MQ135 Air Quality Sensor: Datasheet, Pinout & Working

Hello students! I hope you are doing great. Today, I am going to share a reliable sensor that is widely used to sense the air quality in different types of projects and circuits. The increasing ratio of pollution in the air is alarming, and air quality monitoring systems are the need of the time. The MQ135 can detect and measure a wide range of gases around it and present the output in the form of digital or analogue values.

In this article, we will commence by providing a fundamental introduction to this sensor, outlining the target gases it is designed to detect. Following that, an exploration of the data sheet will be done through its essential elements, incorporating features, specifications, and other basic information. Subsequently, a detailed description of the sensor's working principle and physical dimensions will be presented to facilitate a comprehensive understanding. Finally, the article will conclude by moving towards the various applications where this sensor finds widespread usage. Let's embark on our discussion, beginning with the initial point:

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Introduction

The MQ132 air quality sensor belongs to the MQ gas sensor series, and this does not stick to a single gas but can detect multiple gases at a time, thus contributing to detecting the overall air quality. It operates on 5V and has the feature to set the threshold value, so whenever the air pollutant crosses a certain limit, it sends the signal to its digital pin, which can be used to set the alarm. Moreover, the continuous signal of the air quality values is sent to the analogue pin.

Unlike many other sensors from the MQ series, it is sensitive to multiple gases, and these are mentioned below:

  • Ammonia (NH3)

  • Sulfur (S)

  • Benzene (C6H6)

  • CO2

  • NOx

  • Smoke

The list does not end here; many other harmful gases are detected with this sensor that may cause issues like lung disease, eye infections, and others, but timely detection of these gases can save lives.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Datasheet

A datasheet for any device holds beneficial information and is a prerequisite before choosing any device. I’ve collected some important information from the datasheet that is given below:

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Features

  • It is highly sensitive to a large number of toxic gases that are more likely to be mixed in the air. Some examples are NH3, NOx, CO2, benzene, smoke, etc., which are common air pollutants. 

  • It is a small sensor, and the design is simple, therefore, it is less expensive. 

  • It is a low-power sensor. 

  • Some modules have a power LED that indicates the power mode.

  • It is an easy-to-use sensor. 

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Specifications

The following table will justify the general specifications of this sensor:








Bakelite, Metal cap

Target Gas

ammonia gas, sulfide, benzene series steam

Detection range

10~1000ppm( ammonia gas, toluene, hydrogen, smoke)

Standard Circuit Conditions

Loop VoltageVc5.0V±0.1V DC

Heater VoltageVH5.0V±0.1V AC or DC

Load resistanceRLAdjustable

Sensor character under standard test conditions

Heater ResistanceRH30Ω±3Ω (room temp.)

Heater consumptionPH≤950mW

SensitivitySRs(in air)/Rs(in 400ppm H2)≥5

Output VoltageVs2.0V~4.0V(in 400ppm H2)

Concentration Slopeα≤0.6(R400ppm/R100ppmH2)

Standard test conditions

Tem. Humidity20℃±2℃;55%±5%RH

Standard test circuit

Vc:5.0V±0.1V; VH: 5.0V±0.1V

Preheat time

Over 48 hours

Oxygen content

21% (not less than 18%), O2 concentration affects initial value, sensitivity, and repeatability.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Basic Structure

As mentioned in the features, the MQ135 has a simple structure that makes it an ideal choice for different types of projects. Here is the basic circuit diagram that justifies this statement:


RH= The resistor that provides heat to the circuit. 

RL = The load resistor that is connected in series with the circuit. It limits the current flowing through the circuit. 

Vc = It is one of the voltage sources, and this label indicates the DC voltage. 

VH= it is another source voltage but this can be either AC or DC.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Sensitivity Curve

The MQ135 can detect multiple gases, but the sensitivity of these gases is not identical. This depends on the speed of the chemical reaction taking place with the sensing element. Based on multiple experiments, experts have designed the following sensitivity curve graph for users:

The above graph shows the sensitivity of the hydrogen, ammonia, toluene, and fresh air by keeping other parameters constant.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Temperature/Humidity Characteristics

The external parameters of the sensor affect its working and it shows a slightly different behaviour. Here is the diagram that shows the performance graph of the MQ135 air quality sensor at varying humidity and temperature:

The different lines show the performance of the sensor for the same gas at different humidity and temperature levels in the air.

If you want to know more details about the MQ135 sensor datasheet, you must visit the following link:

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Pinout Configuration

Based on its structure, I’ve created the table that explains the pinout configuration of MQ135, which is given below:






Heater Voltage





A (D0, OUT)

Analog Output


B (D1, S)

Optional: Digital Output (consult datasheet)

The pinout may be slightly vary depending on the model of the sensor.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Packages

The MQ series is present in different packages for the convenience of the user. Here is a small description that shows the available packages for MQ135 and their features:

Package Type


Standard TO-18

  • Small, cylindrical package with four pins.

  • The most common type.


  • Sensor pre-mounted on a small PCB. 

  • Easier to use.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Alternatives

The MQ series has multiple sensors that can detect the same gases as the QM135 does, but the difference is, that the MQ135 can detect multiple gases at a time. Other members of the series can be used as an alternative to MQ135; if you want to learn about other sensor series that can be used in place of MQ135, here are some options for you:


Target Gases




Multiple gases

General gas detection

A broad range of gas detection


Alcohol, ethanol, smoke

Breathalyzers, smoke detectors

Suitable for detecting combustible gases


Carbon monoxide, methane

Indoor air quality monitoring

Detects common indoor air pollutants


Hydrogen, other gases

Gas leakage detection systems

Sensitive to hydrogen leaks


Carbon monoxide, methane, LPG

Domestic gas leakage detection

Detects various flammable gases



Indoor air quality monitoring

Measures CO2 and total volatile organic compounds


CO, methane, LPG, smoke

Indoor air quality and gas leakage monitoring

Multi-gas detection for safety applications


Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Precise CO2 level measurement

Accurate detection of CO2 concentration

Winsen ZE03

CO, H2S, CH4

Specific gas detection

Electrochemical sensor for targeted gas detection



Measures total volatile organic compounds and CO2 equivalent

Detects various indoor air pollutants

Where to Buy ABC MQ135 Air Quality Sensor

It is important to buy sensitive devices like the MQ135 from a reliable source. For this, we have created a list of the platforms to buy the best devices, including the MQ135:

  • eBay

  • AliExpress

  • Amazon

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Working Principle

The simple structure of MQ135 is responsible for its ease of use and great performance. The working principle of this sensor can be understood with the help of the following steps:

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Pre-heating

As soon as the sensor is turned on, it has to be preheated. This is done with the heating circuit of the sensor. It takes 20-30 seconds to reach a temperature of 300°C. Once this temperature is gained, it works on maintaining this temperature as long as it has the power. 

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Sensitivity Layer

The heating mechanism stimulates the sensing element to absorb the oxygen from the air surrounding it. The sensing element is made with tin dioxide that, when it absorbs the oxygen, has a sensing layer on its surface.  This happens only for a certain limit because the accumulation of atoms on the surface creates a layer around it. This is the reason why tin oxide has a high electrical resistance in pure air. At this level, the sensing layer has limited availability of free electrons to react with the external pure air.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Gas Interaction

Whenever the target gas (smoke or ammonia) is present in the air, the gas molecules are absorbed by the atoms of the sensing element, and this reaction results in the absorption of this layer. As a result, the electrical conductance of the sensing element increases, and these values are indicated through the analogue data at the analogue pin. 

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Output

The greater the target gas concentration in the surrounding area, the greater the analogue values. The whole circuit is designed in such a way that the analogue pins send the data to the output device for the indication of this change. 

Some models of the MQ135 have a digital pin that shows the presence of gas only when values reach the pre-set threshold limit. The digital pin then sends the signal to the output device. 

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Physical Dimensions

The physical dimensions of this sensor may vary from package to package but I’ve created a table for you that generally describes it:

Package Type

Diameter (mm)

Height (mm)

Standard TO-18




Varies (typically larger)

Varies (typically  taller due to additional components)

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Applications

Because of its multiple gas detection capabilities, this sensor can be utilized in multiple types of projects. The general list of some important and commonly used terms is given below:

  • Domestic gas leak detection

  • Indoor air quality monitoring

  • Industrial air quality monitoring

  • Smart home appliances (air purifiers, ventilation systems)

  • Portable air quality detectors

  • Automotive applications (emissions, in-cabin air quality)

I hope I have covered all the points that you were searching for. I started with the basic introduction and then moved forward with the datasheet elements of this sensor. We also saw the features, specifications, and working principle in detail and in the end, we say the physical dimension and its applications in different fields of life. I hope it was helpful for you and if you ant to ask more, you can contact us in the comment section.

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor: Datasheet, Pinout & Working

Hi peeps! Welcome to another tutorial where we are discussing the MQ sensor elements. Today, our focus is on the MQ131 ozone gas sensor. Ozone is a major component of air pollution and it leads to multiple health problems related to the respiratory system and other issues. It also has an adverse effect on the plants and agricultural lands. It is a pungent gas with a pale blue color and usually, it is present in very low concentrations in the normal air. The MQ131 ozone gas sensor is used in outdoor monitoring stations, industries that use ozone for experimentation, laboratories, and sensitive areas that have a high concentration of ozone gas in the environment.

In this article, we’ll study the MQ131 ozone gas sensor in detail. We’ll kick off the discussion with the introduction of this sensor. After that, we'll unveil the datasheet of this sensor where you will see the features and specifications of this product. After that, you will see the working principle and other details followed by an exploration of this product's dimensions and applications.

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Introduction

The MQ131 is specially designed to detect the presence of ozone gas concentration. We know that Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen gas made with three atoms and is indicated as O3. The core component of this sensor is the tin dioxide that can react with the ozone gas therefore, with the specialized structure, it can detect the presence of this gas in the environment.

This sensor has a lower conductivity in fresh air whereas, a high conductivity when the ozone gas is present in the surrounding air. Let’s find out the basic components of this sensor:

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Ceramic Tube

There is a small cylindrical shaped tube made of alumina (AL2O3) that forms the sensor base. It has excellent thermal stability and great electrical resistance. The role of this tube in the sensor is to perform two functions:

  1. It provides mechanical strength to the sensing element.
  2. It provides the insulating base for the other components of the perfect performance.

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Sensing Layer

Unlike many other members of the MQ series that have tin oxide as the sensing element, the MQ131 ozone gas sensor has Tungsten Oxide (WO3). It is present in the form of a thin layer around the ceramic tube. This structure acts as the heart of the whole sensor because  Tungsten Oxide (WO3) is a metal oxide therefore, its conductivity lies between the conductors and insulators. The MQ131 works on the chemiresistor principle that is defined as:

"The chemiresistor principle refers to the sensing mechanism of an element in which the electrical resistance of the element changes when it absorbs a particular gas or any other material."

This will be more clear when we’ll learn the working principle of this sensor.  

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Electrodes

There are measuring electrodes made of metals like gold (Au) that connect the sensing element with the ceramic tube. It creates a contact between these two and allows the current to pass through the sensing element. These are also responsible for allowing the circuit to measure the electrical resistance instantly. 

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Heater Circuit

A heater circuit is required to allow the tungsten oxide to absorb the gases. This circuit consists of a coil made of nichrome wire. This coil is embedded near the sensing layer and maintains the sensor temperature at 300°C. This temperature is crucial for the reaction between gases and the sensing element. 

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Housing

The whole structure mentioned before is placed and protected on a strong housing. It is enclosed in plastic or bakelite material that performs the following operations:

  • It provides a strong base to the circuit so that it may act as a complete device. 

  • It allows the gases to pass over it and renders the other particles or substances so that the internal structure is not disturbed. 

  • It provides the connection and completes the device so it may be used in different circuits. 

Other MQ series members such as MQ-3, MQ-2, etc have a metallic mesh-like structure for the same purpose but in MQ131, most of the models have the plastic housing and only some of them have the metallic structure.

In addition to these, other elements are present in the basic structure such as the pins of the MQ131 ozone gas sensor and we’ll discuss these in detail in the datasheet. 

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Datasheet

A datasheet is considered an important repository for the devices such as the MQ131 ozone gas sensor and it is always advisable to learn the datasheet before utilising any device in the circuits. Here are the important pieces of information from the MQ131 sensor. 

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Features

  • The MQ131 is a highly sensitive device and provides the best sensitivity to the ozone gas O3 over a large range. As a result, it detects even a low concentration of the target gas.

  • It operates on very low power and, therefore, is a suitable device to be used in the Internet of Things (IoT) and other projects. 

  • It is a cost-effective option for multiple types of projects.

  • It shows the analogue and digital output pins where the analogue pin shows the continuous change in the gas concentration and the digital pin shows a binary signal based on pre-set threshold values. 

  • It has a compact size design that makes it suitable for almost all types of circuits. 

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Specifications

The following table outlines the key specifications of this high-performance ozone sensor:




Gas Sensor



Detection Gas

Ozone (O3)

Operating Voltage

5 V DC

Heater Voltage

5 V ± 0.1 V

Load Resistance


Heater Resistance

31 Ω ± 3 Ω

Heating Power

<900 mW


≥3.6 (Rₒ/R₀) in clean air

Response Time

≤10 seconds

Recovery Time

≤30 seconds

Heating Resistance

33 Ω ± 3 Ω

Heating Current

<180 mA

Ambient Temperature

-10°C to 50°C


<95% RH


32 mm x 20 mm x 22 mm

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor’s Sensitivity Curve

To measure the performance of MQ131, a comparison between its sensitivity curve in fresh air and the one in the presence of ozone gas is useful. Here is the graph that shows both these curves:


Ro= Resistance of MQ131 sensor in the clean air

Rs= Resistance of MQ131 sensor in the air with ozone gas 

Ro/Rs= Ratio of the MQ131 sensor performance in polluted air to the clean air

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor’s Performance Factors

Just like other devices, the MQ131 does not perform ideally in all severe conditions. Factors like humidity and temperature affect the performance and the graph given below will explain the difference:

If you want to know more details about the datasheet then here is the link to visit:

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Pinout Configuration

The MQ131 has four pins in most of its models and in some models, it has additional pins such as a heater and is not connected (NC). Here is the table that shows the description of each basic pin:

Pin Number

Pin Name




Analog Output



Digital Output (optional)






Power Supply (5V to 12V)

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Packages

For the convenience of the user, the MQ131 sensor is present in the form of different packages. A small description of each package is given next:

Package Type



It is the traditional pin configuration with individual wires for connecting to a circuit board.

Surface Mount (SMT)

It is a compact package with smaller pins soldered directly onto a PCB. it is easy to fix in the circuit.

Pre-Assembled Module

This package has the sensor integrated with additional components like resistors, capacitors, and voltage regulators on a small PCB.

Sensor Array

It is a specialized package that has multiple MQ-131 sensors combined on a single PCB, sometimes with additional components for individual sensor control and signal processing. 

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Alternatives

Just like the MQ131, there are some other sensors that are created to detect the ozone gas concentration in the air. Some of these are:

  • Figaro TGS series gas sensors (e.g., TGS2600, TGS2602)

  • Winsen ZE08-O3 Ozone Gas Sensor Module

  • SPEC Sensors O3 Ozone Gas Sensor

  • Figaro TGS series gas sensors (e.g., TGS4161, TGS4161-E00)

Where to Buy MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor

Always choose a trusted source to buy sensitive devices like MQ131. Here are the reliable options for you from where you can get different types of products and devices without any difficulty:

  • eBay

  • Amazon

  • AliExpress

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Working Principle

  • The structure of this sensor is designed for uncomplicated working and effective results. Here are the steps that are involved in the working principle:

  • The heater circuit heats the sensing element at the temperature of 300C and maintains it. 

  • The continuous heating stimulates the sensing element to absorb the gases at a high rate. 

  • When the ozone gas is present around the sensor, the surface of the sensing element absorbs the ozone molecules.

  • The adsorption affects the electrical conductance of the sensing element. This change is sensed through the sensor. 

  • The higher concentration of the ozone layer means a great change in the analogue values of the sensor that are indicated through the signals at the analogue pin.

  • If the threshold value is set for the sensor, then on a certain limit, the digital signal at the digital pin is shown. 

  • These signals are sent to the output devices for further processing.  

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Logic Diagram

The MQ series features a straightforward design, and here is a diagram illustrating its internal structure:

MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Physical Dimensions

The MQ131 is available in multiple packages and models but usually, the general dimensions are considered so I’ve created a table with the standard size and dimensions of the MQ131 ozone gas sensor:







Height (excluding pins)



Pin height



Total height (including pins)



Approximate pin spacing






MQ131 Ozone Gas Sensor Applications

Ozone is not extensively present gas or is not used as a fuel therefore, it is not present in the common areas just like methane, butane, and other such gases. But, it has different kinds of applications that are used in the specialized departments. Here are some domains where the MQ131 ozone gas sensor is widely used:

  • Domestic Ozone Air Purifiers:

It monitors ozone levels produced by air purifiers.

  • Industrial Ozone Monitoring

 It tracks racks of ozone levels in various industrial processes here.

  • Portable Ozone Detectors

It is used by personnel working in environments with potential ozone risks.

  • Air Quality Monitoring

It detects ozone levels in ambient air.

  • Environmental Monitoring

It monitors ozone levels in specific locations.

  • Educational Experiments

It is used in educational settings to learn about gas sensing principles.

  • DIY Projects

It is used in various DIY projects requiring basic ozone detection.

  • Home Automation Systems

It integrates with smart home systems for automated ozone monitoring and control.

Hence in this way, we have understood the basic and fundamental concepts of the MQ131 ozone gas sensor. We commenced with the introduction of this gas sensor and then we saw some points of the datasheet such as the features, specifications, and some graphs. After that, we saw the working principle of this sensor and moved forward with the physical dimensions and application of this sensor. I hope all the things are clear to you but if you want to know more about this sensor then you can ask in the comment section.

Ancient Metalworking Techniques that are Surprisingly Still in Use Today

Metalworking, a craft embedded in the core of human civilization, has played an important role in shaping our history and technological advancements. From the ancient artisans who meticulously forged metal objects to the modern engineers pushing the boundaries of materials science, the art of metalworking has stood the test of time. Let’s explore this intricate craft, tracing its evolution from ancient times to the cutting-edge innovations of the modern era.

A Glimpse into Metalworking's Illustrious Past

The tale of metalworking begins in the annals of ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt and China, where skilled craftsmen honed their techniques to manipulate metals for tools, weapons and adornments. Through hammering, casting and forging, these early metalworkers laid the foundation for the intricate art forms that would endure for centuries to come.

As time moved on, metalworking techniques advanced through the Middle Ages and Renaissance, with the formation of guilds and apprenticeships propelling the craft to new heights of sophistication.

The Industrial Revolution heralded a new era for metalworking, as mechanized processes and mass production revolutionized the industry. The clang of machinery replaced the rhythmic beats of the blacksmith's forge, ushering in an age of innovation and efficiency that would transform the way we interact with metal forever.

Forging the Way Forward

The art of forging, a process that involves shaping metal through hammering and pressing, has been a cornerstone of metalworking since antiquity. From ancient civilizations to modern industrial applications, forging has stood the test of time as a versatile and enduring technique.

In the heart of ancient forges, skilled craftsmen wielded their hammers to shape metal into intricate forms, a tradition that continues to this day in industries such as blacksmithing , automotive manufacturing and aerospace. The alchemy of fire and steel persists in the hands of contemporary artisans, breathing life into metal with each strike of the hammer.

Casting Shadows of the Past

Casting, the art of crafting with molten metal, traces its origins back to the ancient civilizations that first mastered the technique of pouring molten metal into molds. From jewelry making to industrial manufacturing, casting has evolved over the centuries to become a fundamental process in the creation of metal objects.

The age-old tradition of casting lives on in the intricate forms of jewelry and sculpture, where molten metal is transformed into works of art through careful molding and casting techniques. In the realm of modern industry, casting plays a vital role in the production of everything from engine parts to architectural details, showcasing the enduring legacy of this ancient craft.

Welding the Fabric of Metalworking

Welding, the process of joining metal through heat, has been a fundamental practice in metalworking since time immemorial. From the early days of forge welding to the modern techniques of construction and fabrication, welding has been a driving force behind the innovation and evolution of metalworking processes.

In the crucible of ancient forges, craftsmen mastered the art of welding through techniques such as forge welding and brazing, creating intricate metal joints that stood the test of time. Today, welding remains a cornerstone of modern industry, with applications ranging from skyscraper construction to delicate repair work, showcasing the versatility and enduring relevance of this ancient craft.

Sheet Metal Fabrication - Crafting the Thinnest Threads

Sheet metal fabrication, the art of shaping thin metal sheets into various products through cutting, bending and assembling, has a rich history that spans centuries of innovation and craftsmanship. From manual processes to advanced machinery, the evolution of sheet metal fabrication reflects the ever-changing landscape of metalworking.

In the fabled workshops of yore, artisans meticulously shaped thin metal sheets into intricate forms, a tradition that lives on in the industries of construction, automotive manufacturing and aerospace. The symphony of shears and presses resonates with the echoes of history, as modern technologies continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with sheet metal fabrication .

Repoussé and Chasing

Repoussé and chasing, techniques for shaping and detailing metal surfaces, have been cherished by artisans throughout history for their ability to imbue metal objects with intricate designs and textures. From ancient decorative arts to contemporary jewelry making, repoussé and chasing have remained a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of metalworking.

In the golden age of ancient artistry, skilled craftsmen used repoussé and chasing techniques to create elaborate objects that captured the imagination and awe of onlookers. Today, these timeless techniques continue to shape the world of modern metalworking, bringing a touch of artistry and elegance to everything from fine jewelry to ornamental pieces.

Enameling - The Vibrant Palette of Metal

Enameling, the process of fusing powdered glass onto metal surfaces to add color and texture, has a storied history that dates back to ancient civilizations where jewelry and decorative objects were adorned with vibrant enamel finishes. From ancient techniques to modern applications, enameling has continued to captivate and inspire artists and craftspeople alike.

The ancient art of enameling lives on in contemporary jewelry making and decorative arts, where vibrant enamel colors bring a touch of vibrancy and sophistication to metal objects. In the realm of modern industry, enameling plays a vital role in creating durable and aesthetically pleasing finishes for a wide range of metal products, showcasing the enduring appeal and versatility of this ancient craft.

Advancing Ancient Techniques with Modern Technology

The marriage of ancient metalworking techniques with modern technology has ushered in a new era of innovation and creativity, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of metallurgy. From CAD/CAM design to 3D printing , advanced materials to high-tech alloys, the fusion of tradition and technology has opened up exciting new possibilities for artisans and engineers alike.

Final Words

The legacy of ancient metalworking techniques lives on in the intricate forms and elegant designs of contemporary metal objects, reminding us of the enduring relevance and innovation within this fascinating field. Let’s not forget to appreciate the craftsmanship and artistry behind these ancient techniques, for they are the threads that connect us to our past and guide us towards a brighter future in the world of metalworking.

Author: Richard Jegla(Sales Engineer)

Richard has been on The Federal Group team for 24 years and his knowledge spans a variety of mechanical engineering topics. When he isn't assisting his clients, he is routinely working on his motorcycles and off-road vehicle projects.

MQ-9 Gas Sensor: Datasheet, Pinout & Working

Hi seekers! Welcome to another article discussing a sensor from the MQ gas sensor series. Today, we are discussing the MQ-9 gas sensor, which can detect gases like carbon monoxide, CH4, and LPG. It has a long life and a simple structure, and the heart of this gas sensor is the sensing element on the heating circuit. Usually, such sensors are part of large projects where they sense the target gas and send a signal for any alarming condition.

We’ll begin the discussion with the basic introduction of this sensor in which we’ll discuss the basic parts and their duties. After that, we’ll move towards the datasheet elements and study this sensor's features, specifications, and other details. You will also see its working principles and diagrams to understand the concept. In the end, there will be a glance at the applications in which the MQ-8 gas sensor plays a vital role. Let’s hover over today’s first topic:

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Introduction

The MQ-9 gas sensor belongs to the MQ series, which has multiple sensors specialised for a particular gas. In the case of the MQ-9 gas sensor, the target gases are methane, propane, and other combustible gases that may be life-threatening if leaked. As the ambient concentration of target gases rises, the sensor diligently absorbs them at a higher rate, conveying their presence through analogue values at its analogue pin.

Let's focus on the fundamental components of this sophisticated sensor, unravelling its intricacies for a comprehensive understanding:

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Sensing Substrate

A ceramic material is present on the core of the MQ-9 base. It is usually alumina (Al2O3) that is responsible for providing the mechanical strength to the sensing element. The reason to use alumina is its high thermal stability and electrical resistance so that it does not provide any interference in the sensor’s values.

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Sensing Element

The heart of this sensor is the sensing element that absorbs the target gas and senses its presence. It is a small, cylindrical-shaped structure made with tin oxide (SnO2). It is wrapped around the ceramic material in the form of a uniform layer. 

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Heater Circuit

As mentioned before, the small heating circuit is present under the sensing element. It is a coil made of nichrome wire embedded within the substrate of ceramic material. This can heat the sensing element to around 300°C. This heat starts the work of the whole sensor. 

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Electrodes

The ceramic substrate has metallic contacts on both sides that are responsible for the interface between the sensing element and the circuit. These electrodes also allow electrical current to pass through the sensing element to create a change in the electrical conductance, and this is the basic way to sense the presence of gas. 

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Datasheet

Prior to the utilization of any electrical component, it is important to peruse the datasheet that outlines the product's intricate details. Presented below are fundamental considerations essential for an informed deployment of the MQ-9 gas sensor.

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Features

  • One of the unique features of the MQ-9 that makes it different from other MQ series elements is its wide range of gas detection. It is not specialised for a single gas but can detect multiple gases, which makes it a versatile sensor. The list of detectable gases for this sensor is given below:

    • Methane (CH4)

    • Propane (C3H8)

    • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

    • Carbon monoxide (CO)

  • It is a more versatile and cost-effective gas sensor and, therefore, is preferred in fields like industries and home safety. 

  • It has a simple structure that consumes fewer resources.

  • It has a fast response time that allows prompt warnings and measures. 

  • It has a compact and portable design that makes it suitable for different circuits. 

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Specifications

The following table shows the basic specifications of this sensor:



Model No.


Sensor Type


Standard Encapsulation


Detection Gas

CO and combustible gas


10-1000ppm CO, 100-10000ppm combustible gas

Loop Voltage Vc

≤10V DC

Heater Voltage VH

5.0V±0.2V ACorDC (High), 1.5V±0.1V ACorDC (Low)

Heater Time TL

60±1S (High), 90±1S (Low)

Circuit Load Resistance RL


Heater Resistance RH

31Ω±3Ω (Room Temp.)

Heater consumption PH


Sensing Resistance Rs

2KΩ-20KΩ (in 100ppm CO)

Sensitivity S

Rs(in air)/Rs(100ppm CO)≥5

Character Slope α

≤0.6(R300ppm/R100ppm CO)

Tem. Humidity

20℃±2℃; 65%±5%RH

Standard test circuit Vc

5.0V±0.1V; VH (High): 5.0V±0.1V; VH (Low): 1.5V±0.1V

Condition Preheat time

Over 48 hours

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Sensitivity Character

As mentioned before, the MQ-9 can detect multiple gases, but it is important to understand that the response time and sensitivity of this sensor are different for all of these. These factors depend on the chemical reaction between the sensing element and the target gas, and here is a comparison of the performance of the MQ-9 gas sensor with different gases in the form of a graph:

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Basic Circuit

The MQ-9 gas sensor has a simple and easy-to-understand circuit. Here is the diagram that shows the test loop of this device with the help of basic labels:


VH = Heater voltage

Vc = Test voltage

VRL = Voltage on load resistance

RL = Load resistance

If you want to know more about the datasheet or want to study it in detail, then you can visit the following link:

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Pinout Configuration

The MQ-9 gas sensor has four pins. The description and details of each of them are mentioned below:






It is a power supply pin for the heater element. It usually requires 5V DC.



It's the ground connection pin.



It is the analogue output pin. The voltage on this pin varies depending on the gas concentration detected by the sensor, which means a higher voltage indicates a higher gas concentration.


Dout (optional)

It is a digital output pin (present on some models). Provides a binary signal (high or low) based on a pre-set threshold for gas concentration.

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Alternatives

Here is a list of the alternative options that can be used in place of MQ-9. The performance of these sensors is not identical to that of the MQ-9 but experts may use them in some projects:

  • Figaro TGS series

  • Sensirion SGP series

  • Amphenol SGX series

  • GasSense IR series

  • PerkinElmer NDIR-1 series

Where to Buy MQ-9 Gas Sensor 

The electrical components, such as MQ-9 have a sensitive structure; therefore, always choose the best product from the best platforms for quality results. The following are some popular choices for such elements:

  • eBay

  • AliExpress

  • Amazon

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Working Principle

The working principle of this sensor is similar to that of other MQ series sensors. It works on the chemiresistor working principle, which means the change in the electrical resistance of the sensing element results in the output values of this sensor. Here are the steps that will explain the previous statement:

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Substrate Heating

As soon as the sensor is powered on, the heating circuit starts increasing the substrate (alumina) temperature. The internal coil of the substrate heats it, and this change is uniformly distributed to the cylindrical shapes sensing element. 

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Depletion Region

The heated substrate maintains a temperature of 300 °C, and it stimulates the tin oxide to absorb the oxygen from the surroundings. Soon, the hydrogen ions start accumulating on its surface, and as a result, a depletion region is formed around the sensing element that increases the electrical conductivity of tin oxide. 

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Gas Absorption

The depletion region remains on the surface of tin oxide in the air until there is no target gas mixed in it. If any of the target gases are leaked into the air, they start reacting with the depletion region around the sensing element. This reaction results in the absorption of the depletion region. As a result, the electrical conductivity of the tin oxide increases as the sensor indicates this change in resistance through the analogue pin. In other words, the values of the electrical resistance are always present on the analogue pin, but sudden changes in the resistance are alarming on the analogue pin. The higher the target gas concentration, the more sudden and large changes are seen on the analogue pin.

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Gas Digital Value

The digital values show the presence or absence of the target gas without indicating its concentration. The digital pin shows only two outputs as mentioned in the pin description.

The signals from the digital and analogue pins are sent to the output device that indicates the results. 

MQ-9 Gas Sensor Physical Dimensions

The MQ-9 gas sensor does not have multiple packages. The size and dimension may vary from model to model, but usually, it is a compact product that can be used in different types of circuits. Here is the table that shows the general package dimensions of this sensor:







Height (excluding pins)



Pin height



Total height (including pins)



Approximate pin spacing






MQ-9 Gas Sensor Applications

The MQ-9 gas sensor finds extensive application in various projects, catering to significant domains. Below are key sectors where its utilization proves pivotal:

  • Home Safety

  • Industrial monitoring

  • Environmental monitoring

  • Portable gas detectors

  • DIY projects (Air quality monitoring systems, smart home gas leak alarms, educational experiments)

Today, we have seen detailed information about the MQ-9 gas sensor. It is a versatile sensor that provides the sensing of multiple gases at a time. We commenced our exploration with a comprehensive introduction to the MQ-9 gas sensor. Progressing further, we moved towards the datasheet, unravelling its distinctive features and specifications. An in-depth exploration of the sensor's operational principles ensued. Finally, we comprehended its physical dimensions and explored the diverse spectrum of applications it caters to. I hope it was an informative article for you, and if you want to know more, you can contact us. 

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor: Datasheet, Pinout & Working

Hey fellow! Welcome to the next article on the MQ series of sensors, and today our focus is on the MQ-8 which is used to sense the presence of hydrogen gas. We know that hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that humans can not sense easily. It is not toxic like carbon monoxide and other such examples but still, the excess presence of this gas can be life-threatening because it is highly flammable. The air is a mixture of different gases and hydrogen gas when combined with some specific gases, can be harmful to life. In the presence of a bare flame or other ignition material, hydrogen can start the ignition, and here, the duty of sensors like MQ-8 starts. We’ll examine the basic information about this sensor in detail.

In this article, we’ll start reading about the basic introduction to the MQ-7 hydrogen gas sensor. We’ll see the basic data sheet, specifications, features, and core information about this product. After that, we’ll move on to this work in detail and understand its structure to analyze its output. We’ll end this chapter with the physical dimensions and the applications of this sensor in different domains of life. There are many things to learn here so let’s move towards the first topic:

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Introduction

The MQ-8 is a specialized sensor mainly designed to sense the surplus amount of hydrogen gas that can be harmful to people with sensitive lungs because excess inhalation of hydrogen can displace the oxygen atoms in the lungs. Moreover, it may be inflammable in the factories or industries using the particular material.

For some materials, the hydrogen gas can be the cause of brittleness and even cracks therefore, is a harmful gas for materials like storage tanks and pipelines. In such areas, the sensors like MQ-8 are used to detect the presence of any hydrogen gas leakage. The structure is designed in such a way that as soon as the surplus amount of hydrogen is sensed in the environment, it sends the signal through the analog and digital pins to the output devices for indication.

Here are the basic parts of the MQ-8 hydrogen sensor:

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Sensing Element

The heart of this sensor is the sensing element that lies on the base of a circuit that continuously heats it. This element is made of ceramic material that has a layer of tin dioxide (SnO2) on it. This layer is responsible for absorbing the high concentration of hydrogen gas in the surroundings as a result, the sensor can indicate its presence. 

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Heater

A heater circuit is present in the core of this sensor which is a heater coil that is wrapped around the sensing element and continuously heat it. This circuit is always on and this constant heating is crucial for the accuracy of the sensor performance. 

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Electrodes

Two electrodes are connected to the sensing element that is responsible for working according to changes in the circuit resistance. This resistance depends on the ion formation reaction on the sensitive element. 

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Filter

A stainless steel mesh network is present on the whole circuit that consists of two layers. These layers are responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Protection of the internal element from the outward unwanted particles. It simply allows the gases to pass through it to filter the articles. 

  2. Helps the internal structure to retain its position. 

Moreover, it has pins, voltage regulators, filtering capacitors, and pre-heat resistors that support the smooth performance of the MQ-8 hydrogen gas filter.

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Datasheet

Let us discuss some important parts of the datasheet that will help you understand the product details. We’ll are making a start with its features:

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Features

  • It is a sensitive detector and its range is between 100 to 10,000 PPM where the PP means the parts per million. 

  • It can sense the small leakage of hydrogen gas and, therefore, is considered a reliable sensor. 

  • The structure is designed in such a way that it detects the hydrogen gas accurately even in the presence of other gases such as methane, ethanol, and carbon monoxide. As a result, the sensor does not provide the false alarms. 

  • This sensor shows a fast response time that ranges between 30 seconds to 100 seconds after it is powered on. 

  • It has a simple and small circuit that does not consume a lot of energy. Moreover, the easy circuit makes it less costly.

  • Another advantage of a simple circuit is its long life. Moreover, it is a lightweight device. 

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Specifications

Here is a table of the specifications for the MQ-8 hydrogen gas sensor:







Sensor Type



Standard Encapsulation

Bakelite, Metal cap


Target Gas



Detection range

100 – 1000


Loop Voltage (Vc)

≤ 24


Heater Voltage (VH)

5.0 ± 0.1


Load Resistance (RL)



Heater Resistance (RH)

29 ± 3


Heater Consumption (PH)

≤ 900


Sensitivity (SRs)

≥ 5


Output Voltage (Vs)

2.5 – 4.0


Concentration Slope (α)

≤ 0.6

(R1000ppm/R400ppm H2)

Temperature & Humidity

20 ± 2°C; 55 ± 5% RH



5.0 ± 0.1



5.0 ± 0.1


Preheat Time

Over 48


MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Internal Structure

The internal structure of this sensor is simple as discussed before in the previous section. Here is the diagram that will explain the internal circuit and its basic labeling:

This diagram will be understood by using the detail of each label as mentioned below:

  1.  Gas Sensing Layer (SnO2):

  • SnO2 material used for gas sensing.

  1.  Electrode (Au):

  • Electrode made of gold (Au).

  1.  Electrode Line (Pt):

  • Electrode line composed of platinum (Pt).

  1.  Heater Coil (Ni-Cr Alloy):

  • Heater coil material: Nickel-chromium alloy (Ni-Cr).

  1.  Tubular Ceramic (Al2O3):

  • Tubular ceramic material: Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3).

  1.  Anti-explosion Network:

  • Stainless steel gauze (SUS316 100-mesh) is used as an anti-explosion network.

  1.  Clamp Ring (Copper Plating Ni):

  • Clamp ring made of copper with nickel plating.

  1.  Resin Base (Bakelite):

  • Resin base material: Bakelite.

  1.  Tube Pin (Copper Plating Ni):

  • Tube pin made of copper with nickel plating.

If you want to know more about the datasheet then you can visit the link given below:

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Pinout Configuration

As with all members of the MQ series, the MQ-8 hydrogen gas sensor has four pins and in some models, an additional pin is also present. Here is the table that shows the pin number, its name, and a brief description:

Pin Name




Power Supply

This pin provides power to the sensor, typically 5V DC.



It connects the sensor to the ground for proper circuit operation.

DOUT (Digital Output)

Digital Output

This pin provides a digital signal indicating the presence or absence of hydrogen gas.

- Clean Air

HIGH (≈5V)

This value on the digital pin shows no hydrogen gas detected.

- Presence of H2 Gas

LOW (≈0V)

This value on the digital pin shows hydrogen gas detected.

AOUT (Analog Output)

Analog Output

This pin provides an analog voltage signal that varies with hydrogen gas concentration.

- Low Concentration

Low voltage (specific value depends on sensor model)


- High Concentration

High voltage (specific value depends on sensor model)


MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Packages

For the convenience of the user, manufacturers present different types of packages for the MQ sensors. Here is the table that explains the SMD and DIP package of the MQ-8 hydrogen gas sensor:


SMD Package

DIP Package

Package Type

Surface Mount Device

Dual In-Line Package


It varies depending on the manufacturer, but common sizes include: 

  •  20mm x 15mm

  •  20mm x 20mm

  •  25mm x 25mm

Typically 38mm x 20mm x 14mm


It is designed for the soldering onto PCB pads

It is designed to Insertion into sockets


It usually 4 pins (VCC, GND, DOUT, AOUT), some models may have additional pins

It typically 4 pins (VCC, GND, DOUT, AOUT)


Ceramic or phenolic resin housing

Ceramic or plastic housing


Approximately 2-3 grams

Approximately 4-5 grams

Operating Temperature

-20°C to +70°C (typical)

-20°C to +70°C (typical)

Storage Temperature

-40°C to +85°C (typical)

-40°C to +85°C (typical)

Humidity Range

10% to 95% RH (non-condensing)

10% to 95% RH (non-condensing)


Generally lower

Generally slightly higher


Requires soldering

No soldering required


Space-constrained designs, mass production

Hobbyist projects, prototyping, easier handling

Where to Buy MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor?

there are multiple options to buy such products online but the most trusted ones are listed below:

  • eBay

  • AliExpress

  • Amazon

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Working Principle

If you've followed the details about the sensor's structure in the previous section, understanding how the MQ-8 hydrogen sensor works should be straightforward. Here are the steps that show the working principle in this regard:

  • As soon as the sensor is powered on, the heating circuit starts its duty. In 20 to 100 seconds, it starts heating the sensing element. 

  • The heating process stimulates the tin oxide to absorb the oxygen gas from the surroundings. This created a depletion region consisting of hydrogen ions around the tubular-shaped tin oxide.

  • Soon, the depletion region is strong enough to enhance the resistance of the circuit. At this point, the MQ-8 hydrogen sensor is ready to sense the pure hydrogen gas in the environment. 

  • In the case when there is a leakage of the hydrogen gas, the sensing element starts reacting with it. 

  • If there is a notable amount of hydrogen in the environment, the depletion region around the sensing element starts resting with it. As a result, the resistance of the circuit starts decreasing. 

  • The values of the electrical current passing through the circuit increase and eventually, the analogue values are sent to the output device through the analogue pin. 

  • By the same token, the digital pin is stimulated when a particular analogue value is crossed. 

  • These signals are then sent to the output device. Usually, the projects are made using any microcontroller or other such devices.  

MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Physical Dimensions

The physical dimensions of such products vary from model to model. I‘ve created a general table that shows the dimensions of the MQ-8 hydrogen gas sensor mentioned here:


Value (mm)

Range (mm)



32 - 35



20 - 22



11 - 15





Rectangular with rounded corners


Pin configuration

4 or 5 (model dependent)


Mounting holes

2 (sides)


MQ-8 Hydrogen Gas Sensor Applications

Hydrogen gas is not toxic and it is less commonly used as compared to the other gases therefore, it is not widely used in household applications but it is used in the areas where large amount of hydrogen is used. Here is the list of examples of some applications:

  • Industrial hydrogen gas monitoring

  • Hydrogen gas leakage detection

  • Fuel cell applications

  • Hydrogen-powered vehicle safety

  • Chemical processing environments

  • Laboratory gas detection

  • Hydrogen storage facilities

  • Aerospace industry applications

  • Hydrogen fuel production and storage

  • Energy-related processes

Today, we learned a lot about the MQ-8 hydrogen gas sensor. We initiated the discussion through the introduction of this sensor where we discussed its basic parts. Following that, we moved into the datasheet, uncovering a trove of information encompassing features, specifications, and the sensor's internal architecture. Progressing further, we unveiled the intricacies of its working principle, concluding our exploration with a glimpse into the diverse applications harnessing the potential of this sensor. If you crave more knowledge, stick around for our forthcoming insights.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor: Datasheet, Pinout & Working

Hello peeps! I hope you are having a good day. We all know carbon monoxide is a dangerous and harmful gas that can even be fatal. It is a colorless and odorless gas so it is difficult to sense its presence therefore, different types of sensors and indicators are required to make the places safe especially those where there is a chance for carbon monoxide gas production as a byproduct. Here, one of the most promising detectors is the MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor which instantly detects and indicates the presence so the users may save their lives. This is the most popular choice for this purpose because of its low cost, high performance, and instant response. 

This article will commence by introducing the MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor. Subsequently, we will delve into essential details from its datasheet, exploring its structure, pinout configuration, and performance-related graphs. Additionally, we will examine alternatives and package details, providing a comprehensive understanding. A detailed exploration of the working principle will follow. Towards the conclusion, notable examples highlighting the significant role of this sensor will be discussed. Let's embark on the exploration of the initial topic:

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor Introduction

The sensitive material of the MQ-7 carbon monoxide gas sensor is tin dioxide (SnO2). This is a reactive material to carbon monoxide and the basic working of this sensor depends on the heating process of this sensing element. Carbon monoxide (CO) is not usually present in fresh air therefore, the sensor does not provide any signal until it senses any leakage or danger.

This sensor consists of the following parts:

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor’s Gas Sensitive Layer

Just like other MQ sensors, this one also has a sensitive element made of ceramic that has a layer outside it. This layer consists of tin dioxide (SnO2) and has the feature of absorbing the target gas. In the case of MQ7, the tin dioxide absorbs the carbon monoxide and indicates its presence as soon as it comes in contact.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor’s Gas Electrodes

The MQ-7 has electrodes that facilitate electrical contact with the sensitive material. Usually, it is made with the gold for the best performance. These allow the measurement of the electrical resistance.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor’s Heater Coil

There is a coil in the heart of this sensor. This is made of alloy like Ni-Cr and provides heat to the sensitive layer to enhance its reaction and sensitivity.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor’s Tubular Ceramics

The censor has a tubular structure of ceramic material such as alumina (Al2O3) and it provides support and strength to other components so that they may be at their place.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor’s Anti-explosion Network

There is a network of double stainless steel mesh that performs two functions:

  1. It allows the gases to pass through it and retains the presence of any unwanted particles outside the network.
  2. It protects the internal structure because that is very reactive and delicate therefore, with the help of this network, all the internal structure remains in its place.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor’s Resin Base

To create the whole system of the gas sensor, there is a firm base made with bakelite or other materials that provide the strength and the pin structure that ensure the working of the whole sensor.

Moreover, there are tube pins and clamp rings that provide extra strength to the circuit of the MQ-7 monoxide gas sensor. 

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Datasheet

Before using any electrical component, it is important to understand the technical specifications. Here are some points to know before using the MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor:

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Features

  • This sensor has an analog pin that shows the presence of carbon monoxide through the analog values

  • The digital pin is responsible for showing the presence or absence of the gas through a single value. 

  • It has a simple structure therefore, it is a less power-consuming component. 

  • It has a long life and is considered ideal to use in circuit-like IoT projects.

  • It is continuously in power so whenever it senses carbon monoxide in its surroundings, it shows a rapid response. 

  • The typical detection range of this sensor is 10 ppm to 1000 ppm but it may vary depending on the model. 

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Specification




Target Gas

Primarily CO, with some cross-sensitivity to other combustibles


Detection Range

10 ppm - 1000 ppm (CO)

May vary depending on model and operating conditions


High for CO, resistance decreases with increasing CO concentration

Response Time

30 seconds - 1 minute

To reach 90% of final value

Recovery Time

3-5 minutes

After gas exposure

Operating Voltage



Operating Temperature

-20°C to 50°C (typical)

May vary depending on model

Operating Humidity

< 95% RH


Power Consumption

~350 mW


Output Signal

Analog (voltage) and Digital (trigger)

Analog proportional to CO concentration

Heater Resistance

33Ω ± 5%


Sensing Resistance

10KΩ - 60KΩ (1000 ppm CO)

Standard detecting conditions

Life Expectancy

Several years

Under proper usage


Varies by model (e.g., 32mm x 20mm x 22mm)



~7 grams


MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Pinout Configuration

Just like structure and other features, the pinout configuration of the MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor has four pins and a simple structure. Here is the table that shows the pin number, names, and a brief description:

Pin Number

Pin Name




This is the power pin that requires 5V



This pin is used to connect the module to the system’s common ground


Digital Out

It is a digital output pin that shows the presence or absence of the CO gas. The threshold value for this pin can be set by using the potentiometer


Analog Out

It is the analogue output pin. It provides the analogue voltage based on the concentration of the gas 

The details of each pin will be clear when we study the working of this sensor in the communing section.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Packages

For the convenience of the users, the MQ-7 carbon monoxide is available in different packages. Here is the detail of the most common packages:

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Through-Hole Package (DIP)

  • This is the most common package that usually has four pins for connection to a PCB through the soldering process.

  • It's readily available for use and the advantage is, that it has easy integration into existing circuits.

  • The negative point is, that it requires manual soldering and has a larger footprint compared to other packages.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Surface Mount Package (SMD)

  • This package is relatively smaller and is designed for surface mounting on PCBs.

  • It offers easier integration into printed circuit boards and therefore is used by beginners as well. 

  • The negative point is, that it requires specialised soldering equipment that is not always available for all the users and may be more sensitive to environmental factors.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Module Package

  • It includes the sensor itself along with additional components for better working such as the voltage regulators and filtering capacitors.

  • It's easier to use as compared to the other options in the list and provides plug-and-play functionality.

  • The negative point is, that it has a larger footprint and can be more expensive compared to basic packages.

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Alternatives

Some other fellows of the MQ family also can detect carbon monoxide to some extent but it is advisable to use the most sensitive and particular devices to detect such types of toxic gases. Here are noteworthy alternatives that can substitute for the MQ-7 carbon monoxide gas sensor:

  • MQ-9 is another sensor from the MQ series and it can detect multiple gases including carbon monoxide and methane. 

  • MiCS-5524 is the sensor that can detect gases like Carbon Monoxide, Methane, and LPG Gas Sensor. It's a small sensor and is used in multiple projects in different domains. 

  • An important alternative for this sensor is the Figaro TGS Series that have multiple gas sensors for gas detection. 

  • The SGX Sensortech MICS-5524 is another sensor that can detect carbon monoxide, methane, and LPG gas and shows high sensitivity towards multiple gases. 

Where to Buy MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor

Buying the electrical component is a big responsibility because every member of the circuit affects the overall accuracy. You must buy sensors like MQ-7 without facing technical issues:

  • eBay

  • AliExpress

  • Amazon

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Working Principle

  • The basic working principle of this sensor is similar to the other MQ series compoeents. In the heart of this sensor, the tin oxide (SnO2) is present in a tubular shape. The circuit of this sensor is designed in such a way that as soon as the circuit is powered on, the tin oxide is heated to stimulate its absorption process at a high rate. 

  • Once the tin oxide is stimulated, it absorbs the oxygen from its surroundings and the ions are created at a high rate. As a result, a depletion region forms around the sensing element that enhances the electrical resistance. 

  • Now, the electric current passing through the sensor is very small and this indicates that there is no toxic carbon monoxide present in the surroundings. 

  • As soon as there is an amount of CO in the air and it reaches the sensor, the depletion region starts reacting with it and as a result, the smaller number of ions contributes to less resistance. 

  • In the end, the low resistance results in the high electrical conductance that is indicated in the sensor. 

  • The output on the analog pin is directly proportional to the amount of carbon monoxide present in the air. 

  • MQ-7 has a potentiometer in it through which the threshold values are set. Once the analogue values reach the threshold value, the sensor shows the signal through the digital pin. A comparator is used in the module that is responsible for comparing the values on these pins. 

  • These pins are connected to the output devices which may be any buzzer, screen, or anything else based on the project. 

MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Physical Dimensions

Before using MQ-7 in the circuit, the physical dimensions will help you to understand its size and other specifications. This table will show the details of each parameter with the unit:


Value (mm)

Range (mm)



32 - 35



20 - 22



11 - 15





Rectangular with rounded corners


Pin configuration

4 or 5 (model dependent)


Mounting holes

2 (sides)


MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Applications

Carbon monoxide is used in different industries in such places, so using the sensing system is a must. Here are some general examples where the MQ-7 carbon monoxide can be integrated for the detection:

  • Air quality monitoring

  • Industrial safety

  • Home and office safety systems

  • Environmental monitoring

  • Combustible gas detection

  • Automotive emissions monitoring

  • Gas leak detection systems

  • Portable gas detectors

  • Agricultural and greenhouse applications

  • HVAC systems

Hence, today we have read the details of a life-saving sensor that is MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor. It is used in multiple projects and we started learning through its introductions and details of its internal components. After that, we saw the datasheet elements like its specifications, features, and some important information about its structure. just after that, we read about its working principle, physical dimensions and some important applications where this sensor can be used. I hope all the points are clear to you but if you want in-depth information then you can ask in the comment section.

How to Hide Likes on Facebook - Guide for Privacy

You may worry about your privacy since the online world has become widespread. You want to feel more authoritative and safer while surfing on social media platforms. Maybe, learning how to hide likes on YouTube can help you in the circumstances. You can change your settings with simple steps to make your Facebook page secure.

Continue and find out hiding your likes.

How to Hide Likes on Facebook for Privacy?

Hiding your likes on Facebook content might improve your privacy while also lessening the impact of social media.

1. How to Hide Likes on Facebook (Desktop Version)

For your desktop, here are the steps:

  1. Go to the website of Facebook and log in.

  2. In the top-right-hand corner, you’ll see your profile picture which you need to click on.

  3. Later, the “Setting & privacy” section will appear.

  4. Finally, you reach “Settings”. 

  5. Select “Privacy”, next, find “Reaction preferences”. 

  6. In this section, you can conceal the number of your post likes. 

2. How to Hide Likes on Facebook (Android Version) 

Android users can benefit from these steps;

  1. Find the Facebook app on your phone.

  2. Your profile image is in the top-right corner, click it.

  3. Tap “Settings & Privacy”.

  4. And go to “Settings”.

  5. To hide your likes, you need to go to “Reaction preferences” and activate “On your posts”.

How to Hide Likes on Facebook (iOS Version)

You prefer to use an iPad or iPhone, it doesn’t matter. The procedure is the same.

  1. Go to the Facebook app and select Menu in the bottom-right corner. 

  2. Open “Settings & Privacy”.

  3. Pick the “Settings”. 

  4. To alter the visibility of your likes, dab “Reaction preferences”.

Steps for Hiding Pages that You Liked 

After you learn how to hide likes on Facebook for your posts, you may wonder about concealing pages that you liked. Here are the steps:

  1. Visit your page and find your profile pic.

  2. Under your photo, you’ll see “More”. 

  3. After clicking it, pick “Likes”.

  4. Utilize the triple-dot button to select “Edit the Privacy of Your Likes” or “Hide Section” for specific categories.

  5. Then, modify them to “Only me”. 

This visibility option is primarily applicable to personal pages. If you have a brand page, you can conceal all of the liked pages.

You may customize Facebook to suit your requirements with these simple steps. Depending on your preferences, you have the option to either make your likes public or hidden. 

By following this route, we’re not just concealing likes but also altering our Facebook interactions with one another to suit our personal narratives. Now, we can ensure that our digital experience remains authentically us, filled with decisions that reflect our identity rather than becoming a means of obtaining online validation.

Why Would You Want to Hide Facebook Likes?

I want to share a few good reasons to think about disabling Facebook likes on your posts.

Improve Privacy

It can be surprising that a person can learn more about you from hobbies, preferences, and personal choices which Facebook likes reveal easily. By concealing your likes, you may give your page an additional degree of privacy by preventing those who are merely perusing your profile from monitoring these data right away. 

Concentrate on the Quality of Your Content

You, as a content creator, and your viewers can concentrate more on the caliber of the shared posts than their popularity if the number of likes isn’t apparent. Without the effect of like counts, this change may promote deeper exchanges and conversations. 

Although likes are a helpful indicator for determining audience preferences, hiding them directs attention toward content quality rather than popularity. Well-balanced tactics can increase participation while encouraging deep connections and talks about excellent material. Or you can just use Views4You to purchase likes!

Take Charge of Your Digital Legacy

Each like on Facebook helps build your digital footprint. It is possible to manage this by hiding your likes, which lets you publish just the information you’ve decided to make public.

Encourage Metal Wellness

Mental health may be impacted by ongoing exposure to social approval measurement. You could discover a happier, less hectic social media atmosphere where well-being is valued above metrics if likes are hidden.

Promote Genuine Interaction

The incentive to interact with information changes from obtaining likes to expressing real emotions and ideas when likes are concealed. By making this adjustment, a more genuine community may be created where interactions are motivated by shared interests and affinities rather than by the need to get more likes.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have liked a post; is it possible to conceal my likes?

Yes, you may use your activity log to change how visible your previous likes are. This gives you control over who sees your likes, even on older postings.

How will seeing the likes of other posts change if I hide my own?

Hiding your own likes doesn’t affect the likes on other posts. As usual, you can view the likes on other people’s posts, based on their privacy settings.

Why would someone want to think about concealing their Facebook likes?

This engagement rate may be hidden to increase privacy, lessen social pressure, and manage your digital presence. By not disclosing every preference, it enables people to preserve a certain amount of privacy, making the digital realm feel less public and more intimate. This approach can give individuals the freedom to curate their online identities so that it is a true reflection of themselves rather than a compilation of endorsements from the public.

Can applying these steps conceal my likes on posts?

Yes, definitely. Facebook handles likes similarly in terms of privacy, concealing your likes also hides other emotions you’ve used on posts such as wow, sad, love, furious, and more.

Does concealing likes have an impact on the content I view on my feed?

No, algorithms and your interactions are used to filter the content that appears in your news feed. Hiding your likes has no bearing on what Facebook shows you; it’s just a privacy setting.

Difference between Active and Passive Components

Hello seekers! I hope you all are doing great. Today, we are interested to learn about a basic and one of the most crucial topics in the field of electronics that is, the difference between active and passive components. Knowing the difference between these two is not only fruitful for beginners but also helps to understand the output and nature of electrical and electronic devices throughout the circuit design process.

While designing electrical or electronic circuits, it is crucial to get the best components. There are different features that affect the performance of these tiny components, including material, type, manufacturing techniques, etc. It's a good practice to get the components from a trusted source, and I suggest you buy them from PCBWay. This is one of the most trusted sources not only for buying the components, but it helps the customer from designing the PCB to prototyping as well. It is the one-stop for almost all the circuit manufacturing and assembly.

The buyer simply has to visit the website, where thousands of quality products, including active and passive components, are listed with all the details. The buyer can see and select the best match for the project. They can see the raw material, packaging, product number, description, and other details so that even a person with no technical knowledge can choose the best product. So, I recommend you visit PCBWay Fabrication House online, and you can order your components from anywhere.

These two categories are differentiated by different parameters, and we’ll discuss them in detail. We’ll start with a simple comparison between the active and passive components and after that, we’ll discuss each and every point in detail to gain a grip on the concept. We’ll study the introduction, features, and examples of these components and in the end, we’ll see where we can get the best components in the most convenient way. Let’s start with the difference:

Difference Between Active and Passive Components

A circuit is made of different types of components, and it is not completed unless all the necessary components are properly designed. It requires the components, the wires to create the connection between them, and the external source as well. Before designing any circuit, the most important step is to know the nature of its components. On a border scale, the electrical components are classified into two categories:

  1. Active Components
  2. Passive Components

There are different ways to differentiate these two and we’ll discuss these in detail. The structure, features, material, and other basic features decide the category. At a higher level, the circuit is not complete until it uses both these types. The details of these components will be  shared with you in just a bit but before this, have a look at this chart that summarizes the difference between these two types:


Active Components

Passive Components

Power Source

Require an external power source to work such as a battery, power supply, etc

Do not require external power for their functioning the internal structure is enough for this


  • Amplification

  • Switching

  • Manipulation of  electrical signals

  • Control of electrical current flow

  • Filtration

  • Storage of the energy

  •  distribute electrical energy


  • Transistors

  • Diodes

  • integrated circuits

  • Operational amplifiers

  • Resistors 

  • Capacitors

  • Inductor

  • Transformers


Can provide power gain, which means they amplify signals

Cannot provide power gain, therefore attenuating or weakening signals in the circuit


Can actively control the flow of current and voltage

Can passively influence the flow of current and voltage


These are generally more complex because they are made from semiconductors

Generally simpler because these are made from basic materials


  • Amplifiers

  • Logic circuits

  • Communication systems

  • Sensors

  • Power distribution

  • Filters

  • Timing circuits

  • Tuning circuits

Examples of use in a circuit

Transistors amplify a weak signal in a microphone; ICs process data in a computer

Resistors control the brightness of LEDs, and capacitors smooth out the voltage from a battery

The details of this table are explained here in the form of a basic introduction of active and passive components. I’ve tried to show the introduction in such a way that you can compare it easily. 

Active Components Introduction

The active components provide an active influence when electricity is applied to the circuit. These are the semiconductor materials that possess features like an amplification of the output, electrical current flow, electrical signal generation, etc. In simple words, active components work with the external power source and actively contribute to signal manipulation. The following are the fundamental features that help to understand the basics of active components:

Active Components Require External Source

As mentioned before, these components always require an external power or electricity source to start working. Therefore, these are the semiconductor components that are useless when there is no external power source. 

Active Components have the Signal Control

Active components can amplify, switch, or manipulate the electrical signals of the circuits. These are also referred to as master conductors because they direct the current with great precision. 

Active Components Have Active Gain

The superpower of the active components for which these are recognized is the amplification of the signals. A weak or low-frequency signal can be amplified with these components, and these can crank into a more audible or usable form. 

Active Components are Switching Devices

Another feature that is associated with the active components is the lighting speed of these components to switch the electrical signals on and off. These are considered the digital traffic signals that control the electrical flow in the circuit. 

Active Components are Material Marvels

These are usually semiconductors, and the scope of these components is not just limited to simple electronic circuits; complex circuits, such as solar cells, have the implementation of active components. 

Examples of Active Components

Some important examples of the active components will help us understand them thoroughly.

  • A transistor is a three-leg semiconductor device that is used to amplify or switch the electrical signals in a circuit.
  • Diodes are another active component in the circuit that allows the current to flow in only one direction; therefore, these are referred to as one-way electrical valves.
  • Integrated circuits are also active components that are the complex combination of the active and passive components together.

  • The operational amplifiers are also active components and require external energy to amplify or enhance the values in the signals.
  • The vacuum tubes were the early active components, and now they are replaced by transistors, but the trend of these tubes is still important to understand the features of the active components.

Passive Components in Circuits

The passive components are entitled to be the workhorses of the electric circuit world. These are the fundamental components that are essentially required in circuits. These are different from the active component because they generate their energy to work. The following features of these components will help you understand why they are called "passive" components:

Passive Components Don’t Require Power

The main feature of a passive component is its ability to interact with the circuit using the present electrical signal or the energy of the circuit.

Passive Components are Manipulators

The passive components have different ways in which they can affect the flow of electrical current, voltage, or the frequency of the circuit. Some of these ways are:

  • Controlling the electrical flow

  • Filter the energy

  • Store the power and electricity

  • Distribute electrical energy in the circuit

These features result in the shaping of the electrical circuit's performance according to the requirements.

Passive Components Make Complex Circuits

These components are present in different sizes and shapes, and they are the basic building blocks when complex circuits are designed. Collectively, these components can create the circuits that perform the variations in the tasks. 

Examples of Passive Components

  • The most common example of a passive component is a resistor. These regulate the flow of electricity and are considered tiny dams in the circuit. There is a large variety of resistors therefore, these are usable in almost all types of circuits and are the most crucial part of these circuits. 

  • The capacitors are also passive components of the circuit. These can store electrical energy in the form of electrical fields because of their internal structure. These are the tiny batteries that help in the voltage regulation of the circuits. The main use of capacitors is in circuits where the direct current (DC) of the current has to be blocked and the circuit only allows the alternative current (AC).

  • Inductors are the passive components that deal with the magnetic field around them. These act like mini electromagnets and oppose the change in the current. As a result, these smooth the electrical fluctuations and can be used to filter unwanted signals as well. 

Hence, in this way, you know the difference between the active and passive components. These are the fundamental concepts of electrical circuits, and if these are clear, the user can design, learn, and understand the complex concept in no time. We started with a chart of the differences between these components and then explained each point in detail. We saw the definitions, features, and examples of both types in the end. Moreover, we also understood the best way to easily buy any type of electrical component from PCBWay. I hope I have discussed all the things in detail, but if you want to know more, you can ask in the comment section.

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor: Datasheet, Pinout & Working

Hey pals! Welcome to the next article where we're studying a gas sensor from the MQ sensor series. Today, we’ll understand the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor and will know the basic information about this product. This sensor has sensitivity for gases like LPG, isobutane propane etc and it is widely used to check any leakage of these gases. These are the commonly used gases but any leakage or excessive use may be harmful and even life-threatening. In such cases, sensors like MQ-6 are proved one of the most important devices. 

In this article, we’ll start the discussion with the introduction of the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor. After that, we’ll move towards the datasheet of this product in which we’ll study the specifications, features, and some graphs that will show its working. After that, we’ll work on the working principle and physical dimensions of this sensor and in the end, we’ll see some common examples of the applications in which this sensor is widely used.

Let’s move towards the first topic:

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Introduction

Butane gas is not only used in houses but has a major role in multiple industries where it is used as a fuel. It is a common source of energy for factories but using safety precautions is the most important point to keep in mind and here, the duty of the sensor like MQ-6 starts. The MQ-6 LPG butane sensor detects the presence of leakage in the gases and provides the information in the form of analog values so that the user may know the amount of the gas present in the surroundings. 

At the core of this gas sensor, there is a small and sensitive structure of different components that allow it to detect the LPG butane gas from the surroundings with the help of a change in the electrical conductivity. The basic components of this sensor are:

  • Micro AL2O3 ceramic tube

  • Sno2 (tin dioxide) layer

  • Measuring electrode

  • Heater

  • plastic and stainless steel net

  • Base

These components collectively prepare a small sensor compatible with different types of circuits. The following are the gases that can be detected using the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor:

  • Butane (C4H10)

  • Propane (C3H8)

  • Methane (CH4)

  • Alcohol vapors

  • Benzene

  • Carbon monoxide (CO)

  • Hydrogen (H2)

  • LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)

The sensitivity of the MQ-6 sensor varies according to the type of the gas. 

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Datasheet

Before using any electrical component, always check the datasheet for detailed information on the product. In the case of the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor, here are the important points that one must know:

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Features

  • As mentioned before, this sensor has a high sensitivity to LPG, iso-butane, propane and other similar gases. 

  • It has a small sensitivity to gases like alcohol, and smoke but is not suitable to be used as only a sensor for these gases.

  • This sensor shows a fast response so is a reliable choice.

  • It works continuously therefore providing stable results and having a long life.

  • This sensor runs on the simple drive circuit

  • As soon as it is turned on, it takes only 20 seconds to preheat and starts working.

  • It can be used as a Digital or analogue sensor because it has both pins

  • The user can vary the Sensitivity of the digital pin using the potentiometer in its structure

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Specifications

The following table is the evidence of its different specifications regarding different types of parameters:



Technical Condition


Standard Work Condition

Circuit voltage (Vc)

5V ± 0.1 V (AC or DC)


Heating voltage (Vh)

5V ± 0.1 V (AC or DC)

Load resistance (PL)

20 KΩ

Heater resistance (RH)

33 Ω ± 5%

Heating consumption (PH)

Less than 750 mW

Environment Condition

Operating temperature (Tao)

-10°C to 50°C

Storage temperature (Tas)

-20°C to 70°C

Relative humidity (RH)

Less than 95%

Oxygen concentration (O2)

21% (standard condition)

Minimum value is over 2%

Sensitivity Characteristic

Sensing resistance (Rs)

10 KΩ - 60 KΩ (1000 ppm LPG)


Concentration slope rate (α)

≤ 0.6 (1000 ppm / 4000 ppm LPG)

Standard detecting condition: Temp: 20°C ± 2°C, Vc: 5V ± 0.1 V, Humidity: 65% ± 5%, Vh: 5V ± 0.1 V, Preheat time over 24 hours

Detecting concentration scope

200-10000 ppm

LPG, iso-butane, propane, LNG

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Basic Structure

The basic compoeents of the MQ-6 LPG butane sensor have been discussed before but now, let’s have a look at the internal structure of this sensor to understand its working. Here is the circuit diagram for this purpose:

The detail of each label and its description is written here in the table below:






Gas sensing layer - responsible for detecting target gases through changes in resistance.



Electrodes - facilitate electrical contact with the gas sensing layer.



Electrode line - connects the electrodes to the external circuitry.


Ni-Cr alloy

Heater coil - provides heat to activate the gas sensing layer and increase sensitivity.



Tubular ceramic - housing and support for the gas sensor components.


Stainless steel gauze (SUS316 100-mesh)

Anti-explosion network - prevents flame propagation into the sensor body.


Copper plating Ni

Clamp ring - secures the sensor components within the tubular ceramic.



Resin base - provides mechanical support and electrical insulation for the sensor.


Copper plating Ni

Tube pin - electrical connection point for the sensor.

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Sensitivity Characteristics

The MQ-6 LPG butane gas can detect multiple gases but the sensitivity varies according to the type of the gas. With the help of continuous experimentation, the sensitivity of this detector can be examined using the graph given below:

Here, other parameters such as temperature and humidity are kept constant. The above image shows the sensitivity of the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor in the range of 100-1000 ppm. Here, 


  • It stands for sensing resistance.

  • It represents the actual resistance of the sensor in the presence of a specific gas concentration.

  • It changes based on the gas concentration which decreases as the concentration increases.


  • It stands for Reference Resistance.

  • It represents the sensor's resistance in clean air (absence of target gases).

  • It is usually measured when the sensor is powered on and heated to operating temperature in a gas-free environment.


  • It represents the ratio of sensing resistance (Rs) to reference resistance (Ro).

  • This ratio provides a normalized value to compare the sensor's response across different gas concentrations and environmental conditions.

  • The higher Rs/Ro values generally indicate the presence of higher gas concentrations.

If you want to have more detail about its datasheet you can visit the link below and get all the information:

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Pinout Configuration

The four-pin MQ-6 butane gas sensor is easy to install and has the simple pin configuration that is mentioned in the table below:

Pin Name



This is the power Pin that requires an operating voltage of 5V.


Ground pin connected to the ground terminal of the circuit


It is a digital output pin that needs to set the threshold value using a Pot.


Analog out the pin. It based the output of this pin on the intensity of the LPG or other gas.

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Packages

For the convenience of the users, the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor is present in different types of packages. Here is a brief introduction of these:

Package Type



DIP (Dual In-Line Package)

Standard through-hole package with pins for soldering to a PCB

Varies between manufacturers (e.g., 20x20x30mm)

SMD (Surface Mount Device)

Smaller package designed for surface mounting on PCBs

Varies between manufacturers (e.g., 10x10x5mm)

Module Package

Pre-assembled module with additional components like voltage regulators and filtering capacitors

Varies between manufacturers

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Alternatives

The butane is a widely used gas, therefore, there are different alternatives present in the market that have the same good performance as the MQ-6 LPG butane. Some of these belong to the MQ family and others are from different classes. Here are some alternatives:

Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Sensors

  • MQ-2

  • MQ-3

  • MQ-4

  • MQ-5

  • MQ-7

  • MQ-8

  • MQ-9

  • MQ135

Electrochemical Sensors

  • MiCS-5525/5526

  • SGX Sensortech MiniMOS

  • CityTech SEN5X

Infrared (IR) Sensors

  • Senseair NDIR sensors

  • SGX Sensortech IR sensors

Where to Buy MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor?

The electrical components are delicate and the performance varies because of different parameters. Here are some platforms where you can have the best quality MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensors:

  • eBay

  • AliExpress

  • Amazon

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Working Principle

The working of the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor is similar to the other MQ sensors. I have divided the working principle into different steps and will understand the basic flow:

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Heating Process

When the sensor is turned on, the circuit starts heating the core of this sensor that has the sensitive element SnO2 layer. This process is done to maintain a temperature of around 300°C (572°F) which activates the sensing element and it starts absorbing the oxygen from the surrounding air. 

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Ion Creation

The result of the reaction in the previous step creates the depletion region around the sensing element. As a result, the electrical conductivity of the circuit decreases because of the high resistance.

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Gas Absorption

Once the MQ-6 LPG sensor comes into contact with the target gas, the oxygen ions from the depletion region start reacting with the gas molecules and as a result, the depletion region starts adsorbing. This causes the reduction in the number of oxygen ions and the overall conductivity increase.

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Resistance Measurement

The circuit of the sensor measures the change in the resistance and the electrical current as well. The change in the current is directly proportional to the amount of the target gas in the environment. In this way, the analog values are sent to the output device through the analog output pin.

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Digital Output

The MQ-6 provides the feature of digital output as well. The analog values, when exceeding the threshold value set through the potentiometer, are converted into the digital output and the sensor sends the signal through the digital pin. This is useful because usually, this pin is connected to the alarm and in the systems like an automatic alarm that shows the signal of the LPT butane gas presence.

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Physical Dimensions






millimeters (mm)



millimeters (mm)



millimeters (mm)



grams (g)

Package Type

DIP (Dual In-Line)


Pin Count



Pin Spacing


millimeters (mm)

MQ-6 LPG Butane Gas Sensor Applications

Here is a list of simple and basic examples that show the applications where the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor is extensively used:

Gas Leak Detection

  • Homes
  • Industries
  • Vehicles

Air Quality Monitoring

  • Indoor environments
  • Industrial settings

Combustible Gas Safety Systems

  • Appliances
  • Furnaces
  • Leak detection alarms

Environmental Monitoring

  • Landfill gas detection
  • VOC monitoring

Portable Gas Detection Devices

  • Personal safety monitoring
  • Industrial inspections

Research and Development

  • Flammable gas sensing experiments
  • Sensor evaluation and comparison

So, we have studied the MQ-6 LPG butane sensor in detail. We have started our discussion with the basic introduction of this sensor. We’ve seen the gases it can detect, the details of the datasheet, its pinout configuration, working graphs, its internal features, and the working principle in detail. After that, we saw the alternatives and package details along with the physical dimension of this sensor. In the end, we saw examples of different domains where this sensor is widely used. I hope I have covered all the points and you like the content. 

Color LCD Screens as a Versatile Solution for a Number of Applications

The LCD technology is probably one of the ones with the longest-standing history. The LCD display managed to survive for so many years in the market because it’s versatile and flexible. And those are the main qualities a piece of technology should have. Today, consumers are constantly searching for the next gadget to provide them with a completely new experience. And color LCD screens definitely took that assignment seriously.

They’ve definitely come a long way since the initial models. It’s almost impossible to even make a comparison between the robust models of the past and the elegant displays we have now.

Initially, LCD technology started out with large and heavy monochrome screens. And don’t get us wrong, these black and white screens were very popular back then and are even now. But color LCDs brought something new to the scene. Monochrome screens started the long history of LCDs and they marked the first important milestone.

Back then, the black and white screens were the most modern LCD model you can find. And they provided their users with an enjoyable visual experience . Today, you can still see how widespread the use of monochrome displays is. You can still find them in calculators, digital wristwatches and devices used outdoors. They are even used in more complex applications such as industrial settings. So, there’s no denying their simplicity and quality.

But what do color screens have to offer? What kind of experience can they offer? To find out more, keep reading as we try to dig a bit deeper and see what makes these displays so special.

Color LCDs and the technology behind them

The fascinating technology behind color LCD screens includes several different components that all blend together. First of all, we have the liquid crystals that are at the very center of the display technology. They were first used back in 1970. And behind the liquid crystals, there is a layer of backlight that serves to illuminate the display. They contain different components and help produce images on the screen.

There are also color filters included. They are usually red, green and blue(RGB). They help create the desired color output you see on the screen. TFT or thin-film-transistors are another crucial component. They allow precise control over the liquid crystals. And finally, color LCDs also have polarizers that control light polarization.

Color LCDs and their use wide use across different industries 

As mentioned, color LCD screens are used across different industries thanks to their versatility. These vibrant displays have found their purpose in many different types of applications and are used to improve communication, productivity and user experience. Some of the industries where this technology has found its place are listed below.

Consumer electronics

Color LCD screens are widely used in consumer electronics. Anyone who owns a smartphone, laptop or a modern television system, knows what we’re talking about. These displays offer vibrant colors and high resolutions that give users a high-quality viewing experience. With color LCDs you can easily enjoy your favorite entertaining content.

Automotive industry and motor vehicles

The automotive industry is quickly changing and each new motor vehicle has new handy features. Most of the displays used in motor vehicles are in fact color LCD screens. They display all the important information to drivers and make sure the drivers have a safe driving experience.

Also, all the entertainment devices within a motor vehicle, especially the ones found in the latest car models, also use color LCDs to provide easy access to drivers. 

Healthcare and medical industry

Healthcare professionals need to be able to quickly read information on medical devices for a quick diagnostic process. That’s where color displays enter the stage. These displays allow medical staff to get detailed images on their X-ray machines and MRI scanners. They are also used in ultrasound machines and other medical imaging equipment. 

Gaming and entertainment 

A passionate gamer knows the importance of having a high-quality and sharp image. A high-quality color LCD can offer high refresh rates and low response times, everything a gamer needs to smoothly play their favorite games. Color LCDs are used in consoles and other handheld gaming devices

Industrial automation

Color LCDs are used in industrial control panels and in digital signage in industrial settings. They provide operators with exact data and give clear visual feedback for improved monitoring. 

Aviation and aerospace

Color displays have also found their place in aircraft cockpits. They are used to display flight information, navigation data and engine performance metrics. They are highly-readable and are efficient in all lighting conditions. They are also a great option for applications in direct sunlight

Education and training

Multimedia displays and interactive whiteboards also employ color screens to provide learners with an engaging learning experience. They make learning more engaging and allow access to interactive content.

The final word

Color LCDs are definitely a piece of technology that keeps improving and developing to satisfy the needs of modern consumers. As you can see, the vibrant screen is used across different industries to display sharp and high-resolution content. From automotive and aircraft industries to healthcare and gaming, color LCDs serve to show information in a clear way and allow users to quickly decipher the information displayed.

We have yet to see what these screens have in store for the future but we can safely assume that they’ll continue to surprise and keep providing an immersive viewing experience.

Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir