JFET Applications | Constant Current Source | Chopper

Hi Pupils, Welcome to another Experiment of Proteus at The Engineering Projects. Previously, we saw what are the Junction Field Effect Transistors. Today we'll learn about some of the applications of Junction Field Effect Transistors.

Just before the Experiment, it is useful to revise that: Transistors are three terminal, unipolar Devices. The terminals of Junction Field Effect Transistor are named as :
  • Drain
  • Source
  • Gate
The Gate Terminal is common to both Source and Drain. Prior to start, let's clear some Concepts about Junction Field Effect Transistor.


Resistor is an electrical device. we define the resistors as:
"A Resister is a two terminal Passive electrical device that shows the electrical resistance and is useful in almost every Circuit.
Resistors can be used to reduce or control the flow of current , terminate transition lines and such other functions.

Pinch off voltage

The basic Definition of Pinch off voltage is:

"The voltage applied between the Drain and the source at which the current maximum current flows through the circuit provided the Gate voltage is zero is called the Pinch off voltage."

when the value of voltages is less than the pinch off region, the voltage enters to another region called ohmic region of JFET and the transistor acts as a resistor in this region.

Controlling Voltage

The Controlling Voltage of Junction field effect transistor is defined as: "The controlling Voltage is the voltage of transistors from gate to source.  To set its value, the Voltage from gate to source is made negative and it is referred as Vgs." FET's are widely used in the worlds of electronics because of their size and the performance. We'll apply JFET's in the making of two of circuits:
  1. Constant Current Source.
  2. Chopper.
During the Implementation of the Circuits, we'll use N-type JFET because of the better flow of electron of this kind of JFET. In N-type JFET the majority charge carriers are electrons. I am going to explain it one after the other.

Constant Current Source

A Field Effect Transistor can be use as a constant current Source. That spell out that if JFET's are designed so, they can provide a constant current across the load resistor, no matter how much current is provided at its input. The ability is due to the near horizontal line in the drain characteristics of the JFET. Recall that resistor is a two terminal Device that reduces the current flow, divide voltage or adjust signal lines. But, carefully Controlled JFET can be used to overcome the resistance through the resistor that come in between the JFET and the Voltage source. In the circuit, when the Vgs is greater than the pinch off voltage. mathematically,


Implementation in Proteus ISIS

To make the circuit for Constant current Source, we need the Components as:

Component Required:

  1. Junction Field Effect Transistor
  2. Resistor
  3. Ground Terminal
  4. Direct Current Power Supply
  5. Connecting Wires


  • Fire up your Proteus Software.
  • Choose the JFET and Resistor from the Pick library through the "P" button.
  • Take the Ground Terminal from Terminals library from the left most tab.
  • Take DC power source from the "Generator mode".
  • To measure the Current we'll add a DC ammeter from the "Virtual Instrument Mode".
This is the step where the Circuit should be arranged so, to get the required output.
  • Connect the Source with the Drain thorough a wire.
  • Join the Ground Terminal with the wire that connects Source and Gate.
  • Connect the Components on the Working area according to the diagram:
  • Double Click the Battery and give it a value of 9 volts.
  • Double click the voltmeter and change the display Range to milliamps.
  • By the same token, Double tap the resistor and give it the value of 1k ohm.
NOTE: you can also use a variable resistor.
  •  Record the values of the ammeter.
  • At first observations, Change the value of resistor to 1kohm.
  • Pop the play button.
The ammeter shows the value of the 0.40 miliamps.
  • Take seven reading by changing the value of resistor and make a table.
    Resistance Current
    1k ohm 0.40 *10-3
    2k ohm 0.40 *10-3
    3k ohm 0.40 *10-3
    4k ohm 0.40 *10-3
    5k ohm 0.40 *10-3
    6k ohm 0.40 *10-3
    7k ohm 0.40 *10-3
The same experiment can be done by varying the value of battery and recording the values.


A Chopper is the application of Transistor that show us the output as the square wave. We define the Chopper as: "Chopper is an electronic circuit used to take the amplified Direct current by using some type of transistor or other device." One can use any kind of transistor  e.g Bipolar Junction Transistor tor make the Chopper circuit. But, Junction Field Effect Transistors are better for this purpose due to the field control of the JFETs. In Choppers, the FET act as a variable resistance.   Lets rush towards Proteus to apply the circuit.

Implementation of Choppers in Proteus ISIS

  • Fire up your Proteus ISIS.

Material Required

  1. Junction Field Effect Transistor
  2. Resistor
  3. Alternating current source
  4. Ground
  5. Oscilloscope
  • Pick the Vsine , Resistor and JFET from the Pick library by the mean of "P" button.
  • Take the Oscilloscope form "Virtual Instrument Mode" and fix it just above the Circuit.
  • Connect Channel A just after the AC source and channel B with the Source.
  • Put the Ground terminal below the circuit by choosing it from "Terminal".
  • Change the value of resistance connected to AC as 100ohm.
  • Change the value of resistance connected to Source as 200ohm.
  • Give the frequency to 1000Hz and Amplitude of 12V to Vsine.
  • Join the circuit according to the image given below:
Seems like our circuit is complete now.
  • Press the Play button to simulate the graph.
  • Set the Value of Channel A to 1V.
  • Set the channel B to 20V.
The Output of the circuit is:   This Conversion is important in some Circuits. The output of the Chopper is in the form of square waves. Thus, today we learnt about the JFET along with the applications of JFET as Constant current and Chopper in detail and saw their Implementation in the Proteus.

Introduction to Arduino MKR NB 1500

Hi Guys! Hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to Arduino MKR NB 1500. The Arduino MKR NB 1500 is mainly developed for working in remote areas where no power or internet connection is available. This board is based on a SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 32bit low power microcontroller and comes with an operating voltage of 3.3V. Admit it. The Arduino board is a remarkable addition to the development of many automation and embedded projects. These boards are incorporated with a series of digital and analog pins that can be connected with the expansion boards or other breadboards. Most of the Arduino boards are integrated with 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontrollers. And all these boards incorporate different flash memory size to store the code. The two-way serial communication is added in the boards and some boards are given with the facility of the USB port that is used for the direct connection with the computer systems and to program and test the boards on the go. Arduino is an open-source platform that means you can edit and modify the hardware and software based on your requirements. The Arduino IDE software is used to program all kinds of Arduino boards. These boards are programmed using C and C++ language. I suggest you read this post all the way through, as I’ll walk you through the Introduction to Arduino MKR NB1500 covering datasheet, pinout, features, programming, pin description, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to Arduino MKR NB 1500

  • The Arduino MKR NB 1500 is an Arduino board based on the SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 32bit microcontroller that is mainly developed for applications in remote areas with no power or internet connection. On-field monitoring systems use these Arduino boards.
  • These are 22 digital I/O pins incorporated on the board. 7 analog and 12 PWM pins are also included in the chip.
  • The Rx and Tx pins are added to the board for the UART serial communication where Rx is used to receive the serial data and Tx is used to transmit the serial data.
  • Moreover, I2C and SPI communication protocols are also included in the device.
  • The power delivered to the board by USB is 5V. Plus, the board also incorporates a Li-Po charging circuit that makes the board run in two ways: either from the external 5V source or from battery power.
  • The clock speed of the oscillator is 32.768 kHz (RTC), 48 MHz which is required for the synchronization of the internal functions.
  • You can also interface the micro-sim with the board, however, micro-sim is not provided with the board. You need to purchase it separately.
  • You can interface breadboard with this board, giving you the ability to actually test and run your project on a breadboard before switching to the PCB design of the electrical circuit.
  • The board’s flash memory is 256KB. And it doesn’t incorporate EEPROM memory while the SRAM memory is 32KB.
  • The Arduino Program (sketch) is stored in the flash memory and SRAM memory is used to generate and manipulate variables when it runs.

Arduino MKR NB 1500 Datasheet

Before you apply this device to your electrical project it’s better to scan through the datasheet of the device that features the main characteristics of the board. You can download the datasheet of Arduino MKR NB 1500 by clicking the link below.

Arduino MKR NB 1500 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of Arduino MKR NB 1500. There are three LEDs on the board. One is a built-in LED, and the other power LED and battery charger LED.

Arduino MKR NB 1500 Pin Configuration

Hope you’ve got a brief idea about this board. In this section, we’ll discuss the pin description of the pins incorporated on the board.

Digital I/O Pins

There are total 8 digital I/O pins integrated on the board which you can use as an input or output according to the requirements. They remain either HIGH or LOW. When they are HIGH they receive 5V and when they are LOW they receive 0V.

Analog Pins

There are total 7 analog pins incorporated on the board. As they are analog pins, they can get any number of values in opposed to Digital pins that only get two values i.e. HIGH or LOW

PWM Pins

The board comes with 12 PWM pins on board. When these pins are activated, the board generates analog result with digital means.

SPI Pins

This board incorporates SPI (serial peripheral interface) pins that are mainly employed to develop the communication between the controller and other peripheral devices such as sensors or shift registers. Two pins… MISO (Master Input Slave Output) and MOSI (Master Output Slave Input) are used for SPI communication. These pins are used to receive or send data by the controller.

I2C Pins

I2C is a two-wire communication protocol. That uses two lines i.e. SDA and SCL. The SDA is a serial data line mainly used to carry the data while SCL is a serial clock line mainly used for the synchronization of all data transfer through the I2C bus.


This device supports UART serial communication. Two pins Rx and Tx are used for the transmission and receiving of serial data.

Battery Connector

If you want to power up the board with the battery be sure to find the female 2 pin JST PHR2 Type connector. Polarity:  while you look at the board connector pins… Polarity is Left = Positive and Right = GND Vcc – This pin generates 3.3V using the on-board voltage regulator. 5V – This pin generates 5V when powered from the Vin pin of the board or from the USB connector. Vin – This pin provides power to the board using a regulated 5V source. If you supply power using this pin, the power through the USB port will be disconnected. This way you can power the board not using USB.

Arduino MKR NB 1500 Features

Microcontroller = SAMD21 Cortex®-M0+ 32bit low power ARM MCU Power Supply (USB/Vin) = 5V Operating voltage = 3.3V Digital I/O Pins = 22 Analog Pins = 7 PWM Pins = 12 I2C = 1 SPI = 1 UART = 1 DC current per I/O pin = 7mA EEPROM = no SRAM = 32KB Flash Memory = 256KB Supported Battery = Li-Po Single Cell, 3.7V, 1500mAh Minimum External Interrupts = 10 (0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16 / A1, 17 / A2) Size = 25 x 67 mm Weight = 32gr

Arduino MKR NB 1500 Programming

  • You can program this board using Arduino IDE (integrated development environment) software. This software is launched by Arduino.cc you can get this software by going to their site.
  • This board comes with a built-in Bootloader where you can burn the internal program, setting free from the hassle of burning and testing the program with the external burner.
  • This tiny device incorporates a USB port through which you can connect this device with the computer and run and test the program directly from the computer.

Arduino MKR NB 1500 Applications

This tiny little beast is used for a range of applications. Following are some major applications of this device.
  • Automatic Pill Dispenser
  • USB Joystick
  • USB Trackpad
  • Creating a wireless keyboard
  • Water Level Meter
  • Electric Bike
That’s all for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable suggestions around the content we share so we keep producing quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

AD623 Instrumentation Amplifier Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Friends! I welcome you on board. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to AD623.

The AD623 is an instrumentation amplifier integrated with a rail-to-rail feature. It is mainly used in battery-operated applications due to the low current of 500uA. It features a bandwidth of around 800 kHz which doesn’t require impedance matching since it incorporates buffer amplifiers that are attached to their input pins.

I suggest you buckle up as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to AD623 featuring datasheet, pinout, features, equivalents, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to AD623

  • The AD623 is an instrumentation amplifier that falls under the category of differential amplifiers that incorporate buffer amplifiers attached to their input pins, making it a suitable pick for test and measurement equipment.
  • This device doesn’t require impedance matching which is a practice of making one impedance appear like another.

  • Rail-to-Rail feature is used in this amplifier which allows the output voltage to reach its full potential of positive rail voltage or negative rail voltage.
  • In a normal amplifier, this feature is not available as the output voltage of the amplifier is not equal to the supply voltage due to the presence of stage transistors which keep the amplifier from reaching its maximum positive or maximum negative voltage. Rail-to-Rail feature is used to overcome this problem.
  • Moreover, this device comes with very high input impedance, high common-mode rejection ratio, low noise, low drift, and low offset.
  • This kind of amplifier is mainly employed in the circuits where remarkable stability and accuracy is required.
  • Instrumentation amplifier is a type of differential amplifiers where the internal amplifiers are arranged in a way ­– one amplifier is used to generate desired output with enough impedance and the other amplifier is used to buffer each input (+,-)
  • Instrumentation amplifiers can be developed using standard individual amplifiers and precision resistors but also come in an integrated chip. This AD623 amplifier comes in an integrated chip that incorporates laser-trimmed resistors that provide a remarkable common-mode rejection ratio.

AD623 Datasheet

Before you incorporate this device into your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of AD623.

AD623 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of AD623. The following table shows the pin description of each pin incorporated on the device.
Pin Description of AD623
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Inverting Gain Terminal connected to a resistor to set gain value Gain (-Rg)
2 The Inverting input pin of the Op-Amp Inverting Input (IN-)
3 The Non - Inverting Input Pin of Amplifier Non- Inverting Input (IN-)
4 Negative supply terminal Power (-Vs)
5 Output reference input. Normally connected to common Reference
6 Amplifier output pin Output
7 Positive supply terminal Power (+Vs)
8 Non - Inverting Gain Terminal connected to resistor to set gain value Gain (+Rg)

AD623 Features

The following are the main features of AD623.
  • Gain Range = 1 to 1000
  • Set gain with only one resistor
  • Rail to Rail Instrumentation Amplifier
  • Bandwidth = 800KHz
  • Can operate on Single and Dual supply voltage
  • Operating current Max. = 550uA
  • Available Packages = 8-Pin PDIP, VSSOP and SOIC packages

AD623 Equivalents

The following are the alternatives to AD623.
  • JRC4558
  • LM4871
  • IC6283
  • AD620
Before you apply these alternatives to your project, it’s wise to double-check the pinout of the alternatives as it’s quite possible the pinout of the alternatives may differ from the pinout of the AD623.

AD623 Applications

The following are the main applications of AD623.
  • Employed in calibration and test equipment
  • Used in difference amplifiers
  • Used in the control system process
  • Employed in data Acquisition devices
  • Incorporated in low Power Medical instrumentation
  • Used in power-sensitive applications

That’s all for today. That was all about the Introduction to AD623. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can pop your comments in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. You’re most welcome to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep producing quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Introduction to Arduino Pro Micro

Hi Folks! Hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to Arduino Pro Micro. Arduino Pro Micro is an Arduino compatible microcontroller board that is based on ATmega32u4. It operates at a frequency of 16MHz and 5V. It comes with 4 analog pins, 12 digital I/O pins, and 5 PWM pins. Moreover, it also supports serial communication UART with pins Rx and Tx. Arduino is an open-source platform provided by Arduino.cc that offers both hardware and software customization. Open-source means you can use, edit, or customize the board and software based on your requirements. Arduino boards are introduced in 2005 in Italy with the aim to provide a single platform where non-tech persons can get a hold of these boards and develop electronic devices that can interact with the environment using actuators and sensors. These boards are so easy to operate that even a common man with little knowledge about the boards can use them. These boards come in different sizes, memory space that you can incorporate in your electrical project. Not only can you program these boards, but you can also interface them with other shields and breadboard through digital I/O pins. Loading program from the personal computer is just one click away as some boards incorporate USB (universal serial bus) through which you can test and upload program directly from computers. This board is slightly different from the Arduino Micro board. The Arduino Pro Micro doesn’t include a reset button, 13 pin LED, and ICSP header and is smaller in size compared to the Arduino Micro board. I suggest you buckle up as in this tutorial I’ll detail the complete Introduction to Arduino Pro Micro covering pinout, pin description, features, communication and programming, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to Arduino Pro Micro

  • Introduced by Sparkfun, Arduino Pro Micro is an Arduino compatible microcontroller board based on ATmega32u4.
  • This board operates at the frequency of 16 MHz which is required for the synchronization of the internal functions.
  • It comes with a built-in micro USB port that helps you test and program the Arduino board with a computer.
  • Though this tiny beast is small in size, it can perform functions like regular Arduino boards. This board comes with a flash memory of 32KB. And SRAM and EEPROM memories are 1KB and 2.5KB respectively.
  • The flash memory is the memory where the Arduino Program (sketch) is stored. While EEPROM memory is used to store long-term information and SRAM memory is used to produce and manipulate variables when it starts running.
  • In addition, this board is compatible with breadboards which makes it an ideal pick for a range of testing projects before you actually incorporate this device into your electrical project.
  • This board supports UART serial communication with two pins Rx and Tx. The former is the receive data line used to receive serial data while the latter is the transmission line used to transmit serial data.
  • The board incorporates resettable poly-fuse mainly employed to secure the USB port. It keeps the board from consuming too much power from the computer. When the current exceeds the given limit, the resistance of this polymeric material increases while it heats up. When the overcurrent is removed from the device, this fuse cools down and its resistance comes back to its original value.

Arduino Pro Micro Datasheet

Before you install this board into your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the board that contains the main characteristics of the board. Click the link below to download the datasheet of Arduino Pro Micro.

Arduino Pro Micro Features

The following are the main features of the Arduino Pro Micro board. CPU = 8bit Microcontroller = Atmega32u4 Digital I/O pins = 12 Oscillator = 16MHz USB = 1 ADC = 4x 10-bit ADC inputs PWM pins = 5 UART = 1 Reset button = no ICSP header = no Pin 13 LED = no Software Used = Arduino IDE Flash memory = 32KB EEPROM = 1KB SRAM  = 2.5KB Size = 34mm x 18mm

Arduino Pro Micro Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of Arduino Pro Micro.

Arduino Pro Micro Pin Description

Hope you’ve got the sneak peek of this Arduino board. In this section, we’ll detail the pin description of pins incorporated on the board.

Digital I/O Pins

There are 12 digital I/O pins available on the board that are either used as input or output based on the requirement. These pins are either OFF or ON. When they are ON they receive 5V and are considered as HIGH and when they are OFF they receive 0V and are considered LOW.

Analog Pins

This board incorporates 9 channels of 10-bit ADC. These are analog pins that receive any number of values in contrast to digital pins that get only two values i.e. HIGH and LOW.

PWM Pins

The Pro Micro board features 5 PWM channels which are used to get some of the analog output’s functions. When the PWM pins are triggered, the board creates analog results with digital means.


Moreover, it supports UART serial communication with two pins Rx and Tx. Both pins are used to transmit and receive serial data.

SPI Pins

This board comes with a serial peripheral interface (SPI) used to layout communication between the microcontroller and other peripheral devices such as and sensors shift registers. There are two pins for SPI communication i.e. MOSI (Master Output Slave Input) and MISO (Master Input Slave Output) – these pins are employed for sending and receiving the data by the microcontroller.

I2C Pins

  • Two pins are used for I2C communication which is a two-wire communication protocol. One is SDA and the other is SCL.
  • The former is a serial data line used to carry the data and the latter is a serial clock line used for the synchronization of all data transfer over the I2C bus.


  • The Arduino IDE (integrated development environment) software is used to program this Arduino board. This software is introduced by Arduino.cc which is used to program all kinds of Arduino boards.
  • This software is easy to use. As you install the software, you are given some basic LED blinking programs through which you can easily test the board on the go.
  • This tiny little beast contains a built-in Bootloader that is used to burn the program and it sets you free from the drill of compiling and burning the program from the external burner.
  • With a micro USB port, you don’t require a secondary processor as it appears to an attached computer as a keyboard and mouse. With this port, you can test and program the Arduino board directly from the computer.

Difference between Arduino Pro Micro and Arduino Micro

  • Through both boards incorporate Atmega32u4 microcontroller they differ in few features.
  • The Micro board comes with a reset button and ICSP header while the Pro micro board doesn’t incorporate those features.
  • Moreover, pro micro is smaller than micro board thus fewer pins are brought out to the Arduino terminal pins.
  • The missing pins include AREF, A4, A5, SS, 11, 12, and 13. This also projects that pin 13 doesn’t carry LED but it still supports Tx and Rx pins with LEDs for serial communication.
  • In addition, you cannot use the SPI interface in slave mode in the case of the Pro micro board as this board doesn’t bring out SS pin. And since the pro micro board cannot bring out AREF, the external ADC reference voltage ability is absent.
  • It is important to note that, though the board doesn’t carry ICSP connector, still it supports ICSP interface through which you can program the board.

Arduino Pro Micro Applications

The ability to easily groove in hard to reach places makes this board an ideal pick for a range of applications. This board can be used in the following projects.
  • Windows PC lock/unlock application
  • USB Trackpad
  • USB Joystick
  • Water Level Meter
  • Electric Bike
  • Creating a wireless keyboard
  • Automatic Pill Dispenser
That’s all for today. I hope you’ve got a clear idea about this Arduino Pro Micro board. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share, so we keep producing quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Introduction to Arduino USB Host Shields

Hello Everyone! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to Arduino USB Host Shields. With Arduino USB host shield you can interface the USB device to your Arduino board. This USB host shield is based on MAX3421E which is mainly known as the USB host controller that contains the analog circuitry and digital logic required to apply the USB full speed peripheral to USB specifications rev. 2.0. Moreover, this shield is compatible with TinkerKit which projects you can plug this TinkerKit module with the Arduino Boards.

Introduction to Arduino USB Host Shields

  • Arduino USB host shield is used to connect a USB device with the Arduino Board. Simply put, USB host shields provide the USB host capabilities to the Arduino boards.
  • With this USB host shield, you can connect any USB device with the Arduino boards.
  • What does this USB host mean? To understand this, you need to understand the USB protocol that comes with two types of devices. One is called the peripheral (client) and the other is called a host (server).
  • When the mouse or keyboard is attached to the computer through a USB port, your system acts as a host and the keyboard acts like a peripheral (client).
  • Successful communication is carried out using this USB protocol when one of the devices acts like a host which indicates you cannot attach two keyboards for the communication because both are peripheral devices.
  • The USB Host shield incorporates MAX3421E which is a separate chip that is mainly used to provide the USB host support to the Arduino board.
  • Once you connect this shield with the Arduino board, the board starts behaving like a host with you can attach other peripheral devices like a keyboard or mouse.
  • USB host shield is normally installed on the top of the Arduino boards.

Device Classes

The shield supports the following device classes.
  • Game controllers = Nintendo Wii, Sony PS3, Xbox360.
  • ADK-capable Android phones and tablets.
  • Bluetooth dongles.
  • USB to serial converters = FTDI, PL-2303, ACM, as well as certain cell phones and GPS receivers.
  • Mass storage devices: External hard drives, memory card readers, USB sticks.
  • Digital cameras: Powershot, Canon EOS, generic PTP, Nikon DSLRs and P&S
  • HID devices = keyboards, joysticks, mice, etc.

MAX3421E USB Peripheral/Host Controller with SPI Interface

  • Recall, MAX3421E chip known as the USB host controller that contains the analog circuitry and digital logic required to apply the USB full speed peripheral to USB specifications rev. 2.0.
  • This chip comes with a built-in transceiver that contains ±15kV ESD protection with programmable USB disconnect and connect.
  • SIE stands for (serial interface engine) which is mainly employed to control the low-level USB protocol details including bus retries and error checking.
  • The SPI interface can access the register set which is used to operate the chip and works at the frequency 26MHz.
The following figure shows the pinout diagram of the chip.
  • When MAX3421E operates as a host it provides a huge collection of USB peripherals to DSP, ASIC, and microprocessor.
  • The SPI interface operates at a voltage between 1.4V and 3.6V due to the internal level translators.
  • The MAX3421E comes in a 32-pin TQFN package (5mm x 5mm) and 32-pin TQFP package (5mm x 5mm) with operating temperature range from -40°C to +85°C

MAX3421E Datasheet

Before you apply any component to your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that contains the main characteristics of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of MAX3421E.


  • Embedded Systems
  • Microprocessors and DSPs
  • Medical Devices
  • Cameras
  • PDAs
  • Custom USB Devices
  • PLCs
  • MP3 Players
  • Set-Top Boxes
  • Instrumentation
  • Desktop Routers
That’s all for today. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article. If you’re unsure or have any questions you can approach me in the section below. You’re most welcome to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep producing quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

TDA1554 Audio Amplifier Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Guys! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to TDA1554.

The TDA1554Q is an integrated class-B output amplifier mainly used for car radio applications. This device features 4 x 11 W single-ended or 2 x 22 W bridge amplifiers. It comes in a 17-lead single-in-line (SIL) plastic power package.

I suggest you buckle up and read this entire post till the end as I’ll discuss the complete Introduction to TDA1554 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s get started.

Introduction to TDA1554

  • TDA1554 is a 4*11W single-ended or 2*22W power amplifier IC which means the internal circuitry features a 4*11W single-ended or 2*22W bridge amplifier.
  • It is an integrated class-B output amplifier that comes in a 17-lead single-in-line (SIL) plastic power package mainly used for car radio applications.

  • Out of four amplifiers incorporated in the device, two are non-inverting and two are inverting amplifiers.
  • Moreover, each amplifier comes with a gain of 20dB (26dB in BTL).
  • These amplifiers carry low thermal resistance and are thermally protected.
  • This device generates high output power and fixed gain.
  • Plus, a mute or standby switch is incorporated with the device helping you mute the amplifiers anytime you want.
  • This device can handle high energy on outputs and low voltage offsets at outputs and comes with good ripple rejection.

TDA1554 Datasheet

Before you apply this device to your electrical project, it’s better to scan through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the component. You can download the datasheet of TDA1554 by clicking the link below.

TDA1554 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of TDA1554. The following table represents the pin configuration of each pin incorporated on TDA1554.
Pin Description of TDA1554
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Non-inverting input 1 NINV1
2 Inverting input 1 INV1
3 Ground (signal) GND
4 Supply voltage ripple rejection RR
5 Positive Input Voltage 1 VP1
6 Output 1 OUT1
7 Power Ground 1 GND1
8 Output 2 OUT2
9 Not connected NC
10 Output 3 OUT3
11 Power Ground 2 GND2
12 Output 4 OUT4
13 Positive Input voltage 2 VP2
14 Mute/Stand-by switch M/SS
15 Not connected NC
16 Inverting input 2 INV2
17 Non-inverting input 2 NINV2

TDA1554 Features

  • Needs a few external components
  • Mute/standby switch
  • Remarkable ripple rejection
  • High output power and fixed gain
  • Flexibility in use - Quad single-ended or stereo BTL
  • Can handle high energy on outputs (VP = 0 V)
  • DC and AC short-circuit-safe to ground and VP
  • Low offset voltage at outputs (important for BTL)
  • Identical inputs (inverting and non-inverting)
  • Protected with Electrostatic Discharge, Load Dump, and Reverse Polarity
  • Low thermal resistance
  • Thermal protection

TDA1554 Power Ratings

  • Output Current = 4A
  • DC output offset voltage = 100mV
  • Supply Voltage Range = 6V to 18V
  • Input Impedance range = 50k? to75k?
  • Total Quiescent Current = 160mA
  • Stand-by Current = 10uA
  • Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio = 48dB

TDA1554 Applications

This component is mainly designed for car radio applications.

That’s for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below. I’d love to help you according to the best of my expertise. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep producing quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Introduction to Arduino Pico

Hi Friends! I welcome you on board. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to Arduino Pico.

Arduino Pico is the world’s smallest Arduino compatible board, as said by Arduino Official Page. Because of its small size & low weight, it is normally used in autonomous projects i.e. drones, robots, quadcopters etc. where size is the real issue.

Arduino boards are introduced in modern electronics, to make projects economical and easy to design. A common man with no prior knowledge about programming can get hands-on experience with them. This smallest Pico version is readily available to turn your innovative thoughts into reality.

I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to Arduino Pico covering datasheet, pinout, features, pin description, programming and communication and applications.

Let’s get started.

Introduction to Arduino Pico

  • Arduino Pico is a small-sized(0.6" x 0.6"), breadboard-friendly and Arduino-Compatible Microcontroller board, based on Atmega32u4 Microcontroller, contains 15 pins onboard and developed by MellBell Electronics(a Canadian company confounded by MOHAMMAD MALHAS & AHMAD NABEL).
  • Leonardo compatible bootloader is pre-installed in Arduino Pico.
  • The small size of 0.6” x 0.6” and 1.1g weight is what makes it special for a range of autonomous applications i.e. quadcopters, robots, automation etc.
  • Arduino Pico comes with 8 digital input/output pins.
  • It also contains 3 analog I/O pins used for interfacing analog sensors.
  • Out of 8 digital pins, 1 Pin can also be used for generating PWM pulses and its Pin # D3.
  • Arduino Pico board operates at 5V while the input voltage ranges from 7V to 12V.
  • The maximum current rating of Arduino Pico is 40mA, so we can't attach a load drawing more current than that.
  • The board also contains one micro USB Type-B Port, a reset button and a Reset pin.
  • Arduino Pico supports two types of Communication Protocols: (We will discuss them later in detail)
    • Serial Protocol.
    • SPI Protocol.
  • The flash memory is 32KB out of which 4KB is used by Bootloader. It is the memory where the sketch is stored. (The code we compile on Arduino IDE software is called a sketch)
  • It comes with an SRAM memory of 2.5KB, it's even greater than that of UNO(where SRAM is 2KB).
  • It has a crystal oscillator of 16MHz, so it's as fast as UNO or Nano.
  • On its Kickstarter page, it's available in multiple colors(around 20 different colors).
  • Mellbell also offers an aluminum version of the board that can be used in overheated environments and applications.

Arduino Pico Datasheet

Before you apply this board to your embedded project, it’s wise to scan through the datasheet of the device that features the main characteristics of the board. You can download the datasheet of Arduino Pico by clicking the link below:

Arduino Pico Features

The following are the main features of the Arduino Pico board.
  • Based on the ATmega32u4 microcontroller,
  • Runs at a clocked frequency of 16 MHz
  • 40 mA DC current per I/O pin
  • 2.5KB of SRAM memory
  • Bootloader: Leonardo compatible
  • Reset: 1 pin
  • 3 SPI pads on the back of the board
  • 32 kB of internal Flash (4 kB used by the bootloader)
  • 8x digital I/O pins, 1x PWM channel, and 3x analog input channels.
  • The operating voltage is 5V.
  • Input voltage range = 7 to 12 V.
  • 6 x 0.6 inches size. Weight of 1.1 grams
  • Bootloader compatible with the Arduino Leonardo

Arduino Pico Pin Description

  • Hope you’ve got a sneak peek of this smallest Arduino board. In this section, we’ll detail the pin description of the pins installed on the board.

Analog Pins

  • There are 3 analog pins available on the board. These pins can get any number of values in opposed to digital pins which get only two values i.e. HIGH and LOW.

PWM Pins

  • This board incorporates one PWM channel which is employed to receive some of the analog output’s functions. When the PWM is activated, the board generates analog results with digital means.

Digital Pins

  • Total 8 digital pins are employed on the board. These pins are introduced to be configured as inputs or outputs according to the requirement. These pins remain ON or OFF. When they are in the OFF state they are in a LOW voltage state receiving 0V and they are in HIGH voltage state they receive 5V.

Atmega32u4 Pinout

  • The following figure represents the pinout diagram of Atmega32u4.

Atmega32u4 Pin Description

  • In this section, we’ll detail the pin description of each pin available on Atmega32u4.


  • Digital voltage supply pin.


  • Ground Pin.

Port B (PB7...PB0)

  • Port B is attached with pull-up resistors and is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port. The pull up resistors are mainly employed to limit the current. This port is more efficient and contains better driving capabilities compared to other ports.
  • When the pull up resistors are activated in this port C, it will source current with port pins extremely pulled low.

Port C (PC6, PC7)

  • Port C is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port that contains pull-up resistors.
  • When the pull up resistors are activated, Port C is used to source current with port pins extremely pulled low - Similar to Port B.

Port D (PD7..PD0)

  • Port D is a bi-directional 8-bit I/O port with pull-up resistors. When the reset condition is activated, the Port D pins are tri-stated.

Port E (PE6, PE2)

  • Only two bits PE6 and PE2 are available on the product pinout. It is an 8-bit bidirectional port that features internal pull up resistors to limit the current.

Port F (PF7..PF4, PF1,PF0)

  • Port F is a bidirectional port that serves as analog inputs for the A/D converter. Two bits PF2 and PF3 are not available on the device pinout.


  • USB Full speed / Low Speed Positive Data Upstream Port. It is connected to the USB D+ connector pin employed with the serial resistor 22W.


  • USB Full speed / Low Speed Negative Data Upstream Port. It must be connected to the USB D- connector pin incorporated with serial resistor 22W.


  • This is USB pads ground.


  • USB Pads Internal Regulator Output supply voltage.


  • USB Pads internal regulator Input supply voltage.


It is USB VBUS monitor input.


  • Input to the inverting Oscillator amplifier and Input to the internal clock operating circuit.


  • Output from the inverting Oscillator amplifier.


  • A reset pin. When a low level applied to this pin for a longer period of time, it produces a reset. It is important to note that shorter pulses may not generate a reset.


  • AVCC is the supply voltage pin for all the A/D Converter channels.


  • This pin is utilized as the analog reference pin for the A/D Converter.

Communication and Programming

  • The module comes with different communication protocols including I2C, and UART.
  • The UART is a serial communication protocol that carries two lines Tx and Rx where the former is a transmission line used to transfer the serial data and the latter is a receive data line used to receive the serial data.
  • The I2C is a two-wire communication protocol that contains two lines named SCL and SDA. The SCL is a serial clock line that is used for the synchronization of all data transfer over the I2C bus while SDA is a serial data line mainly used to carry the data.
  • Arduino IDE is the professional software developed by Arduino.cc that is used to program all types of Arduino Boards.
  • Connect the board through USB to the computer and test and program the board as you like better.

Arduino Pico Applications

  • Creating a wireless keyboard
  • Water level meter.
  • Health and security systems
  • Student projects
  • Embedded systems
  • Industrial automation
  • Automatic pill dispenser
It is important to note that all Arduino boards are microcontrollers but not all microcontrollers are Arduino boards. Due to its small size and easy to use functions, most people prefer Arduino boards over microcontrollers. Moreover, you don’t need to include extra peripherals while using these boards, as they come with built-in functions that don’t require the addition of external components. That’s all for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can approach me in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. You’re most welcome to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep sharing quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Common Collector BJT Amplifier in Proteus ISIS

Hi Mentees, Welcome to a new tutorial at The Engineering Projects. Today You will unearth about Common Collector bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers. Before this, we learnt about two types of Configurations of Transistors named Common Emitter BJT Amplifiers and Common Base BJT Amplifiers.

In this tutorial We'll discuss about:
  1. Introduction of Common Collector BJT Amplifier.
  2. Basic Concepts for the Common Collector BJT Amplifiers.
  3. Implementation of Common Collector BJT Amplifiers in Proteus ISIS.
  4. Characteristics and advantages of Common Collector BJT Amplifiers.
So that, you can get the best understanding about the topic and its practical implementation.


1st  of all, We'll have a brief definition of the Common Collector Amplifier: " A type of Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifier is called Common Collector BJT Amplifiers in which Collector is common to both Base, Base region is used for input and emitter is used to take the output of the Amplifier."  It is one of the Configuration of the Transistor and is used in many kinds of circuits due to its efficiency. Other two Configurations are;
  1. Common Base BJT Amplifiers.
  2. Common Emitter BJT Amplifiers.
All of them acquire their Own Construction, characteristics and advantages as we as disadvantages. Common Collectors are also called as Emitter follower Configuration as the emitter voltage follows the base voltage.

Basic Concepts:

It is Always useful to get core information about the circuit before its Implementation. Let's see what a Common Collector amplifiers is. Type of transistor: Recall that  the are two types of Transistors i.e, 1. NPN 2.PNP. the Transistor we are using NPN transistor for our Experiment because in this type, the electrons are majority carries that have more mobility than holes ( majority charge carriers in PNP transistors) therefore, we get quick and easy output due to best electron flow.   Current Gain: The current gain of this type of amplifier is also taken as the division of the Emitter current with the base current and mathematically it is stated as:

Current Gain = Emitter current/Base Current

? = IE/IB = ß + 1

Voltage Gain : Voltage Gain of Common Collector BJT Amplifier is considered to be the unity, i.e. 1 and is obtained by the formula given below: Voltage Gain=Vout/Vin where in Common Collector amplifier we give the input to Base and take the output from the emitter of the transistor. Emitter Current: in this Configuration the Emitter current is taken as the sum of base current and collector current. consequently, we say  Ie=Ib+Ic we can use this equation in others ways as,



we can also say that the collector current is approximately equal to Emitter current because base is very thin region and passes a minute amount of current through it.

Implementation of Common Collector BJT Amplifier in Proteus ISIS

At the instance, we will test the circuit given in the circuit diagram in Proteus. the material for the Circuit is given below. Material Required: 
  1. Transistor (2N1711)
  2. Capacitor
  3. Resistor
  4. Vsine
  5. Oscilloscope
  6. Ground
  • Take 1st four components from the "Pick device" library presented at the left corner of the screen.
  • Set them at the working area according to the circuit diagram.
  • Add the ground terminal by left clicking the screen >Go to Place>Terminal>Ground and add the ground Terminal.
NOTE: You can also connect just one Ground terminal to the circuit if you connect the Circuit with a wire at the bottom. Now, the Circuit will look like this:
  • Add the DC source from "Generation Mode" to just above the circuit.
Now, We need an output device to examine the output. Therefore, We'll use Oscilloscope. Choose it from "Virtual Instrument mode".
  • Set the Oscilloscope just aside the circuit and Connect Channel A with input (Base) and the Channel B with the output ( Emitter).
Before Starting the simulation, I am going to change the values of the Components I used because the default values will not give us the required Output.
  • we will use the 120V for the DC Power source.
  • One can clearly examine that the Values of the Components are given according to the table given below:
Components Values
Resistor R1 10ohm
Resistor R2 100ohm
Resistor R3 20ohm
Resistor R4 100kohm
VSine Amplitude=220, Frequency=1000
Capacitor 1 50m
Capacitor 2 2m
Oscilloscope Channel 5V, Channel B=5V, Time=0.2mS-1
  • After setting the values  you can change the value of Oscilloscope to get the required output.
NOTE: The amplifiers are sensitive to the temperature and the type of transistor used, hence their must be the practice to get the best output.


  • The input Resistance of Common Collector Amplifiers is high.
  • The power gain of this kind of amplifiers is medium.
  • It has low output resistance.
  • It has non-inverting effect (opposite to other two Configuration that gives the inversion of the wave).
  • It has zero voltage gain.

Advantages of Common Collector BJT Amplifiers

  1. It is useful for the circuits where the high impedance is required.
  2. It is mostly used as voltage buffers as the voltage gain is unity.
  3. The Common Collector configuration is used in the Circuit where the engineers want the high current gain.
  4. Due to its high current gain, it is applied in circuits to drive heavy loads.
  5. We use it for voltage translation stage.
NOTE: Sometimes, It becomes the disadvantage of the Common Collector bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifier that they have no voltage Gain. Summary: Today, we ascertained the Basic Common Collector BJT Amplifiers, learnt some Concepts about it, saw the Implementation in Proteus ISIS, saw some characteristics and found the advantages of the Common Collector Configuration.

TDA2005 Amplifier Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Everyone! Hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to TDA2005.

TDA2005 is a 20-watt Class B dual audio amplifier integrated chip. It comes in a Multiwatt11 package and is carefully designed for car radio applications. It can support the current up to 3.5A which is quite high which makes it a suitable pick for constructing power booster amplifiers.

I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to TDA2005 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to TDA2005

  • TDA2005 is a 20-watt Class B dual audio amplifier integrated chip. It is particularly designed for car radio applications.

  • It comes with a high current capability and features a total of 11 pins on board.
  • It supports low impedance loads of around 1.6 with an output power of more than 20 W.
  • TDA2005 features a bridge or stereo setup and the total power dissipation is 30W.
  • This device is mainly employed in applications where high-output audio power amplification is required.
  • Incorporated with protection against load dump voltage surge, this device features a maximum supply voltage of around +28V.
  • The repetitive current through each output is 3.5A while the maximum non-repetitive peak current through each output is 4.5A.
  • The storage temperature range is -40°C to 150°C while the operating temperature range is -23°C to 130°C.
  • This chip employed in stereo amplification applications will exhibit a voltage gain of 51 dB.

TDA2005 Datasheet

Before you apply this device to your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the device. You can download the datasheet of TDA2005 by clicking the link mentioned below.

TDA2005 Pinout

The TDA2005 is an 11-pin device. The following figure represents the pinout diagram of TDA2005. The following table shows the pin name and pin description of TDA2005.
Pin Description of TDA2005
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Non-Inverting Input of amplifier 1 INPUT+(1)
2 Inverting Input of amplifier 1 INPUT-(1)
3 Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio SVRR
4 Inverting Input of amplifier 2 INPUT-(2)
5 Non-Inverting Input of amplifier 2 INPUT+(2)
6 The ground is connected to this pin GND
7 Amplifier 2 bootstrap capacitor BOOTSTRAP(2)
8 The output of amplifier 2 OUTPUT(2)
9 Positive Power Supply +VS
10 The output of amplifier 1 OUTPUT(1)
11 Amplifier 1 bootstrap capacitor BOOTSTRAP(1)

TDA2005 Features

  • Overheat protection and output short circuit protection
  • A few components required to put the amplifier in working condition
  • Operating voltage range = +8 to +18V
  • High output power - Po=10 + 10 W @ RL = 2 ?, Po = 20 W @ RL = 4 ?
  • Programmable gain and bandwidth
  • Peak supply voltage = +40V for 50ms
  • Loudspeaker protection against short circuit
  • Incorporated with protection against load dump voltage surge
  • Supply voltage Max. = +28V
  • Comes with protection against fortuitous open ground
  • Total power dissipation = 30W
  • Comes with Bridge or Stereo setup
  • Repetitive current through each output = 3.5A
  • The non-repetitive peak current through each output Max. = 4.5A
  • Storage temperature range = -40°C  to 150°C
  • Operating temperature range = -23°C  to 130°C

TDA2005 Applications

The TDA2005 is used in the following applications.
  • Employed in Car radio
  • Used in Microphone amplifiers
  • Used in audio power amplifiers
  • Incorporated in Woofer amplifiers
  • Used in Music players

That’s all for today. Hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable suggestions around the content we share so we keep creating quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

ESP32 Pinout, Datasheet, Features & Applications

Hi Guys! I hope you’re doing great. Today, I am going to share Chapter Zero of the ESP32 Programming Course. I have called it Chapter 0 because today, we won't practically work on the ESP32. Instead, I’ll walk you through the detailed theoretical Introduction to the ESP32 Module, where we will discuss the ESP32 Pinout, Datasheet, Specifications, Features, Applications etc. in detail.

ESP32 is an embedded module that supports both WiFi and BT(dual-mode) connectivity and is thus used in Cloud-based IoT projects. ESP32 is the upgraded model of the ESP8266 module and is designed by Espressif Systems in China.

The following tables show the main features and technical specifications of the ESP32 module.

ESP32 Technical Specifications
No. Parameter Name Parameter Value
Microprocessor Tensilica Xtensa single-/dual-core 32-bit LX6 microprocessor(s)
CoreMark® score 1 core at 240 MHz: 504.85 CoreMark; 2.10 CoreMark/MHz
2 cores at 240 MHz: 994.26 CoreMark; 4.14 CoreMark/MHz
3 Operating Voltage 3.3V
DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA
DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA
Maximum Operating Frequency 240MHz
Frequency Oscillators 8MHz (Internal Oscillator)
Internal RC Oscillatoror
2MHz ~ 60MHz External Crystal Oscillator(40MHz required for WiFi/BT)
32kHz External Crystal Oscillator(For RTC)
Timers 2 x 64-bit Timers, 1 RTC Timer,

ESP32 Pinout
2 Channels (8-bit, digital to analog converter)
ADC 18 Channels (12-bit, analog to digital converter)
Capacitive Touch Sensors
16 Channels

ESP32 Communication Protocols
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (Speed upto 150Mbps)
Bluetooth Supports Classic Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR & Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)
Bluetooth Low Energy Supports BLE
UART Protocol 3 Channels
SPI Protocol 4 Channels
I2C Protocol 2 Channels
I2S Protocol 2 Channels (for digital audio)
8 CAN Protocol 1 Channels

ESP32 Builtin Memory
No. Parameter Name Parameter Value
1 SRAM 520kb
2 ROM(Flash Memory) 448kb

So, let's get started with the Introduction to ESP32:

Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1ESP32AmazonBuy Now

Introduction to ESP32 Module

  • ESP32 (designed by Espressif Systems, a Shanghai-based Chinese Company) is a 48 Pin microprocessor-based embedded IC(available in QFN package), that supports both WiFi & BT(dual-mode) connectivity and is used majorly in wearable devices, mobile & cloud-based IoT applications.
  • The microprocessor used in the ESP32 chip is the Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor (single-core and dual-core).
  • A few LX6 based ESP32 ICs are:
    • ESP32-D0WDQ6 (and ESP32-D0WD)
    • ESP32-D2WD
    • ESP32-S0WD
    • ESP32-PICO-D4

ESP32 vs ESP8266

  • Both the ESP32 and ESP8266 are inexpensive WiFi modules with low power consumption.
  • Both modules are desirable for DIY projects in the areas of IoT (Internet of Things) and automation.
  • The ESP32 is a dual-core 160Mhz 240Mhz CPU, while the ESP8266 has an 80Mhz single-core processor. Therefore, if your primary concern is processor speed, you should prioritize the ESP32 over the ESP8266.
  • The ESP32 offers more GPIO than the ESP8266.
  • ESP32 supports Bluetooth 4.2 and BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy).
  • The ESP32 offers a 12-bit ADC, while the ESP8266 offers only a 10-bit ADC.


  • ESP32-WROOM-32 is a 38-pin breakout board of ESP32, which is most commonly used in third-party ESP32 modules.
  • As ESP32 IC is available in the QFN(Quad Flat No Leads) package, so it's quite difficult to solder the IC in embedded projects.
  • So, to ease the process of using ESP32 IC, Espressif Systems designed numerous small modules(using ESP32 chip) that have a built-in antenna and easily usable pinout.
  • Other ESP32 modules are ESP32-SOLO and ESP32-WROVER.
  • One of the most commonly used breakout boards of ESP32 is ESP32-WROOM-32, shown in the below figure:

Third-Party ESP32 Development Modules

  • Many embedded companies have used ESP32-WROOM-32 and designed different ESP32 development boards, which are plug-and-play modules and are thus normally used for learning and prototyping purposes.
  • One of the most commonly used ESP32 development boards is called ESP32-DevkitC.
  • ESP32-DevKitC is a 30-pin ESP32-based development board, designed by Espressif Systems and is used in embedded and IoT projects.

  • All you need to do is plug this device using a USB cable and play with it on the fly.
  • Boot mode and Reset buttons are incorporated on the board.
  • USB micro connector and USB-UART Bridge, and LDO regulator are also included in the device.

Types of ESP32 Development Boards

  • The following are the five different versions of ESP32-DevKitC.
    1. ESP32-DevKitC-32E
    2. ESP32-DevKitC-32UE
    3. ESP32-DevKitCVE
    4. ESP32-DevKitCVIE
    5. ESP32-DevKitCS1

So, that was the evolution of ESP32 from a simple IC to plug & play board. Now let's have a look at the Pinout of the ESP32 microcontroller and modules:

ESP32 Pinout

We have seen above that ESP32 has evolved first into ESP32-WROOM-32 and is further upgraded into ESP32-DevKitC. So, let's have a look at the pinout of all these boards, one by one:

Pinout of ESP32 IC

  • ESP32 IC in its pure form consists of 48 pins in total.
  • The following figure shows the labeled ESP32 Pinout diagram:

Pinout of ESP32-WROOM-32

  • ESP32-WROOM-32 is a breakout board of ESP32 and consists of 38 pins in total.
  • Here's the pinout of the ESP-WROOM-32 board:

Pinout of ESP32-DevkitC

  • ESP32-DevKitC is a development board based on the ESP32 microcontroller and it has 36 pins in total.
  • Here's the pinout diagram of ESP32 DevKitC:

ESP32 Pin Description

Now, let's have a look at the functions of ESP32 Pinout:

Power Pins in ESP32

  • Power: Power is applied through Micro-USB, 3.3V pin, 5V pin, and GND. Regulated 5V is supplied to this pin which is further regulated to 3.3V to power up the board. And 3.3V pin directly supplies the 3.3V regulated to the board. And the ground is connected to GND.
  • Enable: The enable pin is represented by ‘En’ on the board and is used to reset the microcontroller.
  • AREF: It is marked as AREF which is used to provide a reference voltage for input voltage.

GPIO Pins in ESP32

ESP32 has 36 GPIO(general purpose input/output) pins to perform numerous operations(normally one at a time). Third-party ESP32 modules have different numbers of GPIO pins i.e. ESP32 Dev Kit V1 includes 30 GPIO pins. Let's have a look at the functionality of ESP32 GPIO Pins:

ADC Pins in ESP32

  • ADC Pins: ESP32 has a total of 18 ADC channels(12-bit each) used to measure the analog voltage within the range of 0-3.3V.

ESP32 is equipped with two SAR analog-to-digital converter modules named ADC1 and ADC2. ADC1 has 10 Channels labeled from ADC2_1 to ADC2_7, while ADC2 has 10 Channels labeled from ADC2_0 to ADC2_9. The ADC output value ranges from 0 to 4093 at 12-bit resolution.

DAC Pins in ESP32

  • DAC Pins: ESP32 features 2 distinct 8-bit digital-to-analog converters(DAC1 and DAC2) for translating digital values to analog signals. The DAC function is attached to below two GPIO pins:
  1. DAC1-GPIO25
  2. DAC2-GPIO26

The DAC employs a power supply as an input reference voltage and features an internal resistance network.

PWM Pins in ESP32

  • PWM Pins: ESP32's PWM controller has 16 independent PWM channels with configurable frequency and duty cycles. Any GPIO pin can be used as a PWM pin.

PWM pulses are used to control the speed of motors or the brightness of LEDs. You can configure the frequency, channel, GPIO pin, and duty cycle of the PWM signal.

SPI Pins in ESP32

  • SPI Pins: ESP32 has three SPI blocks that operate in both master and slave modes, named SPI, HSPI, and VSPI.

Among these 3 blocks, SPI is used as an interface to flash memory. So, we are left with HSPI and VSPI for normal use:

  1. VSPI: ESP32 VSPI Pins are GPIO23 (MOSI), GPIO19 (MISO), GPIO18 (CLK) and GPIO5 (CS) used for SPI-1 communication.
  2. HSPI: ESP32 HSPI Pins are GPIO13 (MOSI), GPIO12 (MISO), GPIO14 (CLK) and GPIO15 (CS) used for SPI-2 communication.

I2C Pins in ESP32

The ESP32 has two I2C interfaces. The SCL and SDA pins of both I2C interfaces can be assigned by a user in the program. The default I2C pins are:

  • SDA-GPIO21
  • SCL-GPIO22

ESP32 Capacitive Touch Sensors

  • ESP32 has 10 capacitive touch-sensing GPIO Pins(T0 to T9), which get electrostatically charged when a finger touches the respective GPIO pin.

Without any additional hardware, these touch GPIOs can be utilized to make capacitive touchpads. Variations in capacitance are evident.


  • ESP32 has 18 Low-Power RTC GPIO Pins(RTCIO0 to RTCIO17) used to wake up the ESP32 board from deep sleep mode.

  • Serial: Two serial pins are represented on boards as Tx and Rx. The Tx is used to transmit serial data while Rx is used to receive serial data.

  • External Interrupts: All GPIO pins can be used as external interrupts.

ESP32 Datasheet

Before you incorporate this device into your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the device. You can click the link given below to download the ESP32 datasheet.

Now, let's have a look at the features of ESP32:

ESP32 Features

Here are the main features of ESP32 IC:

  • ESP32 has built-in integration of both WiFi and Bluetooth dual-mode.
  • ESP32 has 34 programmable GPIOs present on the chip.
  • ADC is of 12-bit SAR and can support up to 18 channels.
  • DAC is 8-bit and it has 2 DAC channels.
  • ESP32 also has 10 touch sensors embedded in it.
  • ESP32 also has a Hall sensor in it.
  • It supports 4 SPI channels.
  • It also has 2 I²S channels.
  • ESP32 has 2 I²C ports in it.
  • It supports 3 UART channels.
  • It also has 1 host(SD/MMC/SDIO) and 1 slave(SDIO/SPI).
  • ESP32 also supports the Ethernet MAC interface with dedicated DMA and IEEE 1588 support.
  • It supports Two-Wire Automotive Interface (TWAI®, compatible with ISO11898-1)
  • LED PWM up to 16 channels

A few of ESP32's key features are discussed below in detail:

ESP32 WiFi Key Features

  • Wireless Networking Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
  • Wireless Standard: 802.11 n (2.4 GHz), up to 150 Mbps
  • WiFi Multimedia(WMM)
  • WiFi Aggregation: TX/RX A-MPDU, RX A-MSDU
  • Immediate Block ACK: suitable for high bandwidth & low latency traffic.
  • Automatic Beacon monitoring (hardware TSF)
  • Simultaneous support for SoftAP, Infrastructure Station and Promiscuous modes.
  • Diverse Antenna
  • Defragmentation to smoothen the data.
  • Supports 4 virtual WiFi Interfaces.

ESP32 Bluetooth Key Features

  • Compliant with Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR
  • Class-1, Class-2 and Class-3 transmitters without external power amplifier
  • Increased Power Control
  • Transmission Power: +12 dBm
  • BLE sensitivity: –94 dBm (NZIF receiver)
  • Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH)
  • Standard HCI supports SDIO/SPI/UART
  • High-speed UART HCI, up to 4 Mbps
  • Bluetooth 4.2 BR/EDR BLE dual-mode controller
  • CVSD and SBC for audio codec
  • Classic BT and BLE support Multiple connections.
  • It can advertise and scan simultaneously.
  • Bluetooth Piconet and Scatternet

ESP32 Microcontroller Key Features

  • ESP32 uses an Xtensa® single-/dual-core 32-bit LX6 microprocessor(s) .
  • It supports data rates up to 600 MIPS (200 MIPS for ESP32-S0WD/ESP32-U4WDH)
  • It has a Flash Memory of 448 KB.
  • It has an SRAM memory of 520 KB.
  • 16 KB SRAM in RTC
  • QSPI supports multiple flash/SRAM chips.

ESP32 Clocks & Timers Key Features

  • ESP32 has a calibrated 8MHz crystal oscillator (internal)
  • Calibrated RC oscillator (internal)
  • External 2 MHz ~ 60 MHz crystal oscillator (40 MHz only for Wi-Fi/BT functionality)
  • External 32 kHz crystal oscillator for RTC with calibration
  • Two timer groups, including 2 × 64-bit timers and 1 × main watchdog in each group
  • ESP32 also has one RTC timer.
  • RTC watchdog is also present in ESP32.

ESP32 Projects & Applications

ESP32 modules have brought a revolution in embedded and especially IoT projects. As these boards are small-sized, low-powered and support both WiFi & BT, thus are gaining popularity in IoT-based handheld devices. A few applications of the ESP32 module are as follows:

  • Used in Network projects.
  • Employed for beginner-level DIY projects.
  • Employed in the prototyping of IoT devices.
  • Used in cloud-based smart security projects.
  • Used in low-power battery-operated applications.

That was all about the Introduction to ESP32 module. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the comment section below. I’ll help you according to the best of my expertise. You’re most welcome to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep coming up with quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir