MJE13009 NPN Transistor Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Guys! I welcome you on board. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to MJE13009. MJE13009 is a semiconductor device made of silicon material that falls under the category of NPN transistors. This device is mainly used for switching and amplification purposes. The power dissipation of this device is 100W and the emitter-base voltage is 9V which is the amount of voltage needed to bias the device. I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll describe the complete Introduction to MJE13009 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s get started.

Introduction to MJE13009

  • MJE13009 is an NPN transistor mainly used for amplification and switching purposes.
  • This is a semiconductor device made of silicon material and comes in a TO-220 package.
  • MJE13009 is a three-layer device where two n-doped layers surround the one p-doped layer.
  • This integrated chip contains three terminals named emitter, base, and collector.

  • The small input current at the base pin is used to control the large output current at the remaining two terminals.
  • MJE13009 is a type of bipolar junction transistor that belongs to the NPN transistor family where electrons are the major charge carriers.
  • In a bipolar junction transistor, both electrons and holes play a key role in the conductivity inside the transistor. However, in the case of NPN transistors, electrons are major charge carriers while in the case of PNP transistor conductivity is carried out by the holes as major charge carriers.
  • In NPN transistors current flows from the collector to emitter terminal while in the case of PNP transistor current flows from emitter to collector terminal.
  • The NPN devices are preferred over PNP devices for a range of switching applications because the mobility of electrons is better than the mobility of holes.
  • The bipolar junction transistors are current-controlled devices in contrast to MOSFETs that are voltage controlled devices and contain terminals drain, source, and gate. The gate terminal plays the same role in MOSFET what the base terminal plays a role in bipolar junction transistors.
  • The collector-emitter voltage of this device is 400V and the collector-base voltage is 700V while the emitter-base voltage is 9V which is the amount of voltage that can bias the device and start transistor action.
  • MJE13009 is mainly developed for high-power high-speed switching applications. And the collector current of this device is 12A which means it can support load up to 12A.

MJE13009 Datasheet

Before you incorporate this device into your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of MJE13009.

MJE13009 Pinout

The MJE13009 carries three terminals known as:
  1. Base
  2. Collector
  3. Emitter
All these terminals are used for external connection with the electrical circuit. The following figure shows the pinout diagram of MJE13009. The terminals carry different doping concentrations. The collector pin is a lightly doped terminal while the emitter terminal is a highly doped pin compared to other terminals. Similarly, the base pin is 10-times more doped than the collector terminal.

MJE13009 Working Principle

  • The base pin is responsible for the overall transistor action. When voltage is applied at the base pin, it helps in biasing the device and current will start flowing from collector to emitter terminal.
  • The different doping concentration of all these terminals is responsible for the lack of symmetry inside transistor device.
  • Yes, bipolar junction transistors are not symmetrical which means if you interchange both collector and emitter terminals, it will force the terminals to stop acting in forward active mode and as a result, both terminals will start operating in reverse action mode.
  • This exchanging of terminals can influence the value of both common-emitter current gain and common-base current gain.

MJE13009 Power Ratings

The following table shows the absolute maximum ratings of MJE13009.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of MJE13009
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Collector-emitter voltage 400V
2 Collector-base voltage 700V
3 Base-emitter voltage 9V
4 Collector current 12A
5 Power dissipation 100W
6 Base current 6A
7 Operating and storage junction temperature range -55 to 150C
  • The junction temperature and storage temperature ranges from -55 to 150C.
  • The collector-emitter and collector-base voltages are 400V and 700V respectively. And total power dissipation is 100W which is the amount of power released during the working of this device. When you’re working with this integrated circuit, make sure the ratings don’t exceed the absolute maximum ratings. Otherwise, you’ll be risking your entire project.
  • Moreover, don’t apply these ratings more than the required time, else they can affect device reliability.

MJE13009 Applications

MJE13009 is used in the following applications.
  • Used to support loads under 12A.
  • Installed in the motor control circuit.
  • Employed in Bistable and Astable multivibrators circuit.
  • Employed for switching and amplification purpose.
  • Used in voltage regulator circuits.
  • Employed in the switched-mode power supply.
  • Used in H-bridge circuits.
  • Used in modern electronic circuits.

MJE13009 Physical dimensions

The following figure represents the physical dimensions of the IC MJE13009. By looking at the physical dimensions of this component you can evaluate the space required for your circuit and install the device accordingly. That’s all for today. Hope you find this article helpful. If you have any questions you can pop your comment in the section below. I’m willing and happy to assist you the best way I can. Feel free to share your feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep producing quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading this article.

MJE13003 NPN Transistor Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll demonstrate the Introduction to MJE13003. MJE13003 is an NPN silicon transistor mainly used for high-speed high voltage power switching applications. This chip is a three-terminal device where a small current at one terminal is used to produce a large current at the remaining terminals. The collector current is 1.5A which projects this device can support load up to 1.5A. I suggest you buckle up as I’ll describe the complete Introduction to MJE13003 covering datasheet, pinout, working principle, applications, power ratings, and physical dimensions. Let’s get started.

Introduction to MJE13003

  • MJE13003 is a bipolar junction transistor that belongs to the NPN transistor family. It is mainly used for switching and amplification purposes and comes in the TO-220 package.
  • The power dissipation of this device is 40W which is the amount of power released during the working of this device.

  • MJE13003 is a power transistor that comes with three terminals known as emitter, base, and collector. The small input current at the base pin is used to induce a large output current at the emitter and collector terminals.
  • Bipolar junction transistors are the type of transistors where two charge carriers i.e. holes and electrons, play a vital role in the conductivity of the device.
  • Bipolar junction transistors are divided into two types where one is an NPN transistor and the other is a PNP transistor.
  • In NPN transistors, both electrons and holes are responsible for the conductivity of the device, however, electrons are major charge carriers in this case while holes are minority carriers.
  • Similarly, both electrons and holes play a vital role in the conductivity of PNP transistors but here holes are majority carriers and electrons are minority carriers.
  • Moreover, current flows from emitter to collector terminal in PNP transistors while in the case of NPN transistors current flows in opposite direction i.e. from collector to emitter terminals.
  • When comparing NPN transistors with PNP transistors, the NPN transistors are preferred over PNP transistors because electrons can flow faster than holes, making PNP devices more valuable for a range of applications.
  • These bipolar junction transistors are current-controlled devices while MOSFETs are the type of transistors that are voltage-controlled devices and carry terminals named drain, source, and gate.

MJE13003 Datasheet

It is wise to scan through the datasheet of the component before you incorporate this device into your electrical project. The datasheet features the main characteristics of the device. You can download the datasheet of MJE13003 by clicking the link below.

MJE13003 Pinout

MJE13003 is a power transistor that comes with three terminals named:
  1. Base
  2. Collector
  3. Emitter
The following figure shows the pinout diagram of MJE13003.
  • The external electrical circuit is connected with this transistor through these terminals. All these terminals come with different doping concentrations.
  • The emitter pin is highly doped while the collector pin is lightly doped. And the base terminal is 10-times more doped than the collector pin.
  • And large current at the emitter and collector terminals is produced by using the small current at the base terminal.

MJE13003 Working Principle

  • The base pin is the location responsible for the entire transistor action. When you apply a voltage at the base pin, it will bias the device and as a result, the current will start flowing from collector to emitter terminal.
  • As this is an NPN transistor so here electrons are the major carriers and holes are minority carriers.
  • Know that bipolar junction transistors are not symmetrical devices. Which projects if you interchange the emitter and collector terminal, it will prevent the terminals to work in forward active mode, and thus both terminals will start working in reverse active mode.
  • Exchanging these terminals will also influence the values of common-base current gain and common-emitter current gain.

MJE13003 Absolute Maximum Ratings

The following table shows the absolute maximum ratings of MJE13003.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of MJE13003
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Collector-emitter voltage 400V
2 Collector-base voltage 700V
3 Base-emitter voltage 9V
4 Collector current 1.5A
5 Power dissipation 40W
6 Base current 0.75A
7 Operating and storage junction temperature range -55 to 150C
  • The total power dissipation of this device is 40W which is the amount of power released during the functioning of this device.
  • While collector-base voltage is 700V and collector-emitter voltage is 400V. The emitter-base voltage is 9V which shows the amount of voltage required to bias this device.
  • When you’re working with the component, make sure the ratings don’t surpass the absolute maximum ratings. Otherwise, they can badly damage the device, thus the entire project.
  • Also, don’t apply these ratings more than the required time, else they can affect device reliability.

MJE13003 Applications

MJE13003 is employed in the following applications.
  • Used in modern electronic circuits.
  • Used in the switched-mode power supply.
  • Used in voltage regulator circuits.
  • Used for switching and amplification purpose.
  • Used in Bistable and Astable multivibrators circuit.
  • Used to support loads under 1.5A.
  • Used in H-bridge circuits.
  • Used in the motor control circuit.

MJE13003 Physical Dimensions

The following figure shows the physical dimensions of MJE13003. Using these dimensions you can evaluate the space required to install this device into the electrical circuit. That was all about the Introduction to MJE13003. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the comment section below. I’m willing and happy to help you the best way I can. You are most welcome to share your feedback and suggestions around the content we share. They help us produce quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

2-bit Full Subtractor in Proteus ISIS

Hello mentees! Welcome on the behalf of The Engineering Projects. We are here with a new lesson about the Digital Logic Circuits. Logic Circuits work as heart in many electronic Circuits. The topic of today is Full Subtractor in Proteus and you will find the answers of the following questions:
  1. What are 2 bit  Full Subtractors?
  2. How can we design the Truth Table of 2 bit Full Subtractor?
  3. How can we implement the 2 bit Full Subtractor in Proteus ISIS?
You will also learn some important chunks of information in the DID YOU KNOW sections.

2 bit Full Subtractors

A full Subtractor works really well in the processor. We’ll talk about it function but before that have a look at its definition:
  • 2 bit Full Subtractor is a Combinational Logic that contain three Inputs and Two outputs and perform the function of Subtraction with two bits.
  • Minuend: The 1st input is called the Minuend used to take the bit from which the 2nd value will be Subtracted.
  • Subtrahend: It is called the 2nd input that is subtracted from Minuend.
  • Borrow in: It is the third input that is use to take the value of the Previous borrow and we’ll denote it as B(in) here.
  • Borrow Out: The Borrow out is symbolized as B(out) and it the resultant borrow that the output Terminal shows.
  • Difference: This is the main result that was the concern of the experiment and its value totally depends upon the binary subtraction rules.

DID YOU KNOW?????????????????

There is another circuit called Half Subtractor that is used for the subtraction of bits but the foremost disadvantage of that circuit was its inability to work with the borrow taken in the previous calculation and the designers worked for another better Subtractors.

Truth Table of 2-bit Full Subtractor

If you know about the Concept of binary subtraction, you can use your knowledge to generate a Truth Table of 2 bit  Full Subtractor so that one can design a feasible Circuit of 2 bit Full Subtractor. The Table contain all the records that can be possible for our experiment and its result into the bargain. Thus the Truth Table for the Full Subtractor is shows as:
Minuend Subtrahend B(in) Difference B(out)
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1

Working Mechanism of 2 bit Full Subtractor

When we observe the Circuit of 2 bit Full Subtractor, we found that it is combination of two circuits of Half subtractors and the output of each circuit is then fed into an OR Gate through which we get the output of borrow. We have two types of outputs in the 2 bit  Full Subtractor:
  1. Difference
  2. Borrow

DID YOU KNOW?????????????????

The Full Subtractor is the one of the most fundamental Logic circuits of that are used for two bit subtraction in many computing system.
Let's have a look at the procedure of calculation of both.


The binary subtraction is similar to the decimal subtraction but it works with only two digits called 0 and 1 instead of 1 to 10 in the decimal. When we examine the answer of the bit difference while using a Truth Table in the Half Subtractor circuit, we found that it is identical to the XOR Gate. Therefore we use a XOR Gate for the Difference that is introduced as:
The type of Logic Circuit that gives the output HIGH only when both its inputs have inverse value to each other and vise versa. 
Thus the truth table for the XOR Gate is given as:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
The output of the XOR Gate is Fed into another XOR Gate for the Full subtraction which has the connection of a Borrow Input B(in) at its Second input.

DID YOU KNOW???????????????

The Application of the  Full Subtractor is found in the ALU of computer where they are responsible for the Graphic application to decrease the difficulty in the CPU and GPU.


Many times, the situation arrives when the Minuend<Subtrahend and in this way, the circuit need to borrow a bit from the bit presented just after it. The Full Subtractor do this through the AND Gate that contain a NOT Gate at its one end. For full Subtractor, this arrangement is again fed into the duplicated circuit and the both the outputs of this AND Gate is fed into the OR Gate that gives us the Borrow(out).

2 bit Full Subtractor in Proteus ISIS

  • Start up your Proteus Software.
  • Collect the following devices from the Pick Library.

Devices Required

  1. XOR Gate
  2. AND Gate
  3. OR Gate
  4. Logic Toggle
  5. LED-Red
  • Arrange the XOR Gate, AND Gate and NOT Gate at the working area according to the arrangement given below:
  • This will form a Half Subtractor. Select the devices through a square selection area.
  • Copy the whole arrangement through left click>copy to clip board.
  • Paste the arrangement in the side of the circuit.
  • Add an OR gate at the right side of the system. The screen should look like the image given below:
  • Add three Logic Toggles at the left most side of the arrangement.
  • Connect the Whole circuit through connecting wires by matching the circuit with the following image:
  • This is the Full Subtractor circuit. Change the values of the Probes according to the Truth Table and record your observation.
  Consequently, Today we learned very useful circuit of Logic Design. We saw what are 2 bit  Full Subtractor, how can we design a  Truth Table of 2 bit Full Subtractor, what is the basic mechanism behind the working of 2 bit Full Subtractor and how can we perform a Practical implementation of 2 bit  Full Subtarctor using Proteus ISIS. In the next session, we'll learn how can we simulate a four bit Full Subtractor in Proteus ISIS and its basic concepts.

D13009K NPN Transistor Datasheet, Pinout, Power Ratings & Applications

Hello Folks! I welcome you on board. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to D13009K. D13009K is a high voltage fast switching power transistor that falls under the category of NPN transistors. The collector current of this device is 12A which projects it can endure load under 12A. This chip is mainly used in amplification and switching applications. The small current change at one pair of terminals is used to produce a large current change across the remaining terminals. The power dissipation is 100W which features the amount of power this chip dissipates during the working of this integrated chip. I recommend you check out this post all the way through as I’ll demonstrate the complete Introduction to D13009K covering datasheet, pinout, power ratings, applications, and physical dimensions. Let’s get started.

Introduction to D13009K

  • D13009K is an NPN bipolar junction transistor that is a high voltage fast switching power device. It is widely employed for switching and amplification purposes.
  • This component contains three terminals named base, collector, and emitter. It generates a large current across emitter and collector terminals by changing a small current at the base side. This phenomenon is used for amplification purposes.

  • The emitter-base voltage is 9V which details that it requires 9V to start the transistor action and bias this device.
  • D13009K contains three layers. Two are n-doped layers and one is a p-doped layer. The p-doped layer sits between the two n-doped layers.
  • Bipolar junction transistors are divided into two main types i.e. PNP transistors and NPN transistors.
  • The D13009K is an NPN transistor where electrons are the major charge carriers. It is important to note that these devices are called bipolar devices because both holes and electrons are responsible for the conductivity inside the transistor.
  • In NPN devices, electrons are the major charge carriers and in PNP devices, holes are the major carriers. Moreover, NPN transistors are preferred over PNP transistors since the mobility of electrons is faster and efficient than the mobility of holes.
  • This bipolar junction transistor is a current-controlled device as opposed to MOSFETs that are voltage-controlled devices and carry pins like a drain, source, and gate. The drain side replaces the emitter, the source replaces the collector and the gate replaces the base pin in bipolar junction transistors.

D13009K Datasheet

Before you embed this chip into your electrical project, it’s wise to check out the datasheet of the device that features the main characteristics of the device. Download the datasheet of D13009K by clicking the link below.

D13009K Pinout

This power transistor contains three terminals named:
  1. Base
  2. Collector
  3. Emitter
The following figure shows the pinout diagram of D13009K. The doping concentration of all these terminals is different. The collector pin is lightly doped while the emitter pin is highly doped. The base pin is 10-times more doped than the collector side.

D13009K Working Principle

  • This device comes with high breakdown voltage and carries high current capability. It is a highly reliable product and features a high switching speed.
  • The working of this device starts from the base pin. When you apply voltage at the base terminals, it will bias the device and start the transistor action. And current starts flowing from collector to emitter terminal.
  • In NPN transistors current flows from collector to emitter terminal and in PNP transistors current flows from emitter to collector terminal.
  • These bipolar devices are not symmetrical. This means if you try to exchange the collector and emitter side, it will prevent the terminals to work in forward active mode and force the terminals to work in reverse active mode.
  • The different doping concentration of these devices is responsible for the lack of symmetry in these transistors.

D13009K Power Ratings

The following table features the absolute maximum ratings of D13009K.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of D13009K
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Collector-emitter voltage 400V
2 Collector-base voltage 700V
3 Base-emitter voltage 9V
4 Collector current 12A
5 Power dissipation 100W
6 Base current 6A
7 Operating and storage junction temperature range -55 to 150C
  • When you’re working with the component, make sure the ratings don’t exceed the absolute maximum ratings. Otherwise, it can affect the entire project.
  • The collector-emitter and collector-base voltages are 400V and 700 respectively. And total power dissipation is 100W which shows the amount of power released during the working of this chip. The junction temperature and storage temperature ranges from -55 to 150C.
  • Plus, don’t apply these ratings more than the required time, else they can affect device reliability.

D13009K Applications

D13009K is used in the following applications.
  • Used in energy-saving lights.
  • Used in Bistable and Astable multivibrators circuit.
  • Used in high-frequency power transform.
  • Employed to support loads under 12A.
  • Used in voltage regulator circuits.
  • Used in a common power amplifier.
  • Incorporated in modern electronic circuits.
  • Used in electronic Ballasts.
  • Used in the high switching power supply.

D13009K Physical Dimensions

The image below shows the physical dimensions of D13009K. By reading those dimensions you can evaluate the space required for your component in the electrical project. That’s all for today. Thank you for reading this entire post. You are most welcome to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep producing quality content based on your exact needs and requirements. You can approach me in the section below if you need any help regarding this article, I’m happy and willing to help you the best way I can. Thank you for reading this article.

MJE13007 NPN Transistor Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hello Everyone! Happy to see you around. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll document the Introduction to MJE13007. MJE13007 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor that is a semiconductor device made of silicon material. This chip is mainly used for amplification and switching purposes. The collector-base voltage is 700V while the collector-emitter voltage is 400V. The power dissipation at temp 25C is 80W. This means 80W is released during the working of this device. This device can support load up to 8A because the current at the collector side is 8A. I suggest you read this entire post till the end as I’ll include the complete Introduction to MJE13007 covering datasheet, pinout, working principle, power ratings, applications, and physical dimensions. Let’s get started.

Introduction to MJE13007

  • MJE13007 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor mainly used for high voltage high-speed switching applications.
  • Three layers are used for the construction of this device. One is a p-doped layer that stands between two n-doped layers.
  • MJE13007 includes three terminals named base, collector, and emitter. The small input current at the base side is used to generate a large output current across the emitter and collector terminals.

  • The emitter-base voltage is 9V which means this device requires 9V to initiate the transistor action.
  • Bipolar junction transistors come in two types i.e. NPN transistors and PNP transistors. This device MJE13007 falls under the category of NPN transistors where electrons are the major carriers while in the case of PNP transistors holes are the major carriers.
  • It is important to note that in bipolar junction transistors both electrons and holes are involved in the conductivity inside the transistors but holes are majority carriers in PNP transistors while electrons are major carriers in NPN transistors.
  • The mobility of holes is less efficient than the mobility of electrons, making NPN transistors a better choice for the range of applications.
  • Moreover, the current flows from emitter to collector in PNP transistors while it flows from collector to emitter in NPN transistors.
  • Transistors are mainly divided into two main types’ i.e. bipolar junction transistors and MOSFETs. The bipolar junction transistor are the current-controlled device while MOSFETs are the voltage-controlled devices that include terminals known as a drain, source, and gate.

MJE13007 Datasheet

Before you apply this device to your electrical project, it is wise to scan through the datasheet of the device that details the main characteristics of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of MJE13007.

MJE13007 Pinout

The MJE13007 includes three terminals named:
  1. Base
  2. Collector
  3. Emitter
The following image represents the pinout diagram of MJE13007. The small current at the base side is used to control the large current at the remaining terminals. All these terminals are used for the external connection with the electronic circuit. While the collector side is lightly doped. The base side is 10-times more doped than the collector side.

MJE13007 Working Principle

  • The base side is responsible for the overall transistor action. When voltage is applied at the base pin, it gets biased, and current will start flowing from the collector to the emitter terminal.
  • This device MJE13007 is not a symmetrical device. The lack of symmetry is due to the difference in the doping concentration of all three terminals.
  • If you try to exchange the emitter and collector terminals, it will prevent the device from working in forward active mode and as a result, both terminals will start working in reverse active mode, influencing the values of both common-emitter current gain and common-base current gain.
MJE13007 Power Ratings The following table shows the absolute maximum ratings of MJE13007.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of MJE13007
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Collector-emitter voltage 400V
2 Collector-base voltage 700V
3 Base-emitter voltage 9V
4 Collector current 8A
5 Power dissipation 80W
6 Base current 4A
7 Operating and storage junction temperature range -55 to 150C
  • The power dissipation is 80W which is the amount of power that will dissipate during the working of this device. The collector-base voltage is 700V and the collector-emitter voltage is 400V.
  • The emitter-base voltage is 9V which is the amount of voltage that you will apply to bias the device and start the transistor action.
  • When you’re working with this chip, make sure the ratings don’t exceed the absolute maximum ratings. Otherwise, they can severely damage the device, thus the entire project.
  • Moreover, don’t apply these ratings more than the desired time, else they can affect device reliability.

MJE13007 Applications

The following are the main applications of the MJE13007 NPN transistor.
  • Incorporated in modern electronic circuits.
  • Employed in the switched-mode power supply.
  • Employed to support loads under 8A.
  • Installed in the motor control circuit.
  • Used in voltage regulator circuits.
  • Used for switching and amplification purpose.
  • Used in H-bridge circuits.
  • Used in Bistable and Astable multivibrators circuit.

MJE13007 Physical Dimensions

The following figure presents the physical dimensions of MJE13007. By reading the physical dimensions you can get a hold of the space required to install this device into the relevant project. That’s all for today. Hope you find this article helpful. You are most welcome to share your feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep coming back with quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. You can approach me in the section below, for any query regarding this article. I’m happy and willing to help you the best way I can. Thank you for reading the article.

MJE13005 NPN Transistor Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Guys! I welcome you on board. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to MJE13005. The MJE13005 is a high speed and high voltage power transistor that belongs to the NPN transistor family. This device can support load up to 4A and the emitter-base voltage is 9V which is the voltage required to bias the device and start the transistor action. I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to MJE13005 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s get started.

Introduction to MJE13005

  • The MJE13005 is an NPN transistor which is a high speed and high power device used for amplification and switching purposes.
  • This component is made of three-layers where one is p-doped layers and the other two are n-doped layers. The p-doped layer stands between these two n-doped layers.
  • The MJE13005 is a semiconductor device made of silicon material. It contains three terminals known as emitter, base, and collector and is termed as a current-controlled device as opposed to MOSFETs which are voltage-controlled devices and contain terminals source, drain, and gate.

  • All these terminals carry different doping concentrations. The doping concentration of the collector pin is light and the doping concentration of the emitter pin is high compared to the other two terminals. The base pin is 10-times more doped than the collector pin. Moreover, the emitter side carries the entire current of the device since the emitter current is the sum of both collector current and base current.
  • The bipolar junction transistors are mainly categorized into two types i.e. NPN transistors and PNP transistors.
  • Both electrons and holes play a vital role in conductivity in both these transistors. But in the case of NPN transistors holes are the majority carriers and in the case of PNP transistors holes are majority carriers.
  • The NPN transistors are preferred over PNP transistors for a range of applications because the mobility of electrons is better than the mobility of holes.
  • NPN devices are sometimes known as “sinking devices” since they sink ground to the output. PNP devices are sometimes named “sourcing devices” since they source positive power to the output.
  • The DC current gain of this device ranges from 8 to 40 which is the amount of current this device can amplify.

MJE13005 Datasheet

Before you embed this device into your electrical project, it’s wise to scan through the datasheet of this component that features the main characteristics of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of MJE13005.

MJE13005 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of MJE13005. This device contains three terminals named:
  1. Base
  2. Collector
  3. Emitter
The small current at the base side is used to produce a large current across two terminals. This device carries two junctions i.e. base-collector junction which is reverse biased and base-emitter junction which is forward biased.

MJE13005 Working Principle

  • The working of this device starts from the base pin. When voltage is applied at the base pin, it results in biasing the device, and current starts flowing from collector to emitter terminal.
  • Know that these bipolar junction transistors are not symmetrical devices. This means if we exchange both emitter and collector terminal, it prevents both these terminals to work in forward active mode and as a result, both these terminals will start working in reverse active mode. Doing this will affect the values of common-emitter current gain and common-base current gain.
  • This lack of symmetry comes from the different doing concentrations of all three terminals.
  • The Common-emitter current gain of this device ranges from 8-40 in this device, which is denoted by beta and the common-base current gain is denoted by alpha and is always less than one.

MJE13005 Equivalent

The following are the alternative to MJE13005:
  • KSE13007
  • MJE13007
  • 2SC3795
It’s better the check out the pinout of alternatives before applying them to your electrical project as the pinout of the alternatives might differ from the pinout of MJE13005.

MJE13005 Power Ratings

The following table shows the absolute maximum ratings of MJE13005.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of MJE13005
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Collector-emitter voltage 400V
2 Collector-base voltage 700V
3 Base-emitter voltage 9V
4 Collector current 4A
5 Power dissipation 70W
6 Base current 2A
7 Operating and storage junction temperature range -55 to 150C
The collector-emitter is 400V and the collector-base voltage is 700V. And total power dissipation is 70W which indicates the power released during the working of this device. The junction temperature and storage temperature ranges from -55 to 150C. Know that, don’t apply these ratings more than the required time, else they can affect device reliability. When you’re working with the component, make sure the ratings don’t increase from the absolute maximum ratings. Otherwise, they can badly damage the device, putting your entire project at risk.

MJE13005 Applications

MJE13005 is embedded in the following applications.
  • Used in voltage regulator circuits.
  • Used in H-bridge circuits.
  • Incorporated in modern electronic circuits.
  • Used in Bistable and Astable multivibrators circuit.
  • Employed to support loads under 4A.
  • Used for switching and amplification purpose.
  • Installed in the motor control circuit.
  • Employed in the switched-mode power supply.

MJE13005 Physical dimensions

The following figure represents the physical dimensions of the MJE13005 device. By checking out the physical dimensions of this component you can predict the space required for your circuit and install the device accordingly. That was all about the Introduction to MJE13005. If you have any questions, you can pop your comments in the section below, I’m ready and happy to assist you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable suggestions and feedback around the content we share so we keep generating quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the post.

IRF2807 MOSFET Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hello Folks! Hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to IRF2807. The IRF2807 is an N-channel MOSFET made up using advanced process technology to obtain extremely low on-resistance. This device is fully avalanche and is mainly used in fast switching applications. It comes in TO-package which is universally accepted for commercial-industrial applications. I suggest you buckle up as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to IRF2807 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s dive in.

Introduction to IRF2807

  • The IRF2807 is an N-channel MOSFET that comes with a power dissipation of around 200W.
  • This device is mainly used for fast switching applications and low thermal resistance and low package cost makes this advice an ideal pick for a range of industrial applications.
  • The IRF2807 contains three terminals called the gate, drain, and source. At times, this is considered as a four-terminal device when the body is taken as the fourth terminal of the device.

  • The electrons enter the channel through the source terminal while they leave the channel through the drain terminal. The gate terminal plays an important role in the biasing of the device and it stands between the source and drain terminals. The voltage on the gate terminal controls the channel width.
  • This IRF3710 MOSFET comes with extremely low ON resistance, making this device preferable for low drop switching applications. The low drop is responsible for low power loss, thus guarantees greater efficiency.
  • The MOSFETs are termed the voltage-controlled device in opposed to bipolar junction transistors that are current-controlled devices and contain terminals emitter, base, and collector.
  • The MOSFET works in two modes i.e. depletion mode and enhancement mode.
  • And the behavior of electrons is different in both these modes. During the enhancement when there is no voltage across the gate terminal, there will be no current across the channel. While when voltage is applied across the gate terminal, the conductance of the device will increase.
  • During depletion mode, however, when no voltage is applied across the gate terminal, there is conductance across the channel. While, when the voltage is applied, the channel conductivity will decrease.
  • The MOSFETs are mainly divided into two main types i.e. P-channel MOSFET and N-channel MOSFET. The IRF2807 belongs to the N-channel MOSFET where conductance is carried out by the movement of electrons.
  • In P-channel MOSFETs conductance is carried out by the movement of holes. The movement of electrons is better than the movement of holes, making N-channel MOSFET better than P-channel MOSFETs for a range of applications.

IRF2807 Datasheet

Before you embed this device into your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the component that features the main characteristics of the device. You can download the datasheet of IRF2807 by clicking the link below.

IRF2807 Pinout

The following figure represents the pinout diagram of IRF2807. The IRF2807 comes with three terminals named gate, drain, and source.

Pin Description of IRF2807
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Used for biasing the device Gate
2 Electrons leave the channel through this terminal Drain
3 Electrons enter the channel through this terminal Source

IRF2807 Features

The following are the main features of IRF2807.
  • Type = N-Channel MOSFET
  • Department = Transistors
  • Category = IRF series
  • Power Dissipation (Ptot) = 200W
  • Fully avalanche rated
  • Drain-Source Volt (Vds) = 100V
  • Advanced process technology
  • Gate-Source Volt (Vgs) = 20V
  • Ultra-low on-resistance
  • Dynamic dv/dt rating
  • Drain Current (Id): 58A
  • Package = TO-220

IRF2807 Applications

The IRF2807 is used in the following applications.
  • Used in USP
  • Employed in instrumentation projects
  • Used in embedded projects
  • Employed in Inverters
  • Incorporated in switching applications
That’s all for today. Hope you’ve got a brief insight into the Introduction to IRF2807. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below. I’m ready and happy to assist you in the best way I can. Feel free to share your feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep coming back with quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

IRF740 MOSFET Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hi Friends! I welcome you on board. Thank you for clicking this read. In this post today, I’ll detail the Introduction to IRF740.

The IRF740 is an N-channel power MOSFET used for extremely fast switching applications. It comes with a power dissipation of around 125W and can support loads up to 400V. The maximum drain current of this device is 10A and the drain-source capacitance is 1450pF.

I suggest you read this post till the end as I’ll describe the complete Introduction to IRF740 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications.

Introduction to IRF740

  • The IRF740 is an N-channel MOSFET that comes with 125W power dissipation. This is the power device that dissipates during the working of this component.
  • This device is mainly used for fast switching applications and comes with ultra-low on-resistance of 0.55 Ohms which is the resistance between drain and source terminals.
  • The IRF740 contains three terminals named source, drain, and gate. Sometimes it is termed as a four-pin device when the body is also considered as its terminal.

  • The gate terminal is located between the source and drain terminals and is the area used for biasing of the device. While the drain terminal is the location from where electrons leave the channel and the source terminal is the location from where electrons enter the channel.
  • The MOSFETs are mainly categorized into two main types named N-channel MOSFET and P-channel MOSFET. This device IRF740 belongs to the N-channel MOSFET where electrons are responsible for the current flow inside the device as opposed to P-channel MOSFETs where holes are the charge carriers responsible for conductance inside the device.
  • It is important to note that the movement of the electrons is better than the movement of holes inside the MOSFET. The reason N-channel MOSFETs are preferred over P-channel MOSFETs in a range of applications.
  • The MOSFET operates in two modes i.e. depletion mode and enhancement mode.
  • The nature of electrons is opposite in both these modes in N-channel MOSFETs. During the enhancement mode when there is no voltage, there will be no current across the channel. However, when voltage is applied across the gate terminal, it increases the movement of electrons and thus increases the conductance.
  • On the other hand, during depletion mode, when there is no voltage applied across the gate terminal, there is current across the channel. However, when the voltage is applied across the gate terminal, it will decrease the movement of electrons and hence decrease the channel conductivity.

IRF740 Datasheet

Before you apply this device to your electrical project, it’s wise to go through the datasheet of the device that features the main characteristics of the component, helping you better understand the absolute maximum ratings of this device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of IRF740.

IRF740 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of IRF740.  The IRF740 comes with three terminals i.e. gate, drain, and source.
Pin Description of IRF740
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Used for biasing the device Gate
2 Electrons leave the channel through this terminal Drain
3 Electrons enter the channel through this terminal Source

IRF740 Features

The following are the main features of IRF740.
  • Type = N-Channel Power MOSFET
  • Category = IRF series
  • Capable of fast switching
  • Power Dissipation = 125W
  • Continuous Drain Current (ID) = 10A
  • Gate threshold voltage (VGS-th) = 10V (limit = ±20V)
  • Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage = 400V
  • Drain Source Resistance (RDS) = 0.55 Ohms
  • Rise time is 27ns and fall time is 24nS
  • Junction temperature = 150C
  • Maximum Drain current = 10A
  • Drain-source capacitance = 1450pF
  • Available package = TO-220

IRF740 Applications

The IRF740 is employed in the following applications.
  • Used in USP
  • Employed in instrumentation projects
  • Used in switching applications
  • Used in embedded projects
  • Employed in Inverters

That’s all for today. Hope you’ve got a clear idea about this device IRF740. If you have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below. I’m ready and happy to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep sharing quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

2SC1061 NPN Transistor Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hello Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the Introduction to 2SC1061.

2sc1601 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor used for switching and amplification purposes. During the amplification process, the small input current across one pair of terminals is used to generate a large output current across other pairs of terminals.

2sc1601 is known as a semiconductor device made of silicon material. This is a bipolar junction transistor where two charge carriers (electrons and holes) play an important role in the conductivity inside the transistor. As this is an NPN transistor so here major charge carriers are electrons while holes are the minority carriers.

I suggest you buckle up as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to 2SC1061 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s dive in.

Introduction to 2SC1061

  • 2sc1601 is a power transistor used for amplification and switching purposes. It comes with two junctions i.e. base-collector junction that is reverse biased and base-emitter junction that is forward biased.
  • This bipolar junction transistor belongs to the NPN transistor family where electrons are the major charge carriers.

  • This chip is made of three layers where one p-doped layer stands between the two n-doped layers.
  • 2sc1601 contains three terminals named emitter, base, and collector. These terminals are used for the external connection with the electrical circuit.
  • Both collector-emitter and collector-base voltages are 50V while the emitter-base voltage is 4V which is the amount of voltage needed to bias the transistor and initiate the transistor action.
  • The DC current gain ranges from 35 to 320 which is the value of current this transistor can amplify. This current gain is based on the current and voltage characteristics of the transistors.

2SC1061 Datasheet

It is wise to go through the datasheet before you incorporate this device into your project. The datasheet comes with the main characteristics of the device, helping you better understand the absolute maximum ratings of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of 2sc1601.

2SC1061 Pinout

The 2sc1061 contains three pins named: 1: Base 2: Collector 3: Emitter The following figure shows the pinout diagram of transistor 2sc1061.
  • All these terminals contain different doping concentrations. The collector pin is lightly doped while the emitter terminal is highly doped compared to other terminals.
  • The collector pin is 10-times less doped compared to the base pin. Moreover, the emitter side carries the entire current of the device. Because current on the emitter side is the combination of both collector current and base current.
  • Plus, NPN transistors are preferred over PNP transistors for a range of applications because the mobility of electrons is far better and quicker than the movement of holes.

2SC1061 Working Principle

  • The working of this transistor is simple and straight forward. When a positive voltage is applied at the base terminal, it gets biased and the current starts flowing from the collector to the emitter pin.
  • Both electrons and holes play a vital role in the conductivity process inside the transistor but electrons are majority carriers and holes are minority carriers.
  • It is important to note that bipolar junction transistors are not symmetrical components. Which projects that exchanging the collector and emitter terminals will keep the transistor from working in forward active mode and as a result, both terminals will start working in the reverse active mode. This can influence the values of common-emitter current gain and common-base current gain.
  • Different doping concentrations of both emitter and collector terminals are responsible for the lack of symmetry inside the transistor.
  • The Common-emitter current gain of this device is 35-320 in this transistor, which is denoted by beta and the common-base current gain is always less than one which is denoted by alpha.

2SC1061 Alternatives

The complementary PNP transistor to this NPN transistor is 2SA671. And the equivalent to 2SC1061 is MJC32C. Double-check the pinout of the alternative before incorporating it into your project as the pinout of alternative might differ from the pinout of 2SC1061.

2SC1061 Power Ratings

The following table shows the absolute maximum ratings of 2sc1601.
Absolute Maximum Ratings of 2SC1061
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 Collector-emitter voltage 50V
2 Collector-base voltage 50V
3 Base-emitter voltage 4V
4 Collector current 3A
5 Power dissipation 25W
6 Base current 0.5A
7 Operating and storage junction temperature range -55 to 150C
  • The collector-emitter and collector-base voltages are 50V. And total power dissipation is 25W which shows the amount of power released during the functioning of this device. The junction temperature and storage temperature ranges from -55 to 150C.
  • When you’re working with the component, make sure the ratings don’t exceed the absolute maximum ratings. Otherwise, they can badly damage the device, thus the entire project.
  • Moreover, don’t apply these ratings more than the required time, else they can affect device reliability.

2SC1061 Applications

2sc1061 is employed in the following applications.
  • Employed to support loads under 3A.
  • Incorporated in modern electronic circuits.
  • Used in Bistable and Astable multivibrators circuit.
  • Used in voltage regulator circuits.
  • Used for switching and amplification purpose.
  • Employed in the switched-mode power supply.
  • Installed in the motor control circuit.
  • Used in H-bridge circuits.

2SC1061 Physical dimensions

The following figure represents the physical dimensions of the 2sc1061 device.

By checking the physical dimensions of this component you can evaluate the space required for your circuit and install the device accordingly.

That’s all for today. Hope you find this article helpful. If you are unsure or have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below, I’m ready and happy to assist you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable suggestions and feedback around the content we share so we keep coming back with quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

IRF3710 MOSFET Datasheet, Pinout, Features & Applications

Hello Guys! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today I’ll describe the Introduction to IRF3710.

The IRF3710 is an N-channel MOSFET made up using advanced process technology. It is mainly used for fast switching purposes and comes with extremely low on-resistance. It is a fully avalanche-rated device with a gate-source voltage of around 20V.

I suggest you read this entire post till the end as I’ll detail the complete Introduction to IRF3710 covering datasheet, pinout, features, and applications. Let’s jump right in.

Introduction to IRF3710

  • The IRF3710 is an N-channel MOSFET mainly employed for fast-switching purposes.
  • It is manufactured using advanced process technology and comes with very low on-resistance.
  • This device is composed of three terminals a drain, gate, and source. Sometimes it is also called a four-terminal device where the body is also considered as the terminal of the device.
  • The electrons enter the channel through the source terminal and they exit the channel through the drain terminal. While the gate terminal is used for biasing the device.

  • The gate pin is located between the source and drain pin. The voltage on the gate pin is used to control the channel width.
  • This IRF3710 MOSFET carries low ON resistance, making it a suitable pick for low drop switching applications. The low drop leads to low power loss, hence ensures greater efficiency.
  • The MOSFETs are considered the voltage-controlled device in contrast to bipolar junction transistors that are current-controlled devices and comes with terminals base, emitter, and collector.
  • The MOSFETs are mainly divided into two types i.e. N-channel MOSFET and P-channel MOSFET.
  • This chip IRF3710 falls under the category of N-channel MOSFET where current is carried out by the movements of electrons as opposed to P-channel MOSFET where holes are the major charge carriers. The movement of holes is slow compared to the movement of electrons, making N-channel MOSFETs better than P-channel MOSFET for any electrical project.
  • The MOSFET works in depletion mode and enhancement mode.
  • During the enhancement when there is no voltage, there will be no current across the channel. While when voltage is applied across the gate terminal, it increases the conductance.
  • During depletion mode, on the other hand, when no voltage is applied across the gate terminal, there is current across the channel. However, when the voltage is applied across the gate terminal, it will decrease the channel conductivity.

IRF3710 Datasheet

Better read the datasheet of the component before incorporating it into your electrical project. The datasheet covers the main characteristics of the device. Click the link below to download the datasheet of IRF3710.

IRF3710 Pinout

The following figure shows the pinout diagram of IRF3710. IRF3710 contains three terminals… named gate, drain, and source.
Pin Description of IRF3710
Pin No. Pin Description Pin Name
1 This terminal used for biasing the device Gate
2 Electrons leave the channel through this terminal Drain
3 Electrons enter the channel through this terminal Source

IRF3710 Features

The following are the main features of IRF3710 MOSFET.
  • Type = N-Channel
  • Category = IRF series
  • Department = Transistors
  • Drain-Source Volt (Vds) = 100V
  • Advanced process technology
  • Gate-Source Volt (Vgs) = 20V
  • Ultra-low on-resistance
  • Drain Current (Id): 57A
  • Fast switching
  • Power Dissipation (Ptot) = 200W
  • Fully avalanche rated
  • Dynamic dv/dt rating

IRF3710 Applications

The IRF3710 is used in the following applications.
  • Used in switching applications
  • Used in USP
  • Employed in Inverters
  • Used in embedded projects
  • Employed in instrumentation projects

That’s all for today. Hope you find this article helpful. If you have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. You’re most welcome to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share. They help us create quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir