Introduction to LM380

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about Introduction to LM380. LM-380 is an audio amplifier, specially designed for the customer's power audio amplification purposes. Its designers fix its gain internally up to 34dB. In LM 380, ground reference signal is allowed by a unique input stage and the output automatically maintains its level to half of the supplied input voltage. LM-380 has a copper lead frame. The three pins in the middle of the IC on both side, are basically the ground pins. These three pins on both sides makes it easy for the user to use this device for standard PC's. LM 380 has several different features e.g. wide supply voltage range, high peak current, low distortion etc. Moreover, LM 380 provides high input impedance, low quiescent power drain, fixed voltage gain, input referenced to ground etc and a lot more. LM-380 is the most common device and easily available in market now a days due to its cost effectiveness and high performance. LM 380 can be used at different places in real life. Its applications may include intercoms, ultrasonic drivers, line drivers, teaching machine output, television sound systems, alarms, phonograph amplifiers etc. Some other applications include power converters, AM radio, FM radio, servo motor drivers etc. The further detail about LM-380 will be given later in this tutorial. [otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-7]

Introduction to LM380

LM380 is an audio amplifier used specially for power audio amplification purposes. It has a fixed internal gain. A specific input signal allows ground reference signal and the out signal maintains its level to the half of the applied input voltage. Three ground pins on both sides of the IC make its use easier for anyone to use it. wide supply voltage ranges, high peak current, high input impedance, low distortion are its major features. LM-380 can be used in intercoms, servo motors drivers, alarms, TV sound systems etc. LM 380 IC is shown in the figure given below.
1. LM380 Pins
  • Pins of a device play a vital role for applying any sort of input and to achieve the desired output.
  • LM-380 has fourteen (14) pins, each individual pin has its own importance.
  • All these pins are provided in the table shown in the figure below.
2. LM380 Pins Description
  • In LM 380 six pins are such that they have their common functions, and they are the ground pins.
  • Pins play a very important role when we desire to achieve the particular results from that device.
  • LM-380 pins description is given in the table shown below.
3. LM380 Pinout
  • Pinout diagram helps us to understand the pin configurations of a device.
  • We must have a look at pinout diagram of any device before going to use it.
  • LM-380 pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
4. LM380 Symbolic Representation
  • Through symbolic form of a device, we can understand the internal structure of that particular device.
  • LM-380 symbolic representation is shown in the figure given below.
5. LM380 Schematic Diagram
  • Through schematic diagram we can understand the internal flow of the capability of a device to perform different tasks.
  • :LM-380 schematic representation is given in the figure shown below.
6. LM380 Ratings
  • We always need a power supply to operate any device, and the characteristics of that supply totally depends upon the ratings of the device.
  • LM-380 ratings are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
7. LM380 Features
  • Features are such a property of any device that can make it more and more popular if they are unique.
  • LM-380 some of the common features are given in the table shown in the figure below.
9. LM380 Applications
  • Now a days most of devices are commonly know on the basis of their applications i.e they play also an important role.
  • LM-380 some of the major uses are listed in the table shown below.
The tutorial Introduction to LM380 has elaborated the thing necessary for the basic use of integrated circuits such as LM-380. The main focus of this article is to facilitate the user by providing a better understanding for the use if the particular device. I have tried to cover all the important details, if I have missed something, please let me know the. So, that I can update this article as soon as possible for the future ease. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. I will surely share further informative topics with you guys in my later upcoming tutorials. Till the take care and bye :)

Introduction to LF411

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give a detailed discussion on Introduction to LF411. LF-411 is a Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) input Operational Amplifier (Op-amp). It is the most common module available in the market these days due to its cost efficiency. LF 411 has low input offset voltage. Input offset voltage drift is guaranteed for LF-411. A very low supply current is needed for this device. It provides higher slew rates as well as high gain bandwidth product. Moreover, LF411 also provides lower input bias current as well as lower input offset currents. It is an 8 pin operational amplifier. The details about its pins will be discussed later. Due to its low cost and high performance efficiency it is most common device and is easily available in the market these days. LF-411 has several features which make it the most common device in today’s market. These features include high slew rates, fast settling time, high input impedance, input offset voltage drift etc. Moreover, its other major features consists of internal trimmed offset voltage, low supply current, low input bias current, low input offset current, wide gain bandwidth product, low harmonic distortion etc. LF-411 can be used in high speed integrators, sample and hold circuits, high speed digital to analog converters etc. The further detail about LF-411 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to LF411

LF411 is basically a Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) input operational amplifier. It is a low cost device and easily available in the market. It is usually know on the basis of its applications. It requires very low current supply and provides higher slew rates and high gain bandwidth product in response. It also provides input offset voltage drift. Low harmonic distortion, high input impedance, high slew rates are some of its features. It can be used in high speed integrators, sample and hold circuits etc. LF-411 is given in the figure shown below.
1. LF411 Pins
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  • There are total 8 pins in the operational amplifier LF411.
  • LF-411 pins are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
2. LF411 Pins Description
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • We can not perform any task and can not get appropriate results if we do not know about the pin’s function.
  • LF 411 pin functions are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
3. LF411 Pinout
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • If we want to know about the configuration of the individual pin, we must see the pinout diagram of any electronic device, provided along with that device.
  • LF 411 pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
4. LF411 Package
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • A device’s different models/versions can be presented through its packages.
  • LF-411 has only a single 8 pins package, as given in the table shown in the figure below.
5. LF411 Package Dimension
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • LF 411 package dimension along with the SI units is given in the table shown in the figure below.
6. LF411 Symbolic Representation
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • To view the internal structure of a device we must have a look at its symbolic form.
  • LF-411 symbolic form is shown in the figure given below.
7. LF411 Schematic Diagram
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • Schematic diagram helps us to understand the internal circuitry of an electronic device.
  • LF-411 schematic diagram is shown in the figure below.
8. LF411 Ratings
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • Ratings are helpful in estimating the power requirement of any device.
  • LF-411 ratings are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
9. LF411 Features
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • LF-411 some of the standard features are provided in the table shown in the figure below.
10. LF411 Applications
[ultimate_spacer height=”10”]
  • LF 411 has a lot of real life applications, some of them are listed in the table shown below.
The article Introduction to LF411 has provided you the detailed discussion on the basic use of an operational amplifier named as LF 411. The aim was to facilitate the engineering students who want to use this device in their projects. If you found something missing, please let us know as soon as possible so that the tutorial could be updated correspondingly. I will also share other informative topics with you, for sure. So, till then, take care :)

Introduction to LM393

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to provide you the discussion on Introduction to LM393. LM-393 has two internal operational amplifiers. These are internally frequency compensated. These are specifically designed to perform their tasks using a single power supply sources. LM-393 can also perform its operations properly by using split power supply. The current drain supply does not depend upon the magnitude of the power supply. One of the most amazing feature of LM 393 is that ground is included in its common mode input voltage. Moreover, LM 393 has a lot of features e.g. wide voltage supply ranges, a very small current drain supply, low input offset current, low input bias current, output voltage compatible with Transistor Transistor Logic. LM 393 can be used at several different places in real life. Its applications include industrial applications, battery powered systems, analog to digital converters, limit comparators, time delay generators etc. The further detail about LM-393 will be provided later in this tutorial. [otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-7]

Introduction to LM393

LM393 is an integrated circuit having two builtin operational amplifiers which are frequency compensated internally. They are specially developed to perform different tasks using a single power supply sources. Moreover, they can also be operated using split power supply sources. small current drain supply, low input offset voltage, low input bias current are its major features. It can be used in time delay generators, battery powered systems, analog to digital converters etc. LM-393 is shown in the figure given below.
1. LM393 Pins
  • LM 393 has total 8 pins, each pin has its own feature different from each other.
  • All of the pins of LM-393 are listed in the table given in the shown below.
2. LM393 Pins Description
  • Every pin has its own different function which must be know to us.
  • LM 393 pins functions are shown in the table given in the figure below.
3. LM393 Pinout
  • The pinout diagram of a device provides us help to understand the pins configurations of that device.
  • LM 393 pinout diagram is given in the figure shown below.
4. LM393 Package
  • Packages are introduced to present the different models of a same device.
  • LM 393 package is shown in the table shown in the figure below.
5. LM393 Package Dimension
  • The different packages has different dimensions for their easy differentiation.
  • LM 393 package dimension is given in the table provided in the figure given below.
6. LM393 Symbolic Diagram
  • Symbol of a device presents an internal structure of that device.
  • LM 393 symbolic representation is provided in the figure given below.
7. LM393 Ratings
  • The ratings of any device usually provide information about the amount of voltage, current and power required by that particular device.
  • LM 393 ratings are provided in the table given in the figure shown below.
8. LM393 Features
  • The features are the parameters which can make a device popular for different applications.
  • LM 393 some of the major features are provided in the table given in the figure shown below.
9. LM393 Applications
  • LM 393 has a lot different real life applications.
  • Some of main applications are shown in the table shown in the figure below.
That is all from the tutorial Introduction to LM393. The tutorials has provided the detailed discussion on the use of an integrated circuit LM-393. I have provided almost all of the necessary details about this device. If I have missed something, please let me know. I will immediately update in order to avoid the future inconvenience. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. Take care and bye bye :)

Introduction to LM258

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to provide a detailed discussion on Introduction to LM258. LM-258 has two internal Operational Amplifiers (Op-amps) which are frequency compensated internally. They are specially designed to perform their tasks from a single power supply source using a wide range of voltages. They can also perform different operations using split power supply. LM-258 low power supply current drain does not depend upon the magnitude of the power supply source. LM 258 has a lot of features including high DC voltage gain, large bandwidth, different input voltage equal to power supply, large output voltage swing, common mode input voltages include ground. These were the few of major features associated with LM-258 operational amplifier. LM 258 has a very wide range of real life applications. Its applications include DC gain blocks, transducer amplifiers, operational amplifiers circuits which can be implemented using single power supply source. LM-258 can be directly used with a voltage supply of 3.3V which is the most common voltage standard in digital systems. The further detail about LM-258 will be given later in this section.

Introduction to LM258

LM258 has two builtin internal operational amplifiers. These are internally frequency compensated. It can be operated with a single power supply source as well as from split power supply sources. Its low current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply. Wide voltage ranges and large output swing are some of its major features. DC gain blocks and transducer amplifiers are the example of its real life applications. LM-258 is shown in the figure shown below.
1. LM258 Pins
  • LM-258 has total eight pins having different individual functions.
  • All of these pins are listed in chronological order in the table shown in the figure given below.
2. LM258 Pins Description
  • Each of the pin has different individual functions and we should know about each function.
  • LM 258 pins functions are given in the table shown in the figure below.
3. LM258 Pinout
  • Pinout diagram of the electronic device provides better understanding about its pins configurations for its proper usage.
  • LM 258 pinout diagram is given in the figure shown below.
4. LM258 Packages
  • Packages are designed to present the different models of a same device.
  • LM 258 packages are shown in the table given in the figure below.
5. LM258 Packages Dimensions
  •  Usually the different dimensions are given to the different packages.
  • LM 258 packages dimensions along with their units, are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
6. LM258 Symbolic Diagram
  • The symbolic representation shows the internal structure of the particular device.
  • LM 258 symbolic representation is shown in the figure given below.
7. LM258 Ratings
  • The ratings of a device show the amount of voltage/current/power required by that particular electronic device.
  • LM 258 ratings are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
8. LM258 Features
  • The features can make a device popular in the market due to their uniqueness.
  • LM 258's few of the main features are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
9. LM258 Applications
  • LM 258 has a lot of real life applications.
  • Some of the common applications are given in the table shown in the figure below.
In the tutorial Introduction to LM258 I have provided almost all the necessary information about the usage of LM-258 IC. The whole discussion has provided the details about pins configuration, packages & dimensions, features application and a lot more about this particular IC. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any kind of problem you can ask us in comments anytime. Our team will always be there to help you. I will share detailed discussion on different integrated circuits as well in my upcoming tutorials. Till then take care :)

Introduction to LM348

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge on Introduction to LM348. LM-348 i basically a General Purpose (GP) Operational Amplifier. It is an independent and quadruple operational amplifier. LM 348 has similar characteristics in comparison to uA741. It is an internally compensated amplifier having high gain. LM-348 has four internal amplifiers. We can achieve isolation between these amplifiers by biasing each of the amplifier independently. This isolation can be done using different techniques e.g. layout technique. It can be used at several different places where amplifier matching is needed. LM 348 has very low supply current drain as compared to the standard 741. Moreover, Its input voltage and input offset current is also lesser than the general 741. It has different features like no crossover distortion, low input offset voltage, low input offset current. input overload protection, output overload protection etc. It can be used at any place where there is a need of amplifier matching. The further detail about LM-348 will be given later in this tutorial. [otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-7]

Introduction to LM348

LM348 is basically a general purpose operational amplifier having four internal builtin amplifiers. It consists of four internal builtin amplifiers. These amplifiers are biased with a separate power supply and they can be isolated using layout technique. It provides high gain. It has different features including low input offset voltage, low input offset current, input and output overload protection etc. It can used anywhere, where there is a need of amplifier matching. LM-348 is shown in the figure below.
1. LM348 Pins
  • LM 348 operational amplifier has total fourteen pins (14) having different individual function.
  • LM-348 all pins are provided in the table shown in the figure below.s
2. LM348 Pins Description
  • The different tasks are assigned to each of the 14 pins.
  • The description of each pin is provided in the table shown in the figure below.
3. LM348 Pinout
  • We can not use any electronic device until we do not know about its pin configurations.
  • In order to understand pin configurations we must read its pinout diagram.
  • LM-348 completely labeled pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
4. LM348 Packages
  • If a company introduces the different models of the same device.
  • These models can be differentiated from each other on the basis of their properties and dimensions as well.
  • They are usually known as the packages of that particular device.
  • LM 348 all the packages are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
5. LM348 Internal Amplifier
  • LM-348 has four internal builtin amplifiers, they are separately biased in order to work independently.
  • LM 348 internal amplifier is shown in the figure below.
6. LM348 Symbolic Representation
  • Symbolic form of a device basically used to show the internal structure of that particular device.
  • Since, LM 348 has four internal builtin amplifiers, so they are shown in the figure below.
7. LM348 Schematic
  • Schematic representation shows the internal flow of the functions followed by an equipment.
  • LM-348 schematic diagram is shown in the figure below.
8. LM348 Ratings
  • To estimate the amount of power required by the specific device we must take help from somewhere, before using that device.
  • The ratings of an equipment can help us to estimate its power requirements.
  • LM-348 ratings are shown in the figure given below.
9. LM348 Features
  • Features make a device popular and different from all the other devices.
  • LM 348 major features are listed in the table shown below.
10. LM348 Applications
Most of the time a device is known on the basis of its real life applications, so applications play a very important role in the importance and performance of that device.
  • LM-348 operational amplifier can be used anywhere, where there is a need of amplifier matching.
The tutorial Introduction to LM348, consist of a detailed discussion about the typical starting use of LM-348 a high gain general purpose amplifier. The main purpose of this article is to help the new user of this device. I hope, that they will have a better understanding about the use of LM 348, after going through this article, and they will surely be able to use this device easily. If anyone of you found something missing in this article, then please let me know so that I can update this tutorial for further ease. I will share the similar basic information about other electronic devices as well, in my later tutorials. So, till then take care & bye :)

Introduction to NE556

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fie and having fun. Today, I will elaborate you about Introductio to NE556 timer IC. NE-556 is a lot stable monolithic device. We can use precise delays and oscillation by using this device. NE 556 is bsically an dual version of NE 555 timer IC. Timing is provided for each function using an external capacitor and resistor. There are two internal timers which operates independently. They just share common power supply and ground. For the falling or rising wave forms we can trigger or reset the entire circuit. The trigger level and the threshold levels are usually one third and two third respectively. We can alter both of these level by using control pin of NE-556. If the input at trigger falls below the level of the trigger, flipflop is adjusted and the output becomes higher. Similarly, if the input at trigger is above the level of the trigger and flipflop is in reset mode then the output will be low. To start the completely new timing cycle, we can override all the inputs using NE-556's reset pin. NE-556 has different important features which are necessary to be discussed. These features may include active pull down, active pull up, two precise timing circuits in a single package, a-stable or mono-stable operation etc. Moreover, NE-556 can be used in application timers, pulse position modulators, pulse generator, missing pulse detectors, industrial control etc. The further detail about NE-556 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to NE556

NE556 is basically a high speed monolithic device or a timer IC. It is the dual version of NE 555, which is itself a timer IC. It has two internal builtin timer. These timers works without even depending on each other even for a single task. These timer share common voltage and ground terminal. NE-556 can be operated i two types of mode i.e. in a-stable mode as well in mono-stable mode. Moreover, NE 556 timer IC has a lot of applications including pulse generator, missing pulse detector, industrial control, applications timers etc. NE-556 timer IC is shown in the figure given below.
1. NE556 Pins
  • This device has total 14 pins, seven on right and seven on the left side of the base.
  • NE-556 all pins are provided in the table given below.
2. NE556 Pins Descriptions
  • The function of each pins must be known before using any device.
  • NE-556 pin functions are listed in the table given below.
3. NE556 Pinout
  • Pinout diagram provides the description about pin configuration of a device.
  • NE-556 pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
4. NE556 Packages
  • The different models of the same device are identified by its packages.
  • NE-556 packages are listed in the table shown in the figure shown below.
5. NE556 Symbolic Representation
  • Symbolic diagram shows the internal structure of an equipment.
  • NE 556 symbolic form is given the figure shown below.
6. NE556 Block Diagram
  • In order to understand the working principle of an electronic equipment we must have a look at its block diagram.
  • NE 556 block diagram is shown in the figure below.
7. NE556 Ratings
  • Ratings show the requirement of power and voltage for a specific device.
  • NE-556 ratings are listed in the table given in the figure below.
8. NE556 Features
  • The features associated with the timer IC NE 556 is shown in the table given below.
9. NE556 Applications
  • Applications play a vital role in the importance of a device.
  • NE-556 applications are shown in the figure below.
The tutorial Introduction to NE556 has discussed in detail about the basic use of the timer IC named as NE-556. The purpose of the whole discussion was to give you detailed explanation about its pins, pin configuration, features, applications and a lot more. If I have missed something, please tell me, so that I can update this tutorial in order to avoid any kind of future inconvenience for the readers. I will share information about the other several different integrated circuit in my upcoming tutorials. So, till then take care :)

Introduction to MMBD914

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about Introduction to MMBD914. MMBD 914 is basically a switching diode. A switching diode has the functionality similar to the switch. Like an open switch, MMBD 914 has a high resistance for the particular applied voltage. Switching diodes are usually used in different device e.g. ring modulation. The right switching diode can be chosen keeping in mind our requirements e.g. reverse recovery time, power dissipation and maximum peak current etc. I have also written an article on another switching diode, Introduction to 1N4148, and this my second article on switching diodes. MMBD-914 has a vey wide range of applications including high speed switching, high speed rectification purposes, reverse polarity protection, general purpose switching etc. The further detail about MMBD 914 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to MMBD914

MMBD914 is a switching diode.It has three pins in total. Its maximum reverse voltage is around 100V and forward current is 0.2A. It has different features e.g. quick switching speed, general purpose switching applications, lead (Pb) free and RoHS compliant, halogen and antimony free. It has different applications like reverse polarity protection, general purpose switching, high speed rectification, high speed switching etc. MMBD-914 is shown in the figure below.
1. MMBD914 Pinout
  • A properly labeled pin diagram of any device results in better standing of the user.
  • I have made a completely labeled diagram of MMBD 914 diode along with its animation.
  • The complete pinout diagram along with animation, symbolic representation and the real image of MMBD-914 is shown in the figure below.
2. MMBD914 Symbolic Representation
  • The schematic diagram of a device helps us to understand its internal functionality.
  • A diode is connected between its 1st and the 3rd pin as show in the figure below.
  • I have provided the labeled schematic diagram of MMBD 914 as shown in the figure below.
3. MMBD914 Packages
  • MMBD-914 has two different type of packages 3000/Tape and reel and 10000/Tape and reel.
  • Both of the packages along with their dimensions and part number are given in the table shown below.
4. MMBD914 Ratings
  • The  voltage, current and power ratings of a device displays its power requirement i.e. how much amount of current and voltage is required for its operation.
  • I have given MMBD-914 current, power and voltage ratings in the table shown below.
5. MMBD914 Thermal Characteristics
  • Thermal characteristics usually include thermal resistance, power dissipation, operating and storage temperature.
  • All of these parameters along with their typical values are given in the table below.
6. MMBD914 Features
  • There are several different features associated with MMBD 914. A few of the major features are given in the table shown below.
7. MMBD914 Applications
MMBD-914 has different real life applications, a few of which are given below.
  • Fast switching.
  • General purpose switching.
  • High speed rectification.
  • Reverse polarity protection.
So, thats all from the tutorial Introduction to MMBD914. I hope you enjoyed this amazing tutorial. If you have any sort of problem, you can ask me in comments, any time you want, without even feeling a bit of hesitation. I will try me level best to sort out your issues in a better way, if possible. Our team is also 24/7 available to help you out. I will explore further IC's and diodes in my upcoming tutorial and will share them with you as well for sure. So, till then, Take Care :)

Introduction to L298

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today I am going to elaborate you  about Introduction to L298. L-298 is an Integrated Circuit (IC) available in two type of packages now a days which will be given later. L 298 is a dual full bridge driver that has a capability to bear high voltage as well as high current. It receives basic TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) logic levels and is able to operate the different loads such as DC motors, stepper motors, relays etc. You should also have a look at Introduction to L23D. L-298 has two enable input to control any device by enabling or disabling it. L 298 IC is most commonly used to make motor drivers or motor controllers. These motor controllers can be controlled by any micro controller e.g Arduino, PIC, Raspberry Pi etc. They receives input from micro controllers and operate the load attached to their output terminals correspondingly. L-298 motor driver (H-Bridge) is able to control two different DC motors simultaneously. While it can control a single stepper motor as well. L 298 has two Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) pins. PWM pins are used to control the speed of the motor. By changing the voltage signal's polarity at its input we can rotate the motor in either clockwise or counter clockwise direction. It has a lot of real life applications e.g robotics, doors lock systems, CNC machines etc. You should also have a look at L298D Motor Driver Library for Proteus.

Introduction to L298

L298 is a high current and high voltage IC. Its receives TTL logic signals and operates different loads like motors, solenoid, relays etc. It is mostly used in motor driver's designing. It has two specific pins for enabling or disabling the particular device attached at its output. Its features include low saturation voltage, over temperature protection etc. Its has a lot applications including robotics, automated door lock systems, CNC machines etc. The further detail about L-298 will be given later in this tutorial. You can download L298 Datasheet by clicking below button: Download L298 Datasheet
1. L298 Pinout
  • L 298 IC has 15 pins in total, each having different functions associated with them.
  • The animated image of L-298 IC is shown in the figure given below.
2. L298 Features
  • L-298 has a lot of amazing features including low saturation voltage, over current protection etc.
  • Some of the major features are given in the table shown below.
3. L298 Ratings
  • The rating of a device displays basically its power requirement for the normal operation of that device under normal circumstances.
  • The current, voltage and power ratings of L 298 IC are shown in the table given below.
4. L298 Motor Controller/Driver
  • L-298 IC is most commonly used to design motor driver/controller.
  • So, now I am going to discuss about L298 motor controller/driver.
  • L-298 motor driver or motor controller's image is shown in the figure below.
5. L298 Motor Controller Pinout
  • The pinout diagram usually consists of complete pin configuration of a device.
  • L-298 motor controller's pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
6. L298 Motor Controller Pins
  • L 298 motor controller has fourteen (14) pins in total, each having different individual function.
  • All of the 14 pins along with the pin number are given in the table shown below.
7. L298 Motor Controller Pin Functions
  • L 298 motor controller's each pin has different functions.
  • The function associated with each of the pin are given in the table shown below.
8. L298 Motor Controller Schematic Diagram
  • The schematic diagram of an equipment shows its internal structure and working flow.
  • L-298 motor controller schematic diagram is shown in the figure given below.
9. L298 Motor Controller Interfacing with Arduino & DC Motor
  • In order to control the DC motor using Arduino UNO and H-Bridge (L 298 motor controller) first we have to build a proper circuit diagram.
  • The complete circuit diagram is shown in the figure given below.
10. DC Motor Control Arduino Source Code
  • I have written a simple DC motor direction control source code in Arduino software as shown below.
int dir1PinA = 6;
int dir2PinA = 7;
void setup() { 
Serial.begin(9600); // baud rate

lcd.begin(20, 4);


void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
int inByte =;

switch (inByte) {

case 'C': // Clockwise rotation
digitalWrite(dir1PinA, LOW);
digitalWrite(dir2PinA, HIGH);
Serial.println("Clockwise rotation"); 
Serial.println("   "); 

case 'S': // No rotation
digitalWrite(dir1PinA, LOW);
digitalWrite(dir2PinA, LOW);
Serial.println("No rotation");
Serial.println("   ");

case 'A': // Clockwise rotation
digitalWrite(dir1PinA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dir2PinA, LOW);
Serial.println("Anti Clockwise rotation"); 
Serial.println("   "); 
  • You need to just copy and paste the source code in your Arduino software.
  • After uploading it to the Arduino board, you will be able to control the direction of DC motor.
  • You can download the circuit diagram and source code here by clicking on the button below.
Download Arduino Source Code
  • Download .rar file, extract it and enjoy the package.
11. L298 Motor Controller Applications
L-298 motor controller/driver has several different real life applications, a few of which are given below.
  • Robotics.
  • Weight lifters.
  • CNC machines.
  • Automatic door control systems.
12. L298 Motor Driver Simulation in Proteus
  • I have also designed a new L298D Motor Driver Library for Proteus. Using this Library you can easily simulate L298 Motor driver in Proteus.
  • You can download this driver library by clicking above link.
  • Here's a screenshot of how it looks in Proteus:
  • You can have a look at How to use L298 in Proteus in below video:
That was the detailed discussion about Introduction to L298. I have shared almost all the important details regarding L 298 IC and motor driver/controller. If you have problem, you can ask us freely anytime you want. Our team is always here to entertain you. I will share a lot of informative topics in my upcoming tutorials. So till then take care :)

Introduction to LT1054

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. I am going to elaborate you on Introduction to LT1054. It is a monolithic device. LT-1054 is also known as voltage regulator and bipolar capacitive voltage converter. Its mean feature is that it provides very low voltage losses as compared to the other common converters. LT 1054 also provides large output currents in comparison to general converters. It provides a voltage drop of around 1.1V while operating at 100mA. LT 1054 provides us with a feature of regulation. This feature was not available in earlier voltage converters. We can get a regulated output just by inserting an external resistance. We can shut down LT-1054, if we ground its feedback terminal. Its internal oscillator works at 25kHz frequency. Switching frequency can be adjusted using oscillator terminal. LM-1054 operates on a temperature ranging from 0 degree Celsius to 70 degree Celsius. LM 1054 has several exciting features including external shut down, external oscillator synchronization, low losses, reference & error amplifier for regulation etc. The further detail about LT-1054 will be given later in this article.

Introduction to LT1054

LT1054 is a bipolar, switched capacitor voltage converter or voltage regulator. It is most common in the market now a days due to its amazing features like it provides low voltage losses in comparison to the standard normal converters and also provides higher output current as compared to the earlier voltage converters. LT 1054 provides oscillator synchronization, reference amplifier for regulation. It can be used in voltage regulators, voltage inverters, data acquisition supply etc. LT-1054 is shown in the figure below.
1. LT1054 Pins
  • LT 1054 has eight (8) pins in total with a different individual feature.
  • All of the 8 pins are listed in the table given below.
2. LT1054 Pin Description
  • We can not use any device without even knowing the features associated with its each pin.
  • LT-1054 pins function description is given in the table shown below.
3. LT1054 Pinout
  • Before using a device we must know its pins configuration, pinoutout diagram helps us in this purpose.
  • LT 1054 pinout diagram is shown in the figure below.
4. LT1054 Packages
  • Packages just show the earlier and latest model of any device.
  • LT-1054 has two types of packages i.e. PDIP (8) and SOIC (16).
  • Both of the packages are listed in the table shown below.
5. LT1054 Packages Dimensions
  • LT-1054 has two packages, each has different size.
  • Both of these packages are shown with their dimension and SI units in the table given below.
6. LT1054 Block Diagram
  • Block diagram presents the internal flow of the logic followed by any device.
  • LT 1054 block diagram is shown in the figure below.
7. LT1054 Ratings
  • The rating of a device or equipment show the how much power is needed to operate this device.
  • LT-1054 power, current and voltage, all of these ratings are listed in the table given below.
8. LT1054 Features
  • For a special purpose, a device can be identified from its features whether they are suitable for the required task or not.
  • LT-1054 has a lot of features, some of them are given in the table shown below.
9. LT1054 Applications
  • While purchasing any device we have to mention its application that why we are purchasing this device.
  • They play a vital role in the popularity and availability of a device.
  • Some of the applications associated with LT-1054 are given in the table shown below.
  The tutorial Introduction to LT1054 has provided the detailed discussion on the use of LT 1054 voltage regulator. I hope you will appreciate my effort. The whole discussion consist of IC's pin, pin functions and description, pin configurations, block diagram, features and applications. If there something missing please let me know so that I could update this article in order to avoid the future inconvenience. In my upcoming tutorials, I will share other informative articles. So, till then take care :)

Introduction to 74HC245

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about Introduction to 74HC245. 74HC 245 is a eight (8) bit transceiver. It has three (3) output states. 74HC-245 is designed for a-synchronous transfer of data between different data buses. The external timing requirement can be reduced by the implementation of control function. You should also have a look at Introduction to 74HC595. There are two internal amplifiers in 74HS 245. They are named as A and B. Data is transferred from amplifier to amplifier and vice versa. Hence two way communication is done in 74HC-245. This communication depends upon the logic level on the direction control input (DIR). Out enable pin (OE) is used to enable and disable the device depending upon the requirements of the task. 74HC-245 has several amazing features e.g. low input current, large input voltage ranges, low power consumption etc. A lot of real life applications are associated with 74HC-245, a few of which are servers, electronic points of sale, telecom infrastructures, network switches, personal computers, notebooks, wearable health devices etc. The further detail about 74HC-245 will be given later in this article.

Introduction to 74HC245

74HC245 is basically and 8-bit transceiver. It has 3 output states. The data can be transferred in both directions depending upon the logic level at direction control (DIR). You can enable and disable the device from the output enable (OE) pin. low power consumption, wide voltage range, low input current are the major features associated with 74HC-245. 74HC 245 is mostly used in personal computers, servers, wearable health devices, fitness devices, network switches, electronic points of sale etc. 74HC 245 is shown in the figure given below.
1. 74HC245 Pins
  • There are total twenty (20) pins in 74HC 245 having different and unique functions.
  • All the 20 pins are given in the table shown below.
2. 74HC245 Pin Description
  • Each pin of 74HC 245 performs different function.
  • The description of each function is given in the table shown below.
3. 74HC245 Pinout
  • With the help of pinout diagram, we can get familiar with the configuration of the pins of the particular device.
  • 74HC-245 pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
4. 74HC245 Functional Diagram
  • Functional diagram presents the internal functionality of a device.
  • 74HC-245 functional block diagram is shown in the figure below.
5. 74HC245 Ratings
  • To understand the power requirements of a device me must need to know its rating information.
  • 74HC 245 power, voltage and current ratings are given in the table shown below.
6. 74HC245 Features
  • Features of anything play a vital role to differentiate this thing from all the other things.
  • They may be good or bad, in terms of electronics features deal with the benefits of that device in real life.
  • 74HC-245 has a lot of features, a few of the major features are listed in the table given below.
In the tutorial, Introduction to 74HC245, I have tried my best to cover and share all the necessary information about this particular Integrated Circuit (IC). This information include pins info, pins description, pinout diagram, functional diagram, features, ratings etc. These all are very important to know before using this device for any of the purpose. If you find that there is something missing in it. Please let me know about that. I will update this article correspondingly for the better understanding of the reader. And if you have any sort of problem you can freely ask us in comments anytime you want to. Our team is always available and will try our best to solve your issues. I will share further informative articles about different such IC's later. So, till then take care :)
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir