
Which holds the most risk?
Many managers struggle to delegate tasks to employees. Businesses can struggle to pass their work onto outside agencies in the exact same way. It’s hard to trust others with something you’re putting so much time and money into.
Luckily, many agencies now work with projects in chunks, sending examples and designs to the client regularly to check everything is going as envisioned.
If you find it particularly hard to trust others to take on work, then it might be best that you keep it in-house. This way you have complete control, and don’t turn into a difficult client for someone else! However, if you’re happy to outsource the project, simply check in with the team regularly to make sure they are creating exactly what you want.
Mobile applications generated over $77 billion in total by the end of 2017, compared to just $18.56 in 2012. You’re playing with a lot of potential money when it comes to mobile apps, so it’s best that you’re confident with your team.
How about aftercare?
It’s easy to think that once development is over, you’re good to go for the foreseeable future. Many businesses don’t realize that a fair amount can go wrong with mobile apps that will lead them to fail. An app that constantly crashes, is hard to use or has glitches will lead customers to discontinue use.
Working with an outsourced team will allow you to approach them for support with these issues at a fixed cost.
This means that even when something goes terribly wrong, a team can be working on it almost immediately. If your team is in-house, they may struggle to deal with issues straight away. After all, we all know it can be hard to build a mobile app.
Which is most efficient
The likelihood is that outsourcing will be much more efficient for mobile app development, especially when it comes to small startups. The time it takes you to get something on the market can be the difference between an amazing project and ‘just another’ app, especially if a competitor beats you to it. App agencies have a wealth of experienced designers on-hand, and there’s no shame in turning to them if it will put you ahead of the competition and make you money. This means you and your team can pay more attention to marketing your app, which all starts with building a great site and landing page for it.
The bottom line
Overall, if you are a business with limited staff, funds and time - outsourcing is going to be better for you. This means you can pass all of the development stress onto another team, giving you more time to focus on what you’re good at and
marketing your product instead.
However, if your business has the time and money available to invest in its own team, this may work out to be the best way to keep track of everything happening with the development and keep your unique app idea on the down-low! By 2020, mobile apps are forecast to generate around 189 billion U.S. dollars in revenue. Make sure you’re getting your app ideas out there now, no matter how you choose to develop them.