Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V3.0
Hello readers! I hope you are doing great. Today, we are discussing the latest library for proteus. In the tutorial, we will look at the Arduino Mega 2560 library for Porteus V 3.0, which is one of the most versatile and useful microcontrollers from the Arduino family. We have shared the previous versions with you before this; these were the Arduino Mega 2560 library for Proteus and the Arduino Mega 2560 library for Proteus V2.0. The current version is better in structure and does not have a link to the website so you may use it in your projects easily.
Here, I will discuss the detailed specifications of this microcontroller. After that, I will show you the procedure to download and install this library in the Proteus and in the end, we’ll create a mini project using this microcontroller. Here is the introduction to the Arduino Mega 2560:
Where To Buy? |
No. | Components | Distributor | Link To Buy |
1 | Buzzer | Amazon | Buy Now |
2 | Arduino Mega 2560 | Amazon | Buy Now |
Introduction to the Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0
The Arduino Mega 2560 belongs to the family of Arduino microcontrollers and is one of the most important devices in embedded systems. Here are some of its specifications:
Operating Voltage
Input Voltage (recommended)
Input Voltage (limit)
Digital I/O Pins
54 (of which 15 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins
DC Current per I/O Pin
20 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin
50 mA
Flash Memory
256 KB (8 KB used by bootloader)
8 KB
4 KB
Clock Speed
16 MHz
Pin 13
101.52 mm
53.3 mm
37 g
Now that we know the basic features of this device, we can understand how it works in Proteus.
Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0 Library for Proteus
This library is not present by default in Porteus. The users have to download and install it in the Porteus library folder. Click on the following link to start the downloading process:
Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0 for Proteus
Adding Proteus Library File
If the downloading process is complete, you can see a zip file in the downloading folder of your system. Click on it.
Extract the zip folder at the desired location.
Along with some other files, you can see there are two files with the following names in the zip folder:
Note: The procedure to install the same package in Proteus Professional 8 is the same.
Arduino Mega 2560 Library V3.0 in Proteus
Now, the Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0 can be run on your Proteus software. Open your Proteus software or if it was already opened, restart it so the libraries may load successfully.
Click on the “P” button on the left side of the screen and it will open a search box for devices in front of you.
Here, type “Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0,” and it will show you the following device:
Double-click on it to pick it up.
Close the search box and click on the name of this microcontroller from the pick library section present on the left side.
Place it in the working area to see the structure of the Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0.
If you have seen the previous versions of this microcontroller in Proteus, you can see that the latest version has some changes in it. The design and colour are closer to the real Arduino Mega 2560. Moreover, it does not have a link to the website and the pins are more realistic.
Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0 Simulation in Proteus
The workings of the Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0 library can be understood with the help of a simple project. Let’s create one. For this, follow the steps given here:
- Go to the “pick library” again and get the speaker and buttons one after the other.
- Arrange the speaker with pin 3 of the Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0 placed in the working area.
- Similarly, place the button on pin 2 of the microcontroller. The screen should look like the following image:
- Now, go to terminal mode from the leftmost and place the ground terminals with the components.
Now, connect all the components through the connecting wires. Here is the final circuit:
Now, it's time to add code to the simulation.
Code for Arduino Mega 2560 V3.0
- Start your Arduino IDE.
- Create a new project by going into sketch>new sketch.
- Delete the present code from the project.
- Paste the following code into the project:
const int buttonPin = 2; // Pin connected to the button
const int speakerPin = 3; // Pin connected to the speaker
int buttonState = 0; // Variable to store the button state
boolean isPlaying = false; // Variable to track whether the speaker is playing
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the state of the button
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// Check if the button is pressed
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
// Toggle the playing state
isPlaying = !isPlaying;
// If playing, start the speaker
if (isPlaying) {
digitalWrite(speakerPin, HIGH);
} else {
// If not playing, stop the speaker
digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW);
// Add a small delay to debounce the button
You can get the same code from the zip file you have downloaded from this tutorial.
Click on the "verify" button present on the above side of the code.
Once the loading is complete, click on the “upload” button present just at the side of the verify button. It will create a hex file in your system.
From the console of loading, search for the address of the file where the code is saved.
In my case, it looks like this:
Copy this path to the clipboard.
Add the Hex File in Proteus
Once again, go to your Proteus software.
Click on the Arduino Mega 2560 to open its control panel.
Paste the path of the hex file in the place of the program file:
Arduino Mega 1280 V3.0 Simulation Results
Once you have loaded the code into the microcontroller, you can now run the project.
At the bottom left side of the project, you can see different buttons, click on the play button to run the project.
Before clicking on the button of the project, the project looks like the following:
If all the above steps are completed successfully, you will hear the sound of the speaker. I hope all the steps are covered in the tutorial and you have installed and run the Arduino Mega 2560 v3.0 in Proteus, but if you want to know more about this microcontroller, you can ask in the comment section.
Automatic Plant Watering System using Arduino
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to design a Proteus Simulation for Automatic Plant Watering System using Arduino. We have designed this project for engineering students as it's a common semester project, especially in electrical, electronics and mechatronics engineering.
The two most significant hazards to the agriculture industry are the need for extensive labor and a scarcity of water. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) organization, water shortages might affect two-thirds of the world's population by 2025, putting both the ecosystem and human health at risk. The use of automatic plant watering systems eliminates both of these problems by watering plants at specified times and amounts while monitoring their hydration levels through measuring moisture in the soil surrounding the plants. Automatic plant watering systems can be used in homemade gardens and can also be deployed in fields for large-scale use. Whenever designing an automatic watering system, it is important to keep in mind that the system should be expandable, allowing for the simple integration of new devices in order to broaden the applicability of the system.
Software to Install
We are not designing this project using real components, instead, we are going to design its Proteus simulation. So, first of all, you should
Install Proteus Software itself. Proteus software has a big database of electronics components but it doesn't have modules in it. So, we need to install Proteus Libraries of a few components, so that we could simulate them. So, these are the PRoteus libraries which you should install first, before working on this project:
You can download this complete project i.e. Proteus Simulation & Arduino Code, by clicking the below button:
Download Complete Project
You should also have a look at these other Proteus Libraries:
Project Overview:
Three main components of an autonomous watering system are:
- Water Level Sensor: monitors the water reservoir level.
- Moisture Sensor: monitors the soil moisture level.
- RTC module: responsible for supplying water to the plant at predetermined intervals or at a predetermined time.
- Arduino UNO: serves as a hub for connecting and controlling all these components.
It is necessary to integrate the water level sensor with the microcontroller before it can be installed within the water reservoir. The location of the water level sensor within the reservoir is variable and is determined by the user and the application for which it is being utilized. The Arduino receives continuous data from the water level sensor and warns the user when the water goes below a certain level, either by an alarm or a buzzer, as appropriate.
The soil moisture sensor operates in a manner similar to that of the water level sensor. The tip of the sensor is inserted into the soil near the plant, and the sensor is activated. In the case of a moisture sensor, the closeness of the sensor to the plant is also variable, and the user may adjust it depending on the features of the plant for which it is being used. In vast agricultural fields, a single sensor may be used for numerous plants if they are closely spaced and their hydration levels can be determined by measuring the soil moisture at one location that overlaps with another spot on the soil surface.
The RTC module operates on the same concept of time monitoring in the background as other electronic devices such as computers and smartphones; even when these devices appear to be turned off, they continue to keep track of the current time. The RTC module, on the other hand, is capable of exchanging time information with the Arduino board. On a specific day of the week, at a specific time of day, the Arduino is pre-programmed to turn on the water pump and turn off the water pump after a specified length of time.
Components Needed:
- Arduino UNO
- Water Level Sensor
- Moisture Sensor
- RTC Module (DS1307)
- 4 LEDs
- Buzzer
- Relay
- Water Pump
- PCF8574
Component Details:
Arduino UNO:
- Arduino UNO is a programmable microcontroller board.
- It contains Atmel's ATMega328 as is based on that microcontroller.
- The Arduino board also contains an in-built voltage regulator to protect it from burning out and supports serial communication to help programmers.
- The Arduino board is culturally programmed through the Arduino App designed by the board's developers and the programming is done in C language.
- The Arduino App compiles code and interfaces the firmware into the Arduino hardware.
- Arduino UNO has 14 digital I/O pins out of which 6 are PWM pins as well.
- Arduino also takes analog inputs and has 6 analog input pins.
Figure # 1: Arduino UNO
Soil Moisture Sensor:
- The soil moisture sensor is a resistive sensor that consists of two electrodes with a small charge and the resistance in those electrodes is measured and then the resistance in between the soil is used to find the moisture levels.
- A soil moisture sensor normally comes equipped with an amplifier such as LM393. It has a VCC, GND and analog output pin.
Figure # 2: Soil Moisture Sensor
Water Level Sensor:
- The water level sensor is a module that helps calculate the amount of liquid in a container.
- When a liquid is present in the tank, the Submersible level sensor detects the hydrostatic pressure generated by the liquid.
- Since hydrostatic pressure is a measure of two variables, the first of which is the density of the fluid and the second of which is the height of the fluid, it is a useful tool.
Figure # 3: Water Level Sensor
RTC Module:
- RTC stands for real Time Clock and as the name suggests the module keeps track of time even when the external power supply is cut off.
- It has a battery cell installed within it for that purpose, moreover, it is capable of communication with other devices such as Arduino too.
Figure # 4: RTC Module
- Relays are basically electrical or electromechanical switches that operate on the principle of magnetic field controlling the switching within the relay.
- A relay has two modes of operation, normally open and normally closed.
Figure # 5: 12V Relay
- The PCF8574 is a silicon-based CMOS integrated circuit.
- Using the two-line bidirectional bus enables general-purpose remote I/O extension for the majority of microcontroller families (I2C).
- It is used in our project for I2C communication of LCD.
Figure # 6: PCF 8574
Proteus Simulation of Plant Watering System
Now, let's design the Proteus Simulation of Plant Watering System first and then will work on the Arduino Code.
- First of all, make sure that Proteus is installed on your computer and download all the necessary libraries for Proteus beforehand.
- For this project, you will need libraries for Arduino, LCD, RTC Module, Water Level Sensor and Soil Moisture Sensor. Make sure that you read how to use each library in Proteus as well.
- Open a new project on Proteus, import all the components required and place them within the working area or the blue line of Proteus.
- Select below components from Proteus Components' library:
Circuit Diagram and Working:
- Now, place these components in your Proteus workspace, as shown in the below figure:
- For the water level and moisture sensor, place a variable POT(potentiometer) at the test pin and place an RC filter at the output pins. (This is only for simulation purposes)
- Start with the input side of Arduino and connect the soil moisture, water level output pins to the A1 and A0 pins of Arduino respectively.
- To use the LCD for I2C communication, Place PCF8574 and connect with LCD.
- Connect the SDA and SCL pins of PCF8574 and the SDA and SCL pins of the RTC module with the SDA and SCL pins of Arduino.
- For the output side of Arduino, Connect the D7 to the relay controlling the pump.
- Connect the buzzer at D2 and the LEDs to their respective Arduino pins as well.
- Make sure appropriate power and ground are provided to each component. With that the making of the circuit on Proteus is complete.
Figure 7 shows the circuit diagram of the system. Proteus was used to simulate the circuit and Arduino App was used for the simulation of the Arduino code. The circuit was designed in a way that is easy to understand and further integrated easily. We will now go through a step-by-step guide on how the circuit was built.
Figure # 7: Proteus Circuit diagram
Arduino Code for Plant Watering System
A normal Arduino code has two main segments:
We will look at both of them separately here.
Declaration Code
- The first step in setting up our code is defining libraries, download if you don’t have any libraries already integrated in the Arduino App.
Figure # 12: Arduino Code
- The next step in the code is tone definition for buzzer and pin definition of variables being used in the project.
Figure # 13: Arduino Code
- After pin definition, the variables used must be defined so that Arduino knows where to find them and how to identify them.
Figure # 14: Arduino Code
- The next step is defining the system messages that will appear on the LCD.
- It is not necessary to define those messages in the setup, they can be easily defined within the main code but it is an easier way to define those beforehand and call them whenever needed.
- This is especially useful when a system message is used multiple times in the code.
Figure # 15: Arduino Code
- Now we define the objects being used in the project.
- The two objects being defined are the RTC module and LCD. In the syntax below we used 20x0 in the argument for the LCD, that is because there are no libraries for I2C LCDs and we had to turn a simple LCD into an I2C LCD by the means of PCF8574.
Figure # 16: Arduino Code
Void setup:
Now we start the programming of void setup.
- At first is the initialization of various components, such as initializing the RTC module and setting the time and date of RTC with respect to our computer.
- Wire initialization and library are used for I2C communication.
Figure # 17: Arduino Code
- The next step is defining the digital pins of Arduino being used as input or output pins and displaying the initial message on our LCD.
Figure # 18: Arduino Code
Void Loop:
- The first step in the loop is to read the date and time from the computer through the RTC and read the values from the sensor.
- Since this part of the program runs in the loop, Arduino will keep reading and refreshing the sensor inputs every time the loop starts.
Figure # 19: Arduino Code
- In the next segment of the code, we will check various conditions of the sensor values and RTC and actuate our outputs on the basis of these conditions.
- At first, we check the water level of the container, if it is below the set level, Arduino will actuate the buzzer to alarm the user of low tank on LCD.
Figure # 20: Arduino Code
- In the next step, we check the values of the moisture sensor and place the conditions in three categories, namely, moist soil, soggy soil and dry soil.
- The Arduino will light up the respective LED whenever its condition is true. Red LED for dry soil, yellow LED for soggy soil and green LED for moist soil.
- The LCD will also display respective messages for each of those conditions.
- The following code is for the condition of dry soil.
Figure # 21: Arduino Code
- The following code is for the condition of moist soil.
Figure # 22: Arduino Code
- And finally the code for the condition of soggy soil.
Figure # 23: Arduino Code
- In the next step of the code, we check the condition of time, whether it is time to water the plants or not and the condition of the water reservoir to see its level as well.
Figure # 24: Arduino Code
If you see the code closely, you may see the function of the right hour, which is called various times in the main code. The function code in itself is written at the bottom of the main code. This function is used for displaying the time and date on the LCD and also for fixing the date and time.
- Open Arduino and generate a hex file for that program.
- Put the hex file in the Arduino UNO board placed in Proteus.
- Run the simulation.
Figure # 8: Proteus circuit simulation when soil is soggy
Figure # 9: Proteus circuit simulation when soil is moist
Figure # 10: Proteus circuit simulation when soil is dry
Figure # 11: Proteus circuit simulation when soil is dry and it is time to water the plant
As you can see from figure 8 that our simulation is running according to the program set at Arduino. You can increase or decrease the values coming from the sensors through the Potentiometer.
So, that was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed today's lecture. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments. Thanks for reading.
Home Security System using Arduino UNO in Proteus
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing well. In today's tutorial, we are going to design a Home Security System using Arduino UNO in Proteus software. It's the most commonly designed engineering project, especially in electrical, electronics and mechatronics engineering. Normally engineering students design it as a semester project during their engineering course.
So, today we will design a home security system from scratch in Proteus software. I have given the complete project below to download but I would suggest you to design it on your own so that you could understand it better. So, let's get started:
Home Security System: Project Description
- Before going into the detail, let's first download the complete Proteus Simulation with Arduino Code, by clicking the below button:
Home Security System using Arduino UNO in Proteus
Let me first give you a detailed project description i.e. what we actually want to design? We want to build a Home Security Project, which should follow these security protocols:
- Fire alarm: It should be able to detect the fire and sound an alarm to alert everyone at home.
- Smoke alarm: It should detect the gas(smoke) and turn on the alarm(if detected).
The above-mentioned security protocols will be followed 24/7. Moreover, there will be two security modes in the project, named:
- Secure Mode.
- Normal Mode.
Let's have a look at both of these modes, one by one:
1. Secure Mode
- This mode should be selected, when owners want to completely secure their home i.e. they are leaving home or while sleeping at night.
- If the Secure Mode is selected, the project should follow the following security protocols:
- Intruder Detection Alarm: It should detect the presence of any human being in the occupied premises.
- Windows Security Alarm: If someone tries to break through the windows, the project should sound an alarm.
- Door Security Alarm: If any intruder tries to break through the main door, it should again sound the alarm to alert everyone.
2. Normal Mode
- This mode should be selected, when owners are at home and just want to take the basic security measures.
- In this mode, only the Fire Alarm & Gas Alarm will work, while all other alarms will remain on standby.
Other Features
- There should be an LCD, to display values of all parameters.
- It should have a buzzer to generate an alarm, in case of emergency.
- There should a Push Button to make switches between these security modes.
Here's the final simulation, which we are going to design in today's lecture:
So, these are our requirements, which we want to achieve in this Home Security Project. Now let's have a look at the components selected for this project:
Home Security System: Components Selected
Now let's have a look at the list of components, which I have selected for this Home Security Project. I will also briefly explain the purpose of using each component.
1. Arduino UNO
- As clearly it's an Embedded Systems Project, so first of all we need to select a Microcontroller for our project.
- As I have mentioned earlier, we will use the Arduino UNO Microcontroller board for designing this project.
- Arduino UNO will act as the brain of the project and will control all sensors and modules.
2. Flame Sensor:
- A flame sensor is used to detects the presence of fire.
- The sensor basically consists of a photo-diode that detects the Infrared rays that emit from the fire. When it detects a fire, its output goes HIGH.
3. Gas Sensor (MQ-6)
- MQ-6 Gas Sensor is used to detect the concentration of gases in the environment.
- The sensor produces a potential difference proportional to the concentration of the particular gases.
- The type of gas that it detects depends upon the material used in the sensor.
- There are many gas sensors available in the market i.e. MQ-2, MQ-3, MQ-4 etc.
- These sensors are available as ready-made modules for easy interfacing with the microcontroller.
4. PIR Sensor(HC-SR501)
- HC-SR501 PIR sensor is used to detect any human being(intruder) in the Secure Mode.
- It detects the IR radiations from the human movement & generates a pulse on its output.
- The time period of the pulse could be varied by using the potentiometer on the sensor.
5. Vibration sensor(SW-420)
- The SW-420 vibration sensor is used to detect any forced entry through windows.
- In Secure Mode, if someone tries to open the window, the sensor will detect vibrations and will send a HIGH signal to the microcontroller.
6. Infrared Sensor
- An infrared sensor will be placed at the door and someone tried to enter through that door, the sensor will detect it.
- It consists of an IR transmitter and a photo-diode that are placed close to each other.
- If any object movement occurs in front of the sensor, the IR rays hit the object and return back with a particular angle called incident angle.
- This pulls the comparator output to ground or logic LOW.
7. LCD 20x4
- LCD 20x4 will be used for displaying the values of all these sensors.
- It will also display useful information i.e. which mode is selected.
8. Buzzer
- A small 5V Buzzer is used to sound the alarm.
9. LM7805
- LM7805 is a voltage regulator and is used to convert voltage from 12V to 5V.
- Power sources(i.e. battery, adapter etc.) available are normally 12V, as it has become a standard.
- Moreover, many components also operate at 12V like a buzzer or DC motor.
- While microcontrollers and sensors work on 5V, so in Embedded projects, it's quite necessary to design a voltage regulator from 12V to 5V and in some cases 3.3V.
- I normally prefer LM7805 for converting voltage from 12V to 5V.
10. Resistances(1kohm)
- We need to use a few resistances of 1kohm.
11. Small LED
- We will also use a small LED for power indication.
12. Capacitors(100uF)
- We will also use few capacitors of 100uF, as it removes any noise/ripples.
So, these are the components, we are going to use for designing Home Security System. Now let's get started with designing the Proteus Simulation:
Proteus Simulation of Home Security System
As I have told you earlier, I am going to use Proteus software for designing this project. Proteus is an excellent simulation tool, where we will not only design the circuit of this project but will also test its output. I always design my programming algorithms on simulations as working on real hardware is too time-consuming. You should remove all your programming bugs in simulation and once confirmed then design your project in real hardware. So, let's start:
Install Proteus Libraries
- Arduino boards & sensors' modules are not available in the Proteus components list.
- So, first of all, we need to install these Proteus libraries:
- Adding these libraries is quite simple, you just need to place their files in the library folder of Proteus software.
- If you got any issues, then read this guide on How to add a Library in Proteus 8.
Once you added all the libraries, now open your Proteus software.
Designing Circuit Diagram in Proteus
- Now we need to design a circuit for our project, so select these components from Proteus Components Search Box.
- First of all, let's design the voltage regulator circuit using LM7805, which will be simply converting the voltage from 12V to 5V.
- As you can see in the above figure, I have used 12V Battery, while the output of LM7805 is showing 5V and I have also placed an LED for power indication.
LCD Interfacing with Arduino:
- Next, we need to interface 20x4 LCD with Arduino UNO, so design the circuit as shown in the below figure:
Next, we need to interface five sensors with Arduino UNO, so let's add them to our Proteus simulation:
Sensors Interfacing with Arduino:
- These are simple digital & analog sensors and are all powered up at 5V.
- So, simply connect them as shown in the below figure:
- The Flame Sensor is connected to pin A0 of Arduino UNO.
- Gas Sensor is connected to pin A1 of Arduino UNO.
- PIR Sensor is connected to pin A2 of Arduino UNO.
- The Vibration Sensor is connected to pin A3 of Arduino UNO.
- The Infrared Sensor is connected to pin A4 of Arduino UNO.
For simulation, ensure all hex files are uploaded to each sensor for proper working. You can upload the source code hex file to the Arduino, by pressing Ctrl+E or by right click --> Edit properties.
Buzzer & Push Button:
- Finally, we need to add the Buzzer to sound the alarm in emergency cases, I have connected it to Pin A5 of Arduino UNO.
- I have also connected a push-button for switching the modes, connected to Pin 7 of Arduino UNO, as shown in the below figure:
- Here's the image of the complete Proteus Simulation for Home Security System:
Now let's design the Arduino programming code for Home Security Project:
Arduino Code for Home Security System
In the previous section, we have designed the Proteus simulation of the project, now let's design its Arduino Code to make it alive. Let's get started:
Initialization LCD Arduino Code
- First of all, we need to define all our variables, as you can see in the code shown in the right figure.
- I have included the Liquid Crystal Library, which is used to operate LCD.
- Next, I have defined all my sensors to the respective pins and then initialized boolean variables for storing the output of sensors.
- In the Setup loop, I have made the sensors' pins input pullup using the pinMode Arduino command.
- Finally, displayed an initialization message on the LCD screen i.e. "Home Security System using Arduino UNO By TEP".
- The message will display for around 1 second and then LCD will be cleared and the SensorDisplay function will be called, which will simply write sensors' names on the LCD screen.
- Now compile your code and add the hex file in Arduino UNO and run your PRoteus simulation.
- If everything goes fine, you will get results as shown in the below figure:
So far, we have just displayed the sensor's names, now let's read the sensors' data in the loop section:
Reading Sensors' Data
- In the loop section, first of all, we need to read the sensors' data using the digitalRead command, as shown in the code.
- After reading the sensor's data, I have called the SensorValues function, in which I have placed a check on each sensor's value and updated it on LCD.
- It's quite straightforward code, if the sensor is giving HIGH output, I am displaying Yes on LCD and if it's LOW, I am simply printing No.
- We haven't yet defined the modes, so the project will keep on reading the sensors and will display their respective value in the LCD.
- As you can see in the below figure, if the TestPin of the sensor is HIGH, its respective value on LCD is showing "Yes" and if it's LOW then "No" is written.
- Now, if you change any sensor's value, its respective value on LCD will be updated.
So, we have successfully interfaced our sensors with Arduino UNO and now it's time to add operational modes to our project.
Two Operational Modes
- As I mentioned earlier, we need to add two operational modes in our project, and the push button will be used for conversion from one mode to another.
- So, I have simply added an If loop in my code, as shown in the figure on the right side.
- In normal mode, I have simply displayed the name of the mode at the first line of LCD.
- While in secure mode, I am checking if either of the sensors goes HIGH, simply turn ON the Buzzer.
- Although, you won't be able to hear the Buzzer sound in the below figure, but you can see Buzzer's Pin is HIGH because two of the sensors are giving a response. Check the video for Buzzer working.
- We normally need to use an optocoupler or relay driver in between the buzzer and microcontroller as buzzers normally operate at 12V, but 5V buzzers are also available.
- Here's the complete Arduino Code:
* All rights reserved to TEP
const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);
#define Flame A0
#define Gas A1
#define Pir A2
#define Vib A3
#define Ir A4
#define Buzzer A5
#define Switch 7
boolean Fire, Smoke, Intruder, Window, Door;
boolean Mode = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);
lcd.print(" USING ARDUINO UNO ");
lcd.print("By TEP ");
void loop()
Fire = digitalRead(Flame);
Smoke = digitalRead(Gas);
Intruder = digitalRead(Pir);
Window = digitalRead(Vib);
Door = digitalRead(Ir);
Mode = digitalRead(Switch);
if(Mode==false) // Normal mode
lcd.print("Normal Mode");
else // Secure Mode
lcd.print("Secure Mode");
if((Fire == HIGH) || (Smoke == HIGH) || (Intruder == HIGH) || (Window == HIGH) || (Door == HIGH)){
digitalWrite(Buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Buzzer, LOW);
void SensorDisplay()
void SensorValues()
if(Fire == true){ lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print("Yes");}
else{ lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print("No ");}
if(Smoke == true){lcd.setCursor(17,1); lcd.print("Yes");}
else{lcd.setCursor(17,1); lcd.print("No ");}
if(Intruder == true){lcd.setCursor(11,3); lcd.print("Yes");}
else{lcd.setCursor(11,3); lcd.print("No ");}
if(Window == true){lcd.setCursor(17,2); lcd.print("Yes");}
else{lcd.setCursor(17,2); lcd.print("No ");}
if(Door == true){lcd.setCursor(6,2); lcd.print("Yes");}
else{lcd.setCursor(6,2); lcd.print("No ");}
Future Scope of Home Security System
- Embedded has taken over the whole world because of its user-friendliness and low cost.
- Instead of hiring security guards(which is quite expensive), now smart homes in modern societies are equipped with such home security systems.
- Modern Home Security systems are even linked with local police or security agencies for emergency help.
- Moreover, these security systems are not bound to homes only, nowadays offices, banks, shopping malls etc. are all equipped with such smart security systems.
Future Work on Home Security System
- Today, we have designed a very simple Home Security System, where we interfaced few sensors and have only placed a Buzzer.
- We will continue this project and will add smart features to it.
- Let's have a look at few features, which we can add to this project:
- We can interface the GSM module to send messages, in case of emergency.
- We can add more sensors i.e. ultrasonic sensors, different types of Gas sensors in it.
- We can also improve our code by using interrupts instead of polling.
- We can also add a camera for facial recognition.
- To improve the security, we can add a keypad and only authorized persons will have the access to enter.
- The fingerprint sensor can also be used for identification purposes.
No matter what happens, you should put safety first. Even a great security system won’t ensure full protection, which is why you might want to consider secondary measures. Hiring fire watch security will assist you on a daily basis, performing tasks that machines cannot. These veterans will protect your home or office, addressing potential hazards as they appear.
So, that was all for today. I hope you guys have enjoyed today's project. If you have any questions/queries, please ask in the comments and I will try my best to resolve them asap. Thanks for reading, take care. Bye :)
Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus
Buy This Project
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share a new Project which is
Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus ISIS. I have designed its complete Simulation which I am gonna share today. We have designed this Proteus simulation off Smart Blind Stick after quite a lot of effort that's why its not free. We have placed a small amount on it and you can buy it from our shop via PayPal. You need to click on above button in order to buy this project's code and Simulation. If you have any problem in understanding this project, then you can ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve your issues.
Smart Blind Stick project is designed quite a lot in engineering universities. That's why, I thought of sharing this simulation. Although its a Proteus Simulation but if you wanna design it on hardware then this code will work perfectly fine as I have tested it on hardware. If you got into any trouble in running this simulation then you can also send me message via Contact Form and I will surely help you out. So, let's get started with Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus ISIS:
Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus
- In this Smart Blind Stick, I have used:
- Three Ultrasonic Sensors are placed in Front, Left and Right Directions.
- Ultrasonic Sensors on blind stick are used for detection of any hurdle or intruder in the passage of blind person.
- Once it detects the hurdle, then the buzzer will go ON and alert the blind person.
- Similarly I have also placed a PIR sensor which is detecting the presence of any other person, so when you place it on the blind stick then make sure that it is placed on front side so that it won't detect the blind person.
- Although blind persons can't read the values on LCd but still I have placed an LCD just to display all the values.
- I have used Arduino Pro Mini because its smaller in size and can easily be placed on a blind
- Here's a screenshot of Smart Blind Stick using Arduino in Proteus ISIS:
- Because the simulation was big in size that's why these sensors are looking so small, you need to zoom in to get all the details.
- It's got lengthy because I have designed a stick in Proteus and I have placed all the sensors on that stick except PIR sensor because that was quite big.
- It's looking quite cool because of the stick simulation. :)
- Here's a screen shot of zoomed in Ultrasonic Sensors:
- Now when you buy this Project, then you will get all these Library files in the folder along with complete Arduino code and Proteus Simulation.
- I have also designed a video which is given at the end of this tutorial, if you wanna buy this project, then must watch that video as I have shown the working of this Proteus Simulation in that video.
- Now, Get the Hex File from Arduino Softwre and upload it in the Arduino Pro Mini.
- Once you are done, run your Proteus Simulation of Smart Blind Stick and if everything goes fine then you will get the first screen as shown in below figure:
- This first screen is displaying the name of Project as well as our website in LCD.
- After 5 sec, it will change and will start displaying sensors' values, as shown in below figure:
- You can see in above figure that LCD is displaying values of all ultrasonic sensors, along with the Motion detection.
- Because PIR Sensor's TestPin is HIGH that's why its showing that Motion Detected and at this time the buzzer is also ON, which you can't hear in the image. :P
- Here's a detailed video, in which I have shown the functionality of this Smart Blind Stick Proteus Simulation:
If you want to buy this project then, you must first watch this video, so that you got the idea of what you are buying. That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this Smart Blind Stick. Till next tutorial, take care and have fun !!! :)
Design a Buzzer in Proteus ISIS
Hello friends, hope you all are having fun and enjoying life. Today's post is quite a simple one and is about designing of circuit diagram of buzzer in Proteus ISIS. Buzzer is quite a common electrical component which is used in almost every Embedded Systems project. For example, you have seen a simple UPS, it gives a beep each time the light goes off or it has depleted its battery. Buzzer is normally used for given some indication and normally this indication is kind of a warning.
Proteus has a builtin component for buzzer and its an animated component means it gives a sound (beep) when its turned ON. So, I am gonna use that one and will give you an actual beep on it. So, it won't be much difficult and quite a simple procedure. In this post, I am not gonna interface it with any Microcontroller i.e. Arduino or PIC Microcontroller but if you want then you can quite easily control it using any of them. You simply need to give pulse to it and you can control it. If I get time then I will post the control of buzzer with Arduino. So, let's start with it.
Design a Buzzer in Proteus ISIS
- First of all, get components from the Proteus library as shown in below figure:
- Now after selecting these components, design a circuit diagram in Proteus as shown in below figure:
- In the above circuit, I have used an optocoupler PC817 in order to control the buzzer.
- The optocoupler is controlled by a simple logic operator, now when you change the logic operator from 1 to 0 the buzzer will turn on.
- Optocoupler is working here on inverse logic i.e. when we send 1 then its OFF and when we send 0 then its ON.
- If you are designing it on hardware then you can use PC817 Optocoupler.
- So now if everything's fine then simply run the simulation and then click on the logic operator and you will get the below results:
- You can see in the above figure, there are two states.
- In the Buzzer ON state LED is OFF but the buzzer will be ON and you will hear a beep like sound, which obviously can't be heard here in the image. :)
- While in the OFF state LED is ON but the buzzer will be OFF and you wont hear anything.
That's quite a simple tutorial and quite easy to understand but still if you have any problem, then ask in comments. Till next tutorial, take care and have fun.