Hello! I hope you are doing great. Today, we will talk about another modern neural network named gated recurrent units. It is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture but is designed to deal with some limitations of the architecture so it is a better version of these. We know that modern neural networks are designed to deal with the current applications of real life; therefore, understanding these networks has a great scope. There is a relationship between gated recurrent units and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, which has also been discussed before in this series. Hence, I highly recommend you read these two articles so you may have a quick understanding of the concepts.
In this article, we will discuss the basic introduction of gated recurrent units. It is better to define it by making the relations between LSTM and RNN. After that, we will show you the sigmoid function and its example because it is used in the calculations of the architecture of the GRU. We will discuss the components of GRU and the working of these components. In the end, we will have a glance at the practical applications of GRU. Let’s move towards the first section.
The gated recurrent unit is also known as the GRU and these are the types of RNN that are designed for processes that involve sequential data. One example of such tasks is natural language processing (NLP). These are variations of long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, but they have an upgraded mechanism and are therefore designed to provide easy implementation and working features.
The GRU was introduced in 2014 by Kyunghyun Cho, Bart van Merriënboer, Dzmitry Bahdanau, and Yoshua Bengio. They have written the paper with the title "Learning Phrase Representations using Gated Recurrent Units." This paper gained fame because it was published at the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2014). This mechanism was successful because it was lightweight and easy to handle. Soon, it became the most popular neural network for complex tasks.
The sigmoid function in neural networks is the non-linear activation function that deals with values between 0 and 1 as input. It is commonly used in recurrent networks and in the case of GRU, it is used in both components. There are different sigmoid functions and among these, the most common is the sigmoid curve or logistic curve.
Mathematically, it is denoted as: f(x) = 1 / (1 + e^(-x))
f(x)= Output of the function
x = Input value
When the x increases from -∞ to +∞, the range increases from 0 to 1.
The basic mechanism for the GRU is simple and approaches the data in a better way. This gating mechanism selectively updates the hidden state of the network and this happens at every step. In this way, the information coming into the network and going out of it is easily controlled. There are two basic mechanisms of gating in the GRU:
The following is a detailed description of each of them:
The update gate controls the flow of the precious state. It shows how much information from the previous state has to be retained. Moreover, it also provides information about the update and the new information required for the best output. In this way, it has the details of the previous and current steps in the working of the GRU. It is denoted by the letter z and mathematically, the update gate is denoted as:
W(z) = weight matrix for the update gate
ℎ(t−1)= Previous hidden state
x(t)= Input at time step t
σ = Sigmoid activation function
The resent gate determines the part of the previous hidden state that must be reset or forgotten. Moreover, it also provides information about the part of the information that must be passed to the new candidate state. It is denoted by "r,” and mathematically,
r(t) = Reset gate at the time step
W(r) = Weight matrix for the reset gate
h(t−1) = Previous hidden state
x(t)= Input at time step
σ = Sigmoid activation function.
Once both of these are calculated, the GRU then apply the calculations for the candidate state h(t). The “h” in the symbol has a tilde at it. Mathematically, the candidate state is denoted as:
When these calculations are done, the results obtained are shown with the help of this equation:
These calculations are used in different ways to provide the required information to minimize the complexity of the gated recurrent unit.
The gated recurrent unit works by processing the sequential data, then capturing dependencies over time and in the end, making predictions. In some cases, it also generates the sequences. The basic purpose of this process is to address the vanishing gradient and, as a result, improve the overall modelling of long-range dependencies. The following is the basic introduction to each step performed through the gated recurrent unit functionalities:
In the first step, the hidden state h0 is initialized with a fixed value. Usually, this initial value is zero. This step does not involve any proper processing.
This is the main step and here, the calculations of the update gate and reset gate are carried out. This step requires a lot of time, and if everything goes well, the flow of information results in a better output than the previous one. The step-by-step calculations are important here and every output becomes the input of the next iteration. The reason behind the importance of some steps in processing is that they are used to minimize the problem of vanishing gradients. Therefore, GRU is considered better than traditional recurrent networks.
Once the processing is done, the initial results are updated based on the results of these processes. This step involves the combination of the previous hidden state and the processed output.
Since the beginning of this lecture, we have mentioned that GRU is better than LSTM. Recall that long short-term memory is a type of recurrent network that possesses a cell state to maintain information across time. This neural network is effective because it can handle long-term dependencies. Here are the key differences between LSTM and GRU:
The GRU has a relatively simpler architecture than the LSTM. The GRU has two gates and involves the candidate state. It is computationally less intensive than the LSTM.
On the other hand, the LSTM has three states named:
In addition to this, it has a cell state to complete the process of calculations. This requires a complex computational mechanism.
The gate structures of both of these are different. In GRU, the update gate is responsible for the information flow from the current candidate state to the previous hidden state. In this network, the reset gate specifies the data to be forgotten from the previous hidden state.
On the other hand, the LSTM requires the involvement of the forget gate to control the data to be retained in the cell state. The input gates are responsible for the flow of new information into the cell state. The hidden state also requires the help of an output gate to get information from the cell state.
The simple structure of GRU is responsible for the shorter training time of the data. It requires fewer parameters for working and processing as compared to LSTM. A high processing mechanism and more parameters are required for the LSTM to provide the expected results.
The performance of these neural networks depends on different parameters and the type of task required by the users. In some cases, the GRU performs better and sometimes the LSTM is more efficient. If we compare by keeping computation time and complexity in mind, GRU has a better output than LSTM.
The GRU does not have any separate cell state; therefore, it does not explicitly maintain the memory for long sequences. Therefore, it is a better choice for the short-term dependencies.
On the other hand, LSTM has a separate cell state and can maintain the long-term dependencies in a better way. This is the reason that LSTM is more suitable for such types of tasks. Hence, the memory management of these two networks is different and they are used in different types of processes for calculations.
The gated recurrent unit is a relatively newer neural network in modern networks. But, because of the easy working principle and better results, this is used extensively in different fields. Here are some simple and popular examples of the applications of GRU:
The basic and most important example of an application is NLP. It can be used to generate, understand, and create human-like language. Here are some examples to understand this:
The GRU can effectively capture and understand the meaning of words in a sentence and is a useful tool for machine translation that can work between different languages.
The GRU is used as a tool for text summarization. It understands the meaning of words in the text and can summarize large paragraphs and other pieces of text effectively.
The understanding of the text makes it suitable for the question-answering sessions. It can reply like a human and produce accurate replies to queries.
The GRU does not only understand the text but is also a useful tool for understanding and working on the patterns and words of the speech. They can handle the complexities of spoken languages and are used in different fields for real-time speech recognition. The GRU is the interface between humans and machines. These can convert the voice into text that a machine can understand and work according to the instructions.
With the advancement of technology, different types of fraud and crimes are becoming more common than at any other time. The GRU is a useful technique to deal with such issues. Some practical examples in this regard are given below:
Today, we have learned about gated recurrent units. These are modern neural networks that have a relatively simple structure and provide better performance. These are the types of recurrent neural networks that are considered a better version of long short-term neural networks. Therefore, we have discussed the structure and processing steps in detail and in the end, we compared the GRU with the LSTM to understand the purpose of using it and to get an idea about the advantages of these neural networks. In the end, we saw practical examples where the GRU is used for better performance. I hope you like the content and if you have any questions regarding the topic, you can ask them in the comment section.
Hey readers! Welcome to the next lecture on neural networks. We are learning about modern neural networks, and today we will see the details of residual networks. Deep learning has provided us with remarkable achievements in recent years, and residual learning is one such output. This neural network has revolutionized the design and training process of the deep neural network for image recognition. This is the reason why we will discuss the introduction and all the content regarding the changes these network has made in the field of computer vision.
In this article, we will discuss the basic introduction of residual networks. We will see the concept of residual function and understand the need for this network with the help of its background. After that, we will see the types of skip connection methods for the residual networks. Moreover, we will have a glance at the architecture of this network and in the end, we will see some points that will highlight the importance of ResNets in the field of image recognition. This is going to be a basic but important study about this network so let’s start with the first point.
Residual networks (ResNets) were introduced by Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun in 2015. They introduced the ResNets, for the first time, in the paper with the title “Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition”. The title was chosen because it was the IEEE Conference for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) and this was the best time to introduce this type of neural network.
These networks have made their name in the field of computer vision because of their remarkable performance. Since their introduction into the market, these networks have been extensively used for processes like image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, etc.
ResNets are a powerful tool that is extensively used to build high-performance deep learning models and is one of the best choices for fields related to images and graphs.
The residual functions are used in neural networks like ResNets to perform multiple functions, such as image classification and object detection. These are easier to learn than traditional neural networks because these functions don’t have to learn features from scratch all the time, but only the residual function. This is the main reason why residual features are smaller and simpler than the other networks.
Another advantage of using residual functions for learning is that the networks become more robust to overfitting and noise. This is because the network learns to cancel out these features by using the predicted residual functions.
These networks are popular because they are trained deeply without the vanishing gradient problem (you will learn it in just a bit). The residual networks allow smooth working because they have the ability to flow through the networks easily. Mathematically, the residual function is represented as:
Residual(x) = H(x) - x
The background of the residual neural networks will help to understand the need for this network, so let’s discuss it.
In 2012, the CNN-based architecture called AlexNet won the ImageNet competition, and this led to the interest of many researchers to work on the network with more layers in the deep learning neural network and reduce the error rate. Soon, the scientists find that this method is suitable for a particular number of layers, and after that limit, the gradient becomes 0 or too large. This problem is called the vanishing or exploding of the gradient. As a result of this process, the training and testing errors increase with the increased number of layers. This problem can be solved with residual networks; therefore, this network is extensively used in computer vision.
ResNets are popular because they use a specialized mechanism to deal with problems like vanishing/exploding. This is called the skip connection method (or shortcut connections), and it is defined as:
"The skip connection is the type of connection in a neural network in which the network skips one or more layers to learn residual functions, that is, the difference between the input and output of the block."
This has made ResNets popular for complex tasks with a large number of layers.
There are two types of skip connections listed below:
Both of these types are responsible for the accurate performance of the residual neural networks. Out of both of these, short skip connections are more common because they are easy to implement and provide better performance.
The architecture of these networks is inspired by the VGG-19 and then the shortcut connection is added to the architecture to get the 34-layer plain network. These short connections make the architecture a “residual network” and it results in a better output with a great processing speed.
There are some other uses of residual learning, but mostly these are used for image recognition and related tasks. In addition to the skip connection, there are multiple other ways in which this network provides the best functionality in image recognition. Here are these:
It is the fundamental building block of ResNets and plays a vital role in the functionality of a network. These blocks consist of two parts:
Here, the identity path does not involve any major processing, and it only passes the input data directly through the block. Whereas, the network learns to capture the difference between the input data and the desired output of the network.
The residual neural network learns by comparing the residuals. It compares the output of the residual with the desired output and focuses on the additional information required to get the final output. This is one of the best ways to learn because, with every iteration, the results become more likely to be the targeted output.
The ResNets are easy to train, and the users can have the desired output in less time. The skip connection feature allows it to go directly through the network. This is applicable even in deep architecture, and the gradient can flow easily through the network. This feature helps to solve the vanishing gradient problem and allows the network to train hundreds of layers efficiently. This feature of training the deep architecture makes it popular among complex tasks such as image recognition.
The residual network can adjust the parameters of the residual and identity paths. In this way, it learns to update the weights to minimize the difference between the output of the network and the desired outputs. The network is able to learn the residuals that must be added to the input to get the desired output.
In addition to all these, features like performance gain and best architecture depth allow the residual network to provide significantly better output, even for image recognition.
Hence, today we learned about a modern neural network named residual networks. We saw how these are important networks in deep learning. We saw the basic workings and terms used in the residual network and tried to understand how these provide accurate output for complex tasks such as image recognition.
The ResNets were introduced in 2015 at a conference of the IEE on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR), and they had great success and people started working on them because of the efficient results. It uses the feature of skip connections, which helps with the deep processing of every layer. Moreover, features like residual block, learning residuals, easy training methods, frequent updates of weights, and deep architecture of this network allow it to have significantly better results as compared to traditional neural networks. I hope you got the basic information about the topic. If you want to know more, you can ask in the comment section.
Deep learning is an important subfield of artificial intelligence and we have been working on the modern neural network in our previous tutorials. Today, we are learning the transformer architecture neural network in deep learning. These neural networks have been gaining popularity because they have been used in multiple fields of artificial intelligence and related applications.
In this article, we will discuss the basic introduction of TNNs and will learn about the encoder and decoders in the structure of TNNs. After that, we will see some important features and applications of this neural network. So let’s get started.
Transformer neural networks (TNNs) were first introduced in 2017. Vaswani et al. have presented this neural network in a paper titled “Attention Is All You Need”. This is one of the latest additions to the modern neural network but since its introduction, it has been one of the most trending topics in the field of neural networks. The basic introduction to this network:
"The Transformer neural networks (TNNs) are modern neural networks that solve the sequence-to-sequence task and can easily handle the long-range dependencies."
It is a state-of-the-art technique in natural language processing. These are based on self-attention mechanisms that deal with the long-range dependencies in sequence data.
As mentioned before, the RNNs are the sequence-to-sequence models. It means these are associated with two main components:
These components play a vital role in all the neural networks that deal with machine translation and natural language processing (NLP). Another example of a neural network that uses encoders and decoders for its workings is recurrent neural networks (RNNs).
The basic working of the encoder can be divided into three phases given next:
The encoder takes the input in the form of any sequence such as the words and then processes it to make it useable by the neural network. Thai sequence is then transformed into the data with a fixed length according to the requirement of the network. This step includes procedures such as positional encoding and other pre-processing procedures. Now the data is ready for representation learning.
This is the main task of an encoder. In this, the encoder captures the information and patterns from the data inserted into it. It takes the help of recurrent neural networks RNNs for this. The main purpose of this step is to understand dependencies and interconnected relationships among the information of the data.
In this step, the encoder creates context or hidden space to summarise the information of the sequence. This will help the decoder to produce the required results.
The decoder takes the results of the contextual information from the encoder. The data is in the hidden state and in machine translation, this step is important to get the source text.
The decoder uses the information given to it and generates the output sequence. In each step of this sequence, it has produced a token (word or subword) and combined the data with its own hidden state. This process is carried out for the whole sequence and as a result, the decoded output is obtained.
The transformer pays attention to only the relevant part of the sequence by using the attention mechanism in the decoders. As a result, these provide the most relevant and accurate information based on the input.
In short, the encoder takes the input data and processes it into a string of data with the same length. It is important because it adds contextual information to the data to make it safe. When this data is passed to decoders, the decider has information on the contextual data, and it can easily decode the information and pay attention to the relevant part only. This type of mechanism is important in neural networks such as RNNs and transformer neural networks; therefore, these are known as sequence-to-sequence networks.
The TNNs create the latest mechanism, and their work is a mixture of some important neural networks. Here are some basic features of the transformer neural network:
The TNNs use the self-attention mechanism, which means each element in the input sequence is important for all other elements of the sequence. This is true for all the elements; therefore, the neural network can learn long-range dependencies. This type of mechanism is important for tasks such as machine translation and text summarization. For instance, when a sentence of different words is added to the TNNs, it focuses more on the main word and applies the calculations to make sure the right output is performed. When the network has to translate the sentence “I am eating”, from English to Chinese, it focuses more on “eating” and then translates the whole sentence to provide the accurate result.
The transformer neural networks process the input sequence in a parallel manner. This makes them highly efficient for tasks such as capturing dependencies across distant elements. In this way, the TNNs takes less time even for the processing of large amount of data. The workload is divided into different core processors or cores. The advantage of multiple machines in this network makes them scalable.
The TNNs have a multi-head mechanism that allows them to work on the different sequences of the data simultaneously. These heads are responsible for collecting the data from the pattern in different ways and showing the relationship between these patterns. This helps to collect the data with great versatility and it makes the network more powerful. In the end, the results are compared and accurate output is provided.
The transformer neural networks are pre-trained on a large scale. After this process, these are fine-tuned for particular tasks such as machine translation and text summarization. This happens when the usage of labeled data is on a small scale in the transformer. These networks learn through this small database and get information about patterns and relationships among these datasets. These processes of pre-training and fine-tuning are extremely useful for the various tasks of natural language processing (NLP). Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is a prominent example of a transformer pre-trained model.
Transformers are used in multiple applications and some of these are briefly described here to explain the concept:
Hence, we have discussed the transformer neural network in detail. We started with the basic definition of the TNNs and then moved towards some basic working mechanisms of the transformer. After that, we saw the features of the transformer neural network in detail. In the end, we have seen some important applications that we use in real life and these use TNNs for their workings. I hope you have understood the basics of transfer neural networks, but still, if you have any questions, you can ask in the comment section.
Deep learning has applications in multiple industries, and this has made it an important and attractive topic for researchers. The interest of researchers has resulted in multiple types of neural networks we have been discussing in this series so far. Today, we are talking about generative advertising neural networks (GAN). This algorithm performs the unsupervised learning task and is used in different fields of life such as education, medicine, computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), etc.
In this article, we will discuss the basic introduction of GAN and will see the working mechanism of this neural network, After that, we will see some important applications of GANs and discuss some real-life examples to understand the concept. So let’s move towards the introduction of GANs.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were introduced by Ian J. Goodfellow and co-authors in 2014. This neural network gained fame instantly because it provided the best performance on its own without any external supervision. GAN is designed to take the data in the form of text, images, or other structured data and then create the new data by working more on it. It is a powerful tool to generate synthetic data, even in the form of music, and this has made it popular in different fields. Here are some examples to explain the workings of GANs:
The generative advertiser networks are not a single neural network, but their working structure is divided into two basic networks listed below:
Collectively, both of these are responsible for the accurate and exceptional working mechanism of this neural work. Here is how these work:
The GANs are designed to train the generator and discriminators alternatively and to “outwit” each other. Here are the basic working mechanisms:
As the name suggests, the generators are responsible for the creation of fake data from the information given to them. These networks take the noise from the data and, after studying it, create fake data. The generator is trained to create realistic and related data to minimize the ability of the discriminator to distinguish between real and fake data. The generator is trained to minimize the loss function:
L_G = E_x[log D(x)] + E_z[log (1 - D(G(z)))]
On the other hand, the duty of the discriminator is to study the data created by a generator in detail and to distinguish between different types of data. It is designed to provide a thorough study and, at the end of every iteration, provide a report where it has identified the difference between real and artificial data.
The discriminator is supposed to minimize the loss function:
L_D = E_x[log D(x)] + E_z[log (1 - D(G(z)))]
Here, the parameters are the same as given above in the generator section.
This process continues, and the generator keeps creating data and the discriminator keeps distinguishing between real and fake data until the results are so accurate that the discriminator is not able to make any difference. These two are trained to outwit each other and to provide better output in every iteration.
The application of GANs is similar to that of other networks, but the difference is, that GANs can generate fake data so real that it becomes difficult to distinguish the difference. Here are some common examples of GAN applications:
GANs can generate images of objects, places, and humans that do not exist in the real world. These use machine learning models to generate the images. GANs can create new datasets of image classification and create artistic image masterpieces. Moreover, it can be used to regenerate the blur images into more realistic and clear ones.
GAN has the training to provide the text with the given data. Hence, a simple text is used as data in GANs, and it can create poems, chat, code, articles, and much more from it. In this way, it can be used in chatbots and other such applications where the text is related to the existing data.
GANs can copy and recreate the style of an object. It studies the data provided to it, and then, based on the attributes of the data, such as the style, type, colours, etc., it creates the new data. For instance, the images are inserted into GAN, and it can create artistic works related to that image. Moreover, it can recreate the videos by following the same style but with a different scene. GANs have been used to create new video editing tools and to provide special effects for movies, video games, and other such applications. It can also create 3D models.
The GANs can read and understand the audio patterns and can create new audio. For instance, musicians use GANs to generate new music or refine the previous ones. In this way, better, more effective, and latest audio and music can be generated. Moreover, it is used to create content in the voice of a human who has never said those words generated by GAN.
The GAN not only generates the images from the reference images, but it can also read the text and create the images accordingly. The user simply has to provide the prompt in the form of text, and it generates the results by following the scenario. This has brought a revolution in all fields.
Hence, GANs are modern neural networks that use two types of networks in their structure: generators and discriminators to create accurate results. These networks are used to create images, audio, text, style, etc that do not exist in the real world but these can create new ones by reading the data provided to them. As the technology is moving towards advancements, better outputs are seen in the GANs' performance. I hope you have liked the content. You can ask anything related to the topic in the comment section.
Hi readers! I hope you are doing great. We are learning about modern neural networks in deep learning, and in the previous lecture, we saw the capsule neural networks that work with the help of a group of neurons in the form of capsules. Today we will discuss the graph neural network in detail.
Graph neural networks are one of the most basic and trending networks, and a lot of research has been done on them. As a result, there are multiple types of GNNs, and the architecture of these networks is a little bit more complex than the other networks. We will start the discussion with the introduction of GNN.
The work on graphical neural networks started in the 2000s when researchers explored graph-based semi-supervised learning in the neural network. The advancements in the studies led to the invention of new neural networks that specifically deal with graphical information. The structure of GNN is highly influenced by the workings of convolutional neural networks. More research was done on the GNN when the simple CNN was not enough to present optimal results because of the complex structure of the data and its arbitrary size.
All neural networks have a specific pattern to deal with the data input. In graph neural networks, the information is processed in the form of graphs (details are in the next section). These can capture complex dependencies with the help of connected graphs. Let us learn about the graph in the neural network to understand its architecture.
A graph is a powerful representation of data in the form of a connected network of entities. It is a data structure that represents the complex relationship and interaction between the data. It consists of two parts:
Let us understand both of these in detail.
Here, nodes are also known as vertices, and these are the entities or data points in the graph. Simple examples of nodes are people, places, and things. These are associated with the features or attributes that describe the node, and these are known as node features. These features vary according to the type of graphical network. For instance, in the social network, the node is the user profile and the node features include its age, nation, gender, interests, etc.
Edges are the connections between the nodes, and these are also known as the connections, links, or relationships of the nodes. Edges may be directional or unidirectional in nature, and these play a vital role in the connection of one node to the other. The unidirectional nodes represent the relationship of one node to the other, and the undirected edges represent the bidirectional relationship between the nodes.
Just like other neural networks, the GNN also relies on multiple layers. In GNN, each layer is responsible for getting information from the neighbor node. It follows the message-passing paradigm for the flow of information; therefore, the GNN consists of inherited relationships and interactions among the graphs. In addition to nodes and edges, here are some key features to understand the architecture of GNN.
The complex architecture of layers in the graph is responsible for the flow of information from node to node. The message-passing process is part of the information flow when every node interacts with each other to provide information, and as a result, the data is transformed into an informative message. The type of node is responsible for the particular information, and nodes are connected according to their node features.
mechanisms. The aggregation of the data is done through a weighted sum or even more complex mechanisms such as mean aggregation or attention-based aggregation.
The GNN follows the learnable parameters just like some other neural networks. These are the weights and biases that are learned during the processes in the GNN. The state of each node is updated based on these parameters. In GNN, the learnable parameters have two properties:
Since its introduction in the 2000s, continuous research and work have been done on the GNN. With the advent of research, there are multiple types of GNNs that are working in the market for particular tasks. Here are some important types of graphical neural networks:
The graph convolutional networks (GCN) are inspired by convolutional neural networks. These are the earliest and most widely used GNN variants. These networks can learn the data by applying the convolutions to the graph data. In this way, these can aggregate and update node representation by keeping track of their neighbor nodes.
These are inspired by recurrent neural networks and are also referred to as GRN. The basic use of these networks is in sequence modeling. These networks apply the recurrent operations to the graph data and learn features from it. These features are representative of the global structure.
The graph attention networks (GATs) introduce the attention mechanism in the GNNs. This mechanism is used to learn the weights of edges in the graph. This helps in the message passing because the nodes choose the relevant neighbors and it makes the overall working of the network easy. The GATs work perfectly in processes like node classifications and recommendations.
The graph isomorphism network was introduced in 2018, and it can produce the same output as the two isomorphic graphs. GINs focus on the structural information of graphs and apply premature invariant functions during the steps of message passing and node update. Each node represents its data, and the most likely connected nodes are aggregated to create a more powerful network.
GraphSAGE means graph sample and aggregated, which is a popular GNN architecture. It samples the local neighborhood of each node and aggregates its features. In this way, the detail of node data is easily represented, and as a result, scalability can be applied to large graphs. It makes graph learning tasks easy, such as the classification of nodes and link prediction.
The large collection of types of GNN architecture allows it to perform multiple tasks. Here are some important applications of GNN in various domains:
GNN has applications in social networks, where it can model relationships among network entities. As a result, it performs tasks such as link prediction, recommendation analysis, community detection, etc.
The GNN plays an informative role in the medical industry in branches like bioinformatics and drug discovery. It is used in the prediction of the molecular properties of new drugs, the protein-protein interaction in the body and drugs, the formulation of new drugs based on experimentation, etc.
The relationship between the graphs is a string in the GNNs, which makes it ideal for prediction and learning the interaction between the user and the items. Moreover, the graph structures are highly usable in the recommendation system of the items released for the users on different levels.
Hence, we have read the information about the graph neural networks. The basic unit of these networks is the graph, which has two parts nodes and edges. The relationship between different edges in the group is responsible for the functioning of GNN. We have seen the types of neural networks that are divided based on their mechanisms of working. In the end, we had an overview of the general applications of GNN. These are a little bit more complex neural networks as compared to other modern networks we have read in this series. In the next lecture, we will discuss another modern neural network.
Hey pupil! Welcome to the next lecture on modern neural networks. I hope you are doing great. In the previous lecture, we saw the EffcientNet neural network, which is a convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and its properties. Today, we are talking about another CNN network called the capsule neural network, or CapsNets. These networks were introduced to provide the capsulation in CNNs to provide better functionalities.
In this article, we will start with the introduction of the capsule neural network. After that, we will compare these with the traditional convolutional neural networks and learn some basic applications of these networks. So, let’s start learning.
Capsule neural networks are a type of artificial neural network that was introduced to overcome the limitations of CNNs. In 2017, these modern neural networks were designed by Geoffrey Hinton and his team working in the Google AI research center.
These are some of the most popular and searched neural networks because they deal with the inefficiency of CNN in recognizing the results when the input data has different orientations. The capsule Neural networks are made by getting inspiration from the visual cortex of the human brain to process information.
The capsule neural network is one of the most prominent deep learning architectures and is widely used in fields like computer vision for processes like image classification, object detection, and segmentation. If you know about convolutional neural networks, then you must know that they are relatively difficult to process and require a great deal of information to work properly. Hence, to make the neural network more powerful, different neural networks, such as capsule neural networks and EffiecnetNet, are introduced.
The neural networks are categorized in different ways on the basis of their arrangement of layers. Usually, the neural networks have the same structure but slightly different performance and other features. However, the workings of CapsNet are far more different from those of traditional neural networks; therefore, there is a need for a detailed study of structure and performance. Here are some key features of Capsule neural networks that make them different from other traditional neural networks:
The name clearly specifies the difference in the workings of this neural network. These are different because the basic building block of Capsnets is the capsule of the neuron. Unlike traditional neural networks, where the neurons are the basic building blocks, CapsNet has a group of neurons (capsule) as the basic building block. Hence, we define the capsule as:
A capsule in the Capsule neural network is the group of neurons that efficiently encodes the features of the images, such as position, orientation, and size.
These features are called the pose of the images and are important in the working of neural networks, especially when networks are specialized for image recognition and related fields.
The most prominent difference to discuss is the structure of the capsule neural network. The capsules are arranged in the form of a hierarchy, where each capsule is responsible for extracting information of a specific type at the given level of abstraction.
The traditional neural networks are arranged in the form of a flat hierarchy, which causes limitations in their working. Capsule neural networks have complex relationships among the features, and therefore, better results can be extracted from the calculations.
A main difference between traditional and capsule neural networks is the dynamic routing mechanism, which is the main power behind the success of this neural network. It is called dynamic routing because it determines the relationship between the adjacent layer and capsule. As a result, the details of the features in the image are effectively determined.
Dynamic routing is helpful in recognizing objects at varying points and angles because capsules reach a consensus on the representation and presence of the properties of the data entity. This is different from traditional neural networks, where the weights are assigned to every neuron, and as a result, these produce the results needed to extract the information.
The way CapsNets recognize the images is up to par because these not only identify the objects but can also identify the poses and angles of the images. In this way, they can recognize the images even if the orientation of the images changes. This is the basic working of the CapsNets.
On the other hand, traditional neural networks require a great deal of data to recognize the images at a certain point, and there are errors when the image alignment is changed. Hence, the CapsNets require less data and provide more efficiency with the help of pose estimation.
This feature helps to regenerate the responses with the novel viewpoint even if the images are deformed. Traditional neural networks are not able to explicitly model pose information. These require extensive data arguments and a large variety of information in the form of datasets.
The CapsNets are arranged in the form of capsules, which enhances the complexity of the network. No doubt, the results obtained are more efficient, but the complexity level of CapsNet is higher than that of traditional neural networks. The capsules are connected in multiple layers, and to deal with them, multiple iterations are required.
Dynamic routing is responsible for the transfer of the output of one capsule to the next capsule in the interconnected layer in a specific pattern. The mechanism of dynamic routing is more expensive.
Another advantage of using CapsNets is its interpretable representation of the results. It can be defined as:
“The interpretable representation of the neural network is its ability to disentangle the representation of the output of the learned features.”
The results of the CapsNets are interpretable and, therefore, more understandable. It provides semantically understandable outputs. As a result, these serve as a bridge between the complex outputs of neural networks and human understandable results.
The pooling layer is a special type of layer in the neural network that is responsible for the reduction of the dimensions of a feature map. It is done with the help of downsampling. In the case of capsule neural networks, there are no pooling layers; instead, the same functionality is accessed with dynamic routing. As a result, the capsule network shows state-of-the-art output for the images.
The part-whole relationship in neural networks is the connection between different parts of the same object. For instance, there is a part-whole connection between the table and the areas where different legs are connected to the flat board to make a table.
It is an important feature in fields like computer vision for processes like object detection, image segmentation, etc. In CapsNet, the part-whole relationship is strong and powerful because these use vectors to encode the pose of objects in an image. On the other hand, traditional CNN uses pooling layers for the same purpose, and it is difficult to get information about part-whole relationships.
Keeping all these differences in mind, we have created a tale for you to quickly review the difference between these layers:
Feature |
Traditional Neural Network |
CapsNets |
Building Block |
Neuron |
Capsule (Group of neurons) |
Layer Connection |
Static |
Dynamic |
Computational complexity |
Less |
More |
Efficacy of data |
Less |
More |
Maturity |
More |
Less |
Hierarchy Type |
Flat |
Interconnected |
Feature Mapping |
Pooling Layer |
Dynamic Routing |
Part-whole Relationship |
Pooling layer |
Vectors |
The capsule neural network has various applications in multiple departments. There is a lot of detail about each of them, but we have set out a simple list of applications for you. Here is it:
In the field of computer vision, there is a great deal of interest in capsule neural networks because they provide the best output in different orientations. The features of CapsNets are helpful in areas like image recognition, face recognition, medical imaging, etc.
Natural language processing requires neural networks that can subdivide the input in different ways. The capsule neural network helps in the processes of document classification and sentimental recognition.
The industry of robotics and its automation require the most efficient ways to teach object recognition to robots. The highly efficient mechanism of the capsule network is perfect for fields like robotics and automation. It helps with object manipulation and visual SLAM in the mentioned industries.
Hence, the capsule neural network is an important type of modern neural network that helps get image-related outputs more efficiently. These are made of capsules of neurons instead of using them singularly. Moreover, the hierarchy and routing systems help the users get the t output. We have seen multiple features of this neural network that are useful and better than the traditional neural network. However, these are more complicated to deal with, but overall, there are multiple applications of capsule neural networks. If you want to know more about modern neural networks then stay with us 9n the next session.
Hi learners! I hope you are having a good day. In the previous lecture, we saw Kohonen’s neural network, which is a modern type of neural network. We know that modern neural networks are playing a crucial role in maintaining the workings of multiple industries at a higher level. Today we are talking about another neural network named EfficientNet. It is not only a single neural network but a set of different networks that work alike and have the same principles but have their own specialized workings as well.
EfficentNet is providing groundbreaking innovations in the complex fields of deep learning and computer vision. It makes these fields more accessible and, therefore, enhances their range of practical applications. We will start with the introduction, and then we will share some useful information about the structure of this neural network. So let’s start learning.
EfficientNet is a family of neural networks that are part of CNN's architecture, but it has some of the latest and even better functionalities that help users achieve state-of-the-art efficiency.
The efficientNet was introduced in 2019 in a research paper with the title “EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks.” Mingxing Tan and Quoc V. Le introduced it, and this is now one of the most popular and latest neural networks. These are Google’s AI researchers, and the popularity of this neural network is due to its robust applications in multiple domains.
The motivation behind EfficentNet's development is the popularity of its parent neural network, CNN, which is an expensive and efficient network. The deployment of CNN in resource-constrained environments such as mobile devices was difficult, which led to the idea of an EfficentNet neural network.
The EffcinetNet has a relatively simpler working model than the CNN to provide efficiency and accuracy. The basic principle of working is the same as in CNN, but EfficeintNet archives better goals because of the scaleable calculations. The convolution of the dataset allows EffcientNet to perform complicated calculations more efficiently. This helps EffcientNet a lot in the processing of images and complex data, and as a result, this neural network is one of the most suitable choices for fields like computer vision and image processing.
As we have mentioned earlier, EffcientNet is not a single neural network but a family. Each neural network has the same architecture but is slightly different because of the different working methods. Some parameters are important to understand before knowing the difference between these members:
When the topic is a neural network, the FLOPs denote the number of floating points per second a neural network can perform. It means the total number of billions of floating point operations an EffcinetNet member can perform.
The parameters define the number of weights and biases that the neural network can learn during the training process. These are usually represented in millions of numbers, and the user must understand that the 5.3 parameter means the particular member can learn 5.3 million parameters it can train.
Accuracy is the most basic and important parameter to check the performance of a neural network. The EffecntNet family varies in accuracy, and users have to choose the best one according to the requirements of the task.
Different family members of EffcientNet are indicated by numbers in the name, and each member has a slightly larger size than the previous one. As a result, accuracy and performance are enhanced. Here is the table that will show you the difference among these:
Member Name | FLOPs | Parameters | Accuracy |
B0 |
0.6 |
5.3 |
77.1% |
B1 |
1.1 |
7.8 |
79.1% |
B2 |
1.8 |
9.2 |
80.1% |
B3 |
3.2 |
12.0 |
81.6% |
B4 |
5.3 |
19.0 |
82.7% |
B5 |
7.9 |
31.0 |
83.7% |
B6 |
11.8 |
43.0 |
84.4% |
B7 |
19.8 |
66.0 |
84.9% |
This table shows the trade-off between different parameters of EffcientNet models, and it shows that a larger size (increased cost) can be more useful and accurate, and vice versa. These eight members are best for particular types of tasks, and while choosing the best one for the particular task, some other kinds of research are also important.
The workings and structure of every family member of EffcientNet are alike. Therefore, here is a simple and general overview of the features of EffcientNet. This will show the workings and advantages of the EfficientNet neural network.
One of the most significant features of this family is the compound scaling, which is different from other options for neural networks. It has the power to maintain the balance between the following features of the network:
As a result, the EfficientNet network does not require additional computation and provides better performance.
A difference between the traditional CNN and EffientNet neural networks is the depthwise separable convolutions. As a result, the complexity of this network is less than CNN's. All the channels use a separate convolutional kernel; therefore, depthwise separate convolutions are applied to the channels.
The resultant image is then passed through a pointwise convolution. Here, the outputs of the depthwise convolution channel are combined into a single channel. The standard convolution requires a great deal of data, but this technique requires a smaller number of parameters and significantly reduces the complexity.
The EffcientNet family uses a different and more recent type of convolution known as MBConv. It has a better design than the traditional convolution. The depthwise convolutions and pointwise linear convolutions can be done simultaneously. It is useful in reducing floating-point operations for overall performance. The two key features of this architecture are:
Here is a simple introduction to both:
The inverted bottleneck has three main convolutional layers:
This is applied during the computation of the inverted bottleneck. This adds the shortcut connection around the inverted bottleneck, and as a result, the inverted residual blocks are formed. This is important because it helps reduce the loss of information when convolution is applied to the data.
The representational power of EffcientNet can be enhanced by using an architecture called Squeeze and Excite, or SE. It is not a particular or specialized architecture for EfficinetNet but is a separate block that can be incorporated into EfficentNet. The reason to introduce it here is to show that different architectures can be applied to EfficnetNet to enhance efficiency and performance.
The efficeintNet is a family, and therefore, it has multiple sets of workings out of which, the user can choose the most accurate. The eight members of this series (E0 to E7) are ideal for particular tasks; therefore, these provide the options for the user to get the best matching performance. All of these provide a different type of combination of accuracy and size, and therefore, more users are attracted to them.
Hence, this was all about EffientNet, and we have understood all the basic features of this neural network. The EffenctNet is a set of neural networks that are different from each other in accuracy and size, but their workings and structures are similar.
EffcientNet was developed by the Google AI Research team, and the inspiration was CNN. These are considered the lightweight version of the convolutional networks and provide better performance because of the compound scaling and depthwise convolutions. I hope it was helpful for you and if you want to know more about modern neural networks then stay with us because we will talk about these in the coming lectures.
Hi there! I hope you are having a great day. The success of the field of deep learning is due to its complex and advanced neural networks. These networks can be broadly divided into traditional and modern neural networks. We have seen the details of traditional neural networks, and in the previous session, the basic introduction of modern neural networks and the details of their features were discussed. Today, we will talk about one of the most famous modern neural networks, the Kohonen Self-Organized Neural Network.
Modern neural networks are more organized and developed than traditional neural networks, but that does not make traditional neural networks less efficient than modern ones. All the networks are introduced for specific tasks, and this is one of the main reasons behind the evolution of deep learning in every field. The details of Kohonen's Self-organizing Neural network will prove it, so let’s start learning.
The Kohonen Self-organizing network is also known as the self-organizing feature map (SOFM), and It was developed by Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s. It is a powerful type of unsupervised learning, the main purpose of which is to map the high dimensional input data even at the lower dimensional grid. It can be used on two or more dimensional data where the neurons are connected and each layer is weighted according to the calculations.
Throughout the data dimensions, the topological properties of the data saved in them remain preserved. During the training process, the self-organizing map learns to organize itself with similar data points and creates a connection with the nearby neurons of the grid.
The training process for SOMs uses competitive learning methods. Think of the scenario where, when new data is added to the network, a quick calculation is made to find the neuron with the same data weight. The most suitable neuron is called the best matching unit (BMU), and adding the new data stimulates it. As a result of this addition, the weights of BMU and their neighbors are updated according to the data. It makes all the neurons similar to each other, and as a result, the network becomes better with time. Here are the details of the key features that we have just discussed:
Topology preservation is the feature of the algorithm that maintains the spatial relationship and the structure of the data that it uses. This all happens when the data is mapped on the lower dimensional grid.
The basic objective of topology preservation is to maintain the structure of the map. This feature preserves the data when it is mapped from higher to lower dimensional space.
This is the basic feature of the Kohonen neural network. The data is arranged in the form of a grid of nodes and neurons. Each of these represents a specific region or cluster of the input data. It becomes easy to maintain the structure of neurons with similar sizes and properties.
This is another way to organize the data in the SOM, and here, the BMU plays a vital role. This feature is responsible for checking two important parameters throughout the processing:
Learning rate
Neighbourhood operation
Here, the learning rate defines the magnitude of the update rate of neurons, and neighborhood operation means the measure of the change in the properties of neighboring neurons when new data is introduced in the model.
Competitive learning helps the network in processes like clustering and visualization. The network autonomously discovers the inherited structure without any need for supervision. It is an iterative process that helps the network grow and learn at a rapid rate.
Understanding the advantages of using Kohonen’s self-organizing network will clarify the significance of this network. Here are some important points about it:
Once you have understood the applications, you are ready to learn about the industrial uses of Kohonen’s self-organizing neural network. The workings of SOM are so organized and automatic that many industries rely on them for the most sensitive calculations, and their results affect the overall performance of that industry. Here are some examples:
The analysis of complex datasets by data mining companies is an important task. Many companies use SOM for such processes where the patterns have to be observed carefully to provide detailed analyses. Different techniques are useful in this regard, but SOM is used here because of the organized pattern and competitive learning.
Some of these companies provide tools for data exploration to their clients. Some provide customer segmentation and anomaly detection. All of these require the use of powerful neural networks, and they use SOM along with other networks for this.
In industries where financial records are imported, this technique detects fraud. For instance, it identifies the patterns of stock marketing and helps detect any abnormal bhavior. In addition to this, processes like risk assessment and credit storage are improved with the help of SOM. This is done in the institutes that are working globally, and a large community has to be handled by the institutes.
The advancement in technology has provided multiple advantages, but it has also led to increased security risks. The SOM is helpful in dealing with such issues. Here are some points to justify how SOM is helpful in different types of technical crimes:
Hence, today we have seen the details of Kohonen’s self-organizing neural network. It is a type of modern neural network that is helping people in different applications in real life. We have seen the features and workings of this neural network, and to understand its importance, we have seen its applications and advantages at different levels. I hope it was helpful to you, and if you want to know more types of modern neural networks, then we will discuss these in the coming sessions. Happy learning.
Web scraping is an invaluable skill in today's data-driven world. However, it must be performed responsibly and efficiently for optimal results. Here are our top 9 best practices that promise smooth execution of your upcoming web scraping projects.
Diving into web scraping can be a truly exciting venture, but it's crucial you understand the basic rules first, and have a handle on Python itself . Before coding your web scraping script in Python:
Also consider performance factors like loading times, as efficiency isn't just about speediness, it's about making sure your process does not negatively affect the host server either.
Image Source: Pexels
Being ethical is as important in the web scraping world as it is elsewhere. One of the critical steps you need to perform before beginning your web scraping project is checking and adhering to a website's 'robots.txt' file. Here’s ours as an example.
This protocol allows websites to communicate directly with web crawlers, guiding them on what content not to scrape or specify delay timings between requests. Ignoring these instructions could lead not only to being blocked by the website but even facing legal repercussions.
By respecting a site's robots.txt rules, you ensure that your Python script follows best practices and maintains good internet citizenship.
Choosing the right parser for your Python web scraping project is like choosing a Swiss army knife. A good parser makes navigating and searching through HTML or XML documents easier, more efficient, and effective. Python offers various parsers but remember that not all are created equal.
To make an informed decision, take into consideration:
Some popular choices include BeautifulSoup (BS4), lxml and html.parser which come with their unique features and limitations. Finding the suitable fit depends on your specific needs , so do trial runs until you find your sweet spot.
Image Source: Pixabay
Web scraping requires a delicate balance, especially regarding the timing between your requests. Bombarding a website with continuous requests can be seen as hostile behavior or even result in suspected DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks, and potentially get you blocked from the site.
Here are some tips to help set suitable delays:
In short, patience pays dividends. Respecting the timing not only allows seamless execution but also establishes you as an ethical scraper who takes care of hosting servers' limitations.
In the realm of web scraping, flying under the radar is often beneficial. This is where proxies come into play. They essentially provide a disguise for your scrape requests by redirecting them through different IPs, which can significantly reduce chances of being blocked by anti-scraping measures.
One excellent way to manage this seamlessly is via data extraction services that offer integrated proxy rotation. For example, ZenRows offers data extraction with rotating proxies. This feature ensures every request appears as though it's coming from a distinct source, maintaining anonymity while keeping your scrapers running smoothly and efficiently.
While not all websites require the usage of proxies, having them as part of your toolkit helps you tackle more complex projects confidently and anonymously.
Image Source: Pixabay
When a website unexpectedly changes its layout or server communication goes awry, your scraper can be left high and dry without a good error handling system. This is where the `try/except` block in Python truly shines, helping you anticipate potential issues and formulate responses to them.
Here are some specific strategies:
In essence, robust error handling keeps you one step ahead of problems. It’s useful to apply this approach to Python errors as well.
Recursive scraping, or delving several layers deep into a website to extract information, is often required in comprehensive web scraping missions. But handling such tasks efficiently and responsibly comes with its own challenges.
Follow these pointers for effective recursive scraping:
Keep in mind that using Python's multithreading functionality allows faster recursion but should be used cautiously so as not to overwhelm the target site. The overall aim should always be to extract maximum valuable data while causing minimum interference.
Once you've successfully scraped data, the next challenge is managing and storing that information effectively. Given Python's versatility, different storage options can be used based on your project's needs.
Here are a few commonly used methods:
Good organization of gathered data is crucial as it forms the basis of any further analysis or processing you might plan. Evaluate each option carefully, considering scalability, accessibility and cost implications of each choice before making a decision.
Once data has been scraped and stored, the final step often involves cleaning. This process, also known as data sanitization, ensures that your dataset is in a suitable pristine state for further use.
Here are some steps to keep in mind:
A well-cleaned dataset makes subsequent analyses more reliable and meaningful. Implementing thorough post-scrape clean-up operations will guarantee time well spent when you delve into your analytics later on.
Web scraping with Python, when done correctly and responsibly, can generate valuable results. By following these best practices, you'll not only be effective but also respectful of the web's ecosystem. Just don’t expect to master this skill overnight, and you’ll be setting yourself up for successful scraping ventures going forward.
Hello friends, I hope you all are having fun. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a new Proteus library for Raspberry Pi 2. We have already shared the Proteus Libraries of other Raspberry Pi modules i.e. Raspberry Pi 4, 3, Pico etc. and we discussed that these Pi modules won't be able to read the Python code. We have just designed the external appearance of these modules and you can use these Pi modules for circuit designing and project presentations.
We have also added the Arduino firmware in these boards, which is just to provide a bit of interaction with these boards. We have given these boards an unofficial title "Arduino Pi".
So, let's have a look at How to simulate Raspberry Pi in Proteus:
Where To Buy? | ||||
No. | Components | Distributor | Link To Buy | |
1 | Battery 12V | Amazon | Buy Now | |
2 | LEDs | Amazon | Buy Now | |
3 | Resistor | Amazon | Buy Now | |
4 | LCD 16x2 | Amazon | Buy Now | |
5 | LCD 20x4 | Amazon | Buy Now | |
6 | PIR Sensor | Amazon | Buy Now |
Raspberry Pi 2 Library for Proteus
Note: For a better understanding, you should read How to Add a New Library File in Proteus.
Note: Its design is quite similar to that of Raspberry Pi 3, although we added the name to differentiate between the two.
As mentioned above, this Pi board won't be able to read the Python code. So, we have added the Arduino firmware in it to make it a bit more interactive. So, let's blink an LED with this Raspberry Pi 2 module in Proteus:
So, that was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed these Raspberry Pi simulated modules. IF have any questions, please ask in the comments. Thanks for reading.