Circuit Diagram of IR Sensor using 555 Timer
Hello everyone, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today's tutorial is quite simple and we will have a look at circuit diagram of IR sensor using 555 Timer. There are different types of IR sensors available in the market. IR is abbreviation of infrared and so they use infrared ray for detection of objects. There are many types of IR sensors with different functionality, but in all of them infrared rays are omitted from transmitter and are received by the receiver. and using these ray we can say whether an object is placed in the path or not.
Today we are gonna see how to design your own IR sensor using 555 Timer. We can also interface these IR sensors quite easily with any microcontroller like PIC Microcontroller , Arduino etc. I was also thinking of designing it in Proteus but Proteus doesn't have the IR leds in it so I couldn't do it. IR sensors available in market are quite costly ranging from 10$ to 100$ obviously they are also excellent in efficiency but in engineering cost efficiency also plays an important role so today we are gonna have a look at circuit diagram of IR sensor using 555 timer which will cost you just $2. Before going into the details, lets first have a look at types of IR sensors.
Types of IR sensors
- There are normally two types of IR sensors available in market.
First Type of IR Sensors:
- First type is transceiver IR sensor which has both transmitter and receiver in it. This type of IR sensor is used to detect the distance of object from the sensor.
- In this type of IR sensors, rays are omitted from the transmitter and are reflected back after hitting some object and are captured by the receiver.
- On the basis of the time taken by these rays to reflected back, we calculate the distance of the object from the sensor.
Second Type of IR Sensors:
- In these types of IR sensors, transmitter and receiver are not on same chip but on seperate pieces.
- These types of IR sensors are used for detection of object.
- For example we need to count people entering in some room then we will place this IR sensor on the door of that room with transmitter on one end and receiver on the other.
- So, now when some one will enter through the door , he will cut the IR beam and thus the IR light wont be received by the receiver and thus the sensor will know that someone entered.
- These types of IR sensors are also used in electronic devices like TV remote etc.
In this tutorial we are gonna design this second type of IR sensor using 555 timer. so, lets get started.
Circuit Diagram of IR Sensor using 555 Timer
- So, here we are gonna design the second type of IR sensor using 555 timer.
- In this sensor we need to design both the transmitter and the receiver.
- So, lets get started the transmitter.
- Design the below circuit on some circuit board:
- In the above circuit diagram of IR sensor, I have clearly mentioned all the values of components so that you can easily design it. Moreover there are two leds used in it, these are not simple leds. There are IR leds which emits IR rays. the range of this sensor will depend roughly on the number of leds you are gonna use here, as I used two leds.
- So, now lets have a look at circuit diagram of receiver side.
- On this side we have use IR led but that one is receiving and will received that IR rays coming from the transmitter IR leds.
- These are quite simple in designing and you can design it without any trouble. Before going into PCB, its better if you first design them on some wero board or bread board.
- Here's a manufactured piece of the above given circuit diagrams. The one with two leds is the transmitter and the other one is receiver.
- The image is a bit blur, coz I was in a bit of hurry but they work perfectly fine. :)
- That's all for today, will see you guys in the next tutorial. Till then take care!!!
Traffic Signal Control using Arduino
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a Traffic Signal Control using Arduino. Few days earlier, I have posted the same tutorial but it was Traffic Light Signal Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS and today we will do the same thing but using Arduino programming. Its quite a simple but good starting project on Arduino. So, if you are new to Arduino then must give it a try.
Traffic Signal Control is quite a usual thing. We see traffic signals daily on our roads and usually engineers are asked to design such projects in their initial semesters. If we look at the traffic signals then we can see they are simply turning ON and OFF lights at some fixed regular intervals. and the pattern is quite simple as well. so I have simply followed that pattern and design the code. You should also have a look at Arduino 3 Phase Inverter. So let's start with designing this project named as Traffic Signal Control using Arduino.
Traffic Signal Control using Arduino
- First of all, design a circuit in Proteus for Traffic Signal Control using Arduino as shown in the below figure:
- Its quite a simple project so the circuit is quite simple as well. You can see I have just placed an Arduino board and plugged three LEDs with it and obviously they are Green, Yellow and Red in color.
- These LEDs are attached to pins 2,3 and 4 of Arduino UNO.
- Now next step is to write the Arduino Code for Traffic Signal Control using Arduino, so I have written and it is shown below:
#define GreenLed 4
#define YellowLed 3
#define RedLed 2
void setup()
pinMode(GreenLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YellowLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RedLed, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(GreenLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(YellowLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(RedLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(GreenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(YellowLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(RedLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GreenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(YellowLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RedLed, LOW);
- That's the complete code for this project Traffic Signal Control using Arduino and I think its quite self explanatory plus I have also changed the color accordingly.
- First of all Green LED is ON and the rest are OFF which is shown in green color.
- Next Red LED is ON and the rest are OFF after around 10 seconds which you can change by changing these delays.
- Finally the Yellow LED will be ON and you can see it goes OFF just after 3 sec because it has short delay, you can change these delays quite easily.
- Below is the flow chart of above programming for Traffic Signal Control using Arduino which will clear the theme properly.
- Now compile your Arduino code and get the hex file.
- Now when you upload the hex file into your Arduino, it will give output as shown below:
- So that's how it will work, I hope you got this clearly as its quite simple, will meet you soon in the next tutorial. Till then take care!!! :)
What is 555 Timer?
Hello friends, i hope you all are fine and enjoying. Today i am going to share a new tutorial in which I am gonna explain What is 555 timer? We all know about 555 timer, which is an 8-pin IC (integrated circuit), most commonly used in electronic projects, built now a days. As you can see fron its name that it is a timer and designed to generate PWM.
In today's tutorial i am going to explain, what's hidden inside this 555 timer IC and what is 555 timer. A 555 timer is a much compatible electronic device and the biggest feature of this IC is that it able to work on both analogue and digital techniques. Now if we simply consider the output of the 555 timer then, at any particular time, this timer has only 1 definite state. Which means at any time, it will be either ON or OFF. It is not possible that its output is ON and OFF simultaneously. A new invention of 555 timer has also been discovered which is named as 556 timer. 556 is in fact a Dual version of 555 timer and it contains 2 555 timers in a single IC. 556 is a 14 pin IC. Now you will think that 555 timer is a pin IC and as i said that 556 contains two 555 timers then, it should have 16 pins. The answer to this question is that, when two 555 timers are connected to each other then the VCC and GND of both ICs is made common so, we have 14 pins instead of 16. Now let's move towards the basic theme of our tutorial. In this tutorial i will be explain the steps, the pin configuration of 555 timer, It's different modes and project applications.
Internal Design of 555 Timer
Before going into details of what is 555 timer, let's first come to the internal design of a 555 timer. The outer shape of the 555 timer may look like very simple but there is a complex mechanism hidden inside that small IC. A 555 timer contains 25 transistors, 15 resistors and 2 diodes, which are connected to each other in a very complex manner. An interesting thing to know here is that all these components are embedded on a single small silicon chip. Some other series of 555 timers are also available in market like NE555 timer, which we commonly use in our engineering or electronic projects. And the second series is SE555. SE555 series was designed for military purposes. These operating temperature ranges of both NE555 ans SE555 are given below as:
- NE555 is mostly used for basic level projects and such high level accuracy is not demanded in it so it is capable to operate from 0 ~ 70 degree Celsius.
- SE555 was designed for military applications and it is used in those projects where high precision is required. The operating temperature of this IC is -55 ~ +125 degree Celsius.
Pin configuration of 555 Timer
Let's have a look at pin configuration to know what is 555 timer. As I described earlier that 555 timer has total 8 pins. As i described that 555 timer is a multipurpose IC and it is capable to perform variable function. So through some proper arrangement of connections, we can made this IC to do different tasks. Now i will explain the every pin no. and its purpose so that we know the answer to our main question what is 555 Timer ??? :)
- The pin designated as pin#1 is GND pin. This pin is used to provide reference voltage or ground to 555 timer.
- The pin designated as pin#2 is TR pin. It is used for triggering of 555 timer. The operating voltages of 555 timer is 4.5V ~ 15V. When the operating voltages exceeds 5V then, the 555 timer triggers and it generated output or we can say that now it has crossed that limit above which it will generate output.
- The pin designated as pin#3 is the output pin of 555 timer. Through this pin, the output of 555 timer goes to the external circuit. The output depends on the purpose for which you are using 555 timer. For example if you are using your 555 timer to generate PWM then its output will vary. Sometimes it will go High and some time it will go Low.
- The pin designated as pin#4 is Reset pin of 555 timer. If you look closely on the first feature image of the tutorial then, you yourself will understand that it is a NOT function. Which means that in order to reset the 555 timer you will have to give '0' at that pin and after the compliment it will become High and 555 timer will 'Reset' .
- The pin#5 of 555 is 'CTRL' pin. It is in fact a control pin of 555 timer. This pin gives us the direct access to the internal voltage divider of the 555 timer, which is fabricated inside that small silicon chip. We can divide the voltages according to our output requirements.
- The pin#6 is named as 'THR' pin of the 555 timer. For the supply voltages, 555 timer has kept a reference value for them. For example when the supply voltages exceeds 5 volts then, the this pin becomes activated and the 555 timer starts to generate output or it sends data to its output pins.
- Pin#7 is named as 'DIS' of the 555 timer. This pin is in fact the discharge pin of 555 timer and used to discharge the capacitors between intervals. This pin has the biggest advantage when, we are generating PWM through 555 timer.
- The last pin is pin#8 and it is designated as 'VCC' . This is the supply pin of 555 timer. Source is connected at this pin and as i have already explained that the supply voltages range for 555 timer is 4.5V ~ 15V, but generally it triggers above 5 volts.
Modes of Operation - What is 555 Timer ???
In order to know what is 555 Timer, we should have a look at its modes of operation. 555 timer has 3 major modes of operations. All these modes have there own applications and advantages. All the 3 modes are explained in below:
Astable Mode of 555 timer:
From the name of this mode 'astable mode', you can understand that, in this mode, we don't have any stable output of 555 timer. While operating in this mode, the output will be continuously fluctuating and we will be obtaining a square wave form on the output pin of the 555 timer. To operate the 555 timer in Astable mode, you will have to draw the following circuit, which is shown in the image below:
- Astable mode is also used to flash lamps and leds. A very similar project named as Sequential LED blinking using 555 timer has also been uploaded by our team. In that project 555 timer was again being used in astable mode.
Monostable Mode of 555 timer:
In this mode of operation the 555 timer gives only one output pulse in addition to the intentional trigger input. For example if you will press the button then, 555 timer will produce a output pulse and its length remains constant until you again press the button and the 555 timer will generate another pulse. The circuit to use 555 timer in monostable mode is shown in the image given below:
- Monostable mode of 555 timer has wast application. In this state it is used as a timer, touch switches.
- The biggest example of this mode is to generate PWM. If you recall one of my previous tutorial which was Angle control of servo motor using 555 timer, then at that stage we were using a 555 timer to generate a PWM and through this PWM, we were controlling the angle of micro servo motor.
- This mode is also used for capacitive measurement and also for missing pulse detection.
Bistable Mode of 555 timer:
The third and the last mode of operation of 555 timer is to use it in bistable mode. This thing is understood from its name 'Bistable' which means this circuit will have 2 stable states, which we are going to control. The circuit diagram to operate a 555 timer in bistable state is shown in the image given below:
- The above shown circuit is of bistable mode of 555 timer.
- As you can see in the above figure, we have 2 push buttons. One is connected to 'THR' pin and the other is connected to 'TRIG' pin of 555 timer.
- When we will press the 'TRIG' button, which means that we have connected the trigger state to ground and its state has become LOW. By doing that the output of 555 timer will become High.
- On the other hand, when i will press the 'RESET' button then 'THR' pin of 555 timer will be grounded and the output of 555 timer will become LOW.
- In this way we have made the 555 timer to work in 2 different states and that's why it is called Bistable mode of operation of 555 timer.
If you wanna read more about 555 Timer then you must check below simulations on 555 Timer:
Alright friends, that was all from today's post. I hope you have learned something new today and have got your answer for our first question what is 555 timer and if you have any questions then please ask in comments and i will try my best to resolve the issue. Till next tutorial Take Care !!! :)
Traffic Signal Control using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
Hello Friends, i hope you all are fine and enjoying. Now i am going to share my new project tutorial which is Traffic Signal Control using 555 Timer. Up till now i have uploaded a no. of projects using 555 timer and i have got much appreciation from my friends, for some 555 timer based projects like How to use Capacitive Touch Sensor in Proteus ISIS, Sequential LED Blinking using 555 Timer and many more.
Now i am going to share another application of 555 Timer and here we will be using a shift register (4017) next to 555 timer to implement Traffic Signal Control circuit. 4017 is a SERIAL IN PARALLEL OUT shift register. Data enters in a serial manner into register and it leaves the register in parallel manner. 4017 is a 10-bit shift register and it needs a clock pulse to shift data from serial input pin to parallel output pins. Now we need a device which can provide continuous clock pulse to Shift Register. Clock pulse is generated either from Micro-controllers or some sort of timers. Here we will be using 555 Timer to generate clock pulse. It is a very easy project to understand and also very simple to implement. These type of projects are generally designed by the Engineering students in their First or Second semester. Now i am done with the theory of the circuit and now lets move towards the designing of the project.
You can also download the complete simulation of the above described project by simply clicking on the button given below:
Traffic Signal Control using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
- First of all place all the components in your proteus workspace,as shown in the image below:
- Threshold voltage for 555 Timer is 5 volts, and when voltages exceeds this level, 555 timer triggers and it generates a output pulse at its output pin which is ‘Q’ pin.
- In this project, we will be using a battery of 12 volts as supply voltages.Positive pin (+) of source is connected to Vcc pin of 555 Timer and the Negative pin (-) is connected to GND pin of 555 timer.
- Pin#3 of 555 timer is connected to CLK pin of shift register and this pin is the data input pin of shift register. Through this pin, 555 timer send data to shift register.
- At output pins of shift register we have connected 3 Leds, RED, YELLOW and GREEN. Same colors which are used in Traffic Signals.
- RED led is connected to output pin#12. YELLOW LED has 2 parallel inputs that are pined at pin#10 and pin#11 respectively. Diodes are connected the way of inputs to block reverse currents. YELLOW led will glow if any of the input will be HIGH.
- GREEN led has 4 parallel inputs connected at pin# 1,5,6,9 respectively. GREEN led has to blink for longer time, that's why we have connected multiple inputs to it. GREEN led will keep on glowing as along as any of the input will be HIGH.
- If you connected all the components in their exact position and all the connections are OK, then the final circuit will look like as shown in the image below:
- Now if you look the above circuit closely then, you will observe that we have connected high valued capacitor (47uf) in the way of trigger pin of 555 timer.
- The purpose of capacitor is to produce lag in the clock generated by 555 Timer.
- Now when you will play the simulation then LED will start to glow in periodic manner. First RED led will blink, then YELLOW led will glow and in the end GREEN led will start to glow.
- All these stages are shown in the image given below:
- As you can see that state#1 represents the "STOP" state, which means that traffic has to stop.
- State#2 represents "GET READY" state and it means get ready to GO but you are not allowed to go yet.
- State#3 represents "GO" state, in which traffic is allowed to Go.
Alright friends that was all for today's project. It was a very simple tutorial and most of its portion have been explained in previous tutorials. So i haven't explain it in much detail. But still if you have any problem then, don't feel shy to ask in the comments. Till next tutorial Take Care !!! :)
Relay Control Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and enjoying yourself. Today I am going to share my new project tutorial which is Relay Control Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. We all know about relays that are used for automatic switching and are magnetically connected while electrically insulated. If you don't know much about relays then I think you should first read What is a Relay? in which I have given a detailed overview of relays and where are relays used? After reading this post you will have a good grip over relay and today's post will be piece of cake for you. Relays are mostly used with some microcontrollers like Arduino or PIC Microcontroller. You might also wanna have a look at traffic Signal Control using 555 Timer, which is good if you are interested in learning 555 Timer.
Now in today's project, it can be understood from its name (Relay Control Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS), that we are going to operate and control a Relay through 555 Timer. First of all, if we define the relay, then we can say that 'Relay is an Electrical switch which operates Mechanically'. You should also check this Relay Simulation in Proteus to know how it works. Although some relays operate automatically but since we are working on a very basic project and we will be controlling the relay from an external mean and for this, we will use a mechanical switch. The mechanical switch is in fact a button and we can turn it ON or OFF according to our own choice. It is a very simple and easy project and most of its contents have been described in the earlier tutorials. So, I am not going into much detail and without wasting any time, let's move towards the Hardware of the circuit. But it's my personal advice, try to do design this relay control using the 555 timer project yourself and get to know the practical applications of the 555 Timer in person. You can also download the complete simulation of above described tutorial by simply clicking on the button given below:
Download Project Files
Where To Buy? |
No. | Components | Distributor | Link To Buy |
1 | 555 Timer | Amazon | Buy Now |
2 | LEDs | Amazon | Buy Now |
3 | Resistor | Amazon | Buy Now |
Relay Control Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
- First of all place all the components in your Proteus workspace as shown in the image given below:
- Now connect supply voltage (+5 volts) to Vcc pin of 555 Timer.
- At the output pin of 555 Timer, which is pin # 3, we will connect our load. By load we mean a 5 volts relay and a simple DC motor is connected next to the relay.
- As I told you earlier that we are using a manual relay, so a simple push Button is also connected between pin # 3 and relay.
- If you have connected all the electronic components in their exact place, then the final simulation will look like as shown in the image given below:
- If you notice the image closely, then you will observe that a Diode is also connected in parallel with the relay coil.
- A Relay contains a coil. When the voltage source is applied across one end of the Relay and the other end is connected to the ground, then the relay gets energized. And when we remove the source voltages then, it still remains energized and the stored charge tends to flow the reverse current.
- The reason to connect the Diode is that it blocks the reverse current and only allows the forward current to pass through it.
- Now run the simulation, if the button is kept in the OFF state then, the voltage will appear across the Relay but it will not operate. To run the load, which is Motor, in this case, we will have to turn the switch ON. This can be seen in the image given below:
- As you can see in the above image, when the switch was in an ON state, the relay gets no signal and doesn't operate. As we move the switch from ON state to OFF state, the relay gets the signal and it starts to operate the load.
- Now after reading today's post, you must have a look at Relay Interfacing with Microcontroller which is an advanced tutorial and the benefit of a microcontroller is that now you can control your relay any way you want.
- Other exciting tutorials on 555 Timer include Seven segment Control using 555 timer and Servo Motor Control using 555 Timer.
- I have created a small video for this tutorial in which I have shown how to do relay control using 555 Timer, I hope you are gonna like it:
Alright, Friends that was all for today's tutorial about relay control using a 555 timer. I hope, I have conveyed something new today. If you have any questions, then don't hesitate to ask in the comments and I will try my best to resolve them. Follow us through email to get the tutorial straight in your inbox. Till the next tutorial, Take care and Be Safe !!! :)
Seven Segment Display Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying. Yesterday I got a mail from a friend, and he requested me to explain a tutorial about Seven Segment Display. So today, I am going to share my new project tutorial which is Seven Segment Display using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. It is a very simple project to understand Modern Digital Electronics.
As you all know, now a days all the Digital Display’s uses Seven Segment Display. So first of all let’s have a little introduction about Seven Segment Display. How they are fabricated and how their LED’s glow in such a beautiful manner? Seven Segment Display (SSD) is the form of electronic device, used to display decimal numbers. Seven Segment Displays are commonly designed in Hexagonal shape but according to our project’s requirement we can also design them in some other shapes like rectangle, triangle, trapezoid etc. Seven Segment Displays may uses LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) or LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) for each display segment. In Seven Segment Display all the positive terminals (Anode) or all the negative terminals (Cathode) are brought together to a common pin and such arrangements are known as “Common Anode” or “Common Cathode” arrangement. In this project we will be using Common Cathode arrangement and Hexagonal shape of Seven Segment Display. A simplest form of Seven Segment Display is shown in the image below:
From the above shown image, we can see that we have total 7 LEDs and we will make them glow in such a scheme that the final image will look like a Numerical number. Now if you recall one of our previous project tutorial which was Sequential LED Blinking using 555 Timer, In that project, we are using a 555 Timer in collaboration with a Shift Register. 555 timer continuously provides clock to the Shift Register and Shift Register gives data to its output pins in parallel manner. In today's project, we are also going to use the same concept. We will use a 555 Timer which will continuously provide clock to Shift Register it will enable it's pin accordingly. We can gather this whole information into a single table and also the sequence in which LED's will blink. Such table is called TRUTH TABLE and it is shown in the image given below:
In the above image, '1' means ON state and '0' means OFF state of a particular LED of Seven Segment Display. Above was a little introduction of Seven Segment Display and now, lets move towards Hardware and see How this beautiful display is actually formed.
You can download the complete simulation of above project by simply clicking on the image given below:
Download Seven Segment Display Project Using 555 Timer
Seven Segment Display Using 555 Timer
- First of all place all the components in your proteus workspace, as shown in the image given below:
- First of all 555 Timer is installed, after that a Shift Register is added. 555 Timer will give clock to the Shift Register. Since we are using common cathode arrangement. So, the 7 input pin of SSD are connected to the output pins of Shift Register and the common cathode pin is connected to circuit's main cathode. If you have placed all the components in their exact positions and all the connections are OK. then, the resultant simulation will look like as shown in the image below:
- Now if you look closely at the upper portion of the image then, you will notice that i have added 2 buttons in the circuit. Left Button in Button # 1 and Right Button is Button # 2.
- If both the Buttons are kept open and when you will run the simulation then, numerical values will start to come on seven segment display. you can also see it in the below image:
- Now the switching of button # 1 includes a very interesting feature. First of all play the simulation and Digits will start to run on Seven Segment Display and at any stage when you will press Button # 1 then Seven segment display will vanish but counting will keep on going in the back. And when you will open the Button#1 again then it will show that digit, up-to which counting have reached. Below is a very interesting feature included:
- During State#1 when Seven Segment Display was showing digit no.2 , we pressed button#1 then, display vanished which can be seen in the state#2. After that when we re-opened the switch#1 then, Seven segment display didn't show the digit no.3 but it shows digit # 8. and this thing can be seen at state#3.
- Now moving forward, the function of switch # 2 is very simple and easy. During simulation running, when we will press the Button # 2 at any instant then, display will immediately stop at that point. So, we can say that this project can also be used as stop watch and button # 2 controls the stop watch. It can also be seen in the image below:
Seven Segments Displays have a large no of applications. Some of them are listed below:
- Digital Clocks.
- Electronic Meters.
- Basic Calculators.
- Electronic Devices to Display Numerical Values. (Generally 14-segments or 16-segments display is used to display full alphanumeric values).
Alright friends, that’s all for today, I hope I have conveyed some knowledge and helped you people in some way. If you have some queries, then ask in comments. Subscribe us via email to get these tutorials straight in your inbox. Till next tutorial, take care and be safe !!! :)
Design a 5V Power Supply in Proteus
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying in your life. In the previous post, we have seen How to use Oscilloscope in Proteus ISIS, today I am going share a new and a very important Tutorial which is How to Design a 5V Power Supply in Proteus? This project is very simple and of basic level but importance of this project is that it is used as a base in almost all large electronics project, designed now-a-days. When I start working on any project then the first thing, I need to design is this DC power supply, because without powering up the components, we can't use them. :)
While designing a 5V Power Supply in Proteus ISIS, we will be using Voltage Regulator IC, which is commonly known as 7805. This voltage regulator is used to regulate or change the voltage level of supply voltage. As we all know, most of the batteries available in market are of 12 volts. For example, if you have UPS at your homes then check its battery, it will be of 12V. Similarly, the battery of car or motorcycle is also of 12V. So, 12V has become the standard of electrical batteries. Now, we have known that all batteries are of 12V but the problem comes when we are dealing with sensitive electronic components because they are all designed to operate on 5 volts. Now, as I described earlier that, voltage source available is 12 volts and the operating equipment needs 5 volts to operate. So, we need an intermediate source or such type of DC Power Supply, which can convert the source voltage (12 volts) to operating voltage (5 volts). This problem is eliminated by using 7805 IC, and that’s why it is called Voltage Regulating IC.
So dear Friends, today we will design a 5V power supply, which will be able to change Voltage Level and will provide us our desired voltage. But as I always say, that practice makes a man perfect. Try to design it yourself so that, you also get to know the real application of Voltage Regulator IC. So, let's get started with designing of 5V power supply in Proteus ISIS.
How to Design a 5V Power Supply in Proteus
- You can download the complete simulation of 5V Power Supply in Proteus by clicking the below button:
Design a 5V Power Supply in Proteus
- Voltage Regulating IC 7805 has 3 pins.
- Pin # 1 is used as input pin and it is connected to supply voltages. It is marked as (VI). DC +12 volts are applied to this pin.
- Pin # 2 is called common or ground pin. It is marked as (GND). The whole circuit's common is applied to this pin.
- Pin # 3 is the output pin of 7805. If 12 volts are applied to its input than it automatically generates 5 volts on this pin. This pin is marked as (VO).
- Now, moving towards the designing of the hardware, first of all place all the components in Proteus workspace, as shown in image below:
- In Hardware implementation, first off all apply source voltage (12 volts) to the input pin of 7805 IC. 2 capacitors are also connected in parallel with the source voltage and their ratings are 1000 uf and 100pf respectively.
- On the other side of IC, we also connect 2 capacitors parallel to the gained output voltage (5 volts), and their ratings are 100pf and 100uf respectively. And a LED is also connected in parallel on the load side.
- If you have placed all the components in their perfect place and all the connections are OK, then the resultant proteus simulation will look like as shown in the below image:
- Now if you closely observe the above image then you will notice that Capacitors connected across the 12 volts are of HIGH rating while the Capacitors connected across LED are of LOW rating. The purpose of applying capacitors is to remove noise from our DC voltages. As, we all know that DC voltage source available in market is not that much pure. So, to get pure DC wave Capacitors are connected across it.
- Now when you will run the final simulation then it will look like, as shown in the image given below:
- As you can see that when i ran the simulation, the LED started to glow. Now here is an important thing to note that i have applied a resistance in series with LED. The value of resistance is very low, and very low voltages appear across this resistor. This resistor limits the current and if we directly connect the LED then, their will be chances that the LED may burn out.
- We can justify it as: From ohms law : V=IR, and by rearranging it, we get : I=V/R .
- Now if we remove resistor then R=0, which means: I=V/0 and it lead us to conclude that: I= infinity or maximum in this case. So the only purpose of the resistor is to limit current.
Alright friends, that’s all for today, I hope now you can design a 5V power supply quite easily in Proteus. If you have some queries, then ask in comments. Subscribe us via email to get these tutorials straight in your inbox. In the next tutorial, I have discussed Variable Voltage Modulation using LM317 in Proteus ISIS.
LED Blinking using 555 Timer
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun. Today I am going to share my new tutorial which is Sequential LED Blinking Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. If you recall our one of previous tutorials, which was ‘Multiple LED Flashing Project Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS’, but in today’s tutorial we are going to take the same concept to a next level and we are going to make the LEDs blink in either ascending or descending order.
It is a very simple tutorial like the previous one, but the only change is, in this project we have added a Shift Register (4017) next to 555 Timer. 4017 is a Serial IN Parallel OUT Shift Register, which means, at input port it takes data in Serial manner and at output port it will give data in Parallel manner. All types of register needs a clock pulse to operate and this clock is provided by Timers or Micro controllers. In this project we will be using 555 Timer to generate clock pulse. 555 Times gives clock pulse at pin # 3 abbreviated as ‘Q’ pin. And this clock pulse is given at pin # 14 of Shift Register abbreviated as ‘CLK’ pin. Shift Register (4017) has total 15 pins. 2 input pins, 10 output pins. Input data is given at pin # 13, which is called ‘Enable’ pin and register shifts the data sequentially at its output pins. Shift register has 10 output pins which means it is a 10-bit shift register, which means it executes 10-bit data simultaneously. Now dear friends, let’s move towards the hardware of the project but as you know, practice makes a man perfect. Try to do it with your own hand so that, you get to know the practical applications of electrical components in person.
Dear friends, you can also Download the complete simulation of the Sequential LED Blinking Project using 555 Timer, by pressing on the button given below. So, let's get started with Sequential LED Blinking using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.
Download Sequential LED Blinking Project Using 555 Timer
Sequential LED Blinking using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
Weare gonna design a Project named LED Blinking using 555 Timer so let's first have a look at its block diagram.
Threshold voltage for 555 Timer is 5 volts, and when voltages exceeds this level, 555 timer triggers and it generates a output pulse at its output pin which is ‘Q’ pin.
While designing the circuit, First of all 555 Timer will come, secondly Shift Register (4017) will be connected with it and at the end we will plug LED's. The complete circuit flow diagram is shown in figure below:
- Now coming towards the designing of the project, first of all, place the components in your Proteus workspace, as shown below in image:
- Now Output pulse from 555 Timer is connected to input ‘CLK’ pin of Shift Register.
- Since the register being used is 10-bit, and its outputs are Q0~Q9. The pins Q0~Q5 are connected to LED's D6~D1 respectively.
- After that Register output pin Q6 is also connected to LED (D2) and it becomes parallel with Q4. Now LED, (D2) has 2 parallel inputs and it becomes HIGH (turns ON) if any of the two Inputs is HIGH.
- Next we connect the Register output pin Q7 to LED (D3) and then it becomes in parallel with Q3. After doing that LED, (D3) has 2 parallel inputs and it becomes HIGH, if any of the 2 inputs is HIGH.
- After doing that, now we connect register’s output pin (Q8) to LED (D4) and then it also becomes in parallel with Q2, and LED will start glowing if any of the 2 inputs will be HIGH.
- Now at the end, we connect Q9 to LED (D5), and then it becomes in parallel with Q1. Now D5 has 2 inputs (Q9 &Q1) and LED will glow if any of the 2 inputs will be HIGH.
- Now at the end, If you have connected all the components in exact order, and all the connections are OK then, the exact simulation will look like as shown below:
- Now if we run the Proteus simulation and observe it closely, then we will see that, 555 Timer is continuously generating PWM and the Shift Register set’s its output ports HIGH from Q0~Q9 respectively.
- First of all Register’s output pin # Q0 becomes HIGH and it send signal to LED (D6) and LED will start glowing. You can also observe this phenomenon in the image given below:
- Then pin # Q1 becomes HIGH and it send signal to LED (D5) and D5 starts glowing. This can be observed in the figure given below:
- Then register's output pin Q2 becomes HIGH and sends signal to LED (D4) and D4 starts glowing. This can also be observed in the figure given below:
- Then Register's output pin Q3 becomes HIGH and send signal to LED (D3) and this LED starts glowing. This stage can be seen in the figure given below:
- Then Register's pin Q4 becomes HIGH and sends signal to LED (D2) and this LED (D2) starts glowing. This process is shown in the image given below:
- And in the next step, Register gets its pin # Q5 HIGH and send signal to LED (D1) starts to glow. This process can be seen in this figure:
- This process keeps on going and when the Register;s next pin becomes HIGH, which is Q6, then it again sends signal to LED (D2) and it starts to glow, and so D3,D4,D5 will glow respectively, and this sequence of LED's blinking will continue, until you stop it manually or by yourself.
- In the beginning, when LED's Started to blink from Left to Right which was (D6 to D1) , this sequence is called Forward Sequence.
- After that, LED's started to blink from Right to Left which was (D1 to D6), this sequence is called Reverse or Backward Sequence.
- We can summarize this whole sequence into a tabular shape, and this table is given in the figure below:
Alright friends, that's all from this post. I hope now you can easily design LED Blinking using 555 timer Project. In the coming tutorials, we will discuss something new regarding 555 Timer applications. Until than, Take Care and Be Safe !!! :)
LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun. In today's post we are gonna have a look at LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus. In the previous post, we have seen how to design a 5V Power Supply in Proteus ISIS, which I have designed using IC regulator 7805. Today I am going to share How to design LM317 Voltage Regulator Circuit in Proteus. This DC power supply is a variable one means you can set its output voltage to any level you want. In order to change its output value we have used a variable resistor and by changing its value you can change the output value. It is a basic level project and very simple but used as a base to design large industrial projects. In this project, we are going to control the speed of a DC Motor and the corresponding voltages, appearing across it. The reason for designing this variable DC power supply is that, when you are working on some engineering project then each electronic module has its own power level i.e. xbee module works on 3.3V while Arduino board works on 5V. So, there's a need to design such power supply which can provide variable voltages and we can set them according to our demand. So, for all Microcontrollers like Arduino or PIC Microcontroller or 8051 Microcontroller, I designed 5V Power supply using 7805 but for 3.3V modules like XBee, NRF24L01 etc I design this variable DC power supply using LM317. I hope now you got the importance of this LM317 Voltage Regulator.
To design this, we will be using LM317k. Basically, it is a Voltage Regulator IC. It has 3 pins. Pin # 2 is for input voltages, marked as VI. Pin # 3 is for output voltages, marked as VO, and pin # 1 is used for Regulating Voltages and it is marked as ADJ. Further, if you notice the circuit diagram, which is given in the figure, then you will see that pin # 1 is connected to a Potentiometer. Potentiometer is a Variable Resistor device and it is also known as Voltage Divider. The feature of this electronic device is that, we can adjust the voltage through it according to our own choice. It operates on 12 Volts and it gives us ease that, we can adjust its voltages from 0 to MAXIMUM (which is 12 volts in most cases). Further if we notice the circuit, then we will see that a LED is connected in parallel with a simple DC motor and a voltmeter is also connected in parallel with Motor to monitor the voltages appearing across it. Above information was a little demo about the individual components of the circuit, now let’s be practical and move towards Hardware and see how actually Electronic components respond. You should also have a look at Introduction to LM317, if you wanna read all the basics about it. So let's get started with LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus:
LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus ISIS
Download Proteus Simulation
A 12-Volt DC supply is provided to input pin (# 2) of LM317 and potentiometer is connected to Adjustable pin of LM317, which is, pin # 1.
- At output pin we have connected DC Motor and a Voltmeter is also connected in parallel with Motor.
The complete circuit, ready for simulation is shown below in image:
Stage # 1
- Set the potentiometer at 0% and run the simulation, you will notice that Motor will rotate very slowly in clock-wise direction and 1.25 volts will appear on the voltmeter across it. If all the connections are OK, and when you will run the simulation, LM317 Voltage Regulator simulation will look like as shown in the image below:
- If you don't want to use the variable resistance, then you should use this LM317 Calculator to get value of your second resistance.
Stage # 2
- Now, set the potentiometer value to 11% and you will see that, Motor will start to rotate with a faster rate and on voltmeter scale, we will see 6.40 volts. In this setting, the interesting thing is, LED will start to Flash and it will turn ON & OFF automatically. This phenomenon can be seen in images below:
- Stage # 2 is our transient stage. When the potentiometers setting is below 11%, voltage appears across the motor and it also rotates but LED doesn’t glow. On the other hand, when potentiometers setting is above 11%, then LED glows continuously while motor also rotates as before, and voltmeter also gives some particular values of voltages appearing across the motor.
Stage # 3
- Now at final stage, set potentiometer to 100% and you will observe that motor is rotating with full speed and voltmeter reading will be 10.6 volts while LED is glowing continuously. This stage of the simulation can be seen in the image below:
Now, we can conclude that, LM317 is the monitoring device of this circuit. We can set the value of potentiometer according to our own choice and by this, the speed of motor can be controlled and also the corresponding voltages, appearing across it.
Here's the video in which I have given the detailed introduction of LM317 and have also run its simulation:
Alright friends, that's all for today and I hope now you can easily design this LM317 Voltage Regulator. In the next post, I have discussed DC Motor Drive circuit in Proteus ISIS . Till than take care and be safe !!! :)
Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying. Today we are going to share our new project’s tutorial which is Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. It is a very simple but a bit technical project. This project has various applications both in industry and in small educational projects.
Servo motor is a DC operated motor and it is available in various sizes and powers. Generally the servo motor used in basic projects, is named as micro servo motor. It is of small size and low power rating. But as I stated earlier that it needs dc supply to operate but it also needs a continuous pulse train to operate and this pulse is commonly generated by some sort of timers or micro controllers. Since my today’s project tutorial (Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS) is of basic level so, we will be using 555 timer to generate the continuous pulse train or PWM. Now let’s move towards hardware but dear friends, always remember that to become a technical person, you must have to perform technical work by yourself.
Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
- First of all, place the components in your Proteus workspace, as shown below in image.
A 555 timer is an 8 pin IC. Pin # 6 is called threshold pin and for 555 timer threshold level is 5 volts.
- So, 555 timer will trigger above 5 volts and it will generate output which can be collected from pin # 3 represented as ‘Q’ which is output pin of 555 timer.
- After that the output pulse is sent to servo motor through a Transistor which is BC547.
- BC547 is basically a NPN transistor and the pulse signal is sent to servo motor through its Emitter.
- The full angle deflection of servo motor is from -180 degrees to +180 degrees. It can’t rotate through full 360 degrees. Now it’s your own choice that either you want to rotate the motor at one particular angle or at multiple angles or to get full rotation.
Since in this tutorial (Angle Control of Servo Motor using 555 Timer), we are going to get full deflection of motor so, we have inserted 2 switches in the circuit. The complete circuit will look like:
Switch # 1 will rotate the servo motor to 180 degrees in anti-clockwise direction. We will press the button only once and when the motor completes its rotation, it will automatically stop.
- After that if we press the switch # 2, then it will rotate the servo motor in clockwise direction and again after completing the angle, motor will again stop.
If you have connected the components in correct order and when you will run it, the exact simulation will look like as shown:
- Sonow, if you have a close look on the above two iages then you can see in theState # 1 image I have pressed the left button and the servo motor is moved to -90 degree, this -90 is also mentioned in the green LEDbox just below servo motor.
- And in State # 2, I have pressed the right button and thus the motor is moved to +90 degrees. That's how it will work.
- You can Download the simulation of Angle Control of Servo Motor Project Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS, by clicking on below button:
Download Angle Control of Servo Motor Project using 555 Timer
Alright Friends, that's all for today, In the coming posts, we will discuss few more such projects. Till than, take care and be safe !!! :)