Solar Panel Library for Proteus V2.0

Hello friends, I hope you all are well. Today, we are going to share the second version of the Solar Panel Library for Proteus. You should also have a look at the first version of the Solar Panel Library, which we have posted around 2 years back and we were receiving suggestions to reduce its size as there's less space left for other components. That's why we have designed this new Solar Panel Library and have reduced the size of the solar panel. We have also added a new black solar panel component to it. So, this library contains 2 solar Panel modules in it. First, let's have a look at a brief introduction to Solar Panel and then will download the Proteus Library zip file.

What is Solar Panel?

  • Solar Panels are designed using solar cells composed of semiconductor materials(i.e. silicon, phosphorous etc.) and convert solar energy into electrical energy.
  • Solar Panels are used to generate renewable energy and are considered as one of the major sources.
  • Real Solar Panel modules are shown in the below figure:

Solar Panel Library for Proteus V2.0

  • First, we need to download the zip file of Proteus Library by clicking the below button:
Download Proteus Library zip file
  • In this zip file, you need to open the folder named Proteus Library Files.
  • In this folder, you will find 2 Proteus Library files named:
    • SolarPanel2TEP.IDX
    • SolarPanel2TEP.LIB
  • Copy-paste these files in the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • After adding the files in Proteus software, open it and if you are already working on it, then you need to restart it.
  • In the components section, make a search for solar panel and you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • In the above figure, the first result is from version 1.0, and the remaining two are added by this new solar library.
  • Let's place these sensors in the Proteus workspace, as shown in the below figure:
  • This Solar Library has thee two solar panels in it, one is blue and the second one is black.
  • Both are of 12V but their voltage level can be changed from the Properties panel.
  • In order to open the Properties panel, double click on the solar panel and you can change the value of Voltage here, as shown in the below figure:
  • Click Ok to close the properties panel.
Now let's design a simple Proteus simulation of Solar Panel in Proteus:

Proteus Simulation of Solar Panel

  • I have changed the voltage level of black solar from the properties panel & simply placed a voltmeter in front of these solar panels, as shown in the below figure:
  • Now let's run the Proteus simulation of solar panel:
  • As you can see in the above figure, the output of black solar is around 16V, while blue solar is giving 12V.
  • That's how you can test it for variable voltage i.e. day time, night time etc.
So, that was all for today. I hope this library will help you guys in your engineering projects. If you have any issues/queries, use the below comment form. Thanks for reading. Have a good day. :)

Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus V2.0

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a new Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus V2.0. It's the second version of the Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus. In this library, we have four vibration sensors. These vibrations sensors have both digital and analog output pins and can easily be connected with microcontrollers i.e. Arduino, PIC, Atmel etc. Before downloading the Proteus Library zip file, let's first have a look at the brief overview of Vibration Sensor:
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What is Vibration Sensor?

  • A vibration sensor is a small embedded sensor, which is used to detect vibrations on any surface.
  • These vibration sensors are used for various purposes i.e. fault detection on heavy machinery, placed on doors & windows for security etc.
  • Real vibration sensors are shown in the below figure:

Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus V2.0

  • First of all, download the zip file of Proteus Library for Vibration Sensor, by clicking the below button:
Download Proteus Library Files
  • After downloading the zip file, extract its files and open the folder named "Proteus Library Files".
  • In this folder, you will find 3 Proteus Library Files named:
    • VibrationSensor2TEP.IDX
    • VibrationSensor2TEP.LIB
    • VibrationSensor2TEP.HEX
  • We need to place these files in the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • After adding these library files, open your Proteus software or restart it, if it's already running.
  • In the components section, make a search for Vibration, and you will get results, as shown in the below figure:
  • In the above search result, the first four modules are from V2.0, while the fifth one is of the first version.
  • Let's place these first four modules in the Proteus workspace, as shown in the below figure:

Adding Hex File to the Sensor

  • Next, we need to add the hex file of the sensor, so double click on the sensor to open its Properties Panel.
  • In the Program File section, browse to the hex file, which we have downloaded above and placed it in the Library folder of Proteus software:
  • After adding the hex file, click the Ok button to close the properties panel.
The vibration sensor is now ready to simulate in Proteus, so let's design a simple circuit to understand its working:

Vibration Sensor Proteus Simulation

  • I have simulated two of these vibration sensors, as shown in the below figure:
  • As you can see, I have placed an LC filter on the analog output of the vibration sensor, its because proteus gives us a peak to peak voltage value and we need t convert it to Vrms.
  • This LC filter is not required in real hardware.
  • Now, let's run the Proteus simulation and if everything's fine, you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • As the potentiometer value is different on both sensors, that's why we are getting different outputs.
So, that was all for today. I hope this sensor will help engineering students in their projects' simulations. Thanks for reading. Have a good day. Bye !!! :)

CR2032 Lithium Coin Library for Proteus

Hello friends, I hope you all are well. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a new CR2032 Lithium Coin Library for Proteus. This small cell is extensively used in electronics whereabouts because of its small size. CR2032 is not present in the Proteus components' database and we are quite pleased that we are sharing it for the first time. This library contains 3 types of these small cells, one is the cell itself, while the other two models are cells with leads. Before downloading the Proteus Library zip file, let's first have a brief overview of CR2032:

What is CR2032???

  • CR2032(also called Lithium Coin) is a small round Lithium Manganese Dioxide battery, normally provides 3V.
  • As CR2032 is very small in size, thus used in small electronics devices & whereabouts i.e. watches, bracelets, calculators, hand-held video games etc.
  • CR2032 is a small cell, so a black or yellow casing is used to operate it.
  • Here are few images of real CR2032 with casing:

CR2032 Library for Proteus

  • First of all, download the zip file of Proteus library for CR2032, by clicking the below button:
Download Proteus Library Files
  • Open the zip file of Proteus Library and extract the files.
  • Open the folder named Proteus Library Files and you will find 2 files in it, named:
    • CR2032LibraryTEP.IDX
    • CR2032LibraryTEP.LIB
  • Copy these files and paste them into the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • Now, open Proteus ISIS and in the components section, search for CR2032 and you will get results, as shown in the below figure:
  • Let's place these three components in the Proteus workspace, as shown in the below figure:
  • As you can see in the above figure, the first one is the cell CR2032 itself, and in the second and third, we have tried to create a Cell with leads & casing.
Now, let's simulate them in proteus to have a look at their output:

CR2032 Proteus Simulation

  • Here's the Proteus simulation of CR2032, where I have simply placed a voltmeter in front of these coins, as shown in the below figure:
  • Now simply run the Proteus simulation, and you will get results as shown below:
  • They all are providing 3V as shown on the voltmeters but you can change the voltage level from their properties panel.
So, that was all for today. I hope this Lithium coin will help you in your proteus simulations. Thanks for reading. Take care. Bye !!!

Proteus Library of Single Cell Battery

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing well. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a new Proteus Library of Single Cell Battery. These single-cell batteries are not present in Proteus, so we have designed them, I hope you guys will find them helpful. This Proteus library has 5 Single Cell Batteries in it, we have designed the most common ones. Four of these batteries provide 3.7V, while one provides 12V. First, let's have a look at

What is a Single Cell Battery???

  • Single Cell Batteries are available in different voltage ranges and normally provide 3.7 volts.
  • Single Cell Battery is used in small electronic projects i.e. toys, clocks, alarms, calculators etc.
  • Few Single Cell Batteries are shown in the below figure, which we have simulated in Proteus:

Proteus Library of Single Cell Battery

  • First of all, click on the below button to download the Proteus Library zip file of Single Cell Battery:
Download Proteus Library Files
  • Extract the files of this zip file and open the folder named Proteus Library Files.
  • In this folder, you will find three library files, named:
    • SingleCellBatteryTEP.IDX
    • SingleCellBatteryTEP.LIB
    • SingleCellBatteryTEP.HEX
  • We need to place these files in the Library folder of our Proteus software.
  • After adding the Library files, restart your Proteus ISIS software.
  • In the components section, make a search for "Single Cell" and you will find these results:
  • Let's place these Single Cells in our Proteus workspace, and they will look something like this:
  • These Single Cells will provide 3.7V, but you can change the voltage level from its Properties panel.
  • So, double click on any of these batteries & the properties panel will open up, as shown in the below figure:

Single Cell Battery Proteus Simulation

  • Now, let's design a simple Proteus simulation.
  • I have just placed a voltmeter in front of three of these sensors, as shown in the below figure:
  • Now, run the simulation and you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • The center one is of 12V, while all others are of 3.7V.
  • You can use these batteries to power up your electronic circuits.
So, that was all for today. If you have any questions/suggestions, please use the below comment form. Thanks for reading. Have a good day. Bye !!! :)

Sound Detector Library for Proteus V2.0

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to share a new Sound Detector Library for Proteus. It's actually the second version of our previous library Sound Sensor Library for Proteus. We have changed the name as "Sound Detector" is written on these sensors. Moreover, this new sensor is quite small-sized, compact and also has an analog output pin. We were receiving many complaints about the large size of the previous sound sensor, as it occupies more space and there's less space left for other components. So, this new one is quite small-sized and I am hopeful students will find it helpful. So, let's first have a look at What is Sound Detector Sensor and why is it used?
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What is Sound Detector Sensor???

  • Sound Detector sensor is an Embedded sensor, used for the detection of sound in the surroundings.
  • It has both analog & digital outputs and thus gives us information about the intensity of sound as well i.e. how low or high the sound is?
  • So these sensors are used for sound detection but they are not used for sound recognition.
Now let's download the Proteus Library of Sound Detector Sensor and simulate it:

Sound Detector Library for Proteus V2.0

  • First of all, download the proteus library of Sound Detector Sensor by clicking the below button:
Download Proteus Library Files
  • You will get a zip file of Proteus Library, extract these files and open the folder named "Proteus Library Files".
  • In this folder, you will find three files, titled:
    • SoundDetector2TEP.IDX
    • SoundDetector2TEP.LIB
    • SoundDetector2TEP.HEX
  • We need to place these three library files in the Proteus Library folder.
  • Once added the Library files, now open your Proteus software or restart it. (In order to index the library components, proteus has to restart)
  • In the components section, make a search for sound detector and you will get 4 results, shown in the below figure:
  • Now, let's place all these sensors in the Proteus workspace:

Adding Hex File to the Sensor

  • In order to simulate this sensor in Proteus, we need to add a hex file to the sensor.
  • So, double click on the sensor or right-click on it and then click on Edit Properties and it will open up the Properties Panel.
  • In the Properties panel, we have a textbox titled Upload Hex File and here we need to add the hex file, which we have placed in the library folder of Proteus, as shown in the below figure:
Now our sensor is ready to simulate, so let's design a simple circuit to understand its working:

Sound Detector Simulation in Proteus

  • As we have seen this sensor consists of 5 pins in total, which are:
    • V: Vcc (Power).
    • G: Ground.
    • D0: Digital Output.
    • A0: Analog Output.
    • Test: For Testing Purposes. (It's not present in real sensor)

Why Test Pin is used?

  • As we can't add a real mic in Proteus simulation, so in order to simulate this sensor, we have placed this Test Pin.
  • So, when the voltage at Test Pin will increase, the sensor will consider it as sound intensity is increasing.
  • We need to connect a potentiometer with this Test Pin.

Sound Detector Circuit Diagram

  • Now, we need to design a simple circuit in Proteus, as shown in the below figure:
  • As you can see in the above figure, I have placed an LC filter on the analog output, because we are getting peak to peak voltage and we need to convert it to Vrms.
  • We don't need to place this LC filter with the real sensor.
  • Now, let's run this simulation and if everything's good, you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • I have simulated two of these sound detector sensors and you can see they have different outputs because they have different voltage at their Test Pins.
So, that was all for today. If you have any problem in simulating the sound detector, ask in the below comments. We will soon share its simulation with Microcontrollers. Thanks for reading. Take care !!! :)

Infrared Tracker Sensor Library for Proteus

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share a new Infrared Tracker Sensor Library for Proteus. By using this library, you will be able to simulate IR based tracker sensor. This library contains 4 tracker sensors in it. This Infrared Tracker Sensor is not present in Proteus software and we are sharing it for the first time. We have already shared 2 Proteus Libraries of Infrared sensors, you should check them as well. Note: First, let's have a look at what is tracker sensor and why is it used?
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What is IR Tracker Sensor???

  • IR Tracker Sensor uses Infrared technology and contains two IR LEDs on it.
  • A signal is transmitted from one LED, which is reflected back after hitting some target and is received by the second LED.
  • This sensor is normally used in Line Tracking Robotic Projects, where the black line is sensed by this IR Tracker sensor.

Infrared Tracker Sensor Library for Proteus

  • First of all, download the zip file of Proteus Library by clicking the below button:
Download Proteus Library Files
  • Once you downloaded the zip file, extract it and open the folder named "Proteus Library Files".
  • You will find three files in it, named:
    • InfraredTrackerSensorTEP.IDX
    • InfraredTrackerSensorTEP.LIB
    • InfraredTrackerSensorTEP.HEX
  • Place these three files in the Library folder of your Proteus software.
  • Now open your Proteus software or restart it, if it's already running.
  • In the components section, we need to make a search for Infrared Tracker Sensor, and you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • As you can see in the above figure, now we have 4 infrared tracker sensors in our Proteus database.
  • Let's place these sensors in the Proteus workspace, that's how they will look like:

Adding Hex File to the sensor

  • Now we need to add the hex file to the sensor, so double click on the sensor to open its Properties Panel.
  • In the properties panel, we have a textbox named "Program File".
  • In this textbox, browse to the hex file of the sensor, which we have placed in the Library folder of Proteus software, as shown in the below figure:
  • After adding the hex file, click the OK button to close the properties panel.
Our sensor is now ready to operate.

Infrared Tracker Sensor Pinout

  • As you can see these sensors have five pins in total, which are:
    1. V: Power.
    2. G: Ground.
    3. D0: Digital Output.
    4. A0: Analog Output.
    5. Test: For Testing Purposes.

Why Test Pin is used?

  • As it's a simulation, so we can't actually generate IR pulses, that's why I have placed this Test Pin.
  • As the voltage at Test Pin will increase, the sensor will consider it as the obstacle is coming close.
  • We will place a potentiometer at this Test Pin.
  • This Test Pin is not present in a real IR Tracker sensor.
So, let's design a simple simulation of this Infrared Tracker sensor to have a look at its working:

Infrared Tracker Sensor Proteus Simulation

  • Design a simulation in Proteus, as shown in the below figure:
  • I have placed an LC circuit in front of the analog output because we have to convert the peak to peak voltage to Vrms.
  • This LC filter is also not required in real hardware, but in simulation, we need to place it to get an analog value.
  • Now, let's run our Proteus simulation of the IR sensor and if everything goes fine, you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • I have simulated two of these sensors, the rest will work the same and as you can see depending on the potentiometer, we got different values at the output.
So, that was all for today. I hope this library will help you guys in your engineering projects. If you have any questions/suggestions, please use the below comment form. Thanks for reading. Take care !!! :)

Why Connected Gadgets Are a Bad Fit for Municipal Applications

These days, it seems everything is a part of the internet of things (IoT). There is hardly a category of consumer gadget that doesn’t have an IP address or that connects to the internet in some way. One of the most venerable and respected authorities in tech news had good reason to wonder if many internet of things devices should even exist. We all need to be more careful about our salt intake. But does that somehow justify the existence of a salt dispenser with an internet connection? The internet is not going to be much help when cooking toast. Yet you can get a toaster with that feature. It is important we don’t overreact to the obvious abuses of technology. There will always be opportunists to take advantage of a new technology trend and leave a bad taste in the mouths of potential consumers. On the whole, connected devices are a good thing and can provide an extra measure of utility and security. As with everything, one just has to be discerning enough to know the difference between items that are genuinely helpful and ridiculously wasteful.


A city or township could deploy powered exoskeletons for the part of the workforce that literally does the heavy lifting, The wearer of the suit is the sole operator of the suit. No part of the operation is subject to an iffy connection with a network. The wearer controls the suit at all times. The reason exoskeleton suits are so safe is that they are always under the complete control of the wearer. Each element of the suit is activated by the operator’s initiative. If the operator wishes to lift something heavy and awkward, she uses familiar grappling and lifting motions and the exoskeleton responds. This arrangement enhances the ability of a single lifter to move objects that might otherwise require multiple people. It is always safer when a person can lift with less strain and reduce the tendency to drop items that could cause injury if mishandled. When it comes to heavy lifting, the only thing you want your equipment connected to is a skilled human who knows how to use it.


Police departments, emergency responders, and hospitals cannot afford to be hacked. One thing we have learned about the internet of things is that security is seldom the highest priority. When it comes to purveyors of these goods. They often come with basic passwords that don’t have to be changed before being deployed. Your security cameras should never activate until you have a secure password. These companies are also not especially vigilant when it comes to providing the best hardware and software encryption. Their priority is selling and not security. We have already seen the consequences of hospitals being held hostage by ransomware attacks. We have seen hackers get into public utilities such as the water supply. Every connection to the internet is a vector of attack. The last thing you want is for every light bulb in the sheriff’s office to be an easy target for hackers. If security is your priority, stay away from connected devices to the extent possible.


Municipalities don’t have money to burn. They have to operate on a strict budget. They can ill-afford $60 light bulbs. Connected devices tend to cost more because they have added components and unnecessary complexity. That also means they are less likely to last as long as a simpler device. One of the reasons is that connected devices have a software component. What happens when that software needs an update or becomes obsolete? In far too many cases, the device becomes useless. Sooner than you want, your internet of things will be transformed into a basement of bricks. That said, IoT has a lot of promise when deployed well. But the technology is not a good fit for municipal deployment due to legitimate concerns about safety, security, and spending.

Solar Power Careers For Engineers

Solar power is now generating the cheapest electricity in history, a new report by the International Energy Agency reveals. Harnessing energy from the sun via solar panels is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating a sustainable world. Heavy investment in solar infrastructure will also play a much-needed role in this transition. In turn, solar energy is creating a diverse range of careers for engineers, including industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and material science and chemistry.

Industrial Engineering

In recent years, solar panels have become increasingly efficient and affordable. As such, commercial install projects are becoming more and more in demand. Commercial solar panels can help businesses successfully decrease operating costs, reduce tax liability through government credits, and boost profits by differentiating from competitors. Industrial engineers are largely responsible for these recent improvements in solar panel technology; their job is to optimize the technologies and production methods used to manufacture solar components. Specifically, industrial engineers devise and test various mathematical models with the aim of minimizing waste. They may have a degree in industrial engineering, electrical engineering, or mechanical engineering. Fortunately, the professional growth outlook for industrial engineers remains strong with a 10% expansion in total employment expected by 2016-2026 (which is much greater on average than other engineering professions). The salary is also impressive: it’s around $87,000 per year on average.

Mechanical Engineering

Demand for solar panels is undoubtedly increasing at a rapid rate. Mechanical engineers play a vital role in ensuring the supply process keeps up with the demand by keeping it extremely smooth and streamlined, as well as looking for ways to improve both the product and the system. They may work in either a laboratory, production plant, or engineering firm. Essentially, mechanical engineers deal with the machinery and equipment used to automate the manufacturing process. For example, they’ll spend time researching, creating, and testing key industrial equipment, such as the machines used to cut silicon wafers. These wafers will then be formed into solar cells and used to form a functioning solar panel. Moreover, mechanical engineers may also supervise the creation of electric generators, along with other vital equipment used in solar power plants. Some mechanical engineers oversee the design phase, which involves utilizing computer-aided design (CAD) software to map out and develop design ideas. This process is followed up with research, developing prototypes, and testing. Just like industrial engineers, mechanical engineers can look forward to a strong employment growth outlook of 9% from 2016-2026 with a similar average salary of $87,370 annually.

Electrical Engineering

An inverter is one of the most important components in the generation of solar power; it converts direct current (DC) electricity (generated by solar panels) into alternating current (AC) electricity that’s used by the electrical grid. Where do electrical engineers fit in? Well, they have the essential job of designing, testing, and refining inverters and other pieces of equipment in order for the sun to be converted into electricity. The future growth outlook for this profession is strong — 7% between 2016-2026. Moreover, electrical engineers can also enjoy a higher salary than both industrial engineers and mechanical engineers ($99,070 a year on average).

Material Scientists and Chemists

Material scientists and chemists are similar career paths both responsible for developing the granular components that comprise solar panels. Material scientists, in particular, work with and analyze various materials in order to determine the most efficient for use. Space limitations and aesthetic considerations surrounding specific solar projects are also taken into account. In most cases, solar panels are currently able to transform between 15%-22% of solar energy into usable energy (this also depends on a host of factors including weather conditions, orientation, and placement). Material scientists are tasked with the responsibility of improving this figure. Chemists, on the other hand, have a similar job: they focus on researching and testing innovative solar cell design concepts, largely drawing upon their extensive knowledge of semiconductors and organic materials (solar cells are usually made from materials like organometallic compounds, crystalline silicon, and cadmium telluride). Similar to the other solar engineering careers, chemists and material scientists can also look forward to a 7% growth in these professions from 2016 to 2026 (which is an average rate of growth compared to all other occupations). You can also enjoy a lucrative salary as either a solar material scientist or chemist; the pay is just over $78,000 per year on average. Solar energy is fast becoming the world’s most valued power source. Whether it’s in the realms of industrial, mechanical, electrical, material science or chemistry, engineers can enjoy a range of meaningful and fulfilling careers that support this important transition and help create a more sustainable world for future generations to enjoy.

Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor(KY-024) Library for Proteus

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing fine. Today, I am going to share a new Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor Library for Proteus. We are sharing this library for the first time and we hope it will help students in their final year & semester projects. In this library, you will find 4 models of the KY-024 Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor. First, we will have a look at the brief overview of Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor, then will add its Library in proteus and will simulate it. So, let's get started:
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What is Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor?

  • Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor is used to measure the density of magnetic field in the surroundings using Hall Effect Principle.
  • KY-024 is the sensor's model used for measuring magnetic density.
  • There are many different breakout boards available but they all are using the same sensor i.e. KY-024.
So, let's install its Proteus Library and simulate it:

Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor Library(Ky-024) for Proteus

  • First of all, download the Proteus Library zip file for Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor, by clicking the below button:
Proteus Library Files
  • In this zip file, we need to open the folder titled Proteus Library Files.
  • In this folder, you will find three Proteus Library files, named:
    • MagneticHallEffectSensorTEP.IDX
    • MagneticHallEffectSensorTEP.LIB
    • MagneticHallEffectSensorTEP.HEX
  • We need to place these files in the Library folder of our Proteus software.
  • Now, open Proteus ISIS and if you are already working on it, restart it.
  • In the components search box, make a search for "Magnetic Hall" and you will get four results, as shown in the below figure:
  • Let's place these four Hall Effect sensors' models in our Proteus workspace.
So, we have successfully added these sensors to our Proteus software. Let's design a simple simulation to have a look at its working:

KY-024 Proteus Simulation

  • As we have seen this simulated model of KY-024 has five pins in total:
    1. A0: Analog output.
    2. G: Ground.
    3. V: Vcc (Power).
    4. D0: Digital output.
    5. Test: For testing purposes.

Why Test Pin is used?

  • As it's stimulation, so we can't actually create a magnetic field around the sensor, that's why we have placed this Test Pin.
  • As the voltage at Test Pin will increase, the sensor will consider it as magnetic density is increasing around.
    • If Test Pin is at 0V, the sensor will feel no magnetic field.
    • If Test Pin is 5V, the sensor will feel a maximum magnetic field.
  • We will attach a potentiometer to the Test Pin, for variable voltage levels.

Adding Hex File to the sensor

  • In order to operate the magnetic Hall Effect sensor, we need to add a hex file in its properties panel.(We have placed the hex file in the Library folder)
  • So, double click on your sensor to open its properties panel.
  • In the Upload Hex File section, browse to your sensor's hex file, as shown in below figure:
  • After adding the hex file to the sensor, click on the Ok button to close the properties panel.
Now our sensor is fully operational, so let's design its simulation:

Proteus Simulation of Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor

  • Now, let's design a simulation in Proteus software, as shown in the below figure:
  • I have attached an LED with the digital output of the sensor and a voltmeter with analog output.
  • I have also placed a simple LC filter at the analog output. This filter is not required in real hardware implementation.
  • We are using it in Proteus simulation, as Proteus gives the peak to peak value and we have to convert that PP value into Vrms.
  • If you are working on a real sensor then you don’t need to add this LC circuit.
  • Now, let's run our simulation and if everything's configured correctly, you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • As you can see in the above figure, our sensors are working perfectly, now if you change the value of the potentiometer, their output will change accordingly.
So, that was all for today. I hope this sensor will help you guys in your final year and semester projects. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. Take care !!! :)

Factors To Consider When Choosing The Ideal Material For Sheet Metal Fabrication

The sheet metal utilized in fabrication comprises an extensive list of possible materials. Making an ideal choice for your products means deciding about things like the sort of the metal, its width, and its shape. What you select should be in accordance with your overall outlook, desired final product, and suggestions from your sheet metal manufacturer. Sheet metal is produced from a diversity of metals with unique properties, and each of them offers certain benefits. Sheet metal is among the most significant building materials within the manufacturing sector. It’s usually fabricated from metals like aluminum, nickel, steel, tin, brass, titanium, and copper. When it comes to product design, manufacturers have to choose the most suitable metal choice to use for their specific requirements.

Photo from Pinterest

The landscape of materials within the manufacturing industry is immense, and sometimes it might be intimidating to select the proper material for your sheet metal fabrication project. With sheet metal fabrication experiencing diverse technological advances and innovations, you must also adapt to the latest trends by making an investment in the proper material to serve your needs. To better understand why the material choice plays a significant role, you should be aware of specific factors before selecting a material. Once you go through these factors, you can link them to your goal and product to decide which material will be the best option for your sheet metal prototypes. This article guides you through the most significant factors you must bear in mind when choosing the sheet metal material for your prototype. Therefore, if you’re interested in learning how to select your materials for sheet metal fabrication, continue reading ahead.

Consider The Material’s Hardness

Hardness relates to the metal’s capability to withstand deformation in case of impact, load, or abrasion. Hardness can be measured based on its resistance to indentations, scratches, and bounces. Besides, certain issues with hardness are possible to overcome through a hardening process. Hardness is crucial for load-bearing constructions because hard metals are better at withstanding abrasion and load. Metals with high levels of hardness are titanium, bronze, hot rolled steel, spring steel, stainless steel, brass, and cast iron. On the contrary, metals with low hardness are copper, aluminum, and lead.

Purpose And End Use

You need to always begin with having clear objectives and views on how your product will be used. Once you get a new point of view and re-envision your metal products, you may even enhance your product’s lifetime. Furthermore, think about the other components your parts will interact with,  and the conditions your sheet metal prototypes will be placed under for use.

Shape And Geometry

With all the technological advances in the manufacturing sector, various materials are easily adjustable. So, think if your prototype will require basic bends or complex linear forms. Examine and learn the qualities and characteristics of varied materials such as aluminum, steel, stainless steel, brass, copper, lead, and brass.

Photo from USA Today

Discover which material and procedure go well together in order to achieve your expected results. Some types of sheet metal are easier for bending over others. For example, the majority of aluminum grades are very pliant. The advantage of a material that’s easily pliable is that it gives you the possibility to combine separate parts. In fact, you may replace screwing or welding. It will reduce piece count and ease assemblage.

Corrosion Resistance

When choosing a material, you should consider the conditions it’ll be exposed to once placed. Some metals react better than others to oxidation, water, or other elements. For example, metals such as stainless steel won’t erode, but they may develop an oxide layer. You should also take into consideration that galvanic corrosion may happen when different metals are in contact together. Metals that are less corrosion resistant are cold-rolled carbon steel, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, nickel, and tin.

Requirement & Run Length

You have to think of the impact of the preliminary cash flow management and the long-term ROI (return on investment) offered by the material you choose. Make the necessary calculations and look into the approximate yearly units you will need, and if the material you pick will balance the return on investment. Tooling expense amortization can provide you the best investment return. Consequently, take into account that aspect likewise prior to zeroing in on materials.

Size of The Prototype

Depending on the size of the prototype you want to fabricate, know that each technique can fabricate a specific amount of metal length. For instance, roll-forming enables you to fabricate pieces as far as 16 meters in length. So, examine the size of your sheet metal prototypes, particularly the length of the part. Afterward, according to that criteria, select the proper material and the technique as well.

Think about the Cost for the Material Beforehand

Cost generally isn't the most significant factor when choosing a sheet metal for fabricating a prototype. It’s crucial to make the best selection based on the factors we’ve listed above. However, if there is a valid alternative with a lower cost, it’s always worth considering. Still, bear in mind that many times lower cost materials need additional processing, which can result in you not, in fact, saving a lot, so you could have used the higher cost material in the first place. High price metal is stainless steel, and low price metals hot rolled steel, low carbon steel, and tin.

Why Material Choice is Important

These factors we mentioned above will enable you to exclude other material options while making your selection and choose the material which suits the most for your products or parts. The material choice is significant because metals behave differently to different surroundings and conditions. That involves actions like, for instance, cooling, heating, cooling, molding, and melting. For that reason, most of all, the choice of material matters in sheet metal fabrication projects. Selecting the best material for your parts will provide you with a competitive advantage by improving factors like quality, mechanical properties, endurance, function, and performance. The chosen material needs to be able to sustain its strength and physical features during the process of manufacturing. If you don’t select the proper metal, your product will probably fail during the manufacturing procedure.

Final Words

Selecting the right material for your sheet metal prototypes will provide your product many benefits and improve its overall quality, function, and performance. If you overlook choosing the right material, the chances of prototype failure during the manufacturing process are high. Therefore, evaluate our guide before you begin with your sheet metal fabrication project because the factors we listed above can help any manufacturer select the correct metal.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

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Syed Zain Nasir