Introduction to UA741

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give you an elaboration on Introduction to UA741. UA 741 is basically a general purpose operational amplifier. This amplifier is considered to be ideal for the voltage follower applications because latch-up operations are no there in its case and it moreover it has High Common Mode Input Voltage Range (HCMIVR). UA-741 is a high performance operational amplifier made up of single silicon chip. UA 741 is stable without using external components, due to the internal frequency compensation and this device is safe from the short  circuiting. In order to cancel the effect of offset voltages we can use a small valued potentiometer/resistor. UA-741 can operate in a temperature ranging from 0 degrees celsius to 70 degrees celsius. This device has several different features including latch-up free operation, large common mode input voltage ranges, short circuit protection, large differential voltage ranges, capability of nulling offset voltages. UA 741 has a lot applications e.g. Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) recorders, audio mixers, DVD players etc.

Introduction to UA741

UA741 is a general purpose amplifier. It is known as an ideal amplifier for voltage follower applications. UA 741 has good stability without even using the external components. This stability is due to the latch-up free operations and high common mode input voltage ranges. It has amazing features like short circuit protection, latch up free operation, no frequency compensation, offset voltage nulling capability, large common mode voltages etc. Its real life applications include audio mixers, DVD recorders, DVD players etc. UA-741 is shown in the figure below.
1. UA741 Pins
  • UA741 has eight (8) pins in total each having different functionality.
  • All of the eight pins along with their names are shown in the table given below.
2. UA741 Pins Description
  • Each of the 8 pins has its own individual feature.
  • The function associated with each pin is given in the table show below.
3. UA741 Pinout
  • Labeled pinout diagram of any equipment provides help in better understanding of the user.
  • A completely labeled diagram of UA 741 along with its animation and schematic is given below.
  • The complete pin diagram along with animation, symbolic representation and the real image of UA-741 is shown in the figure below.
4. UA741 Packages
  • UA 741 has 3 type of packages PDIP (8), SO (8), and SOIC (8).
  • The all packages are provided in the table given below below.
5. UA741 Packages Dimensions
  • Each of the three packages has different dimensions.
  • All of the three packages are shown in the table given below.
6. UA741 Ratings
  • The ratings of any equipment like voltage rating, current rating and power rating show the power requirement of that device e.g. how much power, voltage and current is required for its operation.
  • UA 741's current, voltage, power ratings are given in the table shown below.
7. UA741 Schematic
  • Schematic representation of an equipment presents the internal functionality of that equipment.
  • A labeled schematic diagram of UA-741 is given in the figure shown below.
8. UA741 Features
UA741 has several different features as given below.
  • Latch-up free operations.
  • High gain.
  • No frequency compensation required.
  • Large input voltage range.
  • Short circuit protection.
  • Capability of nulling offset voltage.
  • Large differential voltage ranges.
9. UA741 Applications
UA 741 has a lot of real life applications, few of those applications are given below.
  • Functions generator.
  • Integrators.
  • DVD recorders.
  • Summing amplifiers.
  • DVD players.
  • Active filters.
  • Audio mixers.
  • Voltage followers.
This is the detailed discussion about Introduction to UA741. I hope you have enjoyed this exciting tutorial. If you have any of problem, you can ask me in comments any time you want, without feeling any hesitation. I will try my best to solve your issues in some better way, if possible. Our team is also here to help you. I will explore further IC's in my later tutorial and will surely share all of them with you as well. Till then, Take Care :)

Introduction to NE555

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about Introduction to NE555. NE 555 is a precise timing circuit device. It can produce the precise time delays and oscillations. The time interval can be controlled by external resistor and capacitor when NE-555 operates in mono stable mode.Whereas in adjustable mode two external resistors and one capacitor controls the duty cycle and frequency. NE555 is an Integrated Circuit (IC/Chip) which can be used in different types of timers.  The output circuit is capable of bearing current up to 200mA. NE-555 timer works on voltage ranging from 5V to 15V. The output level have compatibility at 5V supply. NE 555 timer can be used in oscillator applications and pulse generation as well. Further detail about NE-555 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to NE555

NE555 is a timing circuit Integrated Circuit (IC). It produces the accurate oscillations and time delays. It has two modes of operations i.e. mono stable mode and adjustable mode. In mono stable mode time interval is controlled by external resistor and capacitor. Whereas adjustable mode includes the control of duty cycle with two external resistors and a single capacitor. NE 555 timer has several different applications including finger print biometric, RFID reader, Iris biometrics etc. NE 555 timer is shown in the figure below.
1. NE555 Pins
  • NE555 timer has eight (8) pins in total four (4) on the left side of the IC and the remaining four (4) on the right side of the IC.
  • All of the pins are shown in chronological order in the table shown below.
2. NE555 Pinout
  • A properly labeled pin diagram of the device helps user in their better understanding.
  • I have provided a properly labeled diagram of NE 555 along with its animation and schematic.
  • A proper pin diagram along with animation, symbolic representation and the real image of NE-555 is shown in the figure below.
3. NE555 Packages
  • NE 555 has four (4) different types of packages TSSOP, SOIC (16), PDIP (16) and SOP (16).
  • All of the four packages are given in the table shown below.
4. NE555 Package Dimensions
  • Each of the package has different individual dimensions.
  • The dimensions of all of the MAX 232 packages are shown in the table given below.
5. NE555 Functional Diagram
  • The functional diagram of any device presents the complete working of that device.
  • Functional diagram of NE 555 is shown in the figure below.
6. NE555 Features
The features associated with NE 555 timer are given below.
  • Timing from micro seconds to hours.
  • Adjustable or mono stable operation.
  • Adjustable duty cycle.
  • TTL compatible output up to 200mA.
  • Lead (Pb) free/
  • RoHS compliant.
  • Green molding compund.
7. NE555 Ratings
  • Current, power and voltage ratings of a device presents the power requirement of that device i.e. how much voltage, power and current is necessary for its operation.
  • I have provided NE555 current, voltage, power ratings in the table shown below.
8. NE555 Applications
NE 555 timer has several different real life applications, some of them are given below.
  • RFID reader.
  • Finger print biometrics.
  • Iris biometrics.
So, that was all the necessary detail about Introduction to NE555. I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. If you have any sort of problems, you can ask me in comments, any time you want so, without even feeling any type of hesitation. I will try my best to sort out your issues in a better way, if possible. Our team is also available to entertain you. I will explore further IC's in my upcoming tutorials and will share all of them with you as well. So, till then, Take Care :)

Introduction to TL072

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to share my knowledge about Introduction to TL072. TL 072 is basically a high speed Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET). It is also known as the dual operational amplifier. It has a bipolar transistor and high voltage JFET in its case. TL-072's important features include low offset current, high slew rates, low input voltage, low offset temperature coefficient etc.

Some of the major features may include low power consumption, low noise, common mode input voltage range includes Vcc, latch-up free operation etc. TL 072 has a very wide range of applications including oscilloscope, solar inverters, AC inverters and VF drives, audio mixers, Un-interruptable Power Supply (UPS) etc. Further detail about TL-072 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to TL072

TL072 is a Junction Field Effect Transistor abbreviated as JFET. Sometimes it is also known as a dual operational amplifier. It has several different amazing features including low noise, low power consumption, high slew rates, latch-up free operation, low temperature coefficient. It can be used in UPS, audio mixers, solar inverters, oscilloscope, AC inverters etc. TL-072 is shown in the figure below.

TL072 Pinout

  • TL 072 has eight (8) pins total, each of the pins has a different individual function.
  • All of the eight pins are given in the table shown below:
TL072 Pinout
No. Parameter Name Parameter Value
1 Pin # 1 Output A
2 Pin # 2 Inverting Input A
3 Pin # 3 Non-Inverting Input A
4 Pin # 4 Ground(GND)
5 Pin # 5 Non-Inverting Input B
6 Pin # 6 Inverting Input B
7 Pin # 7 Output B
8 Pin # 8 Vcc
  • The properly labeled TL072 pinout diagram including its animation, real image and symbolic representation, is shown in the figure below:

TL072 Internal Amplifier

  • The internally used amplifier in TL 072 is shown in the figure below.
  • TL-072 uses two internal amplifier as shown in the section below.

TL072 Symbolic Representation

  • The symbolic representation of any device shows the internal structure of that device.
  • The symbolic diagram for TL-072 is shown in the figure below.
  • You can see in the above figure there are two amplifiers in the internal structure of TL 072.
  • The inputs of 1st amplifier are attached to pin 1 and and its output is attached to pin 1.
  • The inputs of 2nd amplifier are attached to pin 5 and and its output is attached to pin 7.

TL072 Schematic Diagram

  • The schematic diagram of a device shows its internal operations.
  • A completely labeled schematic diagram of TL-072 helps a lot in better understanding of the new user.
  • Properly labeled schematic diagram of TL 072 is shown in the figure below.

TL072 Package and Order Codes

  • While ordering and device or while purchasing that device we must its order code.
  • Some of the major order codes of TL-072 are given in the table shown below.

TL072 Ratings

  • The current, power and voltage ratings must be known to a user before using the particular device.
  • They show how much power is consumed by the particular device.
  • The current, power and voltage ratings along with their typical values and SI units, are shown in the figure below.

TL072 Features

TL 072 has different amazing features, a few of the major features associated with TL 072 are given below.
  • Wide common mode voltage.
  • Low bias voltage.
  • Low input offset current.
  • Low noise.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Internal frequency compensation.
  • High slew rates.
  • Latch-up free operation.
  • Output short circuit protection.

TL072 Applications

TL 072 has a lot of different applications, some are given below:
  • Audio mixers.
  • AC inverters.
  • VF drives.
  • Oscilloscopes.
  • Systems with DLP front projection.
  • Solar inverters.
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
  • A quadruple oscillator, a complete circuit design is shown in the figure below.
This tutorial has elaborated the detailed discussion about Introduction to TL072. I tried my level best to cover almost all of the important things related to TL 072. Let me know if I have missed something. If you feel any kind of problem you can ask me in the comments anytime. I and my entire team are always here to help you out. Further IC's will be explained in the later tutorials. Till then, Bye :)

Introduction to LM117

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely and having fun. Today, I am going to give a detailed discussion on Introduction to LM117. Lm 117 is basically a voltage regulator. It is most commonly known as positive (+ve) voltage regulator used to regulate the voltage up to the desired positive level. Lm-117 can regulate the voltage ranging from 12.5V to 37V and provides the current around 1.5A. LM 117 has three (3) pins and is quite easy to use. To obtain the desired output voltage we need to connect the two external resistors. There are three types of regulations in LM-117 i.e. line regulation, fixed regulation and load regulation. The line regulation & load regulation both are far better than fixed regulation. LM 117 provides overload protection e.g. over current protection, thermal load protection etc. When Adjust terminal is not enable even then LM 117 provides all of these protections. We can improve its transient response by adding an external capacitor at output terminal. High ripples can be rejected through bypassing the adjustment terminal. LM-117 can also be used as a precise current regulator, if we add an external constant resistor between its output terminal and the adjustment terminal. LM 117 has a lot of features including short circuit protection, wide temperature range, ripplerejection up to 80dB. Its real lide applications are battery chargers, constant current regulators, automatic LED lightning etc. The further detail about LM 1117 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to LM117

LM117 is a voltage regulator. It is able to regulate the voltages at the output ranging between 12.5 to 37V and provides the 1.5A ofoutput current. By connecting the two external resistors, it provides the desired output, so it is very easy to use it. LM 117 provides different types of itself security e.g. short circuit protection, thermal load protection. It can be used in battery chargers, LED lightning, current regulators etc. LM-1117 is shown in the figure given below.
1. LM117 Pins
  • LM 117 has three (3) different pins, vout, vin and adjust.
  • These three pins are given in the table shown below.
2. LM117 Pins Description
  • Each pins has its own separate function or importance.
  • So the functions of each of three (3) pins are given in the table shown below.
3. LM117 Pinout
  • In order to understand the pin configuration of any device we must see its pinout diagram.
  • LM 117 pinout diagram is shown in the figure below.
4. LM117 Packages
  • LM 117 has two different packages i.e. TO (3) and TO-3 (2).
  • Both of these packages are given in the table shown below.
5. LM117 Packages Dimensions
  • Each package is available in different size in order to identify the newer one.
  • The dimensions of Lm-117 packages are shown in the table given below.
6. LM117 Features
  • Any Integrated Circuit (IC) or a device can be recognized from its features for a particular purpose.
  • LM-117 major and normal features are given in the table shown below.
7. LM117 Ratings
  • Ratings of a device presents the amount of voltage, current and power for its operation under normal circumstances.
  • LM-117 rating are given in the table shown below.
8. LM117 Applications
  • Applications and features are such characteristics of any device which make a particular device different from all other devices.
  • LM-117 has a lot real life applications, a few of them are give below.
  • The circuit design for LM-117's typical application is shown in the figure given below.
Here is the detailed discussion about Introduction to LM117. Almost everything about LM 117 has been covered in this article. Let our team know, if there is something missing. If you have any problem, you can ask us in comments anytime. Our team is always here to help you. I will explain information further about different IC's in my upcoming tutorials. So, till then take cae :)

Introduction to LM318

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give a detailed discussion on Introduction to LM318. LM 318 is basically a high speed Operational Amplifier (Op-amp). It provides higher slew rates and wide range of bandwidth. LM-318 has processing speed 10 times higher than the common operational amplifier. It has unity gain frequency compensation. External components are not required for its operation. Feed forward compensation increases the slew rate up to 150 V/us for inverting applications. It also doubles the bandwidth as compared to the earlier. In LM 318, in order obtain the high stability level we overcompensation can be used with amplifier. LM 318 setting time can be reduced by adding an external capacitor. LM-318 is very useful in analog to digital converters and oscillators because of its fast setting time and high processing speed. It performs its normal operations in the temperature ranging from 0 degree Celsius to 70 degree Celsius. LM-318 has different amazing features including input/output overload protection, internal frequency compensation, pin compatibility with general purpose Operational Amplifiers (Op-amp). LM-318 can be used in digital to analog converter amplifiers, wide band amplifier, high frequency absolute valued circuits, fast integrators etc. The further detail about LM-318 will be given later in this tutorial. [otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-7]

Introduction to LM318

LM318 is basically an Operational Amplifier (Op-amp). It has high processing speed. Its processing speed is almost ten (10) times higher than the processing speed of general normally available operational amplifier. LM 318 provides higher slew rates. In inverting applications it is able to double the frequency and increase the slew rates too up to a certain level. LM 318 can be used in fast integrator, wide band amplifiers and digital to analog converter. LM-318 is shown in the figure given below.
1. LM318 Pins
  • LM 318 has eight (8) pins in total, each having different functions.
  • All of the 8 pins are listed in the table shown below.
2. LM318 Pinout
  • To understand the pin configurations of any device we must need take help from its pinout diagram.
  • LM-318 pinout diagram is shown in the figure below.
3. LM318 Symbol Representation
  • Symbolic representation presents the internal structure of any equipment.
  • LM 318 symbolic representation is shown in the figure below.
4. LM318 Voltage Follower
  • Voltage follower can be designed using LM 318 and some of the resistors.
  • The designed circuit for voltage follower is shown in the figure given below.
5. LM318 Ratings
  • The power requirement of any device can be estimated from its ratings.
  • All the three power, current and voltage ratings of LM 318 are given in the table shown below.
6. LM318 Electrical Characteristics
  • Mostly, electrical characteristics consist of input resistance, input offset current and voltage.
  • Some of the major electrical characteristics of LM-318 are listed in the table shown below.
7. LM318 Features
LM-318 has several different features, some of them are given below.
  • Inout/output overload protection.
  • Pins compatibility with general purpose Op-amp.
  • Internal frequency compensation.
  • Input voltage range of 5 to 20V either with positive (+ve) polarity or negative (-) polarity.
8. LM318 Applications
So, that's all from the tutorial Introduction to LM318. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and will appreciate my effort. You can ask as any type of question regarding you issues or anything else. Our team is always here to help you and for satisfaction. I will share information about other IC's in my later tutorials. So, till then take care :)

Introduction to CD4051

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. I am going to give you a detailed Introduction to CD4051 today. CD 4051 is an analog multiplexer and demultiplexer. It has very low OFF leakage current and low ON impedance. Over full voltage ranges, very low power is dissipated by CD-4051. CD-4051 is an eight (8) channel multiplexer and has three control input named as A, B and C. These inputs connect only 1 out of 8 channels to the output in order to obtain the desired output. Channel I/O terminals became outputs and common O/I become input terminals when CD 4051 is used as a demultiplexer. CD-4051 has a lot of amazing features e.g. binary address decoding on chip, break before make switching eliminates channel overlapping, wide ranges of analog signals as well digital signal levels. CD-4051 can be used in signal gating, analog to digital converter, digital to analog converter, analog and digital multiplexing and demultilplexing. The further detail about CD-4051 will be provided later in this article.

Introduction to CD4051

  • CD4051 is an 8 channel analog multiplexer & demultiplexer, controlled by digital signal. So, they are commonly referred as Digitally-controlled Analog Switches.
  • It has low ON impedance and very low OFF leakage current. It dissipates a very low power over full VDD-VSS & VDD-VEE voltage ranges. eliminatiing channel overlapping and wide ranges of analog signals are its main feature.
  • It can be used for analog to digital (A / D) as well as digital to analog (D / A) conversions.
  • 16-Pin CD-4051 is shown in the figure given below.

CD4051 Datasheet

  • If you want to get indepth knowledge on any electronic component, then best thing is to read its datasheet.
  • You can download CD4051 datasheet by clicking below button:
Download CD4051 Datasheet

1. CD4051 Pinout

  • Pinout diagram helps us to understand the pins configuration of any electronic component.
  • CD 4051 pinout diagram with labels, is shown in the figure below:
  • As you can in above CD4051 pinout Diagram that it has:
    • 3 Input Pins.
    • 8 I/O Pins.
    • 3 Power Pins.
    • Pin # 6 is Inhibit.
    • Pin # 3 is O/I Pin.
  • These CD4051 Pins are explained in depth in below sections.

CD4051 Pins

  • CD 4051 has sixteen pins, some of them act as input and some as output.
  • All of the pins are listed in the table shown below.

CD4051 Pins Functions

  • Each pin has different individual function associated with it.
  • The functions followed by each of the pin are given in the table shown in the figure below.

2. CD4051 Packages

  • Packages just show the different models of the same device.
  • CD-4051 has 5 different packages, all are given in the table shown below.

CD4051 Packages Dimensions

  • Each package has its different individual dimensions.
  • All the 5 packages along with their dimensions are given in the table shown below.

3. CD4051 Features

  • On the basis of features we can identify the efficiency and popularity of the device.
  • Some of CD-4051 major features are listed in the table shown in the figure below.

4. CD4051 Ratings

  • Power requirement of a device can be estimated by the ratings of that particular device.
  • CD 4051 ratings are given in the table shown in the figure below.

5. CD4051 Applications

  • CD-4051 can be used in a lot applications.
  • Some of the major applications are listed in the table shown below.
The tutorial Introduction to CD4051 has explained almost each of the necessary information about the use of CD 4051 Integrated Circuit (IC). If you find something missing let us know about the particular point. We will update this article accordingly. You can ask about each kind of issues which you face. We will try our best to resolve your problems. Other information about different IC's will be share with you guys in upcoming tutorials. Till then take care :)

Introduction to TL081

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to elaborate you about Introduction to TL081. TL 081 is basically a high speed Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) input Operational Amplifier (Op-amp). This Integrated Circuit consists of a JFET with a high voltage and bipolar transistor. TL-081 provides low input voltage, high slew rates, low input offset current and low Offset Voltage Temperature Coefficient (OVTC). TL 081 has different features e.g. low power consumption, high input impedance, latch-up free operation, short circuit protection, wide common mode input voltage ranges, wide differential input voltage ranges etc. TL-081 can be used in white good, tablets, computers, personal electronics etc. The further detail about TL 081 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to TL081

TL081 is basically a high speed Junction Field Effect Transistor consisting of bipolar transistor and a high voltage JFET. It provides higher slew rates. TL-081 also provides low input offset current and offset voltage temperature coefficient. There are a lot of features associated with TL 081 including wide common mode input voltage ranges, low power consumption short circuit protection etc. TL-081 can be used in personal computers and personal electronics etc. TL 081 is shown in the figure given below.
1. TL081 Pins
  • TL-081 has eight (8) pins in total, each of them has different functions.
  • All the pins are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
2. TL081 Pins Description
  • Each pin has different purpose of operation e.g. offset null, inverting, non inverting tasks etc.
  • All the functions are separately given in the table show in the figure below.
3. TL081 Pinout
  • Pins configurations are more easy to understand with the help of pinout diagram of a device.
  • TL-081 pinout diagram is shown in the figure given below.
4. TL081 Packages
  • TL 081 has five different packages, they show its different model number.
  • All the five (5) packages are shown in the figure below.
5. TL081 Packages Dimensions
  • Each of the 5 packages has its own different dimension.
  • Every package with its dimension and SI units are given in the table shown below.
6. TL081 Symbolic Diagram
  • Schematic diagram presents the internal structure of any device.
  • The schematic diagram of TL-081 is shown in the figure below.
  • You can see that TL 081 consists of an amplifier.
  • Inverting terminal of the amplifier is connected to the pin number 2.
  • Its non inverting terminal is connected to pin number 3.
  • The output of this amplifier is connected to the pin number 6.
7. TL081 Shematic Diagram
  • The schematic diagram to TL-081 Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) is shown in the figure below.
8. TL081 Ratings
  • Ratings of an equipment helps us to know about the current, voltage and power requirements of that equipment.
  • TL-081 ratings are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
9. TL081 Features
  • Any of the devices specially the electron devices can be recognized on the basis of their amazing features.
  • TL 081 major features are listed in the figure shown below.
10. TL081 Applications
  • Applications of a device make it more effective and popular in the market.
  • Some the most common applications associated with TL-081 are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
  This is the entire detailed discussed tutorial on Introduction to TL081. It was tried to cover all the necessary info about the use of Integrated Circuit (IC) TL-081 which is a JFET. The entire discussion consist of IC's pins, pin description, pinout diagram, features, applications and a lot other things as well. If something is missing in this article, please let us know so that future inconvenience for the readers can be avoided. Other IC's will be discussed in detail in later tutorials. Till then take care :)

Introduction to LM2904

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to give you detailed discussion on Introduction to LM2904. LM 2904 consists of two builtin amplifiers. These amplifiers have high gain and they are internally frequency compensated. These amplifiers are designed for the operation from a single power supply for a large range of voltages. We can also operate them from multiply power supplies as well. LM-2904 operates on 3.3V power supply, it is the most common power supply in digital systems. LM 2904 is also available in small sizes i.e. they are available in the latest technology DSBGA. LM-2904 has a lot unique features in comparison to the other standard amplifiers. These features include large DC voltage gain, wide bandwidth, common mode input voltages consists of ground, large output voltage swing, large power supply ranges etc. LM-2904 can be used in different places like DC gain blocks, active filters, transducer amplifiers, general signal conditioning, general signal amplification etc. The further detail about LM-2904 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to LM2904

LM2904 has two internal builtin amplifiers, which are designed specially to work with a single power supply. They can also be operated from splited power supplies. It usually operates on 3.3V power supply which is the most common supply for the digital systems. Lm 2904 has different features which make it more efficient and popular in the market. These features include large power supply ranges, wide bandwidth etc. We can use LM-2904 while designing active filters, transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks etc. LM-2904 is shown in teh figure below.
1. LM2904 Pins
  • LM 2904 has total eight (8) pins, each of them is designed for different purposes.
  • All these are listed in the table shown below, in chronological order.
2. LM2904 Pins Description
  • Each pin has different individual function associated with it.
  • The functions of each pin are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
3. LM2904 Pinout
  • Pin configuration of any electronic device can be easily understood with the help of its pinout diagram.
  • So, I have also provided LM-2904 pinout diagram shown in the figure below.
4. LM2904 Packages
  • The different models of the same device can be distinguished usually by its packages.
  • LM 2904 has three different packages which are shown in the table given below.
5. LM2904 Packages Dimensions
  • Each package has different dimension in order to distinguish them easily.
  • All the three packages are given along with the dimensions in the table shown below.
6. LM2904 Symbolic Representation
  • Symbolic representation shows the internal structure of any of the equipment.
  • LM-2904 symbolic representation is given in the figure shown below.
7. LM2904 Ratings
  • If we want to operate any device, we must know about its power requirements, they can be determined through its ratings.
  • LM-2904 ratings are listed chronologically in the table shown below.
8. LM2904 Features
  • A device can be considered efficient and effective on the basis of its unique features as compared to the other devices.
  • LM-2094 major features are given in the table shown below.
9. LM2904 Applications
  • Applications are considered to be the most of important part of the device.
  • Most of the time any device is recognized by its applications.
  • LM-2904 some of the famous applications are given in the table shown below.
The tutorial Introduction to LM2904 has explained all important points necessary to keep in mind before usig LM 2904. I hope this tutorial proved to be very informative for you and you will appreciate my effort as well. If you found something missing in this article, please let me know, I will update the document accordingly. I will be there again with a lot of other IC's information. So, till then take care :)

Introduction to LM833

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine ad having fun. Today, I am going to given an elaboration on Introduction to LM833. LM-833 is basically a dual general purpose amplifier. It is usually designed for audio systems. LM 833 is the most common Integrated Circuit (IC) available in the market now a days. This is due to its low cost and high performance activities. It uses bipolar technology. LM-833 has several different features which make it ideal for general purpose applications. These features include dual supply operation, large input voltage swing, higher gain bandwidth product, higher slew rates, small input offset voltage supply etc. LM- 833 has different real life applications. These application ranges include High Fidelity (HiFi) audio systems, microphone amplifier circuits, general purpose amplifiers, filtering, pre-amplification, set top box etc. The further detail about LM-833 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to LM833

LM833 is simply a dual general purpose amplifier. It is specially designed for audio systems. Due to its low cost and high performances it is the most common IC available in the market these days. It follows the bipolar technology. Dual supply operation, high gain bandwidth product, high slew rates, small input offset voltage are its amazing and most common features. Moreover, it can be used in pre-amplification, set top box, microphone amplifiers etc. LM-833 is shown in the figure below.
1. LM833 Pins
  • LM 833 has total 8 pins, four on the left side of the IC and the remaining four on the right side.
  • LM 833 all pins are given in the table shown below.
2. LM833 Pins Description
  • The function of each pin is different from the other.
  • All of the functions associated with each of the pi are given in the table shown below.
3. LM833 Pinout
  • Pinout diagram helps us to understand the pin configurations of an electronic device.
  • LM-833 pinout diagram is shown in the figure below.
4. LM833 Packages
  • Packages presents the different models of the same equipment.
  • LM 833 packages are shown in the table below.
5. LM833 Packages Dimensions
  • Each package has different dimensions, LM 833 has three different packages.
  • LM-833 package dimensions are given in the figure below.
6. LM833 Symbolic Representation
  • The symbolic representation of a device shows the internal structure of the device.
  • LM-833 symbolic representation is given in the figure below.
7. LM833 Ratings
  • Ratings show the power, current and voltage requirement of any device.
  • LM-833 ratings are given in the figure below.
8. LM833 Features
  • The device becomes popular due to the uniqueness of its features.
  • LM 833 features are given in the figure below.
9. LM833 Applications
  • The device is usually recognized in the market on the basis of its applications.
  • LM 833 applications are listed in the table shown in the figure below.
That is all from the tutorial Introduction to LM833. The whole discussion consists of pins, pin configurations, symbolic representation, feature, packages and applications of the IC LM-833. I hope this proved to be an informative article for you. I have tried to cover all the important points, let me know if I have missed something. I will update the article accordingly. In my upcoming tutorials I will share the detailed information about such different IC's. So, till then take care :)

Introduction to LM2902

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be absolutely fine and having fun. Today, I am going to tell you guys about Introduction to LM2902. LM2902 basically has four (4) internal builtin operational amplifiers. There builtin amplifiers are internally frequency compensated. The basic purpose behind designing this type of device is to support control systems in industries as well as automotive applications. LM-2902 is capable of operating for a wide range of voltages using a single power supply source. Moreover, we can also operate this device from a split power source. Low current drain supply and magnitude of the power supply source, both are totally independent to each other. LM-2902 has a lot of features which make it different from the standard general IC's. These features include wide gain bandwidth, high voltage gain, common mode input voltage includes ground, low input offset current, low input bias current, wide voltage supply ranges and many more. In real life LM 2575 can be used at several different places e.g. transducer amplifier, conventional operational amplifier circuits, DC gain blocks, weigh scales, LCD & digital TV's, DVD players, DVD recorders, multi-meters and a lot more. The further detail about LM-2902 will be given later in this tutorial.

Introduction to LM2902

LM2902 has four built-in operational amplifiers which are internally frequency compensated. The special purpose to design is to support the automotive industrial applications and control systems. Wide voltage supply ranges, low input offset current, low input bias current are some of the most common features associated with LM-2902. It can be used in multi-meters, oscilloscopes, LCD TV's, DC gain blocks etc. LM-2902 is shown in the figure given below.
1. LM2902 Pins
  • LM-2902 has fourteen pins, which have different tasks to perform.
  • LM-2902 all of the pins are given in the table shown in the figure below.
2. LM2902 Pins Description
  • Each pin has different individual task/operation to perform assigned to it.
  • LM-2902 pins functions are listed in the table given in the figure shown below.
3. LM2902 Pinout
  • If you want to know about the pins configurations of an electronic device, you must look at its pinout diagram.
  • LM-2902 pinout diagram is given in the figure shown below.
4. LM2902 Packages
  • To easily differentiate the different models of the same device, packages are introduced.
  • LM-2902 packages are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
5. LM2902 Packages Dimensions
  • Each package is assigned with the different dimensions.
  • LM-2902 packages along with their dimensions are given in the tale shown in the figure given below.
6. LM2902 Symbolic Form
  • Internal structure of any of the device can be understand through its symbolic representation.
  • LM-2902 symbolic representation is shown in the figure given below.
7. LM2902 Ratings
  • The amount of power required to operate any device can be estimated through its power ratings.
  • LM-2902 ratings are listed in the table shown in the figure given below.
8. LM2902 Features
  • A device can be popular or can be flopped on the basis of the nature of its features.
  • LM-2902 most common features are provided in the table shown in the figure given below.
9. LM2902 Applucations
  • Applications play a vital role in the importance of any device in real life.
  • LM-2902 real life applications are given in the table shown in the figure given below.
The tutorial Introduction to LM2902 has provided the entire necessary to understand the basics of and Integrated Circuit (IC) named as LM-2902. If you have any problem you can ask us in comments anytime you want to ask. I and my team will surely guide you in some better way, if possible. I will share different informative topics in my upcoming tutorials. So bye till then :)
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir