Hello students! I hope you are doing great. Today, I am going to share a reliable sensor that is widely used to sense the air quality in different types of projects and circuits. The increasing ratio of pollution in the air is alarming, and air quality monitoring systems are the need of the time. Th ...
Hi peeps! Welcome to another tutorial where we are discussing the MQ sensor elements. Today, our focus is on the MQ131 ozone gas sensor. Ozone is a major component of air pollution and it leads to multiple health problems related to the respiratory system and other issues. It also has an adverse eff ...
Metalworking, a craft embedded in the core of human civilization, has played an important role in shaping our history and technological advancements. From the ancient artisans who meticulously forged metal objects to the modern engineers pushing the boundaries of materials science, the art of metalw ...
Hi seekers! Welcome to another article discussing a sensor from the MQ gas sensor series. Today, we are discussing the MQ-9 gas sensor, which can detect gases like carbon monoxide, CH4, and LPG. It has a long life and a simple structure, and the heart of this gas sensor is the sensing element on the ...
Hey fellow! Welcome to the next article on the MQ series of sensors, and today our focus is on the MQ-8 which is used to sense the presence of hydrogen gas. We know that hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that humans can not sense easily. It is not toxic like carbon monoxide and ot ...
Hello peeps! I hope you are having a good day. We all know carbon monoxide is a dangerous and harmful gas that can even be fatal. It is a colorless and odorless gas so it is difficult to sense its presence therefore, different types of sensors and indicators are required to make the places safe espe ...
You may worry about your privacy since the online world has become widespread. You want to feel more authoritative and safer while surfing on social media platforms. Maybe, learning how to hide likes on YouTube can help you in the circumstances. You can change your settings with simple steps to make ...
Hello seekers! I hope you all are doing great. Today, we are interested to learn about a basic and one of the most crucial topics in the field of electronics that is, the difference between active and passive components. Knowing the difference between these two is not only fruitful for beginners but ...
Hey pals! Welcome to the next article where we're studying a gas sensor from the MQ sensor series. Today, we’ll understand the MQ-6 LPG butane gas sensor and will know the basic information about this product. This sensor has sensitivity for gases like LPG, isobutane propane etc and it is widely use ...
The LCD technology is probably one of the ones with the longest-standing history. The LCD display managed to survive for so many years in the market because it’s versatile and flexible. And those are the main qualities a piece of technology should have. Today, consumers are constantly searching for ...