How to Increase Workspace in Proteus

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today's post is about How to increase Workspace in Proteus. It's our 3rd tutorial in Proteus series. Its quite a simple tutorial and along with this trick, I will also share few commonly used features or Proteus. Once, I was working on a simulation project in which I have to design a complete load management system in Proteus and it was quite messy as I have to include a lot of components and the area of Proteus got quite small for that and then I encountered this problem i.e. where to place the components.

You have seen in Proteus software that there's a blue rectangle which is considered as the workspace in Proteus. This area is constant and doesn't increase or decrease on its own. So if we are dealing with some messy circuit design then we have to increase this area, which we are going to discuss today. If you have downloaded my Arduino Library for Proteus, then you must have seen that the size of Arduino Mega 2560 is quite big and when I design Proteus simulations in which I need to use Arduino Mega, I have to increase the Proteus workspace to embedded all the other components. So, let's get started with how to increase Workspace in Proteus:

How to Increase Workspace in Proteus ???

  • First of all, if you are working on some project in Proteus then simply don't increase the area because when you increase the area then components get too small and its quite difficult to arrange or connect them with each other.
  • So, my suggestion is to keep using the default size, unless your circuit got messy and you actually need more space.
  • Let's open Proteus software and place few components in it, as an example I am just placing PIC Microcontrollers to cover the available space, as shown in below figure:
  • You can see in above figure, I have randomly placed 8 PIC Microcontrollers, just to fill the space.
  • Now suppose I want to add four more Microcontrollers in this Proteus file, there's no place to add them.
  • Now in order to add more components, we need to increase the size of available workspace in Proteus.
  • In order to do so, click on Systems in above menu bar and then click on Set Sheet Sizes as shown in below figure:
  • Now when you click it, a new pop up window will open up, as shown in the figure on right side.
  • You can see in the figure, there are six sizes available for the user to select.
  • First five are fixed sizes while the sixth one is user defined and you can set it to any size you want.
  • The default size of workspace in Proteus is A4, which is the first option i.e. 10inch by 7 inch.
  • So, now let's change this selection and I am selecting the fifth option so now the size is 15inch by 10 inch, as shown in below figure:
  • Now its quite obvious from the above figure that the area has increased.
  • We have the same 8 PIC Microcontrollers but now we have more free space.

Right Click to Delete Component

  • Proteus has a quick way to delete any component or wire.
  • You need to right click on your component/wire for 2 times and it will be removed/deleted from the workspace.
  • It's quite helpful, especially in designing complex simulations.

Default Terminal in Proteus

  • Let's discuss Default Terminal as well, which is used to keep the schematic organized & clear.
  • We can get them by clicking on Terminals Mode first and then click on Default, as shown in figure on right side.
  • In our previous lecture, we have designed a simple LED circuit, so let's make small changes in it, as shown in below figure:
  • You can see in above figure that I have deleted the wires and placed these default terminals on both sides.
  • In order to delete these wires, I have simply double right clicked on each wire and placed these terminals.
  • Now, double click on each terminal and provide it a name, as shown in below figure:
  • As you can see in above figure, top two Terminals are named as Terminal1 and below two terminals are named as Terminal2.
  • So, although these terminals are not connected together but Proteus considers "Terminals with same name" as connected.
  • If we run our simulation now, we will get the similar results, as shown in below figure:
  • These default Terminals are too helpful, as in complex projects, adding too much wires make the simulation quite messy. ( We will use them in coming lectures )
So, that's how you can quite easily increase workspace in Proteus ISIS. That's all for today, it was quite easy tutorial but still if you are having any problems, then ask in comments and I will resolve them. Till next tutorial, take care !!! :)

Simulate First Electronics Project in Proteus ISIS

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will simulate our First Electronics Project in Proteus ISIS. It's our 2nd tutorial in Proteus series. In our previous tutorial, we have seen a basic Introduction to Proteus and today, we will design a simple electronics circuit in it and will also simulate it. If you want to work on Proteus, then you must have some prior knowledge about electronics. Proteus doesn't provide any suggestion about circuit designing so if you don't have electronics knowledge then you can't work with Proteus. Throughout this series, I will keep on explaining electronics circuits as well and will also embedded related components' links. So, if you are new to electronics then no need to worry and just follow these instructions and also do read those embedded links to understand electronic components. So, let's Create our First Project in Proteus:

Simulate First Electronics Project in Proteus ISIS

  • Open your Proteus ISIS software and then click on Components Mode in left menu tab, as shown in the figure.
  • After that click on the P (Pick from Libraries) Button, and a new window will open up.
  • This new window is called Pick Devices and is used to make search for electronics components.
  • Proteus has a huge database of electronics components in the form of libraries. i.e. Diode Library will have all the diode components.
  • So, from these millions of components, we need to make a search for our required components to design electronic circuit.
  • You can see Pick Devices window in below figure, so let's first discuss its layout:
  • Keywords textbox is used to make a search for any component and Proteus will display the related components in Results panel. ( We will search in a while )
  • Category Section displays all the categories available in Proteus and when you click on any category then it's components will be displayed in Results panel.
  • After that, we have Sub-category & Manufacturer, rite now I don't have any.
  • On the right side we have Schematic Preview & PCB Review, so when we select any component then its respective Previews will be shown here.
  • So, now let's make a search for LED, as shown in below figure:
  • As you can see in above figure that Proteus has provided us with 141 Results and I have boxed four LEDs, which I am going to use in my circuit.
  • Moreover, Category section is now showing only those categories which are related to searched keyword.
  • Moreover, we also have a Schematic Preview but we don't have any PCB Preview as it's not available for this component.
  • So, double click on these four LEDs and they will be added in Proteus workspace.
  • Moreover, we also need to add resistance so make a search for resistance, as shown in below figure:
  • Double click on this RES component and then close this Pick Devices window.
  • You will get these selected components in the Devices section, as shown in below figure:
  • As we are designing a simple project so we have selected just four components but in complex projects, we have a long list of components in this Devices section and it proves quite helpful.
  • So, let's place these components, one by one in the central work area.
  • You can drag & drop them OR can select by clicking and then again click to place.
  • I have placed these components in the work area, as shown in figure on right side.
  • So, now let's connect them together using wires and for that, we need to click on the pin terminal of each component.
  • I have combined these electronic components together using wires, as shown in below figure:
  • Now we need to provide voltage supply to this circuit and there are several voltage sources in Proteus. ( We will cover them in coming lectures )
  • For now, let's click on the Terminals Mode in the left Toolbar and you will get Proteus Terminals, as shown in figure on right side.
  • From these terminals, we are going to use Power & Ground, so place them in the circuit, as shown in below figure:
  • We will discuss all these Terminal Components in detail in our coming lectures.
  • If we place multiple Ground components in the circuit then Proteus will consider them all as connected/short.
  • These Terminals are quite helpful, as in complex circuits, these wires can become too messy and we can avoid them by using these terminals.
  • So, we have completely designed our circuit but we need to change the properties of these components a little.
  • So, double click on resistance to open its Properties Panel, as shown in below figure:
  • From this Edit Component window, we can edit different properties of selected component.
  • As you can see, first we have Component Reference, that's the name of our component i.e. R1. If we have multiple resistances, then there names will be R2, R3 and so on.
  • We can't have multiple items with same Component Reference, as it will create an error.
  • Second Property defines the resistance of the component and I have changed it from 10k to 1k.
  • Then we have Model Type and its analog.
  • Finally we have PCB Package, we will use it when we will be designing the PCB design of this circuit.
  • So, click on the OK Button and resistance value will change from 10k to 1k.
  • Now, double click on first LED to open its Properties Panel, as shown in below figure:
  • As LED is a bit complex component as compared to resistance, that's why it has a lot more Properties to Edit.
  • As we are designing a digital circuit, so we need to change the Model Type of LED from Analog to Digital and then click on the OK Button.
  • You need to change this Model Type for all these four LEDs.
  • So, now we have completely designed our first electronic circuit in Proteus.
  • Let's run this simulation, by clicking the Play button at the bottom.
  • If everything goes fine, then all LEDs will glow, as shown in below figure:
  • We have successfully simulated our first electronics circuit in Proteus ISIS and you can see these LEDs have different colors as specified in their Reference Value.
So, that was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed today's tutorial. In the next lecture, we will have a look at How to use Relays in Proteus ISIS. Till then take care & have fun !!! :)

Introduction to Proteus

Hello readers, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a detailed Introduction to Proteus. It's our first tutorial in Proteus series. Today's tutorial is for beginners but still I would suggest you to read it once, as I am going to explain why Proteus? Throughout our Engineering Course, we have to design a lot of electronics or embedded circuits and it's always a best approach to simulate these circuits first on some simulation software i.e. Proteus, PSPice etc., before assembling them on actual hardware. Among these simulation software, Proteus is my favorite one so let's get started with detailed Introduction to Proteus:

Introduction to Proteus ISIS

  • Proteus Design Suite (designed by Labcenter Electronics Ltd.) is a software tool set, mainly used for creating schematics, simulating Electronics & Embedded Circuits and designing PCB Layouts.
  • Proteus ISIS is used by Engineering students & professionals to create schematics & simulations of different electronic circuits.
  • Proteus ARES is used for designing PCB Layouts of electronic circuits.
  • It's available in four languages i.e. English, Chinese, Spanish & French.

Why use Proteus ?

"Our circuit is working perfectly on Proteus but when we have implemented it on hardware, it's not working." I receive a lot of such questions from engineering students, that's why, I am explaining what's the real purpose of Proteus:
  • Proteus is quite lenient in circuit designing and it works on ideal conditions i.e. if you don't add pull up resistors in Proteus simulation, then it won't give garbage value.
  • Proteus is also used for PCB designing, we use Proteus ARES for that. ( We will discuss it in upcoming lectures )
So, when I am working on some electronics circuit, then I first design the simulation on Proteus ISIS and once I got sure that everything's working fine then I design its circuit on either the vero board or the bread board and again I perform some real world testing & when I got sure that my circuit is fully working then I design its PCB in Proteus ARES.
  • Proteus is also used for designing/testing programming codes for different Microcontrollers i.e. Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, 8051 etc.
In Embedded projects, we need to design a programming code for Microcontrollers and for designing such codes you have to perform a lot of testing, which involves uploading code to Microcontroller. So, in such projects, Proteus is a great relief. Let's say, you have to print some strings on 20x4 LCD, then its quite annoying to burn the Microcontroller several times for typographical errors. Instead, design a circuit in Proteus and test your code in the simulation and once you are sure that you are getting perfect output then burn your PIC Microcontroller and test it on real hardware. Quite easy and handy. In the coming classes, I will show you how to burn code in Microcontrollers in Proteus. Note: In code testing, there's again a possibility that you get different results in real hardware but its quite rare and mostly happens in delay functions.

Getting Started With Proteus

You can download Proteus software from it's official website and you should also read How to Download & Install Proteus software. So now I hope you have installed Proteus and ready to work on it:
  • Click on Proteus ISIS and it will open up as shown in below image.
  • In the central area surrounded by blue lines, we design our circuit i.e. place the components and then join them together.
  • As you can see in above figure that we have a lot of icons in Proteus software, so let's first understand these sections one by one.
  • In the below image, I have divided the Proteus font-end in four sections:
  • Section 1 is a toolbar which you would have seen on many simulation software, it has simple functionalities i.e. first icon to create a new layout, second one to open an existing layout, next one is to save layout, then there comes few zooming options and few other tools which we will discuss in coming tutorials.
  • Section 2 has two buttons. P is used to open the components list and E is used for editing purposes, like you want to edit the properties of any component then simply click on that component and then click on E and it will open the properties of that component and you can easily edit it.
  • Section 3 has different tools, used for designing circuits, we will discuss them in detail, at the end of today's tutorial.
  • Section 4 is the remote control section of Proteus, as it contains four buttons i.e. Play, Step, Pause & Stop. In order to run the simulation, we have to click on this play button.

Component Selection in Proteus ISIS

  • As shown in below image, click on the icon that says Click # 1, it's a Component Mode Icon.
  • After that click on P button and a new window will open up named Pick Devices.
  • In this new window there's a textbox on which Keyword is written, this text box is used for the component search.
  • Proteus database has unlimited components in it so now in order to get your desired component, you have to search for it as I did.
  • I have searched for PIC16F877A and Proteus provided me that component along with its preview in top right corner and PCB package ( if available ). Unfortunately, my Proteus doesn't have the PCB preview of PIC16F877A that's why it's blank.
  • In order to add the component in Proteus workspace, either double click on it or click on the OK button.

Instruments in Proteus ISIS

  • There are few measuring instruments available in Proteus, which you can open by clicking the Instruments Icon, as shown in figure on right side.
  • First one is oscilloscope, we use it for viewing the behavior of different signals generated.
  • Another important instrument is Virtual Terminal, it is shown on the fourth number. This Virtual Terminal is used for checking data coming through Serial Port.
  • Then there's Signal Generator, it is used to generate signal like sine wave of desired frequency.
  • We also have Voltmeter & Ammeter for both AC & DC.
  • We will discuss them in detail in our coming lectures.
  • As you can see in figure on right side, Icon A is called Graph mode, used to create graphs of voltage and current. It has different style of graphs.
  • Icon B and C are voltage and current probes respectively. Suppose you have designed some circuit in Proteus and you want to check the value of voltage at any point in the circuit. In order to do so, simply select this voltage probe and place it there and when you run your circuit, the probe will show the value of voltage above it and same for current probe.
  • Icon D is used when we want to design our own component in Proteus.
  • Icon E is a simple text editor, used for placing labels, warning or components names etc.
So, that was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this detailed Introduction to Proteus. If you have any question, feel free to ask in comments and also subscribe through email to our mailing list, so that you don't miss any part of this tutorial series. Stay blessed. Take care.

Introduction to ADC0804

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at Introduction to ADC0804. In electronic engineering different modules used to conversion of analog signal into a digital signal. These tools are recognised as analog to digital converter or ADC. Thes signal converter also used to find the value of input current and voltage. Normally the output of these converters are 2 binary numbers but other values are also possible. These analog to digital converter are available in different structure scheme but mostly they are available in integrated circuits packaging. The working ability of these signal converter depends on their bandwidth and signal to noise ration (SNR). Their bandwidth can be fined by their sample rate (sample rat is the elimination of a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time signal). The signal to noise ratio can be measured by the resolution (resolution of the converter designates the number of discrete values it can create over the series of analog values), accuracy of signal, aliasing (It is an effect that makes different signals to become indistinguishable). In today's post, we will have a look ADC0804 analogue to digital converter, its pinout working, applications, advantage and some other related parameters. So let's get started with Introduction to ADC0804.

Introduction to ADC0804

  • The ADC0804 is integrated circuitry that used to transform anlog input into the digital output. This eight-bit analog to digital converter has twenty pinouts.
  • This integrated circuit is mostly used in different microcontrollers such as Raspberry Pi etc. To triggering this ADC module there is no need of external clock this module has its own clock.
  • This component is the best choice if you are looking such analog to digital converter having the finest resolution and eight bits.
  • Earlier microcontrollers do not consist of analoge digital converter that used separate hardware for this purpose but currently, microcontrollers comprise of the ADC converter.
  • These signal converter mostly used for temperature measurements like in homes or industries to measure the temperature of heating elements used in different machines. In automobiles like a car, it also used for measurement of temperature.
  • This module is not used only for the temperature calculation but used in such applications where analog signal is used.

Pinout of ADC0804

  • These are the main pinouts of this module that are described here with the detailed.
Pin No: Pin Name:                                         Parameters
Pin#1 Chip Select  Pinout If more than one analog to digital converter is working with this module.
Pin#2 Read command pinout This pinout should be grounded to read the analog signal.
Pin#3 Write command For data, conversion this pinout has a large pulse.
Pin#4 Clock in command The exterior clock signal can be linked at this pinout.
Pin#5 Interrupt Interrupt command is provided at this pinout.
Pin#6 Vin positive For differential analog input attach analog to digital converter here.
Pin#7 Vin negative For differential analog input, link to ground terminals.
Pin#8 Gnd At his pinout analog ground terminal is connected.
Pin#9 reference voltage This pinout is used to provide reference voltage during analog to digital conversion.
Pin#10 Gnd At this ground pinout, the digital ground is connected.
Pin#11 to 18 Data bit 0 to bit 7 Seven output Data bit pins from which output is obtained
Pin#19 Clock R  This is RC timing resistor input pinout for interior clock generator.
Pin#20 Data Pin 6 This pinout is used to connect input plus five volts for analogue to a digital module.

Features of ADC0804

  • These are some features of ADC0804 that describe with detail.
  • This module can easily connect with other microcontroller and can also work alone in any circuitry.
  • This is eight-bit analog to digital converter module.
  • At this module, interior clock exists there is no need of special clock oscillator.
  • Its digital output values change from zero to two fifty-five volts.
  • This module is available in twenty pinouts PDIP (dual inline packaging) and SOIC (small outline integrated circuits) packaging.
  • It takes one hundred ten microseconds for the conversion of analoge to digital values.
  • Its interior clock frequency is six fort kilo-hertz.
  • It can measure the voltages from zero to five volts by operating on the five volts input supply.

Working of ADC0804

  • Now we discuss the working of ADC0804 with the detailed.
  • As we discussed above that this module consists of the interior clock and there is no need of any separate clock.
  • But if for use of this interior clock we have to connect RC circuitry with this module. This module must be linked with the plus five volts power supply and both ground pinouts linked with the ground terminal of circuitry.
  • For the construction of resistance-capacitor (RC) circuitry use ten-kilo resistance and capacitor of hundred pico-farads after that attached the pinouts CLK R and CLK in as shown in a given figure.
  • The pinouts CS and R should be linked with the ground. The reference pinout is not connected with any point since it will be linked with the plus five volts.
  • In given circuitry you can observe that the input analog voltage is provided at the IN (+) pinout and digital output will be obtained at the DB0 and DB7 pinouts.
  • You can also see that the second terminal of a source is connected with the ground for analog to digital conversion.
  • Before starting of analog to digital transformation the WR pinout should be high this condition can be obtained by linking this pinout with the input or output pinout of Microprocessing Unit and it set to high value.
  • In the circuit you can also see that potentiometer is linked to varying the voltage from zero to five volts at the input pinout.
  • In the given figure, you can also see that voltage value is 1.55 volts and its corresponding binary value is (01001111) .
  • Now we discuss how we can  convert this binary value into the analog,
  • As our binary value is (01001111)
  • First of all, we convert it into decimal.

Binary  to Deci = (0 x128)+(1 x 64)+(0 x 32)+(0 x16)+(1 x 8)+(1 x 4)+(1 x 2)+(1 x1)

                                       =   79 Analoge value will be= Deci x step size

                             = (79) x (19.53)mV = (1.54)V

  • As you can observe that obtained value is (1.54 volts) and 1,55 volts is measured value both of these are approximately close to each other.

Applications of ADC0804

  • These are some applications of ADC0804, let's discuss with the detailed.
  • It can function with an eight-bit processor.
  •  Normally it used with the different microprocessors like Raspberry PI, Beagle Bone, etc.
  • It can easily be linked with the sensing devices, voltage sources and transducers.
So, friends, it is the detailed tutorial on the ADC0804 if you have any question about ask in comments. Thanks for reading.

Introduction to STM32 Microcontroller

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at Introduction to STM32 Microcontroller. This microcontroller is a new category of a microcontroller family it is a thirty-two-bit microcontroller also compatible with the ARM and Cortex M processor. Due to thirty-two bits compatibility, this module provides good performance, processing of digital signal and consumes less power and voltage. The modules used in most of the industries due to their compatibility with the cortex M0, M0+, M3, M4.

In today's post, we will have a look at its working, features, pinouts, applications and some other related parameters. So lets with the Introduction to STM32 Microcontroller.

Introduction to STM32 Microcontroller

  • The STM32 is a type of microcontroller that offers the ARM Cortex-M thirty-two bits processor.
  • This type of microcontroller is mostly used in different engineering projects.
  •  This module has numerous series and parallel combinations for the connections so many other electronic devices can be linked with this module such as LCD display, a sensing module, electrical motors, etc.
  • All modules of the STM32 are mounted with interior memory storage and random access memory (RAM).
  • The price of some other STM family modules is higher. And STM series like STM32F0 and STM32F1 is consists of the twenty-four megahertz and sixteen pinouts.
  • The STM32H7 modules use four hundred megahertz and have two forty pinouts at its casing.
  • The sophisticated modules of STM series are used for FPU floating-point units applications where there is need of some special arrangements.

Pinout of STM32 Microcontroller

  • Now we discuss the pinouts of STM32 with the detailed, that is described here with the detail.
Pin names Pin Types:                                         Parameters
IOREF It is power pinout. At his pinout reference, 3,3 volts are applied.
RESET It is power pinout. This pinout is used to reset the controller.
+3.3 volts It is power pinout. At this pinout, 3.3 volts are applied as output that can also be used to give input to the microcontroller.
+5 volts It is power pinout. This pinout is only for five volts outputs.
GND It is power pinout. It is ground pinout.
A0-A1 Analog Pins and I2C At this pinout, analogue voltage is found.
A4 and A5 Analog Pins and I2C At this pinouts, I2C transmission of data is done A4 is SDA (Serial Data) pinout and A5 is SCL (Serial Clock) pinout.
D8-D15 Digital Pins and SPI These are digital GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins.
AVDD Digital Pins and SPI At this pinout, the analogue reference voltage is applied.
GND Digital Pins and SPI It is ground pinout.
D13, D12. D11 and D10 Digital Pins and SPI These pinouts work as SCK (serial clock), MISO (master in slave out), MOSI (master out slave in) and CS pins respectively for SPI communication.
D0 to D7 Digital Pins and USART These pinouts are Digital GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins
D0 and D1 Digital Pins and USART These pins act as Rx (receiver) and Tx (transmission) pins respectively for USART communication.
PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC10, PC11, PC12, PC13, PC14, PC15 These are Port pinouts All these are digital pinouts of port c of the module.
PD2 It is Port pinouts It is the input and output pinout of Port D.
PA0, PA1, PA4, PA13, PA14, PA15 These are Port pinouts All of these are input/output pinouts of Port A.
PB7, PB8 and PB9 These are Port pinouts These are input/output pinouts of PORT B.
PH0 and PH1 These are Port pinouts These are input/output pinouts of port H.
VBAT It is power pinout. This pinout used to provide power to the module form the battery.
+3.3 Volts It is power pinout This pinout provides 3.3 volts as output that can be used to power up the module.
+5V It is power pinout It is five volts output supply pinout.
VIN It is power pinout It is unregulated input power pinout.
RESET It is power pinout It used to Resets the microcontroller.
IOREF It is power pinout This is reference voltage pinout.
PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8, PC9 These are Port Pinouts These are the input and output pinout of Port C.
PA2, PA3, PA4, PA6, PA7, PA10, PA11 and PA12 These are Port Pinouts These are the Port A inputs and outputs pinouts.
PB1, PB2, PB3, PB4, PB5, PB6, PB8, PB9, PB10, PB12, PB14, PB15 These are Port Pinouts These are the Port B inputs and output Pinouts.
U5V It is power pinout It is five volts power pinout.
GND It is power pinout It used to ground the controller.
U5V It is power pinout It is analog ground pinout.
  • Now we see the pinout diagram of STM32.

Applications of STM32

  • These are some practical applications of STM32 that are described in detail.
  • This module is used in less power consuming hand-held electronic devices.
  • This microcontroller is also used in Robotics and different electronic projects.
  • It is also used in system automation.

It is a detailed tutorial on the STM32 I have explained each and everything related to this microcontroller. I tried my level best to describe this module in the simplest way, but still, if you have any question and query about this module please as in comments. Thanks for reading.  see you in the next tutorial. Have a nice day.

Introduction to PT2272

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at Introduction to PT2272. It is a CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) that use to design simple wireless controlling of instruments installed at some distance. This module is normally used for controlling the circuits of garage door, speed control of the fan, robots and for monitoring the alarm connected at different places for security purposes. This integrated circuitry uses non-variable code address and no built-in encryption due to these parameters it not used for such circuits where high security is need but uses only for small or less cost security circuits such as used in home security alarms etc. In today's post, we will have a look at its working, pinout,  applications and some other related parameters. So let's get started with the Introduction to PT2272.

Introduction to PT2272

  • The PT2272 is a decoder coupled with the PT2262 use the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technique.
  • The use of PT2262 with this module to work as a transmitter for the PT2272 that work as a receiver and decodes the data sent by the transmitter.
  • The output pinouts of this module are transistor-transistor logic that can be connected with the other circuitry and microcontroller.
  • The operating voltage of the transmitter (PT2262) is five volts to twelve volts dc and the operation voltage of PT2272 are also five volts dc.
  • This module consists of twelve bits of tri-state address pinout that offers three hundred twelve address codes.
  • This module has features like large no of output data pinouts, latching and temporary output.
  • The complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technique (CMOS) technique used in this module offered the use of less power, less sound to noise ratio, twelve tri-state address pinouts, six data pinouts many ranges of voltages operation.
  • This integrated circuitry is the finest option for security circuits used in different vehicles like cars, door alarm, robotic controls and some other home automation circuits.

Pinouts of PT2272

  • Now we discuss the pinouts of PT2272 with the detailed, that is described here with the detail.
Pin No: Pin Name:                                         Parameters
A0 to A5 Input pinout These pinouts are address pinouts. All these six pinouts are used to get input coming from the transmitter and then encode the data.
A6/D5 ~ A11/D0 Input and output pinouts These 6 pinouts are used for such data that has a large number of bits and also on the type of PT2272 module used.
DIN Input pinout When these pinouts are operating as inputs, these pins behave as tri-state input pinouts and every pin can set at the three different levels one, zero and floating. If we use these six pinouts as When used as output pins, these pins are driven to VCC if (1) the address decoded from the waveform that was received matches the address setting at the address input pins, and (2) the corresponding data bits received is a “1” bit. Otherwise, they are driven to VSS.
OSC 1 input pinout It is oscillator pinout no one.
OSC 2 Output pinout It is oscillator pinout number two. A specific value of resistance connected among them finds the value of the fundamental frequency of PT2272.
VT Output This pinout is used for the output gain
VCC - At this terminal positive input is provided.
VSS - This terminal is used to provide a negative supply.
NC - This is open pinout.

Features of PT2272

  • These are some features of PT2272 that are described here with the detailed.
  • This module used complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technique.
  • This module used a small amount of energy for its operation.
  • Its provides larger immunisation from the noise.
  • This module has twelve tri-state code address pinouts.
  • This module has six data pinouts.
  • Its operating volt re from four to fifteen volts.
  • This module also consists of a single resistance oscillator.
  • It is also available in dual in-line package and in small outline package.
  • Its operating span is from five volts to twelve volts.
  • Its input voltage is five volts dc.
  • This module has already assembled light-emitting diode on its assembly.
  • This module also has four outputs of transistor-transistor logic.
  • Its transmitter is dimensions are thirty-six milli-meter by twenty-six milli-meters.
  • Its receiver dimensions are forty-five to twenty-six millimetres.

Absolute Maximum Ratings of PT2272

  • Now we discuss the ratings of PT2272 with the detailed.
Parameter Symbol                                       Rating
Input Voltage Input voltage denoted as VI. The value of these voltages is -0.3 VCC+0.3 volts.
Supply Voltage Denoted as VCC The value of voltage is -0.3 to 16 volts.
Storage Temperature This temperature denoted as Tstg. The temperature value is -65 to 150 Celsius.
Operating Temperature It denoted as Topr. Temperature value from -40  to +85 celsius.
Output Voltage This voltage denoted as VO. This temperature is from -0.3 VCC+0.3 volts.

DC Electrical Features of PT2272

  • Now we discuss the pinouts of PT2272 with the detailed, that is described here with the detail.
Parameter Symbol                    Conditions
Supply Voltage This voltage denoted as VCC.                       -
Stand-by Current This current is denoted as ISB. The conditions for this voltage is VCC is twelve volts. DIN is zero volts. OSC1 is zero volts.
DOUT Output Driving Current It denoted as IOH. The voltage VCC is eight volts. The voltage VOH is four volts.
DOUT Output Sinking Current It is denoted as IOL. The value of VCC is five volts. The value of VOH three volts.
“H” Input Voltage This input voltage is denoted as VIH. VCC
“L” Input Voltage VIL VCC

Applications of PT2272

  • These are some applications of PT2272 described with the detailed.
  • It uses in circuits of a different security system.
  • It is used in circuits of automatic on and off of garage door circuits.
  • It used for the automatic control fan speed circuits.
  • Security circuits of home.
  • It used in different robotics circuits.
  • It used in industries for the control of different machines.
It is the detailed tutorial on the PT2272 if you have any question about it ask in comments thanks for reading.

Introduction to LCD 20x4

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at the Introduction to 20x4 LCD Module. The LCD stands for liquid crystal display, which works on the light modulation features of liquid crystals. It is available in electronic visible display, video display and flat panel display. There are numerous categories and features are exist in markets of LCD and you can see it on your mobile, laptop, computer and television screen.

The invention of LCD gives new life to electronic industries and replaces lED and gas plasma techniques. It also replaces the CTR (cathode ray) tube that is used for visual display. The input power consumed by the liquid crystal display is less than the light-emitting diode and plasma display. In today's post, we will have a look at 20 x 4 LCD, its features, working, applications, and practical implementation in different electronic devices. So let's get started with the Introduction to 20x4 LCD Module.

Introduction to 20 x 4 LCD Module

  • In a 20x4 LCD module, there are four rows in display and in one row twenty characters can be displayed and in one display eighty characters can be shown.
  • This liquid crystal module uses HDD44780 (It is a controller used to display monochrome text displays) parallel interfacing.
  • The liquid crystal display interfacing code is easily accessible. We just required eleven input and output pinouts for the interfacing of the LCD screen.
  • The input supply for this module is three volts or five volts, with that module other components like PIC, Raspberry PI, Arduino.
  • Thie electronic device can be used in different embedded systems, industries, medical devices, and portable devices like mobile, watches, laptops.
  • Liquid crystal display works on two types of the signal first one is data and the second one is for control.
  • The existence of these signals can be identified through the on and off condition of RS pinout. Data can be read by pushing the Read/write pinout.

20x4 LCD Pinout

  • These are some pinouts of 20x4 LCD modules that are described here in detail.
Pin No: Pin Name:                                         Parameters
Pin#1 It is denoted as Vss It is ground pinout potential at this pinout is zero.
Pin#2 It is denoted as Vdd At this pinout, five volts are provided.
Pin#3 This pinout denoted as Vo This pinout is used to set the contrast of the screen.
Pin#4 This pin denoted as RS It is used to H/L register select signal.
Pin#5 It is denoted as R/W It is used for H/L read/write signal.
Pin#6 This pinout denoted as E It is used for H/L enable signal.
Pin#7-14 The pinouts from seven to fourteen are denoted as DB0 – DB7. It is used for H/L data bus for 4-bit or 8-bit mode.
Pin#15 It identified as A (LED+) It is used to set the backlight anode.
Pin#16 It is recognized as K (LED-). It is used to set the backlight cathode.

Features of 20 x 4 LCD

  • These are some features of 20 x 4 LCD modules that are described here in detail.
  • The most important feature of this module is that it can display 80 characters at a time.
  • The cursor of this module has 5x8 (40) dots.
  • This module already assembled the controller of RW1063.
  • This module operates on the plus five volts input supply and can also work on the plus three volts.
  • The plus 3-volt pinout can also be used for the negative supply.
  • The duty cycle of this module is one by sixteen (1/16).
  • The light-emitting diode of this module can get supply from the pinout one, pinout two, pinout fifteen, pinout sixteen, or pinout A and K.

Electrical Characteristics of 20 x 4 LCD

  • These are some pinouts of 20 x 4 LCD modules that are described here in detail.
Parameters  Symbol                    Conditions
Input Voltage It is denoted as VDD The value of VDD is plus five volts.
Supply Current It denoted as IDD Its value is ten milliamperes.
LC Driving Voltage for Normal Temperature Version Module Its symbol is VDD to V0. Its value is 5.2 volts
LED Forward Voltage It is denoted as VF. Its value is 4.3V
LED Forward Current It is denoted as IF. Its value is 4.6V.
EL Supply Current This pinout denoted as EL VEL = 110 VAC, and four hundred frequency.

Absolute Maximum Ratings

  • Now we discuss the maximum ratings of 20 x 4 LCD.
Parameters  Symbol                    Conditions
Working temperature It is denoted as Top Its value is zero to a plus fifty-celsius degree.
Storage Temperature It is denoted as Tst. Its value is minus twenty Celsius to plus seventy Celsius.
Supply Voltage for Logic It is denoted as Vi. Its minimum value is Vss and the maximum value is equal to Vdd volts.
Supply Voltage for liquid crystal display It is denoted as Vdd or Vss. Its value is three volts to thirteen volts.

Advantages of 20 x 4 LCD

  • These are some advantages of this module that are described in detail.
  • It is less expensive, and lightweight as compared to the cathode ray tube display.
  • It uses less power according to the brightness resolution.
  • It produces less amount of heat due to less use of power.
  • In this module, there is no geometric distortion.
  • It can be constructed in any shape and size according to user requirements.
  • The LCD used in the computer monitor uses twelve volts.

Disadvantages of 20 x 4 LCD

  • Despite the advantages of this module, there are some problems created by this module that are described here.
  • In some older LCD modules, there are some issues due to view angle and brightness.
  • It loses brightness and operates at less response time with the increment of temperature.
  • With the increment of the surrounding temperature, its contrast also disturbs.

It is a detailed tutorial on the 20x4 LCD module I have mentioned everything related to this Liquid crystal display. If you have any questions about it ask in the comments. Thanks for reading.

Introduction to LCD 16x2

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at Introduction to 16x2 LCD Module. LCD stands for liquid crystal display it is mostly used in different electronic projects and devices to display different values. LCD uses liquid crystals for the generation of visible images. 16 x 2 liquid crystal display is a basic LCD module used in DIY electronic projects and circuits. In this LCD module, there are two rows every row consists of sixteen numbers.

With the two rows in this module, there are sixteen columns. The VA dimensions of these modules are (66 x 16) millimeters and the thickness is 13.2 millimeters. Its operating voltage is plus five or plus three volts. In today's post, we will have a look at working, applications, circuits,  features, advantages and disadvantages. So let's get started with Introduction to 16x2 LCD Module.

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Introduction to 16x2 LCD Module

  • LCD(liquid crystal display) is normally used in embedded projects due to its low cost, easy access and flexibility to get programmed.
  • Almost every electronic device we daily see like in you mobile, calculator and some other devices.
  • There is a type of liquid display that has sixteen column and two rows so it is known as 16 x 2 LCD modules.
  • LCD also available in different arrangements like (8 x 1), (10 x 2), (16 x 1), but the 16 x 2 liquid crystal is normally used in embedded projects.
  • In this liquid crystal display, there are thirty-two characters and each of them consists of 5 x 8 pixels.
  • So we can say that character consists of forty pixels or dots and total pixels in this liquid crystal display can be fined as (32 x 40) or 1280 pixels.
  • During its interfacing with a microcontroller, it makes sure that liquid crystal display should be directed about the locations of pixels.

Pinout of 16x2 LCD Module

  • These are the main pinouts of 16 x 2 LCD that are described here with the detailed
Pin No: Pin Name:                                         Parameters
Pin#1  Ground This pin is used to connect the ground.
Pin#2  +5 Volt At this pinout plus five volts are applied to on the LCD.
Pin#3 VE This pin used to select the contract of the display.
Pin#4 Register Select This pinout is used to MCU controller connected led to a shift from command to data mode.
Pin#5 Read and Write It used for reading and wiring of data.
Pin#6 Enable It linked with the MCU to toggle among zero and one.
Pin#7 Data Pin 0 The pinouts from zero to seven are data pinouts and these are linked with the MCU for transmission of data. This liquid crystal module can also operate on the four-bit mode by working on o, 1, 2, and 3 pinouts and others are free.  
Pin#8 Data Pin 1
Pin#9 Data Pin 2
Pin#10 Data Pin 3
Pin#11 Data Pin 4
Pin#12 Data Pin 5
Pin#13 Data Pin 6
Pin#14 Data Pin 7
Pin#15 LED Positive This pinout is for turn backlight of led into positive.
Pin#16 LED Negative Backlight liquid crystal display pinout negative terminal.

Command codes for 16x2 LCD Module

  • These are some commands codes for 16 x2 LCD modules.
Sr.No Hex Code                                         Parameters
1  1 This command will remove data displaying on the screen of lcd.
2  2 It used to move back home.
3 4 It used to change location of a cursor to left side.
4 6 It changes the position of cursor to right side.
5 5 It used for shift display on right.
6 7 It used for Shift display one  left
7 8 It used to off the display and cursor will also off.  
8 0A It used for both display off, a cursor on.
9 0C It used for display on, cursor also off.
10 0E By using this command we can on display, the cursor  will be blinking
11 0F By this command Display will be on, the cursor also blinking.
12 10 It changes the location of a cursor to left.
13 14 It set cursor location to right.
14 18 It changes the location of the complete display to the left side.
15 1C It changes the location of the complete display to right side.
16 80 It used to move the cursor to the first line.
17 C0 It send the cursor to starting of the second line.
18 38 2 lines and 5×7 matrix.

Features of 16x2 LCD Module

  • These are some features of 16x2 LCD Module that are described with the detailed.
  • Its functioning voltages are from 4.7 volts to 5.3 volts.
  • It uses one milliampere current for operation.
  • In this liquid crystal display, we can work both alphabets and numbers.
  • On this module, there are rows each has sixteen characters.
  • Every character of this board has 5 x 8 or 40 pixels.
  • It works on both four and eight bits mode.
  • It display screen backlight is two colour green and blue.

Registers of LCD

  • In this module there are 2 main types of register first one is data register and the second one is command register. The RS pinout is used for the change the register.
  • If we set zero then the register is command and at one data register will work.
  • Now we discuss these two registers with the detailed.
Command Register
  • The main function of this register is to save instructions shown on display.
  • That help to a clearing of data changes the location of the cursor and display control.
Data Register
  • This register saves the date to display on the liquid crystal screen. When we send data to liquid crystal display it moves to the data register, processing of that data will initiate.
  • If we set the value of register at one then the data register will start operation.

So it is the detailed article on the 16x2 LCD Module if you have any question about ask in comments. Thanks for reading.

HC-05 Bluetooth Module Pinout, Datasheet, Features & Applications

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. Today, we will discuss HC-05 Bluetooth Module in detail. We will also study HC-05 Pinout, Datasheet, Features & Projects. HC05 is a Bluetooth module, that works on Serial Protocol ( RX/TX ) for sending and receiving data. We have also designed Bluetooth Library for Proteus, which will help you in simulating this Bluetooth Module in Proteus software.

HC05 Bluetooth Module consists of CSR Bluecore 04 outer single-chip Bluetooth system having CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) technology. This module also fulfils the Bluetooth V2.0+EDR technology. So let's get started with Introduction to HC-05.

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HC-05 Bluetooth Module

  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module is a low-cost, easy-to-operate & small-sized module used for wireless communication in the Bluetooth spectrum.
  • It supports Serial Port Protocol (SPP), which helps in sending/receiving data to/from a microcontroller (i.e. Arduino UNO).
  • Its default baud rate is 9600 for data communication and 38400 for command mode communication.
  • HC05 can operate in master/slave mode and thus multiple slave nodes can be controlled using a single master node (called mesh networking).
  • HC-05 supports "AT commands", controlled by TX (transmission) and RX (receiver) pinouts.
  • You should also have a look at Arduino Bluetooth Communication using HC05.

HC-05 Pinout

  • HC-05 Pinouts are used for powering up the module and sending/receiving data via Serial Port.
  • So, let's have a look at HC-05 Pinout, shown in below table:
HC-05 Pinout
Pin# Pin Name Working
Pin#1 Enable Pin  The purpose of this pinout is to set data value at a high and low level.
Pin#2 Vcc At this pinout, the input supply is provided to the module. Its operating voltage is plus five volts.
Pin#3 GND Ground (0V)
Pin#4 TX Serial Transmitting Pin.
Pin#5 RX Serial Receiving Pin
Pin#6 State This Pin is connected to an LED, shows the operating state of the HC-05 Bluetooth module.
  • Here's the image, where I have labelled HC-05 Pinout:
  • In the above figure, I have labelled 7. LED, which tells about different states of Bluetooth module:
    • If it's blinking once in two seconds, it has received a command.
    • If it's blinking continuously, means the module is waiting for input data.
    • If it's blinking twice in one second, means it's connected properly.

HC-05 Datasheet

  • You can download the HC-05 datasheet by clicking the below button:

HC-05 Features

  • HC05 follows the "Bluetooth V2.0+EDR" protocol (EDR stands for Enhanced Data Rate).
  • Its operating frequency is 2.4 GHz ISM Band.
  • HC05 uses CSR Bluecore 04-External single-chip Bluetooth system with CMOS technology.
  • This module follows the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 802.15.1 standard protocol.
  • Dimensions of HC-05 are 12.7mmx27mm.
  • Its operating voltage is 5V.
  • It sends and receives data by UART, which is also used for setting the baud rate.
  • it has -80dBm sensitivity.
  • This module also uses (FHSS), a technique by which a radio signal is sent at different frequency levels.
  • This module has the ability to work as a master/slave mode.
  • This module can be easily connected with a laptop or mobile phone via Bluetooth.

HC-05 Working

  • HC-05 is normally used in embedded projects, where data needs to be transmitted wirelessly over a small distance.
  • We can transmit data between two HC-05 modules and can also send data from HC-05 to any Bluetooth appliance i.e. mobile phone, laptop etc.
  • In order to do so, first of all, we need to power up our HC-05 module, as shown in below figure:
  • As we push the button connected to Key Pin, it will get LOW & HC-05 will start blinking.
  • Now, if you check on your mobile phone or laptop, you will be able to find a new Bluetooth device named HC-05.
  • Once you connected with this device, you will be able to send and receive data in a serial stream manner.
  • This stream is then processed by a microcontroller (i.e. Arduino UNO) attached with HC-05.
  • However, do not expect this module to transfer multimedia like photos or songs; you might have to look into the CSR8645 module for that.

HC-05 Arduino Interfacing

  • HC-05 has 2 working modes:
    • Data Mode: HC05 sends and receives data via Bluetooth spectrum and then further processes it to Serial Pins.
    • Command Mode: HC-05 waits for AT (ATtention) commands, acts accordingly & then sends the response in return.
  • This module uses SPP (Serial Port Protocol) for the transmission of data so it can be easily interfaced with any microcontroller.
  •  For HC-05 Arduino Interfacing:
    • 5V to Vcc Pin.
    • 0V to GND Pin.
    • RX (receiver) pin of HC-05 with the TX (transmitter) pin of UNO.
    • TX pin of the HC-05 with the RX pin of UNO.

HC-05 Applications

Now, let's have a look at HC-05 Applications, it can be used in various ways, here I have mentioned few of them:
  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module is normally used for wireless data transmission among multiple microcontrollers.
  • It can also be used to communicate between electronic devices like mobile, laptop, computers for data transmission.
  • It also used in different information and data logging applications.
  • It's used in robotics for wireless control.
  • It's used in autonomous projects for collecting data.
So, that was all about the HC05 Bluetooth Module. I have tried my best to explain everything related to this module but if you have any question, ask in the comments. Thanks for reading. Have a good day. :)

Introduction to TIP35

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at detailed Introduction to TIP35. It is a reliable silicon NPN transistor that is projected to use in common persistence amplification and swapping capitulations. It is existing in TO-247 that is no more used by most fabricators. It's corresponding transistor TIP36 which is PNP transistor. It is a communal transistor which is used in several industrial projects where audile magnification is required. Its structures are good-observing much the similar refusing for the exciting power acceptance that is rather lesser. In today’s post, we will have a look at its fortification, wreckage, eminence, claims, etc. I will also share some links where I have connected it with other microcontrollers. You can also get more material about it in comments, I will guide you more about it. So, let’s get started with a basic Introduction to TIP35. 

Introduction to TIP35

  • It is a reliable silicon NPN transistor that is projected to use in common persistence amplification and swapping capitulations. It is existing in TO-247 that is no more used by most fabricators.
  • This amplifier does not privilege to be 'state of the art' and in statistic the base enterprise times back to the initial 1970s.  It is a modest amplifier to construct, usages normally accessible fragments and is constant and consistent. 
  • The scheme contained is a small adjustment of an amplifier which intended numerous ages back, of which hundreds were constructed. 
  • This transistor catches wide use in Power Swap structures like inverters, and output stages of audile amplifiers where they are associated in push-pull with a matching power transistor type.
  • Whenever it is used in an audio amplifier arrangement, it is practical to initiative the power transistor from a pre-amplifier stage as maximum power transistors have a slight gain of current.

Pinout of TIP35

  • These are the pinout of TIP35 which is well-defined underneath.
  • Pin# Type                                         Parameters
    Pin#1 Emitter The emitter is for an outdoor motion of current.
    Pin#2 Base The base achieves the biasing of the transistor. It impulses the state of the transistor.
    Pin#3 Collector The collector is for the current inner drive. It is linked to the load.
    Lest see a diagram of the pinout.

Features of TIP35

  • These are the main features of TIP35.
    • It is offered in covering the type of TO-247.
    • This fits in NPN transistors.
    • The voltage put on at collector and emitter is 40 volts.
    • The voltage at collector and base points is 40 volts.
    • The voltage at emitter and base is five volts.
    • This transistor devours 25-ampere current at the collector.
    • The power forbearance at the collector point is 125 watts.
    • Its gain is about 15 to 75.
    • Its switching frequency is 3 Mhz.
    • Its functioning and stowage joining temperature range are -65 to +150°C.
    • This transistor is free from Lead (Pb).

Maximum Ratings of TIP35

Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCEO 60V It is the voltage crosswise collector and emitter.
VCB 60 V It is the voltage crosswise collector and emitter.
VEB 5.0 V It is the voltage across emitter and base.
IC 25 V It is the current at the collector.
IB 5.0 A It is the value of current at the base point.
PD 125 A   It is the entire Power Indulgence at T = 25 C  overhead 25 C.
TJ, Tstg -65 to +150 Working and Storing Connection Temperature Choice
ESB 90 It is the unclamped Inductive Load.

Electrical Characteristics

Symbols Ratings                                         Parameters
VCEO 60V These are C-E Supportive Voltage (IC = 30 mA, IB = 0)
ICEO 1mA It is the collector and emitter Cut-off Current. (VCE = 30 V).
ICES 0.7mA It is the collector and emitter Cut-off Current.
IEBO 1 mA It is the emitter and base Cut off Current.
hFE 25 15 It is the DC current gain. (IC = 1.5 A, VCE = 15 V) (IC = 4 A, VCE = 4 V)
VCE 1.8 4.0 These are emitter and collector saturation voltage. (IC = 15 A, VCE = 1.5 V) (IC = 25 A, VCE = 5 V)
VBE 2V 4V These are the Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage. (IC = 15 A, IB = 4 A) (IC = 25 A, IB = 4 A)
ft 3V It is the current gain-bandwidth product.

Working of TIP35

  • Now we read about its working with a circuit diagram.
  • In this circuit, I am going to show you 500W power inverter circuitry which using TIP35.
  • In this circuit diagram, there is merely one adjustable resistance which is for changing the frequency of 240 AC output current.It is finest to use a frequency meter to regulate this frequency of 50HZ to 60HZ according to your requisite.Please avoid giving power any instrument by an inverter before changing the frequency according to your instrument.  Otherwise, it will damage your device.
  • For further understanding, let's see the circuit diagram.

Applications of TIP35

  • These are specific applications of TIP35.
    • It is cooperative obstinacy transistor it can be used in different industrial schemes.
    •  It is used as an audio Amplifier.
So it was all about TIP35 if you have any question please ask in comments. Take care until the next tutorial.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir