Introduction to BC548
Hi Friends! Glad to see you here. I hope you’re well today. In this post, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to BC548. BC548 is a general-purpose transistor that falls under the family of NPN transistors. It carries three pins that are mainly used for external connection with the circuit. The small current at one terminal is used to control the large current at other terminals. Moreover, it can drive loads under 500mA and is available in TO – 92 package.
I suggest you read this post all the way through as you’ll get to know all nuts and bolts of BC548 transistor i.e. pinout, working principle, power ratings, applications, and physical dimensions. Let’s jump right in.
Introduction to BC548
- BC548 is an NPN general-purpose transistor, comes with three pins named emitter, base and collector.
- A small current at the base side is used to control large current at the collector and emitter terminals. The reason, it’s normally called a current controlled device.
- Decent current gain and power dissipation make it a suitable pick for amplification circuits and pre-amplification stages in other electronic applications. Moreover, it is also used as a switch to carry the load below 500mA.
- This BC548 transistor belongs to the NPN family where it contains three layers i.e. two N-doped layers and one P-doped layer. The P-doped layer is sandwiched between two N-doped layers.
- Also, it contains two PN junctions where one is reverse biased and the other is forward biased.
- The NPN transistor is like an electron valve where the base terminal controls the movement of electrons. It is widely used for amplification purposes in many electrical and electronics projects.
- Plus, electrons behave like majority carriers in NPN transistors whereas in PNP transistor holes behave like majority carriers. In conclusion, the mobility of electrons is better than the mobility of holes, thus NPN transistors are better and faster than PNP transistors.
1. BC548 Pinout
BC548 contains three pins named:
- 1: Emitter
- 2: Base
- 3: Collector
Following figure shows the BC548 pinout:
- All these terminals are different in terms of operation and doping concentration.
- The base terminal controls the current, emitter is used to emit the number of electrons when voltage is applied at the base terminal which is then collected by the collector.
- The small increase in input voltage applied at the base terminal produces a large change in output voltage across both collector and emitter terminals. This practice is used for amplification purposes.
- The emitter terminal is highly doped as compared to collector and base terminals. Plus, the collector voltage is larger than the base voltage.
2. BC548 Pin Configuration
BC548 transistor is used in three main configurations as follows:
- Common base configuration.
- Common emitter configuration.
- Common collector configuration.
Common emitter configuration carries exact voltage and current ratings mainly used for amplification.
- The amplification factor is used to define the nature of amplification. It is called beta and is denoted by ß. It is a ratio between collector current and base current. As it’s a ratio between the same factor i.e. current, it contains no unit. In this NPN transistor, the amplification factor ranges from 110 to 800.
- Similarly, the ratio between collector current and emitter current is called current gain and is mainly known as alpha, denoted by a. The alpha value lies between 0.95 to 0.99 but most of the time its value is taken as unity.
3. BC548 Working Principle
- When the base terminal is grounded, both emitter and collector terminals remain disconnected.
- When the voltage is applied at the base terminal, it gets biased, forming a bridge between collector and emitter.
- As this is an NPN transistor, the current will flow from collector to emitter, unlike PNP transistors where current flows from emitter to collector.
- Though both electrons and holes play a key role in conductivity, in the case of NPN transistors, electrons are major charge carriers.
- The base terminal controls the number of electrons passing from collector to emitter and appears positive with respect to the emitter terminal.
- The applied voltage at the base terminals draws a small current which is then used to police the large current at the collector and emitter terminals.
4. BC548 Power Ratings
The following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of BC548:
- Collector-Base voltage is 30V. While Emitter-Base voltage and Collector-Emitter voltages are 5V and 30V respectively.
- The Collector current is 500mA with maximum power dissipation 625mW at temperature 25C.
- And the current gain ranges from 110 to 800.
- It’s important to note that these values are called stress ratings. Before you employ this transistor into the required circuit, make sure these ratings don’t cross the absolute maximum ratings, else you can risk your transistor and thus the entire project.
- Plus, if these ratings are applied for an extended period, they can influence the device reliability.
- Note: these values are measured at T = 25 C
5. BC548 Alternatives
The following are equivalent transistors of BC548:
They all belong to the NPN family. The PNP complementary of BC548 is BC558. The type of transistor you use depends on the ratings of load you intend to drive i.e. in case of BC548 you can drive loads under 500mA.
6. BC548 Applications
NPN type transistors are used in circuits when you intend to sink the current. BC548 is used in the following applications:
- Used in Darlington pairs to amplify weak signals.
- It can be employed in sensor circuits.
- Driving loads under 500mA.
- Used in audio amplification.
- Used in audio Amplifier Stages.
7. BC548 Physical dimensions
The following diagram shows the physical dimension of the BC548:
Recall, BC548 is a bipolar NPN junction transistor and is considered as a current-controlled device where small current at the base is used to control large current at the collector and emitter terminals. Plus, it can drive loads under 500mA and is available in TO – 92 package.
That's all for today. I hope you find this read helpful. If you have any question, you can approach me in the section below, I'd love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to keep us updated with your valuable feedback and suggestions. They help us create quality content. Thank you for reading this article.
Introduction to BC546
Hi everyone! Thank you for viewing this article, I welcome you on board. In this post I’ll walk you through the detailed
Introduction to BC546. BC546 is a low power NPN transistor mainly used for general purpose amplification and switching applications.
In this read you’ll study all nitty-gritty of BC546 transistor i.e. from pinout, pin configuration, and working principle to power ratings, key parameters, physical dimensions and applications. Keep reading.
Introduction to BC546
- BC546 is a bipolar junction NPN transistor that finds applications in switching, amplification, impedance, H-bridge and current mirror circuits.
- This transistor falls in silicon epitaxial planar transistor category which is generally divided into three groups A, B & C. This BC546 is available in group A & B.
- BC546 low power transistor mainly contains three terminals named emitter, base and collector. And all these terminals are different in terms of their doping concentration and are used for external connection with electronic circuits.
- BC546 transistor contains three layers i.e. two N-doped layers and one P-doped layer. The P-doped layer resides between two N-doped layers. Plus, it carries two PN junctions where one is forward biased and other is reverse biased.
- Unlike FET (Field-Effect Transistor) that is voltage controlled device, BC546 is a current controlled device where small current at the base terminal is primarily used for controlling the large current at both emitter and collector terminals.
1. BC546 Datasheet
- Although, we are going to discuss everything related to BC546, in this tutorial but still its always wise to have a look at the datasheet.
- You can download BC546 Datasheet by clicking the below button:
Download BC546 Datasheet
2. BC546 Pinout
BC546 carries three pins named
- Emitter.
- Base.
- Collector.
The collector voltage is much larger than the base voltage and emitter terminal is highly doped compared to base and collector terminals. When voltage is applied at the base terminals, it ignites the electron reaction between emitter and collector terminals.
3. BC546 Pin Configuration
- Emitter current is a sum of both collector current & base current.
- The small current at the base terminal is used to control large current at the emitter and collector terminals.
- This transistor can be employed in three main configurations named:
- Common base configuration.
- Common emitter configuration.
- Common collector configuration.
- Common emitter configuration comes with exact voltage and current ratings required for amplification.
- Forward current defines the nature of amplification. It is called amplification factor, or beta and denoted by ß. Which is a ratio between collector current and base current and it carries no unit. The amplification factor ranges from -110 to 800.
- Similarly, current gain is a ratio between collector current and emitter current. It is known as alpha, denoted by a. The alpha value ranges from 0.95 to 0.99 but more often than not its value is taken as unity.
4. BC546 Working Principle
- BC546 is a junction transistor where both electrons and holes are responsible for conductivity, electrons are majority charge carriers, however.
- In NPN transistor base terminal is positive with respect to emitter and is usually used to control the number of electrons.
- It gets biased and draws current when voltage is applied at the base terminal, thus controlling the large current at emitter and collector side.
- Free movements of electrons plays a key role for conductivity and is mainly used to bridge the gap between emitter and collector where electrons are emitted by the emitter which are then collected by the collector.
- In this NPN transistor current flows from collector to emitter unlike PNP transistor where current flows from emitter to collector.
5. BC546 Power Ratings
Absolute maximum power ratings of this NPN transistor are shown in the figure below:
- Collector-Base voltage is 80V. And Emitter-Base voltage is 6V.
- High Collector-Emitter voltage of 65V makes it the best pick for high voltage audio amplifier applications.
- Collector current is 100mA with maximum power dissipation 500mW at temperature 25C.
- These are stress ratings that, if increased from absolute maximum ratings, can severely affect the quality of the product, thus damaging the device.
- Similarly, if these ratings are applied for the extended period of time, they can affect the device reliability.
- The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings with values measured at T = 25C
6. BC546 Modes & Key Parameters
The current directions and voltage polarities are opposite in both NPN and PNP transistors. If current flows in a clockwise direction in NPN transistor and carries positive polarity at the base terminal, it will flow in an anticlockwise direction in PNP transistor negative voltage polarity. Flow of electrons from collector to emitter in this NPN transistor depends on the biased voltage applied at the base terminal. Following are four modes of BC546 transistor:
- Active mode.
- Cut-off mode.
- Saturation mode.
- Reverse-active mode.
Base terminal is also called the
active mode, and is mainly responsible for transistor action, where voltage is applied that draws small current which is then used to control large current at the emitter and collector terminals.
cut-off mode transistor acts like an open switch and no current flows between the terminals.
Saturation mode acts like an ON switch where current flows from collector to emitter. In this condition the voltage difference between collector and emitter is zero.
reverse active mode transistor acts like an active mode but here current direction is reversed, now it flows from emitter to collector.
7. BC546 Alternatives
BC546 contains following alternatives:
- 2SC4145
- 2SD1698
- 2SD1701
- 2SD1978
- 2SD1981
- 2SD2296A
- 2SD2213
- HIT667
- KTC1026
- KTC3200
All transistors mentioned above are NPN transistors and are composed of silicon material. While its complementary types PNP transistors are BC556 & BC559.
8. BC546 Applications
BC546 is mainly used in the following applications:
- It is used in linear amplifiers.
- BC546 finds applications in H-Bridge circuits
- Used for impedance circuits and current mirrors circuits
- Also employed in oscillator circuits and Astable vibrators
- Used in bistable multivibrators and comparator circuits
9. BC546 Physical dimensions
Following diagram shows the physical dimension of BC546:
All three terminals are 0.492in in length and 0.181in in width with distance between two terminals 0.142in. This transistor carries weight approx. 0.18g.
That's all for today. I hope you’ve got clear idea about BC546 transistor. If you are unsure or have any question, you can ask me in the section below, I'd love to help you the best way I can. You’re most welcome to keep us updated with your valuable feedback and suggestions. Thank you for your precious time.
10 Ways To Get Rid Of Your Homework Problems
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to show you 10 ways to get rid of your Homework problems. The child puts off or stops doing something, preferring to switch to other activities because they do not see the importance of the task or have difficulty in understanding, organizing or motivating it. Grunting does not help in this case.
"Homework is an obligation. Children have their own opinions about it and many of them think it's better to have a reputation as a forgetful and irresponsible child than to admit that they don't know how to do the task," says Rick Wormeli, an education consultant and author of Fair Isn't Always Equal.
However, with a little creativity, parents will be able to help their child overcome the barrier and learn how to do tasks more effectively.
We offer 10 ways to encourage your child to start doing their homework with more confidence and less resistance. You should also have a look at
Tips on Completing your College Homework.
1. Set the schedule and prevent bad habits.
"The perfect class takes five minutes a day, but it's important to do it properly" said Dawson. "I usually ask my son, 'You've had ten algebra exercises. How long do you think it'll take you?"
Set the best rhythm with a well-thought-out schedule and rest breaks. Give the child the right conditions for the class.
For example, one child has the need to work next to the parent in the kitchen, while another child works best in her own room. Some people need a clean, unobstructed place to study that contains everything they need. And somebody feels comfortable in a creative mess. Some children follow the schedule, others need a to-do list.
Break bad habits, interfere when the child starts talking on extraneous topics during the class or does not go to bed on time, because he decided to play or to start doing homework lately and finish it by midnight.
2. Name and tame the inner voice
Teach the child to notice when he has thoughts of defeat. When the inner voice whispers: "You're bad at math," the child can come up with a name for the voice, like Jack. Ask the child to choose another name for the inner voice that claims to be good at something. Then say, "It's not your fault, it's Jack." Ask the child questions: "What does Jack need to feel more confident about himself? What would a positive voice advise Jack to do?"
When the problem is solved, the child will have experience in solving it, says Ana Jovanovic, psychologist and coach of the online training portal Nobel Coaching in Potomac, Md. This approach will help to understand that weakness is only part of the personality. Ana asks her students to give names to their schedules so that it would be harder to reject them. And her pupils are happy to use it, for example: "What should I do today? I have to ask Mike."
3. Lucky clothes
Let your child choose a special outfit for their homework, it may be an accessory or clothes, such as a hat to help them think or all-seeing glasses. The journal "Child Development" published an experiment, where researchers noticed that the child's stamina increased when he pretended to be a superhero.
4. Let the school be the evil one
When your homework starts to ruin your life, it is time to contact your teacher or school counselor. Jennifer Goodstein, sixth-grade teacher and CEO at Bethesda, Md. says she asks her parents to email her when a child loses emotional self-control. "We can take on the role of villains and say, 'okay, Brandon, you had a fight with Mom so you have to do your homework at school,'" says Jennifer. And then she makes a schedule for extra classes at school.
5. Trust, but check
"Let your child choose whether to do it for themselves or ask the teacher for help, but make sure he or she does it," says Kim Campbell, an eighth-grade teacher, and consultant for the Association for Middle-Level Educators in Minnetonka, Minn. If a child decides to ask the teacher for something, let them know what will happen if they do not. For example, you could say to him, "You have to do it by yourself until Tuesday, otherwise I will write an e-mail to the teacher".
6. Don't forget to relax
"When I see the kids falling asleep at classes, we do 20 jumps, play rock-paper-scissors or pretend we're in the ocean and have to swim away from the sharks fast," says Campbell. Even a normal washroom break can help. To improve concentration, she recommends letting the kids take a little walk, play with a ball or ride a bike before going back to work. When a child starts kicking a wall, parents can offer simple tasks to help them think, such as mixing dough, blowing bubbles or slow breaths and exhales.
7. Set up an awards system
Awards work better when they're received instantly. "You get an award for working well within a week (not a month)," Campbell says. "Some parents make it a condition of receiving an A's within a quarter, but the long-term goals don't work. The award may be something small, like stickers to decorate notebooks. Ana Jovanovic notes that personalized study equipment helps children with their studies.
8. Change the approach and ensure communication
"My eldest son was assigned to make a diorama, and he didn't have very good fine motor skills, so it was hard for him to do the job," says Rick Wormeli. "This assignment was more about fixing small toys on a shoebox than science, so he asked the school to modify the assignment."
Expand your life experience with your child, travel, play sports, watch popular media, and stay up to date with current events. Parents can also make the most of modern technology. Your child can learn with friends online or use various card applications to create cards for better memorization. You can teach them to break down voluminous topics into small exercises or talk about essay ideas together. Finally, you may let him use
paper writing service.
9. Pick a role model object and nurture character resilience
Ask your child to name a person who admires him, whether he is a professional athlete or a favorite writer. And when a child falls in love, ask what his idol would do if he were him. Watching movies also helps to see the whole picture. For example, "The Puzzle" can help children appreciate the benefits of negative emotions. "When you are sad, you are likely to ask for help and that way you can contact other people," says Jovanovic. She encourages parents to challenge their children when they say that they are stupid or useless. "At times like this, I say, 'Convince me that you can't do that. Show me where you failed." Then she asks the child what would be different if they told themselves they could do it. To increase your endurance, praise the effort and emphasize that the child has just not yet mastered the skill. You should read this
Guideline for writing an excellent Homework Paper.
10. Do not push too hard
Too much pressure makes the baby back off. "At a time when you are just beginning to understand who you are, you are already being told who you should be," says Jovanovic. "When the gap between who you want to be and who your parents want you to be, increases, you start a revolt. You should also have a look at these
Best sites to get Engineering Homework Help
"Children at this age are learning about a social world that's much more complicated than their parents realize," Dawson said. "From a human development perspective, it's probably just as important as a math problem.”
The Future of Cloud Development
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to show give you an overview of the future of Cloud Development. As one of the fastest-growing innovations of modern technology, cloud computing has revolutionized our relationship with the internet and the ways we’re able to connect and share resources with others around the globe. As tech companies are rapidly discovering even more ways to utilize all of the cloud’s advantages, the future of cloud development is sure to bring further advancements as an integral part of our everyday lives.
Where it is and where it’s going
Cloud development has taken off because of its ease of use, security, scalability, and reduction of costs. Many companies have been growing more reliant on the services provided, and the explosive growth in the cloud market has benefited them. Industries incorporating cloud tech will see far greater flexibility and efficiency in their IT operations.
Once bound by hardware limitations and costs, cloud computing has been removing barriers every step of the way. Many previous obstacles such as latency and conversion time have been cleared as internet speeds have gotten faster and developers have gotten better grasps of how to utilize the technology. A
cloud development service company helps businesses transition their currently implemented services into a cloud environment. As more companies take advantage of these features, cloud tech will eventually overtake the use of local resources by a large margin. Financially, cloud service development will see huge gains as many companies are already investing billions upon billions of dollars into their cloud infrastructures, and those numbers are only growing.
How it’ll change and grow
With the rise of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other advanced computing services, the complexity of running these resources will quickly outpace the ability for regular computers to match. Cloud computing and software as service platforms that meet these needs will eventually become a necessity for production and development cycles.
Cloud services are already a huge part of our daily lives. If we want to check an email for work, we use a cloud email service. If we need a ride to our favorite hang out spot, we can use a cloud service like Uber or Lyft. If we want to kick back and unwind with friends, we have cloud gaming and movie streaming services. Most of these innovations have snuck up on us over the past several years, so imagine where we’ll be once even more time passes. You should also have a look at
3 Reasons to Switch to Cloud Storage.
In about 10 years, we could see cloud services becoming an indispensable part of our daily lives. It’s likely that pretty much every company will utilize the cloud in some capacity. Similar to how computers and smartphones themselves became an integral part of our society, the adoption was gradual while people began to understand how they truly revolutionized their routines, but once they arrived, they exploded in popularity and we never looked back. Cloud services are similar in that they are rapidly growing tools that are opening new possibilities. Soon we’ll begin to see the development of new applications and services take off that would never have been possible with desktop-bound computing. It’s likely that before we even realize it, that future will be here.
Three Industries With High Quality Assurance Standards
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to discuss Three Industries With High Quality Assurance Standards. If someone asked you to bet $1 million on which industries had the highest quality assurance standards, the smart money would bet on the industries that are most heavily-regulated.
How do you know if an industry is heavily-regulated? See if there’s a government bureau named after that industry. Another good indication is if lives and public health hinge on the industry doing its job correctly.
Or, just work in a heavily-regulated industry. You won’t be able to walk from point A to point B without quality assurance implications. Successful enterprises in heavily-regulated industries approach “quality standards” in three tiers:
- Quality Assurance (QA): The high-level proof submitted to the public, and—more importantly—regulators that your products are of sufficient quality.
- Quality Management System (QMS): A series of processes that delivers quality assurance by implementing quality control.
- Quality Control (QC): The “boots-on-the-ground” act of rooting out and eliminating problems that might hinder quality production.
Most heavily-regulated industries have established, often international quality assurance standards to meet, as well as time-tested quality management systems to implement quality control. Here are three industries with high quality assurance standards.
Pharmaceutical Industry
The pharmaceutical industry is heavily-regulated for good reason. Governments have a public trust to make sure products they consume are safe and do what they are supposed to do. A faulty drug formulation could hurt or kill consumers or contribute to a public health crisis rather than alleviate it, with
lawsuits following close behind.
The key regulatory agency for pharmaceuticals in the US is the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Pharma companies typically must comply with multiple sections of FDA 21 CFR (Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations).
Pharmaceutical quality assurance focuses on:
- Public Safety: Medications can change someone’s life for the better or cause serious harm. Quality controls to protect public safety include strict attention to document control, employee training, laboratory OOS, corrective and preventive action (CAPA), internal audits, and managerial review.
- Professional and Consumer Confidence: Edelman’s 2019 Trust Barometer rated the public trust in the pharma industry at 57%, worse than any other healthcare vertical. Robust attention to quality assurance is necessary now more than ever to regain consumer and professional confidence.
- Production Efficiency: Production efficiency allows safe products to be produced at a lower cost, increasing profits and fostering affordability severely lacking in the industry. Companies can improve production efficiency through automated data collection and holistic data integration.
Medical Devices Industry
The FDA and its international counterparts also keep the medical device industry on
a short leash, as much if not more so than the pharma industry. “Medical devices” is actually a fairly broad category of healthcare-related devices, covering such categories as:
- Physical Devices: Medical devices that live at or come from a hospital, like MRI machines, pacemakers, and defibrillators.
- IoT Devices: Short for “internet of things,” IoTs are a class of physical device that perform functions via the internet. Examples include blood glucose monitors and dissolving EEG monitors that transmit data by wireless signal or into the cloud.
- SaMD: SaMD--“Software as a Medical Device”--refers to software that performs the function of a medical device, regardless of the device it is in (i.e. smartphones, smart watches, tablets, etc.) Examples include software that uses the microphone or accelerometer in a smartphone to record breathing data or tremors.
While not always “consumable” in the way medications can be, medical devices have risks of their own, like radiation from an X-ray machine. Some hospitals even use sophisticated robots to perform heart surgery. Quality assurance is obviously paramount for a device like this. Other medical devices, like pacemakers and blood glucose monitors, are implanted in the body, where they could do significant harm if not manufactured to exacting quality standards.
Key quality assurance guideposts to keep in mind include:
- Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA): Procedures to correct quality management failures.
- Complaint Procedures: How to receive, document, and respond to customer complaints, including tracking and close-out procedures.
- Reporting Procedures: Including written procedures for reporting data and key descriptions in compliant form.
- Nonconforming Product Procedures: Nonconforming products and materials are commonplace and acceptable if appropriate controls are applied.
Aerospace Industry
The aerospace industry sits at the intersection of
multiple regulatory purviews, resulting in one of the heaviest compliance burdens of any industry. Millions of consumers who depend on commercial aviation and medivac helicopters are counting on the industry’s compliance and safety.
Regulatory agencies with oversight over the aerospace industry include the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), the Department of Defence (DOD), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)--and that’s just in the US.
The key quality assurance control that applies to aerospace manufacturing is AS9100, also known as AS9100D due to Amendment D. This standard was created by the International Organization for Standardization to adapt quality assurance control standard ISO 9001 to the specific needs of the aerospace industry.
Dickson states that the standard is quite comprehensive, noting that it covers company policies, procedures, and documentation.
Not only do aerospace manufacturers have to comply with AS9100D, but so too do their suppliers and subcontractors. International agencies, like the EU, often adopt versions of the standard that are basically identical.
AS9100 is also divided into three standards:
- AS9100: Aerospace design, development, and manufacture.
- AS9110: Aircraft maintenance organizations.
- AS9120: Distributors of hardware, electronics, and other materials.
Aspects of AS9100 to be aware of include:
- Development and Design: Standards for new products.
- Purchasing: Selection of vendors, purchasing procedures, validation and verification.
- Traceability: Being able to trace processes to the accountable party.
- Risk Management: Reducing QC risks where possible, accepting and managing risks where not.
At the end of the day, burdensome as quality assurance may be, the industries that require extensive QA typically do so from a position of public trust. QA failures are often high-profile and disastrous in this industry, undermining their credibility at times when they need it the most to keep innovating and improving the landscape of human experience.
Understanding quality assurance standards for heavily-regulated industries serves as an excellent guide even for industries that don’t depend on them. The compliance burden may be less weighty, but public trust and a reputation for quality never hurt
any business in
any industry.
5 Engineering Career Paths Worth Considering
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at 5 Engineering Career Paths worth considering. If you’re an
engineering student or graduate and you later realize that this field isn’t what you had expected it to be, then all is not lost. As a matter of fact, there are a number of
career paths available for engineering students and graduates from around the world.
First and foremost, being an engineer isn’t just about doing one job. Truth be told, engineering focuses on a wide range of careers. Even though every engineering career shares a set of crucial general skills, they eventually branch out into several other types of fields that require very unique and varying skill sets.
Put simply, the skills that you learn as an engineer will be valuable in various other fields. You can either go to different specializations of engineering or even look for a similar job at a different company if the current place you’re working in is not up to your liking.
Fortunately, engineering also involves problem-solving skills, training, and analytical prowess which you can apply somewhere else without having to take an extra course from a college or vocational school.
But before we show you some of the most prominent engineering career paths there are a certain number of prerequisites that you need to keep in mind.
1. Start from The Bottom
No matter what discipline you are in, you’re always going to start from the ground up, which is as a junior level engineer. This is an entry-level spot where you learn the ups and downs of the engineering industry from your senior engineer.
A junior engineer’s responsibilities will depend on a certain branch of engineering, but it usually focuses a lot on gathering and deciphering data, engaging in fieldwork, testing products, and helping out in documentation and reports.
2. Get Your Professional Engineer License
The next thing for you to do is to acquire a professional engineer license. With it, a vast sea of opportunities can open up for you. It’s also something that you can look towards when giving your career an early start.
As a licensed professional engineer, you will legitimately be allowed to practice engineering in your territory or province, as well as take legal responsibility for your job. The credibility that you get with having a license will offer you astounding benefits if you wish to start your own business or even start work in consulting later on.
Now let’s look at several career paths for engineering that you can opt for:
Best Engineering Career Paths
Let's now have a look at few Best Engineering Career Paths:
1. Fashion Engineer
Yes, believe it or not, becoming a fashion engineer is indeed an engineering career path. There are quite a handful of engineers who are interested in the fashion industry. This field of engineering, especially that of the ever-growing modern fashion landscape, values those who possess skills in science and math.
In fact, several renowned fashion brands like Louis Vuitton and Nike are trying to figure out how to implement technology into their clothing line up, echoing in a new era of smart wear. Think about how cool it would be to be part of a group that builds plausible 3D printed clothing solutions.
Besides that, you might also be able to lend a hand in developing machines that can make clothing as well. So, if you’re someone who is into fashion, and also loves engineering, then this is the right career for you.
2. Civil Engineering
Civil engineering involves planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining infrastructures of various shapes and sizes. Apart from covering a wide set of structural and civil engineering disciplines, civil engineering can act as its own career path and discipline.
This field involves being able to plan, design, and maintain structures both on a small and large scale. Civil engineers can design an entire building or else be involved in developing a whole transport system
A civil engineer should also be mindful of real-life considerations or concerns. What this means is that civil engineering can be intertwined with financial, environmental, ethical, and legal issues. It’s the kind of engineering where one will always be involving theoretical problem solving with a real-world, practical application, that is inspired by the needs of the entire community.
If you’re interested in construction management, which is a key component of civil engineering (many engineers do both over their careers), then you can
learn more about it here.
3. Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is the study of energy, force, and motion. Mechanical engineers sought to control these elements by using a mix of human and economic resources, and material to develop mechanical solutions that satisfy the wants and needs of society. Mechanical engineers have the following common responsibilities:
- Product design
- Manufacturing
- Research and development
- Energy
- Systems management
In many of these areas, mechanical engineers seek to create or harness energy in machines like air conditioners, refrigeration equipment, and boilers. Product design involves designing as well as manufacturing physical products like personal computers, dishwashers, and engines.
4. Electric and Electronic Engineering
Another interesting engineer career path is electronic or electrical engineering. Both of these are focused on applying electrical power. Electrical engineering is more about the production and supply of electrical power, whereas electronic engineering focuses more on smaller electronic components like the ones used within computers.
To understand how much electrical and electronic engineering has impacted the world, you should know that it has led to the creation of radio, universal electrical power, medical imaging, or television technology.
5. Environmental Engineer
Environmental engineers specialize in chemistry and biology to understand and develop solutions for environmental issues. This is especially essential considering the world is constantly plagued by climate change. Environmental engineer services are of great importance in areas of recycling, reduction of water and air pollution, as well as waste management.
And thanks to governments and companies coming up with the latest and innovative green initiatives, there is an exceedingly high demand for environmental engineers. What’s more, is that there’s usually plenty of traveling involved for environmental engineers who can go anywhere around the world and visit exotic locations.
How Technology and Human Resources Can Relate
The world of human resources stretches further than hiring and keeping employee relations copasetic. There’s so much to keep track of, day in and day out. Technology lends a hand to its friend, human resources. But with ASP.NET development services, your daily human resources task just got a whole lot easier.
We’ll be examining the relationship between these HR management systems and daily tasks. Time and attendance, onboarding, and payroll management can all be integrated into one software system with development services.
Track Time and Attendance in Real-Time
Time and attendance can be tracked in real-time by logging into your HR system and approving clock-in times, based on when your employee was scheduled. The system can tell you when your employee was scheduled when they clocked in and out. It presents it all nicely for you on the screen so you can fix missed punches or late starts.
Identify Tardies and Trends
Tardies are also recorded. Managers can easily see which employees were late that day. They can then document the individual without dispute if the company reprimands for late starts. Historically late individuals are easy to catch when their start times are so plainly laid out! Suggest leaving a few minutes early if you notice you have an employee who is always three minutes late to clock in.
Assign Job Codes for Accurate Pay
Gain even more precision by assigning job codes to each position. The HR software automatically identifies job codes to their respective pay when the employee clocks in under a certain job. Make sure employees are clocked in under the correct job code so that you can accurately pay them for their work.
Recruit Talent and Track Interview Process
By utilizing a software system that does the heavy thinking for you, the recruiting and interview process is far less complicated. The software can identify candidates based on criteria and skills. And if you decide to move forward with them, both parties can easily keep track of progress with notifications and updates via email and other methods of communication.
On-Board New Hires
New hire paperwork is tedious but so important! Again, here we’re going to let the computer do all of the heavy thinking. Let your new employees fill out tax documents, read over manuals, and perhaps even start some training online. These new development services are a breath of fresh air and leave plenty of time for your HR manager to focus on other tasks like thorough interviews or more energetic orientations.
Labor Law Integration
While the new hire process is important, labor laws might take the win. But there’s so many of them, how can one manager keep them all straight? Software specifically designed for this in mind can tell you when you might be stepping on some toes. For example, when building your schedule, warnings will let you know if you haven’t allotted enough time between shifts, legally, for your employee.
Human resource management is a key component of running a business that sees success. And a true leader knows when to allow others to do their job. By implementing development services into your business and HR practices, you’re being a true leader. Allow the relationship between technology and HR flourish.
Choosing the Right Storage System for Warehouse
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I will show you How to Choose the right storage system for warehouse. A warehouse is a place where businesses or companies store the products before delivering to their customers. The key elements in warehousing are management, operations, and systems. These are critical factors in planning, building, and maintaining the warehouse.
One major part of warehouse management operations and systems is the storage. The racking system in a warehouse is crucial to ensure business operations run smoothly. If you are building a warehouse, make sure the shelving is maximized. You also have to consider the adaptability of the shelves based on the needs of operations.
Another factor to consider is the durability of the shelving options and how well they can stand versus the products they need to hold. Last, but not the last is safety for the employees and the warehouse as a whole. The quality of materials to be used should also not be sacrificed.
Study the Different Types of Shelving
What products would you need to store? What are their corresponding weights? Are you storing homogenous products? Are you storing products with different shapes and sizes? How often is the projected pull out of each item? Which goods are faster-moving? Are there seasonal products? Which goods are slower-moving? Do the products need special storage? How about expiry dates?
There are so many questions to answer. Several factors should be considered in planning the storage system of a warehouse.
Planning and analysis of the products and business needs is key in the initial stage. This also involves studying the different options available suited for your needs.
Check out different types of shelves, their advantages, disadvantages, and adaptability. For example, if you need to store large fast-moving goods, an industrial warehouse racking system may be suited.
Always remember that the goal in a warehouse is optimal efficiency, which can mean reducing the time it would take to tick and complete an order. A systematic and a right shelving solution should help improve the inventory storage, workload distribution, and order fulfillment.
Hence, depending on your business and products to store and goals, below are some shelving options you can consider:
Shelving Option 1: Pallet Racking
Does your warehouse have continuous product movement? Perhaps, the pallet racking system is the solution for you.
This storage system provides easy access to the palletized goods. Access can be done simultaneously. This results in better productivity and efficiency for your warehouse operations.
On the other hand, in the selective racking method, the pallets are loaded or unloaded coming from the front of the racking system.
Shelving Option 2: Push Back Racking
Push back racking is suited for warehouses that need to access large different SKUs (stock-keeping units) simultaneously. This storage solution aims to maximize the capacity for storage. The push back racking follows the last-in, first-out system. This means that the goods which are placed will also be the ones to be retrieved first.
Shelving Option 3: Cantilever
The advantage of cantilever is the easy retrieval and storage of goods that have different sizes, shapes, and weights. The cantilever shelving provides easier access, selection, and adjustability. This can be customized based on your preference.
Shelving Option 4: Drive-in Rack
If you intend to store huge quantities of homogenous products, then you may consider a drive-in rack. In this method, the forklifts load and unload the products by entering through the front.
The forklift then moves back once the products are already in place. This type of shelving follows the last-in, first-out management of goods.
Shelving Option 5: Long Span Shelving
The long span shelving is highly flexible as it serves different types of applications. This uses a clip-together shelving system, which is best for storing small or heavy products.
Given the easy clip-together system, the shelves can be adjusted. They can support a mezzanine floor system. The versatility of the long span shelving allows adding accessories like tool racks, crates, or security cages.
Bend-Tech’s Steel Racking
Warehousing is not an easy task. This requires careful planning to ensure operations are optimized. The shelving system is a crucial factor. The right shelving system ensures maximum efficiency for your operations. We suggest that you study and carefully plan out the storage solutions. This is to avoid mistakes that may be costly. Getting a wrong type of shelving solution will only hamper or reduce operational efficiency.
Need advice on what type of shelving solution for your warehouse?
We can help analyze your storage requirements that are best suited for your operations. We offer bespoke solutions. No warehouse is too big or too small for us. We are open to any type of requirement.
Whether or not you have an idea of what type of shelving solution you want, do let us know. We can sit down with you to listen. Walk us through your requirements, the products that need to be stored, the dimensions of the goods, product considerations, and warehouse size, and other needs. Our well-trained engineers will be glad to assist you.
We can do any type of
Bend-Tech’s steel racking that we would agree on. All our metal storage racks are fully-engineered and built for industrial conditions. They are all certified and meet Australian standards. Rest assured that you will have high-quality shelving solutions.
We service different parts of Australia. We have offices in Perth, Newman, Brisbane, Kalgoorlie, Mount Isa, and Sydney.
A Tour to WellPCB – Fabrication House
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to have a look at another fabulous fabrication house named WellPCB. I have tried their services recently in an Arduino project, where I need to design a 3-Layer PCB and I was quite satisfied with their services. Before getting into the details, let me point out their strongest point, they have a trained customer service team, which guides you properly & solves all your queries. So, let's have a look at why you should prefer WellPCB for your next PCB order:
A quick review to WellPCB
- WellPCB PTY LTD is an Australian company ( daughter company of Uniwell Circuits Co. Ltd. ), focused on the fabrication of PCB, PCBa ( Turnkey Services ) & Flexible PCBs.
- WellPCB provides High Quality & Low Cost services in PCB industry.
- They provide a Fast Delivery method as fast as:
- 24 hours for double-sided PCBs.
- 48 hours for 4 to 8 Layered PCBs.
- 120 hours for 10+ Layered PCBs.
- You can order PCB online from anywhere in the world, from their official website.
- WellPCB is capable of delivering over 10,000 varieties monthly.
- They are currently running a sale on their site:
- $5 for 5 PCBs, 1-2 Layer.
- They follow international Certifications, which they have also published on their website:
- ISO14001:2015, ISO9001:2015.
- CertifiedIATF16949: 2016 Certified.
- UL Certified.
- Follows IPC & ROHS Standards.
WellPCB Price Quote
- WellPCB have provided an online PCB Quote Calculator on their website, from where you can instantly calculate your cost.
- They have provided this calculator for:
- PCB.
- Flexible PCB.
- Rigid-Flexible PCB.
- So, you can provide all your requirements and then can get your final cost quite easily.
WellPCB Capabilities
WellPCB has a wide range of capabilities, please have a look at the detailed WellPCB capabilities and here I am going to mention few of them:
- I have already mentioned, they offer PCB, PCBa & Flexible PCB fabrication.
- They also offer Double Sided BGAs.
- They have the capability to drill Mini Hole Diameter to 0.15mm.
- They perform X-ray Inspection on their final product for quality assurance.
- They follow Turnkey Assembly.
- They can also do Components Sourcing for you.
- All their products are in compliance with RoHS.
Why WellPCB?
I have discussed almost everything about WellPCB. I have mentioned just the important points and you can read full details on their official website. Now, let's have a look at why you should select WellPCB for your next order:
- WellPCB is a daughter company of UniWell Circuits and thus has a long experience in electronics industry.
- As it's a big fabrication house, so they not only design simple PCBs but also provide solutions for PCB assembly & Flexible PCBs, so it's like a one stop solution for everything.
- Their fabricated product follows all international standards, as I have mentioned earlier.
- They have expert Quality Assurance team and perform multiple tests on finished product.
- They have educated Customer Support Team, who answer to all your questions.
- You can also check this sister company of WellPCB named OurPCB Pty Ltd.
So, that was all about WellPCB. If you have any questions, please ask in comments and if you get their services, then do mention your experience in comments for other. Thanks for reading, take care !!!
A Tour to NextPCB – Fabrication House
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at another competitive Fabrication House named NextPCB. Recently, I was working on a project, where I need to design some PCBs and this time, I thought of trying NextPCB.
If anyone ask me, about my experience with NEXTPCB in one word, then I would say splendid !!! So, let's have a look at why we should select NEXTPCB for our next PCB order:
Quick Review about NextPCB
- NextPCB, based in China, is working in PCB manufacturing field for 15 years.
- They not only design single PCB, but also fabricate PCB Assembly & PCB Stencil.
- NextPCB manufacturing materials are certified by IATF 16949, ISO9001, ISO14001, UL, RoHS and REACH.
- They work on all types of PCBs i.e. single layer, double layer, multi-layer, through-hole, surface mount etc.
- They are following modern techniques and are thus proved quite innovative in PCB assembling.
- They provide a quick delivery response as fast as 24 hours.
- They provide a dedicated 24/7 customer service, and you can also use online chat on their official website.
- They have a great Quality assurance team, which makes sure that your product has all quality testing approvals.
- Their no order size restriction i.e. you can order single PCB or can design hundreds.
- They have a user friendly website, which is quite handy as it has a lot of features i.e.
- You can calculate your final price.
- You can easily order PCBs and can also track them.
- Can you customer support.
- Currently, there's a sale running on their site i.e. You can order 10 pieces of 4-layer PCB for $12.
NextPCB Price Packages
- On their website, they currently have four packages available, which are:
- Price: $12 for 10 pieces of 4-Layer PCB.
- Trial PCB Order is free of cost, you can order 5-10 pieces of 1-2 layer PCBs. (It's the best one)
- Price: $4.5 for 10 pcs of 2-Layer PCB.
- Price: $28 for 10 pcs of PCB Assembly Trial.
NextPCB Instant Quote
- I have found this calculator on its official site titled PCB Instant Quote, which is really helpful that's why mentioning here.
- Using this calculator, you can get the final instant quote of your order.
- It's rich with features so you can add all your requirements in it and then calculate the final cost.
- They have provided this calculator for single PCB, PCB Assembly & PCB Stencil, as shown in below figure:
NextPCB PCB Assembly Capabilities
- NextPCB provides competitive price with PCB Assembly Service.
- NextPCB uses AOI & X-Ray testing to guarantee the quality of assembly project.
- NextPCB is capable of small production and mass production for PCB Assembly, which start from 5 pieces.
- They provide fast delivery with DHL.
- Few of it's PCB capabilities are as follows:
- PCBs with up to 16 layers
- Min.Trace/Space 3.5mil(3.5mil)
- PCB Materials Fr-4, Aluminum, Rogers, Arlon, Polyamide
- Qty req 5-1000+
- PCB Max. Dimension 510*590mm
- Board Thickness 0.6-2.5mm
- Dimension Tolerance ±0.2mm
- Min. hole size 0.2mm
- Outer Copper Weight 35um/70um/105um
- Inner Copper Weight 0.5OZ/1OZ
- Please have a look at the below table, for few more features:
Why NextPCB ?
We have discussed almost everything about NextPCB i.e. what they offer, what are there packages and whether they have the capabilities to handle bulk orders. So, now let's have a look at why we should select NextPCB:
- As it's a fabrication house so they can provide you both simple PCBs or complete PCB assembly.
- Their manufacturing materials are highly certified, as I mentioned in the start, thus they offer various verification methods i.e.
- X-Ray.
- In-Circuit.
- Optical.
- Visual.
- Functional.
- They have a team of professional engineers, who performs all these testings on your PCB or PCBA and thus provides you the best result.
I hope I have provided a detailed overview of NextPCB, and now you must have the idea why I am so impressed by their services. So, that was all for today, will meet you guys in next tutorial. Take care !!!