IRF730 N-Channel MOSFET Datasheet, Pinout, Features, Equivalent and Applications

Hello Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to IRF730. The IRF730 is an n-channel MOSFET where major charge carriers are electrons and conduction in the transistor is carried out due to the motion of these electrons. It comes with a TO-220 package where the drain-to-source breakdown voltage is 400V and power dissipation is 100W. I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll be discussing the complete Introduction to IRF730 covering datasheet, pinout, features, power ratings, equivalent, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to IRF730

  • The IRF730 is an n-channel MOSFET mainly used for switching and amplification applications in the electrical circuits.
  • The MOSFET stands for Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistor also known as IGFET Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor that is generated by the controlled oxidation of a semiconductor material like silicon.
  • IRF730 MOSFET is a three-terminal device composed of gate (G) drain (D) and source (S). The current between two drain and source terminals is controlled by the voltage applied at the gate pin. The gate pin acts like a control valve through which the conduction of current is controlled between two terminals.
  • The IRF730 is an n-channel MOSFET where major charge carriers are electrons and current conduction is due to the motion of these electrons in contrast to the p-channel MOSFET where conduction is carried out due to the motion of holes.
  • Basic building element of modern electronics, MOSFET is introduced in 1959 in Bell Labs by Mohemed M Atalla and Dawn Kahng. MOSFETs are created to overcome the limitations by FETs like moderate input impedance, high drain resistance, and slower operation.
  • This N-channel MOSFET is a voltage-controlled device in contrast to BJT (bipolar junction transistor) that are current-controlled devices.
  • In MOSFET current starts flowing between the drain and source terminals, when we apply the voltage at the gate pin.
  • The n-channel MOSFETs are commonly called NMOS. And the symbol for the n-channel MOSFET is given below.
  • MOSFETs are compared to BJTs in terms of low loss and high-speed operation.
  • They are divided into two types in terms of polarity i.e. n-type and p-type and are further divided into two types i.e. enhancement type normally OFF where the voltage at the gate terminal is zero and the depletion type with normally ON.
  • The enhancement type is popular and is commonly preferred over depletion type MOSFET.

IRF730 Datasheet

Before you use this component into your electrical project, scan through the datasheet of the device that details the main characteristics of the component. You can download the datasheet of IRF730 by clicking the link below.

IRF730 Pinout

The IRF730 is an N-channel MOSFET that comes with three terminals named 1: Gate 2: Drain 3: Source
  • The current between source and drain is controlled by the gate terminal when we apply voltage on the gate terminal.
  • The following figure shows the pinout diagram of IRF730 MOSFET.
  • Generally, the MOSFET is a four-terminal component with a Source (S), gate (G), Drain (D), and a Body (B) / Substrate. The body area is always attached to the source terminal thus the MOSFET works as a three-terminal device.

IRF730 Features

  • Type: n-channel MOSFET
  • Maximum Junction Temperature = 150 C
  • Maximum Gate-to-Source Voltage = 20 V
  • Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage = 400 V
  • Power Dissipation = 100 W
  • Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance = 1.0 Ohm
  • Total Gate Charge = 18 nC
  • Drain-source capacitance = 800 pF
  • Maximum Drain Current = 5.5 A
  • Package = TO-220AB

IRF730 Equivalent

The following are the equivalent to IRF730.
  • IRF730A
  • IRF740
  • IRF730B
  • IRF740A
  • IRF740LC
  • IRF740B
  • IRF840
  • IRF840LC
  • IRF840A
  • IRFB17N50L
  • IRFB9N65A
  • IRFB13N50A
  • IRFB9N60A
While working with the alternatives, make sure you double-check the pinout of alternatives. The pinout of the alternatives might differ from the pinout of IRF730.

IRF730 Applications

  • Employed in switching and amplifying applications.
  • Used in high-efficiency DC to DC converters.
  • Used in motor control and UPS.
That was all about the Introduction to IRF730. If you have any questions, you can ask me in the section below, I’d love to help you according to the best of my expertise. Feel free to keep us updated with your valuable feedback and suggestions and help improve the quality of our content. Thank you for reading the article.

UF5408 Recovery Diode Datasheet, Pinout, Features and Applications

Hi Guys! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll detail the Introduction to UF5408. The UF5408 is an ultra-fast recovery diode that comes with quick recovery time. It is mainly used to rectify the sine waves. Upon rectifying the signal it converts the AC signal into a DC signal. This diode provides the DC signal to the electronic device since most of the electronic devices operate on the DC signal. Just stay with me for a little while as I’ll discuss the complete Introduction to UF5408 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications of this component UF5408. Let’s get started.

Introduction to UF5408

  • The UF5408 is a recovery diode that carries quick recovery time and is mainly used to convert the AC signal into DC signal.
  • Upon turning the AC signal to the DC signal diode requires a certain amount of time during which this rectification happens. This time is known as recovery time. And this diode exhibits an extremely good recovery time of 75ns.
  • The average rectified current of UF5408 is 3A and the peak repetitive reverse voltage is 1000V. The maximum reverse current is recorded at 0.010mA and the maximum RMS reverse voltage is 700V.

UF5408 Datasheet

Before you incorporate this component into your electrical project, it’s always better to go through the datasheet of the component that details the main characteristics of the component. You can download the datasheet of UF5408 by clicking the link below.

UF5408 Pinout

  • The UF5408 diode comes with two terminals called anode and cathode. The current moves from the anode to cathode.
  • The following figure represents the pinout diagram of UF5408.
  • The anode side is positive through which current enters the diode and the cathode terminal is negative through which current leaves the diode.
  • You can identify the cathode side simply by looking at the diode. The area with the grey colored band is the cathode side and the other is the anode.

UF5408 Working

  • The time of each cycle of the signal is inversely proportional to the frequency of the signal. The more the time of the cycle, the shorter the frequency of the signal and vice versa.
  • The following figure shows the comparison of the recovery time of normal diode and fast recovery diode.
  • When time is shorter it means the frequency of the signal is very high and less time the diode requires to recover from each cycle.
  • At very high frequencies it becomes very difficult for the diodes to quickly recover from each cycle. In such cases, the normal diode fails to quickly recover the signal since it finds it hard to swiftly respond to such short duration spikes.
  • A fast recovery diode like UF5408 is applied in such cases to quickly respond to these short duration spikes and recover the signal.
  • An ordinary diode takes microseconds to recover and is suitable for low-frequency applications. However, in high-frequency applications, a fast recovery diode is used that comes with a recovery time of a few nanoseconds.

UF5408 Features

  • Average Rectified Current (Io) = 3.0A
  • Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage (Vrrm) = 1000V
  • Maximum Forward Voltage Drop (Vf) = 1.7V
  • Maximum Reverse Current (Ir) = 0.010mA
  • Maximum RMS Reverse Voltage (Vr) = 700V
  • Reverse Recovery Time (Trr) = 75ns

UF5408 Applications

  • Used for the rectification of the signal.
  • Widely used in high-frequency applications.
  • Can be employed as a charge controlled switch.
That’s all for today. I hope you find this read helpful. You can approach me in the section below if you have any query, I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to keep us updated with your valuable suggestions around the content we share, they help us craft the content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

AMS1117 LDO Regulator Pinout, Datasheet, Features

Hello Guys! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to AMS1117. The AMS1117 is a common voltage regulator that comes with both fixed and customizable voltages. It is a 3-pin device mainly used to drive load under 1A. The output voltage ranges from 1.5V to 5V. When it works at maximum current, it results in a low dropout voltage of 1.3A. I suggest you read this post all the way through, as I’ll be discussing Pinout, datasheet, features, and applications of this tiny device AMS1117. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to AMS1117

  • The AMS1117 is a common voltage regulator mainly used for high-efficiency linear regulation and post-regulation switching supplies.
  • This 3-pin device is also used as a battery charger and comes with an output voltage range from 1.5V to 5V. It returns a low dropout voltage of 1.3A when it operates at maximum current.
  • The AMS1117 series of voltage regulators comes with both fixed and adjustable voltages and are constructed to support up to 1A current. The dropout voltage is 1.3V which decreases at low load currents.
  • The current limit is applied to the power source circuitry and regulator to compensate the stress when this regulator comes across the overload situations.
  • AMS1117 is available in three packages i.e. surface mount SOT-223 package, TO-252 (DPAK) plastic package, and 8L SOIC package.
  • Moreover, this device is compatible with three-terminal regulators like SCSI and is widely used in battery-powered instrumentation.
  • This regulator is also used in some cases to obtain a negative voltage.

AMS Datasheet

Before installing this device into your project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that gives an overview of the main characteristics and power ratings of the device.

AMS1117 Pinout

The following image shows the pinout diagram of AMS1117. The AMS1117 comes with three pins as below: 1: Adjust/Ground This pin is used to adjust the output voltage. In the case of a fixed voltage regulator, it acts as a ground. 2: Output Voltage/Vout The regulated output voltage configured by the Adjust pin is achieved from this pin. 3: Input Voltage (Vin) This pin gets the input voltage that is then regulated and produced at the output voltage.

AMS1117 Features

The following are the features of AMS1117.
  • Low Drop-Out (LDO) Voltage regulator
  • 3- terminal Fixed/Adjustable Linear voltage regulator
  • Fixed Voltage type: 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V and 5V
  • Adjustable Voltage range: 1.25V to 13.8V
  • Built-in thermal and current limiting protection.
  • Output current = 1000mA
  • Operating junction temperature = 125°C
  • Maximum Drop-out Voltage = 1.3V
  • Available in three packages: SOT-223, SO-8 Package and TO-252

AMS1117 Usage

  • Used in Arduino boards to regulate 5V and 3.3V, AMS1117 is similar to other linear voltage regulators like LM317, 7805. It is commonly famous for small form factor and is available in SMD package.
  • They all, however, are configured for a maximum current of 1A. It is widely applied in active SCSI terminators and power management for a notebook.
  • Depending on the output voltage and package, this linear voltage regulator is categorized into many types.
  • If a fixed voltage is applied at the Vin pin of the regulator we’ll get a regulated output voltage at the Vout pin. The Adj/Ground pin is grounded in this case.
  • We need to add a capacitor at the regulated output voltage to remove any noise from the regulator. The circuit diagram of the fixed voltage regulator is given below.
  • In an adjustable type voltage regulator, two external resistors are included to identify the regulator’s output voltage.
  • You can see from the circuit diagram below, two resistors R1 and R2 are added to identify the regulator’s output voltage.
  • The capacitors are added to remove any noise from the circuit.
The following is the formula to determine the output voltage that is based on two resistors R1 and R2. To find out the desired output voltage, we can choose the R1 and R2 (must be less than 1k) of our own choice.

Vout = Vref * (1 + R2/R1) + Iadj * R2

For an Adjustable type voltage regulator we need two external resistors to decide the output voltage of the Regulator.
  • A reference circuit diagram for adjustable voltage is shown below, where the resistors R1 and R2 decides the output voltage of the regulator.
  • The capacitor CAdj is an optional component that can be added to improve ripple rejection if required.  The other two capacitors are to filter the input and output noise respectively.

LMS1117 Applications

  • Used in current limiting circuits
  • Employed in motor control circuits
  • Incorporated in reverse polarity circuits
  • Employed in variable power supply
  • Used for voltage regulations
  • Employed in Desktop PC systems
That’s all for today. I hope you like this article. If you have any questions you can approach me in the section below, I’d love to help you according to the best of my knowledge. Feel free to keep us updated with your valuable suggestions and feedback, they help us produce quality content. Thank you for reading this article.

LM2596 Buck Converter Datasheet, Pinout, Features, Applications

Hi Guys! Welcome you on board. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll detail the Introduction to LM2596.

LM2596 is a step-down voltage regulator, also known as a buck converter, mainly used to step down the voltage or to drive load under 3A. It carries remarkable load and line regulation and is available in fixed output voltages including 3.3V, 5V, and 12V. It also comes with a customized output version where you can set the output voltage as per your requirement.

Just stay with me for a little while, as in this post I’ll walk you through the Introduction to LM2596 covering the datasheet, pinout, features, and main applications of this tiny device. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to LM2596

  • LM2596 is a voltage regulator mainly used to step down the voltage or to drive load under 3A.
  • It is also known as a DC-to-DC power converter or buck converter which is used to step down the voltage from its input supply to the output load. The current goes up during this voltage step-down process.
  • LM2596 comes with a remarkable load and line regulation. It is available in both versions: fixed output voltage version with 3.3V, 5V, 12V, and customized output version where you can choose the output as per your requirement.
  • This regulator is incorporated with a fixed-frequency oscillator and an internal frequency compensation method.
  • Frequency compensation is applied by adjusting both phase and gain characteristics of the open-loop output to avoid oscillation and vibration in the circuit.  This is achieved with the help of resistance-capacitance networks.
  • A minimum number of external components is required for this regulator that works at a fixed frequency of 150 kHz.
  • It is available in surface mount package TO-263 and standard 5-pin package TO-220.

LM2596 Datasheet

Before you use this device for your electrical project, it’s wise to have a look at its datasheet which gives you an overview of the main characteristics of the component.

Click below to download the datasheet of LM2596.

LM2596 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of LM2596.

The LM2596 comes with a total of five pins as follows:

Vin = I = This is the input supply pin interlaced with the input bypass capacitor to provide the switching current and reduce voltage transients.

Output = O = This is the internal switch with voltage switches between (Vin – Vsat) and -0.5V. It comes with a duty cycle of Vout/Vin. The PCB copper area attached to this pin is used to minimize the coupling.

Ground = This pin is connected to the ground.

Feedback = I = This pin identifies the regulated output voltage for the feedback loop.

ON/OFF = I = This pin is used to shut down the voltage regulator circuit with the input supply current reducing to 80uA. When the voltage on this pin goes below the threshold voltage of 1.3V, it turns on the buck converter. And when the voltage goes above the 1.3V, it turns off the converter. You can get rid of this shutdown feature by attaching the pin to the ground or leaving it open. In both cases, the regulator remains ON.

LM2596 Features

  • Fixed versions i.e. 3.3-V, 5-V, 12-V, and customizable output versions
  • Customizable output version with voltage range: 1.2-V to 37-V ±4% maximum over load and line conditions
  • Available in two packages including TO-263 and TO-220 packages.
  • Can drive load under 3A.
  • 40 V is the input voltage range
  • 4 external components are needed
  • Remarkable load and line regulations
  • Internal oscillator with a fixed frequency of 150 kHz
  • TTL shutdown capability
  • Comes with low power standby mode, commonly 80 µA
  • High efficient and readily available
  • Protection against thermal shutdown and current

LM2596 Power Ratings

    The following table represents the absolute maximum ratings of regulator LM2596.
Absolute Maximum Ratings LM2596
No. Rating Value Unit
1 Maximum Supply Voltage 45 V
2 SD/SS Input Voltage 6 V
3 Delay Pin Voltage 1.5 V
4 Flag Pin Voltage 45 V
5 Feedback Pin Voltage 25 V
6 Output Voltage to Ground -1 V
7 Storage Temperature -65 to 150 C
  • While working with this component, make sure stresses don’t exceed the absolute maximum ratings, else they can permanently damage the component.
  • Plus, if stresses are applied for more than the required time, they can affect device reliability.

LM2596 Applications

  • Used to step down voltage
  • Can drive load under 3A
  • Provide remarkable load and line regulation

That’s all for today. I hope you find this read helpful. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can leave your query in the section below, I’d love to help you the best way I can. You’re most welcome to share your feedback and suggestions, they help us create quality content. Thank you for reading the article.

1N5820 Schottky Diode Pinout, Specifications and Datasheet

Hi Friends! Happy to see you around. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll discuss the Introduction to 1n5820.

The 1n5820 is a Schottky diode, also known as a hot-carrier diode, capable of extremely fast switching and is well protected against overvoltage. It carries a low forward voltage drop and high forward surge capability. It is capable of high-frequency operation and comes in the DO-201AD package. When less power dissipation is required, MOSFETs can be used in place of Schottky diodes. Just stay with me for a little while as I’ll walk you through the datasheet, pinout, features, and applications of this device 1n5820. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to 1N5820

  • 1n5820 is a Schottky diode composed of semiconductor material and is employed in fast-clamp diode switching applications.
  • Schottky diode is also called hot-carrier diode since in an unbiased condition electrons possess low energy on the semiconductor material.
  • This low energy leads to the formation of a barrier that blocks the electrons. Due to the formation of this barrier, Schottky diodes are also called hot-carrier diodes.
  • Both Schottky diode and normal diode are different in terms of voltage required to power up these diodes.
  • The Schottky diode requires only 0.3V out of 2V DC source voltage, leaving 1.7V to power the diode. On the other hand, a normal diode requires only 0.7V, leaving behind 1.3V to power the diode.

1N5820 Datasheet

Before you use this device in your project, it’s always wise to have a look at the datasheet of the device that highlights the main characteristics of the component. Click the link below and download the datasheet of 1n5820.

1N5820 Features

  • Highly efficient with small conduction losses.
  • Protection against overvoltage.
  • Carries low forward drop voltage.
  • Capable of extremely fast switching.
  • Carries high surge capability.
  • Comes in package DO-201AD.

1n5820 Schottky Diode Construction

  • The 1n5820 Schottky diode is formed when metal is combined with the semiconductor material that results in the formation of a barrier.
  • When the n-type semiconductor is combined with metals like platinum, chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum, they make Schottky diode.
  • Both p-type and n-type semiconductor material can be used to construct the Schottky diode, but n-type semiconductors are preferred over p-type semiconductor material because later exhibit low forward drop voltage.
  • The Schottky diode comes with two terminals where one is an anode and the other is called a cathode terminal. The anode, made-up of metal, is always the positive side of the diode through which current enters the diode. And the cathode side, made-up of silicon material, is always the negative side through which current leaves the diode.
  • The conduction is carried out between these two terminals and current flows from the anode terminal to the cathode terminal.
  • The nature of semiconductor material and the metal used plays a key role in defining the forward drop voltage of the diode. Low forward drop voltage means less energy is released as heat that makes these diodes suitable for the applications where high efficiency is required.
  • These diodes are widely used in the solar systems that prevent the batteries from discharging in the absence of solar heat.

1N5820 Pinout

The following figure represents the pinout image of 1n5820.
  • 1n5820 is composed of two terminals mainly used for the external connection with the circuit.
  • These terminals are called the anode side from where the current enters the diode and the cathode side from where the current leaves the diode.
  • The anode side is positive, made up of metal and the cathode side is negative, made-up of silicon material. The current flows from the anode terminal to the cathode terminal.

1N5820 Applications

  • Employed in high-frequency and low voltage inverters.
  • Used in sample-and-hold circuits.
  • Can control the electronic charge.
  • Used in DC/DC converters and polarity protection applications.
  • Incorporated in freewheeling and logic circuits.
  • Used for signal detection and radio frequency applications.
  • Employed in extremely fast switching applications.
  • Used in stand-alone photovoltaic systems.
That’s all for today. I hope you find this article useful. If you’re unsure or have any question, you can approach me in the comment section below, I’ll help you the best way I can. Feel free to keep us updated with your valuable feedback and suggestions, they help us create quality content customized to your exact requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

1N5408 Power Diode Pinout, Datasheet, Features & Equivalents

Hello Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll be discussing the Introduction to 1n5408. The 1n5408 is a component where current flows in one direction only. It comes with two pins named anode and cathode. The Anode side is positive from where the current enters the diode and the cathode is negative from where the current leaves the diode. The colored band side is the indication that the side is the cathode and the other side without the colored band is the anode of the diode. Just stay with me for a little while as I’ll walk you through the 1n5408 power diode pinout, datasheet, features, equivalents, and applications. Let’s get started.

Introduction to 1N5408

  • The 1n5408 is a power diode where current flows in one direction only. It flows from the anode terminal to the cathode terminal. It carries low resistance in one direction and very high resistance in another direction.
  • It is a semiconductor device where two terminals are attached to the p-n junction.
  • The 1n5408 can be considered as an electronic check valve that allows current to flow in one direction only.
  • Available in the DO-201 package, this power diode comes with a peak reverse current of 10uA while forward voltage drop is equal to 1A. Plus, 1n5408 can support load under 3A and it can undergo a peak current of 200A.
  • There are two terminals on the diode named anode and cathode. The cathode terminal of the diode is identified by the grey colored band.
  • It is known as a power diode since it carries high repetitive reverse voltage and high forward current. It is best suitable for the circuits operating under 3A.
  • Due to the slow recovery time of this diode, this diode becomes obsolete in the modern circuits and is being replaced by advanced and highly efficient diodes.
  • The current-voltage characteristics are non-linear in this case of the diode. Moreover, it initiates current flow in one direction only when a certain threshold voltage is achieved in the forward direction.

1N5408 Datasheet

You can click the link below to get a datasheet where you can observe the main characteristics of the device.

1N5408 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of 1n5408. The 1n5408 comes with two terminals known as anode and cathode. The anode terminal is the place where the current enters the device and a cathode terminal is a place where it leaves the diode.

In5408 Features

  • Available in DO-201 Package
  • High forward surge capability
  • Low leakage current.
  • Peak Reverse current = 10uA
  • Forward Voltage drop = 1V
  • Repetitive reverse voltage = 1000V
  • Non-repetitive Peak current = 200A
  • Average forward current = 3A

1N5408 Physical Dimensions

The following figure shows the physical dimensions of the device 1n5408.

1N5408 Applications

  • Used in HV supplies
  • Employed as a protection device
  • Incorporated in half-wave and full-wave rectifiers
  • Used in current flow regulators
  • Employed to prevent reverse polarity problem
That’s all for today. Hope you find this read helpful. If you have any questions, you can ask me in the comment section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to send your valuable suggestions and thoughts regarding the content we share, they help us generate quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

1N5822 Schottky Diode Pinout, Specifications, and Datasheet

Hello Guys! Hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll detail the Introduction to 1n5822. The 1n5822 is a Schottky diode that comes with a low forward drop voltage around 0.525V which means it needs 0.525 voltage to conduct the current in forward biased direction. It supports a load under 3A and is an ideal pick for switching applications with low current ratings. And the 40V is the maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage Vrrm of this tiny device. Just bear with me for just 2-min as I’ll be discussing the datasheet, Pinout, specifications, and applications of this tiny little device. Let’s get started.

Introduction to 1n5822

  • 1n5822 is a Schottky diode, also known as a hot-carrier diode, mainly used in fast-clamp diode switching applications. It is made up of semiconductor material and carries low forward drop voltage.
  • The small voltage drop occurs across the diode terminals when current flows through the diode.
  • Though both normal diode and Schottky require 2V DC source to power these components, the Schottky diode utilizes 0.3V out of 2V, leaving only 1.7V to power the diode while the normal diode uses 0.7V out of a 2V DC source, leaving 1.3V to power the diode.
  • Schottky diode is also called hot-carrier diode because electrons carry low energy when they are present on the semiconductor material in an unbiased condition.
  • This results in the formation of a barrier through which electrons cannot flow, the reason it’s also called the Schottky Barrier diode or hot carrier diode.

1n5822 Schottky Diode Construction

  • The 1n5822 Schottky diode is constructed by the combination of semiconductor material with metal, forming a barrier.
  • The metals used in this case are tungsten, chromium, platinum, molybdenum, and silicides.
  • And the n-type silicon is the commonly used semiconductor material. The resulting diode carries a very low forward voltage drop and is capable of very fast switching.
  • The metal used behaves as an anode or positive side of the diode and n-type semiconductor (with a colored band) is used as a cathode or negative side of the diode. In this case, the conventional current will flow from the anode metal side to the cathode semiconductor side.
  • The forward voltage of the diode depends on the nature of the metal and semiconductor you pick for the formation of that diode.
  • Though both n-type and p-type semiconductors are used to form a Schottky diode, the p-type semiconductors result in very low forward voltage compared to n-type semiconductors, the reason p-type semiconductors are rarely used to form the Schottky diodes.
  • In Schottky diodes less energy is wasted as heat as they possess low forward voltage drop, making them an ideal pick for the applications that are sensitive to efficiency.
  • Plus, they are also used in photovoltaic systems to keep the batteries from discharging in solar panels at night.
  • A control circuit or MOSFET can replace Schottky diodes in cases where less power dissipation is needed.

1n5822 Datasheet

Before you embed this component into your project, it’s always wise to weed through the datasheet of the device that gives the main characteristics of the device. Click below and download the datasheet of 1n5822.

1n5822 Pinout

1n5822 comes with two pins named anode and cathode. The colored band is a cathode and the other side is an anode. The following figure shows the pinout diagram of 1n5822. It is important to note that, the current always enters through an anode that is positive, and it leaves through a cathode that is negative in polarity.

1n5822 Features

  • Carries high efficiency and low power loss.
  • Conduction is carried out through majority carriers.
  • Protection against overvoltage.
  • Comes with low forward drop out voltage.
  • Capable of fast switching.
  • Available in package DO-201AD

1N5822 Applications

  • Used in low voltage & high-frequency inverters
  • Incorporated in freewheeling and DC/DC converters
  • Used to detect signals and polarity protection applications
  • Employed in logic circuits and radio frequency applications
  • Used in switching applications
  • Incorporated in sample-and-hold circuits
  • Employed to control the electronic charge
  • Incorporated in stand-alone photovoltaic systems
That’s all for today. I hope you find this read useful. If you have any question, you can pop your comment in the section below, I’ll answer your query according to the best of my expertise. You are most welcome to share your feedback and suggestions, they help us generate quality content. Thank you for reading the article.

1N5821 Schottky Diode Datasheet, Pinout, Features and Applications

Hi Friends! Happy to see you here. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to 1n5821. The 1n5820 is a Schottky diode that carries high surge capability and low forward drop voltage. It helps in extremely fast switching and comes in the DO-201AD package. This diode is also known as a hot-carrier diode and is well-shielded against the overvoltage, keeping the device safe under desired ratings. I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll discuss the complete Introduction to 1n5821 covering the datasheet, features, pinout, features, and applications. Before further ado, let’s get started.

Introduction to 1N5821

  • The 1n5820 is a Schottky diode that is capable of extremely fast switching and is made by the combination of metal and semiconductor material.
  • In certain cases, where less power dissipation is required, MOSFETs replace these Schottky diodes.
  • Schottky diode is also called hot-carrier diodes since they form the barrier in an unbiased condition, blocking the electrons that carry low energy. This barrier formation is the reason these diodes are also known as hot-carrier diodes.
  • Schottky diode is slightly different than a regular diode. It is observed, both diodes are powered with a 2V DC source. Out of this 2V, the regular diode needs 0.7V and leaving 1.3V behind to provide power to the diode.
  • And Schottky diode needs 0.3V out of this 2V DC supply source, leaving behind 1.7V to give power to the diode.

1N5821 Datasheet

While using this device in your project, make sure you go through the datasheet of the device that covers the main characteristics of the device. You can download the datasheet by clicking the link below.

1N5821 Pinout

The following image represents the pinout diagram of the device 1n5821.
  • 1n5821 comes with two terminals known as anode and cathode. The cathode terminal is negative and is composed of semiconductor material while the anode terminal is positive and is made-up of metal.
  • The current always enters through the anode terminal and it leaves the diode from the cathode terminal. Current moves from the anode to the cathode terminal.

1N5821 Features

  • Highly efficient
  • Comes with small conduction losses.
  • Shielded against overvoltage.
  • Exhibits low forward drop voltage.
  • Extremely fast switching.
  • Comes with high surge capability.
  • Available in the DO-201AD package.

1n5821 Schottky Diode Construction

  • Semiconductor material and metal are required to form the Schottky diode. When the n-type semiconductor is combined with metals like chromium, platinum, tungsten, and molybdenum, they constitute a Schottky diode.
  • These diodes are incorporated in the solar systems that keep the batteries from discharging at night.
  • It is observed both n-type and p-type semiconductors material can be employed in the construction of Schottky diodes, but n-type materials are more beneficial than p-type materials because later comes with low drop voltage.
  • The semiconductor material and the metal used to form the Schottky diodes play a critical role in demonstrating the forward drop voltage of this device.
  • Low forward drop voltage leads to less energy released, making this tiny device appropriate pick suitable for high-efficiency applications.

1N5821 Applications

  • Used in high-frequency and fast switching applications.
  • Embedded in low voltage inverters and sample-and-hold circuits.
  • Control the electronic charge and can be used in polarity protection applications.
  • Used in DC/DC converters and logic circuits.
  • Incorporated in freewheeling and photovoltaic systems.
  • Embedded in signal detection and radio frequency applications.
This is it. That’s all about the Introduction to 1n5821. Share your valuable suggestions in the comment section below, they help us generate quality content. If you have any query, you can approach me in the section below, I’ll try to help you according to the best of my expertise. Thank you for reading the article.

MUR460 Rectifiers Datasheet, Features, Equivalent and Applications

Hi Folks! I welcome you on board. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll detail the Introduction to MUR460. The MUR460 is a switch-mode rectifier used in inverters, switching power supplies, and as a freewheeling diode. Just stay with me for a little while as I’ll be discussing the complete introduction to MUR460 covering pinout, features, working, and applications of this component. Let’s get started.

Introduction to MUR460

  • The MUR460 is a diode used as a rectifier in high frequency and freewheeling applications, in switching mode converters, and as an inverter in telecommunication.
  • When this p-n junction diode is used as a rectifier it coverts AC signals to DC signals. The rectifier diode provides an alternating voltage that changes with respect to time.
  • The p-n junction diode blocks current in reverse biased condition and allows the current to flow in forward biased condition only. Simply put, the p-n junction diode allows current to flow in one direction only and it blocks the current flowing in the opposite direction.
  • MUR460 comes with a working peak reverse voltage and a maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage of 600V. The maximum average forward rectified current is 4A. And the operating junction temperature range is -65 to 175 C.

MUR460 Datasheet

Before you employ this component into your project, just go through the datasheet of the device that details the main characteristics of the component. Click the link below and download the datasheet of the component MUR460.

MUR460 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of MUR460.
  • This diode rectifier comes with two terminals called anode and cathode.
  • The anode side is positive through which current enters the diode and the cathode side is negative through which current leaves the diode and current moves from the anode terminal to the cathode terminal.

MUR460 Working

  • The working of this component is simple and straightforward. When the voltage is applied to the rectifier diode in such a way the negative terminal of the battery is attached with the n-type semiconductor and the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the p-type semiconductor material, in this condition the diode is forward biased.
  • In this forward biased condition, the free electrons available in the n-type region of the semiconductor experience a repulsive force, and a large number of holes present in the p-type semiconductor also experience a repulsive force.
  • In this case, the electrons due to this repulsive force start moving from the n-type region to the p-type region and the holes in the p-type region start moving to the n-type region.
  • And the conduction is carried out due to these charge carriers i.e. holes in the p-region and the electrons in the n-region.
  • As this conduction is the result of the movement of free majority charge carriers in the diode, the reason the current in the forward biased condition is also called the majority current.

MUR460 Features

The following are the features of this device MUR460.
  • Operating Junction Temperature = 175°C
  • Reverse Voltage = 600 V
  • Available in Tape and Reel
  • Carries low leakage current and low forward voltage
  • Ultrafast recovery times i.e. 25 ns, 50 ns, and 75 ns
  • High-temperature glass passivated junction

MUR460 Applications

  • Used in high-frequency rectification
  • Used in freewheeling applications
  • Employed in switching mode converters
  • Incorporated as an inverter in telecommunication
That was all about the Introduction to MUR460. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can ask me in the comment section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Keep your valuable suggestions and feedback coming, they help us generate quality work customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading this post.

1N5817 Schottky Diode Datasheet, Pinout, Features and Applications

Hi Guys! I welcome you on board. Glad to see you around. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll detail the Introduction to 1n5817. The 1n5817 is a Schottky diode used in extremely fast switching applications and carries high forward surge capability and low forward drop voltage. It is available in the DO-201AD package and can do high-frequency operations. Read this post till the end as I’ll discuss the complete introduction to 1n5817 covering the datasheet, pinout, features, and applications of this component. Let’s get started.

Introduction to 1N5817

  • The 1n5817 is a Schottky diode, also known as a hot-carrier diode, used in extremely fast switching applications.
  • It comes in the DO-201AD package and contains low forward drop voltage and high forward surge capability.
  • In some applications, less power dissipation is required, in that case, MOSFETs are used in place of Schottky diodes.
  • Schottky diode is also known as a hot-carrier diode due to the low electronic energy it exhibits in an unbiased condition.
  • This low energy develops the barrier that blocks the movement of electrons. This formation of the barrier is the reason Schottky diodes are also known as hot-carrier diodes.
  • Both Schottky diode and regular diode are the same in terms of current flow i.e. both allow current flow in one direction only and blocks it in the opposite direction.
  • But these diodes are different when it comes to the voltage needed to turn on these diodes. Both diodes get 2V DC source voltage, but the Schottky diode needs only 0.3V, where 1.7V is left behind to power up the diode. And normal diode needs 0.7V, where 1.3V is left out to power up the diode.

1N5817 Datasheet

Before you incorporate this component into your electrical circuit, it’s better to have a look at the datasheet of the device that comes with the power ratings of the component helping you better understand the main characteristics of the device. If you want to download the datasheet of 1n5817, click the link given below.

1N5817 Pinout

The following figure represents the pinout diagram of the 1n5817 Schottky diode.
  • This power diode comes with two terminals known as anode and cathode. Both terminals are used for the external connection with the electrical circuit.
  • The anode side is positive and the cathode side is negative. The current enters the diode from the anode terminal and it leaves the diode from the cathode terminal.
  • And current flows from the anode terminal to the cathode terminal. The diode only allows the current flow in one direction only i.e. from anode to cathode. It blocks the current flow from the cathode to the anode terminal.

1N5817 Features

  • Exhibits small conduction losses.
  • 1n5817 is highly efficient.
  • Well protected against overvoltage.
  • Used in extremely fast switching.
  • Available in package DO-201AD.
  • Contains high surge capability.
  • Contains low forward drop voltage.

1n5817 Schottky Diode Construction

  • The 1n5817 is constructed when the semiconductor material is mixed with the metal that creates the barrier.
  • When the metals like chromium, platinum, tungsten, and molybdenum are combined with the n-type semiconductor material, it results in the formation of Schottky diode. The n-type semiconductor is the material where electrons operate as a major charge carriers and holes work as minority carriers.
  • The Schottky diode contains two terminals called anode and cathode. The anode side is positive that is composed of metal material and the cathode side is negative that is made-up of semiconductor material. The current flows from the positive anode metal side to the cathode negative semiconductor side. Plus, the current enters the diode from the anode side and it leaves the diode from the cathode terminal.
  • Both n-type and p-type semiconductor material can be used to work as a cathode terminal in Schottky diode, but n-type materials are preferred over p-type material because the later comes with low drop voltage.
  • The forward drop voltage of the Schottky diode main depends on the nature of metal and semiconductor material used to form the barrier.

1N5817 Applications

  • Incorporated in sample-and-hold circuits.
  • Used in high-frequency and low voltage inverters.
  • Employed in polarity protection and DC/DC converters applications.
  • Used in freewheeling and logic circuits.
  • Used for signal detection and extremely fast switching applications.
  • Incorporated in solar systems.
  • Used to control the electronic charge.
  • Employed in radio frequency applications.
That was all about the Introduction to 1n5817. Hope you find this read helpful. If you’re unsure or have any question, you can pop your comment in the section below, I’ll help you the best way I can. Feel free to keep us updated with your valuable thoughts and suggestions, they help us generate quality content customized to your exact requirements. Thank you for reading this post.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir