The Engineering Projects
A lot of Engineering projects and tutorials for the students to help them in their final year projects and semester projects.
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Introduction to STM32 Family

Introduction to STM32 Microcontrollers, STM32 Family, STM32 Mainstream, STM32 Ultra-Low-Power, STM32 High-Performance, STM32 Wireless, The Nucleo Development Board, STM32 Nucleo-64 parts, STM32 Nucleo-64 connectors, Setting-Up the Tool-Chain, First Project in STM using STM32CubeIDE, Blinking LED, Steps to generate the config. files from STM32CubeMX, Creating a new STM32CubeMX project, User Code Blinking Led, Data type C programs Departments:Computer EngineeringComputer ScienceMicrocontrollers:STM32 NucleoCodings:CSoftwares:STM32 Cube IDEIn this guide, we will explain step by step to start programming on the STMicroelectronics (STM) platform, especially the STM32 family. The term, "STM32" refers to a family of 32-bit microco ...

Ten Roofing Maintenance Tips For Lasting Roofline Results

Ten Roofing Maintenance Tips, maintenance tips for roof Roofing issues can be overwhelming! Whether you have purchased a new home or have resided in a house for the past twenty years, roofing issues are here to stay. In most cases, these roofing issues include roof leaks, interior water damage, or missing shingles. These problems make roofing maintenance ...

In Oil, New Health And Safety Standards Greet Industry Newcomers

Oil and gas industry, safety measures in oil industry The oil and gas industry is an intrinsically dangerous one. The nature of the work can lead to risks both for on-site workers as well as engineers and remote staff. As a result, Energy News asserts that fatalities and injuries on oil and gas fields are vastly underreported and that there may be a g ...