Introduction to TIP127

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to TIP127. The TIP127 is a PNP type Darlington pair transistor. It is manufactured for universal drive amplifications and less velocity swapping submissions. It is existing in TO-220 kind of cascading. Its corresponding NPN transistor is the TIP122. This is a common transistor it used in varied engineering schemes. It formed for least time taking swap proposals. In today’s post, we will have a look at its protection, wreck, difference, entitlements, etc. I will also share some links where I have connected it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to TIP127.

Introduction to TIP127

  • The TIP127 is a PNP type Darlington pair transistor. It is manufactured for universal drive amplifications and less velocity swapping submissions.
  • It works similar to standard PNP transistor, then as it consists of a Darlington pair it takes collector current of around five amperes and a gain of near 1000.
  • It has ability to endure around 100 volts at its collector Emitter terminals henceforth it used to run high current consuming loads.
  • It has two limits on the power management aptitude of a transistor first one is normal intersection temperature and second one failure.
  • If you are noticing for a PNP transistor for your amplifier electric circuit then TIP127 could be your brilliant choice or to alteration stylish current loads larger than 2A.

Pinout of TIP127

  • These are the main pinout of  TIP127.
    Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter Current creates out by the emitter, it is characteristically linked to ground.
    Pin#2 Base It accomplishes the biasing of the transistor and works to turn ON or OFF the transistor.
    Pin#3 Collector Current movements in over collector, classically linked to load
    Let's see a diagram of the pinout.

Features of TIP127

  • These are some important of TIP127. It is a PNP transistor.
    • The voltage at (C-E) terminals is a minus hundred (-100) volts.
    • The voltage it uses at (C-E) is minus (100) volts.
    • The voltage at emitter and base is minus five (-5) volts Emitter-Base Voltage:
    •  It uses current at collector is minus five (-5) amperes.
    • The power dissipation at the collector terminal is sixty-five (65) watts.
    • Its is Gain thousand (1000).
    •  Its Working and Storing Intersection Temperature Range is from minus sixty-five to plus one fifty Celsius(-65 to +150 °C).
    • It offered in TO-220 casing.

Ratings of TIP127

Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCBO -60 Volts These are the voltage across collector and base.
VCEO -60 Volts  These are the voltage around collector and emitter.
VEBO -5 Volts These are the voltage around emitter and base.
IC -5 amper It is the current at collector which is dc.
ICP -8 Amper  It is the pulse of collector current.
IB -120 milliampere It is the current at the base.  
Pc 65 Watts It is the power dissipation at  Collector (TC=25°C).
TJ 150 C  It is the Junction Temperature.

Electrical Characteristic of TIP127

Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCEO -60 Volts It is the Collector and Emitter Supporting Voltage
ICEO -2 milliampere  It is the Collector Cut off Current.
VCBO -1 milliampere It is the value of Collector Cut off Current.
IEBO -2 milliampere It is the value of Emitter Cut off Current.
hFE 1000 It is the value of  Current Gain.
VCE -2 volts These are the Collector and Emitter Saturation Voltage.  
VBE -2.5 volts It is the value of  Base and Emitter On Voltage
Cob 300 pF This is the output capacitance.

Applications of TIP127

These are some important applications of TIP127 which are described below with detail description.
  • It is used to run higher current devices such as loads which work on up to the five amperes.
  • It works as the switch which consumes intermediate power during its working.
  • It used in such circuits where higher amplification is required.
  • It also used to in motors circuits to control their speeds.
  • It also used in Inverter circuits and other rectifier circuits.
So, friends, I tried a lot to share my best knowledge about TIP127, if you have any question about it please ask in comments. I will resolve your problems in a comprehensive way. Thanks for reading. Take care until the next tutorial.

Introduction to TIP41

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to TIP41. It is an NPN power transistor. It exists in (TO-220) malleable suite which marks this expedient appropriate for acoustic, power rectilinear and swapping submissions. Its corresponding transistor is TIP42. It is intended by joining three (3) components of semiconductor material by doping with different materials. It's center portion is base which is tinny and the other two outer parts are prominently doped than the base. Several transistors can strengthen a trivial current which will then be leading adequate to effort attention or other greater current maneuvers. These discretion are proficient to notice a shift in voltage and work as a switch. The TIP41 is a collective transistor which is inexpensive and serene to use for several proposals. In today’s post, we will have a look at its shield, smashup, deviation, entitlements, etc. I will also share some links where I have associated it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to TIP41. 

Introduction to TIP41

  • It is an NPN power transistor. It exists in (TO-220) malleable suite which marks this expedient appropriate for acoustic, power rectilinear and swapping submissions.
  • It is an intermediate power consuming transistor used in submissions where working circumstances of the lesser signal transistor may be a minute strained.
  • These diplomacies proposal power assessments which are regular and are mostly cast-off in transportable power sources and amplifier circuits.
  •  Cogitate by these expedients as buffers for transistors output phases in higher power acoustic intensifier schemes or as output phases in intermediate power yield acoustic amplifier circuits.
  • To evade impairment, constantly usage a heat absorber if extreme power from this expedient is prerequisite as the transistor compendium has a boundary to the quantity of temperature it can dispel from the transistor connection.

Pinout of TIP41

  • These are the main pinout of  TIP41.
    Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter Current initiates by the emitter, it is characteristically linked to ground.
    Pin#2 Base It achieves the biasing of the transistor and works to turn ON or OFF the transistor.
    Pin#3 Collector Current travels in over collector, it is usually related to loading.
    Let's see a diagram of the pinout.

Features of TIP41

  • These are some important features of TIP41 which are discussed here.
    • It is an NPN junction transistor.
    • The voltage at its collector and emitter terminals is a hundred volts.
    • It voltage at collector and base terminals are a hundred voltages.
    • The voltage at emitter and base terminals is five volts.
    • It uses current collector six amperes.
    • Its dissipation power is minus sixty-five watts (-65).
    • Its gain is from minus fifteen to seventy-five volts.
    • Its transition frequency is minus three megahertz.
    • It's Working and Storing Connection Temperature Range from minus sixty-five to plus one fifty (-65 to +150 °C).

Ratings of TIP41

  • Now we study the different rating parameters of TIP41 which are described below.
Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCBO 100 volts These are the voltage across collector and base.
VCEO 100 volts  These are the voltage around collector and emitter.
VEBO 5 volts These are the voltage around emitter and base.
IC 6 amperes It is the current at collector which is dc.
ICM 10 amperes  It is the pulse of collector current.
IB 3 amperes It is the current at the base.
Pc 65 watts It is the power dissipation at  Collector (TC=25°C).
TJ 150 C  It is the Junction Temperature.

Electrical characteristicsTIP41

  • After reading of rating parameters now we study the electrical characteristics of TIP41.
Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
ICEO 0.7 mA It is the value of the cut-off current the collector.
IEBO 1 A It is the value of emitter cut off the current.
ICES 0.4 mA It is the value of collector cut-off current.
VCEO 100 V These are the collector and emitter supporting voltage.
VCE 1.5 V These are the collector and emitter supporting voltage.
VBE 2 V It is the value of voltage across base and emitter terminals.
hFE 75 It the value of DC current gain.
  So it was all about TIP41 if you have any question about it ask in comments. Thanks for reading. Take care until the next tutorial.

Introduction to TIP121

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to TIP121. The TIP121 is an NPN Darlington pair transistor. It exists in a TO-220 casing and creates for normal amplification and less moving speed switching submissions. Like other transistors, it has three pinouts emitter, base, and collector. The central part this transistor which is known as the base is thinner in size and other two emitters and collector has larger areas. Transistors are playing an important rule in our electronic circuits and industries. Every electronic device like mobile, radio, LCD, etc all these have different types of transistors. Like other transistors, TIP121 is performing an important rule in electronic industries. In today’s post, we will have a look at its fortification, wreckage, deviation, privileges, etc. I will also share some links where I have related it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to TIP121. 

Introduction to TIP121

  • The TIP121 is an NPN Darlington pair transistor. It exists in a TO-220 casing and creates for normal amplification and less speed switching submissions.
  • This transistor is the best choice for simplest switching circuitries and can be used for such load which works on intermediate power.
  • It is the category of the transistor which is effortlessly accessible in marketplaces and has less price.
  • It provides many application in electrical circuitries that way it is also famous in electrical industries. Due to these features it best device when selecting an arbitrary swapping expedient.
  • If you have to strengthen your input signal. The intensifying aspect of TIP121 is much better than other amplifiers and its gain is nearly rectilinear. These features make this transistor best nominee for intensifying submissions.
  • This transistor has the ability to control by a microcontroller pulse due to it's higher gain and speed retort. So we can use it at higher speed swapping submissions.
  • This transistor has two limits on the power treatment capability of a transistor first one is it has the ability of an intermediate intersection temperature and 2nd interruption or breakdown.
Now we discuss the pinout of TIP121.

Pinout of TIP121

  • These are the main pinout of  TIP121.
    Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter It is usually linked with the ground terminal.
    Pin#2 Base It used to turn on or off the transistor. We can say it works like a switch.
    Pin#3 Collector This terminal of the transistor is connected with the load.
    Let's see a diagram of the pinout.

Features of TIP121

  • These are some important features of TIP121.
    • It is the Average power consumer transistor.
    • Its obtainable gain is to the fifty (50).
    • The extreme voltage it takes around its collector and emitter terminal is a hundred volts (100).
    • The extreme current can pass thrush its collector is three (3) ampere of DC.
    • The extreme voltage it takes around its base and emitter is five volts.
    • The extreme current which can pass through its base is one (1) ampere DC.
    • The extreme voltage it takes around collector and base is hundred (100) volts.
    • Its extreme working temperature is 150 centigrade.
    • It dissipates of -65 watts.

Working of TIP121

  • Now we discuss the working of TIP121 with a detailed circuit diagram.
  • In this circuitry, we are working on the transistor common emitter configuration.
  • In given circuit diagram we are using TIP121 as a switching device.
  • In this circuitry, we are working with a direct current motor as a load. To on or off we are using a controller component which is mention in this circuit.
  • This control unit delivers the plus five volts pulse to the base terminal of the transistor. The mechanism which you keep in mind is that the ground of the controller circuit must be coupled with the emitter terminal of the transistor.
  • The ten-ohm resistance is coupled with the base to bound the current.
  • During usual situations, the transistor will remain off and there will be no base current. When control unit sends pulse at base current starts to flow in base and transistor gets on.

  • After this collector current will produce and start the motor to works the motor will works until the base current will be available.
  • When control unit output is diminished then base current start to decrease then transistor stop working. Then transistor stop working then automatically collector current becomes zero and motor turns off, as it was working on collector current.

  • For further understanding, let's see a diagram of the circuit.

Applications of TIP121

  • These are the main applications of TIP121.
    • It is used to control the speed of a direct current motor.
    • It used in different lighting circuits.
    • It used in PWM submissions.
    • It used in different relay drivers.
    • It used in different switch-mode power supplies.
    • It used in acoustic amplifiers circuits.
    • It works in different intensifier circuits.
So it was all about TIP121 if you have any question about it ask in comments. Thanks for reading. Take care until the next tutorial.

Introduction to TIP125

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to TIP125. It is a bipolar PNP transistor, which is created for swapping and intensification submissions. It is the corresponding of transistor TIP121. The transistor is such a constituent which shows a very significant imperative on diverse electrical and electronic constituents and circuits. There is no electronic expedient which doesn't have a transistor in its circuitry. The transistor is available in NPN and PNP configuration according to their uses. These instruments also show a significant regulation in the adaptation of current and intensification of an input signal. In today’s post, we will have a look at its protection, debris, eccentricity, privileges, etc. I will also share some links where I have related it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to TIP125. 

Introduction to TIP125

  • It is a bipolar PNP transistor, which is created for swapping and intensification submissions. It is the corresponding of transistor TIP121.
  • These transistors are produced in planar expertise with base isle design and monolithic Darlington pair formation.
  • This transistor can work for the load of sixty volts having a maximum current of eight amperes incessant current of five amperes.
  • Which makes it appropriate for intermediates and higher power electronics circuitries such as motor control or larger power consuming power light-emitting diodes.
  • It is ordinarily used for such loading devices which consume high current and for such application where higher intensification is needed.
  • As it has less value of VBE  which is five volts so it can be easily regulated by a microcontroller.
  • If you are searching for such components which can effortlessly be monitored by logical instruments like microcontrollers and can be used for higher loading devices or for higher intensification then it will be the right component for you.

Pinout of TIP125

  • These are the main pinout of  TIP125.
    Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter It is typically related to the ground terminal.
    Pin#2 Base It used to turn on or off the transistor. We can say it mechanism like a switch.
    Pin#3 Collector This terminal of the transistor is linked with the load.
    Let's see a diagram of the pinout.

Features of TIP125

  • It is an intermediate power using a Darlington pair transistor.
  •  It provides a higher value of direct current gain of nearly a thousand.
  • Its collector current is five amperes.
  • The voltage at its collector and emitter terminal Vce sixty volts.
  • The voltage at its collector and base is sixty volts.
  • Its voltage at emitter and base terminals is five volts.
  • Its base takes a current of 120 milliamperes.
  • Its maximum loading current is eight ampers.
  • It offered in To-220 casing.

Ratings of TIP125

Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCEO 60 V These are the voltage across collector and emitter.
VCBO 60 V  These are the voltage around the collector and base.
VEBO 5 V These are the voltage around emitter and base.
IC 5 A It is the current at collector which is dc.
IB 120 mA It is the current at the base.
PD 65 A It is the total power dissipated by the transistor.  
Tstg -65 C to 150 C It is the Junction Temperature.
TJ -65 C to 150 C  It is the Junction Temperature.

Electrical Charestrastic of TIP125

Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCEO 60 V These are the collector and emitter sustaining voltage.
ICEO 0.5 mA  It is the collector cut-off current.
ICBO 0.2 mA It is the value of collector cut off the current.
IEBO 2 A This is the emitter cut off the current.
hFE 1000 This is the value of gain.
VCE 2 V These are the collector and emitter saturation voltages.  
VBE 2.5 V It is the base-emitter operating voltage.
Cbo 300 pF  It is the output capacitance.

Working of TIP125

  • We have discussed earlier that TIP125 is Darlington pair transistor. Its functioning is similar to a PNP transistor.
  • As this transistor has Darlington paint in it due to this it has good collector current rating near five amperes.
  • The Darlington circuitry of this transistor is given in the figure. In this circuit, we can see that in this casing there are a two-transistor.
  • The emitter (E) of one transistor is linked with the base terminal of 2nd  and collector of both are linked with each other to create Darlington pair.
  • This assembly enhances the gain and current rating of the transistor.

Applications of TIP125

  • These are some applications of tip125.
    • It can be used for switching of higher current consuming up to the 5 ampers loading devices.
    • It works as an intermediate power-consuming switching.
    • it is used for such circuits where higher amplification is required.
    • It used to control motors speed.
    • It used for rectification process.
So it was all about TIP125 if you have any question about it ask in comments. Thanks for reading. Take care until the next tutorial.

Introduction to 74ls04

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to 74ls04. 74LS04is a participant of 74XXYY integrated sequence. The seventy-four sequences are numerical logic incorporated circuitries. This integrated circuit consists of 6 not gates. These gats do the function of reversing of different functions. To the existence of six gates, it also is known as hex inverter. This integrated circuit is offered in numerous suites. You can select a suitable suite dependent on conditions. This module has fourteen pinouts which perform different functions. It is used in different memory units. In today’s post, we will have a look at its protection, wreck, oddness, privileges, etc. I will also share some links where I have related it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to 74ls04. 

Introduction to 74ls04

  • The logic gates of this unit use silicon gate CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) expertise to achieve working speeds alike to LSTTL (Low-Power Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic) gates, with the less power ingesting of normal CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) incorporated circuitry.
  •  All components of the 74 series have the capability to run ten devices have the ability to drive 10 LSTTL (Low-Power Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic) loading device.
  •  The 74-HCT logic groups working is pin well-matched with the normal 74LS logic sequence.
  • This module is used for such circuits where the inversion of different logic is desired.
  • Inversion logic gats in these modules give the changed outputs if the input is one then the output will be zero.
  •  This device consists of 6 not gate.
  • If you need during your working  (transistor-transistor logic) TTL it will be a good option for these operations.
  •  It is less costly instruments and easily extensible in marketplaces and it used in many circuits for inversion purpose.

Pinout of 74ls04

  • These are the main pinouts of 74ls04 which are described below.
    Pin# Type                                        Parameters
    Pin#1 1A It is the input pinout of gate one.
    Pin#3 2A It is the input of pinout of gate two.
    Pin#5 3A It is the input pinout of gate three.
    Pin#9 4A It is the input pin of gate four.
    Pin#11 5A It is the input pinout of gate five.
    Pin#13 6A It s the input pinout of gate six.
    Pin#7 GND It is the ground terminal.
    Pin#14 Vcc This pin is connected with the positive polarity of voltages.
    Pin#2 1Y It is the output pin of gate one.
    Pin#4 2Y It is the output pin of gate two.
    Pin#6 3Y It is the output pinout of gate three.
    Pin#8 4Y it is the output pin of gate four.
    Pin#10 5Y It is the output pin of gate five.
    Pin#12 6Y It is the output pin of gate six.
  • Now we see the pinout diagram.

Features of 74ls04

  • These are the main features of 74ls04.
    • This module works on the plus 4.75 volts to plus 5.25.
    • The extreme voltage values which this module can bear is plus seven volts.
    • The extreme current which every not gate circuit of this device can bear is eight milli-ampere.
    • This component is not constructed with the lead Pb.
    • Its outputs are a type of transistor-transistor logic.
    • The value of its extreme rising timing is fifteen nanoseconds.
    • The extreme value of this device falling time is fifteen nanoseconds.
    • It works amount the temperature ranges of zero Celcius to seventy Celsius.

Application of 74ls04

  • These are many applications of this device. It has very importance in inversion circuits. Few of its applications are explain here discuss them.
  • It is a Universal use logic instrument which used in the different logic circuit.
  • It is used in different servers.
  • It used in different storage module to store data.
  • This module is also used in different personal computers and notebooks as a storing device.
  • It also used in different digital reluctances circuits and instruments.
  • This module is used in different networking systems.
  • It also used in different Digital instruments and networks.
So it was all about 74ls04 I write this article in the simplest way for you. If you have any question about it as in comments. I will solve your problems. Thanks for readings take care till the next tutorial.

Introduction to Atmega32

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to Atmega32. ATmega32 is eight-bit higher enactment microcontroller, it is manufactured by an Atmel (it is a designer and builder of different semiconductors materials). It is founded on enriched RISC which stands for (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) design which consists of 131 (one thirty-one) potent commands. Mostly commands implement in one mechanism sequence. The maximum frequency at which it operates sixteen MHz. It delivers a subtle equilibrium among enactment and balance. It is the Pico Power sort of the normal ATmega328 kind which permits it to work below lesser voltage and power necessities, nearly 1.62 volts. In today’s post, we will have a look at its fortification, wreckage, eccentricity, privileges, etc. I will also share some links where I have related it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to Atmega32. 

Introduction to Atmega32

  • ATmega32 is eight-bit higher enactment microcontroller, it is manufactured by an Atmel (it is a designer and builder of different semiconductors materials).
  • It is a higher enactment, less power consuming eight-bit AVR (automatic voltage regulator) RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) constructed microcontroller.
  • It syndicates thirty-two-kilo byte ISP (In-system Programming) flash storage which having rand and writes competences.
  •  This module consists of one-kilo byte  EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), two kilobyte SRAM (static RAM), 54 inputs and 69 general persistence output lines, thirty-two universal persistence functioning registers, a JTAG (Joint Test Action Group ) interfacing for border scanning and onboard repairing or debugging.
  • It also comprises of 3 malleable regulators with associate manners, interior and exterior interferes, sequential programmable USART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter), a (USI) having on state indicator, an eight-channel ten-bit analog to digital converter, programmable overseer timer with interior oscillation generator, SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) sequential slot, and 5 software choose able power convertible manners.
  • It works on 1.8 to 5.5 volts.
  • It is very tranquil to program AVR (automatic voltage regulator) controller. As it has very substantial program storage so it can easily work with different embedded networks.
  • As this module consists of thirty-two inputs and output pinouts we can easily connect it with any other component effortlessly.
  • As we discussed earlier it has observer timer to reset fault, so it can be used on different networks for fault reset without any human interference.
  • As it has a lot of landscapes which cooperate with one other so we can use it in different controlling systems.
  • By performing influential commands in a solitary sequence, the expedient attains quantities impending 1 MIPS per MHz, balancing power consumption and processing speed.

Pinout of Atmega32

  • These are the main pinouts of ATmega32 which are described below.
    Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 PB0 (XCK/T0) it is the zero pin of port B.
    Pin#2 PB1 (T1) it is the one no pin of port B.
    Pin#3 PB2 (INT2/AIN0) it is the no two pin of port B.
    Pin#4 PB3 (OC0/AIN1) it is the three no pin of port B.
    Pin#5 PB4 (SS) It is the no four-pin of port B.
    Pin#6 PB5 (Master Out Slave In) It is the pin no five of port B.
    Pin#7 PB6 (master in slave out) It is the pin no six of port B.
    Pin#8 PB7 (Serial clock) this is the pin no seven of port B.
    Pin#9 RESET It is the reset pin.
    Pin#10 Vcc It is the supply voltage of plus five volts.
    Pin#11 GND It is the ground terminal.
    Pin#12 XTAL2 it is linked with the  Crystal Oscillator.
    Pin#13 XTAL1 this pin is also linked with the Crystal Oscillator.
    Pin#14 PD0 (RXD) it is the zero pin of port D.
    Pin#15 PD1 (TXD) It is the pin no one of Port D.
    Pin#16 PD2 (INT0) it is the pin no two of port D.
    Pin#17 PD3 (INT1) it is the pin no three of port D.
    Pin#18 PD4 (OC1B) it is the pin no four of port D.
    Pin#19 PD5 (OC1A) it is the pin no five of port D.
    Pin#20 PD6 (ICP) it is the pin no six of port D.
    Pin#21 PD7 (OC2) it is the pin no seven of port D.
    Pin#22 PC0 (SCL) it is the pin no zero of port c.
    Pin#23 PC1 (SDA) it is the pin no one of port c.
    Pin#24 PC2 (TCK) it is the pin no two of port c.
    Pin#25 PC3 (TMS) it is the pin no three of port c.
    Pin#26 PC4 (TDO) it is the pin no four of port c.
    Pin#27 PC5 (TDI) it is the pin no five of port c.
    Pin#28 PC6 (TOSC1) it is the pin no six of port c.
    Pin#29 PC7 (TOSC2) it is the pin no seven of port seven.
    Pin#30 AVcc It is the Vcc for interior ADC.
    Pin#31 GND it is the ground terminal.
    Pin#32 AREF It is the Analog Reference Pin for ADC.
    Pin#33 PA7 (A/DC7) it is the pin no seven for port A.
    Pin#34 PA6 (A/DC6) It is the pin no six for port A.
    Pin#35 PA5 (A/DC5) it is the pin no five for port A.
    Pin#36 PA4 (A/DC4) It is the pin no four for port A.
    Pin#37 PA3 (A/DC3) it is the pin no three for port A.
    Pin#38 PA2 (A/DC2) it is the pin no two for port A.
    Pin#39 PA1 (A/DC1) it is the pin no one for port A.
    Pin#40 PA0 (A/DC0) It is the pin no zero for port A.

Features of Atmega32

  • These are the main features of atmega32 which are explained below.
    • Its processor is eight bits AVR(automatic voltage regulator.
    • This module has forty different types of pinouts, which we have discussed with detailed.
    • it's working voltage is from plus four volts to plus five volts.
    • This device has thirty-two inputs and output pinouts.
    • This microcontroller has an analog to digital converter unit which ten bits resolution.
    • It consists of two counter first one is eight bits and other is sixteen bits.
    • This component has one analog comparing circuit. It does not consist of digital to the analog converter. It consists of four(4) pulse width modulator (PWM). It consists of the exterior oscillator which works on the eighth megahertz frequency. It also consists of the interior oscillator which works on eight megahertz frequency. It consists of Flash memory. Its processor speed is sixteen MIPS(Million Instructions Per Second). Its random excess memory is two-kilo bytes. It comprises of 6 power storing Ways. Its functioning temperature is -55 Celsius to 125 celsius.
    • Its working temperature is -55 Celsius to +125 Celsius.

Applications of ATmega32

There are many applications of Armega32 some are described here.
  • It used in different temperature control systems.
  • It used in the different analog signal calculation and management techniques.
  • It used in different entrenched schemes like chocolate apparatus, peddling mechanism.
  • It used for controlling the motor.
  • It used for Numerical signal handling.
  • It used for Marginal Interfacing scheme.
So, friends, it was all about ATmega32, if you have any question about it ask in comments I will resolve your problems and try my best to the simplest answer to your problem. Thanks for reading. Take care until the next tutorial.

Introduction to TIP32

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to TIP32. The TIP32 is a silicon Epitaxial base PNP transistor it exists in a TO-220 malleable casing. It is proposed for use in less power consuming rectilinear and swapping submissions. Its quality is that it exists in three different collector and emitter ratings. Its corresponding NPN transistor is TIP31. This is a communal transistor it used in diverse engineering projects. It created for minimum time consuming swapping submissions. In today’s post, we will have a look at its fortification, smashup, dissimilarity, claims, etc. I will also share some links where I have connected it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to TIP32. 

Introduction to TIP32

  • The TIP32 is a silicon Epitaxial base PNP transistor it exists in a TO-220 malleable casing.
  •  As it has a higher collector current of around 2A it can be used for Power swapping or larger signal intensification.
  • The transistor is mostly recognized for its higher intensification capability subsequently 2A is not much of a greater capability.
  • So, if you are observing for a PNP transistor for your amplifier circuitry then TIP32 can be your excellent option or to change sophisticated current loads greater than 2A.
  • There are two limits on the power supervision capability of a transistor first one is normal intersection temperature and second is failure safe functioning area curvatures specify IC-VCE restrictions of the transistor which should be experiential for the dependable process such as the transistor need not be exposed to larger indulgence than the arcs designate.

    Pinout of TIP32

  • These are the main pinout of  TIP32.
    Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter Current originates out by the emitter, it is typically connected to ground.
    Pin#2 Base It manages the biasing of the transistor and workings to turn ON or OFF the transistor.
    Pin#3 Collector Current actions in over collector, typically related to load
    Let's see a diagram of the pinout.

Ratings of TIP32

Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCBO -40V These are the voltage across collector and base.
VCEO -40V  These are the voltage around collector and emitter.
VEBO -5 V These are the voltage around emitter and base.
IC -3A It is the current at collector which is dc.
ICP -5A  It is the pulse of collector current.
IB -3A It is the current at the base.  
Pc 40W It is the power dissipation at  Collector (TC=25°C).
TJ 150 C  It is the Junction Temperature.

Features of TIP32

  • These are some important features of TIP32 which are described below.
    • This is an Intermediate power consuming PNP  power Transistor.
    • Its direct current gain is about 10 to 50.
    • The Incessant current at collector terminal (Ic) is three amperes. Collector current (IC) is 3A.
    • The voltage at collector and emitter terminals is 100 volts.
    • The quantity of collector and base (VCB) voltage is a hundred volts.
    • The voltage across emitter and base terminals is five volts.
    • This transistor exists in To-220 Packaging.
Working of TIP32
  • Though TIP has higher collector current and gain, it is properly modest to switch the expedient meanwhile it has an emitter and base voltage of the only 5V and the base current of merely 120mA.
  • Then as we are working with higher current, there will be decent warmth indulgence for swapping submissions and henceforth a heat absorber is suggested.
  • Also, the Transistor can be run openly from (pulse width modulator) PWM signal meanwhile the emitter and base are less, though the PWM must basis sufficient current for the whole capacity of the Transistor.
  • The current over the base pinout has to be inadequate, you can also use even a one kilo-ohm resistor if your collector current prerequisite is less.

Applications of TIP32

  • It is used in such switching circuits which consume higher current around 2 amperes.
  • It can be used in intermediate power using switching circuits and high signal intensification.
  • It can also be used to vary the speeds of different motors.
  • It used in half bridge circuits.
  • It used for rectification and inversion of current.
So it was all about TIP32 if you have any question about it ask in comments. I will give some solution to your questions. Thanks for reading.

Introduction to TIP31

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to TIP31. The TIP31 is a typical NPN transistor which is frequently cast-off for intermediate power submissions. This  (BJT) is a three (3) points expedient which works for intensification or swapping submissions. It is designed by linking three units of semiconductors with alternatively dissimilar doping. The central unit which is (base) is thin and the other two external areas (emitter and collector) are greatly doped. Some transistors can intensify a minor current which will then be dominant sufficient to work a spotlight or other higher current expedients. These diplomacies are also capable to notice an alteration in voltage and perform as a switch. The TIP31 is a communal transistor which is cheap and tranquil to use for numerous submissions. In today’s post, we will have a look at its protection, wreck, divergence, entitlements, etc. I will also share some links where I have associated it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to TIP31. 

Introduction to TIP31

  • The TIP31 is a typical NPN transistor which is frequently cast-off for intermediate power submissions.
  • It contains three (3) contrarily doped semiconductor parts, the collector area, the base section, and the emitter.
  •  These three parts are p-type, n category, and p category, correspondingly. Every of these part is linked to a point and suitably categorized.
  • During a Connection of transistor components, it desires to do it sensibly since an improper linking can the origin of an instant and enduring harm to the transistor.
  • There are four (4) conditions of processes for this sort of transistor forward-energetic, reverse- energetic, cut-off, and saturated region.
  • Every assists a firm purpose and do a job which can be very valuable in numerous diverse circumstances.
  • This can as well be used for intensification of the auditory signals.
  • It is very adaptable and can be applied effortlessly into our different projects.

TIP31 Pinout

  • These are the main pinouts of TIP31.
Pin# Type                                         Parameters
Pin#1 Emitter Current initiates out by the emitter, it is usually connected to ground.
Pin#2 Base It accomplishes the biasing of the transistor and mechanisms to turn ON or OFF the transistor.
Pin#3 Collector Current travels in over collector, normally it is connected to load.
Let's see a diagram of the TIP31 Pinout.

Features of TIP31

  • These are the main features of TIP31.
    • This definite transistor can be used in numerous circumstances and typically acts in an alike method even if this portion is acquired from a dissimilar builder.
    •  The permeation(saturation) voltage for the collector and emitter terminal is 1.2 volts whereas the base and emitter permeation(saturation)  voltage are 1.8 volts.
    • It does not necessitate a large power to start this transistor then the rate is also not small wherever an untrue initiation would happen.
    • The gain of this transistor can vary from twenty (20) to twenty-five (25), which can be enormously valuable particularly when intensifying auditory signals.
    • Its Maximum Working Connection Temperature is 150 centigrade.
    • Its changeover (transition) frequency three (3) MegaHz.

Applications of TIP31

  • These are some important applications of TIP31.
    • The submissions of this bipolar junction transistor originate two elementary thoughts.
    •  It used to produce a switching circuitry or an amplifier circuitry.
    •  Theist circuit in given diagram demonstrations the appropriate fitting of this expedient to work as a switching device which will on a LED.
    • In given circuit when the (S1) switch is on, current initiates the movement towards the base of the transistor triggering it to start.
    • The connection VCE currently is capable to permit current movement which triggered the (Light Emitting Diode) LED.
    • In the given diagram, the 2nd circuit displays how two transistors can be shaped to procedure a pretty powerful amplifier circuitry.
    • When the exposed (open) circuitry at the switch (S1) is substituted with a short circuit, current initiates to movement to the Ist transistor.
    •  This sources intensification in the current and also on the 2nd transistor. It happens since the emitter of the ist transistor is unswervingly linked with the base of the 2nd.
    •  The 2nd transistor will now dowse and source the LED to trigger. The resultant yield of the 2nd emitter has been intensified two times.
So it was all about TIP31 if you have any question about it ask in comments. Thanks for reading. Take care until the next tutorial.

Introduction to C2383

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to C2383. C2383 is a silicon Epitaxial NPN Transistor, it is manufactured for color television to control the sound submissions. It is an expedient which operate on the high voltage the value of VCEO is 160 volts. It is corresponding to A1013 transistor in design. It is assembled in TO-92 MOD type of casing and has the dimension of 210±20um 240um×240um. It manufactured by the famous electronic company of Toshiba. In today’s post, we will have a look at its fortification, smashup, prominence, proposals, etc. I will also share some links where I have correlated it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to C2383.

Introduction to C2383

  • C2383 is a silicon Epitaxial NPN Transistor, it is manufactured for color television to control the sound submissions. It is an expedient which operate on the high voltage the value of VCEO is 160 volts.
  • It has enormous incessant collector current competence.
  • It is suggested for upright rebound output and sound output submissions for line-operated televisions.
  • It has collector current value one ampere and collector dissipation factor is 0.9 watt.
  • The C2383 transistor has a current gain anyplace among 60 and 320.
Now we discuss the pinout of C2383.

Pinout of C2383

  • These are the main pinout C2383 which are well-defined beneath.
  • Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter The emitter is for an outward enterprise of current.
    Pin#2 Base The base manages the biasing of the transistor. It whims the state of the transistor.
    Pin#3 Collector The collector is for the current inward enterprise. It is connected to the load.
    Lest see a diagram of the pinout.

Features of C2383

  • These are the main features of C2383.
    • Its power Intemperance (dissipation) is 0.9Watts.
    • It current at collector is one ampere.
    • Its working temperature and storing intersection temperature assortment is -55O C to +150O.
    • It is the lead-free module.
    • It is a high voltage consuming module VCEO is 160V.
    • It is the best option for perpendicular ricochet output and acoustic output requests for line-operated TVs.
    • Its transition frequency is 100 MHz.
Now we discuss the rating parameters of C2383.

Maximum Rating of C2383

Symbols Value                                         Parameters
VCBO 160 V The voltage across the collector and base.
VCEO 160 V The voltage across emitter and collector.
VEBO 6 V The voltage across emitter and base at.
IC 1 C It is the current which consume at the collector.
IB 0.5 A The current value at the base.
Pc 900 mW It is power dissipate at the collector.
TJ 150C It is the junction temperature.
Tstg -55 to 150 C It is storing temperature range.
Now we discuss the electrical characteristics of C2383.

Electrical Characteristics of C2383

These are some important electrical characteristics.
Symbols Test Conditions          Parameters
ICBO VCB=150V, IE=0 The value of collector cut-off current.
IEBO VEB=5V, IC=0 The value of emitter cut-off current.
BVCBO IC=0.1mA It is the Collector-Base failure Voltage
BVCEO IC=10mA It is the Collector-emitter failure voltage.
BVEBO IE=0.1mA It is the base-emitter failure voltage.
hFE VCE=5V, IC=200mA It is the direct current gain.  
VCE(sat) IC=500mA, IB=50mA It is the collector saturation voltage.
Now we discuss working of C2383.

Working of C2383

  • As we discussed earlier it is used in different television screens and LCDs so now we study how it works in motorized projector ceiling screen.
  • Motorized electric projector screens are mainly great traditions to make a home theater arrangement on an economical.
  • These motorized projection screens are inordinate for households, industries, as well as scholastic atmospheres with silent motors and huge watching zones they are perfect to couple with video projectors.
  • The remote-controlled Home Gear 120 inches motorized projector screen is one of our preferred choices it measures 120" obliquely, has a 16:9 characteristic ratio, weighs 28.6 lbs and its lusterless screen substantial is effortlessly splashed with soap and water.
  • The screen is comprised of 3 layers a white PVC higher layer, a terylene fabric central layer, and a black PVC back which are proposed to recover the fertility and clearness of picture excellence.

Applications of C2383

  • These are some important applications of C2383.
    • It is used in color televisions to control sound submissions.
    • It is used in different screens to controls the motions of projectors.
So it was all about C2383 if you have any question about it ask in comments. I will guide you comprehensively. Take till the next tutorial.

Introduction to A1015

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to A1015. A1015 is a part of transmissive light sensing sequence which has a high competence GaAs Infrared light discharging diode which actions as the light stemming component, extremely sensitive phototransistor is used as the light sensing element. These two apparatuses are established so as in the opposite of each other, any materials fleeting among them are effortlessly sensed. The A1015 is made in casing of TO-92. By seeing at its smooth side we can comprehend the three terminals impending out, these three terminals from left to right are emitter, collector and base. In today’s post, we will have a look at its fortification, wreckage, consequence, submissions, etc. I will also share some links where I have associated it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to A1015. 

Introduction to A1015

  • A1015 is a part of transmissive light sensing sequence which has a high competence GaAs Infrared light discharging diode which actions as the light stemming component, extremely sensitive phototransistor is used as the light sensing element.
  • It is commonly used PNP transistor for the intensification and switching submissions.
  • It is a less signal user transistor it is used to amplify low signals it can also use as a switching device.
  • Distinctive hFE standards for this small signal transistors series from 10 to 500, having extreme Ic evaluations from around 80 to 600mA.
  • Its extreme working frequencies assortment is from 1 to 300 MHz.
  • It is mainly used when intensifying small signals, such as an insufficient volt and only when using milli-amperes of current.
  • For such apparatuses which devour a large quantity of current it is used for them instead of it, we use power transistors.

Pinout of A1015

  • These are the main pinout of A1015.
  • Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter The emitter is for the external association of current.
    Pin#2 Base The base administers the biasing of the transistor. It vagaries the state of the transistor.
    Pin#3 Collector The collector is for the current inward drive. It is related to the load.
    Lest see a diagram of the pinout.

Features of A1015

  • These are some features of A1015.
    • It is a transistor like PNP.
    • It dispels the power of 0.4 watts.
    • The supreme voltage at which it functions is 50 volts and current at its collector is 150mA.
    • Its noise value is low approximately its value is 1dB.
    • It is assembled in a readymade plastic coating.
    • Its direct current gain value is 400.
    • The power it consumes at the collector is 400 milliwatt.
    • The value of itemization voltage at (C-E) and (C-B) is 50 volts DC.
    • The value of permeation Voltage at BE is 1.45 volts of DC.
    • Its matching transistor is 2SC1815
    • Its Operational Temperature and Stowage Temperature is -55? to +150?.

Working of A1015

  • Now we discuss working of A1015 by a circuit diagram which is described below.
    • The circuit which is we are using in this tutorial is a LED flasher which has A1015, capacitor which mention in the given diagram as C1 and resistor R1 both of these are working as a frequency generator for Q1 transistor this transistor works as a switch for Q2 transistor.
    • As C1 and R2 work as a switch for Q1, it will works till the voltage discharge upsurges crosswise of C1. As a consequence, Q2 flinches working, and a current drifts through LED and it goes ON.
    • Although C1 settled over R1 to a period of time when C1 emancipation out there would be no compression to bias the base point of the Q1.
    • Henceforth, the Q1 stop operation which also halts Q2 to operate. Consequently, LED turn OFF and C1 will switch again and this rotation lasts. And, the spiraling ON and OFF of LED appears as a flasher.
For a better understanding of this circuit, let's see the circuit diagram:. Now we discuss where we can use this transistor.

Applications of A1015

  • These are some applications of A1015.
    • It works as a switch in different projects.
    • It uses in driver phase amplifier accomplishment.
    • It used as an audio frequency amplifier.
    • It can also use a Darlington pair.
    • It used in the creation of led flasher.
So it was all about A1015 if you have any question about it ask in comments. Thanks for reading.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir