Common Emitter BJT Amplifier in Proteus

Hi Learners, I hope you are doing good. This lesson is about implementation of one of the types of  Amplifiers i.e, Common Emitter BJT Amplifier. But, prior to this, we'll revise some basic concepts so that it will be easy for you to understand the roots of the Experiment. We'll talk about:
  1. What are Common Emitter Bi-Junction Transistors.
  2. Concepts of Common Emitter Bi-Junction Transistors.
  3. Implementation of Common Emitter BJT Amplifiers in Proteus ISIS.
  4. Why we use Common Emitter BJT in Amplifiers.

What are Common Emitter Bi-Junction Transistors

There are three types of Configurations of a transistor named:
  1. Common Emitter Configuration
  2. Common Base Configuration
  3. Common Collector Configuration
We chose the Common Emitter Configuration due to its suitability (You will learn the reason). We can Define Basic Common Emitter BJT Amplifier as: "A type of amplifier circuit made by a Bi-Polar junction Transistor that uses NPN BJT Transistor, inverts the voltage output wave at 180 degree and is the one from the three basic BJT amplifier Configuration." Recall that A Transistor is made by combining two diodes in required manner. Hence, It there are two types of Transistors:
  1. NPN configuration.
  2. PNP Configuration.
Here N is the symbol for Negative doping and P is the symbol for positive doping.

Concepts of Common Emitter Bi-Junction Transistors

At this instance We'll look at some basic concepts, on the basis of which we chose these Components along with the values of Components  of amplifier. Current gain: In BJT Amplifiers, current gain is the ratio of change in collector current to the change in the current of base.

mathematically,           Current Gain= Change in collector current/Change in Base Current


At the same token, Voltage Gain: The Voltage Gain of an amplifier is the product two Quantities. One is the ratio of output resistance of the collector to the input resistor of the base, and the other is the current gain.

Voltage Gain=ß(Rc/Rb)

During the Practical work we take  AC output voltage from collector with respect to emitter and the Output of Amplifier is taken from Collector. On the other hand, the input is given to the base terminal. It is obvious to notice that the emitter is Common to Base and Collector. It consist of Voltage divider biasing, hence one of the basic part of circuit is consist of two resistors so that their mid-point is used for supply Base Bias voltage. One more importance point to remember is gain is different from one transistor to the other. Biasing: Biasing is a technique  to add the Battery in a circuit. It is important in Electronic devices because it establishes the correct operating point of the Transistor amplifier when it is ready to receive the signal from input and hence the plays an important role in reducing the distortion in the output. If we look at the characteristics then we come to know that Common Emitter BJT Amplifiers has high voltage gain, the current gain is medium and the circuit has a high power gain.

Implementation of Common Emitter BJT Amplifiers in Proteus ISIS

For the practical verification of the circuit It is always Advisable to Perform it at any simulation software. Hence open Your Proteus ISIS. Components Required:
  1. NPN transistor (2N171) .
  2. Vsine
  3. Capacitor
  4. Resistor
  5. DC Power source
  6. ground Terminal
  7. Oscilloscope


  • Choose 1st four Components from the Pick Library "P" one by one by writing their name in it.
  • Collect the DC power supply from "Generator mood" present on the left most tab.
  • To get the Ground terminal, left Click on the working screen and go to Place>Terminal>Ground and fix it on the screen.
  • Oscilloscope is present in the "Virtual Instrument Mood" on the same tab.
  • Once you have chosen all the  required Device  then set them one by one on the Working area according to the Picture given below and connect them with the help of wires.
  • At the Instance we will change the values of some devices So I have made a table for this:
  • Components Values
    Resistor R1 60ohm
    Resistor R2 500ohm
    Resistor R3 1000ohm
    Resistor R4 2000ohm
    Resistor R5 100ohm
    Oscilloscope A=20V, B=2V
    Vsine Frequency=1000Hz, Amplitude=110V
    DC source 10V
After substituting the value we get the prepared circuit for the amplifier as: It seems that all the things are ready. Once you play the simulation then you can change its values and You will acquire the following output.
  • Select the Current probe from the left most bar and connect them in the circuit one with the Base wire and the other with the collector.
One can find the current gain by simply putting the values in the formulas given in the concepts portion.


Current gain=6.2*10-12/6.1


as it is a ratio, hence has no unit.

At the same token,

Voltage gain=1.01*10-9*(500/2000)


NOTE: The Gain is vary from transistor to transistor and the temperature is also an important feature. Therefore, the gain is always unpredictable.
  •  We got the required output in the Proteus ISIS as required.
let's find out why we used this for our experiment.

Why we use BJT in Amplifiers

Common Emitter BJT Amplifiers are important in the World of Electronics. One can get the idea of their influence by the following points:
  1. These Amplifiers are used in low frequency voltage amplifier.
  2. The are useful because of their high power gain with medium voltage and current gain hence they are cheap.
  3. The output impedance is high.
  4. It has inverting effect so can be used in the different appliances for different purposes.
In today's tutorial, We learnt what is Common Emitter BJT amplifiers, some basic concepts along with the simulation in the Proteus ISIS. We also saw why these Amplifiers are used in the real life. The circuit and the output may vary for other circuits but don't worry about that because it is a very sensitive circuit.

Introduction to Arduino Beetle

Hi Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to Arduino Beetle. Arduino beetle is the smallest Arduino board that comes with the functionality of Arduino Leonardo. This board is a remarkable addition to the minimalistic Arduino technology. It is based on the microcontroller Atmel Atmega32u4. With the inception of innovations in modern technology, electronic devices are becoming light, more compact that happen to perform a lot of functions. These devices are economical and require little to no prior knowledge to get your hands dirty with them. All Arduino boards are microcontrollers but not all microcontrollers are Arduino board. While using the Arduino board, you don’t need to attach extra peripherals with the board, as it comes with built-in functions that don’t require the addition of external components. Earlier we have shared the articles on scores of Arduino boards including Arduino Uno, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Due, and Arduino Mega. You can check these articles to find the basic information about them. I suggest you buckle up, as I’ll walk you through the complete introduction to Arduino Beetle covering datasheet, pinout, pin configuration, features, communication and programming and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to Arduino Beetle

  • Introduced by, Arduino Beetle is the smallest Arduino Leonardo board that is based on Atmel Atmega32u4.
  • The Atmega32u4 is an 8-bit CMOS low power microcontroller
  • offers an open-source platform for everyone which means you can optimize the boards and software programs as you like better.
  • The IDE (integrated development environment) is a software used to program the Arduino board. You don’t require prior knowledge and technical skills to start working with this board. The C and C++ are the languages used to program the Arduino beetle.
  • Though IDE software is compatible with MAC, Windows, or Linux Systems, Windows is a preferable operating system to use this board.
  • This tiny device comes with a micro USB port which means you can directly connect the device with the computer and program it based on your needs and requirements.
  • You don’t need a separate burner to burn and run the program on the board as it comes with a pre-burned Bootloader that allows you to upload the code in the hex file of the board.
  • The beetle is mainly introduced to provide the solution for low-cost disposable projects including DIY, gift projects, student projects, and e-textile.
  • This device operates at 5V and it also functions at 3.7V. Make sure voltage doesn’t exceed 5V else it can damage the device.
  • It comes with a clock time 16MHz. Several pins are incorporated on board out of which 10 are digital pins, 4 are PWM pins and 5 are analog pins.
  • This module comes with a crystal oscillator frequency up to 16 MHz that is mainly used to produce the clock pulses with decent speed. This oscillator is required for the synchronization of all the internal operations.
  • This module supports different communication protocols including I2C and UART.
  • The flash memory is 32KB out of which 4KB is used by the Bootloader. It is the memory where the sketch (the program we create on IDE is called a sketch) is stored.
  • The SRAM memory is 2.5KB which is the memory where sketch manipulates and produces variables when it operates. And EEPROM memory is 1KB and it is the space used for storing long-term information.
  • The price of this board at the time of writing this article is around 8$ which carries all powerful functions like Arduino Leonardo.

Arduino Beetle Datasheet

Before you incorporate this device into your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the device that features the main characteristics of the board. Click the link below to download the datasheet of Arduino beetle.

Arduino Beetle Features and Specifications

The following are the main features and specifications of Arduino beetle.
  • Board size 20mm x 22mm.
  • Direct testing and uploading program through a micro USB port.
  • I/O ports are V-shaped gold plated.
  • Two power interfaces that are gold plated and are used to supply power to the board.
  • Blue Light blink indicator which indicates the operation of the board.
  • Incorporated with Atmel Atmega32u4 microcontroller.
  • The operating voltage is 5V and the clock speed is 16MHz.
  • There are 5 analog pins, 4 PWM pins, and 10 digital pins on board.
  • Micro USB = 1
  • UART = 1
  • I2C = 1
  • EEPROM = 1KB
  • SRAM = 2.5 KB
  • Flash Memory = 32KB out of which 4KB is used by the Bootloader.
  • Write/Erase Cycles: 10,000 Flash/100,000 EEPROM
  • Data retention: 20 years at 85°C/ 100 years at 25°C

Arduino Beetle Pin Configuration

Still, reading? Perfect. I hope you’ve got a clear idea about this board. In this section, we’ll cover the pin description of the pins incorporated on the board.

Analog Pins

There are 5 analog pins incorporated on the board. These pins can receive any number of values in contrast to digital pins which receive only two values HIGH and LOW.

PWM Pins

This board doesn’t incorporate DAC (digital to analog converter) but it does incorporate 4 PWM pins which are used to get some of the analog output’s functions. During this PWM (pulse width modulation) process, the board generates analog results with digital means.

Digital Pins

There are total 10 digital pins incorporated on board. These pins are developed to be configured as outputs or inputs based on the requirement. These pins are either ON or OFF. When they are ON they are in HIGH voltage state getting 5V and when they are OFF they are in LOW voltage state getting 0V.

Atmega32u4 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of Atmega32u4.

Atmega32u4 Pin Description

In this section, we’ll cover the pin description of each pin incorporated on Atmega32u4.


It is a digital voltage supply pin.


This pin is connected to the ground.

Port B (PB7...PB0)

Port B is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port that is incorporated with pull-up resistors. These resistors are used to limit the current and prevent it exceeding from a certain number. This port comes with efficient driving capabilities compared to other ports. When this port is used as an input, this will source current due to the port pins that are extremely pulled low. This happens when the pull-up resistors are activated.

Port C (PC6, PC7)

Port C is similar to Port B - an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port incorporated with pull-up resistors. When the pull up resistors are activated, Port C will source current with port pins extremely pulled low.

Port D (PD7..PD0)

Port D is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port that comes with pull-up resistors. When the reset condition meets, the Port D pins are tri-stated.

Port E (PE6, PE2)

Only two bits... PE6 and PE2 are present on the device pinout. It is an 8-bit bidirectional port incorporated with internal pull-up resistors.

Port F (PF7..PF4, PF1,PF0)

Port F is a bidirectional port that acts like analog inputs to the A/D converter. Two bits PF2 and PF3 are not present on the product pinout.


USB Full speed / Low Speed Negative Data Upstream Port. It should be attached to the USB D- connector pin along with the serial resistor 22W.


USB Full speed / Low Speed Positive Data Upstream Port. It is connected to the USB D+ connector pin along with the serial resistor 22W.


USB pads ground.


Regulator Input supply voltage applied to USB pads.


Internal Regulator Output supply voltage applied to USB pads.


USB VBUS monitor input.


This is a reset pin. A low level applied to this pin for a longer time will produce a reset. Shorter pulses may not generate a reset.


Input to the internal clock operating circuit and Input to the inverting Oscillator amplifier.


Output from the inverting Oscillator amplifier.


This is used as the analog reference pin for the A/D Converter.


AVCC is the supply voltage pin for all the A/D Converter channels.

Communication and Programming

  • Recall, this module supports different communication protocols i.e. I2C, and UART.
  • The I2C is a two-wire communication protocol that carries two main lines called SCL and SDA. The former is a serial clock line required for the synchronization of all data transfer over the I2C bus. While the latter is a serial data line mainly employed to carry the data.
  • And the UART is mainly used for serial communication and comes with two lines Tx and Rx where the former is used to transfer the serial data and the latter is used to receive the serial data.
Arduino IDE software is used to program all types of Arduino Boards. Attach micro USB to the Beetle and select Arduino Leonardo from your board type on the Arduino IDE software.

Arduino Beetle Applications

This tiny little beast is a full system in a small package as it incorporates almost all functions like Arduino Leonardo. The following are some applications of Arduino Beetle.
  • Health and security systems
  • Creating a wireless keyboard
  • Industrial automation
  • Embedded systems
  • Student projects
  • Automatic pill dispenser
  • Water level meter.
You’ll find a lot of microcontrollers in the market that are more economical than the Arduino board. But still, most of the hobbyists and students prefer Arduino Board over microcontroller. The reason is clear. Arduino board comes with a big community that shares expertise and knowledge for a wide range of audiences. Help is readily available that you’ll never find in the case of microcontrollers. Moreover, when you select Arduino board over microcontroller, you don’t need additional components and extra peripherals to connect with the board, as this board comes with a lot of built-in functions, setting you free from the hassle of connecting a lot of components. Simply, you need to plug the device with the computer and play with it on the fly. That’s all for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below, I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable suggestions and feedback around the content we share so we keep coming up with quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Common Base BJT Amplifier in Proteus

Hi mentees, Welcome to The Engineering Projects. If you are seeking for the Practical Implementation of Common Base bipolar Junction Transistor amplifier then you clicked at the best website because we'll cover the basic concepts and the procedure step by step. So, Lets start the learning.

What is Common Base BJT Amplifier?

The precise definition of the Common Base BJT Amplifier is: "The type of Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers in which Base is Common to both emitter and Collector and Current gain is taken from the Base is called Common Base bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers." Recall that a transistor has three regions i.e, Base, Collector and Emitter. Hence we design our Circuit in such a way that we get the output of current from the base and get the best current gain.

Basic Concepts:

Some Important Concepts should be kept in mind so that it will become easy and interesting to Design the Circuit. Current gain: " The Current gain of Common base Amplifier is equal to the ratio of Current in the Collector to the Current in the Base provided by the constant voltage of base to collector." Mathematically,

Current gain=Collector Current/Base Current


Voltage Gain: "The Voltage gain of the Common Base amplifier is obtain when we divide the Voltage of Collector to the voltage of emitter." mathematically,

Voltage Gain=Voltage of Collector/Voltage of Emitter


Type of Transistor: In the Common Base amplifiers, we use the NPN transistor because in this way we get the require output more easily. In NPN transistors, majority is the electrons. The mobility of electrons is better than holes (in PNP Transistors) so they are faster. Biasing: Biasing is a technique  to add the Battery in a circuit. It is important in Electronic devices because it establishes the correct operating point of the Transistor amplifier when it is ready to receive the signal from input and hence the plays an important role in reducing the distortion in the output. Common base MUST  correctly Biased so that the base-emitter junction will remain forward Bias. Now, Let's move towards the practical implementation.

 Implementing Common Base BJT Amplifier in Proteus ISIS

To Perform the experiment. we need the Proteus ISIS then follow the steps: Material Require:
  1. Transistor (2N1711)
  2. Capacitor
  3. Alternating Current Source (Vsine)
  4. Resistor
  5. Oscilloscope
  6. Ground.
  • Open Your Proteus software in the PC.
  • Seek the Pick Library "P" button and write the name of 1st four Components one by one and select them.
  • Place the current components on the working area.
  • Acquire the Oscilloscope from the "Virtual Instruments mode" from the left most area and fix it just above the circuit.
  • You can obtain the Ground Terminal by left click on the screen>Place>Terminal>Ground or just search it in the "Terminal mode".
  • Connect all the Components through wires. The circuit looks like the image given below:
  • At this instance , Change the name and values of resistors one by one by double clicking them. In this way, the circuit will work Perfectly.
  • I labelled all the Resistors with different names and changed the values according to the need.
  • At the same token, the name of Capacitor, battery cells and their values are also changed according to the table given below:
Components Values
Resistor R1 400ohm
Resistor R2 30ohm
Resistor R3 100ohm
Resistor R4 200ohm
BAT 50
BAT 1 200
Oscilloscope Channel A=20V, Channel B=20V, time=0.5m-1
VSine Amplitude 220V, Frequency=1000
  • Set all the values according to table.
  • Once the values are selected (except Oscilloscope) just Pop the Play button.
  • You can see an Oscilloscope screen showing the waves.
  • Turn of the Channel C,D to avoid distraction.
  • Set the values of Oscilloscope by matching with the table.
  •  You will get the output just like shown in the following image:
The Yellow wave (channel A) indicates the input wave were as the Blue Wave (Channel B) indicates the output ( Amplified) wave. Hence by If we choose the Components and there value carefully, we get the best output. Lets Calculate the Current gain then Voltage Gain. I am using the previously Described precepts to calculate the Quantities:
  • Connect the DC Ammeter from the "Generation Mode" and Connect one with the Base of transistor and one with the Collector.
  • When we play the Simulation then we get the following Output:
Applying the values into the formula we get,

ß        =-1.43/-0.07


As it's a ratio so it doesn't have any unit. Moving towards the Voltage Gain,
  • Take the "DC Voltmeter" from the same Portion and connect one Voltmeter with CIN capacitor and one with the COUT Capacitor. Note than the Voltmeter is always Connected in parallel to the required Components.
At the moment, When we start the simulation, we get the following output: Applying these Values for Av,



So that the required Quantities are obtained.

Characteristics of Common Base BJT Amplifiers:

  • It has High Voltage Gain.
  • The Current Gain of Common Base BJT Amplifiers is Medium.
  • We get High power Gain in this type of Amplifier.
  • Common Base Amplifier does not have any reversal effect between input and output waves.
  • The Input and Output resistance of the Common Base Amplifier is Medium.


  • We Get the inverted output wave that may be useful in many electronic devices.
  • The Input Impedance is Low.
  • It is useful due to its high power gain.
  • The output Impedance is High for Common Base Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers.
  • The Output Impedance is high.
  • When we need  Impedance matching then CB Amplifiers are useful because we can control the input Impedance.
  • It Provides the constant Current Gain therefore can be used as buffer amplifiers.
Thus Today we Learnt about the Common Base Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers, cleared Some Basic Concepts about them, Implement the Amplifiers in Proteus ISIS and read about the characteristics and advantages of the Common Base Bipolar Junction Transistors Amplifiers.

LM747 Datasheet, Pinout, Features, Equivalent & Applications

Hi Guys! I hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to LM747.

LM747 is a general-purpose dual-operational amplifier IC. This chip contains two operational amplifiers on board and belongs to the LM’xx’ family where LM stands for linear monolithic. In this chip, analog components are incorporated into silicon.

I suggest you buckle up as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to LM747 covering datasheet, pinout, features, equivalents, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to LM747

  • Designed by National Semiconductor, LM747 is a general-purpose dual-operational amplifier integrated chip.
  • Two operational amplifiers are incorporated that share common power supply leads and a bias network.

  • And these amplifiers are capable of performing two different operations at the same time which makes them a suitable pick for several applications. Though these amplifiers share a common bias network, they are completely independent of each other
  • As two general-purpose amplifiers are used in this chip, it is used to construct op-amp circuits like differential amplification, comparator, and mathematical operations.
  • This device features offset pins which are mainly used to make the output more accurate and efficient.
  • It comes with no latch-up when the input common-mode range is exceeded which sets it free from oscillations.

LM747 Datasheet

Before you incorporate this device into your electrical project, it’s better to scan through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the component. You can download the datasheet of LM747 from the link given below.

LM747 Pinout

LM747 incorporates 14 pins on board. The following figure shows the pinout diagram of LM747. The following table details the pin name and pin description of each pin on LM747.
Pin Description of JRC4558
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Inverting input of op-amp 1 1IN-
2 A non-inverting input of op-amp 1 1IN+
3 The offset null pin is used to remove the offset voltage and control the input voltages for op-amp 1 OFFSET  NULL 1
4 Common negative supply voltage for both Op-amps V-
5 The offset null pin is used to remove the offset voltage and control the input voltages for op-amp 1 OFFSET  NULL 2
6 The non-inverting input of op-amp 2 2IN+
7 Inverting  input of op-amp 2 2IN-
8 The offset null pin is used to remove the offset voltage and control the input voltages for the op-amp 2 OFFSET  NULL 2
9 Positive supply voltage for op-amp 2 V2+
10 The output pin of the op-amp 2 2OUT
11 No connection NC
12 The output pin of the op-amp 1 1OUT
13 Positive supply voltage for op-amp1 V1+
14  The offset null pin is used to remove the offset voltage and control the input voltages for op-amp 1 OFFSET  NULL 1
  • Offset null pins remove the offset voltage and balance the output voltages for both operational amplifiers.
  • While pin 11 is not connected. It is not used for any purpose.

LM747 Features

The following are the main features of LM747.
  • No latch-up
  • Large differential voltage and common mode range
  • Low noise interference among op-amps
  • Total power dissipation = 800mW
  • Differential input voltage = ±30V
  • Low power consumption
  • Supply voltage Max. = ±22V
  • Frequency Compensation is not required
  • Comes with short-circuit protection
  • Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR = 90dB
  • Operating temperature range = -55ºC to +125ºC

LM747 Applications

The following are the main applications of LM747.
  • Employed in mathematical operations
  • Used in amplifiers
  • Used in analog circuits
  • Used for Measuring instruments
  • Incorporated in voltage comparators
  • Employed for Industrial applications
  • Used in Peak detectors

That was all about the Introduction to LM747. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can leave your query in the section below. I’d love to help you according to the best of my expertise. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep sharing quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

LF353N Dual JFET Input Op-Amp Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Folks! I hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to LF353N.

The LM393N is a wide bandwidth and high input impedance Dual Input JEFET op-amp that is widely used in high-speed integrators and low noise circuits. The low bias current and input noise make it a good pick for audio amplifier applications. It carries a high slew rate (13V/uS) and wide bandwidth around (4MHz).

I suggest you read this post all the way through, as I’ll detail the complete introduction to LF353N covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s dive in.

Introduction to LF353N

  • Introduced by the Texas Instrument, the LM393N is a high input impedance dual op-amp where the input of this device is attached through a high voltage JFET.
  • It is widely used in low current, low noise fast switching applications.

  • There are two outputs available on the device i.e. Output A and Output B. And two inputs where each input contains further two inputs i.e. inverting input (-) and non-inverting input (+).
  • This chip incorporates two independent op-amps that operate over a wide range of voltages from a single power supply.
  • High slew rate and high input impedance device, LF353N comes with internally compensated input offset voltage.
  • It is also available with a power supply voltage range of ±18 V and with a differential input voltage of around 30V.
  • The power dissipation Pd is 500mW which is defined as the maximum energy dissipated during the working of this device.

LF353N Datasheet

Before you incorporate this device into your electrical project, it’s wise to scan through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the component. Click the link below to download the datasheet of LF353N.

LF353N Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of LF353N. This chip incorporates total 8 pins on board. The following table shows the pin name and pin description of each pin installed on the device.
Pin Description of LF353N
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 The output of Op-Amp 1 OUT (A)
2 Inverting Input of Op-Amp 1 INPUT- A(-)
3 Non-Inverting Input of Op-Amp 1 INPUT- A(+)
4 Ground or Negative supply terminal Power (-Vs)
5 Non-Inverting Input of Op-Amp 2 INPUT- B(+)
6 Inverting Input of Op-Amp 2 INPUT- B(-)
7 The output of Op-Amp 2 OUTPUT B
8 Positive supply terminal +Vcc

LF353N Features

  • Dual Op-Amp that comes with JFET Input
  • High slew rate 13V/µs
  • High Input Impedance 1012?
  • Low Input Noise current
  • Low input noise voltage
  • Supply Current = 6.5mA (max)
  • Bandwidth Gain = 4MHz
  • Supply Voltage = ±18V
  • Available Packages = 8-pin SOIC & PDIP Package

LF353N Equivalent

The following are the equivalents of LF353N.
  • LM1558
  • TL074
  • MCP6002

While working with the alternatives, make sure you cross-check the pinout of them. It’s quite likely the pinout of the alternatives might differ from the pinout of LF353N.

LF353N Applications

The LF353N is used in the following applications.

  • Used in High-Input Impedance designs
  • Employed in Low-noise Audio circuits
  • Used in High-Speed Integrator
  • Incorporated in Sample and Hold Circuit

That’s all for today. I hope you’ve loved reading this article. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below, I’d reply to you according to the best of my experience. Feel free to share your valuable suggestions and feedback around the content we share, so we keep producing quality content customized to your needs and requirements. Thank you for reading this article.

MID400 Optocoupler Datasheet, Pinout, Features, Equivalent & Applications

Hi Everyone! I hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to MID400.

The MID400 is an 8-pin optically isolated AC line-to-logic Power Line Monitor Optocoupler. The AC line voltage is detected by two back-to-back LEDs that are connected in series with an external resistor. When this device identifies the AC voltage, the output pin goes low and when there is no AC voltage detected, it remains high.

This feature of detecting the AC line voltage is widely employed in AC to DC control and relay latching applications. I suggest you buckle up as I’ll walk you through the complete introduction to MID400 covering datasheet, pinout, features, equivalents, and applications. Let’s dive right in.

Introduction to MID400

  • The MID400 is an 8-pin optically isolated AC line-to-logic Power Line Monitor Optocoupler that identifies the AC line voltage using two back-to-back LEDs that are attached in series with an external resistor.

  • It features high voltage isolation between input and output and comes with an externally adjustable AC voltage sensing level.
  • This device is available with an 8-pin compact DIP package and SMD Package.
  • It is the best pick for AC to DC control applications where remarkable solid-state reliability and excellent optical isolation are needed.
  • It is also applied to low-frequency operations where small size, low power, and TTL compatibility are required.

MID400 Datasheet

While working with this device, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component before installing this device into your project. The datasheet highlights the main characteristics of the component. Click the link below if you want to download the datasheet of MID400.

MID400 Pinout

The following figure represents the pinout diagram of MID400.

The following table demonstrates the pin description of MID400.

Pin Description of MID400
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 AC Live wire is connected to this Pin AC Live
2 No connection Not used
3 AC Neutral wire is connected to this pin AC Neutral
4 No connection Not used
5 The ground pin of the device Ground
6 Open collector output pin V Output
7 Used to control time delay and AC voltage sensing by adding a capacitor to this pin Auxiliary
8 Device Operating Voltage Vcc

You can see from the table above… out of 8 pins, two pins(2 & 4) are not used for any connection. Pin 5 is the ground and Pin 8 is the voltage supply pin.

MID400 Features

The following are the main features of MID400.

  • Working Insulation Voltage Max. = 630Vpeak
  • LED on-state input current = ±30mA
  • Power Line Monitor IC
  • Low-level Output Current = 20mA
  • Low-level Output Voltage = 0.18V
  • LED forward voltage drop = 1.5V
  • Supply Voltage (Vcc) = 7V
  • Turn-on and Turn-off Time = 1ms each
  • Available Packages = 8-pin DIP and SMD Package

MID400 Sample Application Circuit

The following figure shows the sample application circuit of MID400.
  • MID400 is an AC line monitor where the phase wire is connected to the first pin of the device and the neutral wire is connected to the third pin of the device using a resistor of 22-kilo ohm. This resistor is used to control and limit the current flowing through the AC line voltage.
  • Pin 6 is the output pin that remains high when there is no AC voltage and it remains low when AC line voltage is detected.
  • Optocoupling property is used in this device which keeps both output voltage and AC line completely isolated.
  • Pin 6 is the output pin or open collector pin that is attached to the pull-up resistor of 300 ohms which is further connected with the Vcc pin of the device… as shown in the figure above.
  • The capacitor is attached to pin 7 which is mainly used to control the time delay and sensing level of the output.

MID400 Alternative

The following are the alternatives to MID400:

  • ACS71020
  • UC1903

While working with the alternatives, double-check the pinout of the alternatives, as the pinout of the alternatives might differ from the pinout of MID400.

MID400 Applications

MID400 is used in the following applications.

  • Employed in AC sensing applications
  • Employed in Latching circuits
  • Incorporated in Isolation switch
  • Used in AC to DC control applications
  • Used in AC to DC converters

That was all about the Introduction to MID400. If you’re unsure or have any queries, you can pop your question in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. You’re most welcome to share your valuable suggestions and feedback around the content we share, so we keep producing quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

TDA7265 Audio Amplifier Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Friends! I hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to TDA7265.

TDA7265 is a +25-watt class AB dual audio power stereo amplifier. This multi-watt package IC is carefully designed for high-quality audio power amplification applications. This device receives a low-input audio signal and amplifies it into a high-quality audio output.

I suggest you buckle up as I will detail the complete introduction to TDA7265 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to TDA7265

  • TDA7265 is a +25-watt class AB dual audio power stereo amplifier that is mainly employed in audio amplifiers and woofer amplifiers.
  • This device gets a low-input audio signal and converts it into a high-output audio signal.

  • This chip features output short circuit protection and comes with a mute-enabled pin.
  • Only a few components are required to put this device into working condition.
  • Total power dissipation is 30W which is the amount of energy released during the working of this device.
  • It comes with an operating voltage range of ±5 to ±25V.
  • The operating temperature range is -20°C to +85°C while the storage temperature range is -40°C to +150°C.

TDA7265 Datasheet

Before you apply this component to your electrical project, it’s wise to scan through the datasheet of the device that comes with the main characteristics of the component. Click the link below and download the datasheet of TDA7265.

Additional circuit configurations are available in the datasheet of this chip. You can use any configuration to put this chip in working condition.

TDA7265 Pinout

The TDA7265 incorporates 11 pins on the device. The following figure shows the pinout diagram of TDA7265.

The table below demonstrates the pin name and pin description of each pin on the board.

Pin Description of TDA7265
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 A negative power supply is connected to this pin -Vs
2 This pin receives the amplified output of channel A OUTPUT 1
3 A positive power supply is connected to this pin +Vs
4 This pin receives the amplified output of channel B OUTPUT 2
5 This pin is triggered low to disable the audio output MUTE
6 A negative power supply is connected to this pin -Vs
7 A non-inverting input of channel B amplifier IN+(2)
8 Inverting input of channel B amplifier IN-(2)
9 This pin is connected to the ground GND
10 Inverting input of channel A amplifier IN-(1)
11 A non-inverting input of channel A amplifier IN+(1)

TDA7265 Features

The following are the main features of TDA7265.

  • Comes with a wide operating supply voltage range
  • Available with High output power : 25 + 25 W @ RL = 8 ?, Vs = ± 20V
  • Features output short circuit protection
  • Comes with a mute enable pin
  • Incorporates thermal overload protection
  • A few components are required to put the amplifier in working condition
  • Stand-by feature (low Iq)
  • Total power dissipation = 30W
  • Split supply
  • Maximum supply voltage = ±25V
  • Operating voltage range = ±5 to ±25V
  • Repetitive current allowed to draw through each output Max = 4.5A
  • Storage Temperature = -40°C  to +150°C
  • Operating temperature = -20°C  to +85°C
  • No pop at turn-on/off

TDA7265 Operational Circuit

The following figure shows the operational circuit diagram of TDA7265. You need to connect the components as shown in the figure below. Doing this will put your amplifier in working condition.

  • Two power supplies are used to power up this circuit one with the negative voltage V- and the other with the positive voltage V+.
  • Pin no. 11 of this chip is given with the audio input signal for channel B and the resulting amplified output is heard through the right speaker. The Pin no. 07 of this chip is given with the audio input signal for channel A and the resulting amplified output is heard through the left speaker.
  • A positive voltage supply source is used to power up the TDA7265 chip while the separate control unit is used to trigger the mute pin low. The two amplified outputs behave as a dual supply operation.

TDA7265 Applications

The TDA7265 is used in the following applications.
  • Employed in stereo TV sets
  • Incorporated in woofer amplifiers
  • Used in audio power amplifiers
  • Used in music players
  • Used in student and hobby projects
  • Employed in guitar amplifiers
  • Used in Hi-Fi music centers

That’s all for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can ask me in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable suggestions and feedback around the content we share, so we keep producing quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the post.

LM4558 Dual Op-Amp Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Friends! I welcome you on board. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to LM4558.

LM4558 is a dual-operational amplifier that comes with two amplifiers on board. This device belongs to the LM’xx’ family where LM stands for linear monolithic which means, it is made of analog components that are incorporated into the silicon piece.

This component comes with an internal frequency compensation method that guarantees the device's stability without the need for external components.

I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to LM4558 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Continue reading.

Introduction to LM4558

  • LM4558 is a monolithic dual-operational amplifier that carries two amplifiers on board.

  • This device belongs to the LM’xx’ family where LM stands for linear monolithic which demonstrates the availability of analog components that are incorporated on the silicon piece.
  • It comes with a high common-mode input voltage range and no latch-up on this device makes it an ideal pick for voltage-follower applications.
  • This chip comes with an internal frequency compensation method that guarantees the device's stability. Moreover, it is protected against short-circuiting.
  • The device can be utilized in the op-amp operation circuits including differential amplification, comparators, and mathematical operations.
  • As this component exhibits two independent amplifiers on board, it is capable of performing two completely different operations at the same time which makes it a suitable pick for several applications.
  • The LM4558 comes with an operating temperature range from 0ºC to 70ºC while the total power dissipation is 200mW.
  • The common-mode Rejection Ratio CMRR is 80dB and these amplifiers feature low noise interference.

LM4558 Datasheet

While working with this device, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the component. You can download the datasheet of LM4558 by clicking the link below.

LM4558 Pinout

This chip is an 8-pin device. The following figure shows the pinout diagram of LM4558.

The following table represents the pin name and pin description incorporated on the chip.

Pin Description of JRC4558
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 The output pin of the Op-amp 1 1OUT
2 The inverting input of Op-amp 1 1IN-
3 The non-inverting input of Op-amp 1 1IN+
4 Ground or Negative supply terminal GND
5 A non-inverting input of Op-amp 2 2IN+
6 The inverting input of Op-amp 2 2IN-
7 The output pin of the Op-amp 2 2OUT
8 Positive supply terminal VCC

LM4558 Features and Specifications

The following are the main features and specifications of LM4558.

  • Low noise interference among op-amps
  • Dual  Supply Operation = +15V and -15V
  • No frequency Compensation Required
  • Operating temperature = 0ºC to 70ºC
  • Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR = 80dB
  • Two independent operational amplifiers
  • Built-in Short-Circuit Protection
  • No latch-up
  • Large common mode and differential voltage range
  • Total power dissipation = 200mW
  • Parameter tracking over a temperature range
  • Carries low noise input transistors
  • Phase and gain match between amplifiers
  • Moisture Sensitivity Level 3
  • Single Supply Operation = +5.0 V to +15 V

LM4558 Applications

The LM4558 is used in the following applications.

  • Used in Measuring instruments
  • Employed in Industrial applications
  • Incorporated in Logic voltage translation
  • Used in voltage comparators and peak detectors
  • Employed in oscillators and amplifiers
  • Used in mathematical operations

That’s all for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions, you can pop your queries in the section below, I’d love to help you the best way I can. You are most welcome to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep coming back with quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be fine and having fun. Today I am going to tell you that how can you make a simple program for Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino. Flame sensor is used in offices, home and at different places to detect the fire. First of all I would like to tell you about the working principle of the flame sensor. Flame sensor is a device designed for the detection of the fire and to respond it. They are usually designed for the detection of most frequently used industrial fuel e.g. diesel, gasoline, karosene, ethylene, hydrogen etc. They are designed in way to distinguish between the radiations from the sunlight and the actual flames. There different types of flame sensors e.g. Ultraviolet (UV) detectors, Infrared (IR) flame detectors, UV/IR detectors, IR/IR flame detectors, closed circuit video cameras. The purpose of these all flame detectors/sensors is almost similar i.e. to detect the fire and responding quickly to it. The flame sensors have a wide range of applications in our daily life e.g. fume cupboards, felt manufacture, nuclear industry, pharmaceutical industries, printing, spray booths, generator, storage tanks, industrial heating and drying systems etc.
Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1Flame SensorsAmazonBuy Now
2Arduino UnoAmazonBuy Now

Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino

In this section of the tutorial Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino, I will explain you the step by step procedure to make a simple algorithm or program in Arduino software for the interfacing of flame sensor with Arduino. The algorithm is pretty simple. I will set a threshold limit, when the temperature exceeds that limit, an LED will be turned on to show the there is something wrong. You can also attach a buzzer with the Arduino. When the fire will be detected buzzer will be turned on automatically. First if all I would like to share the complete source code for Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino with all of you guys.
  • You can download the complete source code here by clicking on the button below.
  • Just download the .rar file, extract it and enjoy the complete simulation.

Components Required

Here, I am going to show you the list of all the components used in this project.
  • Arduino UNO
  • Flame Sensor
  • LED
  • Soldering Iron
  • Soldering Gum
  • Power Supply (12V)
  • Jumper Wires
  • Varrow Board
Brief Description of the Components
  • Arduino UNO acts as the back bone of the project. It manipulates the whole source code uploaded to the board, prints the desired data on the serial monitor and also prints the executed commands on the LCD. Arduino UNO is shown in the figure below.
  • Power Supply of 12V is used to turn the entire system ON. Because, we can not test and verify our system until we have not switched it ON. Power supply used for this project is shown in the figure below.
  • Jumper Wires are used to make the connections of the all the components in order to make the complete circuit with proper working. Jumper wires are shown in the figure below.
  • Flame Sensor is used for the detection of the temperature and for showing the immediate response when the temperature is above the threshold. Flame sensor is shown in the figure below.
Circuit Diagram
  • Circuit diagram for the tutorial Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino is shown in the figure below.
  • You can run this project properly, by making the circuit first, identical to the circuit diagram shown in the figure above.
  • The analog pin A5 of the Arduino UNO will help us in reading the data from the sensor.
  • The other two pins of the sensor are connected to the supply of 5V and ground respectively as you can see from the above figure.

Block Diagram

  • The block diagram for the project Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino is shown in the figure below.
  • Power supply is provided in order to run the project properly.
  • Arduino is the backbone of the whole system and controls all of the devices used.
  • When the temperature crosses the adjusted threshold the LED will be turned ON to indicator that the fire is detected.
  • In normal condition LED will remain Off.

Source Code Descritption

  • Source code for Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino is given below.
  • Just copy the entire code and paste it in your Arduino software and upload it to the Arduino board.
#include<SoftwareSerial.h>//library for software serial object

int sensorPin = A0; // flame sensor is attached to A0 pin of Arduino

int sensorValue = 0; // Initial value of the sensor is 0

int led = 9; // an LED is attached to the pin no 9 of Arduino

void setup() //method used to run the code for the one time

pinMode(led, OUTPUT);//changint the mode of LED as an output

Serial.begin(9600);//rate at which arduino communicates with laptop


void loop()//method used to run the code repeatedly


Serial.println("Welcome to TechPonder Flame Sensor Tutorial");//prints on the serial monitor

sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);//reads the analog data from the sensor

Serial.println(sensorValue);//prints the sensor data on serial monitor

if (sensorValue < 100)//threshold for the LED indication


Serial.println("Fire Detected");//prints on the serial monitor

Serial.println("LED on");//prints on the serial monitor

digitalWrite(led,HIGH);//turning on the LED

delay(1000);//delay of 1 second


digitalWrite(led,LOW);//turning of the LED


  • First of all I have declared library of software serial.
  • Then I have defined the pins of Arduino UNO at which the flame sensor and LED are connected.
  • Then I have changed the mode of LED to output.
  • Then I have started reading the analog data from the flame sensor.
  • I have adjusted a threshold, when the temperature exceeds that value LED will be turned on.
  • When the temperature is below the threshold LED will remain off e.g in normal conditions.
So, that is all from the tutorial Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you face any sort of problem you can ask me in comments anytime without even feeling any kind of hesitation. I will try my level best to solve your issues in a better way, if possible. I will explore Arduino by making different projects on it and will share all of them with you as well in my later tutorials. Till then, Take care :)

Interfacing Temperature & Humidity Sensor with Arduino

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. In the tutorial Interfacing Temperature & Humidity Sensor with Arduino I will tell you that how can you interface temperature and humidity sensor named as DHT11 with Arduino and how can you observe the temperature and humidity level using this sensor. This sensor has usually three pins but some of its types has four pins but only the three pins are of importance for us e.g. VCC, GND and the third pin for reading the data from the sensor. In the tutorial Interfacing Temperature & Humidity Sensor with Arduino, I will make a simple Arduino program which will estimate the level of temperature and humidity continuously and will display the value of both temperature and humidity on the serial monitor. You will see that the sensor will give different readings for the different environments.
Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1LCD 16x2AmazonBuy Now
2DHT11AmazonBuy Now
3Arduino UnoAmazonBuy Now

Temperature & Humidity Sensor with Arduino

I will tell you the step by step procedure that how can you interface DHT11 sensor with Arduino and how to make a simple program in Arduino software to read the data continuously from the sensor and how to display the obtained data on the serial monitor. You can also display this data on Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) as I have discussed in detail in my previous tutorial DC Motor Direction Control using Arduino, DC Motor Speed Control using Arduino, Stepper Motor Direction Control in Arduino and Stepper Motor Speed Control using Arduino.
  • You can download the complete source code here by clicking on the button below.
  • Download .rar file, extract this file and enjoy the complete simulation code.

Block Diagram

  • First of all, I would like to explain you the algorithm with the help of a block diagram.
  • It will help in better understanding of an algorithm.
  • The block diagram for interfacing of temperature and humidity sensor with Arduino is given in the figure below.
  • Power supply in necessary to turn the whole system ON.
  • DHT11 is connected with the Arduino UNO.
  • Arduino UNO reads the data from the DHT11 sensor and displays the obtained data on the serial monitor.
  • That data will also be displayed on the LCD.

Circuit Diagram

  • The complete wiring diagram for this project is shown in the figure below.
  • You can run this project properly, by making the circuit first, identical to the circuit diagram shown in the figure above.
  • The analog pin A3 of the Arduino UNO will help us in reading the data from the sensor.
  • The other two pins of the sensor are connected to the supply of 5V and ground respectively as you can see from the above figure.

Flow Chart

  • The flow chart will help you to understand the flow of the program while executing.
  • The flow chart for this project is shown in the figure below.
  • The data from the sensor can be estimated on the serial monitor only after opening the serial port
  • Then data will be displayed on the LCD and at end serial port must be closed in order to avoid the exchange of unwanted commands.

Source Code Description

  • The source code for this project is given below.
  • You have to just copy and paste the code given below in your Arduino software after properly interfacing DHT11 with the Arduino.
  • After uploading the code onto your Arduino board you will be able to observe the humidity and temperature and humidity level on serial monitor.
#include<dht.h>// DHT11 humidity sensor library
#include<LiquidCrystal.h> //LCD library
dht DHT; //Creating sensor object
#define DHT11_PIN A3 // Sensor is connected to Arduino pin 3
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13);// LCD connected with Arduino on these pins
void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600); //setting baud rate
  Serial.println("   =====================================================");
  Serial.println("   ||   Welcome to Temperarue and Humidity Detector   ||");
  Serial.println("   =====================================================");
  lcd.begin(20, 4); // initialinzing the LCD order
  lcd.setCursor(4,1); //Setting the cursor on LCD
  lcd.print("Welcome to");//printing on LCD
  lcd.print("Humidity detector");
  delay(2000);//adding delay of 2 secons or 2000 msec
void loop()//method used to run the code repeatedly
  int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); //Reading data from sensor
  Serial.print(" Humidity = ");//prints on the serial monitor
  Serial.print(DHT.humidity);// prints obtained humidity on serial port
  Serial.print(" g/m^3");

  lcd.clear();//clears all the data on LCD
  delay(1000);//adding delay of 1 second
  lcd.display(); //starting the display of LCD after clearing
  lcd.print(" g/m^3");
  Serial.print("    \tTemperature = ");//prints on the serial monitor
  Serial.print(DHT.temperature, 1);//prints obtained temperature on serial port
  Serial.println(" degrees");

  lcd.print("Temperature=");//prints on LCD
  lcd.print(DHT.temperature, 1);//prints the obtained temperature on LCD
  lcd.print(" deg");


  delay(2000);//adding the delay of 2 seconds
  • I am going to explain you that how this code is working!
  • First of all I have added the library in the libraries folder at the destination where the Arduino software is installed.
  • I have defined DHT11’s library in the source code then.
  • Then I have defined the library for LCD.
  • I have defined the pin at which DHT11 is attached with the Arduino board.
  • Then I have defined the Arduino pins at which the LCD in interface.
  • Then by opening the serial port I have started to print the level of temperature and humidity on the serial monitor as well as on the 20×4 LCD.
  • At the end, I have added the delay of 2 seconds so that the speed of the data to be printed on the serial monitor can be reduced to some extent in order to observe properly.
  • This was the brief description of the source code.
That is all from the tutorial Interfacing Temperature & Humidity Sensor with Arduino. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you are facing any problem regarding any of my tutorials, you can ask me freely in the comments without even feeling any kind of hesitation, I will try my level best to solve you issues in a better way, if possible. I will explore Arduino by making further projects and will share them with you as well. So, till then, Take Care :)
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir