Introduction to 2n5320

Hey Fellas! Hope you are doing great. Today I am going to give you the details on Introduction to 2n5320. It is basically a Bipolar NPN (Negative Positive Negative) Transistor (BJT), which contains two layers of N-doped semiconductor and one layer of P-doped semiconductor. P, layer lies between two N layers. Here P represents the Base of the transistor and two N layers show emitter and collector respectively. This NPN transistor has a wide range of applications. It is mainly used for power amplification and switching purpose.You should also have a look at Introduction to BC547 which is also an NPN transistor. So, let's get started with Introduction to 2n5320:

Introduction to 2n5320

  • 2n5320 is a bipolar Switching Silicon transistor, which is mostly used for amplification purpose.
  • 2n5360 is an NPN transistor, where P doped layer exists between two N doped layers.
  • In this transistor, collector supply voltage will be positive with respect to the emitter and is denoted by Vce.
  • The transistor action is triggered by the free movement of electrons from its base. Actually, these electrons work like a bridge between emitter and collector.
  • The voltage between collector and emitter is 75 Volt, while the voltage between base and collector is 100 Volt.
  • Voltage between emitter and base is 6 V.
  • Maximum DC collector current is 700 mV.
  • I have shown the 2n5320 in both of its symbolical and actual form in below figure:
1. 2n5320 Pinout
2n5320 basically consists of three pins which are as follows:
  • 1: Emitter
  • 2: Base
  • 3: Collector
Actual pinout of 2n5320 transistor is shown in the figure below:
  • The small base current is used to control a large amount of current at emitter and collector.
  • The control of base current on emitter and collector is basically the backbone of transistor amplifying properties.
  • The transistor is considered as fully ON when a large amount of current flows through collector and emitter.
  • 2n5320 is also known as a current operated device.
2. Circuit Diagram of 2n5320
  • The Circuit Diagram of 2n5320 is shown in the figure given below:
  • As it is NPN transistor so voltage is negative at the emitter side and positive at the base side. The base-emitter voltage can be described as Vbe.
  • One thing you must take into consideration, the base voltage will always be positive with respect to the emitter.
  • The current flowing through the emitter is a combination of base and collector current.
  • When we divide collector current to the base current, we get the transistor current in this switching bipolar transistor and is denoted by beta ß. As it is a ratio between two current so it encompasses no units.
  • The standard value of this beta is 200. The ratio between collector current and base current is actually used for amplification purpose. The value of beta ranges from 20 to 1000. We can see the value of beta from the datasheet of different manufacturers but it generally ranges between 50 to 200.
  • The current gain of this transistor is defined as the ratio between collector current to the emitter current. It is represented as alpha. The value of alpha lies between 0.95 to the 0.99 and most of the cases it is considered as unity.
3. Pin Ratings of 2n5320
  • The Pin ratings of 2n5320 bipolar transistor is given below.
  • Here voltage is represented in voltage and current is denoted by ampere.
  • It is a low-frequency device that has the current rating of 2A. The semiconductor used in this bipolar transistor is made up of silicon that’s why it is mostly called Switching Silicon Bipolar Transistor.
4. Mechanical Outline of 2n5320
  • Mechanical Outline of 2n5320 is shown in the below figure:
  • These mechanical outlines are of quite importance especially in professional projects.
  • But if you working on some student engineering project then these are not for you.
5. Applications
2n5320 Bipolar Transistor has many applications in real life. Some of them are given below.
  • It is used for amplification purpose.
  • Used for many switching applications.
  • It also works as a low frequency device.
So, that was all about 2n5320. I hope you will get something out of it. If you wanna ask something about this NPN transistor then ask in comments adn I will try my best to resolve your issues. Will meet you guys in the next tutorial. Have a good day !!! :)

Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino in Proteus

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great and having fun in your lives. In today's tutorial, we are gonna design a Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino in Proteus ISIS. You should download this Heart Beat Sensor Library V2.0 for Proteus because we are gonna use that to detect heart beat in Proteus. I have also used a 20x4 LCD which will display our heart rate value. You should download this New LCD Library for Proteus. I have counted the heart beat for ten seconds and then I have multiplied it with 6 to get the heartbeat per minute which is abbreviated as bpm (beats per minute). So, let's get started with Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino in Proteus ISIS.
Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1LCD 20x4AmazonBuy Now
2Arduino UnoAmazonBuy Now

Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino in Proteus

  • First of all, click the below button to download this complete Proteus simulation & Arduino code for Heart Beat Monitor:
Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino in Proteus

Proteus Simulation of Heart Rate Monitor

  • Now let's have a look at How we have designed this simulation and How it works.
  • So, design a simple circuit in Proteus as shown in the below figure:
  • As you can see in the above figure, we have our Arduino UNO board along with LCD and Heart Beat Sensor.
  • There's also a Button attached to Pin # 2, so when we press this button our Arduino will start counting the Heart Beat and will update it on the LCD.
Now let's have a look at the programming code for Heart Rate Monitor:

Arduino Code for Heart Rate Monitor

  • Here's the code which I have used for this Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <TimerOne.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

int HBSensor = 4;
int HBCount = 0;
int HBCheck = 0;
int TimeinSec = 0;
int HBperMin = 0;
int HBStart = 2;
int HBStartCheck = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  lcd.begin(20, 4);
  pinMode(HBSensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(HBStart, INPUT_PULLUP);
  Timer1.attachInterrupt( timerIsr );
  lcd.print("Current HB  : ");
  lcd.print("Time in Sec : ");
  lcd.print("HB per Min  : 0.0");

void loop() {
  if(digitalRead(HBStart) == LOW){lcd.setCursor(0,3);lcd.print("HB Counting ..");HBStartCheck = 1;}
  if(HBStartCheck == 1)
      if((digitalRead(HBSensor) == HIGH) && (HBCheck == 0))
        HBCount = HBCount + 1;
        HBCheck = 1;
        lcd.print(" ");
      if((digitalRead(HBSensor) == LOW) && (HBCheck == 1))
        HBCheck = 0;   
      if(TimeinSec == 10)
          HBperMin = HBCount * 6;
          HBStartCheck = 0;
          lcd.print(" ");
          lcd.print("Press Button again.");
          HBCount = 0;
          TimeinSec = 0;      

void timerIsr()
  if(HBStartCheck == 1)
      TimeinSec = TimeinSec + 1;
      lcd.print(" ");
  • In this code, I have used a TimerOne Library which creates an interrupt after every 1sec.
  • On each interrupt, it executes timerIsr() function, in which I have placed a check that whenever this interrupt will call we will increment TimeinSec variable.
  • So, when TimeinSec will become equal to 10 then I am simply multiplying it with 6 and updating it on the LCD.
  • So, use the above code and get your Hex File from Arduino Software and update it in your Proteus Simulation.

Simulating Heart Rate Monitor

  • Now run your Proteus Simulation and you will get something as shown in the below figure:
  • Now click this HB button and it will start counting the HB as well as will count the Time in seconds.
  • After ten seconds it will multiply the current heart rate with six and will give the Heart Beat Per Minute.
  • Here's a final image of the result:
  • You can change the value of Heart Beat from the variable resistor connected with Heart Beat Sensor.
  • Let's change the value of variable resistance connected to Heart Beat sensor, and have a look at the results.
  • You have to press the button again in order to get the value.
  • Here's the screenshot of the results obtained:
  • So, now the heart is beating a little faster and we have got 108 bpm.
  • If you run this simulation then you will notice that the second is quite slow which I think is because of Proteus.
  • I have tested this code on hardware and it worked perfectly fine, although you need to change heart beat sensor's values in coding.
  • Here's the video in which I have explained the working of this Heart Rate Monitor Simulation in detail.
So, that was all about Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino in Proteus ISIS. I hope you have enjoyed it and will get something out of it. Have a good day. :)

C945 Library for Proteus

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorials, I am gonna share a new C945 Library for Proteus. If you have searched for this transistor in Proteus, then you must have known that it's not available in Proteus. We have designed this transistor in Proteus and here's its library. If you don't know much about this transistor then you should have a look at Introduction to C945, in which I have explained in detail the basics of this transistor. Today, first of all, I will show you How to install this library and after that we will design a simple Proteus Simulation in which we will see How to simulate C945 in Proteus. You should also check this amazing list of New Proteus Libraries for Engineering Students. So, let's get started with C945 Library for Proteus:

C945 Library for Proteus

  • First of all, download this C945 Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
C945 Library for Proteus
  • You will get two files in it named as:
  • TransistorsTEP.IDX
  • TransistorsTEP.LIB
  • Place these two files in the Library folder of your Proteus software.
  • Now open you Proteus Software or restart it if its already open.
  • In your Components Search box, make a search for C945 and you will get some results as shown in below figure:
  • Now place this component in your Proteus work space and it will look something as shown in below figure:
  • Here's our NPN transistor named as C945, its first pin is Emitter, second one is Collector and the third one is Base.
  • Now let's have a look at C945 Simulation in Proteus.

C945 Simulation in Proteus

  • I hope you have installed the C945 Library for Proteus Successfully.
  • Now let's design a simple circuit to have a look at working of this transistor.
  • You can download this simulation by clicking the above button but as always, I would suggest you to design it on your own.
  • That way you can learn a lot.
  • The C945 Simulation for Proteus is shown in below figure:
  • I have used an opto-coupler (normally I use PC817 while designing it on hardware), which is getting a 5V signal and then I am sending that signal to the Base of C945.
  • At Emitter of C945, I have connected the GND and Collector is connected to the Load.
  • Here's the ON and OFF state of above circuit:
  • Its quite a simple circuit and actually what we are doing is we are controlling a 12V load frm 5V signal, which normally comes from Microcontroller like Arduino or PIC Microcontroller.
  • You can also assemble this circuit in hardware and can use it in your projects.
  • Here's the video in which I have shown How to download this C945 Library for Proteus and also how to run C945 Proteus Simulation:
So, that was all about C945 Library for Proteus and also How to design a C945 Simulation in Proteus. I hope you have enjoyed it and can design it on your own. You can download the Library as well as this Simulation by clicking above download button. Thanks for reading. Take care !!! :)

DC Motor Control using XBee & Arduino in Proteus

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna design a project named DC Motor Control using XBee & Arduino in Proteus ISIS. I have shared the complete code and have also explained it in detail. You can also download the complete working Proteus Simulation given at the end of this tutorial. In this project, I have designed two Proteus Simulations. The first Simulation is of Remote control in which I have used a keypad. The second simulation contains our two DC Motors and I am controlling the direction of those DC Motors with my Remote Control. XBee Module is used for sending wireless data. The code will also work on hardware as I have tested it myself. So, let's get started with DC Motor Control using XBee & Arduino in Proteus ISIS:

DC Motor Control using XBee & Arduino in Proteus

  • I have designed two Proteus Simulations for this project.
  • The First Simulation is named as Remote Control while the second one is named as DC Motor Control.
  • I am controlling the directions of these DC Motors from my Remote.
  • So, let's first have a look at Remote section and then we will discuss the DC Motor Control.
  • You can download both of these Proteus Simulations (explained below) and Arduino codes by clicking below button:
Download Proteus Simulation
Remote Control
  • Here's the overall circuit for Remote Control designed in Proteus ISIS:
  • As you can see in the above figure that we have Arduino UNO which is used as a microcontroller and then we have XBee module which is used for RF communication and finally we have Keypad for sending commands.
  • You have to download this XBee Library for Proteus in order to use this XBee module in Proteus.
  • You will also need to download Arduino Library for Proteus because Proteus doesn't have Arduino in it.
  • The Serial Monitor is used to have a look at all the commands.
  • Now next thing we need to do is, we need to write code for our Arduino UNO.
  • So, copy the below code and Get your Hex File from Arduino Software.
#include <Keypad.h>

const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows
const byte COLS = 4; //three columns
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
  {'7','8','9', '/'},
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {13, 12, 11, 10}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {9, 8, 7, 6}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

int KeyCheck = 0;

void setup() 


void loop() 
  char key = keypad.getKey();
  if (key)
    if(key == '1'){KeyCheck = 1; Serial.print("1");}
    if(key == '2'){KeyCheck = 1; Serial.print("2");}
    if(key == '3'){KeyCheck = 1; Serial.print("3");}
    if(key == '4'){KeyCheck = 1; Serial.print("4");}
    if(key == '5'){KeyCheck = 1; Serial.print("5");}
    if(key == '6'){KeyCheck = 1; Serial.print("6");}

    if(KeyCheck == 0){Serial.print(key);}
    KeyCheck = 0; 

  • The code is quite simple and doesn't need much explanation.
  • First of all, I have initiated my Keypad and then I have started my Serial Port which is connected with XBee Module.
  • In the Loop section, I am checking the key press and when any key is pressed our microcontroller sends a signal via XBee.
  • Now let's have a look at the DC Motor Control Section.
DC Motor Control
  • Here's the image of Proteus Simulation for DC Motor Control Section:
  • We have already installed the XBee & Arduino Library for Proteus in the previous section.
  • Here you need to install L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus, which is not available in it.
  • So here we have used two DC Motors, which are controlled with L298 Motor Driver.
  • XBee is used to receive commands coming from Remote Control.
  • Now use below code and get your hex file from Arduino Software:
int Motor1 = 7;
int Motor2 = 6;
int Motor3 = 5;
int Motor4 = 4;

int DataCheck = 0;

void setup() 
  pinMode(Motor1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor4, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Motor1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Motor2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Motor3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Motor4, HIGH);

  Serial.print("This Arduino Code & Proteus simulation is designed by:");

void loop() 
    char data =;
    Serial.print("      ======== >      ");
    if(data == '1'){DataCheck = 1; digitalWrite(Motor2, LOW);digitalWrite(Motor1, HIGH); Serial.println("First Motor is moving in Clockwise Direction.");}
    if(data == '2'){DataCheck = 1; digitalWrite(Motor1, LOW);digitalWrite(Motor2, HIGH); Serial.println("First Motor is moving in Anti-Clockwise Direction.");}
    if(data == '3'){DataCheck = 1; digitalWrite(Motor1, LOW);digitalWrite(Motor2,  LOW); Serial.println("First Motor is Stopped");} 

    if(data == '4'){DataCheck = 1; digitalWrite(Motor3, LOW);digitalWrite(Motor4, HIGH); Serial.println("Second Motor is moving in Clockwise Direction.");}
    if(data == '5'){DataCheck = 1; digitalWrite(Motor4, LOW);digitalWrite(Motor3, HIGH); Serial.println("Second Motor is moving in Anti-Clockwise Direction.");}
    if(data == '6'){DataCheck = 1; digitalWrite(Motor3, LOW);digitalWrite(Motor4,  LOW); Serial.println("Second Motor is Stopped.");}

    if(DataCheck == 0){Serial.println("Invalid Command. Please Try Again !!! ");}
    DataCheck = 0;

  • In this code, I am receiving commands from my remote and then changing the direction of my DC Motors.
  • When it will get '1', it will move the first motor in Clockwise Direction.
  • When it will get '2', it will move the first motor in Anti-Clockwise Direction.
  • When it will get '3', it will stop the first motor.
  • When it will get '4', it will move the second motor in Anti-Clockwise Direction.
  • When it will get '5', it will move the second motor in Clockwise Direction.
  • When it will get '6', it will stop the second motor.
  • It will say Invalid Commands on all other commands.
  • Now let's have a look at its working & results.
Working & Results
  • Now run both of your Simulations and if everything goes fine, then you will have something as shown in below figure:
  • Now when you will press buttons from keypad then DC Motors will move accordingly.
  • Here's an image where I have shown all the commands.
So, that's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed today's project in which we have designed DC Motor Control using XBee & Arduino in Proteus ISIS. Thanks for reading !!! :)

Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In today's post, I am going to share a Final Year Project in detail, named as Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM. I will give you all the details so that you can easily design it on your own. I've given the Proteus Simulation to download below. In that zip file, you will get both the Arduino codes and Proteus Simulations.

I have divided this whole project design into four parts. If you got into any trouble in your project, then ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve them. So, today we are gonna have a look at the basics of this Security project. There are a lot of systems introduced in the market these days that are used to transfer sensor data from one node to another either wirelessly or through some wired connection. The proposed technique also works on this same principle. But a lot of modifications are intended to introduce in order to enhance this technique.

Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1LCD 20x4AmazonBuy Now
2NEO-6MAmazonBuy Now
3SIM900AmazonBuy Now
4DS18B20AmazonBuy Now
5Flame SensorsAmazonBuy Now
6MQ-2AmazonBuy Now
7Arduino UnoAmazonBuy Now

Real Time Security Control System

  • You can download this Project by clicking the below button:
Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM Now let's have a look at the project description:

Project Description

In this project, I have designed a real-time security system, which consists of two wireless nodes named as
  • Sensor Node
  • Base Node.
So, first of all, let's have a look at these two nodes one by one. First, I am going to discuss Sensor Node:

Sensor Node

The sensor node is placed in that building which is needed to be secured. Sensor node consists of three different sensors and two modules used for security purposes named as:
  • Sensors:
    • Smoke Sensor: To detect Smoke.
    • Flame Sensor: Used for Fire Detection.
    • Temperature Sensor: Measuring Temperature of surroundings.
  • Modules:
    • GSM module: is used to deliver the notification message if any fault occurs in the system.
    • GPS module: is used to locate the exact position of the fault that occurred.
Below two modules are used for controlling purposes:
  • Modules:
    • Arduino UNO: All these Sensors and modules are connected to Arduino UNO.
    • XBee Module: To send sensors' data & GPS Location to Base Node.
Block Diagram for the Sensor Unit of Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM is shown in below figure: Now let's have a look at the Base Unit of Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM.
Base Unit:
  • The base node will be placed in the Control Department. It could be your security guard's room or the nearby police station.
  • This node will receive the data from the sensor node via XBee module.
  • So, in total it will have three modules on it which are:
    • XBee Module: It is used to maintain wireless communication between the sensor node and base node.
    • LCD 20x4: It is used to display real-time conditions like sensors' values & GPS Location.
    • Arduino Mega 2560: It is used to control both of these modules.
  • Here's the block diagram of Base Unit for Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM:

Components Selected

In the previous section, we have had a look at the basic Introduction of our Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM. This section will elaborate on the selection of the components which is the most important factor before designing any project/product. This is basically a simulation based project so there is no hardware involved in this project. The proposed technique is designed in Proteus ISIS. All of the components are taken from the Proteus library.

Flame Sensor

  • The flame sensor is an electronic device usually used for fire detection purposes.
  • It can be used in homes, industries, offices, schools etc.
  • A certain threshold is adjusted while designing the algorithm.
  • When the fire flames cross that particular threshold, the flame sensor will send a signal to Arduino which will send that signal through Xbee to Base Unit immediately.
  • As soon as the signal will be received on the Base Unit, the alarm will turn ON and hence guards will come to know that this area has become dangerous now.
  • Immediate precautions must be taken in this case.
  • Flame Sensor is not available in Proteus so we have designed its library.
  • You should download this Flame Sensor Library for Proteus.

Smoke Sensor

  • A smoke sensor is used to detect a certain level of smoke within the desired region.
  • It is usually used in homes and organizations for the detection of fire or internal burns.
  • It is a low-cost and very sensitive sensor that also beeps if someone is smoking in its coverage area.
  • This Smoke Sensor will detect any smoke in the area then it will warn the Arduino board which will, in turn, send a signal via XBee to Base Unit.
  • Proteus software doesn't have a smoke sensor in it so you should download this Smoke Sensor Library for Proteus.

Temperature Sensor

  • The temperature sensor is an electronic sensor used to estimate the temperature in the surroundings.
  • The temperature range can be adjusted while designing its algorithm.
  • When the temperature in the surroundings reaches the adjusted threshold, it generates a notification.
  • Most of the time an alarm is attached to the temperature sensor. The alarm starts to beep when the desired temperature is reached. It can be used in homes, offices and organizations to maintain the temperature of a certain area according to the desired requirements.
  • But in our project we want to send a signal to the base unit, so that's why this sensor will send a signal to the base unit.

XBee Module

  • XBee is selected as a wireless module. The proposed technique consists of two XBee modules.
  • One is attached to the base unit and the other is attached to the sensor unit.
  • The data is transmitted by the sensor unit via XBee module.
  • And the XBee module attached to the base unit receives that data from the sensor unit and sends it to the microcontroller to manipulate it.
  • There are many wireless modules available in the market these days e.g. Radio Frequency (RF) module.
  • Some of them are not used commonly due to their shorter ranges e.g. Bluetooth module.
  • XBee module is far better as compared to the Bluetooth module and provides a larger coverage area in comparison to similar wireless modules.
  • So, XBee is used in this project. XBee module is not available in Proteus so that's why you should download XBee Library for Proteus.

Arduino UNO

  • The microcontroller plays a vital role in any project and is like a backbone of a particular project.
  • Arduino UNO and Mega 2560 both are selected as a microcontroller.
  • Arduino UNO is attached to the sensor unit and Arduino Mega 2560 is attached to the base unit.
  • Arduino is an open-source device. Students can take online help in almost every task. Online source codes are also available for different tasks.
  • So, a student can easily perform them with a proper understanding.
  • Arduino boards are also not available in Proteus so you should download this Arduino Library for Proteus.

GPS Module

  • GPS module is used to locate the exact location of the fault.
  • GPS module will be attached to Sensor Unit, so if anything goes wrong then we can also get the GPS location via SMS.
  • It will provide us the longitude and latitude of the fault that occurred on the sensor unit.
  • So, now if any of these sensors goes wrong then you can easily get the location of your sensor node via SMS.
  • Proteus doesn't have GPS Module in it so you should download this GPS Library for Proteus.

GSM Module

  • GSM module is used for security purposes.
  • If a fault occurs at any position within the network, a notification message will be generated and sent towards the base unit from the sensor unit.
  • We can also generate a call using this GSM which will be a much better way.
  • This GSM module will also send the location via SMS. We have received this location from GPS in the form of longitude and latitude.
  • Proteus doesn't have GSM Module in it so you should download this GSM Library for Proteus.
So, these are all the components/modules, which I have used in this project. So, in the first part, have seen the basic Introduction of the project and then in the second section, we have had a detailed overview of all the modules used. So, now in the next section which is the third part I am gonna show you How to design these Proteus Simulations.

Proteus Simulation of Security Control System

In this section, we are gonna have a look at how to design these Proteus Simulations for Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM. As you know, I have used Arduino so we also need to discuss the code in order to run these simulations. So, first, we will design the proteus simulations and then we will write its code.

Proteus Simulations

  • I have designed two simulations for this project.
  • First of all, what you need to do is to download all those above Proteus Libraries and add them properly.
  • I have given detailed instructions in each post about How to use them.
  • After adding all these Libraries, now restart your Proteus software and design a circuit for the Sensor Unit.
  • Proteus Simulation of Sensor Unit is shown in the below figure:
  • As you can see in the above figure, the Sensor unit consists of three different sensor modules, which are:
    • Temperature sensor.
    • Smoke sensor.
    • Flame sensor.
  • In this unit, Arduino UNO is used as a microcontroller to get data from all the sensors and this data will be transmitted wirelessly towards the base unit for proper monitoring.
  • XBee module is used for wireless communication between the sensor unit and the base unit.
  • GPS module is interfaced in order to locate the exact position of the fault that occurred in the system.
  • Now we are gonna design our second simulation for the Base Unit.
  • The Proteus Simulation of Base Unit is shown in the below figure:
  • The base unit is basically a monitoring end of the system.
  • All the data obtained from the sensors is transmitted by the sensor unit towards the base unit.
  • The base unit has an Arduino Mega 2560 as a micro-processing unit.
  • Just like the sensor unit, an XBee module is also attached to the base unit in order to receive the data wirelessly sent by the base unit.
  • There is an LCD on the base unit. It is used to visualize the obtained results. It displays different messages e.g. fault detection, sensors data etc.
  • GSM module is used in the base unit to send the notification if a fault occurs in the system or the system is showing some abnormal behavior even for an instance.
  • This GSM module will also send the location in SMS. You have to enter the number of recipients in the programming code.

Arduino Code of Security Control System

  • When you download this project, you will get a .rar file and within that file, you will find two folders.
  • One of them will have the Arduino Codes and the other one will have Proteus Simulations.
  • I have already added all the hex files so you just need to run these simulations.
  • If you got into any trouble then use our Contact Form and our team will help you out.
  • You should also need to read How to Get the hex file from your Arduino Software.

Proteus Simulation Results

  • Now coming towards the last section of this project, now I am gonna show you the results of these simulations.
  • So, I have run both of these Simulations and here's the first look at Base Unit:
  • The LCD on the base unit is displaying the title of our project.
  • Virtual Terminal is connected with Arduino so that we could also have a look at incoming or outgoing data.
  • After that first of all, Arduino will communicate with the GSM module and will set its settings, as shown in the below figure:
  • Now our GSM module has configured, so the next screen of the base unit is shown below:
  • As you can see in the above figure that LCD is displaying the values of all three sensors and because all are normal that's why the Alarm is OFF.
  • The temp value is 0 because we haven't yet received the data from the sensor unit.
  • Now let's run our Sensor Unit and make our Fire Sensor HIGH, then you will get results as shown in the below figure:
  • The alarm is also ON in the above figure and SMS has also been sent which is shown in Virtual Terminal.
  • In case, when both fire and smoke are detected, LCD will display smoke as well as fire detection messages.
  • SMS will also be sent as you can see in the Virtual Terminal. GSM has sent the message indicating Fire Detected and GPS Location.
  • Base Unit Proteus Simulation is shown in the below figure:
  • So, whenever you change any of these sensors' values in the Sensor Unit then the respective value will change in the Base Unit.
So, that was all about Real Time Security Control System using XBee and GSM. If you got into any trouble then ask in the comments and I will help you out. Thanks for reading, take care and have fun !!! :)

Introduction to 10N60

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to provide you a detailed discussion on Introduction to 10N60. Before going into the details of this article you should also have a look at Introduction to 4N60, 78M05, 2N3772, 2SC3320, 20N60. It is basically a high voltage Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). It is a power MOSFET and is able to control the certain level of the power. 10-N-60 is also a high current power MOSFET. This device has three terminals and is made up of silicon. It has around 10 ampere of current conduction capability i.e. this device is able to conduct 10A of current through it. 10-N-60 has a lot of amazing features. It features include low on-state resistance, break down voltage up to 600 volts, fast switching speed, threshold up to 4 volts, avalanche energy fully specified, improved capability of dv/dt. It operates on 150 degree Celsius. Moreover, 10-N-60 has a wide range of application area including DC to DC converters, switched mode power supplies, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) motor controllers, switched mode power supply, General Purpose (GP) switching appliances, bridge circuits and many more.

Introduction to 10N60

10N60 is basically a MOSFET having capability of bearing higher current and higher voltages. It is a power MOSFET i.e. it can control a power up to a specific level. It has three terminals named as gate, drain and source. It has several different features including fast switching speed, good dv/dt capability, low on state resistance, full avalanche energy specified. Its applications area include DC-DC converters, motor controllers, switched mode power supply, GP registers or appliances etc. 10-N-60 is shown in the figure given below.
1. 10N60 Pins
  • It has three terminals having different individual task to perform.
  • All of the three terminals are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
2. 10N60 Pins Symbols
  • In order to avoid the complexity, each terminal is assigned with an alphabetic character.
  • The assigned alphabetic character assigned to each terminal are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
3. 10N60 Symbolic Representation
  • The symbolic representation of an electronic device provides us a symbol that can be used in theoretical portion.
  • 10-N-60 symbolic representation is shown in the figure below.
4. 10N60 Pinout
  • Pinout diagram of any electronic device helps to understand the pin configuration of that device.
  • 10-N-60 pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
5. 10N60 Features
  • The features are the parameters that can enhance the importance of any device in the market if they are unique.
  • A device with more unique features will be more popular in the market.
  • 10-N-60 features are provided in the table given in the figure shown below.
6. 10N60 Pins Applications
  • It has a wide range of applications area.
  • A few of its applications are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
That is all from the tutorial Introduction to 10N60. I have tried my level best to cover all the necessary and basic details regarding the basic use of 10-N-60 MOSFET. I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial and will appreciate my effort ;) If you found something missing or wrong in this article, please do let me know as soon as possible, so that the article can be updated correspondingly in order to avoid any type of future inconvenience. I will share further interesting and informative topics in my upcoming tutorials. So, till my next tutorial take care and bye bye :)

Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus

Buy This Project Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share a new Project which is Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus ISIS. I have designed its complete Simulation which I am gonna share today.  We have designed this Proteus simulation off Smart Blind Stick after quite a lot of effort that's why its not free. We have placed a small amount on it and you can buy it from our shop via PayPal. You need to click on above button in order to buy this project's code and Simulation. If you have any problem in understanding this project, then you can ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve your issues. Smart Blind Stick project is designed quite a lot in engineering universities. That's why, I thought of sharing this simulation. Although its a Proteus Simulation but if you wanna design it on hardware then this code will work perfectly fine as I have tested it on hardware. If you got into any trouble in running this simulation then you can also send me message via Contact Form and I will surely help you out. So, let's get started with Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus ISIS:

Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus

  • In this Smart Blind Stick, I have used:
  • Three Ultrasonic Sensors are placed in Front, Left and Right Directions.
  • Ultrasonic Sensors on blind stick are used for detection of any hurdle or intruder in the passage of blind person.
  • Once it detects the hurdle, then the buzzer will go ON and alert the blind person.
  • Similarly I have also placed a PIR sensor which is detecting the presence of any other person, so when you place it on the blind stick then make sure that it is placed on front side so that it won't detect the blind person.
  • Although blind persons can't read the values on LCd but still I have placed an LCD just to display all the values.
  • I have used Arduino Pro Mini because its smaller in size and can easily be placed on a blind
  • Here's a screenshot of Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus ISIS:
  • Because the simulation was big in size that's why these sensors are looking so small, you need to zoom in to get all the details.
  • It's got lengthy because I have designed a stick in Proteus and I have placed all the sensors on that stick except PIR sensor because that was quite big.
  • It's looking quite cool because of the stick simulation. :)
  • Here's a screen shot of zoomed in Ultrasonic Sensors:
  • Now when you buy this Project, then you will get all these Library files in the folder along with complete Arduino code and Proteus Simulation.
  • I have also designed a video which is given at the end of this tutorial, if you wanna buy this project, then must watch that video as I have shown the working of this Proteus Simulation in that video.
  • Now, Get the Hex File from Arduino Softwre and upload it in the Arduino Pro Mini.
  • Once you are done, run your Proteus Simulation of Smart Blind Stick and if everything goes fine then you will get the first screen as shown in below figure:
  • This first screen is displaying the name of Project as well as our website in LCD.
  • After 5 sec, it will change and will start displaying sensors' values, as shown in below figure:
  • You can see in above figure that LCD is displaying values of all ultrasonic sensors, along with the Motion detection.
  • Because PIR Sensor's TestPin is HIGH that's why its showing that Motion Detected and at this time the buzzer is also ON, which you can't hear in the image. :P
  • Here's a detailed video, in which I have shown the functionality of this Smart Blind Stick Proteus Simulation:
If you want to buy this project then, you must first watch this video, so that you got the idea of what you are buying. That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this Smart Blind Stick. Till next tutorial, take care and have fun !!! :)

Introduction to 4N60

Hello everyone! I hope you will absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give you a detailed discussion on the topic Introduction to 4N60. I have shared characteristics of the different IC's in my previous tutorials in Introduction to 75N75, SG3524, 2N3772, L298, L293D, 2SC3320 and 20N60. You must need to go through all these tutorials for the better understanding of today's article. 4N-60 is a high voltage Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). It is a three pin device including drain (D), gate (G) and source (S). 4N60 is basically a power MOSFET and is able to handle the certain levels of power. It is specially designed to achieve the different characteristics e.g. high speed switching time, low charge on gate and low resistance for on state conditions. It also has highly rugged avalanche characteristics. 4N-60 has different amazing features e.g. capability of fast switching, avalanche energy specifications, higher ruggedness, improved capability for dv/dt. It has a wider range of real life applications including switching converters, switching regulators, relay drivers, solenoid, motor drivers and many more. The further detail about the basics usage of 4N-60 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to 4N60

4N60 is basically a power MOSFET. It is a device having three pins named as gate, source and drain. It is designed to achieve high speed switching time characteristics and low charge on gate. It has different features including low on state resistance, highly avalanche energy specification, high ruggedness and many more. Its real life applications include motor drivers, solenoid, relay drivers, switching converters and a lot more. 4N-60 is shown in the figure given below.
1. 4N60 Pins
  • This device has three (3) pins in total having different functions associated with each pin.
  • All the three pins of 4N-60 are provided in the table given in the figure shown blow.
2. 4N60 Pins Symbols
  • In order too avoid the complications, each pin is assigned with the first letter of its name.
  • 4N-60 pin symbols are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
3. 4N60 Symbolic Representation
  • Symbolic representation is helpful to represent a particular device theoretically.
  • 4N-60 symbolic representation is shown in the figure given below.
4. 4N60 Pinout
  • Pinout diagram is helpful way to understand the pin configuration of any electronic device.
  • I have also shared the pinout diagrams of different MOSFET's and IC's in Introduction to 50N06, IRFZ44N, C945, MC34063, NE555 and NE556, you must have a look at all these articles for the better understanding.
  • 4N-60 pinout diagram is given in the figure shown below.
5. 4N60 Ratings
  • Ratings show the power required to operate any electronic device.
  • 4N-60 ratings are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
6. 4N60 Features
  • Features of a device play a vital role to make a device popular.
  • 4N-60 common features are provided in the table given in the figure shown below.
7. 4N60 Applications
  • It has a wider range of real life applications.
  • Some of the most common applications are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
That is all from the tutorial Introduction to 4N60. I have tried my level best to provide all the necessary and basic information to use 4N60 for the first time. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and will appreciate my effort ;) If you have have any sort of problems regarding engineering issues, you can ask us in comments any without even feeling any kind of hesitation. Our team is 24/7 available for your support. I will share different interesting and informative topics in my upcoming tutorials. So, till my next article take care and bye bye :)

L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share a new L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus. It has never been designed before and we are proudly presenting it for the first time. I hope you guys are gonna like it. You should also have a look at DC Motor Speed Control using L298 in which I have used the same module in hardware design. But today we are gonna see it in action in Proteus Simulation and its quite exciting for me as well. :) If you don't know much about L298 then you should also have a look at Introduction to L298, in which I have discussed the basics of L298 module, it will be quite informative for you. If you got into any trouble regarding this L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus, then you can ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve your issues. So, let's get started with L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus:

L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus

  • First of all, download the L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
L298 Motor Driver Library for Proteus
  • Once you downloaded the rar file, open it and extract the files.
  • You will get two files in it, named as:
    • L298MotorDriverTEP.LIB
    • L298MotorDriverTEP.IDX
  • Place these two files in the Library folder of your Proteus Software.
  • If you are using Proteus 7 Professional, then the library folder link will be something like this: C:Program Files (x86)Labcenter ElectronicsProteus 7 ProfessionalLIBRARY
  • If you are using Proteus 8 Professional, then the library folder link will be something like this: C:ProgramDataLabcenter ElectronicsProteus 8 ProfessionalDataLIBRARY
  • Now restart your Proteus software and search for L298 Motor Driver in the search box as shown in below figure:
  • Place this L298 Motor Driver in your Proteus work space.
  • If everything goes fine then you will get something as shown in below figure:
  • You can see its looking quite awesome in above figure.
  • Using this L298 Motor Driver, you can easily control two DC Motors and it works exactly the same as our hardware L298 module.
  • It has two output pins on left and 2 on the right side, while the input pins are shown at the right bottom corner.
  • Now, let's design a small circuit and check out its controlling operation.

L298 Motor Driver Simulation in Proteus

  • Now, I am gonna design a small circuit which will simulate this L298 Motor Driver and we will driver two DC motors with it.
  • You can download this L298 Motor Driver Simulation in Proteus by clicking the below button:
Download Proteus Simulation for L298
  • So, first of all design a simple circuit as shown in below figure:
  • I have attached one DC Motor at OUT1 and OUT2 while second DC Motor at OUT3 and OUT4.
  • I have attached Logic States at all of four inputs and you can also provide input using any microcontroller like Arduino or PIC Microcontroller.
  • Now run your simulation and if everything goes fine then you will get results as shown in below figure:
  • You can also have a look at the working of this L298 Motor Driver in below video:
That's all about L298 Motor Driver in Proteus and I hope you won't get any problem in simulating it in Proteus. If you still got any problem then as k in comments and I will help you out and do give your suggestions as well. I will also run Stepper Motor using this L298 Motor Driver.

Introduction to 78M05

Hello everyone! I hope you will absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give you a detailed discussion on the topic Introduction to 78M05. I have already shared information about  different IC's e.g. Introduction to UA741, MMBD914, LM224, LM386 and LM317. You must have a look at all these tutorials for the better understanding of this article. 78-M05 is basically a three (3) terminal. These terminals include input, output and the common terminal. 78-M05 is commonly available in TO-220 package having different fixed voltages at the output. Its construction process is based on planar epitaxial technology. These regulators are used for the employment of the process of internal limitation of the current. Safe area compensation as well as thermal shutdown are its more important features. 78-M05 is able provide up to 0.5A of current at the output, if the it is provided with the proper heat sinking. It is mostly known in the market on the basis of its fixed voltage regulation's applications. This shows that 78-M05 can be used with the external components in order to provide the adjustable voltage at the output. It has a lot of features. These features include thermal load internal protection, power molded packages, short circuit internal limitation of current, compatibility with Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL), Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) and different digital Integrated Circuits (IC's), complete protection for short circuiting, protection for thermal overload, Safe Operating Area (SOA) protection, outstanding ripples protection capability and many more. 78-M05 has a larger area for its real life applications including on card regulation, local regulation, it can be used with the external components to provide adjustable voltages at the output. The further detail about 78-M05 and its basic usage, will be provided later in this tutorial.

Introduction to 78M05

78M05 is a voltage regulator having three terminals. These terminal are input, common and the output terminal respectively. It is constructed using planar epitaxial manufacturing process. It is usually available in TO-220 packages. It has different unique features e.g. internal short circuit and thermal overload protection. It has a wide range of real life applications including local as well as on card regulation, current limitation and a lot more. Moreover, we can use it with different external components to achieve adjustable outputs. 78M-05 is given in the figure shown below.
1. 78M05 Pins
  • It consists of three different terminals, having separate individual functions.
  • All the terminals are provided in the table given in the figure shown below.
2. 78M05 Pins Description
  • We must know about the function of each pin/terminal before using any device.
  • The functions associated with each of the pin are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
3. 78M05 Circuit for Adjustable Output  Voltage
  • Adjustable output voltage circuit is shown in the figure given below.
4. 78M05 Pinout
  • Before using a device, its pin configuration must be known.
  • Pin configuration shows, where to supply power and from which pin we can get our desired output.
  • Pinout diagram helps to understand the knowledge about pin configurations.
  • I have also shared the pinout diagrams of LM339, LM393, BC547, IRF540, ULN2003 and LM117.
  • 78-M05 pinout diagram is given in the figure shown below.
5. 78M05 Ratings
  • Each device requires a certain level of power to be supplied.
  • We must know about the level of power required to operate a particular device
  • This power level can be estimated through the power ratings of that particular device.
  • 78-M05 power ratings are provided in the  table shown in the figure given below.
6. 78M05 Features
  • A device can be made more popular just by making its features unique and vast. You should also read about BC557.
  • 78-M05 common features are provided in the table given in the figure shown below.
7. 78M05 Applications
  • The sale of a product in the market cam be related directly to its applications.
  • More applications will automatically lead to the larger sale of a product.
  • Applications associated with 78-M05 are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
In the article Introduction to 78M05, I have tried my level to provide all the necessary data about the voltage regulator 78-M05. Its pin configuration, features, pinout diagram, applications and many other parameters are provided in this tutorial. I hope you have enjoyed this article. If you have any problem, you can freely ask us in comments anytime. We are 24/7 available for your support. Our team will solve your issues to the best of their efforts. If you found something missing in this tutorial, please let us know. So, thaat it can be updated immediately to avoid any sort of future inconvenience.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir