Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus
Update: We have created a new version of this library, which you can check here:
Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus V2.0.
Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a new Proteus Library named Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus. This Library is designed by our team on TEP and it's not yet published anywhere. We are the first creator of this Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus. This Library contains just one Vibration Sensor named SW-420. I will post a tutorial soon on interfacing this SW-420 Vibration Sensor with Arduino. This library is compatible with all the microcontrollers like Arduino, PIC Microcontroller or 8051 Microcontroller etc. You should also have a look at Analog Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus.
Using this Library you can now easily Simulate your Vibration Sensor in Proteus ISIS software. As we can't produce real vibration in the Proteus environment so that's why I have placed a TestPin in this Vibration sensor. If you send 0 at this TestPin then it means no vibration and if you sent 1 then it means we have some vibration. The Library is given below for download along with a simple simulation of this vibration sensor. So, let's get started with Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus:
Note: Other
Proteus Libraries are as follows:
Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus
- First of all, download the Library Files for Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus
- When you download the file then it will contain three files named as:
- VibrationSensorTEP.IDX
- VibrationSensorTEP.LIB
- VibrationSensorTEP.HEX
- Place all these three files in the Library folder of Proteus software.
- Now restart your Proteus software if it's already open.
- In the components search box, you have to search for Vibration Sensor, and you will get Vibration Sensor SW-420.
- Now place it on your Proteus workspace and it will look something as shown in the below figure:
- You can see in the above figure that our sensor has four pins, which are:
- The first one is Vcc so apply +5V here.
- The second Pin is GND so apply ground here.
- The third Pin is OUT, it's the output pin from where you get whether there's vibration or not.
- The fourth Pin is TestPin and if it's HIGH then it means you have vibration and the OUT PIn will go HIGH and if it's LOW then it means there's no vibration and OUT Pin will also be LOW.
- Now the last thing you need to do is to double click this sensor to open its Properties.
- In the properties, you will find a Program File, in this section browse to your file VibrationSensorTEP.HEX which we just downloaded and placed in the Library folder of Proteus software.
- Once uploaded now you can use your Vibration Sensor in Proteus, the hex file is adding the functionality in this Vibration Sensor.
- Now let's design a simple example to get an idea of how this sensor works.
- So, in order to do that, design a simple circuit as shown in the below figure:
- Now run your simulation, when you make TestPIN LOW, the sensor won't give any output and when you make TestPIn HIGH, the sensor will give an output, which means vibration is detected as shown in the below figure:
- The above image is quite self-explanatory. :P
- The below video will give you a better idea of how it works:
That's all for today. I hope you will enjoy this Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus. I have just added one module right now but I am gonna add more soon. You should also have a look at these New Proteus Libraries for Embedded Systems Projects. Take care !!! :)
Flame Sensor Library for Proteus
Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a new Flame Sensor Library for Proteus. This Flame Sensor is not available in Proteus and its library is not yet developed anywhere. We are the first ones designing this new Flame Sensor Library for the first time. I am quite excited while sharing it as it's our team efforts that we are able to design new Proteus Libraries which are helpful for students.
We are planning to share more sensor libraries this week. I hope you guys are going to enjoy them and share them with your friends so that they can also know about them. Other bloggers are warmly welcome to share this library on their blogs but do mention our blog link in it as a favor. As this flame sensor is concerned, you can also interface it with any Microcontroller like Arduino, 8051 Microcontroller, PIC Microcontroller etc. It is also used in Embedded Systems Projects especially related to security.
If you have any questions, then ask in the comments. In this next tutorial, I will show you How to interface this Flame Sensor with Arduino in Proteus ISIS. So, now let's get started with this new Flame Sensor Library for Proteus.
Note: Other Proteus Libraries are as follows:
Flame Sensor Library for Proteus
- First of all, download the Flame Sensor Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
Flame Sensor Library for Proteus
- Once you downloaded the file, extract it.
- You will find three files in the zip file named as:
- FlameSensorTEP.IDX
- FlameSensorTEP.LIB
- FlameSensorTEP.HEX
- Now post the libraries files in the Library folder of your Proteus software.
- Once you are done, restart your Proteus software and in the components, search for Flame Sensor, as shown in the below figure:
- Now select this module and place it in your workspace and it will look something as shown in the below image:
- The Flame sensor is shown in the above figure, it has four pins on it.
- One of them is Vcc on which you need to give +5V.
- The other one is GND which you need to ground.
- The third one is the OUT pin, which will turn HIGH when this Flame sensor will sense the flame.
- The fourth pin on the side is the TestPin, when it goes HIGH it means the sensor has sensed flame.
- Because we can't actually bring flame in the Proteus software. :)
- So, that's why we are using TestPin and when you make this pin HIGH, it will be like the sensor is sensing the Flame and it will give a HIGH signal on your output.
- Now double-click your flame sensor and in the program file section, upload the FlameSensorTEP.HEX file which you downloaded in the above section and placed in the Library folder of your Proteus software as shown in below figure:
- You should also have a look at these Arduino Projects for Beginners.
- After uploading the Hex file now click OK and your sensor is ready to be used.
- So, now design a simple circuit as shown in the below figure:
- Now you can see I have applied +5V on Vcc and GND on GND.
- I have attached a logic state on TestPin, now as the logic state is 0 means no flame was detected by the flame sensor, that's why the OUT pin is zero and the LED is off.
- Now I am making the TestPin HIGH, and then you will see the OUT Pin will go HIGH and LED will go ON which means the Flame Sensor has detected the Flame, shown in the below figure:
- Now you can see in the above figure that as I clicked the button the LED goes HIGH.
- This example simulation is also given in the above file.
- You should also interface it with different Microcontrollers like Arduino, 8051 Microcontroller, PIC Microcontroller etc.
- I have also explained the same tutorial in the below video:
So, that's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this Flame Sensor Library for Proteus. If you are new to Embedded Systems then you should first read this Arduino Tutorial for Beginners. Let me know your suggestions about this amazing Proteus Library. Thanks.
How to Install and Download Proteus Software
Hello everyone, I hope you all are fine and having fun. Today, I am not going to share a project. Instead, I am gonna share a tutorial in which I will teach you How to download Proteus and install it. It's going to be a quick tutorial because there's not much in it to say. You know Proteus is a Paid software and you must pay the company because they have put really great effort into designing this software. So, if you can afford then you must buy the latest version of Proteus software from their Official Website.
In today's post, I am going to share the Full version of Proteus software and it is Proteus 7 Professional, I am sharing it for engineering students. I hope you are going to enjoy this software its not only free but also complete and the Professional version. So, let's get started with How to Install and Download Proteus Software. Please watch this youTube video for better guidance:
How to Install and Download Proteus Software ???
- First of all, download the Proteus 7 Professional software by clicking the below button:
Proteus 7 Professional Free download
Proteus 8.5 Professional Free download
- Once you downloaded the files, now unrar them and place them in some folder.
- The next thing you need to do is to run the Setup file from the package and it will start to install.
- Use the recommended settings and once it's done then it will ask about the key.
- The default key is given in the package so browse it and upload it to the software.
- Once the key is uploaded, now complete the setup and you will get yourself a Proteus software.
- After the completion, one more thing you need to do is to install the software given in the next folder.
- In the path selection, gave it the path to your Proteus software, which you just installed.
- Now hit run and after it's complete, your Proteus will become registered.
- I have made a small video that will explain the above procedure of How to Install and Download Proteus software in a better way.
So, that's all for today, I hope you guys are gonna enjoy this Proteus software free download and gonna write about it in the comments. That's all for today, will meet you guys in the next tutorial. Till then take care !!! :)
New LCD Library for Proteus
Update: Here's the latest version of LCD library: LCD Library for Proteus V2.0.
Hello everyone, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a new LCD Library for Proteus. We all know about LCDs, used for displaying data in embedded projects i.e. sensor values or indications etc. Proteus already have LCDs in it but they are not much good-looking. So, I designed two new LCDs in Proteus that look identical to real-world LCDs.
So, I am going to share these LCD libraries in today's post. I hope you are going to enjoy them as they will add some uniqueness to your project.
I have also used these new LCDs in different projects so if you wanna see these LCDs in action then you should have a look at LCD Interfacing with Microcontrollers. In this tutorial, I have shown how to interface it with Arduino, PIC Microcontroller and 8051 Microcontroller. So, let's get started with this New LCD Library for Proteus:
- Here's a video explaining the above tutorial in a better form:
- Other Proteus Libraries are as follows:
New LCD Library for Proteus
- First of all, what you need to do is to download this new LCD Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
New LCD Library for Proteus
- In this package, you will find two files named:
- Now place both of these files in the library folder of your Proteus software.
- Now in the component search section, you need to make a search for LCDLibraryTEP or you can also search LCD 16x2 or LCD 20x4, whichever you wanna use.
- Now you will find two components as shown in below figure:
- Now place both of them in your workspace and they will look like something as shown in the below figure:
- Aren't they looking more pretty now ??? :)
- So, that was the idea to make them look more alive. They are working perfectly as I have tested them.
- So, now let's test them with the Arduino board.
- I am going to run a simple program from an Arduino board on both of these LCDs.
- Let's design a simple circuit as shown in the below figure:
- Now upload the below Arduino code in your software:
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);
void setup() {
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Print a message to the LCD.
void loop() {
- Now get the hex file from Arduino software and upload that hex file in your Proteus software.
- After uploading the hex file, run your simulation and if everything goes fine then it will look like something as shown in the below figure:
- Now you can see both are working correctly. Now you can use them like normal LCDs but with a more realistic look.
So, that's all for today. I hope you guys will enjoy this New LCD Library for Proteus. Moreover, you should have a look at this tutorial where I have used this LCD Proteus Library, named: Display ADC value on LCD using Arduino. So, will meet you guys in the next tutorial soon. Take care and have fun !!! :)
Gas Sensor Library for Proteus
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a new Gas Sensor Library for Proteus. I hope you guys are going to enjoy this one. We are all well aware of Gas Sensors which are used for the detection of different gasses in the atmosphere. These sensors are not available in Proteus so that's why I have designed a library using which now you can use these different gas sensors quite easily in Proteus software. You can interface this Gas Sensor with any Microcontroller i.e. Arduino, PIC Microcontroller or 8051 Microcontroller etc.
In this Gas Sensor Library for Proteus, I have added eight different Gas Sensors, which are used for the detection of different gases. As we all know that Proteus is a simulating software so it won't be able to detect the gas in real in Proteus. So, that's why I have placed a Test Pin in each of these sensors so when you make this pin HIGH, then it means the gas is present and if this Test Pin goes LOW then it means there's no gas available and sensors will give LOW output. We will have a look at How to use these sensors below. You should also have a look at the project LPG Gas Leak Detector using Arduino in which I have used this Gas Sensor MQ-2 with Arduino. So, here's the list of all eight gas sensors, I have added to this library:
- MQ-2 Gas Sensor
- MQ-3 Gas Sensor
- MQ-4 Gas Sensor
- MQ-5 Gas Sensor
- MQ-6 Gas Sensor
- MQ-7 Gas Sensor
- MQ-8 Gas Sensor
- MQ-9 Gas Sensor
So, let's start with downloading and installing of Gas Sensor Library for Proteus.
Other Proteus Libraries are as follows:
Gas Sensor Library for Proteus
- First of all, download the Gas Sensor Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
Gas Sensor Library for Proteus
- Once you download the file, you will get a rar file so unrar it and you will find three files in it, named as:
- GasSensorTEP.LIB
- GasSensorTEP.IDX
- GasSensorTEP.HEX
- Place all these three files in the Library folder of your Proteus software.
- Now open your Proteus software or restart it, if it's already open.
- In the components section, make a search for Gas sensors as shown in below figure:
- Now place all of them in your workspace and they will look something as shown in the below figure:
- So, these are all the Gas Sensors available in this Gas Sensor Library for Proteus.
- You can see all of these sensors have four pins on them.
- Two of these pins are Vcc and GND while the third is OUT Pin.
- Test Pin is used for simulation purposes, when you have HIGH on Test Pin then it means that you have Gas in the atmosphere and your sensor will give HIGH as well on the OUT Pin.
- So, let's check out how to use these gas sensors. So, take any of these sensors and design a small circuit as shown in the below figure:
- Now before running your simulation, one thing you need to do is to double click this gas sensor and open the Properties.
- In Properties, you will find a Program file section. In this section browse for the GasSensorTEP.HEX file, which we just downloaded above and placed in the library folder of our Proteus software.
- Now run your simulation, and when you turn the logic state HIGH then you will see the OUT Pin will also go HIGH as shown in the below figure.
- You can plug this OUT Pin of your Gas Sensor in your Microcontroller e.g. Arduino, PIC Microcontroller etc.
- So, that's how you can quite easily simulate this Gas Sensor in Proteus ISIS.
- Here's the video in which I have demonstrated this library in detail:
So, that's all for today, I hope you guys have enjoyed this Gas Sensor Library for Proteus. You should have a look at LPG Gas Leak Detect using Arduino in which I have designed its Proteus simulation. I will also share its tutorial with PIC Microcontroller soon. I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks.
DS1307 Library for Proteus
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. In today's post, I am going to share a new DS1307 Library for Proteus. Recently, I have shared the GSM Library for Proteus, which was really appreciated by the readers so I got quite excited and have designed another new Proteus Library. Currently I am working on many Proteus Libraries. In future, I am gonna design almost all the sensors in Proteus. So stay tuned with us.
Anyways coming to today's post, today we are gonna have a look at DS1307 Library for Proteus. Using this library, now you can quite easily simulate DS1307 module in Proteus in a quite stylish way. ;) I have designed it in red color because its available in red color in market. DS1307 module is already available in Proteus but that one is quite basic and it looks quite dull. The one designed by our team looks quite attractive and is also easy to use. I will post its tutorials soon in which I will interface it with Arduino and PIC Microcontroller. You should also have a look at DS1307 Arduino based Digital Clock in Proteus. So, let's get started with DS1307 Library for Proteus:
DS1307 Library for Proteus
- First of all, download the DS1307 Library for Proteus, by clicking the below button:
DS1307 Library for Proteus
- Now, when you click this button you will get a rar file so unrar this file and in it you will find two files named as:
- Place both of these files in the library folder of your Proteus software.
- Now restart your Proteus software or open it.
- In the search component bx, search for RTCModuleTEP or DS1307 and place it in your workspace.
- If everything goes fine then you will get your RTC Module DS1307 as shown in below figure:
- That's it, now you have the ready to use DS1307 module in Proteus.
- You need to add a crystal oscillator between X1 and X2 pins while the remaining are used for I2C Protocol, which is a common protocol for RTC Modules.
- I will also post a tutorial in which I will interface this RTC Module with Arduino or PIC Microcontroller and then you will get a better idea of how to use it.
- If you design some project using this DS1307 Library for Proteus then do share it with our community so that others could also get benefit out of it.
So, that's all for today. You should also have a look at these New Proteus Libraries for Engineering Students. I hope you are gonna enjoy this DS1307 Library for Proteus. If you have any suggestions or feedback then do let us know in comments. Till next tutorial, take care and have fun!!! :)
Send SMS with SIM900D in Proteus ISIS
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a new exciting post on Send SMS with SIM900D in Proteus ISIS. In my previous post, I have shared the new GSM Library for Proteus, which is the first ever designed library for Proteus, and I am quite excited while sharing its features. So, today, we will use this GSM Lirbary for Proteus and we are gonna send sms with Sim900D module available in that library. We are gonna design this whole project in Proteus ISIS.
If you wanna implement it on hardware then you must have a look at Send SMS with SIM900D module with Arduino which is designed in real hardware but today we are gonna just do the simulation part. Iam not gonna use any Microcontroller today. Instead I will just send the AT commands through virtual Terminal and we will make it work.So, let's get started with Send SMSM with Sim900D in Proteus ISIS.
Send SMS with SIM900D in Proteus ISIS
- First of all, I assume that you have already installed the GSM Library for Proteus. If you haven't then first intall it because without this library you can't use GSM module in Proteus ISIS.
- Next thing you need to do is to design a circuit as shown in the below figure:
- Now we need to run the simulation, so run it and in your virtual terminal, send these commands as shown in below figure:
- The first AT command is for testing our GSM module and as it has given OK in reply so it means its working correctly.
- The second command AT+CMGF=1 is for converting our GSM module to text messages, which it has accepted correctly and has given us OK in reply.
- Now we are ready to send our SMS.
- So, in order to do that we have to send it the command, as shown in below figure:
- Now you can see, when I have given it the command which is AT+CMGS="+923326062060" , it has accepted it and replied back with this sign ">" , now the GSM module is actually asking for the message body.
- So, let me write some text and then when I enter the Cntrl+Z command then it will send the message as shown in below figure:
- So, I have given it the text of my blog link and then when I entered Cntrl+Z then it has sent the SMS and replied me back with +CMGS: 01 means its the first SMS sent from this GSM module.
- So, that's how you can send any nmber of messages as you want from this module.
- AS its a simulation, so obviously you are not gonna get the actual message on your mobile number but you can use it for testing your codes.
- In the next post, I am gonna hopefully implement it using Arduino board or PIC Microcontroller.
So, that's all for today, I hope you have enjoyed the Send SMS with Sim900D in Proteus ISIS software. Till next tutorial, take care and have fun!!! :)
GSM Library for Proteus
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. In today's post, I am going to share GSM Library for Proteus. Yeah you have read absolutely fine, today I am gonna share the most awaited and most demanded Proteus Library. :) Till now, I have received hundreds of suggestions and requests about this Library and I have always told them that its under designing process and I will post it real soon. So finally the wait is over and we have our new GSM Library for Proteus, ready to download and simulate in Proteus. Using this GSM library for Proteus, now you can easily simulate your GSM module in Proteus and can test your code. :)
As its the first version of our GSM Library so its not complete or perfect. It is really the basic model of GSM Library and rite now it will only support some commands, which I will post below. I am still working on it and I will soon update these files and will add more commands in it but till then you have to use these commands only. Moreover, this Library contains only one module in it which is SIM900D module. I will add more soon like SIM900A and Sim300 etc. real soon. I will also interface it with different Microcontrollers like Arduino or PIC Microcontroller etc. and will share their tutorials. So. let's get started with GSM Library for Proteus:
Other Proteus Libraries are as follows:
GSM Library for Proteus
- First of all, download the GSM Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
GSM Library for Proteus
- When you download it, you will get three files in it which are:
- Place all these files in the Libraries folder of your Proteus software.
- Now, open your Proteus software or restart it if its already open and in components list search for SIM900D and you will get three results for it.
- Place all of them in your Proteus workspace and they will look like as shown in below figure:
- Now, you can see in the above figure that we have three GSM Modules in our Proteus software.
- These three GSM modules are exactly same in functionality as you can see they all have two pins on them which are TX and RX and they are only differ in color but they all work on Serial Port.
- One is in light blue color which is kind of our theme color, next one is in green color while the last one is in red color.
- So, now let's have a look at how you can use it in your Proteus simulations.
- Double click any of them and in the program file section, browse to the GSMLibraryTEP.HEX file and upload it in SIM900D module as shown in below figure:
- AS you can see in the above figure that I have uploaded the GSMLibraryTEP.HEX file in the Program file section.
- Now click OK and interface a Virtual Terminal with SIM900D, as shown in below figure:
- Now, I am gonna run my simulation and will send it AT commands we will check the response of this GSM module. :)
- Now these are some basic commands, which are rite now supported by this version of GSM Module.
- It won't be able to send or receive SMS rite now because these functionalities are not added yet but they are coming soon, as I am still working on it.
Here's the complete list of commands currently supported by this Sim900D module:
- AT
- AT+VTS=1
- AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0
- So, these are the commands which are currently supported by this Version 1.0 of our SIM900D GSM Module. I am gonna add more soon. :)
- Now, here's a quick video in which I have shown its working, which will give you the better idea of this GSM Module.
Upgrade # 1: Send SMS with Sim900D
That's all for today, I hope you are gonna enjoy this GSM Module. Must write your experience in the below comments which will work as a boost for me and I will design it even faster. :) So, till next tutorial, take care and have fun !!! :)
Bluetooth Library for Proteus
Hello friends, hope you all are fine. Today, I am going to share a new Bluetooth Library for Proteus. Using this Library, now you can quite easily use Bluetooth modules in Proteus ISIS. I have designed two Bluetooth modules which are HC-05 and HC-06. We all know about these modules. We use these modules for sending data through Bluetooth. Till now, there's no such Bluetooth Library designed for Proteus and we are the first developers of this awesome Bluetooth Library for Proteus. I hope you guys are gonna like it. I have also posted a tutorial in which I have done Arduino Bluetooth Communication using HC05 in hardware. I hope that one will also be interesting to read, if you have planned to start working on Bluetooth Module.
Other bloggers are welcome to share this Bluetooth Library for Proteus on their blogs but do mention our link as a respect to our efforts. These Bluetooth modules are not gonna accept AT Commands rite now as we haven't added much functionality in it but we are gonna add more soon. I will also add more Bluetooth modules in this library and will update it with time. Rite now, it just has two Bluetooth modules in it, which are:
You can do serial communication with these modules quite easily. So, let's get started with Bluetooth Library for Proteus an see How to install it and how to use it in Proteus.
Other Proteus Libraries are as follows:
Bluetooth Library for Proteus
- So, first of all, download this Bluetooth Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:
Bluetooth Library for Proteus
- In this rar file, you will find two files which are named as:
- BluetoothTEP.IDX
- BluetoothTEP.LIB
- So, download these two files and place them in the library folder of your Proteus ISIS software.
- Now open your Proteus software or restart it if its already open and search for Bluetooth and you will get something as shown in below figure:
- Now select both of these modules and place them in your workspace and it will look like something as shown in below figure:
- As, I told earlier, we have just used the basic TX and RX pins of these Bluetooth modules.
- That's why you can see in the above figure that only TXD and RXD are working while all others are not working.
- Let's have a look at it working, so let's design a simple circuit and do the communication between these two Bluetooth modules.
- If you haven't worked on Virtual Terminals then you should read How to use Virtual Terminal in Proteus.
- So, design a simple circuit as shown in below figure:
- Now click any HC-05 module and you will get a pop up window.
- In this window, select COM1 for first HC05 module and COM2 for second HC05 module.
- Now your COM1 and COM2 should be virtually connected, I have shown how to connect the COM ports virtually in the below video.
- Now, run your simulation and whatever you send in first terminal will show in second terminal and vice versa.
That's all for today, hope you have liked this post and are gonna enjoy it. Let me know about your remarks for this Bluetooth Library for Proteus. Have fun !!! :)
Top 10 PCB Design Software
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share an informational tutorial about top 10 PCB design Software. These PCB design software are used for designing PCBs. In all engineering projects especially related to electronics, PCB designing is an important task and in order to design the PCB we have to use some software. There are many software available in market and today, I am gonna give a complete list of PCB Design software.
Few of these software and free to use and few have limited versions available but in order to get their advanced features you have to buy them. I have also mentioned their features below. If you have read my blog in detail then must have the idea that I use Proteus software for designing my PCB boards. So, if you ask me then I will recommend Proteus software as you can simulate your circuit design in it as well along with PCB designing. I have also used Eagle software for PCB designing and its also quite easy and rich with features. Anyways let's get started with top 10 PCB Design Software
PCB Design Software - Basics
There are few things, which you must remember before starting your PCB design. When you start your project, never jump directly to PCB designing. Instead, you must first design your circuit on wero board or bread board and then test it out. Once you confirmed that all features of your project are working perfectly, then you should move to designing part. If you started the PCB design at first then there's a chance that you miss something in your hardware and then your PCB boards will simply go to waste. So, first design your hardware temporarily adn then test its working and then design your PCB board. You can also simulate your circuit design on some software before designing its PCB. Anyways its up to you. When I design any project then I first design hardware on wero board and then once its perfect then I design its PCB board. Anyways, now let's have a look at top 10 PCB Designing software.
1 Altium
Altium is at first rank in my list of PCB Design software. You can get this software from their official site. Altium is used for designing PCB boards, you can design PCB of any layer in this software. Its very powerful and has a long list of tools for editing or designing your PCB board. Its a paid software and you can buy ti easily from their official site, whose link I have posted above. You can also create the component list, BOM file etc in this software. You can also design flexible PCB designs in it and can also check their 3D simulator to know about the final shape of your PCB baord.
2 Eagle
Eagle is another great PCB design software which comes after Altium software. Its also quite powerful and has great list of tools for designing your PCB board. Eagle is the most commonly used PCB Design software as its easy and quite flexible in its features. Eagle has quite a lot of support available online in forums as its quite an old software. It also provides the component list and the BOM file etc.
3 Proteus
This one is my favorite PCB Design software and if you have read my blog then you must have the idea how much i like this software. In Proteus you not only design your PCB boards but also can simulate your complete circuit design. When I design a PCB board then I first design its simulation in Proteus and then I move on to designing its PCB board. It also has quite flexible tools using which you can design your PCB board and then can also check its 3D design.
So, if you ask me then I will recommend you Proteus software for PCB designing. If you wanna start working in this software then you must read How to do PCB designing in Proteus ARES. I have also shared a the PCB design of Arduino UNO baord which you can also download from this link.
4 Fritzing
Fritzing is another tool used for designing PCB boards. I like its interface. It has quite attractive and user friendly interface and you can design your PCB layout in it quite easily. But drawback of fritzing is that its not professional software, it has quite small list of components available in it so I never thought of using this software for PCB Designing. But if you have simple designing then give ti a try, you are gonna like it.
5 TinyCAD
TinyCAD is also used for PCB Designing. and is quite famous. It also has a long list of tools for designing your PCB boards. Its quite similar to Eagle software and is easy to learn and operate.
6 ZenitPCB
When discussing PCB Design software, then how can we forget ZenitPCB. It also a great PCB Design software which is used for PCB designing in quite efficient way. Its easy to use and has a user friendly interface.
7 ExpressPCB
ExpressPCB is also a cool tool for design your PCB boards. Its good for new users as its easy to use and learn. You canĀ learn this software just by watching its single video. Its too easy to get started with and have a cool and user friendly interface.
KiCAD is an open source software which you can easily download online and is also free to use. Using this software you can design PCB boards up to 16 layer quite easily. It is rich with PCB designing features and can handle complex designs quite easily.
9 DesignSpark PCB
DesignSpark PCB software is also another great tool in the list of free PCB Design software. Its also a flexible software with a lot of tools and options for PCB designing. You are gonna like this one if you need quick and easy PCB designing.
10 EasyEDA
EasyEDA is also used for design PCB boards. It also has a user friendly interface and is good for first time user as it has everything in front and one can design PCB boards quite easily in it. You can also design multi layer PCB boards in it. It has small database of components that's why you have to design your components on your own while using this PCB design software.
That's a long list of PCB Design software. These all software are quite easy to use and anyone can work on them just after a little training. So, you can select any of them for designing your PCB boards. If you ask me then I will recommend Proteus and Eagle software as I use the for designing my PCB boards.