Introduction to C# ( C Sharp )

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun. Today, I am going to start a new series on C# Programming Language and today we are gonna have a look at first tutorial Introduction to C#.

Are you planning to study C# programming language? If so, then you have come to the right place. Knowing how to develop computer software is perhaps the most crucial ability to master in the present era. Computers have now made their way into practically every business. Whether it's an airplane's automation or a motorcycle's speedometer, computer programming languages are everywhere around us. And out of all the computer programming languages out there, C# is the most preferred and ideal language to learn. But why? Do not worry. This article contains all the answers to your questions. So, keep reading!

C# is the most widely used programming language for designing software & websites. Most of the software, we use in our daily life are designed using this C# Language. So, let's get started with a detailed Introduction to C#.

Introduction to C#

  • C# (pronounced see sharp) is a general-purpose programming language developed by Microsoft in 2000, as part of .NET framework.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio is a Programming environment used for writing C#.
  • C# was originally designed by Anders Hejlsberg, who currently works as the lead architect of C#.

C# Programming: The Language of God

C#, also known as the Language of God, is a contemporary, broad coding language that can help accomplish hundreds of activities and purposes in different fields. Microsoft designed C# and thus is typically used with the Windows .NET platform. The .NET Framework is actually a computer-developing framework that allows you to create applications for Windows, Azure, Web, and other programming platforms with programming languages including C#, Visual Basic, and F#. C# can also be used in an open standard system. The latest iteration of C# is version 7.2 and is specifically for Standard Language Framework. It has a syntax that is identical to Java. So, if you are familiar with Java or C++, it would be a piece of cake for you. Do not worry if you are a beginner. This article is specifically for beginners so they can have a better understanding before actually studying the language.

History of C#

Unlike well-established languages like Java, Python, PHP, and others, C# is a modern entry to the computer programming community over twenty-one years ago. Microsoft's Anders Hejlsberg, a Denmark computer programmer with a record of renowned innovations, created this programming language in 2000. The programming language was released in 2002 and has benefited all of us till today.

Why Should You Learn C#?

Now, most people have this question: Why Should I Learn C# and Not Others? Well, C# is a one-of-a-kind programming language that's also user-friendly and quicker to comprehend. It has excellent functionality in the areas of efficiency and requires relatively minimal resources. C# may be used to develop a wide range of applications. Some of these are listed below:
  • Windows consumer services by utilizing WPF, Windows Forms, and UWP
  • Network applications
  • Azure and Cloud applications
  • Modules, features, and terminal applications
  • Internet projects with ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET
  • Compatibility, information, and connectivity technologies
  • Android and iOS and Android phone applications by utilizing Xamarin
Other than developing applications, it is vital to learn C# because of three main reasons discussed below:
  1. High Salaries

In today's world, everyone wants to make a fair living, and computer programmers are among the most fortunate people out there. During the pandemic, almost everyone was having a hard time except the computer programmers because they continued their programming. With other programming languages, you get good salary packages. However, if you know the C# programming language, you will get job opportunities in multinational companies. You can also work online because it is highly demanded nowadays.
  1. C#: An Object-oriented Language

The second reason to study C# is that it is an object-intended programming language. Now, you might be thinking: what "object-intended" feature has to do anything with why you should learn C#? Well, object-intended indicates that it organizes data using objects and categories. This programming approach helps to minimize repeated coding and better regulates the data format. And all these factors help beginners to work efficiently and comfortably.
  1. Developed By Microsoft 

As discussed earlier, Microsoft created the C# programming language. It is a great reason why you should study C#. It means that there will be a plethora of excellent developer resources available to assist you in learning C# and no scarcity of its resources. And since Microsoft utilizes C# extensively, there is almost no chance that it will become obsolete in the coming years. So, mastering C# is, therefore, a long-term benefit. So, you see, these are solid reasons as to why you must learn C#. Now, we understand that you want to learn even more about C#, and we got you there. The upcoming section is a more in-depth detail of C# so, start taking notes!

Features of C#

Now, let us discuss the main features of the C# programming language in this section which are:
  1. Basic Features

  • In the C# programming language, pointers are not available.
  • It takes the characteristics of automated memory handling and garbage pickup from the .NET framework.
  • The "::" and "->" operators are not used in C#.
  • Direct memory modification and other risky activities are not permitted.
  • "==" is utilized for the comparative procedure, and "=" is for task execution.
  • Various ranges of fundamental kinds like Integers, Floats, and so on are available.
  1. Modern Features

  • C# follows the modern approach and is incredibly strong and convenient for creating interoperability and secure systems.
  • Any element conversion into an online service that is accessible via the internet is provided in C#.
  1. Type-Safe Features

  • Dangerous conversions are not possible in the C# programming language.
  • It is possible to check for an overflow of classes, and bound checking can be done.
  • The translator immediately initializes numeric forms (objects and instances) to zeros or reference kinds to blank.
  1. Object-oriented Features

  • Data abstraction, inheritance, flexibility, and interfaces are all supported in C#.
  • In Java language, basic kinds (float, int, double) are not things. However, C# has established structures that allow basic kinds to convert into objects.
  1. Upgradeable and Scalable Features

  • .NET has launched compositions that are self-defining in the areas of declaration. The manifest defines the assembly's identification, iteration, style, and electronic signature, among other characteristics.
  • Upgrading software elements is a time-consuming and error-prone process. But, C# supports versioning within the language, which might affect the current programming languages. Sophisticated frameworks can also be established and changed over time.
  • We erase old data and replace them with fresh ones to expand our system. Thanks to C#, there is no need to enroll in a flexible linking library.
  1. Interoperability Features

  • C# comes with built-in functionality for COM as well as Windows programs.
  • C# lets clients modify outdated codes by using pointers as harmful code blocks.
  • It enables local pointers to be used in a limited sense.
  • With C#, Customers no longer need to construct the unidentified or other COM interfaces because these characteristics are already included.
  • C# uses elements from Visual Basic for Applications (VB.NET) and other organized code technologies.

C# and C: What is the difference?

When studying the C# programming language, it is crucial to know the difference between C and C#. Both are coding languages, and that is why people often mess up between these two. But, do not worry. We will not let our readers go through the same mistake. Here is the difference: C is an overall-purpose coding language that includes features like recurrence, organized programming, semantic variable access, and many others. It is suitable for use in both system and integrated device programs. C is a limited modeling language whereas, C# is an object-intended programming language that includes features: garbage management, extensibility, type security, and uncomplicated class declarations. It may be used to create smartphones, desktops, and web applications. C# is a high-level programming language with a lot of complexity. So, both programming languages have the same initials but, they are complete opposites of each other.

How C# Programing language works

There is a dedicated set of libraries that are required to run C# in a machine. This collection of libraries is called the .NET framework and it has a collection of libraries that are called CLR’s (common language runtime). The .NET library belongs to Microsoft who has written the library on top of common language infrastructure that is commonly known as CLI which is an internationally acclaimed standard because of the way it assists seamless development and easy usage. When we write code in C#, it takes the form of IL (intermediate language) that is workable according to CLI specifications. These files then take the .dll extension after they are built. An assembly contains multiple dll files.

Basic Commands of C#

The basic commands of C# are quite similar to most popular languages such as C, C++ and Java. Moreover, C# is an object-oriented language so it has similar structures to the languages mentioned above. Some of the basic commands are listed below.

1. Using

The word “Using” is used to include libraries and API’s into your C# code. It is similar to the famous #include statement used in other languages. Any libraries written after the keyword Using will then be downloaded/included at runtime. It is also possible to have multiple Using statements in C#.

2. Class

The keyword class is used to define classes in C#. The syntax is as follows: Class User{ …. }


Comments are a common feature of any programming language. Developers usually add commented code in their files for the understanding of other people or as a reminder to themselves if they ever revisit their own code and want to understand how things work. Commented code is not compiled on run time. The compiler simply ignores any code written after/on a single line or any code written between a /* and a */.

4. Member or Class Variable

Instances are a common occurrence in programming languages. In C# the equivalent term is member or class variable. These are variables that are usually declared and defined when the classes are declared and defined.

5. Identifier

Identifiers are used to declare classes, variables, methods and members in C#. it helps keep track of specific classes and variables that have been defined by the user. Identifiers have simple rules that are to be followed. The rules for C# are similar to the rules for other languages. Also, it is important to note that Identifier can never be a variable name in C#.

Components of C#

Component classes are traditional classes that were used in C and C++ and also made their way to modern C#. These classes are used mainly for the purpose of containment as well as cleanup. Components are present inside a container and can do various operations on the container they belong to. A lot of the business processing is done in these components.

Disadvantages of C#

We have discussed many advantages of the C# programming language in the above sections. Now it is time that you learn about some of the disadvantages of the C#. Please keep in mind that the advantages of C# outweighs its disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are listed below:
  • C# is a substandard x-platform GUI.
  • Because C# is a component of the.NET platform, the program must be executed only on a Windows operating system.
  • Because it is heavily reliant on the .Net platform, C# is much less versatile.
  • C# provides less versatility than C++.
  • Error correction demands a high level of expertise and understanding.


We hope that this article helped you in having a better understanding of the C# programming language. C# is an all-in-one programming language, and it has a bright future ahead of it. So, you should definitely give it a go because it is a long-term advantage. We wish you the best of luck on your journey! In the next tutorial, we will design our First Project in C#. Till then take care and have fun !!! :)

How to use Comments in C++

Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying your lives. Today, I am going to show you How to use comments in C++. In the previous tutorials, we first have a look at Introduction to C++ in which we have discussed a simple c++ program. After that we have discussed How to use Escape Sequence in C++, which is also essential because escape sequence is a very simple concept but is used quite a lot on C++ projects os you must have its knowledge.

Today, we are gonna discuss Comments in C++ i.e. how to use Comments in C++ and why to use Comments in C++. Just like escape sequence, comments in C++ is also very basic concept but its really important and a programmer must know How to use Comments because without it the code becomes really difficult and is quite difficult to debug. So, let's get started with How to use Comments in C++.

How to use comments in C++ ??

  • Let me first explain what are comments in c++.
  • Suppose you are working on some project in C++ and you complete your project and simply forget about it. Then after 2 years, somehow you got the same project and you have to use the same code then you open your code and your face must look like this. :O
  • Because the code is too lengthy and you are not understanding your own code. :)
  • Here comes the benefit of comments.
  • Comments are not part of your code, Instead they are just used to add additional writing about the code from which you can remember what this code is actually doing.
  • Let me add some comments in the Hello World program which we have designed in the Introduction to C++ tutorial.
#include <iostream> // Including Library
using namespace std; // Including Namespace Standard
int main(void) // Starting the Main Loop
     cout<<"Hello World!!!"<<endl; //Printing Hello World in output
     return 0; // Returning 0 value
  • Now in the above code you can see I have used additional lines in front of each command.
  • These additional lines are called comments and as the name suggests these are the comments about the code.
  • So, now by simply looking at the code you can understand what each line is doing.
  • Now you must have noticed that before starting each comment, I have used // two forward slashes.
  • So, in C++ whenever you add two forward slashes, the compiler simply ignores everything written in front of these slashes, and these are called comments.
  • Its one way to add a comment in C++.
  • Now, sometimes there's a case when you need to add like four to five comment lines in your code then in order to add // this sign before each line you can simply enclose all the comments in between /* Here's your comment */.
  • Let's have a look at this comment system below:
Hello World Code
Designed by:
This code will print Hello Wold on output.
Date: 5/19/2016

#include <iostream> // Including Library
using namespace std; // Including Namespace Standard
int main(void) // Starting the Main Loop
     cout<<"Hello World!!!"<<endl; //Printing Hello World in output
     return 0; // Returning 0 value
  • So, in this way you can add the comments in /* */ these signs.
  • You can see in above code that in the start I have given a small explanation of the project and have mentioned who designed it and when designed it.
  • So, you can add such description in the comments in C++.
  • Another benefit of code comes in debugging of your project.
  • You think that soe of your code is not working properly then you can simply comment that code and test the remaining.

So, these are different uses and benefits of comments in C++. I hope you guys get some knowedge out of it. So, that's all for today, will meet you guys in the coming tutorial.

How to use Escape Sequence in C++

In today's tutorials, we are going to have a look at escape sequence in C++. In our previous tutorial, Introduction to C++ we have designed a small Hello World program and if you haven't studied it yet then you should first check that one out as I am gonna take it further from there.

In that tutorial, we have designed a code which prints the Hello world on the output screen. The code used for printing it on the output screen is as follows:

How to use Escape Sequence in C++ ??

  • Now, suppose if I want to print out "Hello World" , instead of Hello World.
  • In simple words, I wanna add "" these symbols as well on each side of Hello World.
  • But if you add them in the above program then it will generate errors.
  • So, what to do now ? Here comes the benefit of escape sequence in c++.
  • The escape sequence used to print "" these symbols in output is this symbols which is also know as back slash.
  • So, now by using this escape sequence, the code will look like something as shown below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
     cout<<""Hello World!!!""<<endl;
     return 0;
  • Now in this way we can quite easily print the "Hello World" on the screen.
  • Now suppose you want to print itself then again what you need to do is to write two back slashes like this .
  • The first back slash is the escape sequence while the second one will print as it is.
  • There are many other uses of this back slash like if we add n after this escape sequence then it will work as a new line so instead of using this endl, we can use n as shown in below code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
     cout<<""Hello World!!!"n";
     return 0;
  • Now you can see in the above code I have used n and removed the endl and still it will work the same.
  • Now if you want to and a TAB in the output then you can use t.
  • So, there are many benefits of this escape sequence in c++.
  • Similarly r is used for carriage return.
  • v is used for vertical tab.
  • b is used for backspace.
These are different escape sequence uses in C++ and I hope you have got it now that How to use Escape sequence in c++. In the coming tutorial, I will explain How and why to use comments in C++. That's all for today, take care and have fun !!! :)
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir