5 Ways to Make Your Automation Testing More Effective

Hey pals! Welcome to the Engineering Project. We hope you are have a good day. First, we need to understand what automation is, and what its objectives are. Automation is simply the integration of technology to process or run its functions with minimal human intervention or assistance. Its objectives are to improve efficiency, speed and precision of hard or long tasks that are usually performed by humans.  For example, accounting and producing and delivery of products, which were formerly and majorly done by humans. But, in the world of modernity and technology, automation was invented to minimize costs and risks while maximizing profits.  Overall, an open line of communication and good management skills are both critical during the implementation or automation testing services There are significant issues that always need to be addressed, a fragile interrelationship in a sense. For example, testing to check if the system's configurations and processes are working is one of the most overlooked details of IT projects. The sooner defects are found, the less resources are used to fix said defects. It's crucial to ensure the effectiveness of automation. Here is the factor divided into 5 main issues:
  • Knowing What They Want and Need, Take It slow and Start Small.

It's better to take the time and acknowledge what the automation needs and what it needs to do. This is because it's difficult to precisely guess what the requirements, the system design, and how much human interaction it will need while in development as clients usually don't exactly know what they want until they see and use it. So, it's better to start with a small example that can be easily presented to clients. It can then be used as a foundation on what changes or enhancements should be made. 
  • Staffing and Expertise

Having the right staff with proper expertise of the functions you want to have for your automation will make it more effective overall as it will be minimizing risks and upping the chance of both satisfaction and profitability. For example, having a project manager with proper knowledge and experience will be of great help in filling positions required for the automation.
  • Schedule and Test Reports

It is important to have, at the very least, a concrete schedule when it comes to testing the product and when the final release can be expected. At the end of each week, it should focus on summarizing all the progress on the automation that has so far been done; what the changes are, what errors have been crossed and fixed, and the plan on what to do the following week will be.  
  • Automated Testing

All IT projects like automations are encouraged to use Test-Driven Development (TDD) where test cases are simply stated, which are a sequence of steps with an expected outcome or function before starting each step of work. After each phase, testing should not only be done by both dedicated testers, and each member of the team working on the project but also automated test servers which in modern times have been the norm to make test much broader and more frequent.
  • Be open and informative

Make sure that your client monitors the progress of the tests, and catches problems earlier rather than late where costs and risks are higher. Provide proof and suggestions, such as:
  • Live Demos – Instead of Power-point presentations or a detailed text document, provide the client with working examples or software that shows the progress you’ve done.
  • Quality Metrics – In recent years, there have been tools made to generate other types of reports such as those on quality. For example, in Java, the most common programming language for automations, there are many tools that check if there are lines of codes that will lead to errors or bugs, or logic that is too complex, or if code violates standards.
  • Charts – It’s useful to have charts to give both the client and the team a general view of their overall progress. For example, a task board that shows which features haven’t started yet, which are currently in progress, which need to be fixed, and which are done can be useful.  
When there is a major mishap or mismatch, the manager must quickly assess how and what resources are necessary. After each test, requirements may evolve or change, which puts more emphasis on communication and management.

4 Tips for Better Construction Job Bids

Hello Buddies, Welcome from the team of The Engineering Projects. We hope you are having a good day. In this article, you will investigate about four remarkable tips for a better job bit that will boost your chances to be hired. Construction is an emerging and fast-growing source of business. However, we cannot neglect that it is a very competitive field at the same time. In this ever-growing world, where the construction business is highly profitable and demanding, most people fail to get better construction jobs due to inaccurate bids. While construction bidding is not an easy task, better understanding and farsightedness can help you win more jobs.

What is construction bidding?

Construction bidding is the process through which you submit a proposal for a specific job. In other words, you send your proposal to a potential client. As simple as it may seem, writing an attractive proposal isn’t easy. Many companies have very unfavorable bid-hit ratios, which translates into wasted time and money. However, this process doesn’t depend entirely on luck. Understanding the process and working diligently can make your construction bidding more manageable and successful. When a client invites contractors to bid on a project, they often split it into different chunks. For example, one chunk of the job might be plumbing and another electrical work. Then, the client will invite various subcontractors to bid on tasks related to their specialties. This process is very smooth as it allows the owners and contractors to develop better relationships and continue their work. Similarly, it also helps the owners to get the best team of contractors for their construction project.

Tips for Submitting Better Construction Job Bids

Preparing a bid proposal for construction jobs takes a lot of time and effort. It requires full focus on understanding the client’s needs, estimating the costs for laborers and equipment, and then bidding. Even the smallest of mistakes can make you lose a highly profitable project opportunity. The following tips will help you in writing the best construction job bids.

?       Select the right project

Many people think that bidding on every job they encounter will increase their chances of getting work. However, that’s not the case. It will only utilize your energy and time with no fair results. Thus, bidding on every job you find is among the worst mistakes construction contractors make. A much more effective strategy is to bid less and bid on those jobs worth your consideration and time. Let’s assume you bid on a particular project without thinking and attend all pre-bid meetings and start taking subcontractor pricing. After analyzing the pricing and crunching the numbers, you realize that it doesn’t offer much profit to your team. So, the only solution at this point is to move on to another project. But what did all the effort, pre-bid meetings, and takeoffs cost you? It was a tremendous waste of time and resources. It can improperly impact your overall profitability as a company. Therefore, the best strategy is to identify the client’s needs and bid on those projects you can perform and give the best results. Before bidding, think about the past projects your company had won and delivered and came out with successful results. If the new projects are similar, bid on them.

?       Develop a positive reputation

General contractors always gauge your effort and professionalism based on the proposals you submit. An attractive proposal highlighting your ability to meet the client’s needs can help you win the job for the bid amount quickly. A good bid proposal is detailed. Take the time to carefully craft your messaging and offer within the proposal before submitting it. To be more precise, the proposal should be professional, comprehensive and accurate. To know more about writing a winning bid proposal for construction, head to bridgitsolutions.com. The company is highly reputable and has put together a great resource about crafting effective construction bids.  

?       Know when to submit the lowest bid

If a brand has no real competitive advantage over others, its chance of winning the bids becomes difficult. The same happens when you are new to the area and are surrounded by highly reputed and competitive companies. If you’ve nonetheless identified the project as one that will further your company’s goals, you may consider placing a relatively low bid. This strategy can help a lot as it attracts more contractors to get the work done at the lowest price. However, it should not be so low that you lose your profit – unless you’re willing to treat the project as a loss leader. However, some contractors value your skills and expertise more than the price. If you have a team of highly skilled professionals capable of managing the client’s needs, that constitutes a competitive edge they’ll likely consider when choosing a contractor.

?       Create accurate estimates

Taking accurate measurements is essential when calculating the appropriate bid. Inaccurate measurements and human errors can cause many problems as it misrepresents the total amount of labor and materials, which can have a devastating impact on your bottom line. The best way to create accurate estimates is by using good estimating software. An efficient software solution can speed up the process and provide error-free, precise, and accurate bids. Similarly, arithmetic errors leave a huge impact on the bid. So, using a calculator is better to ensure better measurements. However, robust construction bid software is the best way to ensure accurate measurements in less time. Choosing the best estimating software is also difficult when there are so many in the market. First of all, understand your needs and what you want the software to do for you. Then, do proper research and choose the best software solution for your goals.


Preparing a competitive and winning proposal for a construction job requires time and effort. However, no matter how much time you put in, if you don’t have a proper proposal with accurate estimates, your efforts will go in vain. Thus, the tips mentioned above will help you understand the strategies of construction bidding and bidding for the right and winning proposal.

Innovative Engineering Solutions Improve Efficiency in the Offshore Oil Industry

Hi Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post, I’ll detail how Innovative Engineering Solutions Improve Efficiency in the Offshore Oil Industry. Despite ambitious global goals to reduce carbon emissions, fossil fuels such as gas and oil still provided over 80% of the world’s energy in 2019.  The petroleum industry is still vital for global energy supplies, and, according to the International Labor Organization, directly employs almost 6 million people around the world. To improve levels of safety and productivity while at the same time meeting ambitious targets for a low-carbon future, the industry is making significant changes. Innovative technologies are required to maximize the recovery of fossil fuels while at the same time reduce the environmental impact of extraction, and improve the safety and efficiency of offshore rigs. The work of engineers from a range of specialist engineering fields contributes to cutting-edge developments to improve construction, extraction, and production. However, as offshore rigs become increasingly digitized, it is technopreneurs and electronic engineers who develop solutions to safely maintain equipment, minimize unnecessary emissions, and ultimately improve the safety of offshore oil rigs through increased automation.

Maintaining Safe and Reliable Systems

Working on offshore rigs is dangerous and accidents and injuries are common. In 2018, there were over 170 injuries reported within the offshore energy industry located on the US Outer Continental Shelf. From the design of a rig to the installation of generators, electronic engineers are accountable for ensuring power and distribution systems are maintained and operate reliably. Although the majority of injuries on a rig occur through the use of heavy equipment, fires and explosions can be triggered by faulty electrical equipment. This can lead to serious and potentially devastating injuries as workers are electrocuted, burned, or even crushed.  Specialist offshore accident attorneys can provide support when accidents and injuries occur. Improving training for roughnecks and drillers and minimizing the risks from equipment failure must be a priority for electronic engineers.

The Benefits of Unmanned Rigs

With the increased use of automation on rigs, the risk to personnel is considerably reduced. Already, the majority of engineers involved with oil rigs are based onshore, and through the use of innovative and cutting edge technologies, removing the other workers is now possible. For several years, the technology for remote surveillance and control has been implemented in the offshore industry, but with increasingly automated control systems, fully remote operations are becoming a reality. Enabling more remote operations has become essential recently, and the pressures of the past year have prompted the increased development and adoption of AI on rigs. As well as monitoring systems, robot roughnecks will be able to interact with equipment, inspecting machinery, and carry out simple physical tasks. This increased automation will drastically improve safety levels and significantly lower production costs. Efficiency is also increased as remote sensors and controls allow for a quicker and more targeted response to any changes, resulting in fewer shutdowns.

Implementing Smart Technology to Enhance Efficiency

A drop in the price of oil has encouraged companies to look at innovative ways to save money. Other digital technologies including smart sensors have increased the production from oilfields by 6% while at the same time significantly lowering running costs. Offshore oil rigs have increasingly been fitted with sensors that can measure sensitive field conditions such as temperature and pressure. This information is then sent to engineers on land who can quickly make necessary adjustments to equipment. Other environmental changes such as commonly occurring methane leaks can also be detected remotely with the use of cloud-based machine learning software.

Environmental Engineers Reduce Harmful Emissions

Minimizing the amount of methane leaked into the atmosphere is one of the best ways for the industry to reduce emissions, and preventing waste from leaks is just one of the roles of environmental engineers within the petroleum industry. Sophisticated AI and unmanned rigs may improve efficiency and safety levels on offshore rigs. However, the negative impact of the oil and gas industry on the environment is still enormous. Roughly 15% of carbon emissions associated with the petroleum industry is created during extraction and production processes, and several major oil companies have promised to reduce these emissions in the range between 50% and 65% by 2050. To help to achieve this, environmental engineers look at ways to reduce the need for controlled burning of oil and gas, known as flaring. In addition, the emissions created by building new rigs and other developments can be reduced by using low-carbon electricity from renewable energy. The petroleum industry is making significant changes to adapt to a safer and cleaner low-carbon future. These changes require increasingly innovative technology to improve exploration and drilling in challenging environments, lower the costs of extraction and production, and create automated and unmanned rigs, where costly downtime is reduced and the risk to personnel is minimized. That’s all for today. Hope you find this article helpful. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Thank you for reading the article.

An Overview of The Thin Film Transistor And Its Use in Displays

Hello knowledge seekers! welcome to an overview of thin film transistors. I hope you are doing well. Thin film transistors are crucial components of digital display. These transistors have radically transformed our devices and the lifestyle of digital display electronic users. These are the mainstay of major aspects of our lives, from our daily life devices to the big industries, security, medical equipment, and many other departments. These transistors are the driving force behind the success of flat panel displays and most probably, the displays you are reading this article on, such as laptops, mobile screens, monitors, LCDs, etc., using thin film transistors.

Today, the motto of this long article is the exploration of thin film transistors. We’ll embark on the foundational introduction of this transistor and then we’ll move toward the historical evolution of this transistor. A detailed discussion will follow, covering the workings, types, comparison with other transistors, and the pivotal role in covering modern display screens. This is going to be very informative so let’s get started.

Thin Film Transistor Introduction

A thin film transistor, or TFT, is a specialized type of field-effective transistor (FET) in which the semiconductor material is deposited on a rigid or flexible substrate in the form of a thin film. It is essentially used in a large number of applications, notably in display device technologies such as liquid crystal displays, monitors, and other related fields. It is a lightweight and efficient transistor type and is different from the bulky and power-consuming traditional transistors.

When we look around our world, we can see that optical displays have become an integral part of our modern life that defines and shapes the importance of digital electronics. In flat panel displays, these thin film transistors are arranged within the matrix panel and act as the backbone of the display devices.

Thin Film Transistor Configuration

Just like other transistors, thin film transistors are made with semiconductor materials. These are made with the semiconductor and the configuration of these transistors decides the current flow direction and transistor behavior in the circuit. The configuration of the transistor consists of the semiconductor material arrangement. Before knowing the details, let’s discuss two important terms here:

  1. The N-type material is the semiconductor that is dopped with extra electrons that make up the abundance of electrons in these materials. 

  2. The P-type material is the doped semiconductor, where the doping material has an abundance of holes, so the holes are the main charge carriers in such materials. 

Just like other transistors, the thin film configurations are of two types that are discussed below:

Thin Film Transistor NPN Configuration

The NPN TFT consists of a configuration in which the P-type material is sandwiched between two N-type semiconductor materials. As a result, when the voltage is applied to the gate, the electrons are the main charge carriers, and the current flows from the emitter to the collector. 

Thin Film Transistor PNP Configuration

The PNP TFT has the arrangement of the two p-type semiconductor layers on the sides of the N-type material. As a result, on the voltage application on the gate, the hole flows from the emitter to the collector and serves as the main charge carrier. 

Thin Film Transistor History

Over the past fifty years, thin film translators have changed, updated, and improved, and the story of its life is quite innovative. Here is an overview of the history of thin film transistors and how they have made their place in modern display electronics.

Thin Film Transistor Early Development (1950s-1960s)

In the early 20th century, the physicist Julius Lilienfeld proposed the concept of a field-effect transistor (FET). At that time, this concept did not get that much importance to be utilised int the practical work. However, working on the FETs gained popularity in the 1950s and this has changed the whole era. 

In 1947, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley, working in the Bell lab, invented the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), and this revolutionized the whole electronic world. This breakthrough led to the invention of other types of transistors. 

In 1962, the first thin film transistor was developed at the RCA laboratories by Paul K. Weimer. This work acted as a groundbreaking because he has fabricated the transistor on the insulating material that no one did before. Till then, transistors were made only on silicon wafers, but Weimer created the transistor with flexible, transparent, and insulated material, and this acted as the base of transparent and better electronic displays.

Thin Film Tnrasistor Progress Era (1970s-1980s)

In this decade, the thin film transistor gained popularity and this led the researchers to work and experiment on this transistor to make it even better. This is specifically renowned for the introduction and usage of amorphous silicon (a-Si) as the semiconductor material for this transistor. 

In 1979, T. Brody developed amorphous silicon-based TFTs and therefore, is often regarded as the "father of the flat-panel display,” because of his work on active-matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCDs). He knew the properties of the amorphous silicon in TFTs and worked on it in detail. According to him, it can be easily used on large surface areas and has a simple fabrication process even for thin films. 

Before the introduction of thin film transistors, televisions, monitors, and other displays used thick and heavy cathode-ray tubes (CRTs). Yet, after the successful work on the thin film transistors, liquid crystal displays (LCDs) gained traction and took the place of CRTs. 

Early LCDs used passive-matrix displays that had some disadvantages, such as slow response or low image quality. Applying the TFTs in these displays solved these problems and played a crucial role in the success of LCDs. The latest LCDs use AMLCD technology that provides quick response, high quality, captivating colors, and, as a whole, the best quality displays. 

Thin Film Transistor Application Commercialization (1990s-2000s)

In the 1990s, experimentation and research made it possible to represent the TFT displays for commercial use. The introduction of these displays in the market has made the rapid adoption of thin film transistor applications in several devices. 

This was the time when the TFT LCDs were dominating other display technologies for commercial purposes. Companies like Sony, Samsung, and others were adopting this for the displays of computers, laptops, televisions, and other small to large-scale displays. The low power usage, high-quality display, and flat surface display were the major qualities that dominated the large and heavy CRT-based TVs. 

In 1998, the electronics company “Sharp" commercially displayed the first TFT-LCD TV, which was a major milestone for the conversion of CRT-based displays to TFT LCDs. This has made major changes in the whole electronics companies' milestones and working methods. 

Thin Film Transistor Displays Advancements (2000s-2010s)

The new century is considered the advancement era with respect to the thin film translator displays. Not only the displays but also the transistors themselves bear many updating processes and this has made the transistor even better. 

Till the 1990s, amorphous silicon transistors were in use but in the 2000s, polysilicon (p-Si) was introduced as the material for thin film transistors and this has made many changes in its output. Polysilicon has higher mobility than amorphous silicon; therefore, it shows a faster-switching property and, as a result, provides better display quality. The high resolution has made it eligible for better smartphones, digital cameras, and OLED displays.

It seems like the working and experimentation on the thin film transistors never stopped because, in 2012, Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO) was introduced as the base material for their production. It offers even faster mobility and low power consumption and thus was considered the best choice for the 4K and 8K displays. The estimate of this technology can be done by knowing the fact that  IGZO technology was used by the Apple company for the iPad Pro and MacBook line displays. 

After this, the market wanted to do something new and better so they started working on the foldable displays. This demand of foldable and flexible devices has intensified the researchers to work on the foldable transistors. As a result, the organic TFTs (OTFTs) came into the conversion that made the displays foldable, rollable, bendable, and provided the best performance. This has revolutionized the electronic industry and the work on wearables and other such displays and devices was the main focus of the companies. 

Currently, the work on the thin film transits is still at its peak, and experts are working on making it better with respect to performance, reliability, and quality. You will learn about the latest trends and work at the end of this article, where we’ll be discussing the TFT applications. 

Thin Film Transistor Structure

The structure of the thin film transistor resembles the other types of field effect transistors. The transistor has three terminals and the introduction of each of them is given in the table below:




It controls the on or off state of the transistor through the voltage application. 


It provides the input current to the transistor; therefore, it is known as the source. 


It received the output current from the transistor. 

Thin Film Transistor Key Components

Let’s define the thin film transistor again with respect to its structure:

“It is a specialized form of  field-effect transistor (FET) in which a thin layer of the active semiconductor layer with dialect layers and metallic contacts is deposited on the supporting substrate.”

The following are the basic key components of the thin film transistors:

Thin Film Transistor Substrate

This is the base material at which the thin film transistor layer is deposited. It provides the foundation of the transistor and is crucial for supporting the whole TFT structure. The older versions of TFT were made of glass and the newer ones use flexible plastic as substrate. The TFTs made with the glass substrates are used in the TFT LCDs and plastic and polymer transistors are usually designed for flexible displays, foldable devices, etc. 

Thin Film Transistor Semiconductor Layer

The purpose of a semiconductor layer is to act as the channel between the source and drain terminals for the electron flow when the gate terminal is applied. We have discussed all these in the history section of this article. The following is the detail of the semiconductor layer material along with their specifications:

  • Amorphous silicon is a low-cost semiconductor material that is widely used in traditional LCDs.

  • Polysilicon (p-Si) has higher electron mobility than amorphous silicon and provides a fast switching speed; therefore, it is considered a good choice for high-resolution and demanding electronic displays. 

  • The Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO) also has fast electron mobility and provides transparency; therefore, it is usually utilized in advanced resolution displays that require low power consumption. 

  • Organic semiconductors are used in the latest and most advanced technologies and where the companies require flexible displays. 

Thin Film Transistor Gate Electrodes

The gate electrodes are the conductive material that controls the current flow through the source to the drain. It applied the voltage that influences the semiconductor layer beneath the gate. It is typically made of aluminum (Al), molybdenum (Mo), chromium (Cr), and other metals. The gate electrode is situated on one side of the thin dialect layer and forms the parallel capacitor with the channel. 

Thin Film Transistor Gate Dielect

It is the thin layer of insulating material that electrically isolates the gate electrode from the semiconductor material. It is so thin as to allow the electrical field to influence the semiconductor's conductivity. The common materials used in the gate dialect are silicon dioxide (SiO₂) or silicon nitride (Si₃N₄).

The thickness of this layer is crucial to the thin film transistor's performance because it determines the efficiency of the gate to control the transistor. 

Thin Film Transistor Electrodes

The source and drain electrodes are made with highly efficient conducting materials such as aluminum (Al), gold (Au), or silver (Ag). The source provides the electrons or hole supply (depending on the type of semiconductor material), whereas the drain collects the electrons once they have been traveled through the semiconductor material. 

The source and drain electrodes work with the gate and provide the current flow through the transistor in order to provide the main working of the transistor. 

Thin Film Transistor Channel

The channel is the transistor’s area of the semiconductor layer where the charges move (either hole or electron) when the voltage is applied to the gate terminal, that is when the transistor is turned on. This voltage results in the charge induction in the semiconductor material and this creates the conductive path between the source and the drain. 

Thin Film Transistor Passivation Layer

The passivation layer is responsible for the protection of the transistor from moisture, dust, and other contaminants to maintain its performance. It is usually made of a dielectric material like silicon nitride (Si₃N₄). This layer is responsible for the transistor’s long life and reliability. 

Thin Film Transistor Working

The thin film transistor is a type of field effect transistor (FET) that follows the principle of modulating electrical conductivity and works through the electrical field. These are the tiny switches that change their on/off situation quickly and charge the pixel accordingly. The state of the thin film transistor or, in return, the pixel’s properties result in the formation of the display. Hundreds of thousands of pixels collectively create the images on the devices, and the combination of brightness, on, off, and other features collectively creates the videos on the devices. The details of the thin film transistor’s working are described below:

Thin Film Transistor Operation Mechanism

There are two operating states for the thin film transistor:

  1. When no voltage is applied to the gate terminal of a thin film transistor, it is considered off. At this point, there is no conductive path between the source and drain; therefore, no current flows through the transistor. In the display applications, the pixel does not have any output. 

  2.  When the positive voltage is applied to the gate terminal, it creates a conductive path from source to drain and the current can now pass through the transistor. As a result, the pixel of the display device is then charged or discharged according to the current flow. This either turns the pixel on or changes its brightness and the combination of these pixels makes the picture on the display devices. 

The state of the transistor is decided on the basis of threshold voltage (Vth), which is defined as:

“The threshold voltage (Vth) of the thin film transistor is the minimum voltage that is required to turn the transistor on.”

 Below this voltage, the transistor is off, and vice versa. The typical threshold voltage depends on the transistor's internal structure and specifications. Usually, lower threshold values are preferable for better performance at low voltage.

Thin Film Transistor Pexel Charging

In the display devices, the TFT acts as a switch to change the pixel state. In the on state, the TFT allows the current flow towards the pixel and charges it until the next cycle. The voltage applied to the transistor decides the amount of current passing to the pixel and that is responsible for the pixel brightness. 

A capacitor is usually added to each pixel to retain the transistor’s charges until the next refresh cycle. The rapid on/off situation of the transistor results in the brightness, illumination, and off state of the pixel. A reason to consider the TFTs best for the display is the analog control of the transistor’s state. The amount of current passing through the source to the drain can be controlled in an analog manner; therefore, the pixel brightness and picture quality may vary. 

Thin Film Transistor Types

The table below shows the fundamental types of thin film transistors along with the material used in the manufacturing as well as the basic features:




Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) TFT

Amorphous Silicon

Low cost, simple manufacturing, lower electron mobility

Low-Temperature Polycrystalline

Polycrystalline Silicon

High electron mobility, faster switching, better performance

Organic TFT (OTFT)

Organic semiconductors (polymers/small molecules)

Flexible substrates, low cost, lower performance

Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) TFT

Cadmium Selenide

High electron mobility, fast response time

Zinc Oxide (ZnO) TFT

Zinc Oxide

Non-toxic, good performance for transparent displays

Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO) TFT

Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide

High mobility, energy-efficient, transparent

P-Type & N-Type TFT

P-type (positive) & N-type (negative)

Efficient complementary circuits, more complex design

Thin Film Transistor Fabrication Process

The fabrication process of thin film transistors involves several steps in a clean and contamination-free environment. The process varies for TFT types but here is a general outline of the processes required for thin film transistor fabrication:

Thin Film Transistor Substrate Preparation

The first step in the fabrication process is the preparation of the substrate material. As mentioned before, traditional TFTs use rigid material, such as glass, as the substrate, whereas, the latest TFTs have flexible material, such as transparent, as the substrate. 

The preparation process just involves thoroughly cleaning of the substrate surface to remove any particles or impurities. This seems a simple process but it ensures that the TFT’s performance is not affected by unwanted particles. Based on the type of substrate, the chemical or base is applied to the surface. 

Thin Film Transistor Gate Material Deposition

The step involves the gate electrode deposition on the substrate. The gates are made with reactive materials like aluminum, gold, or chromium, and different techniques are applied for the deposition. The two most common are:

  1. Physical vapor deposition (PVD)

  2. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

Usually, photolithography is the technique applied for the pattern formation of the gate electrode. It involves the application of photoresist material on the surface. After that, the material is then exposed to the light for the right pattern formation. 

Thin Film Transistor Gate Insulation

The gate insulator layer electrically insulates and separates the gate from the source and drain terminals. Hence, a thin film is applied to the gate that is typically made of silicon dioxide (SiO₂) or silicon nitride (Si₃N₄). Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and sputtering are the common techniques for such processes. 

Thin Film Transistor Semiconductor Layer Deposition

Based on the type of the thin film transistor, the semiconductor layer is applied to the product formed till now. The common materials for this layer are amorphous silicon (a-Si), polycrystalline silicon (p-Si), or organic material for organic TFTs (OTFT), and the processes involved are PECVD, CVD, or spin-coating (for organic materials).

Thin Film Transistors Source and Drain Formation

Just like the pattern process of a gate electrode, the source and drain use photolithography technology for the source and drain formation. Once this process is complete after the light exposition, the excess metal is removed from the surface using the wet etching or dry etching process to get clean and precise patterns. 

This step involves the use of PVD or CVD techniques for the source or drain terminal formation that is also made of aluminum, gold, or chromium. After this step, our three terminals of the TFT are now formed successfully. 

Thin Film Transistor Testing and Quality Control

This is the final step that ensures the perfect quality and performance of the TFT. After the fabrication process, the TFT is now ready for the work, but the electrical testing is done on the transistors to see if they are working ideally. The whole yield is monitored under strict parameters and the only transistors passing this test are sent to the market.

Note: for some types of TFTs, the channel formed during the fabrication process is doped to get the required electrical properties. Moreover, processes like passivation layer formation and annealing are optional during manufacturing and depend on the fabrication team’s choice. 

Thin Film Transistor Key Characteristics

Here are the basic characteristics of the thin film transistors that make them different from the other types of transistors:

Thin Film Structure

The TFTs, as expected from the name, contain a very thin layer of conductors, semiconductors, or insulators on the substrate. The thickness of this film ranges from nanometers to a few micrometers.

Thin Film Transistor Low Power Consumption

The low power consumption feature of this transistor makes it an ideal choice for the devices working on the battery or require low power feature. It consumes very low energy, especially for static images. 

Thin Film Transistor High Switching Speed

The TFTs have a higher switching speed than other types. The rapid rate of high/low states makes it ideal for high-speed applications like display devices that require a quick pixel refresh. Polycrystalline silicon (p-Si) TFTs have an even more rapid rate of switching as compared to the amorphous silicon TFTs. 

Thin Film Transistors Pixel Control

The thin film transistors have precise pixel control and the analog current control makes it a good choice for the varying brightness of the pixels. The TFTs allow the individual control of each pixel, which results in a sharp display and better color contrast as compared to other transistor types. 

Thin Film Transistor Flexible Substrate

This is a unique feature that justifies the popularity of this transistor. The flexible substrate helps the transistor to be used in wearables, flexible displays, mobiles, and other such devices. Organic TFTs (OTFTs) are the ideal choice for flexible electronics because they work in low-temperature ranges and have a high flexibility rate. 

Thin Film Transistor High Mobility

When dealing with display devices, the mobility rate is a crucial parameter. It is defined as:

“The carrier mobility is the rate at which the charge carriers (hole or electrons) can move through the semiconductor material.”

The higher mobility rate means fast switching and the TFTs have a great mobility rate. The p-Si TFTs have an even higher mobility rate as compared to the a-Si TFTs; therefore, they are a preferable choice for high-resolution and high-speed applications such as smartphones.

Thin Film Transistor Transparency

The thin film transistor is made with transparent material as the substrate, conductive layer, and semiconductor layer. Hence, these provide a transparent appearance and are the perfect choice for applications like augmented reality displays, head-up displays, etc.

Thin Film Transistor Cost

The thin film transistor is considered the cost-effective choice because the fabrication process of these transistors is uncomplicated and does not require a high cost and heavy equipment. Moreover, in large-scale production, the cost is reduced more, and cost is the basic consideration when choosing any electronic device. 


Thin Film Transistor VS Traditional Transistors

The thin film translator is a type of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) but it has several distinctions from the traditional transistors. The following is the comparison between the TFTs, MOSFETs, and bipolar junction transistors (BJT) that will help you to understand the reason behind the TFT's popularity for display devices.

Fabrication Process

The main distinction between the transistors is the fabrication process that decides its features and applications. The TFTs are made by depositing a thin film of semiconductor material on the glass or plastic substrate. 

On the other hand, the traditional transistors are made through the fabrication process on silicon wafers, which are bulky and cost more. This is the reason why these transistors require complex and rigid substrates. This not only limits the applications of traditional transistors to power electronics and integrated circuits but also requires a more technical fabrication process. 

Application Domain

Thin film transistors have applications mainly in display devices such as liquid crystal displays (LCDs), monitors, mobile displays, etc. where there is a need to control each pixel through the transistor and the particular analog current is required. It is an ideal choice for large surface area applications and electronics requiring a flexible and transparent substrate. 

On the contrary, the BJTs are usually considered a good choice for the switching devices and amplification process. This is used in the audio devices that require the frequency change, such as the radio and other devices. 

The MOSFET has applications in digital electronics, power control microprocessors, digital devices, and many others. The power electronics have several applications of MOSFET. 

Operating Principle

The thin film transistor is the type of field effect transistor so the gate terminal controls the current flowing through the source to the drain through the semiconductor channel. The operating principle of MSOFET is the same as the TFT, where the voltage controls the working of the transistor but the bipolar junction transistor has a different operating mechanism than these two. It is controlled by the current flow through the base terminal; hence, the base controls the source and drain. 

Size and Power Consumption

The thin film transistor is different from other transistor family members with respect to size, performance, and power consumption. The core reasons are its fabrication process and internal structure. These are very thin and are designed for transparent screens or other display screens. These are lightweight transistors and require less space; therefore, they are suitable for applications requiring such features. 

On the other side, the BJT and MOSFET are bulky and require more space than the thin film transistors. These are not suitable for display devices but are part of large circuits such as microcontrollers. 

The table below has the summary of all the discussion about the difference between these three basic types of transistors that will help you to understand the topic in just a glance:






Thin film on glass/plastic

Bulk silicon

Bulk silicon

Main Use

Displays (LCDs, OLEDs)

Amplification, RF circuits

Digital, power control

Semiconductor Material

Amorphous/poly silicon, organic

Silicon, GaAs

Silicon, GaAs

Operating Principle

Field-effect control (FET)

Current control (bipolar)

Voltage control (FET)


Glass/plastic (flexible possible)

Rigid silicon wafers

Rigid silicon wafers


High (suitable for flexible tech)




Lower (suited for display pixels)

Fast for analog applications

Fast for digital/power apps

Thin Film Transistor Use in Displays

As discussed before, thin film transistors have a significant role in revolutionizing the display device industry. The impact is so strong that TFTs are the ideal choice for almost every type of display screen. Here are some fundamental real-life applications that have been made extraordinary because of the thin film transistor involvement. 

Thin Film Transistors in LCDs

The thin film transistors are the main technology behind liquid crystal displays (LCDs). The active matrix controls the brightness, states, and working of each individual pixel for the sharp and smooth transitions in the videos. This feature has created room for other display technologies using the same technique. As a result, the thin film transistors are the backbone of several display devices ranging from small smartphones to large surface LCD monitors and televisions. 

Thin Film Transistor in Electronic Paper Display

The electronic paper display (EPD) devices are designed for the paper-like reading experience with low power consumption and less retention for the eyes. These devices use thin film transistors for high contrast and pixel control with high resolution. 

Thin Film Transistor in Touch Screens

A great variety of display devices enable touch screen control and such displays are made with thin film transistors that provide a smooth experience and accuracy in touch screens and result in a more user-friendly interface.

Thin Film Transistors in Medical Imaging

Medical imaging devices are now becoming more attractive and intuitive and thin film transistors have a role in it. These transistors provide high-resolution X-rays, CT scans, and other devices with great details on the results. Moreover, the low power-consuming displays make it easy for the manufacturers to create battery-oriented devices that can be remotely used.

Thin Film Transistor in Automotive Displays  

The automotive displays require a technique with low power consumption and flexibility, so thin film transistors are the ideal choice. These are used in the car dashboard, infotainment displays, and even the traffic signs in some areas. This provides the drivers with a good environment with respect to entertainment, information, and clear visibility at low power consumption. 

Thin Film Transistor in Industrial Automation

The industries are moving towards automation and intelligent systems and this requires monitoring and visual inquiry for critical monitoring. This has enhanced the need and use of thin film transistor displays in industries because these are lightweight screens and can be utilized at any place for continuous use.

Thin Film Transistor for Scientific Instruments

The latest scientific instruments show automatic calculation and measurement and for this, they require a high-definition display that shows the small digits and reading without any visual error. The thin film transistors are present in the modern oscilloscope, electron microscope, and other such instruments. 

Thin Film Transistors in Digital Signage

A significant example of the applications using thin film transistors is digital signage, which makes electronic advertisement inexpensive, durable, and prominent. Digital billboards, public display messages, advertisement screens, and gigantic-sized liquid display screens use thin film transistors for the illumination of a large number of pixels at high resolution. 

Thin Film Transistor Disadvantages

Thin film transistors are the popular choice for modern electronic displays but they have some limitations as compared to some other options and the discussion can not be completed until we mention them:

Thin Film Transistor Limited Viewing Angle

The biggest disadvantage that is the reason to move towards the other latest technologies is the limited view angle of TFT. We all have experienced the issue of LCDs where the side angle of the display may show the screen with the least brightness or distortion. The TFT only shows the right pixel brightness from the front and for the big screens where more than one viewer is using the display may show the incomplete view.

Thin Film Transistor Low Response Rate

The TFT has a low response time as compared to some other latest techniques, such as OLED, and plasma. In some applications, the TFT shows the motion blue and this is especially true for high-speed display applications such as high-definition video games. 

Thin Film Transistor Uniformity Issues

In the case of some TFT applications, the back bleeding and inconsistent image quality fail the thin film transistor in some severe weather, load, or speed applications.

Thin film transistors are one of the most dominant devices for display devices because of their reliability, performance, low power consumption, inexpensive fabrication, and other features. The foldable screens and the high-resolution displays are usually made of thin film transistors. There are some limitations of TFT when compared with the most updated techniques of this era but overall, we can say that TFT has revolutionized the display screen industries. 

Prevent Data Loss Risk In Raid-Based Storage

Hi Guys! Hope you’re well today. Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll detail how to prevent data loss risk in raid-based storage. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a data storage virtualization technology used for data redundancy and performance improvement in an Operating System. It has redefined how storage systems store and retrieve data, and its architecture comprises multiple physical disk drive components distributed over one or more logical units.

Prevent Data Loss Risk In Raid-Based Storage

RAID levels vary from RAID 0 to RAID 51 (and beyond). Different levels have different types of redundancy offered; however, a compromise has to be made when it comes to fault tolerance and performance. Although different RAID levels provide significant protection mechanisms against data loss due to hardware failure of hard disks, the technology is not invincible. Therefore, it is advisable to safeguard your data from any unexpected loss when using a RAID array. If one of the hard drives in a RAID storage array fails, one should consider replacing it instantly. Not doing so or delaying it for too long can cause unexpected data loss as it is highly likely that the other hard drives will fail soon. This is because the entire batch of hard drives in a RAID array often has the same manufacturing date and service life. The type, manufacturer, and other atmospheric variations play an important role in the service life of the hard drives.

Contact Data Recovery Specialist

Preventing to get into such conditions of severe data loss is something you should never divert your focus from because it can be debilitating. Especially, it is more complicated to recover data when it comes to a complex storage system. If you are not well-versed in the required knowledge, you should not take the risk of opting for the DIY mode for recovering the lost data from your RAID system. At such times, it is recommended to contact a reliable data recovery specialist. Doing so can help rebuild the RAID system, bypass the hard drive failures, and examine if any updates are needed in the residing virtualized architecture. This can make the recovery attempt quite time-consuming but reassuringly successful. But for this, it is necessary to make sure that you are choosing the right service provider with proper experience and expertise to recover data in varied data loss events.  

Maintain a Back-up

Different types of RAID configurations operate on different redundancies to diminish data loss and develop a storage system architecture that can provide data loss prevention. Monitoring and recording a RAID array usage is an essential task to be included in the data recovery strategy for efficient business continuity. In severe conditions, the pre-defined recovery strategies may not be helpful and can cause severe data loss. Hence, it is crucial to maintain a back-up and be prepared for such unfortunate cases of system failure or data loss. In such severe conditions of RAID failure, the entire data can disappear forever. Even if a corrupted hard drive overtakes the RAID array's redundancy and the hard disks fail abruptly, it is possible to rebuild your RAID array and recover your data by getting in touch with an expert data recovery professional. Among a few renowned data recovery service providers, Platinum Data Recovery Services has been a prominent name in offering considerate services like G-RAID data recovery and other types of RAID data recovery services when your data has been disappeared or made inaccessible due to corrupted hard drives, flash drives, memory cards, or RAID. That's all for today. I hope you've enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below. I'd love to help you the best way I can. Thank you for reading the article.

Design of a Load Cell

Hi Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll walk you through the details on the design of a load cell. Strain gauge load cells are widely used in various applications. They work on the principle of varying electrical resistance with elastic deformation in the conductor. The strain gauge comprises thin wires which are affected by a change in environment. Expansion or contraction in a strain gauge occurs with varying temperatures which results in creating noise and lack of accuracy in measurement. The life of the device may also be affected due to corrosion that may occur in the elastic element. In addition to the possible deterioration, the load cell itself may cause safety issues with regard to the environment. For example, in a refinery or chemical industry, the ignition of flammable liquids or gases may occur due to the use of load cells. Therefore, they must be designed accordingly.

        Hermetically Sealed

Hermetically sealed load cells provide the best protection to the environment. The load cell is sealed by welding, using epoxy or glass-to-metal bonding. Pressurized inert gas is filled inside the cell. These load cells are standardized by Ingress Protection (IP) rating as air and watertight.


These are designed in normal indoor conditions or special outdoor environments. Soft resin or rubber covering is used for environmental protection in this type of load cell. However, the strain gauge becomes vulnerable to moisture and change in temperature due to this type of protection.


As the name suggests, this type of load cell protects from any explosion that may occur within the device. If the internal cavities in a device or equipment are exposed to gases, these gases, once filled in the cavity, will lead to a potential explosion. An explosion-proof load cell is highly suitable for such conditions. Their rating is achieved by combining confinement, limitation of energy, and segregation. Other factors to consider when designing a load cell are:
  •         The maximum weight that a load cell can measure is called Rated Capacity or rated load. Therefore, the load cell rated load must be greater than the weight to be measured in a system.
  •         Overload Rating (Safe) is the maximum load that can be exerted on a load cell without causing plastic deformation while measuring the weight of an element.
  •         Overload Rating (Ultimate) is the maximum load that can be exerted on the load cell without causing a fracture to the load cell.
  •         Rated Output is the ratio of the electric output signal and the strength of the excitation voltage expressed in mV/V.
  •         Zero Balance is the electric output signal with rated excitation voltage at no-load condition.
  •         Excitation Voltage is the voltage for excitation transferred to the circuit.
  •         Non-linearity defines the deviation of the calibration curve of the load cell from a straight line. It starts from zero loads up to the maximum capacity of the cell.
  •         Hysteresis is defined as the difference in the cycle a load cell follows while increasing the load from zero to maximum and then decreasing it from maximum to zero.
  •         Combined Error is calculated by measuring non-linear and hysteresis effects in combination.
  •         Repeatability is the measure of the difference between readings of repeated loads under the same loading conditions.
  •         Temperature Effect on Rated Output is the change in readings due to a change in temperature.
  •         Temperature Effect on Zero is the change in the zero-reading due to a change in temperature.
  •         Input and Output Resistance is the resistance of the circuit measured at the input and output respectively.
  •         Insulation Resistance is the measured resistance between the circuit and housing of the load cell.
That’s all for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions, you can ask me in the section below. Thank you for reading the article.

Evaluate Your Capital Spend Before Investing In The Oil & Gas Software

Optimizing the well cycle portfolio is done by assessing the investments secured by the company’s management and opting for software systems assigned to the operational needs. Allocation of funds for equipment, vendor contracts rigs and accounts constitute the bulk of expenses for each project. The use of capital planning oil and gas software, requires evaluation and quality assessment before money is diverted towards it. This could be a daunting task in a market where prices fluctuate daily. Are you aware of the needs before relying on an expensive complex software? We shall try to relieve your pain points, take a test and undergo proper trials before considering the next purchase. Then select a vendor who can put together the system for long-term use.

Testing Systems Vital Before Capital Spend

There are no standard measures by which different petroleum companies invest in an accounting software. Nor are there any specific criteria on the dashboard of the CEO that defines the tailor made processes. To maximize the scope and identifying the pain points the management will need to earmark the following:
  • Demographics Of The Company – Its size, number of employees onsite and in the office, testing staff. Each department should be a part of the survey.
  • Agile Automation Tools – The specifications for an upstream company will be different from a mid-stream organization. Integration of several processes will be tested.
  • Researching The Business ECO-system before start of a new project or well cycle.
  • Maintaining track of regulatory standards before implementing the software.
  • The testing team will report the parameters that impact the purchasing decision of the capital planning oil and gas software.
  • Close down negotiations with suitable vendors and contractors for your organization.
While there will be certain niche frameworks that define your organization, some general factors every company requires. In the case of bigger companies, some operations are centralized for convenience. They also have a primary hub for business analysis and employ various testing stacks. They can identify the areas where systems are deficit. Such lack of discrepancy necessitates a new software system for better compatibility. Eventually, this software will be valuable in supporting key financial decisions of the organization. It will also provide insights that can improve the well cycle management and accounts - which are the two most critical areas where complex systems are required.

Assess The Necessity With Employees

The staff in various sites understand exactly what works and they should be asked about the functions that impact, their performance. At the corporate level, the management team can only map the plans theoretically. However, the ground reality is, the employees have knowledge of the workflow and what hurdles they face. If your organization is already using a software system, you are experienced to classify the areas where it does not perform to its optimal degree. Before buying a new Capital planning oil and gas software the above testing is crucial. For example, the accounts department allocates funds to every other subdivision. Ask the team about the current software functions.
  • Are all the features being implemented?
  • Does the software adhere to and achieve all the requirements?
  • Do they have other expectations from the system?
  • Would they consider improvisations?
  • Which areas should be given priority for better performance?
Survey other departments by speaking to the users directly. Present the report to the decision makers, so they know where the funds have to be allocated. Such an exercise will help to improve the workflow and the productivity. The survey should address:
  • Flow of operations required at the rig site and all productive wells
  • Current compliance stipulations for data
  • Financial reports preparation according to survey and intel
  • Integration of new system with existing ones
  • Training, maintenance, and support essential of the systems
  • Make a dashboard of tracking jobs, teams, and tasks
  • Each department should be enabled to access only the part of the system that they need.
  • Consider the industry needs and separate data entry and access via a single central hub.

Time To Save The Petrodollars

It is difficult to control the fluctuations in the oil prices. But with technology-driven functions efficiency can be achieved. Your choice of capital planning oil and gas software can offer ideal time and money saving solutions. You will be able to anticipate needs in many areas with the accurate method. Even if you have special needs, a structure can be tailor made by evaluation, testing tools and processes that allow consolidation of data. Your decision making process can be improved by having multiple ledger classifications in the accounts department.

Why Creative Thinking is Important for Web Design Projects

If you look in the past, having a website was enough to generate leads and keep yourself running in the business. But today, the concept of a website has emerged to the whole new level. It is not only a source for your business but a platform to gain exposure globally. With the advancement in the competition, the companies are investing heavily on their websites to achieve maximum ROI. If your website doesn’t get successful in grabbing customers attention at first, then your competitors take up your place. That’s why creativity is essential!

Web Design: what's audience looking for?

If you think of a design and start implementing it right away - you won’t get the results no matter how creative, you go. At first, you need to put yourself in the audience shoes, think about what they are looking for? What interests them? What features attract them? Does animation move them? What is the first impression you’re making from your website? The second most crucial factor in bringing the website in your audience attention is the keywords. If your website is SEO-optimized, your audience will find you on the search engines and if not optimized, no matter how much effort you put - you’ll be missing from their list.

Fluidity and Adaptability

Once your audience land on your website, they look for the information they want. If they are looking to order something, they’ll go directly to the order page. But if your website is taking too long to load, then this might turn your visitors off.  The designers need to design each page creatively and organized for the incoming website traffic. Not only this, but the website also needs to be adaptable to all screen sizes. While some people still browse from the desktop, the majority view from their mobiles. If your website isn’t dynamite, it’ll have less readability and viewability. The summary is when you’re starting a web design, make sure it is adaptable to the OS and efficiently accommodate the size of the screen.

Learn to Stand Out

Social media has act brilliant in educating the customers; be it about the brand, design, marketing, or the happenings. The customer knows who’s the right fit for their needs. That’s why brands focus on building the campaigns that are audience-centred and revolves around their interest. When you design a website same as others are doing, your audience doesn’t find any engaging factor in it and withdraw you from the list. And grabbing the first impression is highly important. So, creativity is the factor that separates you from the rest, and unless you have innovative ideas that will work for you, don’t start the project.

Creativity in Website Branding

Your website speaks about you. It defines your objective, mission, vision, achievements, and everything you want your customers to know. People can learn about you with a simple online search that’s why big brands spend considerable time in creating a web design that appeals to their customers and conveys the information creatively. A silent message, short video, whiteboard animation, or a great story that clicks your audience. Learn what your audience is searching for and answer them through visuals. Use the power of social media to grow your brand reach. Images, color theme, and text should reflect the tone of your company. If you search some of the successful brands like Starbucks, Adidas, Amazon, Apple - you’ll find an X factor in it, be it the idea, design, tagline, or the style. Innovation and creativity pique the audience interest in your brand. So, when you come up with an idea which your audience hasn’t seen before sparks their interest and lead the customer down the conversion funnel.

Sound Financial Advice For Recent College Graduates

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to share some Sound Financial Advice For Recent College Graduates. After four years in college earning that degree, you're ready to begin climbing up the ladder of your chosen career. Now you have to think about what you want to do with the salary your new job pays. Yes, you want a new car, nice clothes, and a big apartment, but hold on—what you really need is a financially stable future. It starts now.  Some sound financial advice for recent college grads is listed below.

Use Credit Wisely

Credit becomes necessary when buying a new home or car. You begin building a credit history and score by paying monthly bills like your cell phone and electricity. Your credit score also rises and falls according to your student loan payments and any defaults. The average monthly payment on a student loan is about $280, according to the Colorado Department of Higher Education. By accepting the lowest monthly payment, you'll have more cash to save. You can choose to pay it off faster, but you lose the savings and the higher credit score you earn by paying on time every month. Unsecured credit cards are a double-edged sword: They can lead to a mountain of debt that compounds with high interest, but they are also a way to build a high credit score and a resource to use in case of an emergency. Choose a credit card with a low fixed interest rate and low fees. Start with just one, use it wisely, pay it off each month and keep a low credit line ($500 or less). Watch out for low-interest rates with high fees; the fees negate the interest rate. You are entitled to one free credit report a year, too, so take advantage of this and monitor your credit.

The Cost of Living

"When choosing a place to live, look at the big picture before committing to a lease," says Allen. If you have roommates and the living arrangements agree with you, stay there. Splitting rent and bills saves a lot of money. If you choose to live alone, consider the actual amount of time you spend at home and the room you need to live. Single living doesn't take much room, and a two-bedroom apartment may mean you'll waste money on space no one uses. A one-bedroom or a studio apartment costs less and still gives you room for comfort. Your monthly bills will cost more than necessary if you don't comparison shop. If you live in an area with more than one energy provider, you're lucky, because the competition keeps the price down. And just because your parents or roommates have a bundled cable, Internet and phone contract with a big company, doesn't mean you have to follow suit. Shop around to find the best deal, and always ask what your monthly bill will be once the promotion ends, as some packages almost double in price after the initial promotion.

The Budget

For budgeting help, use a program like Mint.com. It's free, and it will organize and categorize your spending for you. Most experts agree that 10 percent of your monthly gross pay is what you should save at a minimum. To make saving easier, set up a savings account and have the amount automatically deducted from each check. You never see it, which makes saving easier.

Why should we use Torch Lighters

Lighters are popular for the cigar smokers but not only have the smokers used the lighters but also for the people who are interested in camping, picnicking and any other activities in the outside the windy environments. Usually, cigar smokers prefer butane torch lighters during the smoke. A torch lighter is a portable thing that is used for instant flame or fire. It is used for many activities like outside cooking, lightening in the dark area, fishing, and many many activities. Butane torch lighter in an instrument that is worked by utilizing butane creates hot flames. If you can’t buy a good torch lighter, it can make you in trouble in a serious condition. Suppose you are when you need instant fire and you have a lighter and unfortunately your lighter is not working, just think about that feeling. There are many reasons for not working your torch lighter. If you can identify those, then you can avoid the situation you don’t want. These reasons are described below why torch lighters stop working.


It’s important bleed the lighter correctly because incorrect bleeding can be the reason for not working your lighter properly. You should bleed your lighter when the flame drops and fuel tank about to be empty; the fire is not frequent. During the bleed, turn off the gas valve, position the light up a stand that the port is facing the floor, then put a small screwdriver into the port and press. Keep the pressure until the hissing sound stops. Then continue pressing for a few more seconds for making sure escape the air.


The quality of your fuel is very much dependent on the quality of your lighter. If you don’t put premium fuel to your lighter, it will affect your lighter. Non-premium fuel can cause longevity and work. If you are not skimped about the fuel, then your lighter will work properly. Inexpensive fuel or butane is poorly refined or not adequately refined, which is very harmful for the torch because it contains microscopic impurities. The port of torch is tiny that’s why it can create a focused flame and the impurities refined can block and once it blocked, it is very much difficult to unblock them. You should continue with better fuel or butane.


Your lighter can be malfunctioned if you refill your lighter incorrectly. Incorrect refill sometimes means the air will insert the fuel tank, and it malfunctions the work of a lighter. To avoid this situation, every time you do it by the position of the torch upside down. So during the refilling fuel, be careful. Put the nozzle directly to the gas valve and firmly press it a couple of seconds when you feel that the hissing stops, the tank becomes full stop the press. This is the process of refilling the tank correctly. Know of it.


Altitude problems can occur in butane torch lighters. There are the functions of fuel and air ratios, which are mixtures of different fuel. If you use non-premium fuel, then this altitude problem can occur. When the lighter refilled in a lower altitude and it is operating it, then it is a higher possibility to occur an airlock with a valve. If the partial release of pressure is done with the adjustment valve, then it can unlock the air.


The flame adjustment will be needed if your torch is not working properly, such as the flame too high or too low. Adjust the flame by using the (-), (+) button in front of the torch. If you have fueled inexpensive fuel and bled incorrectly, then it can be the flame change problem. Lighters are very much important for those people who spend a lot of time outside the home and especially at night. The smokers are required the torch lighters more than the other. Though people can use matches, I think torch lighters is more convenient and portable and also economical than the matches. However, it is very helpful for our many types of activities. So it is also can be a troublemaker if it is not working properly. For making it works properly you have maintained certain things I have described above, if you follow those things and keep maintaining then you will experience a better use of torch lighters.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir