Introduction to DG408

Hello Friends! I aspire you a very happy life. Whenever you come over and visit our site, we feel happy to keep you updated with relevant information that can help resolve your questions and queries. Most of the hobbyist and students take interest in electronic devices and components that are the building blocks of electronic projects. Today, I am going to uncover the details on the Introduction to DG408. It is a multiplexer, also known as data selector, that comes with 8 channel input, in which of one the eight inputs is connected to the common output for the transmission of data over network in a specific bandwidth and time. It is an ideal choice for audio signal routing and single supply system. I'll discuss each and everything related to this multiplexer so you don't need to go anywhere and find all information in one place. Let's dive in and explore what is this about and what are its main applications?

Introduction to DG408

  • DG408 is a multiplexer, also called as data selector, that comes with 8 channel input, in which of one the eight inputs is connected to the common output for the transmission of data over network in a specific bandwidth and time.
  • Multiplexing helps in the transmission of individual data using same transmission channel.
  • DG408 allows to communicate with number of input signals and picks one of the input signals as an output signal. It is very helpful in the making of graphics controllers and CPUs (digital semiconductors).
  • It is embedded with an array of 8 Analog switches that are equally matched for bidirectional signals, Enable input for device selection, Voltage reference for logic threshold, Compatible digital decode circuit for channel selection.
  • Low power dissipation is an important feature of this device that makes it efficient and suitable for remote instrumentation and battery operated applications.
  • Additional improvements has been added in the device using silicon-gate CMOS process that allows it to withstand absolute maximum ratings up to 44 V.
  • A multiplexer is also referred as multiple input, single output device that allows to incorporate with number of signals at a time.
  • It comes with a guaranteed matching between channels (8O Max) and allows to conduct in both direction equally well.
  • This is a low on-resistance device that offers guaranteed low charge injection and comes with low input off leakage current around 5nA.
  • The voltage range on which this device can operate is 5 V to 30 V with single supply and 5 V to 20 V with dual supplies.
  • One important feature that makes this device ahead from its counterparts is using single channel for each data source instead of using separate channel for each data source.
  • It is achieved by connecting single output of the multiplexer to the single input to the demultiplexer. In terms of cost, this feature is very valuable and economical because it refrains us from spending more money for separate channel for each data source.
  • Most of the time, multiplexer is connected with demultiplexer into a single unit which is referred as multiplexer. Both ends of the transmission link require both circuit elements because transmission is required in both direction for most of the communication system.
DG408 Pinout
Following figure shows the pinout of this multiplexer DG408.
  • The eight analog switches, shown in the figure above, are bilateral, that can be equally matched for AC signals.
  • The on-resistance variation is very low that is associated with analog signals over a 5V range.
  • Enable input is used for device selection and digital decode circuit is used for channel selection.
  • Voltage reference is used for logic threshold.
Features of DG408
  • Pin-Compatible Plug-In Upgrades for Industry Standard DG408
  • Matching Between Channels is assured, 8O Max
  • On-Resistance Flatness is guarantted, 9O Max
  • Low Charge Injection is guarantted, 15pC Max
  • Low On-Resistance, 100O Max
  • Input Leakage, 5nA Max at +85°C
  • ESD Protection >2000V per Method 3015.7
  • Low Power Consumption, 1.25mW Max
  • Rail-to-Rail Signal Handling
  • Digital Input Controls TTL/CMOS Compatible
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of DG408
  • It is important to note that singles will be restricted by internal diodes if they try to exceed from V+ and V- values.
  • All terminals can be soldered to circuit board.
Truth Table
Following figure shows the truth table of DG408.
  • Truth table shows the value of Boolean variable for each switch status.
  • There are total 8 inputs across which we can obtain output that resonates with the value of one the Boolean variables.
  • This truth table is important in depicting the status of On switch for input value.
Advantages of DG408
This multiplexer comes with a number of advantages including:
  • Reduced Glitching
  • Reduced switching errors
  • Improved data throughout
  • Low power consumption
  • Low power dissipation
  • Wide supply range
  • Increased ruggedness
This multiplexer is widely used in number of applications, specially where transmission of data is required. Some of the main applications are given as follow:
  • Data acquisition systems
  • Single supply systems
  • Audio signal routing
  • ATE systems
  • Medical instrumentation
  • Sample and hold circuits
  • Battery powered systems
  • Remote instrumentation
  • Test equipment
  • Analog Selector Switch
  • Guidance and control system
That's all for today, I hope you have enjoyed to article. I always try my best to give you most relevant information that meets with your needs and requirements so you can grab the main idea explained in the article, without much effort. We love when you keep us updated with your suggestions, they allow us to give you quality work that helps you resolve your problems related to engineering and technology. Thanks for reading the article. Stay Tuned!

Introduction to BC182L

Hi Guys! We welcome you on board. Electronic components play an important role in the designing and working of electronic projects. I have already discussed a number of articles on electronic components covering transistors, MOSFET, and FETs. I am going to continue the thread relating to transistors, because they are the building blocks for amplification and switching purpose. Today, I am going to cover the details on the Introduction to BC182L. It is an NPN (negative-positive-negative) general purpose bipolar transistor which is mainly used for switching and amplification purpose for the low demanding workloads. I'll try to highlight the main features of this component, so you can grab the main concept, what is this about and what are its main applications? Let's get started.

Introduction to BC182L

  • BC182L is an NPN bipolar general purpose transistor which is mainly used for switching and amplification purpose at a collector current to 100mA.
  • It is a bipolar transistor, means conduction is carried out by the movements of both charge carriers i.e electrons and holes, however, majority charge carriers are electrons.
  • It consists of three terminals called emitter, base, and collector. Each terminal comes with a specific function associated with it.
  • BC182L is an NPN transistor, where a base is positive with respect to emitter and voltage at the collector side is more than base. Emitter, base, and collector are different in terms of size and doping concentration.
  • An emitter is highly doped as compared to collector and base, while a base is lightly doped.
  • It is a current controlled device where small current at the base side is used to control large current at the emitter and collector side.
  • When a voltage is applied at the base terminal, it gets biased and draws current which is used to control large current at the other terminals.
  • The emitter emits the electrons which are then collected by the collector; the base is mainly used for controlling the number of electrons.
  • Actually, free movement of electrons acts like a bridge between emitter and collector.
  • Transistor is nothing but a combination of diodes joined back to back.
BC182L Pinout
BC182L mainly consists of three terminals. 1. Emitter 2. Collector 3. Base
  • Movement of electrons plays an important role in the conductivity of the transistor.
  • And electron reaction starts when a voltage is applied at the base terminal.
Circuit Diagram of BC182L
Following figure shows the circuit diagram of the BC182L.
  • We can see from the figure, emitter current is equal to the sum of base and collector current. Because emitter is bigger than collector and base in terms of doping concentration.
  • BC182L is an NPN transistor and it will source the base current to the transistor.
  • The measure of a number of electrons that pass from base to collector is called transistor efficiency.
  • The base is lightly doped and an emitter is heavily doped that will allow the electron to move from the emitter to base more than it will allow the holes from base to emitter.
  • Forward current gain plays an important role for amplification purpose. It is called beta, denoted by ß, and it is a ratio between collector current and base current. Beta value ranges between 20 to 1000, however, it has standard value 200.
  • Current gain is another important factor which is called alpha, denoted by a, and it is a ratio between collector current and emitter current. Alpha value ranges between 0.95 to 0.99 however, most of the time alpha value is considered as a unity.
  • Almost all the transistors operate in forward biased mode. If we interchange emitter and collector and makes them reverse biased, then the value of alpha and beta will be much lesser than they will be in forward biased mode.
  • This NPN transistor comes with electrons as major charge carriers while PNP transistor comes with holes as majority charge carriers.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of this component.
  • These are the stress ratings, which if exceeded from the absolute maximum ratings, can damage the device severely and affect the overall quality of the component.
  • If these stresses are applied for the extended period of time, they can affect the reliability of the device.
  • In order to avoid any loss or damage, it is recommended to follow the operating conditions given by the manufacturer. Taking measures and following proper protocols in the early stage of your project can save you both cost and time.
  • I'd suggest you have a look at 2n3903 if you require different ratings as compared to this transistor.
  • It is mainly used for amplification and switching purpose.
  • Audio and signal processing makes use of this transistor.
That’s all for today. I have tried my best to explain each and everything regarding this BC182L transistor. However, if you still find any difficulty in understanding the concept of this transistor, you can ask me in the comment section below. I’d love to help you in this regard. Thanks for reading the article. Stay tuned!

Introduction to 2n5551

Hi Fellas! I hope you all are doing great and having fun with your lives. We always strive to give you quality work that resonates with your needs and allows you to come back again and again. I am back to give you a daily dose of useful information so you can excel and grow in your relevant field. Today, I am going to discuss the details on the Introduction to 2n5551. It is an NPN (negative-positive-negative) bipolar junction transistor BJT which is mainly designed for gas discharge display drivers and general purpose amplification. I'll try to cover each and every aspect related to this transistor so you don't need to go anywhere and you find all information in one place. You can also have a look at Introduction to 2n5401 which is a complementary PNP transistor of this NPN 2n5551 transistor. Let's dive in and explore what is it about and what are its main applications?

Introduction to 2n5551

  • 2n5551 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor which is mainly used for general purpose amplification and gas discharge display drivers.
  • It consists of three terminals known as the emitter, base, and collector and comes in a TO-92 package.
  • Unlike FETs, this NPN transistor is a current controlled device where small current at the base side is used to control large current at the emitter and collector side.
  • As it is an NPN transistor so the base will be positive with respect to the emitter.
  • It features high breakdown voltage, low leakage current, capacity and beta value which are very useful over a wide range of current.
  • Movement of electron plays an important role in defining the conducting nature of any transistor. This NPN transistor is known as BJT (bipolar junction transistor) because conduction is carried out by both electrons and holes but majority charge carriers are electrons.
  • Whenever a voltage is applied at the base, it gets biased and controls the current at the emitter and collector side.
  • The emitter emits the electrons which are collected by the collector. A base is used to control the number of electrons.
  • The ability of the base to control the number of electrons is used for amplification purpose.
2n5551 Pinout
2n5551 is an NPN transistor, also known as a current controlled device which contains three terminals as follow. 1. Emitter 2. Base 3. Collector
  • It is different than JFET which is a unipolar transistor, also known as a voltage controlled device.
  • Transistor action is triggered when a voltage is applied at the base side which allows the free movement of electrons.
  • Movement of free electrons is nothing but a bridge between emitter and collector.
Circuit Diagram of 2n5551
The circuit diagram of 2n5551 is shown in the figure below.
  • The emitter current is equal to the sum of collector and base current.
  • The voltage at the base side must be positive with respect to the emitter for current flow from emitter to collector.
  • Forward current gain is an important factor in determining the characteristics of this transistor. It is called Beta and represented by ß. It is a ratio between collector current to the base current. As it is a ratio between two current so it exhibits no unit.
  • Beta value is also known as amplification factor which determines the value of current being amplified.
  • Beta value ranges between 20 to 1000 but it comes with a standard value of 200.
  • The current gain of the transistor is another important factor which is called alpha and represented by a. It is a ratio between collector current and emitter current. Alpha value ranges between 0.95 to 0.99 but most of the time its value is taken as unity.
  • The NPN transistor mainly consists of two diodes combined back to back.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of 2n5551.
  • Collector-Emitter and Collector-Base voltages are 160 and 180 respectively.
  • And maximum power it can dissipate is 630 mW.
  • These are the stress ratings which if exceeded from absolute maximum ratings, can damage the device at large.
  • Similarly, if stresses are applied for an extended period of time, they can affect the overall reliability of the device.
Difference between NPN and PNP Transistors
  • The main difference between these two transistors is the type of charge carrier.
  • Electrons are main charge carriers in case of NPN transistors while holes are main charge carriers in case of PNP transistors.
  • Most of the experts prefer NPN transistors for most of the applications because they consider conduction through electrons is better than conduction through holes.
  • 2n5551 comes with high breakdown voltage and is mainly used in gas discharge display drivers.
  • General purpose amplification is another feature of this NPN transistor which makes it an ideal choice for most of the professionals.
That's all for today. I hope you have found this article useful. However, if you have any question you can ask me in the comment section below. I'd love to guide you according to best of my expertise. We really appreciate if you keep us updated with your feedback and suggestions, they allow us to give you quality work. Thanks very much for reading the article. Stay Tuned!

Introduction to 1n5819

Hi Guys! We always feel happy when you come over to browse useful information that meets with your needs and requirements. Electronic components used in electronic industry are the backbone of recent technology that make our lives easy and help us get rid of the most conventional ways of running electronic projects. Today,  I am going to discuss the details on the Introduction to 1n5819. This is a metal to silicon power diode, also termed as Schottky Rectifier, that applies Schottky Barrier Principle. It is mainly used as rectifiers in high frequency low voltage inverters, polarity protection diodes and free wheeling diodes. I'll try to cover each and everything related to this transistor so you don't need to go anywhere and find all information in one place. Let's dive in and unlock the properties of this diode.

Introduction to 1n5819

  • 1n5819 is a metal to silicon power diode that applies Schottky Barrier Principle. It is also referred as Schottky Rectifier(named after Scientist Walter H. Schottky), surface barrier diode, hot electron diode or hot carrier diode.
  • This diode is mainly used as a rectifier in many devices including high frequency low voltage inverters, polarity protection diodes, free wheeling diodes and radio frequency applications.
  • It is little bit different than normal PN junction diode where metal like platinum or aluminium are used in place of P-Type semiconductor.
  • In Schottky diode, semiconductor and metal joined together, forming a metal-semiconductor junction where semiconductor side acts as an cathode and metal side acts as a anode.
  • When metal-semiconductor junction formed between metal and semiconductor, they result in depletion layer also referred as Schottky barrier.
  • Schottky comes with low stored charge and exhibits low power loss and high efficiency mechanical characteristics.
  • It is manufactured in such a way that all external surfaces are corrosion resistant and terminals are easily solderable where current flows in one direction only and it stops the current flowing in other direction.
  • Maximum temperature it can withstand for soldering purpose is 260 °C.
  • Guard ring die construction gives it transient protection and high surge capability.
  • The power drop occurred in this diode is lower than PN junction diodes.
  • The Schottky diode is a semiconductor diode that comes with fast switching applications and it pertains to less unwanted noise as compared to PN junction diode which makes it an ideal choice for most of the switching applications.
  • When voltage is applied across the diode terminals, current starts to flow which results is small voltage drop across the terminals.
  • The voltage drop in this diode lies around 0.15 to 0.45 which is very low as compared to regular diode where voltage drop lies between around 0.6 to 1.7 V.
  • The lower voltage drop results in higher efficiency and higher switching speed.
  • The voltage drop is actually referred as a voltage required to turn on the diode.
  • The voltage required to turn on the germanium is same as Schottky diode, but germanium diodes are not used in most of the applications because they feature very less switching speed as compared to germanium diode.
How Schottky Diode 1n5819 Works
  • Working of Schottky diode is slightly different than normal PN junction diode where P-Type semiconductor is replaced by metal.
  • When metal and semiconductor are joined together, they shape a metal-semiconductor junction which allows the flow of electron from higher energy level to lower energy level.
  • As the electrons available in N-Type semiconductor exhibit more energy and start flowing from semiconductor to the metal region.
  • We know when atom loses an electron, it results in positive ion and when atom gains electrons it results in negative ion.
  • Similarly, when N-Type semiconductor loses electron, it clothes positive charge on it and the electrons that go to the metal allow it to cloth negative charge on it.
  • The positive and negative charges appearing on the metal and semiconductor region are nothing but the depletion region.
  • The electronic width available in the n-type semiconductor is much larger than the electronic width that allows the electron to move from semiconductor to the metal.
  • Basically built-in-voltage houses inside the semiconductor that can be seen by the conduction bands when electrons try to move to the metal region.
  • In order to move electrons from semiconductor to the metal region, the positional energy of the electrons must be greater than the built-in-voltage.
  • We are referring unbiased Schottky diode where only small number of electrons pass from semiconductor to metal region because built-in-voltage creates a barrier which refrains the large movement of electrons from semiconductor to the metal region.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of 1n5819
Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of 1n5819.
  • It is important to note that these are the stress ratings, which if exceed from absolute maximum ratings, can damage the device severely.
  • Similarly, if stresses are applied for extended period of time, they can effect the reliability of the device.
Comparison between Schottky Diode and PN junction Diode
  • There are number of differences between Schottky diode and PN junction diode. The Schottky diode is a uni-polar device because conduction is carried out by the movement of electrons only. Conduction through holes is very negligible as compared to conduction through electrons.
  • PN junction diode is a bipolar device where conduction is carried by the movement of both charge carriers i.e. electrons and holes.
  • In Schottky diode, the reverse breakdown voltage and depletion region is very small or negligible as compared to silicon PN junction diode.
  • Similarly, the voltage drop across Schottky is very low as compared to PN junction diode which makes it suitable for many switching applications.
Schottky diodes come with a number of applications including
  • General purpose rectifier
  • Radio frequency applications
  • Detect signals and power supplies
  • Logic Circuits
  • Polarity protection diodes
  • Free wheeling diodes
That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed the article. We love to keep you updated with relevant information that helps you resolve your questions and queries. However, if you feel skeptical or have any question you can approach in the comment section below.I'll get back to you as soon as possible and help you with best of my expertise. Thanks for reading the article. Stay Tuned!

Introduction to TIP120

Hi Friends! We welcome you on board. Electronic industry is already filled with a number of devices and components that help ease the daily life of a common man. However, there is always much room for innovation in the electronics industry when it comes to facilitating the customers. When there comes a requirement for switching and amplification, there is a need for transistors. Today, I am going to unlock the details on the Introduction to TIP120. This is an NPN Darlington transistor which is mainly used for general purpose amplification and medium power switching applications. It comes with a Darlington pair in which two transistors are connected in such a way, the current amplified by the one transistor is being amplified further by the other transistor. This configuration features much higher current gain as compared to if each transistor is taken separately. Before we move on, you must have a look at BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) that I have updated recently. Let's get started.

Introduction to TIP120

  • TIP120 is an NPN Darlington transistor which is mainly used for general purpose amplification and medium power switching applications.
  • It mainly consists of an emitter, base, and collector which are the basic parts of any transistor. This is a bipolar power transistor where conduction is carried out by both charge carriers i.e. electrons and holes but main charge carriers are electrons as this an NPN transistor.
  • TIP120 comes with a Darlington pair in which two transistors are connected in such a way, the current amplified by the one transistor is being amplified further by the other transistor. This configuration features much higher current gain as compared to if each transistor is taken separately.
  • In this NPN Darlington configuration, the emitter of the first transistor is connected to the base of the second transistor which allows the current amplify.
  • Transistors are electronic switches that fulfill the power requirement of the project. When normal transistors are not enough to meet the power requirement of the projects, we replace normal transistors with Darlington transistor that are same as regular transistors with some exceptions i.e they are capable of driving a much larger load.
  • When a voltage is applied at the base side, it gets biased and draws small current which is used to control large current at the collector and emitter side.
  • This transistor comes with a DC current gain of 1000 and can switch up to 60 V with a peak current of 8A.
  • This device is developed using planar technology and incorporated into a monolithic Darlington configuration. It exhibits exceptional high gain performance and low saturation voltage.
  • It comes with a much higher current gain which means a small amount of current from a microcontroller or sensor can be used to drive a much large load.
  • This is an NPN transistor that comes with electrons as major charge carriers. While PNP transistor comes with holes as major charge carriers.
TIP120 Pinout
This transistor mainly comes with three terminals as follow 1. Base 2. Collector 3. Emitter
  • Movement of electrons plays an important role in defining the nature of conductivity of the transistor. In this transistor main charge carriers are electrons.
  • As it is an NPN transistor so the base is positive with respect to the emitter. And collector voltage is much larger than base voltage.
Circuit Diagram of TIP120 to Control Motor
Following figure shows the circuit diagram of TIP120 to control motor
  • This is the circuit to control 5 V motor which draws 1 A of current.
  • TIP120 doesn't appear to be very efficient while controlling 5 V motor because it is not a regular transistor but a pair of transistors which are connected together to shape a single product which allows driving a larger load.
  • However, achieving high gain comes with some drawback and limitations as results in a higher voltage drop.
  • Higher current designs cause more heat that can melt the components involving in the project. In order to remain in a safer side, you can add a heatsink, that helps in the heat dissipation and prevents the circuits from catching fire.
  • This transistor is a current controlled device which is different than MOSFET that is voltage controlled device.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of TIP120 Darlington transistor.
  • These are the stress ratings. In view of these stress ratings, you must keep few things into consideration.
  • These stress ratings must not exceed the absolute maximum ratings otherwise they can damage the device.
  • Similarly, if these stresses are applied for a maximum period of time, they can affect the device reliability.
  • This transistor is mainly used for general purpose amplification.
  • Medium power switching applications make use of this transistor because it exhibits more power than a regular transistor.
  • Darlington transistors are used in high current circuits, especially in computer control of motor applications where current is being amplified from the computer to the level required for the connected device.
That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed the article. However, if you feel skeptical or have any question you can approach me in the comment section below. I'd love to help you according to best of my expertise. Keep us updated with your feedback and suggestions, they allow us to give you quality work that resonates with your needs and expectations and helps you keep coming back for what we have to offer. Thanks for reading the article. Stay Blessed!

Introduction to BC107

Hey Everyone! We welcome you on board. We feel happy when you keep visiting us for useful information pertaining to your needs and expectations. Today, I am going to discuss the details on the Introduction to BC107. It is a low power NPN bipolar junction transistor which is mainly used for general purpose switching and amplification purpose. I'll discuss each and everything related to this transistor so you can get clear idea what is this about and what are its main applications? Let's dive in and explore its properties one by one.

Introduction to BC107

  • BC107 is an NPN bipolar planner low power transistor which is mainly designed for general purpose switching and amplification purpose.
  • It is mainly composed of three terminals named as an emitter, base, and collector.
  • Being a current controlled device, small current at the base side is used to control large current at the emitter and collector side.
  • When a voltage is applied at the base terminal, it gets biased and draws current and starts controlling large current at the emitter and collector side.
  • Movement of electrons plays an important role in the conductivity of any transistor. Bc107 is a bipolar junction transistor where conductivity is carried out by both charge carriers including electrons and holes but majority charge carriers are electrons.
  • Free movement of electrons acts like a bridge between emitter and collector where emitter emits the electrons which are then collected by the collector.
  • A base is used to control the number of electrons. As it is an NPN transistor so the base will be positive with respect to the emitter.
  • Emitter, base, and collector are different in terms of their functions and doping concentrations.
  • The emitter is highly doped as compared to base and collector. And voltage at the collector side is much larger than the base voltage.
  • When two diodes are joined back to back, they constitute a bipolar junction transistor.
BC107 Pinout
Bc107 is an important device used for switching and amplification purpose. It consists of three terminals. 1. Emitter 2. Base 3. Collector Electron reaction gets started when a voltage is applied at the base terminal.
Circuit Diagram of BC107
Following figure shows the circuit diagram of bc107.
  • Emitter current is equal to the sum of collector and base current.
  • The ability of base current to control large emitter and the collector current is used for amplification purpose.
  • This transistor is mainly used in three configuration common base configuration common collector configuration and common base configuration. Common emitter configuration is the basis of creating amplification because it shows exact voltage and current required for amplification purpose.
  • Forward current is very helpful in defining the nature of amplification. It is also known as an amplification factor, or beta and denoted by ß.
  • It is a ratio between collector current and base current and it exhibits no unit.
  • Similarly, current gain is another important factor, also known as alpha, denoted by a and is a ratio between collector current and emitter current.
  • The alpha value lies between 0.95 to 0.99 but most of the time its value is taken as unity.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum rating of bc107 are shown in the figure below.
  • Collector-Base and Collector-Emitter voltage are 50 and 45 respectively.
  • Collector current is 100mA and maximum power it can dissipate at ambient temperature is 0.3 W.
  • It is important to note that these are the stress ratings. If these stress ratings are increased from absolute maximum ratings, they can severely affect the quality of the device and ultimately damage it at large.
  • Similarly, if stresses are applied for the extended period of time, they can affect the device reliability.
Difference between NPN and PNP Transistors
  • NPN and PNP transistors are sometimes in same applications but there is a slight difference between them in terms of their functions and medium used for conductivity.
  • Electrons are majority charge carriers in NPN transistors while holes are majority charge carriers in PNP transistors.
  • Most of the professionals prefer NPN transistors over PNP transistor because conductivity carried out through electrons is better than conductivity carried out through holes.
  • Signal Processing
  • Power Management
  • Portable Devices
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Industrial Purpose
That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed the article. This transistor is bipolar current controlled device while MOSFET and JFET are unipolar voltage controlled devices. I always try to give you information in sorted form step by step so it is easy for you to grab the main concept. If you have any question you can ask me in the comment section below. I'd love to help you according to best of my expertise. Thanks very much for reading the article. Stay Tuned!

Introduction to 2n5088

Hi Friends! We always feel happy when you come over to watch useful information that resonates with your needs and expectations. I am back to give you a daily dose of information so you can excel and grow in your relevant field. Today, I am going to unlock the details on the Introduction to 2n5088. It is an NPN (negative-positive-negative) bipolar junction silicon transistor which is specially designed for small signal, high speed, general purpose switching applications. I'll discuss each and everything related to this transistor so you don't need to go anywhere and find all information in one place. Let's hop on the board and explore what is it about and what are its main applications?

Introduction to 2n5088

  • 2n5088  is an NPN bipolar junction transistor which comes in a TO-92 package and mostly used for small signal general purpose switching applications.
  • This transistor comes with three terminals named as an emitter, base, and collector.
  • 2n5088 is a bipolar current controlled device, unlike MOSFET which is a unipolar voltage controlled device. When a voltage is applied at the base terminals, it gets biased and draws current which is used to control large current at the emitter and collector side.
  • Emitter, base, and collector are different in terms of their shape and doping concentrations. An emitter is highly doped as compared to both base and collector.
  • Conduction is carried our between emitter and collector when a small voltage is applied at the base terminals. The emitter emits the electrons which are then collected by the collector. The base is used to control the number of electrons.
  • In this NPN transistor, a base is positive with respect to emitter and voltage at the collector side is greater than the voltage at the base side.
  • The ability of the base to control the number of electrons is used for amplification purpose.
  • Movement of electrons plays an important role in the nature of conduction in any transistor. It is a bipolar junction transistor where conduction is carried out by both charge carriers i.e holes and electrons but majority charge carriers are electrons because it is an NPN transistor.
2n5088 Pinout
2n5088 is an NPN transistor which is mainly composed of three terminals.   1. Emitter 2. Base. 3. Collector
  • Free movement of electron actually acts like a bridge between emitter and collector.
  • Electron reaction gets triggered when a voltage is applied at the base terminal which then controls the large current at the emitter and collector side.
Circuit Diagram of 2n5088
The circuit symbol of 2n5088 is shown in the figure below.
  • Diodes are the building blocks of the transistor when they are joined back to back.
  • This NPN transistor comes with a positive base side and negative emitter side where the voltage at the base side is less than the voltage at the collector side.
  • It can be configured to three main configurations named as common emitter configuration, common collector configuration, and common base configuration. Out of these configurations, common emitter configuration is mainly helpful for amplification purpose because it features the same voltage gain and power required for amplification purpose.
  • Forward current gain is an important factor, also known as amplification factor which determines the measure of current being amplified.
  • It is called beta, denoted by ß, and is a ratio between collector current and base current.
  • Beta value ranges between 20 to 1000 but most the time standard value of beta is taken as 200. As it is a ratio between two currents so it has no unit.
  • Current gain is another important factor which is a ratio between collector and emitter current. It is called alpha and denoted by a.
  • The alpha value ranges between 0.95 to 0.99 and most of the time alpha value is taken as unity.
  • These current gains are different in PNP transistor.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of 2n5088.
  • Collector-Emitter voltage and Collector-Base voltage is 30 and 35 respectively.
  • Maximum power it can draw is 1.5 W.
  • These are the stress ratings. If absolute maximum ratings are exceeded from these stress ratings, they can severely affect the device quality.
  • Similarly, if stresses are applied for an extended period of time, they can badly influence the device reliability.
  • This NPN transistor is mainly used for switching and amplification purpose.
  • It comes in a TO-92 package for medium power applications.
That's all for today. I hope you have found this article useful. We always love when you keep coming back for what we have to offer. Feel free to keep us updated with your feedback and suggestions, they allow us to give you quality work that meets your needs and expectation. If you have any question you can ask me in the comment section below. I'd love to help you according to best of my expertise. Stay Tuned!

Introduction to 2n3773

Hey Fellas! We welcome you on board. I am back to give you a daily dose of useful information that resonates with your needs and expectations and put you ahead from others. Today, I am going to uncover the details on the Introduction to 2n3773. It is an NPN (negative-positive-negative) power base bipolar junction transistor which is mainly used for disk head positioners, high power audio, and other linear applications. I'll try cover each and every feature related to this transistor so you don't need to go anywhere and you find all information in one place. Let's jump in and explore what is it about and what are its main applications?

Introduction to 2n3773

  • 2n3773 is an NPN power base bipolar transistor which is mainly designed for disk head positioners, high power audio, and other linear applications.
  • Power switching circuits such as relays, DC-DC converters, and solenoid drivers also use this power transistor because it exhibits high switching performance.
  • 2n3773 mainly consists of three terminals named as an emitter, base, and collector.
  • It is completely characterized for linear operation and features high DC current gain and low saturation voltage.
  • It is a current controlled device where small current at the base side is used to control large current at the emitter and collector side.
  • When a voltage is applied at the base side, it gets biased and emitter emits the electrons which are then collected by the collectors.
  • The base is used to control the number of electrons.
  • Free movement of electrons between the terminals acts like a bridge that connects two terminals.
  • Base side is lightly doped while emitter side is heavily doped in this transistor.
2n3773 Pinout
2n3773 is an NPN transistor which mainly consists of three terminals as follow 1. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector
  • A small current at the base side is used to control the large current at the base side.
  • The ability of the base to control the number of electrons is used for amplification purpose.
Circuit Diagram of 2n3773
Following figure shows the circuit diagram of 2n3773
  • This NPN transistor is a bipolar current controlled device which is different than JFET which is a unipolar voltage controlled device.
  • Collector voltage is more than the base voltage and the base is positive with respect to the emitter.
  • Emitter current is equal to the sum of base and collector current.
  • This NPN transistor can be used with three configurations i.e common emitter configuration, common base configuration, and common collector configuration.
  • Common emitter configuration is mainly used for amplification purpose because it features the required voltage and power gain for amplification process.
  • Collector and emitter terminals exhibit different size and doping concentration. An emitter is highly doped while the collector is lightly doped.
  • Forward current gain is an important factor in determining the characteristics of the transistor. It is an amplification factor i.e measure of current being amplified. It is called Beta, denoted by ß and is a ratio between collector current and base current. Beta value ranges between 20 to 1000 but its standard value is 200. As it is a ratio between two currents so it has no unit.
  • Current gain is another important factor, known as alpha, denoted by a and is a ratio between collector current and emitter current. Alpha value ranges between 0.95 to 0.99. Most of the time its values is considered as unity.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Following shows the absolute maximum ratings of 2n3773
  • Collector-Emitter sustaining voltage with an open base is 140 V.
  • Collector-Base voltage with open emitter is 160 V.
  • Maximum power it can dissipate is 150 W.
  • These are the stress ratings, which if exceeded above absolute maximum ratings, can damage the device.
  • Similarly, if stresses are applied for the extended period of time, they can affect the device reliability.
Difference between NPN and PNP Transistors
  • There is a difference between NPN and PNP transistors based on charge carriers.
  • Electrons are main charge carriers in NPN transistors while holes are main charge carriers in PNP transistors.
  • Most of the experts prefer NPN transistors over PNP transistors because they think conduction carried out through electrons is better than conduction through holes.
  • Disk Head Positioners.
  • High power audio and Linear Applications.
  • High-performance switching and amplification purpose.
That's all for today. I hope you have found this article useful. We always try to give you quality work that meets with your needs and expectations. Feel free to keep us updated with your feedback and suggestions, they allow us to give you quality work and maintain the overall performance of the site. If you have any question you can ask me in the comment section below. I'd love to help you according to best of my expertise. Thanks very much for reading the article. Stay Tuned!

Introduction to 2n7002

Hello Friends! I aspire you a very happy and promising life. We always feel happy when you visit out site for useful information that guides you in the right direction and puts you ahead from others. Today, I am going to unlock the details on the Introduction to 2n7002. It is an N-Channel MOSFET which is mainly designed to reduce on-state resistance. It is an ideal choice for high efficiency power management applications because it comes with an ability to maintain high switching performance. I'll try to cover each and every aspect related to this MOSFET so you find all information at one place. Let's dive in and explore what is this about and what are its main applications?

Introduction to 2n7002

  • 2n7002 is an N-Channel MOSFET which is mainly designed to reduce on-state resistance.
  • It mainly consists of three terminals called source, gate and drain. Unlike normal BJT, this is a voltage controlled device, in which voltage applied at the gate terminal is used to control the conductivity between source and drain terminals.
  • Source, gate and drain of this MOSFET are analogous to emitter, base and collector of BJT.
  • The conducting path between source and drain is referred as channel whose length is controlled by the input voltage applied at the gate terminal.
  • 2n7002 is an ideal choice for high efficiency power management applications because it comes with an ability to maintain high switching performance.
  • It encompasses low gate threshold voltage and low input capacitance and comes in surface mount package.
  • High saturation current capability makes it rugged and reliable.
  • This high cell density MOSFET are designed using DMOS technology.
  • 2n7002 is an ideal choice for the applications requiring 400 mA DC and is capable of delivering pulsed current up to 4 A.
  • It doesn't conduct under normal operating conditions i.e. Vgs=0 and is considered as OFF. It will only conduct when there is small voltage applied at the gate terminal.
  • As it is an N-Channel MOSFET so conductivity is carried out by the movement of electrons rather than hole.
  • It widely replaces BJT in many applications, because it requires no biasing at the gate terminals, means gate draws no current. However, small surge current is required to charge the capacitance at the gate terminal.
  • There is no need of current limiting resistor at the gate terminal because gate draws no current. However, protection gate resistor is used for circuits containing external gate vulnerability.
2n7002 Pinout
2n7002 is a voltage controlled device which mainly consists of three terminals 1. Source 2. Gate 3. Drain
  • Insulation layer is existed between gate and body of the transistor.
  • Gate draws no current and is practically isolated from drain and source.
2n7002 Working
  • Movement of electrons plays an important role in defining the nature of any MOSFET. Conduction between drain and source is carried out by the free movement of electrons.
  • Voltage applied at the gate terminal allows the electrons to flow from source to drain terminals.
  • This is an N-Channel MOSFET where drain and source are composed of N type material while body and substrate is composed of P type material.
  • Applying positive voltage at the gate terminal will attract the electrons available at the P type semiconductor substrate material.
  • The gate of this transistor is mainly composed of poly silicon.
  • Adding Silicon Dioxide on the substrate layer gives the typical metal oxide semiconductor construction.
  • Silicon Dioxide is a dielectric and behaves like a capacitor where one of its electrodes  is replaced by the semiconductor.
  • Applying positive voltage at the MOS structure will change the charge distribution in the semiconductor.  When positive voltage is applied the holes present in the oxide layer will observe a force and allow the holes to move downward.  As a result, bound negative charges that are associated with the acceptor atoms will accumulate the depletion region.
  • The overall conductivity of the channel between source and drain will increase with the overdose of free electrons in the P type substrate which ultimately helps in inverting the electrical properties of the P type substrate, allowing the substrate to change into N type material.
  • The positive voltage applied at the gate terminal controls the number of electrons. Increasing the positive voltage at the gate terminal will attract more electrons which ultimately helps in widening the channel path between source and drain terminals. Hence, conductive of this MOSFET is directly proportional to the intensity of positive voltage applied at the gate terminal.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of 2n7002.
  • Drain-Source and Drain-Gate voltage is 60 V.
  • Maximum power it can dissipate is 200 mW.
  • Maximum lead temperature in order to conduct efficient soldering is 300 ºC.
  • These are the stress ratings, which if increased from absolute maximum ratings, can damage the device.
  • Similarly, if these stresses are applied for extended period of time, they can effect device reliability.
  • It is useful for motor control.
  • Power management applications use this MOSFET because it comes with high switching performance.
  • It is an ideal choice for minimizing on-state resistance.
  • This MOSFET product is particularly suited for low current and low voltage applications such as power MOSFET gate drivers and other switching applications.
That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed the article. However, if you have any question you can ask me in the comment section below. I'd love to help you with best of my expertise. We really appreciate when you keep us updated with your feedback and suggestions, as they allow us to give you quality work. Thanks for reading the article. Stay Tuned!

Introduction to SG3525

Hi Friends! I hope you are enjoying your life and getting most out of it. We are here to give you daily dose of useful information so you can excel and grow in your relevant field and stand out from others. Today, I'm going to uncover the details on the Introduction to SG3525. It is a pulse width modulated control circuit that is used to control switching power supplies and particularly helps in providing lower external parts count and improved performance. I'll try to cover every aspect and properties related to this modulated control circuit so you get clear idea what is it about and what are its main applications. You can also have a look at Introduction to SG3524 which is mainly used in regulation power supplies and switching regulators. Let's dive in and explore the features of SG3525.

Introduction to SG3525

  • SG3525 is a pulse width modulated control circuit that is used to control switching power supplies and particularly helps in providing lower external parts count and improved performance.
  • It is voltage control PWM controller in which feedback voltage is compared with reference value which then controls the duty cycle of PWM.
  • It is mainly used in inverter applications and utilizes two main PWM outputs that are inversion of each other.
  • The on-chip +5.1 reference is modified to ±1% and the error amplifier that comes with both input common mode voltage range and reference voltage, helps in terminating the need of external resistors.
  • A sync input provided to the oscillator helps in synchronizing single unit to the external system clock.
  • A single resistor existed between the discharge pins and Ct is used to program the wide range of deadtime.
  • This modulator is also incorporated with built-in-soft start-circuitry which needs external timing capacitor.
  • A shutdown pin is used to control both output stages and soft-start circuitry that also features instantaneous turn-off with the help of PWM latch and pulsed shutdown.
  • When Vcc stays below nominal, the under voltage lockout limits both soft-start capacitor and outputs.
  • The output stage of this modulator exhibits NOR logic and is similar to totem-pole design which makes it stand out from other ICs.
SG3525 Pins
  • SG3525 is a 16 pin integrated circuit. Following figure shows the pin number along with their pin names.
SG3525 Pin Description
  • SG3525 is a 16 pin IC. Each pin is allocated with different function.
  • Following figure shows the pin number, pin name and functions associated with each pin.
  • Soft start and compensation terminals receive the pull down signal and turn off the outputs when it sinks a maximum of 100µA current.
  • There is another way of turning off the output which involves the shutdown circuitry of pin 10 that comes with an added amount of shutdown options.
  • This circuit is activated by providing positive signal at the pin 10 which then executes two functions i.e. output signal turns off by immediately setting PWM latch and soft-start capacitor starts to discharge during the availability of 150 µA current.
  • If the shutdown command is applied for short period of time, the PWM signal will be eliminated without discharging soft-start capacitor significantly, helps in carrying out pulse by pulse current limiting.
  • However, if pin 10 is hold for longer duration will discharge the external capacitor quickly.
SG3525 Features
  • 8V to 35V Operation
  • 5.1V ± 1.0% Trimmed Reference
  • Separate Oscillator Sync Pin
  • 100 Hz to 400 kHz Oscillator Range
  • Input Undervoltage Lockout
  • Adjustable Deadtime Control
  • Pulse-by-Pulse Shutdown
  • Dual Source/Sink Outputs
  • Latching PWM to Prevent Multiple Pulses
SG3525 Pinout
  • Pinout diagram features proper and detailed configuration of any electronic device.
  • SG3525 pinout diagram is shown in the figure below which elaborates the configuration of each pin of this modulator.
SG3525 Block Diagram
  • Block diagram is described in schematic form which features the general arrangement of parts or elements used in the device or process.
  • Following figure shows the block diagram of SG3525.
  • It is clear from the figure that output stage of this modulator represents NOR logic.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of SG3525
  • Following figure shows the absolute maximum ratings of SG3525.
  • Supply voltage and collector supply voltage is 40 V.
  • Maximum power it can dissipate is 1000 mW.
  • It is important to note that if stresses are exceeded above absolute maximum ratings, they can damage the device ultimately.
  • Similarly, if stresses are applied for maximum period of time, they can effect the device reliability.
  • SG3525 has a wide range of applications but it is mainly used in transformer DC-DC inverters.
  • It is used for regulating power supply.
  • This modulator is useful for switching regulators of any polarity.
That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed the article. We always try our best to give you practical information that resonates with your needs and expectations. However, if still you feel skeptical or have any question related to this modulator, you can ask me in the comment section below. I'd love to help you according to best of my expertise. Feel free to keep us updated with your feedback and suggestions, they help us to give you quality work so that you keep coming back for what we have to offer.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir