The Engineering Projects
A lot of Engineering projects and tutorials for the students to help them in their final year projects and semester projects.
1945 Items

Selecting a Prototyping Firm: Factors to Contemplate

Selecting a Prototype Firm, prototype firm Choosing a prototyping firm to manufacture your things is a crucial decision. Identifying the right match is a difficult task for any firm. Cost, effectiveness, dependability, and operational processes must all be considered before assigning any production assets. Dealing with a prototyping firm sh ...

What is SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) used for?

What is SLS (Selective Laser Sintering), sls, Selective Laser Sintering, SLS used for Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will discuss what is Selective Laser Sintering, why is it used for. Selective Laser Sintering is a popular 3D printing technology used to create durable prototypes and end-use parts from CAD files. Its one of the oldest and mos ...

I2C communication with STM32

STM32 I2c Communication, STM32 I2c, stm32 I2c master, stm32 i2c slave, I2c in stm32, i2c communication in stm32 Departments:Computer EngineeringComputer ScienceMicrocontrollers:STM32 NucleoCodings:CSoftwares:STM32 Cube IDEHello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's lecture, we will have a look at the I2C Communication with STM32 Microcontroller board. I am going to use the Nucleo board for today ...

Solenoid Valve: How They Work

Solenoid Valve, Types of Solenoid Valves, What are Solenoid Valves, Working Principles of Solenoid Valves, Choosing a Solenoid Valve In several domestic, commercial, or industrial settings where gases or liquids have to be distributed or mixed, solenoid valves are used to ensure the accuracy and precision of all the control aspects. To help you understand the types and working principles of solenoid valves, selection criteria, a ...

STM32 Serial Communication in Polling Mode

UART Communication in stm32, usart communication in stm32, stm32 usart, stm32 serial communication, stm32 uart, stm32 usart, polling mode in stm32, polling mode serial stm32 Departments:Computer EngineeringComputer ScienceMicrocontrollers:STM32 NucleoCodings:CSoftwares:STM32 Cube IDEUSART is the acronym for Universal Synchronous-Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter, and is the advancement of the old UART that was unable to handle synchronous communications; in computers, i ...