Does Https Impact SEO? | Importance Of SSL In SEO

Hello friends, welcome back to our website.  I am sure you all will be doing great. Today, I am going to TALK about the importance of SSL in SEO or Does https impact SEO and how helpful they are for you? And most importantly what are they? Need for protection is getting high day by day whether it is about our home security, or on phones apps and same goes for website security.  A secure website can save you from cybercrime and hacking. Therefore, to know about SSL and SSL website is essential for your own safety. There is a bonus for you in the end because I am going to tell you about an amazing tool that will make your life easier. It is an SEO tool that will help you in analysing your website or any of your competitor website. 

What is SSL Certificate And Should You Implement It

  • In short, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security measure for a website. They are basically installed on the webserver in the form of small data files. It makes sure to build a secure connection for your website from a web server to the browser. 
  • SSL is encrypted technology and the actual purpose of it is to make the website secure when it is passing through the internet from one computer to another computer.
  • It will help you in protecting all kinds of your data from your credit cards to email addresses or any other information related to your website.
  • SSL certificate is also known as Digital Certificate. A Certificate Authority has issued it to make the purchaser identity authentic.   
  • Certificate Authority: CA is a trusted third party that generates and issues the SSL certificate for websites.
  • It does not only help you in securing your data but let the user know that their data is safe from hackers and confidential.
You should definitely implement the SSL certificate on your website. However, you should know about the type of SSL certificate before you implement it. So keep reading on.
Types of SSL Certificate and Which one You should Choose for Your Site
Three types of SSL certificate are available.
  1. Extended Validation (EV SSL)
  2. Organization Validated (OV SSL)
  3. Domain Validated (DV SSL)
All three certificates have the same encryption level. The only difference between these three certificates is the process of review and verification processes needed to obtain the certificate. The look of the every SSL certificate in the browser bar is also changing.          #1 Extended Validation SSL Certificate EV SSL certificate is the most expensive and secure, because of human involvement. The level of verification for this certificate is most strict from all other levels. The CA (Certificate Authority) is in charge to check the right of the applicant. They also ensure that if the organization is aware of the SSL certificate request and then approved it with a few weeks after all vetting. These steps of the verification process required before issuing a certificate:
  • Ensure the physical location, legal and operation existence of the applicant
  • Verify that the identity of the applicant matches the official records
  • Ensure that the applicants have rights to use the domain
Every web browser shows an SSL certificate with different interfaces like green font or green bar. Although Chrome has changed the view recently. It is best for eCommerce websites. Indicate: It displays the company name in a green bar and displays the secure padlock. Chrome Firefox     #2  Organization Validated (OV SSL) It is less expensive as compared to an EV SSL certificate. The main purpose of organization validated SSL certificate is to encrypt the user sensitive information during a transaction. OV SSL certificate also has a high guarantee similar to the extended validation SSL certificate. It is best for business and non-profit websites. In this process, CA investigates the organization for validation but not very deeply. Contact the organization to check its authenticity. It will take a few days in the whole process. The expense of organization validation (OV SSL) certificate is more than a domain validation certificate. Indicate: Display the secure padlock and in the display company name will be indicated for indication. Chrome Firefox #3 Domain Validation Certificate  It is one of the cheap validation certificates. Most of the website holder use this certificate when their budget is low.
  • Domain validation certificate comes at the lowest level of validation certificate.
  • There is not any strict verification involve in this certificate.
  • CA just check that the organization has control over the domain.
  • This verification process is usually done via email.
  • There is not require any copy work to submit to the company. T
  • he time requires for this certificate is only a few hours.
  • There is no human involvement involved in the validation process.
It is the most inexpensive type of certificate. This certificate is recommended to use when security involvement is not a concern. It is best for social website and blogs. Indicate: Its display the secure padlock Chrome Firefox And if the website will be not secure their indication could be like this.  

What is HTTPS 

You have surely seen this HTTP (http://) or HTTPS (https://) in every URL.  If you are interested in learning about internet security then you should definitely read this till the end.  Https (Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure, or Security) is a version of the standard web transfer protocol (HTTP). Http add a layer of security of data in traffic through (SSL) a secure socket layer or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. TLS is the new version of SSL. Https basically shows that the website is secure.   Https is a protocol that secures communication between browser and web server.  A hacker can easily hack the communication between browser and web server when it will be on an Http website. Because communication is in hypertext format.  Hence when it would be over https website then communication would be saved because it is in an encrypted format.
  • Htpps stop hacker from reading and modifying the data.
  • Hacker is not able to use encrypted data
  • Https ensures cyber safety
  • Htpps also help with SEO

 IS SSL Certificates Important for your Website?

Yes! It is important for your website or any website too.  You might be probably thinking that it is not necessary for you because your website does not need any credit cards requirements or any sensitive information. Although it is crucial to secure your personal information, it has become important for each website to secure their website using SSL.  If your website will be secure then the user will trust your website too because SSL is the symbol of trust for your users. As we all know cybersecurity crimes are arisen in past years and the new user is aware of this fact too.   In case your website has not SSL certificate yet then make sure to get it.  Well, now all the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing have started using the presence of SSL certificate as a ranking factor. This clarifies that it will leave an impact on your website SEO too. 

How Https/SSL Impact SEO

There is both a direct and indirect impact on SEO of SSL certificate.  Google search engine has announced in 2014 that there will be a slight boost impact on their ranking because of an SSL certificate.  This is a direct impact on SEO because of a secure website.  In 2015 Google declares that if there will be tie break between two websites. For example, two websites are equal in competing but one website is https secure and the other is not then google will rank https website ahead than others. There are different indirect impact too. As for example the bonus rate (the % of people come to your website and leave it immediately) has an impact on your website overall ranking.  If a user comes at your website and notices that there is no secure flag or https then he/she can leave right away. Because they will not feel secure to trust your website.  In brief, if your bonus rate will be high then it will leave a negative impact on your website and your website ranking will go down.  Users will be stick to your website for a long period of time if they will feel secure. 

How to Check the SSL Certificate 

It is not difficult at all, as I mentioned at the beginning that I am going to tell you about a tool that will help you analyse your website free. Go on this link and submit your website.  As you can see in the image below that you have to enter your website in the given box and press submit button. when you will submit the URL then a new page will pop up with this type of image. The green tick shows that it is a secure website. As you can see in the below image. It is really a simple and helpful tool that will help you in your blog ranking and analysing it. You can check up on your competitors too and what they are up to. In my future articles, I am going to discuss in detail about this tool that how amazing it is and how it could make your life easier. You don't have to go on a different website to check on various things. This one tool will give an answer to all of the questions related to SEO.


In this modern digital era, cybersecurity is so important. Everything is available on the internet to buy from households things to industries machinery. So it is good to verify that you are using an authentic website. Unsecure website will pop up with "not secure" warning icon. Make sure to buy something from the https website that has an SSL certificate. There are three types of SSL, but you have to choose what is best for you and as I mention above that what certificate is better for your website. SSL certificate gives safety and confidence to website visitors.  Your consumer will trust your website over your competitors if their website is not secure. Keep visiting our website for more beneficial content.

How to Improve Alexa Ranking | What is Alexa Rank

Hello folks, how are you guys doing? I hope everything will be great on your side. In today's tutorial, I am going to talk “What is Alexa rank, how to improve Alexa ranking and what is Alexa global rank?  To make your website rank higher in  Alexa rank you should definitely know the answer to this question and it will also improve your search engine ranking too.  Everyone is in the race to rank their website on top in the google search result and make their Alexa rank improve, you will probably come across different methods and techniques to climb over.  To be on the top of the Alexa rank with organic SEO is tough but not impossible. I will assist you in discovering what is Alexa, how to improve your Alexa rank, how to check your website Alexa ranking globally and internationally through a free analytic tool.

What is Alexa?

Alexa is a tool of Amazon and it helps you to find website ranking or popularity. Alexa does not have any link with the Google search engine. They provide the result on the base of their own algorithm and combined data over the past three months.  Alexa does a global ranking by using web traffic data and make a list of websites. In this global ranking, the lower your Alexa rank is the more popular your website is.  For example (Google global ranking in Alexa is 1). Its means that this website has most visitors on the internet past three months.  Alexa tells the rank of the website internationally and with a country too. Look in the image below
Country Rank or International Rank
  Alexa provides the rank of your country too. The lower your rank is, the more popular your website would be.  As you have seen in the image that googles Alexa traffic rank is 1. It is the top.  You want to increase the traffic of your website then you have to know the global and national rank of your website. In case, it is higher than you need to work on it to lower it. Does your Alexa Rank is not as efficient as it should be?  There is nothing to worry, I will help you in improving your Alexa Rank.  The guide for improving Alexa Ranking is below. 

How to Improve Your Alexa Rank Quickly

The very important part to increase Alexa ranking is by installing the Alexa toolbar on your browser. Meaning, whenever you or visitors visit a website then website ranking will automatically boost up. So it is important to have installed an Alexa toolbar. Here is the ultimate direction for you. #1 Write Unique and Eye-Catching Content  To improve your website Alexa rank you have to write quality content for your website. You might have read many times that Content is king and this is a fact and there is no doubt in this statement. So try to write as unique as you can write. Write traffic-driving content for your website then there is nothing that can stop your website from improving Alexa rank. Unique website content will improve your search engine ranking and boost search engine ranking will improve your Alexa rank. #2 Find Keywords that drive traffic to your website It is important to work with the relevant keywords that drive traffic to your website. Try to find all those keywords that are driving traffic for your competitors. By doing a little research you can find what your competitors are up to and what your audience is searching.  Your website quality content can’t reach the relevant audience until you don’t know what your consumers are searching.  So it is important to use keyword research tools to find out the right driving traffic keywords.  Use Keyword Planner - Google Ads to find keywords. It is a free tool.  #3 Follow SEO best Practice on your website  In this age improving your website without SEO is not possible. SEO will help you in improving your website search engine ranking and make it better for your customers. There are different strategies you have to practice to make your website visible in the search engine and improve the Alexa ranking. Keep in mind all these points:
  • Blog/website Submissions
There is a different platform for submitting websites. Search engines and directories are major forums. After submitting your website, it will index your website in a journal and will bring movement on your site. Your Alexa ranking will be enhanced after the movement on your website.
  • Share your content on Social Network Sites
Social networking media sites can improve your Alexa ranking drastically. All the sites will notify the existence of the website. So you should definitely do this to make your website ranking improve.
  • Post Article
 It is important to post traffic-generating content daily to improve your website visibility. Website improvement in search engine ranking will certainly improve your Alexa rank.
  • Quality Backlinks
Backlinks are so important for a website and all the SEO experts always highlight the importance of quality backlink. Quality backlinks help search engine to identify the authority and quality of your website. 
  • Increase Web Traffic
Increasing your traffic is not an easy task. It takes time to make your post on top of the search engine. Have patient and do your best and then wait for a miracle to happen. Create content that people want to read and daily  Consequently, your website Alexa ranking will improve within weeks after following these SEO practices. #4 Install Alexa Toolbar As I have pointed out before that installed the Alexa toolbar on your web browser. It leaves a big impact on improving the Alexa ranking and all your visit on your website will boost your rank.  I am telling you all from my own experience, so don’t take it lightly and download it instantly.  Note: Download Alexa toolbar in all of your computer/laptop web browsers and set your website as a default website in all of them.  #5 Figure Out your Competitors Marketing Strategy There could be many reasons follow Alexa ranking of your site. That's why I recommend you to discover your errors and mistakes by analysing your competitor's website THROUGH Alexa siteinfo.  Perform a Comparison of websites and find out what you were missing.  It will allow you to identify what marketing strategies are not working for you and what trends are important. Then work on it after analysing and it will definitely leave a positive effect on your Alexa ranking.
Does Alex Rank have any Value in SEO?
    Yes! As I told before, Alexa does work as one of SEO audit tool.  if you will follow Alexa improving strategy then your website SEO will certainly boost.  Goole does rank the websites with little different strategies. Check below How does Google Rank Websites The reason behind the google on the 1st in the global ranking is that its search results are most relevant and useful. There are millions of users who use this website daily and trust the website content.  The determination of the global ranking depends on the different (200+)  factors that how it is most useful and relevant to the users.  No one is actually aware of the fact that what google search engine algorithm (mathematical process) use to rank a website. They never tell anybody.  Although all the SEO and online marketing experts who are working on SEO for many years are coming to a conclusion and agree on a few terms. 
Main Factors To Rank A Website On Top In Search Engine  
  • Keyword usage
  • Domain Factor
  • Website Structure
  • Time Spent on Website
  • Website Speed
  • Mobile usability
  • Number of quality links
  • Number of inbounds links
  • User Interaction
  • On-site web spam factor
  • Off-site web spam factor
Keep in mind one thing that all the algorithm is designed by humans but the ranking of the website entirely determined algorithm. There is no human involvement involved in determining any website.   If any of the websites is on top again some keyword then it is based on algorithm result. Google Search engine is continuously changing, updating and reviewing its search result. If some website is top on today, it is a possibility that could go down next week if there would be a better website with great content.  

How to Get a Free Alexa Ranking Analysis

 To get a free Alexa analysis of your website or your client website is not difficult anymore. Click here. You can easily now find the global ranking through Alexa.  As you can see, a screen will be pop up after clicking. Now there is an option for submitting a website. Enter your website URL.  After entering a website a new dialogue box will show and now you can see the global ranking with the country ranking too.  Do you want to look in more detail? Feel free to explore more thing on this tool. You will find it more useful and it will help you grow your knowledge. HENCE, You all now aware of the importance of Alexa. SEO is continuously evolving and developing and it is vital to keep a tab on Alexa tool too. To make your ranking better. If you want to be on the top of google search ranking then you have to keep an eye on Google updates. And check frequently Alexa ranking of your website to know about the progress of your website. Keeping an eye on updates can make you stick in this battle and help you in always on top. If you want to stay updated then keep visiting our site for more insightful knowledge.

What is DA (Domain Authority) & PA (Page Authority) and Role of Moz Rank in SEO

Hello everyone, welcome back to our website and I hope you are getting along with your life pretty well. I always try to discuss the latest tools of SEO that help you in growing your business and set you on top of the search engine. Today I am going to talk about a new topic that is “What is DA And PA & Role of Moz Rank in SEO”.

Moz Rank is an SEO tool that measures your website links popularity score. But most of the marketers are using it to track the search engine result page (SERP) ranking of different website pages and the whole website.

Keep in mind that Moz rank metrics have not any link with Google Search Engine but these are MOZ metrics.

DA and PA are two terms used by Moz to give the score of your website and all the other pages of the website. You can examine the Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) of your website and compare it to your competitors and build SEO strategies to compete with your opponents.

DA is GLOBAL, one domain on the whole internet but PA is LOCAL to your individual site.

So let's jump into it and discover in further detail about it.

What is Domain Authority (DA)

DA is a parameter of Moz, that helps you to predict the search ranking score of your website. That score will analyse how well a website will rank on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Check the Technical Definition of DA on MOZ website

Domain Authority is based on data from our Link Explorer web index and uses dozens of factors in its calculations. The actual Domain Authority calculation itself uses a machine learning model to predictively find a "best fit" algorithm that most closely correlates our link data with rankings across thousands of actual search results that we use as standards to scale against.

The range of domain authority score is one to 100. The higher score DA website would have high chances to rank quickly. So keep an eye on your website and check it daily to know about the score of your website.

There are different factors included to calculate the DA:

  • Linking Root domains.
  • Number of total links.
  • Ranking Strength.

Moz has recently updated their way of calculating metrics and Moz DA 2.0 update is quite amazing as compared to the old version. People are going crazy over it because now it is more reliable with much better indication. It is helping people in many ways for their business growth.

What Is A Good Domain Authority (DA)

There are sites that are leading on the online web for ages, because of a large number of high-quality external link and their quality content. Their DA is high, like Google and Wikipedia.

But the small business website has low DA because of few inbound and external links. When a new brand starts a website they always have to start with a 1 DA score.

For this reason, New websites take time to reach 70 to 80 DA scores. You should first perform a website audit of your competitors' sites.

Hence, MOZ is a comparative tool there is no good and bad Domain Authority.

So, DA (Domain Authority) just predicts the rank ability of your website. You should not make this only goal to just increasing in your DA score. There are many other factors that you should keep in mind too. Keep track of your competitors metrics and do a comparison between them. AND make an aim to compete your competitor's DA score.

What is Page Authority (PA)

  • PA is another parameter of Moz. It predicts how specific your page will rank on search engine rank pages (SERPs).
  • The score of PA is from one to 100. If your PA score will be higher then it will be easy to rank.
  • There are dozens of factor that take care of this process and measure the strength of each page.
How is Page Authority (PA) scored
100 points of the algorithm scale used to calculate the score of PA. There are hundreds of cases and reports out there that shows that it is easy to increase score from 30 to 40 than it is to increase from 70 to 80.
Where you can find DA and PA?
You can find DA and PA on MozBar website and through our online SEO tool. Moz has incorporated with tons of SEO online tool, they are providing you DA and PA on their sites.

How to use these metrics in SEO?

Two things you need to consider are:
  • Examine whether google is ranking links and pages
First and formest you need to figure out the content in that page. Especially, the length of your webpage and compare it with your own website. Then check out the DA of it. Most of the time the top result contain high DA of (60-70) or +. This would suggest that you have to need dozens of quality links to be at the top of the chart. Otherwise, there would be chances that top pages have a little DA score and just because of a good article. Currently, this is common now.
  • Look at the individual pages and rank them according to PA
For the individual pages of your website, you can track them by their PA score or by individual page. Sometimes a page is working well but there PA is down. So don’t bother about this much and add some quality links to push your page up the top. Focus on good internal links that can boost your page and provide value to the readers.

IS MozRanks Important for your SEO?

Yes! It is important for your SEO to know about the DA and PA of your website. But there is another side of the story that don’t make it your only priority. There are other important things that you have to keep in mind while doing the SEO of your website. Basically, all of these ranking tools are coming into existence to replicate the search engine ranking algorithm. Companies like Moz, Majestic, Ashref’s and SEMRUSH have invested significantly to bring us an accurate result. They all are working hard in calculating the back of data and providing insight into how well your website might rank against your competitor. MozRank is the most used tool on the web and therefore I am going you to introduce a free tool that will provide you with a DA and PA of your website free with many other SEO tools too. MozRank can help you with the following:
  • Ideal for finding your competitors
  • Finding out who links to your competitors
  • Perfect SEO guide

What Moz DA measure?

  • Moz is well known for measuring links.
  • Moz does measure inbound links of your website that are coming from other sites to your specific pages.
  • Inbounds links to any of your subdomain
  • Measure the unique domain and total numbers of links pointing at your website
  • Moz takes all of the data from their own link to explore the tool

How to Check your MozRank

There is nothing hard you have to do to check the DA and PA of any website. The first step is to go on Seo Analytic tool. You can use it to access the Alexa ranking, MozRank, webpage size and many more.

This tool will give you a quick glance of your website in just a single click. This is a free tool and will give you tons of information about your website is doing. A major part of this tool is to help you in achieving better positions in search engines.

  • This is an overview of the tool.
  • Now you have to enter your website in the given box. As you can see in the image with the help of an arrow.
  • Click on the Analyze website to get the result.
  • This is how your result will be displayed.
Advantage of using:
  • Reliable indicator
  • Aware of the fact that how well you will perform against your competitors
  • You can find about the web position in any search engine
In addition, the social network also influences the DA and PA of your website. You should definitely check the social network links too. Keeping track of their values are worth considering.   Companies like Moz and all the other online SEO companies have invested heavily to build the trusted platform for website holders and marketers, where they can analyse their websites. They are trying to mimic the Google search engine to bring the insight of how well your website ranks against a competitor. Moreover, It is clear that all MozRank can help you in growing your business. But keep in mind that doesn’t make it just your only measurement. Use all other strategies to make your website visitors increase. Combined it with other tools like Alexa Rank and others to research your competitors SEO and marketing strategies. Let me know what SEO tools do you use except MozRank for your website and which one is your favourite. Or is there any tool you want me to discuss. I really love to hear from you. Comment below and share your experiences.

Entering The Era Of The Self-Repairing Machine 

Hello fellows, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we are gonna have a look at  Entering The Era Of The Self Repairing MachineWhether you’re a kid with a battery-operated toy or an adult looking to change the channel, at some point, we all long for the battery that doesn’t die.  Researchers in Japan are looking at making the self-repairing battery an actual thing in the near future. The technology uses a material that reduces degradation and self-heals, thanks to a process called coulombic attraction.  But this is not the only self-healing technology we can look forward to. Not only will this technology prove to be helpful to networking, but it will also make efficient electronics seem unstoppable

Cyber-Resilience Becomes The Mantra For Technicians 

  • In a world where we have to face the possibility of coming up against quantum computing, it’s important that technology is able to stand up to the multi-layered threats that these supercomputers might bring. But it starts now, as cybercriminals become more advanced with their attacks.
  • At the heart of cyberattacks lies sophisticated coding that can infiltrate both hardware and software, which leave systems vulnerable for days, weeks, or even months until detected.
  • Self-healing machines that rely on AI to detect faults and shut down and restore will provide layers of security that are far more intricate than the machines of the system currently rely on. 

Big Data Gets A Boost 

Self-healing on the big data front is a critical component in preserving and processing information for future use, but companies are also well aware that when something goes wrong, that data can mean nothing. Alibaba has developed closed-loop self-healing hardware to prevent machine failure from affecting their data. The system makes use of an enormous amount of offline processing (95%) to resolve system errors and potential failures before closing the loop for the remaining 5% to be processed online. The combination of MaxCompute and Tianji has given Alibaba the edge over the self-repair cycle. For the company, this means fewer resources being pooled into repairs and maintenance, which leaves their hands free to provide customers with technical support and improve their sales cycle. This is a win for both consumers and businesses that rely on big data to make progress. 

IoT Errors Will Become Obsolete 

One of the reasons why the Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial IoT, is still not fully integrated into all businesses and homes is because of a few fundamental flaws that still prevail. According to technicians, the answer to self-repair within IoT networks lies in Bayesian networks, which is a mathematical model developed to work with sensors to detect issues. Machine learning is the next component in this network that works towards the self-repair process, as the software will figure out how the machine is supposed to work and then repair the components that need to be repaired. This is an important part of IoT and will influence the probability of it being adopted by households, industries and governments alike. The self-healing function of the network will also provide a layer of security that reduces the effects of cyberattacks on the network.  With the help of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, self-repairing machines will become the new normal. Combined with the right software and networking combinations, the self-repair loop is not only probable but possible as well. Do you know any latest self-repairing or healing technology? If you do then share with us in comments below, we would love to hear new ideas from you. That's how we can share our knowledge with each other. 

What is Future of PCB?

 Hello, welcome back with another PCB tutorial and in today tutorial I am going to discuss “What is Future of PCB?” Now, you will be pretty aware of the Printed circuit board.  Since the invention of PCB, there are different changes and evolvement happened in PCB and its evolvement make it advanced. Now PCBs are available in different shapes and hardly resemble their first invention.  They are not just changing shape, but their efficiency rate is much higher than before. The manufacturing process and design of software make it more productive and cost-effective.  Now consumer demand is growing within passing time and so must PCBs. PCB is the base of all electronic devices.  There is no doubt that the PCB maker feels intense pressure on development and growth. As customer demand is to get the faster and small device, and the industries looking for improved functionality.  Therefore, PCB will need to be continually developing in the future. But the question is 

What will be the future of PCB?

It is so necessary to get ready for the future in any field of life. That’s why it is important to know the future of PCB or what PCB has ahead for us.  The current PCBs are so flexible and producing an incredible rate, but there is always room for development.  Whether it is a function of PCB or its flexibility. The Consumer is always a demand for new and different function of PCB. The manufacturing process of PCB needs to be worked on because the complexity of the PCB gets grow. All the complexity of PCB has grown the new challenges for manufacturing companies.  It is predicted that these are the following areas that need to be worked on in the future.  Note:
  • There are many companies working online for PCB designing & manufacturing. We currently use PCBWay for PCB Designing of our projects.
  • I personally enjoy their services, that's why recommending it, as I have always received perfect results from them.
High-speed capabilities
We are living in a tech era and that demand for high-speed functionality in everything. We have become used to fast-paced technology. The same case deals with PCBs and now users same demand for electronic devices too.  It is a challenge for designers to make unique and high-speed PCBs. The definition of high-speed PCBs for the designer has relatively changed.  Most of them are agreed upon that definition of high-speed PCB is that ‘Circuit layout affects the integrity of the signal.  But it can mean different things. Analog Signal The capacity is in the shape of a  signal in the high-speed analogue circuit. It means that If the signal shape will be changed, then the signal integrity problem will appear. 
Digital Signal
The capacity or intelligence is contained in the digital pulses. So if it would be effected on a signal, then the signal integrity could be delayed or manifest.  As you have seen that in both cases signal integrity could be interpreted by different effects. Many high-level designers know how to make it work and adjust all these problems and working on it for higher speed capabilities. 
PCB Board Cameras
PCB board cameras are fitted directly on circuit board. These cameras can easily take pictures and are also able to make videos. The camera consists of an aperture, lens and image sensor, that's why is able to take high-resolution pictures.  The size of the camera is around a quarter and that’s why can be fitted easily on a circuit board. They are so tiny that they can be mounted in any electronic device.  After the introduction of board cameras, The circuit boards developed quickly with photo and video imaging and improving in primary areas.  The PCB board cameras are expected to be developed further in the future and create a powerful solution for both PCB industry and electronics.  Board cameras are used in several industries due to their sizes.
Medical Instruments
These board cameras are used in medical instruments to make the medical field more advanced. Now pill-sized cameras are available. The pill-sized camera can be swallowed by the patient so the doctor can take images or videos on the digestive system and decide to operate or not.  Cameras are also used in instructional tools for the surgeries. 
Consumer Electronics
For utility consumer, board cameras are also used in different electronic devices. In today's smartphones, laptop, tablet and several other companies also used board cameras. All of the consumers are pushing for a more powerful camera. All of these industries are only a few examples. This is a vast area where board cameras need to work more on it in future. There is a huge demand for board cameras and therefore the work is in progress for day/night and low light capabilities of the camera. It will make an improvement in every aspect of technology.    
3D Printed Electronics
3D printing technology is the latest innovation and it has made things more exciting. 3D printing has a stand out work in a variety of industries and  3D printed electronics is one of them.  3D printing has played an important role in Printing board industry too. 3D PE, 3D printed electronics and 3D PEs are in a position to change the way of electrical system and design in the future. These systems create circuit boards by printing a substrate item layer by layer. By adding different liquid inks and surface mount technology to create a final board. This circuit board can take any shape in the result.  The advantages of this 3D printing are:
  1. Novel Design
  2. Improved efficiency 
  3. Environment-friendly
Because of all these advantages, 3D PE has advanced quickly and moving forward. All the experts are expecting that this industry will move quickly as manufacturing companies. 

Focus on Flexibility

The PCB industry is already fast-growing because of consumer demand. Flexible PCB type is the most demanding one because of the use in different sectors like wearable electronics, medical applications and flexible display.   The sales growth is exceeding and it means the future is bright.  These are all the reasons that make flexible PCBs more popular. Flexible PCB can handle more stress than rigid PCB and can fit into strange 3D spaces.  These are several industries that are putting the trend toward flexible PCB. 
  1. LED Lighting
  2. Flexible Display
  3. Medical Instrumentation
  4. Wearable Technology
 People in the PCB industry can expect to see many more PCB changes come into demand in the near future if all these trends continue.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

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Syed Zain Nasir