JK Flip Flop Circuit Diagram in Proteus

Hello Learner! I hope you are doing great. Welcome to another tutorial at The Engineering Projects. This blog is the part of series we have stated about the Digital Logic Circuits. Previous to this, we learned Implementation of SK Flip Flops in Proteus. at the present day, we'll seek the knowledge about the following points:
  1. What are Flip Flops?
  2. What are JK Flip Flops?
  3. How can we record the Truth Table of JK Flip Flops?
  4. What is the Procedure to Construct the circuit of JK Flip Flop through Logic Gates and IC circuit?
Moreover, we'll also have some useful bits of Information in Did you know Sections. Let' see the explanation of the concepts given above.

Flip Flops

The Flip Flops are the building blocks of many of  the Electronic Circuits. We define the Flip Flops as:
"The Flip Flops are the type of sequential Logic Circuits that are mainly made through the Logic Circuits and have the ability to receive, store, and show the output in the form of binary bits i.e, 1 and 0."
There are mainly four types of Flip Flops:
  1. SR Flip Flops
  2. JK Flip Flops
  3. D Flip Flops
  4. T Flip Flops
The main focus of this blog is JK Flip Flop so we'll discuss them in detail.

JK Flip Flops

JK flip Flops are the sequential Circuits and are the very much similar to SR Flip Flops. We introduce the JK Flip Flips as:
"The JK Flip Flops are the Universal Flip Flops containing two inputs, two outputs and a Clock in the Circuit. They have e the ability to avoid the invalid or Illegal condition of the Flip Flops."
The name of the inputs are said to be J and K respectively. Unlike SR Flip Flops ( where S stands for Set and R stands for Reset) the inputs of JK Flip Flops are titled autonomously. Somehow, related to the inventor of the JK Flip Flop "Jack Kilby".

DID YO KNOW???????????

JK Flip Flops are useful in many ways as: They have Low power dissipation. They are much Faster than their sibling Flip Flops.
]The output of the JK Flip Flops are named as Q and Q'. As the name implies , both the Outputs are opposite to each other. When Q is HIGH , the Q' is Low and same is the case with the opposite condition. The Truth Table Of JK Flip Flop is given next:
High 0 0 Unchanged Unchanged
Low Unchanged Unchanged
High 0 1 0 1
Low 0 1
High 1 0 1 0
Low 1 0
Low 1 1 1 0
High 0 1
There are two types of JK Flip Flop named as:
  1. Basic JK Flip Flop.
  2. Master-Slave JK Flip Flop.
Yet in this lesson, we'll make a clear idea about the Basic JK Flip Flop only. For best concepts, we'll not just observe the Circuit diagram of JK Flip Flop but we'll Construct a Circuit using different tools and Components in Proteus ISIS. We'll learn about the Formation of JK Flip Flop in two ways:
  1. JK Flip Flop through Logic Gates.
  2. JK Flip Flops through IC.
Rush toward your Proteus Software and learn how can you make this in just simple steps.

DID YOU KNOW????????????

The JK Flip Flops are the better version of SR Flip Flops and are better than those just using a NOR Gate.

JK Flip Flop Circuit Diagram in Proteus

  • Start your Proteus Software.
  • Get the following material from the Pick Library through "P" button..

Material Required

  1. 3 input NAND Gate.
  2. 2input NAND Gate.
  3. Logic Toggle.
  4. LED-RED.
  5. Ground Terminal.
  6. Connecting Wires.
  • Get the first three elements from the Pick Library one by one.
  • Select two 3 input NAND Gates and arrange them vertically at the working area one after the other.
  • Repeat the same step for Two input NAND Gates just after the two gates set before.
  • Get two Logic Toggles and arrange them just before the Gate 1 and 2.
  • Take two LEDs and place them just after switch 3 and 4.
  • Get a Clock and set it in between two logic Toggles.
  • JK Flip Flop Circuit Diagram in Proteus is shown in image given below:
  • Pop the Play button to start simulation.
  • Change the values of the inputs and observe the output at each gate. You will get the following table:
CLOCK J K 1 2 Q Q’
High 0 0 Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
Low Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
High 0 1 1 1 0 1
Low 1 1 0 1
High 1 0 1 1 1 0
Low 1 1 1 0
Low 1 1 1 1 1 0
High 1 1 0 1
Hence this is the required output.

JK Flip Flop IC (Integrated Circuit)

Due to the usability of JK Flip Flop, Proteus ISIS has added many JK Flip Flop IC. In this way, we do not need to design all the circuit. Instead we can simple using JK Flip Flop IC.Let's see how it will work:

Material Required

  1. JK Flip Flop ( IC)
  2. Logic Toggle
  3. LED-red
  4. Ground Terminal
  • Place the JK Flip Flop IC at the working area.
  • Connect Logic Toggles and clock at the respective ports.
  • Add the Led at Q and Q' ports.
  • Ground the LED's through Ground Terminals.
  • Change the values of the Logic Toggles again and again and check that does you get the required output or not.

Easily available JK Flip Flop IC

Proteus also contain many other ICs of JK Flip Flop. Some of them are as follows:
  1. 74LS107 that contain a Dual JK Flip Flop with CLEAR.
  2. 4027B is an IC that is Dual JK Flip Flop.
  3. 74LS73 contains Dual JK Flip Flop with CLEAR.
  4. 74LS76 has Dual Flip Flop with PRESENT and CLEAR.
Truss, Today we recalled that what are the Flip Flops, what are its types, learned a great information about JK Flip Flops and designed its circuit in Proteus ISIS in two ways. Hopefully, you got the required pieces of particulars. in the next Lesson, we'll talk about the Master slave JK Flip Flops.

Implementation of SR Flip Flops in Proteus

Hello Learners! welcome from the team of The Engineering Projects. We hope you are having a productive day. We are working on a series of Blogs based upon the core knowledge about Digital Logic Gates and Circuits. In this tutorial, we'll know about the SR Flip Flops and after brief introduction we will simulate SR Flip Flops in Proteus. Let's have a glimpse on the topics of today:
  • What are Flip Flops?
  • What are the types of Flip Flop?
  • How does we design the Truth Table of SR Flip Flops?
  • What are further classes of SR Flip Flips?
  • Implementation of SR Flip Flops in Proteus.

Flip Flops

Flip Flops are extremely important Circuits of Digital Logic Design. We Introduce the Flip Flops as:
"Flip Flops are type of sequential Logic Circuit that contain two stable states "Zero" and "One" (because of the binary system). It is often used as Storage device and each state of Flip Flop stores one bit." 
They are the building blocks of the Electronics and play an important role in the world of Logic Circuits. Being the Binary circuits, they are essential for the computation in the computer system. The Inputs of the Flip Flops are named as "S" AND "R" that stands for Set and Reset respectively. There are two Outputs of the Flip Flop called Q and Q'. As the name suggest itself, both the outputs are the Inverse of Each Other. the Flips Flop are sequential Logic Circuits that mean they use a Clock called as "CLK"  in the circuit. the Function of clock is to synchronize the circuit. The Phenomenon in which the clock signal is change its value i.e, from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0, is called the edge of the clock.

DID YOU KNOW?????????????????

Flip Flops are also called as Bipolar Multi-vibrator because they can store the both the Conditions of the Binary system.
When we say that Flip Flops are the Storage Devices, we mean that they does not only calculate the output from the present data, but they can also work with the data stored previously in the Flip Flops.  

Types of Flips Flops

When we talk about the types of Flip Flops, we consider mainly Four types of Flip Flops as follow:
  1. SR Flip Flop
  2. JK Flip Flop
  3. D Flop Flops
  4. K Flip Flops
These kinds are same in the composition of circuits, but the working, Construction and the results are different from each other. We'll Describe the structure of each of them along with the simulation for best concepts one after the other.

DID YOU KNOW??????????????

Flip Flops can maintain a binary state as long as there is power in the circuit, therefore can store the Data.

SR Flip Flop

The full name of SR Flip Flop is Set Reset Flip Flop. In this type of Flip Flop the Value of Output Q depends upon the Value of the "S" input. once the input of the SR Flip Flop goes high (When S and R are high) the output goes to infinity or undefined therefore this Circuit is used to  store the information.

Truth Table of SR Flip Flop

When we talk about the Truth Table of SR Latch, we find some unique behavior. The Interesting point about the SR Latch is when Set and Reset are LOW i.e, 0 then the value of the Output does not change. The circuit does not show any alternation. Moreover, when the values of inputs are HIGH, the output is undefined as discussed above. Hence the design of Truth Table of SR Flip Flop is as follow:
S R Q Q’
0 0 No change No change
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 Undefined Undefined
  The SR Flip Flops are further classified into two main types:
  1. Active High SR Flip Flops.
  2. Active Low SR Flip Flops.
we'll learn about their details and the structure of the circuit.

Active High SR Flip Flops

The Active High SR Flip Flops are the one in which the Set input and the output terminal Q collaborate with each other. When the S is 0, the output Q is 1 and vise versa. We know that Q is always opposite to Q' hence we get the output as expected. Let's Look at the circuit of Active High SR Flip Flop and work at it in Proteus ISIS.

Active High SR Flip Flops in Proteus ISIS

  • Fire Up your Proteus Software.

Material Required

  1. AND Gate
  2. NOR Gate
  3. NAND Gate
  4. Logic Toggle
  5. LED-Red
  6. Clock
  7. Ground Terminal
  8. Connecting Wires
  • Click at the "P" button and Write AND Gate, NOR Gate, Logic Toggle, LED-Red, Clock one after the other and choose them through Enter button.
  • Choose AND Gate from the Pick Library section and arrange two of them at the working area.
  • Get two NOR Gates and arrange them just after the AND Gates.
  • Get two Logic Toggles and Arrange them just before AND Gate for input.
  • Choose two LEDs and fix them just after the NOR Gates.
  • Ground each LED through ground Terminal Found in the Terminal modes at the left side of screen.
  • Use a Clock in between AND Gates.
  • Join all the components through wires just like the image given below:
Now Pop the Play button. Alter the Values of Input and observe all the outputs at each Logic Gate. You will get following Truth Table:
S R 1 2 Q Q’
0 0 0 0 No change No change
0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined

DID YOU KNOW???????????

The inputs of Active Low SR Flip Flops are denoted by a a bar , a complement or a "not" word along with their name.

Active Low SR Flip Flop

The Active Low SR Flip Flops have the same output as their twin Circuit Active High SR Flip Flop. The difference is in the construction of the circuit. We use the NAND Gate in the Construction of Active Low SR Flip Flop. all other arrangements and devices are same as the previous one.

Simulation of Active Low SR Flip Flop in Proteus ISIS

  • In the above Circuit of Active High SR Flip Flop, pop the left click at gate 1.
  • Left click>Delete the Gate 1.
  • Repeat the same step with other gates as well.
  • Add the NAND gate in all the places.
  • Arrange the system again as shown in the figure below:
When we Test the Active Low SR Flip Flop we get the following outputs:
S' R' 1 2 Q Q’
0 0 0 0 No change No change
0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined
Hence this is another form of SR Flip Flop. Consequently, we learned about the Flip Flops, we saw what are its types , saw the subclasses of the Flip Flop and designed two types of SR Flip Flops in Proteus ISIS. Stay tuned for the other tutorial in which we'll solve the problem of undefined conditions of Flip Flops.

Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) Simulation in Proteus ISIS

Hello Learners, hope you are doing well. I am here with a new tutorial. We'll discuss about Junction Field Effect transistors. In this tutorial, we will learn the basic Introduction to JFET nad will also have a look at its practical Implementation and simulation in Proteus. Basically, Junction Field Effect is a type of transistor, similar to Bipolar Junction Transistors but they have different characteristics due to some reasons as discussed below:

Introduction to JFET

We Define the JFET as:
"Junction Field Effect transistors or simply JFET is the semiconductor ,Voltage Control, three terminal device that is present in both configurations either N channel or P channel."
JFET  are named so because the the operation of JFET relies on the Field of the input gate voltage thus they are voltage operated devices. The Input of JFET is called Gate whereas, the output is said to be Drain.

Explanation about JFET

Junction Field Effect Transistors are important Devices in the world of electronics. They look similar to the transistors but are different in their Production.

Terminals of JFET:

JFET's have two Ohmic connections at either side of the channels. These channels are called Source and Drain. the Connection of Drain and source is said to be Gate. This is the point where PN Junction is formed. Source and Drain Collectively makes resistive path through which the current Id passes due to the Voltage Vds. The channel is semiconductor due to which current is passed equally well at both sides. But, because of the resistivity of the channel, the voltage becomes less Positive when we move from Drain to Source. Subsequently, the PN junction contains the high reverse bias at Drain as compared to the Source. Thus, the a Depletion Region is formed due to biasing whose width increase with the increase in the Biasing and vise Versa.

Configuration of JFET:

We know that Transistors are made by two type of materials i.e, N type and P type. The Terminals are connected by a current path between Drain and Source. these two terminals work as Collector and Emitter, respectively. Hence we observe two Configurations of JFETs:
  1. N-Type.
  2. P-Type.
Within the P-Type Configuration, we observe the doping of acceptors. hence holes are abundant in this region. by the same token, N- type configuration contain the doping of the electrons hence we get the faster conduction in N-Type region. We'll use N type JFET for the experiment.

Types of JFET:

Base upon their Production, we classify the JFET in two types:
  1. Standard JFET
  2. Insulated Gate JFET
The 2nd type i.e, IGJFET is most Commonly called Metal Oxide Junction Field Effect Transistor or simply MOSFET.

Conduction of JFET:

JFET are unipolar Devices and their efficiency mainly depends upon the Conduction of holes and electrons in P-Channel and N-channel, respectively.

 Implementation of JFET in Proteus ISIS

The Junction field effect transistors has very specific characteristics that can easily observed on the graph at a glance. Hence, let's start the simulation for best understanding.

Material Required:

  1. Junction Field Effect Transistor (2N3819)
  2. DC Power Supply
  3. Ground Terminal
  4. Current Probe
  5. DC Transfer Curve Analysis

Procedure for the characteristics of JFET:

  • Fire up your Proteus Software.
  • Pick Up the JFET from the Pick Library through the "P" button.
  • Set the JFET on the working area.
  • Foster the "DC" from the power Generation mood of the Proteus.
  • Fix 1 DC power supply at the Gate Terminal and the other on the Drain Terminal.
  • Pick the Ground terminal from "Terminal mode" and fix it with the Source.
  • At this stage, the circuit should look like the picture given below:
  • Place the Current probe taken from the side of the Proteus at the Drain.
One point must be clear here, the direction of the probe should be towards the drain showing that the current passes from the Current source towards the Drain terminal of JFET.
  • Name the Gate source as "Vgs".
  • Name the Drain power supply as "Vds".
  • Mark the Current Probe as "Ids".
  • Choose "Transfer" from the Graph mode at the left most bar of the Proteus.
  • Click on the Working area and make a window of the "DC Transfer Curve Analysis".
  • To get the output, we will drag the Id at the graph area.
  • At the instance, we have to set the Graph according to our need. Truss, Double click the graph to edit the Properties.
  •  Set the Values according to diagram:
Now, when we simulate the graph by left click>simulate the graph, we find a simulation log.
  • Simulate the graph through the Play button.
  • Maximize the screen through left click at Graph>maximize and Observe the output.

Observations of JFET Characteristics:

  • Vgs applied to the Gate Controls the Current flowing between Drain and the Source.
  • No current flow through the Gate hence the Source current that is flowing out of the device is equal to the Drain current moving into the device.


  • We observe the four types of regions here:
  1. OHMIC Region: JFET acts like a voltage resistor when voltage VGS =0 because the depletion region at this point is very less.
  2. Pinch-off region: Resistance is maximum when Vgs is sufficient to cause the JFET to act as an open Circuit. This region is also called Cut-off region.
  3. Saturation Region: In this Region, the JFET becomes the Good Conductor and be controlled by Vgs. The Vds has very less effect.
  4. Breakdown Region: We observed that the in this region, the Vds becomes maximum and is controlled.

Advantages of JFET:

  • They are replaced by the BJT because they are similar to BJT in characteristics like efficiency , robust, instant operation but are smaller than the equivalent Bipolar Junction Transistors. Thus they are better.
  • Due to the size, they have less power consumption and low power dissipation, therefore are ideal to use in ICs and the CMOS range of circuit.
  • They have extremely high input Impedance tat can be more than thousands.
Consequently, We learnt about extremely important features of the Junction Field Effect Transistor, Perform the experiments for the characteristics and observed the Advantages of JFETs.

Half Adder through XOR with AND Gate in Proteus ISIS

Hello Pupils! I welcome you to The Engineering Projects. I hope you are having a good day. In our previous lectures, we simulated almost all the DLD Logic Gates i.e. AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR. I hope now you must have a complete understanding of the logic gates and their working.

Now, it's time to have a look at the reason for inventing these logic gates. These DLD logic gates are used to design different numerical modules i.e. adder, subtracter, multiplexer, de-multiplexer, encoder, decoder etc. These arithmetic modules are normally used in electronic products i.e. a simple microcontroller has numerous adders/subtractors for properly calling the registers' addresses.

So, from today onward, we are going to discuss these applications of logic gates one by one. Today, we will focus on the basic one i.e. Half Adder. First, we will understand its working and later will simulate it in Proteus.

Let's have a look at what we'll learn today.

  1. What is an Adder?
  2. What is Half Adder?
  3. Truth Table of Half Adder.
  4. Half Adder Simulation in Proteus.
  5. Advantages of Half Adder.
  6. Disadvantages of Half Adder.

Let's start the Learning.

What is Adder?

  • In DLD, an Adder is a simple digital circuit, designed using logic gates and is used to add binary numbers(normally bits).
  • Advance Adders can also add other number systems i.e. Binary Coded Decimal, HexaDecimal etc.
  • There are two types of Adders, named:
  • Half Adder
  • Full Adder. (We will cover it in the upcoming lectures)

Now, let's have a look at the definition of Half Adder:

What is Half Adder?

  • A Half Adder is a simple arithmetic electronic circuit, designed using logic gates to add two binary numbers.
  • A Half Adder produces two Outputs of 1-Bit each. These outputs are the Sum and Carry of the added numbers.
  • The numbers being added(i.e. inputs of Half Adder) are called augend and added.
  • A simple Half Adder is shown in the below figure:
  • We will understand the working of Half Adder in the next section but for now, we can see in the above figure, the Adder circuit has two inputs and 2 outputs.
  • The first output is Sum Bit and the second one is Carry Bit.
  • A simple Block Diagram of Half Adder is shown below:

Logical Circuit

In order to design a DLD Half Adder, we will need to use the following two logic gates:

  1. XOR Gate
  2. AND Gate

If we recall from our previous lectures on logic gates, the XOR Gate is used to provide the Sum of the Inputs, while the AND Gate provides the Carry of the Inputs. So, by combining these two gates, we can easily get both the Sum and the Carry.




  • Here's the Truth Table of XOR Gate:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
  • The Truth Table of AND Gate is given below:
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Let's move towards the Practical implementation of Half Adder in Proteus ISIS.

Simulation of Half Adder in Proteus

To design the circuit of Half Adder, we need the following components:

Components Required:

  1. AND Gate.
  2. XOR Gate.
  3. Logic toggle.
  4. LED.
  5. Ground Terminal.

Circuit Diagram of Half Adder

  • Select the first four components from the Proteus Library.
  • Place the XOR Gate and AND gate in the Proteus Workspace.
  • Connect the Logic Toggles on the Inputs of the XOR Gate.
  • Join the inputs of AND Gate with the Inputs of XOR Gate.
  • Connect the LEDs with the output Terminals of both Gates.
  • Add the ground terminal with both LEDs.
  • The below figure shows the Half Adder Circuit in all possible scenarios:
  • Here's the Truth Table of Half Adder:
Input Output
A B Sum
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1

Advantages of Half Adder

  1. Half Adders are simple in construction & easy to design.
  2. We can get a Half Subtractor simply by inverting the circuit.

Disadvantages of Half Adder

  1. There is no mechanism to use the carry in the next addition.
  2. Can perform very specific functions.

So, that was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed today's lecture. Today, we designed the Half Adder using AND and XOR gates. In the next lecture, we will design the Half Adder using Universal Gates i.e. NAND and NOR gates. Till then, take care. Have fun!!!

Half Adder with Universal Logic Gates

Hello Pupils! I welcome you to The Engineering Projects. I hope you are having a good day. In our previous lecture, we discussed Half-Adder Circuit Designing with XOR and AND logic gates. Today, we are going to design the same circuit using universal logic gates i.e. NOR and NAND gates.

We are going to learn the following topics, in today's lecture:

  1. What is Adder?
  2. What is Half Adder?
  3. How can We make Half Adder Circuit through NAND Gate?
  4. How can We make Half Adder through just NOR Gate?

Hence without wasting time, Let's find all the Answers.

What is Adder?

As we discussed in the last lecture, the DLD Adder is a simple electronic circuit, used to add binary numbers in bit form.

There are two types of DLD Adders, named:

  1. Half Adder
  2. Full Adder

In this article, we'll focus on the Half Adder only.

What is Half Adder?

Let's recall it as well from our previous lecture, a Half Adder is a simple electronic circuit, designed with logic gates and is used to add two binary numbers. It generates two output bits i.e. Sum Bit and Carry Bit.

In our previous lecture, we designed the Half Adder using two types of Logic Gates i.e. AND and XOR but today, we are going to use a single type of logic gate(Universal Gate) to design a Half Adder. As we know there are two universal gates in DLD i.e. NOR and NAND. So, we will design the Half Adder circuit with both of these Universal Gates, shown in the below figure:

Truth Table of Half Adder

  • The Truth Table of the Half Adder is shown in the below table:
Input Output
A B Sum
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

Half Adder with NAND Gate

Let's first recall the NAND Gate:

"A NAND Gate is an inversion of AND Gate and gives LOW output if all of its Inputs are HIGH, otherwise gives HIGH output".

The Truth Table of NAND Gate is shown below:

A B (A.B)'
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Let's rush towards the Proteus software to run our Half Adder.

Components Required

We will need the following components to design Half Adde circuit in Proteus:

  1. NAND Gate
  2. Logic Toggle
  3. LED
  4. Ground Terminal

Proteus Simulation of Half Adder

  • Here's the Circuit Diagram of the Half Adder with the NAND gate in Proteus:
  • For designing the Half Adder circuit, we'll need 5 NAND gates in total, so get them from Proteus Library and place them in the Workspace, as shown in the above figure.
  • I have used two Logic States at the Inputs and two LEDs at the Outputs.

In order to understand this Half Adder circuit, let's create a truth table of output at each NAND Gate:

Input Output
A B 1 2 3 4(SUM) 5(CARRY)
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 1

Half Adder with NOR Gate

Let's recall the NOR Gate from our previous lecture:

"A NOR Gate is an inversion of the OR Gate and gives HIGH Output only if all of its Inputs are LOW, otherwise it gives LOW".

The Truth Table of NOR Gate is as follows:

A B (A+B)’
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

To implement the Half Adder with NOR Gate, we are going to use the below components:

Components Required:

  1. NOR Gate.
  2. Logic Toggle.
  3. LED.
  4. Ground Terminal.
  5. Connecting wires.

Proteus Simulation of Half Adder

Here's the circuit diagram of the Half Adder with NOR logic gate:

As you can see in the above figure, we have used 5 NOR gates in total and have placed logic states at the inputs and LEDs at the outputs.

Here's the truth table of Half Adder with NOR Gate:

Input Output
A B 1 2 3 4(SUM) 5(CARRY)
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1

So, that was all for today. In the next lecture, we will discuss the 2-Bit Full Adder in detail and will simulate it in Proteus. Thanks for reading.

NAND as Universal Gate in Proteus

Hello Learners! Welcome to The Engineering Projects. In the previous tutorial, we discussed the first universal gate i.e. NOR Gate and simulated it in Proteus. Today, we are going to focus on the second universal gate i.e. NAND Gate. We will also derive basic logic gates from the NAND gate, to prove its universality.

Today, we'll seek the answers to the following questions:

  1. What is a NAND Gate?
  2. What is a Universal Gate?
  3. NAND as a Universal Gate.
  4. NAND Gate as Universal Gate in Proteus ISIS.

Let's get started:

What is a NAND Gate?

  • A NAND Gate is designed by inverting the output of AND Gate and thus it gives a LOW output when all of its inputs are HIGH, otherwise, it's HGIH.
  • In order to design a NAND gate, simply place a NOT gate in front of the AND gate.
  • A and B are two inputs of the NAND Gate, Output Y is denoted by a dot between the inputs along with a combined compliment or a bar on the whole statement.

Y= (A.B)'

  • The graphical symbol of the NAND Gate is the same as that of the AND gate, except there's a small bubble at the start of the output to represent NOT. The graphical representation of the NAND gate is shown in the below figure:

Truth Table and Timing Diagram of NAND Gate

  • Here's the Truth Table of the NAND Gate(Inverse of AND Gate):
A B (A.B)’
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
  • The timing diagram of the NAND gate is shown below:

What is a Universal Gate?

In Logic Circuits, we often use a term called "Universal gates". this can be defined as:

"The category of Logic Gates, through which we can derive all the Basic Gates are called universal Gates."

We have two Universal Gates, NAND Gate and NOR Gate. These have importance in the world of Digital Logic Designs because of their simplicity and usefulness.

NAND as a Universal Gate

As discussed before, NAND Gate is a Universal Gate because we can design any logic gate with a NAND Gate. Let's design the following logic gates with a NAND Gate:

  1. OR Gate
  2. AND Gate
  3. NOT Gate

Components Required:

  1. NAND Gate
  2. Logic Toggle
  3. Logic Probe
  4. Connecting Wires
Take the discussed elements from the pick library One after the other through "P" button. Follow the instructions to make all the Gates one by one.

Basic Gates through NAND Gate

OR Gate

While Designing the OR Gate through NOR Gate, we must have the knowledge about one rule of Digital Logic Design that says:
"The Compliment of the ANDed input is equal to the ORed inputs."


  • Take an NAND gate from the library and fix it at the working area.
  • Repeat the step two times.
  • Connect the output of two NAND Gates with the input of third one.
  • Connect the  inputs of other two remaining Gate with each other through a wire to set them as one input.
  • Connect logic Toggles as the input with two NAND Gates.
  • Join Logic Probe to visualize the output.
The circuit looks like this:
  • Pop the play button.

Change the value of inputs one by one and record the output in the form of table.AND Gate

We'll Design AND Gate through NAND Gate on the basis of the following rule of logic Design:
"The Compliment of ANDed inputs is equal to the ANDed inputs."


  • Get two NAND Gates from Pick Library.
  • Set them at the working area.
  • Join then inputs of 2nd Gate with each other.
  • Set Logic toggles at the input of the 1st one.
  • Join Logic Probe with the output of 2nd one.
  • Connect the output of the 1st Gate with the inputs of the other.
  • Change the inputs through Logic Gates.
  • Record the truth table according to the output.

NOT Gate

The formation of NOT Gate through NAND Gate is based upon the rule:
"The Compliment ANDed input with itself is equal to the complement of input."


  • Take the NAND Gate.
  • Fix it at working area.
  • Connect its both inputs with each other.
  • Connect Logic Toggle and Logic Probe.
  • Change the inputs.
The resultant Truth Table is: NOTE: You can Gain the same output by following the rule (A.1)'=A'

Advantages of NAND Gate

  1. NAND Gate is a universal gate therefore it can make the circuit less complex.
  2. We can use them for the functionality of more than one Gate.
  3. It stores more storage capacity as compared to its size.
  4. It is Cost effective per byte.

Real life Applications of NAND Gate

  1. Freezer warning buzzers.
  2. Burglar Alarms.

Disadvantages of NAND Gate

  1. It is Difficult to design than other Gates.
  2. It has propagation delay.
  3. The high Gate count is also a disadvantage.
Consequently, we recognized the Core detail of NAND gate, we learnt what are the universal gate and how can we make different gates with NAND gate using Proteus simulation. moreover, we got some of the advantages, disadvantage and   some real life applications of NAND Gate.

NOR as Universal Gate in Proteus ISIS

Hi Mentees! I hope you all are having a Productive Day. In our previous lecture, we discussed the DLD Basic Logic Gates and simulated them in Proteus. Today, we are going to use these standard logic gates and will design another logic gate named NOR Gate and will also simulate it in Proteus.

In this tutorial, we'll learn the following concepts:

  1. What is a NOR Gate?
  2. Why NOR is called Universal Gate?
  3. How to derive other Gates through NOR Gate?
  4. Advantages of NOR Gate.

Let's begin the exploration:

What is a NOR Gate?

  • "NOR gate is designed by inverting the output of an OR Gate, so it gives a HIGH output, only when all the inputs are LOW."
  • In simple words, a NOR Gate has an OR Gate followed by the NOT Gate, as shown in the below figure:
  • The Graphical Symbol of a NOR Gate is the same as that of the OR gate but we place a small bubble at the start of the output, which represents the NOT gate, shown in the above figure.
  • Assume that A and B are the inputs of a NOR Gate, Output Y is denoted by a plus sign between inputs with a collective bar or complement sign on the whole statement as:

Y = (A + B)'

Truth Table and Timing diagram of NOR Gate

A Truth Table is a tabular representation of a logic gate having all the possible scenarios. The Truth table of the NOR Gate for 2 inputs is as follows:

A B (A+B)’
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
  • The timing diagram of the NOR Gate is as follows:

What is a Universal Gate?

  • A logic gate is called Universal Gate, if we could design all the other logic gates using it.
  • There are two Universal Gates available, named:
  • NOR Gate.
  • NAND Gate. (we will cover in the next chapter)

We have studied basic DLD logic gates i.e. AND, OR and NOT in our previous lecture. We can design all these gates with the Universal Gate. Let's have a look:

NOR as Universal Gate in Proteus ISIS

In this section, we are going to design the 3 basic logic gates(AND, OR and NOT) using NOR gate. While Designing the circuits, we need the following components:

Material Required

  1. NOR Gate
  2. Logic Toggle
  3. LED
  4. Ground Terminal
  5. Connecting Wires

NOT Gate

  • In order to design a NOT Gate with NOR Gate, we simply need to combine the inputs.
  • Mathematically,


  •  The Proteus simulation of NOR gate acting as a NOT gate, is shown in the below figure:
  • I have attached an LED at the output to analyze the working.
  • Hence, we found the Truth Table as:

OR Gate

During the formation of OR Gate through NOR Gate, we have to keep in mind the following statement:
"The output of NORed inputs is also the ORed input."
We denote this Statement as:


  • Take two NOR Gates.
  • Connect the second NOR Gate's inputs with each other.
  • Join the output of first one with the output of the other.
  • Join grounded LED and Logic Probes for input and output respectively.
  • Pop the play button.
Change the Values of Logic toggles according to the truth table. Notice that in the formation of current Gate, we implemented the NOT Gate, derived from the NOR Gate that we made before this.

AND Gate

The core statement of the formation of AND Gate through NOR is given next:
"The NORed output of Complements of the input is AND Gate."


  • Get the two NOR Gates from Pick Library.
  • Fix them vertically at the working sheet.
  • Connect the input of each of them with themselves.
  • Join Logic Toggle with each of it.
  • Take another NOR Gate from the pick Library.
  • Connect the output of 1st two with the input of the third.
  • Get the Grounded LED and fix it at the remaining output.
  • Press the Play sign of the Proteus ISIS.
  • Design the Truth Table by applying the required inputs.


  1. It occupies little space.
  2. It is less expensive.
  3. we can use it in the place of four Gates.
  4. It is less complex.
Truss, Today we learnt about the core concepts about the NOR Gate. we saw why we call it as universal Gate and also we saw the Practical experiments to prove our discussion.

XOR Gate with Truth Table in Proteus

Hey pals, we hope you are doing well. In our previous lecture, we discussed the basic DLD Basic Logic Gates and simulated in Proteus. Today, we are going to discuss another logic gate called Exclusive OR Gate(XOR Gate). We will also design the XOR Gate in Proteus using the basic logic gates(i.e. AND, OR and NOT), discussed in the previous lecture.

In today's tutorial, we are going to focus on:

  1. What are Exclusive OR Gates
  2. Experimental Proof in Proteus ISIS.
  3. How Truth Table of Exclusive OR Gate is designed.
  4. How is its Timing Diagram?
  5. Circuit of Exclusive OR Gate in Proteus Simulation
  6. Applications of Exclusive OR Gates

Exclusive OR Gate(XOR Gate)

  • In the Exclusive OR Gate(XOR Gate), the output will be HIGH(1), only if the odd no. of inputs is HIGH(1) and at least one of the inputs is LOW. (it's a bit complex, will understand it in the next section)
  • The XOR Gate is denoted by a plus sign with a circle around it between the inputs i.e. A B.
  • XOR gate is designed by combining standard logic gates(i.e. AND, OR and NOT), but because of its extensive use in arithmetic operations and error detection, it's considered a standard logic gate.
  • The Truth Table of XOR Gate is given below:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
  • The XOR Gate symbol along with its representation and truth table is shown in the below figure:

Working Principle of XOR Gate

Its definition has two conditions in it:

  1. Odd no. of Inputs should be HIGH
  2. At least one of the inputs should be LOW

We have seen in the 2-Input XOR truth table, the output is HIGH in the 2nd and 3rd Rows, because these rows are fulfills both conditions i.e., we have an odd no of HIGH inputs(1 input is HIGH) and at least 1 LOW input(1 Input is LOW). While, in the 1st and 4th rows, both conditions are unfulfilled, thus getting LOW at the output.

Now, let's have a look at the truth table of the 3-input XOR Gate:


Now it will get more clear, as you can see in the 4th row, we have 1 HIGH Input and 2 LOW Inputs, thus both conditions are fulfilled and we are getting HIGH at the OUTPUT. But in the 7th row, 2 Inputs are HIGH and 1 is LOW, although the 2nd condition is fulfilled i.e. we have at least 1 LOW input but the first condition is unfulfilled i.e. we have even no of HIGH Inputs. That's why we are getting LOW at the output. I hope now it gets clear.

Mathematical Representation of XOR

Now let's understand the output of the XOR gate mathematically. XOR gate is used in arithmetic calculations because it adds the inputs and gets the carry.

Here's the mathematical calculation of XOR truth table:




1+1=0 (Carry)

Here's the Proteus demonstration of the XOR truth table:

Design XOR Gate with Standard Logic Gates

Now, we are going to design an XOR gate using the basic logic gates i.e. AND, OR and NOT. The formula for XOR Gate is as follows:

Y = A.(B)' + (A)'.B

As you can see in the above equation, we can get an XOR output(Y) by applying 3 logic gates i.e. AND, OR and NOT, on the inputs(A and B).

Let's verify this equation by putting values from the XOR truth table:

For 1st Row:





For 2nd Row:

Now, A=0, B=1:





For 3rd Row:

Consider A=1, B=0:





For 4th Row:

At last, check the expression when A=1, B=1:





So, now let's design this equation for the XOR Gate in the Proteus software. Let's get started:

Proteus Simulation of XOR Gate

As we have seen in the previous section, we need to implement this equation in the Proteus software:

Y = A.(B)' + (A)'.B

So, open your Proteus software and get these components from the Proteus library:

Material Required:

  1. AND Gate
  2. OR Gate
  3. NOT Gate
  4. Logic Toggle
  5. LED

Circuit Diagram of XOR Gate:

Here's the circuit diagram of the XOR Gate in Proteus using the standard logic gates i.e. AND, OR and NOT:

  • As you can see in the above figure, the upper AND gate is implementing the first part of the equation i.e. A.(B)' and the second AND gate is implementing the second part i.e. (A)'.B
  • NOT Gate in inversing the inputs, placed at the inputs of AND Gates.
  • Finally, we placed an OR gate to add the outputs from both AND gates so that we could complete the equation i.e. A.(B)' + (A)'.B 
  • Finally, we placed an LED at the output.

Applications of XOR Gate

XOR Gate is used in many circuits as:
  1. We use XOR Gate in Half Adder.
  2. It is used in the circuit of Controlled inverters.
  3. XOR is also used in comparators.
  4. Subtractor is the application of XOR Gate.
  5. The parity checker is made through XOR Gate.
  6. XOR is used in the Arithmetic Logic Circuits.
  7. Circuit of Binary to Grey and vice versa.
Today, we discussed the Exclusive OR Gate in detail. We have also designed the simulation of XOR Gate in PRoteus software with the help of basic logic gates i.e. AND, OR and NOT gates. That's all for today. Take care!!!

XNOR Gate with Truth Table in Proteus ISIS

Hello Mentees!, I hope you have a productive day. Welcome to The Engineering Projects. In the previous lecture, we discussed the XOR Logic Gate and designed its circuit using basic logic gates i.e. AND, OR and NOT. Today, I am going to explain another Logic Gate named XNOR Gate in detail.

We are going to discuss these concepts in today's lecture:

  1. What are Exclusive NOR Gates
  2. Experimental Proof in Proteus ISIS.
  3. How Truth Table of Exclusive NOR Gate is designed.
  4. How is its Timing Diagram?
  5. Circuit of Exclusive NOR Gate in Proteus Simulation
  6. Applications of Exclusive NOR Gates


  • The exclusive NOR Gate(also called XNOR Gate) simply inverts the output of the XOR Gate(we discussed in the last lecture).
  • So, if we simply place a NOT Gate in front of the XOR Gate, we will get the XNOR Gate.
  • The XNOR Gate is denoted by a plus sign with a circle around it between the inputs and a collective Complement or a Bar on the Expression.
  • The symbolic representation of XNOR along with symbol and expression is shown in the below figure:
  • The Truth Table of XNOR Gate is given next:
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Mathematical Expression of XNOR Gate

The XNOR Gate with 2-inputs(A and B) and 1 Output(Z) is represented by the following mathematical expression:

Z = (A)'.(B)' + A.B

So, we will need AND, OR and NOT logical gates to implement XNOR Gate. Let's first verify this equation by applying the truth table.

For 1st Row:





For 2nd Row:

Now, A=0, B=1





For 3rd Row:

Consider A=1, B=0:





For 4th Row:

Lastly, A=1, B=1:





Hence in accordance with the above discussion, let's design the circuit of the XNOR Gate in the Proteus software:

Proteus Simulation OF XNOR Gate

Now let's design the Proteus Simulation of the XNOR gate. We simply need to implement the mathematical expression of XNOR Gate, discussed in the last section.

Material Required:

  1. AND Gate
  2. OR Gate
  3. NOT Gate
  4. Logic Toggle
  5. LED

Circuit Diagram of XNOR Gate:

First of all, we will design the below circuit in Proteus:


As you can see in the above figure, the first AND Gate is getting the inverted inputs and the second AND Gate is provided with simple inputs. Finally, the output of both AND gates is passed through the OR Gate and we got our XNOR output. I have placed an LED at the output to visualize it.

Applications of XNOR Gate

XOR Gate is used in many circuits as:
  1. We use XOR Gate in digital circuits.
  2. It is used in error-detecting Circuits.
  3. XOR is also used in Arithmetic Circuits.
  4. Encryption Circuits is the application of XNOR Gate.
  5. The combinational circuit is made through XNOR Gate.
  6. XNOR is used in sequential Circuits.
  7. Circuit of Binary to Grey and vice versa.
Today we saw discussed the Exclusive NOR Gate(XNOR Gate) in detail. We have also designed its simulation using AND, OR and NOT logic gates. Till the next tutorial, take care!!!

4-Bit Full Adder using Logic Gates in Proteus

Hi Learners! I hope you are having a productive Day. Welcome from the Team of The Engineering Projects. The digital logic circuit that we are learning today is 4-Bit Full Adder. In our previous tutorial, we designed 2-Bit Full Adder using Logic Gates in Proteus software. Today, we are going to design & simulate 4-Bit Full Adder using Logic Gates in Proteus.

We will discuss the following topics in today's lecture:

  1. What is Adder?
  2. What is Full Adder?
  3. Working Principle of 4-bit Full Adder.
  4. Simulation of four-bit full Adder in Proteus ISIS.

What is Adder?

Let's recall the Adder Definition from our previous lectures:

  • Adders are Digital Logical Circuits, specially designed to add two or more binary numbers or bits.

In the world of electronics, adders are used to add bits. The computer system depends upon the flow of bits and the computation of bits. Adders take the input in the form of bits and perform the addition, according to the type of Adder used. Basically, we divide the adders into two types:

  1. Half Adder.
  2. Full Adder.

We have discussed both Half Adder & Full Adder in detail in our previous lectures. Yet we have to recall the full adder's introduction:

What is Full Adder?

"Full Adders are the Digital Logic Circuits used to add three input bits and generate two outputs i.e. the Sum and the resultant Carry."

We further classify the Full Adder into two main types:

  1. 2-bit Full Adder.
  2. 4-bit Full Adder.

4-bit Full Adder

As the name implies, a four-bit full adder is used to add four sets of input bits. The definition of a 4-bit Full adder is as follows:

  • "A 4-bit Full Adder is designed to generate a 4-bit Sum and is designed by combining four 2-bit Full Adders and as a result shows the Four bits output along with the Carry Bit."

The Circuit of the Four-bit Full Adder consists of the XOR Gate, AND Gate and OR Gate. Let's have a quick recap of these Gates.

XOR Gate

A XOR Gate, is a two input Logical Circuit that give the output HIGH only when the inputs have the values alternating of each other. Or else, it is LOW.

AND Gate

AND Gate is the a logical Circuit that gives the Output HIGH only when its both inputs are HIGH, otherwise the output is LOW.

OR Gate

The OR Gate is a logical Circuit with the working such that when on of the Input is HIGH, the value of the Output is also HIGH.

Working Principle of 4-bit Full Adder

The Four Bit Full Adder works in an interesting manner. The XOR Gates are responsible for the addition of input bits. In order to get the full addition circuit we attach two AND gates with the circuit in such a way that the result of addition connects the OR Gate and we get the carry.

In the designing of circuit, we simply make a small circuit of AND Gate and XOR Gate. Then we design a Circuit of two bits Full Adder. The cynosure of the circuit is, we'll copy the block and arrange four blocks in a way that the output carry of the block becomes the input carry of the next. This cycle will continue and at the  fourth block we get the resultant carry of whole calculation. we can input only one carry of our will at the Block A.

Practical performance of 4-Bit Full Adder

If you wish to stimulate the Four bits full adder in Proteus then follow the simple steps given below. We'll make our circuit according to the Functional Diagram given before.
  • Begin Your Proteus Software.
  • Get the required material.

Required Devices

  1. XOR Gate
  2. AND Gate
  3. OR Gate
  4. Logic Toggle
  5. LED
  6. Ground Terminal
  • Push the "P" button presented at left area of the screen.
  • Select first four elements from the Library by mere writing there names one after the other.
  • Get  a XOR Gate and one AND Gate.
  • Connect the Logic Toggles with each input of XOR Gate.
  • Connect an LED with the end of the XOR Gate.
  • Go to Terminal Mode and get the ground terminal to attach the Ground Terminal with LED.
  • Drag and drop two XOR Gates, two AND Gates and one OR Gate and arrange them at the working area one after the other according to the image given below:
  • Attach Logic Toggle with each input of switch 1.
  • Get the LED and join it with the output of switch 3.
  • Click the left button of mouse> go to Terminals> Ground Terminal.
  • Place the ground Terminal just below the LED.
  • Join all the components according to the images given below;
  • Select the whole block left click>drag and drop the required area. It will create a doted square around the circuit.
  • Right Click> copy block.
  • Right click the mouse and paste the block with the same procedure.
  • Repeat the Pasting Process one time more and paste the circuit copy just one below the other.
  • Connect the each output carry switch with the input of the next.
  • Grab the Logic Toggle from the Pick Library and join it with the input carry wire of the first block.
  • Change the input values by the mean of Logic Toggles and check the working.

Working Example of 4-bit Full Adder in Proteus

You can test the circuit with an example. Question: We have two numbers 1100 and 1010. Find the resultant through four bits Full Adder. Answer: Let A=1100 B=1010

Logic about For bit Full Adder

The 1st Logic Toggle of each XOR 1 switch is called A bit. The 2nd Logic Toggle of each XOR 1 represents the B bit. Turning of LED means the HIGH (1) and vise versa. We start to input from down to up and the output as well. Hence start the observation from block D to A.  For the Question, the circuit should be set as: Hence we got the answer that is:
A 1 1 0 0
B 1 0 1 0
Result (1 carry)0 1 1 0
Consequently, we made a Four bit Full Adder. Stay tuned for other Logical Circuits.

Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir