Voyager 2 Became the Second Spacecraft which Reached the Outer Space
According to information published by representatives of the US space agency NASA, the Voyager 2 spacecraft, which is now at a distance of 18 billion kilometers (11 billion miles) from Earth, has reached the outer space. The data recently transmitted by Voyager 2 indicates that it has successfully “pierced” the heliosphere, the protective “bubble” of charged particles and magnetic fields that “envelops” the solar system, protecting its planets from external cosmic radiation.
Let us remind our readers that the Voyager 2 was launched into space on August 20, 1977, 16 days earlier than its twin, the Voyager 1 was launched. Both Voyager mission devices carry identical scientific equipment and a Golden Record gold plate containing various sounds and a brief history of our world and civilization.
Currently, the Voyager 2 has been in space for more than 41 years and 3 months, making it the longest living man-made spacecraft. Note that the mission was originally planned for a much shorter period, about five years, during which Jupiter and Saturn and the vicinities of these giant planets of our system had to be studied by the device. After the end of the main mission and the solution of all tasks, the mission’s leadership decided to send the Voyager 2 apparatus even deeper into space, to Uranus and Neptune. For this reason, some remote upgrades were carried out, which affected mainly the onboard computers and controller's software.
Let us remind our readers that the Voyager 1 apparatus in 2012 became the first man-made object that managed to cross the heliosphere border of our system and enter the outer space. Now the Voyager 2 became the second spacecraft to do so, but this case provided scientists with a very large amount of valuable scientific information because they already knew in advance what they would have to face and what they should pay attention to first.
The value of the data collected by the Voyager 2 increased due to the fact that its instrument Plasma Science Experiment (PSE) at the time of crossing the outer layer of the heliosphere was in a fully operational state. Note that the same tool in the apparatus Voyager 1 was malfunctioning since 1980. The PSE tool is designed to measure electric currents induced by the solar wind, which makes it possible to determine the speed, density, temperature, and pressure of the solar wind. The universe is a fascinating place, the adventures and struggles of which should be experienced with someone you love by your side, so be sure to visit this
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On November 5, the equipment of the Voyager 2 apparatus began to register a sharp decrease in the velocity of the particles of the solar wind. This is the main sign of the achievement of the so-called heliopause region, an area where the pressure of the solar wind begins to be balanced by the pressure of the interstellar medium. At the same time, other tools began to issue additional data, which served as confirmation of the above fact.
Now the environment in which the Voyager 2 apparatus is located is strikingly different from everything that it has had to deal with earlier. The relatively high temperature of the solar wind has changed to the cold of a rather dense interstellar medium.
Despite the fact that the Voyager 2 has already left the heliosphere, it is still quite far from the generally accepted boundary of the solar system which is located outside the horizon cloud. The Orta cloud is a massive "bubble" of particles and blocks of ice, the inner boundary of which is at a distance of 1000 astronomical units from the sun. For reference, the astronomical unit is equivalent to the average distance between the Earth and the Sun and is approximately 149.67 million kilometers.
Unfortunately, the Voyager 2 will no longer be able to send images taken in interstellar space to Earth. In order to save the scarce electricity, all the cameras and other non-essential scientific instruments for the current mission were turned off. Since the Voyager mission vehicles are very far from the Sun and cannot rely on solar batteries, the main source of their energy is a radioisotope thermogenerator, the power output of which decreases by 4 watts over the course of one year.
3 Writing Projects You Can Finish in a Single Day
Writing is an art that is utilized in numerous areas of life. The same art is applied to projects that require specialized skills in research, writing, editing. Without sticking to the right procedure of doing a writing project, the content of any document will fail to deliver the intended message sufficiently or you spend more hours than needed, for example, 24 hours instead of 2 hours. Assess the scope of your project now!
Let us take a look at the general procedure in the writing process as well as the necessary steps incorporated in writing a project you need to write today - an essay, report, case study or research paper.
3 Top Writing Projects to Complete Fast within 24 Hours
- Creative writing projects that involve writing dialogues, poems, short stories and other pieces of creative writing. The only condition of good writing is writing in a creative way. What does it mean? Just use your imagination on a page and it will be appreciated. For quick results in creative writing, you need to know 15 ways to increase imagination and creativity.
- 500-word essays that will be about a page and a half. You can heave a sigh of relief immediately after you are assigned to do this project instead of writing a research paper. You are just required to write 500 words on the essay topic. So don’t worry if you recollect about this assignment in the last minute, you’ll succeed in it fast. It is possible to write even in an hour only if you follow the effective tips of urgent writing. Keep in mind that it is better to stick to the point rather than beating about the bush.
- Article reviews that are aimed at summarizing and evaluating another writer's article. What can be simpler than reading an article and reviewing it accordingly? Believe a single day will be devoted to the given project in case if you take the next 5 steps in the quick writing process.
5 Main Steps in the Quick Writing Process
The following is a detailed breakdown of the general writing procedure for any project you need now:
- Have an idea of what to write about. Everything deserves proper planning and writing is not exceptional. Planning involves having a clear picture of what you intend to write about. This way you can swing into action seamlessly. Not only is this applicable in creative writing, but it also cuts across other forms of writing including official and formal. It would be easier to take note of any ideas that cross your mind in a notebook.
- Build on your idea. Ideas just give you a sketch of what you intend to come up with. The next stage of writing is to get some flesh onto your sketch. Here you undertake brainstorming and free writing which is basically expounding and actualizing your imaginations. Additionally, no editing on flow and other errors is required at this point. After compiling your random ideas, the next step would be to pick out the most appealing one that corresponds with the heading or the aim of your final draft. The ideas gathered here will form the actual book or paper.
- Begin writing a project. Now that you have the ideas and a proper plan of execution you can delve into the actual writing process. Now that this is your first draft, do not keep your focus on grammar or word count. Similarly, you should not freak out about veering off the topic. This stage involves a lot of free writing. As a matter of fact, even the best writers produce several drafts before getting it right.
- Revise your work. By this time, you should at least have one draft of your ideas. Revision involves a lot of things. To begin with, you should check whether you draft is in line with the topic. Other than that, confirm if the word count is right. In addition to that, you can rearrange the format to your liking, remove some parts that seem irrelevant or replace words and sentences with better ones.
- Edit and proofread your written content. A flawless project will be more appealing to whoever reads it. That is why you should refine your draft. No matter how perfect you may be, you are still expendable when it comes to making mistakes in one way or the other. That is why we have this stage. Look out for spelling errors, punctuation, omissions, repetitions, grammar, and clarity. In case you hire a freelancer from fast essay writing service, this might also be a great time to go through your paper and eliminate any shortcomings. Editing and proofreading is the final stage for any writing process.
Finally, a proper procedure guarantees the instant effective communication and the right course of action will direct you to quick results in writing. Rather than use 24/7 fast essay writing services to write your project, you can make use of the procedures above to create the best paper ever.
10 Engineering Writing Prompts Mastering the Written Form of Communication
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at 10 Engineering Writing Prompts Mastering the Written Form of Communication. Get surprised that engineers should be effective in writing as most humanities-minded people do? Yes, there is a problem among most specialists, who have technical knowledge. They can’t share their knowledge in a way that’s easy to understand for the audience that has no bearing on the subject. So any written paper should be clear, concise and coherent. As the world of engineering is expanding dramatically today, engineers need to develop new strategies for presenting the research ideas and results to the non-engineering audience. So how to do it effectively? You can use a lot of guidance, manuals or apply some engineering writing prompts in practice. There is no need to look for them online, all of them are given in this article. So read this article once and write a brilliant research paper or any other assignment on Engineering.
Engineering Writing: What Does It Involve?
Engineering writing differs from other types of writing as it has different purposes and characteristics. Let’s look at what will make your engineering writing different from creative writing, for example.
- Technical knowledge and skills. What abilities and knowledge needed to perform specific tasks in Engineering? You can open the article presented on The Balance Careers and make sure that most of them are practical and relate to mechanical, information technology, mathematical, or scientific tasks. Keep in mind that data analysis skills are most valued today. Focus on them while dealing with writing on Engineering.
- Technical writing style. Any piece of writing is created in a particular style. As a rule, it can be formal or informal. All academic papers are written in an impersonal style. Besides a formal way of writing, in engineering papers, you need to stick to a technical writing style. Read more about this style in this guide.
- Training and experience. Here, you can argue by stating that other specialists also need additional training to come up with effective writing. Believe that engineers should practice in writing doubly to get valuable experience to convey complex information.
10 Engineering Writing Prompts Based on a Field of Expertise
- Data analysis. Today, every industry relies on data that is needed to be collected, organized, and interpreted. Choose a specific area where data analysis is needed and describe in detail - what method is more reliable and why.
- Coding and programming. Program an application to perform without any error. However, on the way of coding, you may face some issues. Write a report in which you should present the initial steps of computer programming. Analyze a problem and provide the list of possible solutions to it.
- Defense system. Write a case study where you should demonstrate the understanding of the defense system of a particular country from the engineer’s perspective. Think of new technologies that would contribute to the area and why.
- Design specifications and estimates. Design a product that can be manufactured or implemented by an engineer. Describe the procedure of creating in detail.
- Civil safety. Review the construction of roads and buildings in your country or city. Evaluate it accordingly as a civil engineer.
- Control systems. Test any given technology and record all the experimental findings by describing your methodology - what you do, in what order and so on.
- Environment. Conduct a hazardous-waste management study during which you should evaluate the significance of the hazard, provide some advice on its treatment and containment, and introduce some regulations to prevent further mishaps.
- Chemistry. Examine the principles of chemical engineering to solve some problems in the production or use of chemicals in a variety of manufacturing industries - energy, food, clothing.
- Health and medicine. Provide some engineering principles and practices to solve medical and health-related problems in the 21st century. Based on medical scientists, evaluate the health management system from the perspective of instrumentation.
- Nuclear energy. Consider the future development of nuclear power sources - what expectations and risks are. Answer the main question - will be a ‘nuclear energy and radiation’ problem solved in the near future?
If you apply all the practical materials in writing on Engineering, you'll be better able to communicate your message as an engineer who aims to make this world productive, safe and the best place to live. What is more sufficient? It is that you won’t ask anyone “Do my homework for me please” as you’ll do it on your own effortlessly. But still, if you make similar requests, it is better to
get assignment help online from real experts.
Linear Actuators: How Do They Work?
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at
Linear Actuators and How Do They Work? There are many types of actuators available but today we are only gonna focus on Linear actuators.
If you got into any trouble then ask in comments and I will help you out. You should also try our
Forum section which we have recently started and our experts will surely solve your issues. You should also have a look at
How to use Arduino with Linear Actuator, if you are working on some automation project. So, let's get started with it:
What Is a Linear Actuator?
A linear actuator is a piece of mechanical equipment commonly used on industrial scale in brakes, stamping presses, and car jacks. It acts by using power to generate straight-line motion. It is achieved by employing a lead-screw that creates up and down movement by turning to the left or to the right. The direction of the movement can be regulated by using a switch that reverses motor wiring. Different actuators will have varying shafts, speeds and capacities that will change depending on the gear to suit your specific needs.
How does electric linear actuator work? The answer to this question depends on the kind of instrument that you are dealing with. There are several types of actuators most commonly used in industry:
- Screw: involves movement that is manipulated by twisting screw threads;
- Wheel and handle: the movement is generated by a chain connected to the shaft;
- Cam: the movement production exploits a wedge-like apparatus.
Composition and Function
How do linear actuators work? Well, it all starts with the structural constituents of the machine. The key component is the movement-enabling motor segment that permits extremely frequent clockwise or anticlockwise rotation. The gearbox is essential to change speed and force of linear movement generated by the lead-screw: it reduces the frequency to condition for the rotation of the screw.
To avoid recantation and overstretching, there might be an incorporated limit switch inside the shaft: one for the retracted position, and one for the extended position. This is facilitated by the acme drill nut that activates the switch in the middle of the vertical motion. This is followed by the cut in power supply, stopping and then reversing the movement. The flow of electricity is only permitted unidirectionally, creating polarity and switching the course. The movement in both directions is then restored.
All of these processes combined ultimately dictate the speed of screw rotation and hence linear movement and outlining the electric linear actuator working principle.
Choosing an Actuator
How do
electric linear actuator works? We have found the answer to this question, so now you might want to learn how to choose an actuator that will accommodate your needs. There are countless ways to utilize the mechanical functions of actuators, each having a corresponding type of apparatus. To make a sensible choice you must know the goals and objectives of your actuator project.
Start by asking yourself some questions: how fast and powerful do you need it to be? How much do you want it to travel? How heavily do you intend to rely on it? You will then have to think of the weight you’ll impose on it to judge the amount of force you require. Consequently, you will pick one of the following types:
- Track actuator: generates a stable path length during stroke, hence suitable for small compartments;
- Rod-style actuator: simple shafts suitable for most applications;
- Feedback actuator: allows high precision of movement due to a sophisticated set of equipment.
You might also consider a high-speed machine. However, you must keep in mind that the faster the movement your actuator generates, the less powerful it will be, as these two properties feed off each other.
Linear actuators are sophisticated mechanical setups generating straight-line motion that can find many industrial and everyday applications. There are different kinds of actuators of various kinds, having different characteristics suitable for their purposes. Inside a linear actuator, there is a motor segment, a gearbox, a lead-screw, a limit switch, and an acme drill nut. These activate and regulate the direction, force and speed of motion, also detecting the kind of activity the actuator can perform.
How Scientific and Medical Animation is used
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to give you a detailed overview of How Scientific and Medical Animation is used. The use of scientific and medical animation is a growing trend that has a broad range of applications. Austin Visuals is a 3D and 2D animation company with a team of professionals with the technical skill and creativity to produce 3D medical animation, scientific animation, and
forensic animations.
Doctor’s offices, hospitals, and medical schools are turning to
3D medical animation for instructional purposes. Animation companies can create animated video clips that explain surgical procedures, medical treatments, or pharmaceutical mechanisms to patients. Animated video is engaging and easy to understand, which is particularly useful for explaining complex and unfamiliar information.
Animation is increasingly being used in doctor’s offices, hospital websites, and even on television shows that are designed to educate people about health and medical topics. Animated videos can be an effective tool for providing emergency care instructions, for example, for performing CPR or first aid procedures in an emergency situation.
Animated video is being used for medical and surgical instruction in a few different ways. Animation provides another way to train new doctors in anatomical and surgical topics to enhance their knowledge and understanding of complicated topics and procedures. Video is being used to teach surgical students how to perform basic procedures. Seasoned doctors use animation to expand their skill set and for surgical planning.
Prescription drug websites often feature animated video to teach patients about how their medications work in the human body. Animated video clips are provided to convey information about how the company’s medication improves symptoms, the interaction between drug molecules, and even the origin of a specific disease.
Scientific animation is used to convey information to students in high school, college, and graduate school, professional scientists, and the general public. Animation makes it possible to visualize processes and structures that are not visible to the human eye. Animation is being used for visualizing microscopic processes, cellular and sub-cellular processes for illustrating atomic and molecular structures.
Forensics is another field that has begun to embrace animation technology. Forensic animations can be used to generate a virtual autopsy when there are damaged remains and for reconstruction of a crime scene. Law enforcement agencies are using animation to recreate crime scenes or accident scenes to solve cases and present evidence in criminal cases in court.
Forensics experts must analyze and interpret evidence at a crime scene to solve criminal cases. When they present their theories in court, explaining technical information to jurors can be challenging and many jurors have trouble visualizing the theories presented in court. Forensic animations can help jurors visualize the scene to determine if assertions from the prosecution or defense are possible.
The world of medical animation and scientific animation is rapidly growing and increasingly being used in medical offices, hospitals, medical schools, and even by law enforcement and in court. Choose a qualified 2D and 3D animation company with the resources and creative professionals to produce high quality animated video content that will serve your specific requirements.
Here’s Why a Master’s in Engineering Worth It
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to tell you the importance of Master’s in Engineering. You don’t need a master’s degree to get a good job in engineering. Talented engineers are in high demand, and plenty of young engineers are bringing home nice paychecks and enjoying good job prospects with nothing more than a bachelor’s degree in an engineering field. And, as hard as it was to earn your bachelor’s, do you really want to go on for an advanced degree in engineering?
While you may not necessarily
need a master’s degree to get a job in engineering, there are a lot of good reasons why earning this credential might be worth it. There are the obvious salary benefits, but it isn’t just a higher salary that makes an engineering master’s a good job option. You’ll qualify for more jobs, have greater job security and put yourself in the best position to stay up-to-date in your skills.
You’ll Make More Money
Of course, your salary as an engineer will depend somewhat on your specific field. For example, the
median salary for chemical engineers with a bachelor’s degree is about $72,000, while it’s about $104,000 for electrical and computer engineers with the same credential. A master’s degree, however, will net you an average of $19,000 more a year — and you’d have trouble fitting that in your change jar, especially since it can add up to a cool half-million by the time you reach retirement. Even considering the opportunity cost of leaving the work force for a year to go back to school, your new, higher salary will allow you to recoup the costs of your degree within a decade.
That’s assuming you do leave the workforce, however. Professional master’s degrees in fields like engineering are getting more popular, precisely because students today no longer have to leave the work force to go back to school. You can
earn a Masters of Mechanical Engineering online; if that’s not your field, no worries — many reputable schools offer online MS in Engineering degrees in a range of engineering specialties. As an online student, you might even qualify for tuition assistance from your employer, enabling you to get a free or deeply discounted degree.
You’ll Have More Prospects
Not only will you be able to command a higher salary with a master’s, you’ll also qualify for more jobs. It’ll be easier to advance in your career, whether you want to move up in your company or pursue a new position elsewhere. Many employers now want candidates with master’s degrees, and the extra credential will help you stand out from the crowd, especially in saturated fields like mechanical engineering.
You’ll Be More Recession-Proof
A few years ago, you may not have given a master’s degree a second thought. But these days, it’s increasingly important to think about your long-term employability. You need to keep your skills fresh and prepare yourself to address not just the problems facing your industry today but those that are bound to come up in the future. A master’s in engineering offers you that path to greater job security.
Rise to the Cutting Edge of Research in Your Field
It’s true that a master’s degree may not enhance your job prospects that much if you’re fresh out of college — unless you specifically look for employers who value that advanced degree and have the budget to pay candidates accordingly. If you’ve been out of school for a few years, or even a few decades, earning a master’s will teach you how to work with the newest technology in your field. You’ll be able to prove to employers that you can grapple with the latest research, equipment and software. A master’s will freshen up your skills and give you the tools to stay competitive, even as colleges and universities around the country crank out new engineering graduates faster and faster.
If you want to ensure that your skills stay fresh and your career stays fulfilling, stable and promising, you need to earn a master’s degree. A master’s in engineering shows employers that you have the skills and discipline to stick with a difficult project long-term and that you’re really committed to wringing every last drop of potential out of your career. Don’t wait any longer — the sooner you start master’s classes, the sooner you can reap the rewards of a more advanced degree.
How to design a Logo that Stands Out
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to show you How to design a Logo that Stands Out. Designing a killer logo is no doubt a simple and easy task for the professional designer but a beginner cannot do the same without getting basic logo designing guidelines and tips. In this virtual world, logo designers are in a high demand because every small business owner or company wants to boost its online presence by having appealing and unique branding and logo as well.
Since a logo is the company's first introduction to the customers that can impact customer's brand acuity, purchase decisions and overall interest toward a specific product or service. That is the reason; a logo should be unique, compelling and pleasing to eyes not only to stand out among the competitors but to appeal to customers as well.
Below are some ultimate logo designing tips that will help you design a successful logo.
Make it Appeal to Different Audiences
Whether it is a design, painting or text, flexibility and adaptability are two vital factors that go a long way in helping you thrive. When it comes to design a logo, one should be dynamic and not static to create logos that stand out. It is said by designers that a logo has to be vigorous in nature. You should design it with a flexible approach not to change it every month but to make it appeal to different audiences.
Make Sure it is Versatile
Versatility makes your logo design popular in the audience. For example, if a logo appears appealing on the website but looks horrible on other promotional items like a coffee mug, it will be failed to gain popularity. Designers don’t consider a logo great if it is the slave to a specific color scheme because a logo should always be appealing whether colorful or in black and white. Apple’s logo is a live example of a versatile and appealing logo. If you are unable to bring versatility to your logo design, then you can take a look at the
DesignRush Branding Agency Directory to find out the best logo designer for your business or company.
Color Scheme is Extremely Important
The color scheme is one of the most important things to consider for logo designing. Selection of the right colors can communicate ideas more effectively. Most of the companies usually use colors for logo designing that are already available in their brand and some of them have the freedom to choose a unique color scheme to design an appealing logo.
Get Inspirations and Design a Unique Logo
A unique and appealing logo design will last long in the mind of your audience and they will recognize it quickly even in the crowd of other brands. Doing online research is a great idea to get inspirations from competitors in the market but falling in love with the design of another company or business is not a good thing. Always get inspirations from the web but design a unique logo to enhance brand recognition of the company or business. You can also get great ideas by having a look at different designing elements such as icons,
typography, and fonts etc.
Throw yourself into the Brand
Before designing your very first logo draft, spend some of your precious moments in getting details and information about the company or client such as what they do/offer, who they are, and most importantly what is the target market etc. If they want you to revise their existing logo, having a close look at the existing design can also help you design a new one more effectively and creatively. Making a checklist is also a superb idea to prevent mistakes and errors in your logo designing project.
Learn Anything and Everything that can Help
A successful logo is always unique, appealing, simple, and delivers the brand/company’s message ingeniously. In simple words, a
creatively designed logo is a form of brand identity and it must contain each and everything that makes a logo perfect. That’s why; you should learn anything and everything that can help you in making a logo memorable, enduring, versatile, and according to the demands of the client.
How Can IT Students Prepare for Careers in Technical Support?
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at How Can IT Students Prepare for Careers in Technical Support? There are few jobs in the IT markets with more opportunities or job stability that technical support. Tech support is a recession-proof business with lots of options that can be catered to the worker's own tastes, interests, and experience.
There are numerous ways to prepare for a job in the tech support space, many of which depend on your actual career goals. If you are still trying to check out all the options, this article is for you. Keep reading to discover some good strategies for transitioning into a job that is right for you.
#1: Decide What Kind of Work You Want to Do
IT tech support covers a spectrum of service areas. Here are just a few:
- Level 1 & 2 Help Desk
- Deskside end-user support
- Network and server support
- Specialized product or service support
- Remote updates and software-based repair
- VPN and network security...and that list represent just a small sample. Most students go through a few changes of mind and focus before settling on a specific service area.
#2: Choose Electives That Teach You More About Your Specialty Area(s)
Once you decide what area of support you want to enter, start taking classes that relate to it. Most comp/sci and technical degree programs leave plenty of room for electives that jibe with the student's personal interests or professional needs. Speak with your academic advisor on how to line up electives that will make your application stand out.
#3: Keep Your Grades Up
In this business - grades matter. In the field, there is a tremendous need for knowledgeable support staff. It is one area where most industries are lacking. Workers who can demonstrate a deeper understanding of the job at the entry level are the ones who advance the ranks quickly. The best way to communicate that you are one of them is through an impressive transcript.
#4: Get Academic Help When You Need it
Struggles happen. Classes that look easy can be difficult to manage. When faced with bumps in the academic road, the best course of action is to get help. Speak with professors and advisors and try to work out beneficial solutions. Tutors and study groups are also good options.
Check this page for help with tough writing assignments, there are online services that can assist you.
#5: Learn How to Interview For IT Support Positions
Take advantage of the many online resources that help students learn how to interview effectively. The tech markets have specific needs, and hiring managers look for particular things in interviews. Knowing what those expectations are going in can mean the difference between getting the job and not.
#6: Take On Some Part-Time Contracts Now
One of the best things about IT support is that there are so few qualified people that most companies don't even insist on a degree for entry-level jobs. Field a few contracts now to get a feel for the business, and you might just find a place to land permanently after graduation.
Many colleges and universities can help with this, but there are also a number of job boards that are dedicated to temporary and contract work for entry-level IT professionals. is one example and it is one of the oldest and most trusted on the Web. Indeed is another valuable resource for multiple industries, all of which need IT support.
All of the above strategies can help you land the IT support job of your dreams, but getting there requires action and effort. For now, stay focused on getting good grades and some practical experience. The more marketable you are at graduation, the easier it will be to find permanent work that will be rewarding and offer opportunities for the next advancement.
Why Your Business Network Isn’t Secure (and How to Change That)
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a llok at Why Your Business Network Isn’t Secure (and How to Change That). Gone are the days when businesses had total control over their office networks. These days, thanks to BYOD policies, open Wi-Fi and other bad habits, many businesses can’t say for certain what devices are connected to their networks, with the result that businesses aren’t nearly secure as they need to be in the modern threat environment.
Believe it or not, your business network is everything to your business. Sensitive information, like customer payment data and industry secrets, flow freely between employees on your network — so when someone you don’t know gains access to your network, you have a serious problem. However, if you aren’t careful about establishing security on your network, you might never know when your network is infiltrated by unsavory users or software.
Businesses are risky enough without adding in the uncertainly of unknown devices on the office network. Here’s how you can identify the devices on your network and enhance security to prevent attacks and other losses to productivity and profits.
Understand Endpoints
The first step to building security into your network is understanding what endpoints are and how you can protect them. Simply enough, an endpoint is any usable device that connects to your network. At the office, desktop and laptop computers are likely the most common endpoints, but routers and modems (which connect your internal network to the internet) also count. Plus, you might also have smartphones and smart devices like printers, speakers or toasters that use your Wi-Fi and communicate with other devices on your network.
Endpoints are the only way users can access your business network — which means they are the most in need of security.
Endpoint protection software allows you to monitor all the endpoints on your network, so you can be certain that none are unfamiliar or permitting threats onto the network. Obtaining access to the endpoints on your network is the first step to regaining control over your network, so endpoint tools shouldn’t be overlooked.
Teach Employees
Most endpoints have some sort of security built into them — but your employees don’t. In fact, your employees, who utilize your endpoints and network every day, are easily
the weakest points in your network security. Humans are lazy and make mistakes, and this type of behavior often leads to insecurity. Thus, it is imperative that you train your employees in network security and instill in them the importance of developing secure habits.
Some of the simplest practices will keep your network secure. For instance, your network will be better protected if your employees:
- Log out of user accounts when they are not working.
- Use stronger passwords or rely on a password manager to generate strong codes.
- Recognize scams, phishing messages and corrupted files before they click, communicate or download.
You should have regular security awareness meetings to make your employees develop security as second nature.
Encrypt Wi-Fi
It’s popular now for workplaces to offer guests free Wi-Fi, but that doesn’t mean you need to open up your network to any passer-by. In fact, the network on which you store and send sensitive data should be locked down tight with encryption.
Enabling encryption forces endpoints to have a special key before they can access your network, meaning you have more control over who connects to your network and what they can see.
If you still want to offer some guests free Wi-Fi, you can do so by setting up an unencrypted guest network. You should cherry pick the permissions of guests on this network; for example, you might prohibit them from visiting certain sites, limit their bandwidth or restrict usage in other ways to keep other guests and your network safe.
Consider a VPN
virtual private network (VPN) allows you to mask your IP address and encrypt all your network data by routing your data through a service provider’s servers. While a VPN might not be ideal for in-office use, it is an incredibly powerful tool if you often have employees logging in from home or abroad. Regardless of the security of the network they are using, a VPN will keep their passwords, business files and other data safe while your employees are on-the-go, and doing so will in turn keep your network tightly secure.
Your network is among your most vital business assets, which means you should go above and beyond to protect it. Through endpoint security, employee training, encryption and more, you can regain control over your network and fend off threats to your business.
8 Live Streaming Alternatives to Sky News
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to give you 8 Live Streaming Alternatives to Sky News. In today’s world, remaining informed is very important, which means that choosing our news sources matters more than you think. The political landscape is so volatile and the world moves so quickly, it’s necessary to keep track of the things that matter most. But it’s also necessary to be careful with the quality of the content we allow into our brains. You should also have a look at
7 Reasons to Choose Satellite Streams for Live Streaming TV, that will much better idea about its importance in digital world.
That’s why it’s essential to choose news outlets and networks that we can trust to deliver high-quality, objective content, but that can also challenge our point of view and offer fresh, in-depth insight that we can use to shape our beliefs and opinions.
One of the best ways to keep track of what’s going on is Sky News. As you may already know, Sky News is a British news outlet and it’s one of the most popular in the world. However, watching
Sky News live is not the only option you have to keep yourself informed and up to date with everything that’s going on in the world on a daily basis.
That’s why today I bring you 8 live streaming alternatives to Sky News that are just as popular and just as dedicated to information. This way, you’ll have several options to keep yourself on the loop and you’ll be able to access information from different perspectives.
Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera English has been broadcasting since 2006 and it’s part of a large, but ever-growing network that consists of more than 10 different channels. Al Jazeera Arabic was launched in 1996, and it was the first news channel in the Arab world to dedicate their content to the news and the sharing of opinions. They were also the first to challenge the narrative and to provide a different perspective. As a result, it quickly became one of the most influential news networks in the world.
Al Jazeera English is a good alternative to Sky News because it provides the news while following their own principles and values, such as honesty, independence, diversity, and fairness, among others. Their mission is to be the voice of the people and they understand people’s need for quality information and in-depth analysis, which means they provide high-quality content you can trust.
France 24
Another great alternative for Sky News is France 24, an international news channel that’s available 24 hours a day, all year round. It reaches over 355 million homes in many different languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Arabic. France 24 is available to all via cable, satellite, ADSL, DTT, and, of course, via the Internet so you can enjoy it on all your devices via live stream whenever you need.
France 24 is based in Paris and it’s completely owned by the French government. They were founded in 2006 and, since then, it has become one of the leading international news networks in the world. The content diversity will keep you informed on a number of different issues and you’ll be able to learn about all the major news and events all over the world.
Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle, better known as DW or the Voice of Germany, is a popular German public international broadcaster. It’s available in 30 languages, which is one of the reasons why it’s such a great alternative to Sky News. Even though Deutsche Welle was funded and is owned by the German government, the content is completely independent of the government’s influence. This means that they strive to provide objective and educational content to people around the world, free of any kind of outside influence and bias so you can draw your own conclusions and think for yourself.
They offer channels in German, English, Spanish, and Arabic as well. Their mission is to provide news coverage you can trust, promote understanding between all different cultures and peoples around the world, and provide a comprehensive image of Germany. They’re available on TV, the radio, and also online. Their flagship program is the 24-hour news broadcast and you can check it out whenever you want!
ABC News
The American Broadcasting Company, better known as ABC, is one of the biggest news broadcasts in the United States, and the world, and it’s owned by the Disney Media Networks division.
Their flagship program is ABC World News Tonight with David Muir, but they also offer high-quality content across the board, with shows such as Good Morning America, The View, Nightline, 20/20, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, and Primetime, among others. These shows have become staples for the American people and they offer a great variety of content for you to enjoy.
ABC is a great alternative to Sky News and it has been on the air since 1943. ABC has proven to have a true commitment to delivering high-quality content and, for this reason, it has become one of the most reliable news sources in the US and the world. They broadcast the news 24/7 and you can watch their live stream online any time you wish!
BBC News
The British Broadcasting Corporation, better known as BBC, is another alternative to Sky News that will deliver all the information you need on the news and current affairs around the world. BBC is the world’s largest news organization and it’s responsible for around 120 hours of radio and TV content every single day, not to mention their online news coverage efforts.
BBC news has 50 foreign news bureaus around the world and it operates independently. Their live stream is available online 24/7 and you can catch the news, as brought to you from BBC, on all your devices at any time of the day. If you’re looking for a reliable news outlet, BBC News is available for you at all times and you will have access to objective, reliable information.
Yet another great alternative to Sky News is Euronews, a European TV news network that has been broadcasting since 1993. It’s located in Lyon, France, and their mission is to provide coverage of news around the world from a pan-European point of view. This means that they offer a unique perspective and they also aim to encourage critical thinking by delivering factual analysis of world events and a diversity of opinions and perspectives to encourage discussion.
Euronews has become a trustworthy and reliable source of information to audiences all over the world. They offer 24/7 news coverage in several different languages, including English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Greek, Russian, Persian, Turkish, Italian, Hungarian, and Portuguese. Euronews is available on TV and on the Internet, which means it’s available on all digital platforms around the world. You can catch their 24/7 news live stream online from all your devices whenever you need!
RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is an international TV network located in Moscow, Russia, and that was founded by the Russian government. It broadcasts in Russia and it’s available online in many different languages, including Russian, English, French, Spanish, German, and Arabic. RT was actually the first Russian news channel to broadcast 24/7 and in English to spread the Russian point of view around the world.
Besides broadcasting the news, RT also broadcasts other content, including documentaries, debates, talk shows, sports news, and even cultural programming that’s meant to provide a Russian perspective on major global events and news. You can enjoy RT’s live stream online from all your devices at any time of the day and see how the Russian point of view is expressed. This will help you compare information and exercise your critical thinking capacities in a whole new way.
Cable News Network, better known as CNN, is the last Sky news alternative on this list and it’s a well-known American news outlet that has been with us since 1980. This 24-hour cable news channel was the first of its kind and it was also the first channel in the United States to be dedicated entirely to news coverage.
This historic news network broadcasts from the Time Warner Center located in New York City, and it’s available to over 100 million American homes. It’s also available online for the rest of the world and you can enjoy their programming any time you want.
What all these news outlets and networks have in common is a commitment to education and information. Some of them offer objective news coverage while others want to give it a unique perspective. Either way, every single one of these options will encourage you to exercise your critical thinking and to stay on top of all the important news and world events.
After all, we live in a world where information is truly a commodity and we’re lucky enough to have access to it for free via the Internet. What’s more, we’re lucky to have access to different perspectives, analysis, and opinions from experts all around the world who care about educating the people and bringing cultures together through the power of information and education.
Check out any of these live stream news channels and you will have access to limitless information!