H-Bridge Circuit with 2N2222 Transistor in Proteus

Hey Learners! Welcome to The Engineering Projects. We hope you are doing great. Our team is working on transistors and today, we'll design a circuit for using the 2N2222 Transistor. In this chapter you will learn:
  1. What is H Bridge with 2N2222 Transistor?
  2. How do the 2N2222 Transistor works?
  3. What is the working of H Bridge?
  4. How can we run the circuit of  H Bridge in Proteus using 2N2222 Transistor?
By the same token, you will also learn important information about the topic in DID YOU KNOW Sections.

Introduction to H-Bridge

In electronic circuits, the direction of quantities like the flow of current, EMF, Electric field lines matter a lot. The H Bridge is used to control such motors through its specialized circuitry. The H Bridge is defined as:
"The H Bridge is an elementary circuit that ends the Motors to rotate in forward or backward direction according to the will of the user."
In this way, there is no need for the two motors in many cases. Only one motor can be used to accomplish the task instead of two.


The most common, easy and interesting application of the H Bridge is in the robotics. The H Bridge is used to run the motors of the robots that are required to move the robot in the forward and backward direction.
The circuit of the 2N2222 H Bridge allows the current from the Direct Current source to flow from the required direction only and hinders the flow from the other direction.

Why we need the H Bridge

The direction of the moving of a motor paly a vital role in the output of that motor. The reason behind this is, most electric motors operate due to torque produced as the combined effect of magnetic field and electric current through a wire winding. Hence, We always need some means through which we can control the direction of the Motor to get the output that is suitable for our present requirement.

Performance of 2N2222 Transistor in H Bridge

The 2N2222 Transistor works as a backbone in the circuit of the H Bridge. We use four 2N2222 Transistors in the circuit and they work as a couple. The diagonal Transistors work together as a couple and allow the flow of current through them. By the same token, the non-diagonal 2N2222 Transistors work as a couple. Let's have a look at what is 2N2222 Transistor:
"The 2N2222 Transistor is a type of Bipolar Junction Transistors or BJTs that is designed to be used in the low power amplifying or switching applications."


Motorola made many semiconductor companies and the 2N2222 is  part of a huge family of Devices and Transistors that were discussed in IRE Conventions in Motorola company.
Being a BJT Transistor, the 2N2222 allows the flow of current in only one direction. Thus, it is responsible for the rotation of the Motor as per requirement of the user. The 2N2222 transistor (just as other JTs) has three pins. These pins are called Emitter, Base and Collector. The arrow symbol just at the transistor symbolizes the Emitter. Being an NPN Transistor, the collector and emitter terminals of 2N2222 Transistor in H Bridge act reverse biased or are said to be left open when the base pin is held to the ground or when there is no current flow from the base. On the other hand, when the base gets the flow of current from the battery or other components of the circuit in the H Bridge, the circuit is said to be forward-biased. The gain of the 2N2222 Transistor in the H Bridge ranges from 110 to 800. The value of gain is responsible for the determination of the 2N2222 Transistor's amplification capacity in the H Bridge.

Working of H Bridge Circuit

When we look at the circuit of H Bridge we get the following points:
  1. The Direct Current from the battery originates from the positive terminal of the battery (considering the conventional current) and passes through the switch.
  1. The switch allows the current to pass through the pair of the 2N2222 Transistor that is to be used.
  2. The resistors just before the Transistors perform the regulation of the current through the transistors.
  3. In our case, the H Bridge works according to the table given below:
Switch Flow of Current Direction of Motor
Connected to A From T4 to Motor then Motor to T1 Anti-Clockwise
Connected to B From T2 to Motor then Motor to T3 ClockWise
Let's have a look at the working of the H Bridge in action in Proteus ISIS.

Circuit of H Bridge in Proteus ISIS

We are going to design the circuit of the H Bridge in the Proteus ISIS. But before this, let's have a look at the required devices for the circuit.

Required Devices for H Bridge

  1. 2N2222 Transistor
  2. Resistor
  3. Motor
  4. Cell
  5. Switch
  6. Connecting Wires
Now,  just follow these simple steps:
  • Start your Proteus Software.
  • Click at the "P" button and choose the required devices except for connecting wires one by one.
  • Arrange for 2N2222 Transistors, four Resistors, motor, switch and cell on the working area.
  • Change the orientation of two of these Transistors before setting on the screen by clicking the arrow sign given just above the "P" button.
  • Left Click the motor>Rotate clock-wise to change the direction of the motor according to the image given next:
  • Change the value of Cell and Motor to 6v by double taping them one after the other.
  • Connect all the components according to the circuit given next:
  • Double click at all the resistors and transistors one after the other and label them to identify them as different devices.
  • Pop the simulation button.
  • Change the orientation of switch and check the output.


Change the value of the transistors around the motor and observe the rotation speed of the motor.  
Truss today we saw, what is H Bridge, what is the role of 2N2222 Transistor in the circuit of H Bridge, How does the circuit of H Bridge works and we implemented the H Bridge circuit using 2N2222 Transistor in Proteus ISIS. Stay with us with more tutorials.

12V to 220V Step Up Inverter using transformer in Proteus

Hey learners! Welcome to another exciting electrical experiment in Proteus. At the present day, we'll perform the inversion of voltage. For this purpose, we will use the implementation of Transformer as Step-up Transformer. Prior to start, let's have the basic information about the 12V to 220V Step up inverter using Transformer in Proteus. In this tutorial, we'll learn:
  1. What is a 12V to 220V inverter?
  2. What is the function of the transformer in the 12V to 220V inverter?
  3. How can we implement the Step up inverter using a Transformer in Proteus?
  4. What are some applications of the 12V to 220V inverter?
Moreover, there will be some useful pieces of information in DID YOU KNOW sections.;

12V to 220V inverter

In electronic appliances, the circuitry is designed so, that the appliance can work in a specific range of Voltage, Frequency and power etc. If these quantities are not supplied using these parameters, then the Appliance does not work ideally. For example, if the given voltage to a bulb is less than its voltage range it may be lightened dim. or if the voltage is given more than the range of the bulb, the circuitry of the bulb may be damaged or even it may burst. In such a case, the invertors are used that inverts the voltage (or other electrical quantities according to type) into the suitable range is used. Therefore, the 12V to 220V inverter can be defined as:
"An invertor is the electrical circuit that converts the 12V Direct current into 220V Alternating current and alters supplied voltage range into required range."
By using the 12V to 220V inverter the electrical or electronic circuits, we can use the electrical circuits that work on the 220V even when the supply from the source is 12V.

DID YOU KNOW??????????????

"The Inverters play a life saving role in the appliances that have a sensitive circuit to voltage and current. Even the High voltage more than the range of the device can burn the circuit so badly that it may require to change the whole circuitry or the motherboard of the device."

Working of 12V to 220V invertor

in the process of 12V to 220V inversion, three major process takes place:
  1. Supply
  2. Conversion
  3. Transformation
We use simple circuitry to perform each task. Based upon the functionality, we use three devices in the circuit of 12V to 220V inverter. These are:
  1. Battery
  2. Transistor
  3. Transformer

Role of Battery in 12V to 220V Transformer

It is obvious that every circuit requires some sort of energy to perform the required function. In 12V to 220V Inverter, we use a 12V battery that will be supplied to whole components. The 12V battery performs the "Supply" process in the 12V to 220V Inverter.

Role of Transistor in 12V to 220V Inverter

The process of conversion of direct current into alternating current requires a mechanism that allows just the positive side of the sinusoidal wave of the Alternating current to pass through it and hence one can get only one side of the output wave of current. In the case of low and medium applications, power Transistors are used. The reason behind this logic is, the Transistors:
  • are Less in cost.
  • have low output Impedance.
  • Allow most of the power to pass through it.
We know that the Transistor work as a switch. the two type regions of the characteristic graph of the Transistor are used in this experiment. Saturation region: In this region the transistor is biased. The collector-Emitter and the Collector-base junctions are forward biased. The collector has the minimum voltage and the collector current is maximum. Cut-off Region: In this region, the Transistor does not allow the current to pass through it.

Role of Transformer in 12V to 220V Inverter

The Transformer is the mechanical device used o transform the voltages from its input to its output. It has two sides that have coils around them. In our experiment, we use the Step-up Transformer that is introduced as:
"The type of Transformer that is used to convert the low voltage and high current supplied to its input to the high voltage and low current at its output is called the step up Transformer."
Hence the voltage from the Transistor that is rectified and has the direction only on one side is fed at its input. The Transformer transforms the low voltage into the high voltage. In this way, we get a high voltage. The ability of the transform to amplify the voltage depends upon the number of turns of the coil on its terminals.


"If you get a transformer that have the same mechanical structure but it has the numbers of turns in primary coil grater than the secondary coil then it is called the step down Transformer. "

Implementation of 12V to 220V inverter using Transformer

At the present moment, we'll use all our concepts given above to design the circuit for the 12V to 220V Inverter. Just follow the simple steps given next.
  • Power up your Proteus circuit.
  • Choose the material given below.

Material Required

  1. 3WATT68R (This resistor works at the 68R resistance automatically.)
  2. Battery
  3. Lamp
  4. MJ-2925
  5. Trans-2P3S (Step-up Transformer)
  • Click at the components one after the other and arrange the components one after the other at the working area.
  • Left-click at the Battery and choose "Rotate 180 degree".
  • The screen should look like this:
  • Change the values of some of the components by following the table given next:
Devices Values
Battery 12V
Bulb 240V
Bulb Resistance 100k
Transformer Primary Inductance 100H
Transformer Total Secondary Inductance 1.1H
  • Connect the elements with the help of the diagram given below:
  • Simulate the circuit by clicking at "Play" button given on the lower-left corner of the screen.
You will observe that the bulb is light although it is set as a 220V device and the supplied voltage is just 12V.

Applications of 12V to 220V Inverter using Transformer

  1. To charge the small batteries of vehicles such as cars.
  2. Low power Alternating Current Motors.
  3. Solar Power system.
  4. Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS).
  5. Reaction power controllers.
  6. Adapted power Filters.
Adjustable speed Alternating Current Motor Drivers. Consequently, we saw about an electrical circuit today that converts the 12V from its input to 220V at its output using the Transformer. This experiment has many interesting applications. Stay with us for more experiments.

Digital Counter using 4026 IC in Proteus ISIS.

Hello Mentees! Welcome to the board. We hope you are doing great. We are working on another interesting yet easy Project in the Proteus ISIS and that is Digital Counter using 4026 IC in the Proteus. Counters are used in thousands of electronic experiments as well as in our daily life. Who is not5 familiar with Digital Watches and calculators. At the same token, the counters are used in the digital display microwave ovens and many household appliances as well. In this session you will find the answers to the following questions:
  1. What is 4026 IC?
  2. What are Digital counters using 4026 IC?
  3. How does Digital Counter using 4026 IC works?
  4. How does we design the circuit of the Digital Counter circuit using 4026 IC in Proteus ISIS?
  5. How can you convert this Circuit from 1 digit counter to many Digit Counter using 4026 IC?
In addition, you will also have some interesting chunks of information about the topic in DID YOU KNOW sections.

What is 4026 IC in Digital Counters

Integrated Circuits play a vital role in the field of circuits and electronics. These are the combination of different fundamental devices in very specific yet functional ways. The 4026 belongs to the family of the Integrated Circuits in the series of 4000. The 4026 IC is introduced as:
"The 4026 is CMOS seven Segment counter  integrated Circuit that is the designed in decade Based and counts in the decimal digits and consist of total 16 pins." 
The output of the 4026 digital counter is usually fed into a 7 segment display Light Emitting Diode that shows the counter output of the 4026 IC Counter. Being an IC, the pins of the 4026 Digital counter IC are very specific. By looking at the block diagram of 4026 IC Counter, we can generate a table that shows us the proper configuration of the 4026 IC.
Pin Number Pin Name Description of the Pin
1 Clock (CLK) With each positive clock Pulse, it increments the counter. 
2 CI (Clock Inhibit) It is the Active high. When high, the counter freezes. When low, the clock pulse increments 7 segments.
3 DE (Display Enable) Chip will ON when this is high and vise versa.
4 DEO (Display Enable Out) Chaining 4026s.
5 CO (Carry Out) It completes a single cycle after every 10 clock input cycles. It is used to change the clock manner of 1 counter into a multi counter.
6 F This Pin is connected to ‘f’ of the 7 segment.
7 G This pin is connected to ‘g’ of the 7 segment.
8 VSS It is the Ground PIN
9 D It is Connected to ‘d’ of the 7 segment.
10 A It connects with the  ‘a’ Pin of the 7 segment.
11 E It Connects the ‘e’ of the 7 segment with it.
12 B It Connects to the  ‘b’ of the 7 segment.
13 C It is Connected to ‘c’ of the 7 segment.
14 UCS ( Un-gated C-Segment) It is an output for the seven-segment's C input that is not affected by the input of  DE . When the count is 2, it is high. 
15 RST (Reset) Reset the counter to 0 when HIGH. Hence it is Active High.
16 VDD Power supply PIN
In out experiment, we'll set all these pins according to our requirements to get the desired output. but some of the points here are pending to discuss. You may noticed the functioning of 6, 7, 9 to 13 pins of 4026 IC Counter. Let's have a look what does we mean by the description.

Seven Segment Display with 4026 IC Counter

This is the electronic device that is used to show the output of the counters such as 4026 IC. We define the Seven Segment Display as:
"The Seven Segment Display is a collection of 8 Light Emitting Diodes in a rectangular fashion that is an output device used to display the outcomes of different counters." 
For the convenience of connections, each LED of the Seven Segment Display is named i alphabetically and hence each pin of Seven Segment Display is connected with pins of 4026 IC Counter. 

Working of 4026 IC Digital Counter

  1. The Simulation of the circuit starts with the pulse generation at the Clock Pulse. These Pulses enters the BC547 MOSFET that regulates the pulses.
  2. The LED Connected to the BC547 MOSFET blink and we get the idea about the speed of the Pulse Generation.
  3. The Pulse enters the 4026 IC Counter and the counter Passes these pulses to the seven segment Display device.
  4. Each pulse from the 4026 IC power ups the respected LED of the seven segment display in a specific manner that we always get the digit as a result.
  5. The power is then Grounded connected to the seven segment display terminal.
  6. The output can be reset to the initial state with the button. This button is connected to the reset terminal of 4026 IC.


"You may skip the part of MOSFET and LED in the circuit but in some cases, when the error of the pulse occure, it may be difficult to examine whether the Pulses speed is low or there is another issue with the circuit."

Circuit Design of Digital Counter using 4026 IC in Proteus

  • Fire up your Proteus Software.
  • Choose the first five devices given next from the Pick Library.

Material Required:

  1. Seven Segment Cathod LED
  2. Resistors
  3. 4026 IC Counter
  4. MOSFET BC547
  5. Button
  6. Clock Pulse
  7. Led
  8. Ground Terminal
  9. Power Terminal
  • Arrange the material taken from the Pick Library at the working screen with the help of following image:
  • Go to generation mode and choose "Clock Pulse" then arrange it just after the left most resistor at the screen.
  • Go to Terminal Mode and get  "Power" terminal. You will use three Power Terminals.
  • Attach power Terminal with pin 3 of 4026 IC Counter, with the MOSFET.
  • Get a ground terminal from terminal mode and attach it with the lower pin of seven segment display.

Repeat the above step for the pin 2 of the 4026 IC Counter.Tip of circuit

"Why don't you try different colors of the seven Segment Display from the Proteus Pick Library of your choice? You have to change the names of the components by double clicking it and changing the label because Proteus does not recognize the components with the same names and through an error."
  • Change the values of the Components by double tapping them with the cursor.
Component Value
Resistor 1 to 8 220 Ohms
Resistor 9 10k
Frequency of Clock Pulse 1 Hz
  • Connect all the components with the help of connecting wires. Be careful with connection and follow the image below:
  • Hit the play button to simulate the circuit.

Two Digit Counter using 4026 IC

If you want to make a two Digit counter, simply select the 4026 IC and Seven Segment Display>left click>click "block copy".
  • Paste this block at the screen.
  • Manage both the Seven Segment Displays side by side.
  • Change the names of the Resistors and  4026 IC to resist the duplication.
  • Connect the Pin 5 of 1st 4026 IC with the Pin 1 of the 2nd 4026 IC.
  • Connect Pin 15 of 2nd 4026 IC with the button given above.
  • Pop the Play button again and observe the result.


  1. When the Frequency of the Clock Pulse is 1. The Digital counter 4026 IC shows us the value from zero to one in normal speed.
  2. Clicking the button resets the 4026 IC Digital Counter to the initial value, i.e, zero and starts the cycle.
  3. Changing the value of clock pulse to 10 will increase the digits changing the speed of the seven segment Display output.
  4. In two digits 4024 IC Counter, we can count the values till 99.
  5. One can make the 3, 4 and so on digit counter using the same method.
Consequently, we learned an Interesting Circuit today, we saw what are the 4026 IC counter and with the combination of Seven Segment display and Transistor , how can we design a Digital counter circuit in the Proteus. Stay connected for other interesting circuits on The Engineering Projects.

Automatic Light Detector using LDR in Proteus

Hello Learners! We hope you are fine. Welcome to The Engineering Projects. The Automatic Light Detector is the device that automatically senses the light incident on it. Let's have a glance about the main points of discussion:
  1. What is Automatic Light Detector?
  2. What are different components and their functions in the Automatic Light Detector?
  3. How does the circuit of Automatic Light Detector works?
  4. How can we implement the circuit of Automatic Light Detector in Proteus ISIS?
Moreover, you'll have some chunks of interesting information in DID YOU KNOW sections.

Automatic Light Detector

Automatic Light detectors or automatic Light sensors are interesting devices. They have special mechanism in their circuit that senses the density of the light and after that, the mechanism automatically changes the condition of the Light detector according to the need. Thus an Automatic Light Detector is defines as:
"An Automatic Light Detector are the photoelectrical devices that works with the principle of flow of current and turn the circuit components on/off automatically when the light incidents on its circuit." 
The Automatic Light Sensor is an elementary electrical component Which is usually used to handle the electrical Appliances such as coolers, fans, lights etc. without any manual efforts. In this way the manually switching of the electrical components can be controlled more easily. Their working depends upon the intensity of light around them.

DID YOU KNOW????????????

A very simple and usual application of the Automatic Light Detector is the Automatic Street Lights system. Have you ever noticed that there are hundreds of street lights around you when you go for a ride. If someone had a duty to turn them on and off manually, even they have a combine circuit. But it would be a time taking job. Moreover, there will be more chance of energy wastage. But all the street light have the Automatic Light Detector system so that they turn on and off automatically.

Components of Automatic Light Detector

Prior to start the construction of the circuit, Let's have some brief about the components of the circuit for Automatic Light Detector. The circuit that we'll use depends upon the following components:
  1. LDR
  2. n-p-n Transistor
  3. Simple
  4. Variable resistor
  5. Battery
  6. LED

LDR in Automatic Light Detector

LDR or Light Dependent Resistor is the heart of Automatic Light Detector. These are the electronic components, made up of high resistance semi-conductor material, that detect the light and alter the operation of the whole circuit according to the type of the circuit. The LDR is passive and it does not produces any electrical energy. LDR are used in many cases because of their rugged nature. They are not sensitive to dirt and rough environment and therefore have a long life and can be used in outdoor lights. Other different types of Light Sensors are:
  • Photodiode
  • Photo-voltaic cells
  • Photo-multiplier tubes
  • Charged Couple Devices.

n-p-n Transistor BC647 in automatic Light Detector

The full form of n-p-n Transistor is the negative positive negative Transistor. In this type of  It is designed to pass electrons from emitter to collector. so the emitter "Emits" the electrons to the base. Obviously, in case of conventional current the current flows from the collector to the emitter. In this Circuit the base of the n-p-n Transistor is connected with the one end of variable resistor and the LRD, emitter is connected with the battery and the variable resistor and the collector is joined with the LED directly.

Resistors in Automatic Light Detector

Resistors are the passive devices consist of two terminals and the body. These are the electric components that are widely use to resist the sudden flow of electricity through a circuit. In many case, they are life saving for the components of the circuits. Other uses of resistors includes:
  • Bias active elements
  • Terminate Transmission lines
  • Adjust signal level to device voltage.
The Automatic Light Detector uses two types of resistors:
  1. Simple Resistor
  2. Variable Resistor
The key difference between them in the circuit of Automatic Light Detector is, the resistance (Resisting ability) of variable resistor may be change according to the need of time.

Battery in ALD

A battery is the Lead-acid type cell that consists of the collection of four 1.5V D battery cells. It gives the energy to the components of the circuit for their functioning. The Battery will give the power to the circuit so that the flow of the current will illuminate the light or pass through the LDR.


The full form of LED is the Light Emitting Diode. It is a simple device used in our daily life as well that illuminates when the energy in the form of current or voltage is applied to it. In our circuit, the main function is the turning the on/off of this LED.

Working of the Automatic Light Detector Circuit

When we look at the circuit of Automatic Light Detector, we found that the whole working start from a 6v DC Battery. This battery give the energy to the circuits. At the day-time the LDR has a low resistance of about 100 ohms. In this case, the resistance of the LDR is less than the other devices of the circuits and we all know that:
The current passes through the path that shows the less resistive path.
The power from the battery passes through it and then from the variable resistor easily. At the Night-time when the light, incidents on the LRD is less , the resistance of LDR increases to a high level of approximately 20 mega ohm. Due to this high resistance, the LDR act as an open circuit and does not allow the flow of current through it. For this condition, the current will flow from other components of the circuit and hence the current enters o the base of the n-p-n Transistor BC545. This allows the current to pass from the LED and hence it illuminates.

Automatic Light Detector in Proteus

Before any practical implementation, one should always check it in the simulation for practice. Luckily, for our experiment, the Proteus contain all the components through which we can check the functionality of Automatic Light Detector. Fire up you Proteus software and Choose the components one after the other. Once selected, design a circuit of Automatic Light Detector by following these simple steps.
  • Get the Components from the Pick Library and arrange them according to the Circuit diagram.
  • Double tap the each components except n-p-n transistor and change their values according to the table given below:
    Component Value
    Resistor 470 ohms
    Variable Resistor 10k ohms (At the start)
    Battery 6 volts
  • Connect all the components by the mean of connecting wires.
  • Simulate the circuit.
  • Check the working of circuit by changing the values of the Light Detector Resistor.
  • Above 5.1 value of the LDR, the LED illuminates because of high resistance, the current flows through the LED.
  • Below 5.1, the LED remains off.

Applications of Automatic Light Detector

Some of the practical applications of Automatic Light Detector are given below;
  1. Automatic Light system.
  2. Light measuring instruments.
  3. Relative distance devices.
  4. Alarm system.
  5. Security Systems.
Truss today we learned about the Automatic Light Detector/sensor. we saw what components are present in its circuit, how the system works and how can we implement it in the Proteus software. We hope you had an interesting piece of study through our article.

Download Proteus Library of Arduino Modules

Hi Friends! Glad to have you on board. In this post today, we’ll cover How to Download Proteus Library of Arduino Modules.

If you are a regular reader of our blog, you must have noticed that we are sharing Proteus Libraries of different embedded sensors & modules on regular basis. Moreover, we have also launched version 2.0 of few libraries. So, today I am going to provide links to download Proteus Library of all Arduino Boards designed by TEP.

So, let's get started with How to Download Proteus Library of Arduino Modules:

Where To Buy?
No.ComponentsDistributorLink To Buy
1Arduino Mega 2560AmazonBuy Now
2Arduino NanoAmazonBuy Now
3Arduino UnoAmazonBuy Now

Download Proteus Library of Arduino Modules V2.0

  • It's the most advanced version of Arduino Proteus Library and consists of 6 Arduino Boards in total, named as:
    • Arduino UNO
    • Arduino Mega 2560
    • Arduino Mega 1280
    • Arduino Pro Mini
    • Arduino Nano
    • Arduino Mini
  • We have designed 7 Arduino Proteus Libraries V2.0 in total.
  • First, we have designed seperate Proteus Libraries of these 6 boards while in the 7th Library, we have combined all these boards.
  • So, if you just want to use Arduino UNO, then download its respective Library but if you are working on multiple boards, then download the combined version(7th).
Let's have a look at these Arduino Proteus Libraies one by one:

1. Arduino Uno Library for Proteus V2.0

This Arduino Proteus Library contains only one board named Arduino UNO. You need to download zip file of Proteus library and will be able to simulate Arduino Uno in Proteus software. Proteus Library zip file download link is given below: Download Arduino UNO Library for Proteus V2.0

2. Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V2.0

Using this Proteus Library, you can simulate Arduino Mega 2560 in Proteus ISIS. Here's the link to download its zip file: Download Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V2.0

3. Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus V2

Here's the link to dowload Proteus Library zip file of Arduino Mega 1280: Download Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus V2.0

4. Arduino Mini Library for Proteus V2

Here's the link to download Arduino Mini Library for Proteus V2.0: Download Mini Library for Proteus V2.0

5. Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V2.0

Download this Arduino Nano Library for Proteus(V2.0) and simulate it in Proteus ISIS. Here's the Proteus Library zip file download link: Download Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V2.0

6. Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0

Check out this Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus(V2). It is similar to the V1 Arduino Pro Mini board but comes in a smaller size. Download Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V2.0

7. Arduino Library for Proteus V2.0

Arduino Library for Proteus contains all 6 Arduino boards. Simply sownload its zip file and you can use any of these 6 Arduino boards. Here's the link to download zip file of Arduino Proteus Library: Download Arduino Library for Proteus V2.0

Arduino Library for Proteus V1.0

In this section, we’ll cover Arduino Library for Proteus V1.0. We’ve designed this library for six different types of Arduino boards.

1. Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V1

Check out this Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus(V1). Using this library you can simulate Arduino Mega 2560 in the Proteus workspace.
  • Arduino Mega 2560 is a powerful and application-type Arduino board, based on the Atmega2560 microcontroller.
  • It comes with 16 analog pins and 54 digital I/O pins, including 15 pins for PWM.

2. Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus V1

Read this Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus(V1). In this library, we’ve discussed how to download the Arduino Mega 1280 library and use it in your Proteus software. Arduino Mega 1280 is a compact and efficient Arduino board based on the Atmega1280 microcontroller. There are 16 analog and 54 digital I/O pins incorporated on the board. Moreover, it includes a power jack, reset button, ICSP header, and 4 UART serial ports.

3. Arduino Mini Library for Proteus V1

Download Arduino Mini Library for Proteus(V1). You’ll get to know how to simulate Arduino Mini in Proteus. Arduino Mini is a small-sized, robust, and powerful Arduino board, based on an Atmega328 microcontroller. It comes with 14 digital I/O pins, of which 6 pins are used for PWM.

4. Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V1

Click this Arduino Nano Library for Proteus(V1) and simulate Arduino Nano in Proteus software. Arduino Nano is a small, flexible, and breadboard-friendly Arduino board, based on ATmega328p/Atmega168 microcontroller. It features 8 analog pins, 14 digital I/O pins, 2 reset pins & 6 power pins.

5. Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V1

Check out this Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus(V1). Arduino Pro Mini is a compact, small-sized Arduino board, based on the Atmega328 microcontroller. It features 8 analog pins, 14 digital I/O pins, of which 6 pins are used as PWM.

6. Arduino Uno Library for Proteus V1

Download Arduino Uno Library for Proteus(V1) and simulate Arduino Uno in Proteus software. Arduino Uno is a unique, application-type Arduino board, based on the Atmega328 microcontroller.

7. Arduino Library for Proteus V1.0

  That’s all for today. Approach me in the section below if you need any help, I’d love to assist you the best way I can. Thank you for reading this post.

Arduino Library for Proteus V2.0

Update: Here's the latest version of this library: Arduino Library for Proteus V3.0

Hi Guys! I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll share a new Arduino Library for Proteus V2.0. I have already shared its previous version i.e. Arduino Library for Proteus(V1.0).

I have tried to remove bugs in this newer version, but still, if you find any error, you can pop your comment in the below section. I’m thrilled to announce that it’s my second complete Arduino Library for Proteus. In my recent posts, I’ve shared separate libraries of these boards and today I am going to compile all the boards together in a single library. I have given the Proteus Library zip file download link below: This Arduino Proteus Library V2.0 includes the following boards:

First, we will download the Proteus Library zip file and then add it to our Proteus software to simulate Arduino Boards. Let’s jump right in:

Arduino Library for Proteus V2.0

  • First, you need to download the Arduino Library for Proteus V2.0 by clicking the below button:
Arduino Library for Proteus V2.0
  • Once you downloaded the Proteus Library zip file, open it up and extract the files in it.
  • Inside this zip file, you will find a folder named “Proteus Library Files”.
  • In this folder, you’ll find the two Proteus Library files, named as:
    1. Arduino2TEP.LIB
    2. Arduino2TEP.IDX
  • Copy these files and place them in the Library folder of Proteus Software.
  • After placing these files in the library folder, open your Proteus software or restart(if it’s already open).
  • Click the “Pick from Libraries” button as in the below figure:
  • Now, look for the Arduino2TEP(Library Name) to find all Arduino boards present in it(6 in total).
  • These boards will appear in the Proteus workspace as shown in the figure below:
  • One board that is missing in these boards is Arduino Mega 1280. I didn’t include this board because it’s the same as Arduino Mega 2560.

Comparison with Old Proteus Library (V2.0 vs V1.0)

The following figure shows the comparison between version 1 Arduino boards (V1) and version 2 Arduino boards (V2).
  • You can see in the above figure, V2 Arduino boards are more compact and small-sized as compared to V1 boards.
Let’s take the example of Arduino Nano V2 and interface it with LCD in the Proteus workspace.

Arduino Nano LCD Interfacing

  • I’ll interface 20x4 LCD with the Arduino Nano.
  • Design the circuit below to interface LCD with Arduino Nano:
  • Pins 8,9,10 & 11 of Arduino Nano are connected to the data pins of LCD, while Enable & Reset of LCD are connected to Pins 12 & 13 of the Arduino board.
  • Now, double-click the Arduino Nano board to get the HEX file.
  • As you double-click the board, the following image will appear:
  • In this panel, you can see the different properties of the Arduino Nano board. Click the property named “Program File” to upload the hex file of your Arduino code.
  • Upload that HEX file in the Arduino Nano Properties panel.
  • After making these arrangements, click the RUN button and if everything goes fine, you will get the result shown in the figure below:


  • Download Arduino Proteus Library Files from the above link(zip file).
  • Copy files available in the "Proteus Library Files"(Folder) and place them in the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • Search for Arduino2TEP in Proteus software.
  • Select Arduino Nano from the list and place it in the Proteus workspace.
  • Open the Properties panel & upload the HEX File.
  • Arduino boards are ready to simulate in Proteus.

That’s all for today. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions, you can reach me in the section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share, so we keep coming back with quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0

Hi Everyone! Glad to have you on board. In this post, we’ll cover the Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0. I have already discussed its previous version i.e. Arduino Pro Mini Proteus Library V(1.0). I keep getting bug reportings from our blog readers (for previous versions), so I have tried to remove these bugs in this newer version. But if you still find any bug/error, you can approach me in the section below. We have already shared many Proteus Libraries for Embedded sensors and these days we are trying to improve their versions. First, we will download this library in zip format and then will use it in our Proteus software to simulate Arduino Pro Mini. Before we go further, first we’ll detail what is Arduino Pro Mini.

What is Arduino Pro Mini?

  • Introduced by Arduino.cc, Arduino Pro Mini is a compact, small-sized, sophisticated microcontroller board based on the Atmega328 microcontroller.
  • This module features a total 14 digital I/O pins on the board, of which 6 pins are used as PWM.
  • Incorporated with 8 analog pins, Arduino Pro Mini comes with a reset button and a small LED connected to pin 13.
  • This unit is quite small compared to Arduino Uno i.e. 1/6th of the size of Arduino Uno.
This was a brief insight into the Arduino Pro Mini V2. Let’s explain how to download the Arduino Pro Mini library and use it in your Proteus software. Let’s jump right in.

Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0

  • First of all, download the Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0 by clicking the below button.
Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus V2.0
  • You will get the downloaded file in zip format.
  • Extract this zip file, in which you’ll find the folder named "Proteus Library Files".
Open this folder to get the further two files named:
  • ArduinoProMini2TEP.dll
  • ArduinoProMini2TEP.idx
  • Copy these files from “Proteus Library Files” and place them into the Library folder of your Proteus software.
  • After placing the files in the library folder, open your Proteus software or restart (if it’s already running)
  • Now look for the Arduino Pro Mini V2.0 by clicking the “Pick from Libraries” button as shown in the figure below:
  • Select Arduino Pro Mini V2.0 and click OK.
  • After clicking Ok, you’ll find the Arduino Pro Mini board in the proteus workspace as shown in the figure below:
  • You’ve successfully placed the Arduino Pro Mini board in the proteus workspace.
  • Next, we have to upload the hex file to run our board.
  • To upload the hex file, you need to double-click the Arduino Pro Mini board.
  • As you double click, the following image will appear:
  • In this panel, you'll find the different properties of the Arduino Pro Mini board. Click the property named “Program File” to upload the hex file of your Arduino code.
  • Upload the hex file of your code and click Ok.
  • The 16MHz is the clock frequency of Arduino Pro Mini by default as shown in the properties panel.

Comparison with Old Proteus Library (V2.0 vs V1.0)

  • In the figure below you'll see the comparison between version 1 Arduino Pro Mini Board (V1) and version 2 Arduino Pro Mini Board (V2).
  • You can see in the above figure, V2 board is more compact and small-sized as compared to the V1 board.
  • Now let's design a simulation of this Arduino Pro Mini board so that you can learn how to use it in proteus software.

Arduino Pro Mini LCD Interfacing

  • Use the simulation that you’ve downloaded at the start or design on your own. I would suggest you to design on your own as it will help you learn many things along the process.
  • Now, we have to interface a 20x4 LCD with the Arduino Pro Mini board.
  • Design the circuit as shown below to interface the LCD with the Arduino Pro Mini:
  • The data pins of the LCD are attached with pins 8,9,10 & 11 of Arduino Pro Mini while Enable & Reset of LCD are attached to Pin 12 & 13 of the Arduino board.
  • Now compile the Arduino code available in the zip file and get the Hex File.
  • Upload that Hex File in your Arduino Pro Mini Properties panel, as we did in the previous section.
  • After interfacing LCD with the Arduino Pro Mini, click the RUN button and if everything goes fine, you will see the result as shown in below figure:


  • Download Arduino Pro Mini Library Files in zip format.
  • Copy files from the "Proteus Library Files"(Folder) and place them in the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • Search for Arduino Pro Mini in Proteus software.
  • Place Arduino Pro Mini in the Proteus workspace.
  • Double click the board and open the properties panel to upload the HEX File.
  • Design the circuit & run the simulation.
That’s all for today. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can approach me in the comment section below. I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share. They help us create quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus V2.0

Hi Everyone! Glad to have you on board. Today, I am going to share a new version of Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus V2.0. I have already shared its previous version i.e. Arduino Mega 1280 Proteus LibraryV(1.0). I have recevied many bug reportings from engineering students(for previous version), so I have tried to improve its performance in this newer version, but still if you find any bug/error, use the comments section. We have already shared numerous Proteus Libraries of Embedded sensors and these days, we are in the the process of upgrading their versions. First, we will download Proteus library zip file and then will add it in our Proteus software to simulate Arduino Mega 1280. Before moving further, first we’ll learn what is Arduino Mega 1280?

What is Arduino Mega 1280?

  • Arduino Mega 1280 is a compact and sophisticated microcontroller board based on the Atmega1280 microcontroller.
  • This module incorporates total 54 digital I/O pins on the board, of which 14 could be used for PWM.
  • Featured with 16 analog pins, Arduino Mega 1280 comes with 4 UART serial ports, ICSP header, power jack, and reset button.
  • Moreover, it contains a crystal oscillator of frequency 16MHz and a USB connection for transferring the code from the computer to the module.
This was the little intro about Arduino Mega 1280 V2. Let’s explain how to download the Arduino Mega 1280 library and use it in your Proteus software. Let’s jump right in.

Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus V2.0

First, you need to download the Arduino Mega 1280 library for Proteus V2.0 by clicking the below button: Arduino Mega 1280 Library for Proteus V2.0
  • You will receive the downloaded file in zip format.
  • Extract this zip file and get the folder named "Proteus Library Files".
Open this folder to find further two files named:
  • ArduinoMega12802TEP.dll
  • ArduinoMega12802TEP.idx
Copy these files and place them into the Library folder of your Proteus software. Note:
  • After placing the files in the library folder, open your Proteus software and if it’s already running… restart.
  • Now look for the Arduino Mega 1280 V2.0 by clicking the “Pick from Libraries” button as mentioned in the figure below:
  • Select Arduino Mega 1280 V2.0 and click OK.
  • As you click OK, you’ll see the Arduino Mega 1280 board in the proteus workspace as shown in the figure below:
  • The clock frequency of the Arduino board is 16MHz by default as shown in the properties panel.
  • Next, we need to upload the hex file to run our board.
  • To upload the hex file, you need to double-click the Arduino Mega 1280 board.
  • As you double click, it will show the following image:
  • In this panel, you can see the different properties of the Arduino Mega 1280 board. Click the property named “Program File” to upload the hex file of your Arduino code.
  • Upload the hex file of your code and click Ok.
  • Now let's design a simulation of this Arduino Mega 1280 board so that you can learn how to use it in proteus software.

Comparison with Old Proteus Library (V2.0 vs V1.0)

  • The below image presents the comparison between version 1 Arduino Mega 1280 Board (V1) and version 2 Arduino Mega 1280 Board (V2).
  • You can see in the above figure, V2 Arduino Mega 1280 board is more compact and small-sized as compared to the V1 Arduino Mega 1280 board.

Arduino Mega 1280 LCD Interfacing

  • You can either use our simulation file that you’ve downloaded at the start or you can design your own. I would suggest you design your own, as you’ll learn many things along the process.
  • Now, I will interface a 20x4 LCD with the Arduino Mega 1280 board.
  • To interface this LCD, design the circuit as shown below:
  • Pins 8,9,10 & 11 of Arduino Mega 1280 are attached with the data pins of LCD, while Enable & Reset of LCD are connected to Pin 12 & 13 of Arduino board.
  • Now compile the Arduino code present in the zip file and get the Hex File.
  • Upload that Hex File in your Arduino Mega 1280 Properties panel, as we’ve practiced in the previous section.
  • After setting this arrangement, click the RUN button and if everything goes fine, you will get results as shown in below figure:


  • Download Arduino Mega 1280 Library Files in zip format.
  • Copy files available in the "Proteus Library Files"(Folder) and place them in the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • Search for Arduino Mega 1280 in Proteus software.
  • Place this board in the workspace.
  • Open Properties panel & upload the HEX File.
  • Interface Arduino board with LCD & run the simulation.
That’s all for today. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share. They help us create quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. If you have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below. I’d love to assist you the best way I can. Thank you for reading the article.

Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V2.0

Hi Guys! Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll detail the new version of Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V2.0. I have already detailed the Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus that is the previous version of the Arduino Mega 2560 board. This new version of Arduino Mega 2560 is more efficient, robust, fast, powerful, and small in size. I keep getting messages requesting to design the library for the new version of Arduino Boards. So, today I’m willing to comply with your requests and have designed this library for the new version of Arduino Mega 2560. I have previously discussed the Arduino UNO Library for Proteus V2.0 and Arduino Mini Library for Proteus V2.0 In this tutorial, we will simulate Arduino Mega 2560 in Proteus. Initially, we will download this library in zip format and then will use it in our Proteus software to simulate Arduino Mega 2560. Before we read further, let’s go through what is Arduino Mega 2560?

What is Arduino Mega 2560?

  • The Arduino Mega 2560 is a robust, powerful, application-type microcontroller board based on the Atmega2560 microcontroller.
  • There are total 54 digital I/O pins incorporated on the board, including 15 pins for PWM.
  • There are 16 analog pins available on the board. Moreover, the board contains a USB port to transfer the code from the computer to the module, and a DC power jack is included on the board to power up the module.
This was the little intro to Arduino Mega 2560. Let’s discuss how to download the Arduino Mega 2560 library and use it in your Proteus software. Let’s get started.

Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V2.0

First of all, download the Arduino Mega 2560 library for Proteus V2.0 by clicking the link below. Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus V2.0 You will get the downloaded file in zip format.
  • Extract this zip file where you’ll find the folder named "Proteus Library Files".
When you open this folder, you will find two files named:
  • ArduinoMega25602TEP.dll
  • ArduinoMega25602TEP.idx
Note: Now copy these files and place them in the libraries folder of your Proteus software.
  • After placing the library files, open your Proteus software or restart (if it's already open).
  • Now search for the Arduino Mega 2560 V2.0 by clicking the “Pick from Libraries” button as shown in the below figure.
  • Select Arduino Mega 2560 V2.0 and click OK.
  • Place Arduino Mega 2560 board in the Proteus workspace and it will appear as shown in the below figure.
  • You’ve successfully placed the Arduino Mega 2560 V2.0 board in the proteus workspace.
  • Now, we need to upload the hex file to simulate our board.
  • To upload the hex file, double-click the Arduino Mega 2560 board.
  • As you double click, it will return the following image.
In this panel, you can see the different properties of the Mega 2560 board. We have to click the property named “Program File” to upload the hex file of your Arduino code.
  • Click this read detailing how to get hex file from Arduino software, if you don’t know already.
  • Upload the hex file of your code and click Ok.
  • The clock frequency of the Arduino board is 16MHz by default as shown in the properties panel.
Now let's design a simulation using this Arduino Mega 2560 board so that you get a clear insight on how to use it in proteus.

Comparison with Old Proteus Library (V2.0 vs V1.0)

  • The following figure shows the comparison between version 1 Arduino Mega 2560 Board (V1) and version 2 Arduino Mega 2560 Board (V2).
  • You can see in the above figure, V2 Arduino Mega 2560 board is more compact and small-sized as compared to the V1 Arduino Mega 2560 board.

Arduino Mega 2560 LCD Interfacing

  • The Arduino Code and its simulation file have been added in the zip format that you have downloaded at the start.
  • Use that simulation but the best way is to design your own simulation that will assist you to learn better along the process.
  • Next, Arduino Mega 2560 Board is interfaced with a 20x4 LCD.
  • Design the circuit given below to interface LCD with the Arduino Mega 2560 board:
  • Data pins of LCD are connected with 8,9,10 & 11 pins of Arduino Mega 2560, while Pins 12 & 13 of Arduino board are connected to Enable & Reset of LCD.
  • To upload the code, compile the Arduino code available in the zip format and get the Hex file.
  • You will use Arduino Mega 2560 properties panel to upload the hex file as we excercised in the previous section.
  • You have successfully interfaced LCD with the Arduino Mega 2560 board, now press the RUN button to get the result shown in the below figure:


  • First, you need to download the Arduino Mega 2560 Library Files.
  • Next, copy these files from “Proteus Library Files”(Folder) to the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • Now, look for the Arduino Mega 2560 in Proteus software.
  • Place that Arduino Mega 2560 board in the proteus workspace.
  • Next, double click the board that will return the properties panel and upload the HEX File.
  • Design your circuit & run the simulation.
That’s all for today. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you’re unsure or have any questions, you can pop your comment in the section below. I’m willing to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share. They help us create quality content tailored to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V2.0

Update: Here's the latest version of this library: Arduino Nano Library for Proteus(V3.0).

Hi Friends! Happy to see you around. In this post today, I’ll explain the Arduino NANO Library for Proteus V2.0. This library is the advanced version of Arduino Nano Library for Proteus(V1.0). The new version of the Arduino Nano board is more compact, robust, small-sized, and powerful compared to its predecessor. I have already shared the Arduino Uno Library for Proteus V2.0 and Arduino Mini Library for Proteus V2.0.

I’ve started designing proteus libraries for new versions of Arduino boards as I’ve received a lot of messages requesting to improve the designs. Stay connected, as I’ll design more proteus libraries for Arduino boards in the coming days. In this tutorial, we’ll simulate the Arduino Nano Library in Proteus. First, we’ll download this library and then will use it in our Proteus software to simulate Arduino Nano. Before we read further, let’s have a look at what is Arduino Nano.

What is Arduino Nano?

  • Developed by Arduino.cc, Arduino Nano is a small, flexible, powerful and breadboard-friendly Microcontroller board, based on ATmega328p/Atmega168.
  • In terms of functionality, it is similar to Arduino Uno but compared to it comes in a small size.
  • The Arduino Nano module carries 14 digital I/O pins, 8 analog pins, 2 reset pins & 6 power pins.
  • The crystal oscillator frequency of this board is 16MHz and it comes with a mini USB port that is mainly used to transfer code from the computer to the module.

This was a little insight into Arduino Nano. Now we’ll make its Proteus simulation. Let’s get started.

Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V2.0

  • First of all, you need to download the Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V2.0 by clicking the below button:
Arduino Nano Library for Proteus V2.0
  • You will receive the downloaded file in zip format.
When you extract this zip file, it will return a folder named "Proteus Library Files", inside this folder you will get two files named:
  • ArduinoNano2TEP.dll
  • ArduinoNano2TEP.idx
  • Copy these files and place them in the Library folder of your Proteus software.
  • After placing these library files into the library folder, open your Proteus software or restart it (if it's already open).
  • Now look for the Arduino Nano V2.0 by clicking the “Pick from Libraries” button, as you can see in the below figure:
  • Select Arduino Nano V2.0 from the list and click OK.
  • When you place the Arduino Nano board in the Proteus workspace, you’ll get the result as shown in the below figure:
  • The Arduino Nano V2.0 board has been successfully placed in the proteus workspace.
  • Now, you have to upload the hex file in order to simulate the Arduino board.
  • Double-click the Arduino Nano board to upload the hex file.
  • The following image will appear as you double-click the board:
  • You can see the different properties of the Nano board in this panel.
  • You need to click the property named “Upload Hex File” to upload the hex file of your Arduino code.
  • Upload the hex file of your code and click OK.
  • You can see from the panel that the clock frequency of the Arduino board is 16MHz by default.

Comparison with Old Proteus Library (V2.0 vs V1.0)

  • The following figure shows the comparison between version 1 Arduino Nano Board (V1) and version 2 Arduino Nano Board (V2).
  • You can see in the above figure, the V2 board is more compact and small as compared to the V1 board.
  • Now we’ll design a simulation using this Arduino Nano board so that you can get a clear idea about how to use it in proteus.

Arduino Nano LCD Interfacing

  • The simulation that you have downloaded at the start is enough to get you started. However, it’s better to design your own simulation that will help you learn the nitty-gritty of simulation along the process.
  • Next, we’ll interface 20x4 LCD with the Arduino board.
  • You’ll get the following circuit as you interface LCD with the Arduino Nano board:
  • Data pins of LCD are attached with 8,9,10 & 11 pins of Arduino Nano, while 12 & 13 Pins of Arduino board are attached to Enable and reset of LCD.
  • Next, compile the Arduino code available in the zip format and get the Hex file to upload the code.
  • You’ll use the Arduino Nano properties panel to upload the hex file as we’ve exercised in the previous section.
  • LCD has been successfully interfaced with the Arduino Nano board.
  • Now click the RUN button to see the following result:


  • First of all, you have to download the Arduino Nano Library Files.
  • Next, copy these files from the “Proteus Library Files” (Folder) and place them in the Library folder of Proteus software.
  • Now, look for the Arduino Nano in Proteus software.
  • Place that Arduino Nano board in the proteus workspace.
  • Next, double-click the board to get the properties panel and upload the HEX File.
  • Interface LCD with the Arduino board & run the simulation.

That’s all for today. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below. I’d love to assist you in the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions about the content we share. They help us produce quality content customized to your needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.

Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir