EEPROMs (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memories) allow the non-volatile storage of application data or the storage of small amounts of data in the event of a power failure. Using external memories that allow you to add storage capacity for all those applications that require data recording. We can choose many types of memories depending on the type of interface and their capacity.
EEPROMs are generally classified and identified based on the type of serial bus they use. The first two digits of the code identify the serial bus used:
Now we will see how to write or read data on an I2C EEPROM like 24C256C. This serial EEPROM is organized as 32,768 words of 8 bits each. The device’s cascading feature allows up to eight devices to share a common 2-wire bus. It is available in various 8-pin packages
The device can be used in applications consuming low power. The device is available in all standard 8-pin packages. The operating voltage is comprised of between 1.7V and 5.5V.
In our example, we connect A0, A1, A2 directly to VCC in this way the device address is 1010111 (in general A0, A1, A2 identify the last three significant bits of the device address 1 0 1 0 A2 A1 A0) is 0x57 in Hexadecimal. The 4 most significant bits are preset (Control Code), the A0, A1, A2 are Chip Select Bits.
Now we start with our project using STNucleoL053R8 and STCube to generate the initialization code. Below is shown the connection
So, we configure the I2C1 using STCube and leave all configuration as it is and we will operate in polling mode.
In GPIO setting select PA9 (SDA) and PA8 (SCL).
Our project has been initialized by STCubeMX. In the /Core/Src/main.c we will find our main where we will write the main body of our program.
Now let’s see what the code generator did:
First of all, we find the “Include” section we can add the library needed.
/* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "main.h"In our case we can add also “stm32l0xx_hal.h” library to be able to use HAL library (I2C HAL library included)
#include "stm32l0xx_hal.h " #include "Var.h " #include "Funct.h "In “Private variables” has been defined two privates variable htim2 and hi2c1;
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ TIM_HandleTypeDef htim2; UART_HandleTypeDef hi2c1; unsigned short int address; // eeprom address unsigned char EEP_pag = 0x00 // EEPROM page unsigned char EEP_pos = 0x00 // EEPROM position unsigned char rdata = 0x00 // to store the data read from EEPROMIn “Private function prototypes” we find the protype of function to initialize the System Clock, GPIO, timer and peripheral:
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ void SystemClock_Config(void); static void MX_GPIO_Init(void); static void MX_TIM2_Init(void); static void MX_I2C1_Init(void);
This function has been generated automatically by STCubeMx with the parameter selected.
The main contains the initialization of the peripherals and variables, before the while loop the code call the function Write_EEPROM() and Read_EEPROM() to write and read a data in a specific address of the EEPROM. these functions were written in EEPROM.c, a C file added to our project in the src folder.
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ /* USER CODE END Init */ /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */ /* USER CODE END SysInit */ /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_TIM2_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ address = 0x00 << 8 | 0x00 // eeprom page 0 , position 0 // Now we want to store 10 in page 0x00 and position 0x00 of EEPROM Write_EEPROM(address, 10, 0) // Now we want store in rdata variable the content of cell memory 0x0000 rdata = Read_EEPROM(address, 0) /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ } /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }Furthermore, we have added two header files and one c file:
/** Var.h * Created on: 27 ott 2021 * Author: utente */ #ifndef INC_VAR_H_ #define INC_VAR_H_ extern unsigned char buf[20]; extern int i; #endif /* INC_VAR_H_ */
/** Funct.h * Created on: 28 ott 2021 * Author: utente */ #ifndef INC_FUNCT_H_ #define INC_FUNCT_H_ extern unsigned char Read_EEPROM(unsigned int, unsigned char); extern void Write_EEPROM(unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char); #endif /* INC_FUNCT_H_ */
/** Serial.c * Created on: Oct 29, 2021 * Author: utente */ #include "stm32l0xx.h" // Device header #include "stm32l0xx_hal_conf.h" #include "stm32l0xx_hal.h " #include "Var.h " #include "Funct.h " extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1; unsigned char Read_EEPROM(unsigned int addr, unsigned char device) { unsigned char page; uint8_t dato; page=0xAF; // due to chip select bits setting HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1,page, addr, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, &dato,1,5); return dato; } void Write_EEPROM(unsigned int addr, unsigned char dato, unsigned char device) { unsigned char page; page=0xAF; //due to chip select bits setting HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1,page, addr, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, &dato,1,5 ); while(HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, 0xA0, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK); HAL_Delay(10); }Now we are ready to compile and run the project:
We are discussing these logic gates because they are the main building block of complicated logic. Normally, complex logic is designed using multiple logic gates. So, today, we will simulate the basic logic gates i.e. AND, OR, and NOT, while in the next lecture, we will simulate NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR in PLC Simulator. So, let's get started:
In very simple language, it is a Boolean decision that has one of only two values either “TRUE” or “FALSE”, not both. For instance, the decision to run or shut down a motor, open or close a valve etc. Well! For deciding such Boolean nature thing, there are two things, inputs and logic to apply on those inputs. On the other way, logic gates apply some sort of logic to the inputs to determine the state of the output.
It’s a table that lists all possible combinations of the inputs and the state of the output for each record. For example, a gate with two inputs has four possible combinations of the inputs and four states of the output. inputs.
There are seven basic logic gates. Some of them have only one input while others have two inputs. There are seven basic logic gates which are “AND”, “OR”, “NOT”, “NOR”, “XOR”, “XNOR”, and “NAND”. So let us enjoy a short journey with them having a fast stop at each one’s station. Our trip will include, how they work, design, timing diagram, and connection with ladder logic programming.
Table 1: Truth table of the AND, OR, NOT logic
Switch A | Switch B | Motor |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Switch | Output | |
0 | 1 | |
1 | 0 |
The “AND” logic gate has two inputs and one output. Like its name, the only condition for having the output become true, is by having both inputs, input A and input B are true. Table 1 lists the truth table of the “AND” gate and Fig. 1 images the symbol of the “AND” gate. In addition, Fig. 2 shows a sample of ladder logic rung that uses “AND” gate logic. It decides the status of the motor based on two switches. The two switches must be in true status for running the motor. ‘to sum up, the logic of the “AND” gate, is that, the output comes to true when and only when both inputs A and B are true.
Input A | Input B | Output |
False | False | False |
True | False | False |
False | True | False |
True | True | True |
Fig. 1: symbol of “AND” logic gate [1]
In the ladder logic rung shown in Fig. 2, there are two contacts I1 and I2, they are of normally open (NO) type, these two contacts are connected in series, so the only way to set the output to true is that both contacts I1 and I2 must set to true. For full imagination, please notice the timing diagram of the inputs and output signals shown in Fig. 3. It shows the output is only high when both inputs are high.
Fig. 3: The timing diagram of the “AND” logic gate
Figure 19: Simulating AND logic
This logic gate has two inputs and one output like the “AND” gate. Like its name, the output comes true when either input A or input B comes true as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4: The symbol of “OR” logic gate [1]
Table 2 lists the truth table of the “OR” gate. It lists all possible combinations of inputs and the output status as well. It shows that the output comes to true when input A or input B comes to true.
Input A | Input B | Output |
False | False | False |
True | False | True |
False | True | True |
True | True | True |
Figure 5 shows an example of a ladder logic rung that implements the “OR” logic. We can implement this by connecting two inputs I1 and I2 in parallel branches and to the output. like this way of connection, the output can be set to true by simply setting I1 or I2 or both true. Once more, let us see the timing diagram in fig. 6, it is clearly shown that the output goes high as long as either one or both of the inputs are true.
Fig. 5: sample ladder logic rung for “OR” logic [2]
Fig. 6: the timing diagram of the “OR” logic gate
Figure 20: Simulating OR logic
This logic gate has only one input and one output. In a very simple language, the output is the invert logic of the input. So when the input is true, the output would come to false and vise versa as shown in Fig. 7.
Table 3 lists the truth table rows of all possible combination of input and output.
Table 3: the truth table of the “NOT” logic gate
Input | Output |
True | False |
False | True |
Figure 8 depicts a very simple example of a ladder logic rung that shows the output Q1 is the reverse logic of the input I1. In addition, Fig. 9 shows the timing diagram of input and output of the “NOT” logic gate. It shows clearly that, the output is the reverse of the input.
Fig. 8: Sample of the ladder logic rung representing “NOT” logic [2]
Fig. 9: The timing diagram of the NOT logic gate
Before going further with the logic gates, I want to let you know the good news that, you can implement any logic by using the aforementioned three logic gates “AND”, “OR”, and “NOT”. However, for simplification, the other logic gates are designed based on using these three logic gates in different topologies to perform a specific logic functions.
Figure 21: simulating Not logic
Now! I appreciate your follow-up to our PLC tutorial. I am very happy to feel that, by moving further in our plc tutorial our experience is getting increasing bit by bit. However, some questions may come to our mind like does the operator needs to keep pressing input like the push button to keep the motor running? What happens if he released it, does the motor stop? Well! By asking such questions, I can affirm you start your way to master PLC programming and its logic. And let me say the answer to your questions is yes the operator needs to keep pressing the input push-button until the motor has done its task. But that is not the best practice in the real life. There are other techniques to keep the motor running by one touch of the push button, thanks to latching, setting, and resetting techniques as we will show you in the next sections.
Table 2: The first three scan cycles of latching operation
Scan cycle | Run (I0.0) | Motor status (Q0.0) | Motor coil (Q0.0) |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
2 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
We may be sure of the logic we wrote for coding the ladder logic of the latching technique. However, at this point how about going to the simulation lab to work out our latch ladder logic program to enjoy validating our ladder code by putting it in the simulator and see how far it match what it is designed for.
Figure 24: simulation result of the first ladder program
We will concentrate on moving forward with ladder coding which is our target. However, we just tried to show you at any time you can validate your ladder at any point to enjoy and confirm you are on the right track as long as you are working on your project.
Let’s use another approach for latching which is based on using set and reset coil. Figure 25 shows the set and reset methods.
Well! The rational expectation is that the motor won’t be able to start. However, the good thing is there is a magic solution to differentiate between the situation of this is a normal stop request by the operator or the button is hold pressed unintentionally or due to an issue with the switches. The one-shot technique can magically recognize the event of pressing or releasing the pushbuttons. Therefore, when it is held for a long time or forever that is only one button press event and for triggering it needs to release and pressed once again. That’s amazing but how does it work? Well! Let’s go demonstrate the concept of how it works, implementation using ladder logic, and give an example to understand it consistently and enjoy the magic of one-shot action.
Figure 25: set and reset for easy latching output
Two edges happened when a pushbutton pressed and released which are falling edge and rising edge as shown in figure 26. It depicts the rising edge when the button is pressed and the falling edge when it has been released. Now, let's move to ladder logic, there are two equivalent rising and falling edge contacts that can be used to tell the PLC this is a one-shot signal. Figure 27 shows how the use of the rising edge of the reset pushbutton |P| at address I0.3. it shows that despite the reset being pressed, its effect in the moment of pressing and then it needs to be released and pressed again to reset the valve at Q0.1. in the next section, let’s get to business and work out one practical example which represents a real problem in the industry just to harvest the fruit of what we have learned so far.
Figure 26: The rising and falling edge [2]
Figure 27: The effects of one-shot technique in ladder logic
So, that was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed today's lecture. In the next tutorial, we will simulate Advance Logic Gates using Ladder Logic Programming. We will design NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR gates in the next lecture. Thanks for reading.
After this article, you will have a complete understanding of PLC contact and coil including their types and possible causes. Because they are the building block of any rung of a ladder logic program. So let us start with ladder logic rung components.
Figure 1: Normally Open (NO) contact [1]
Figure 2: Normally open contact or switch in a circuit [2]
Figure 3: Normally Closed (NC) contact
Figure 4: Normally close contact or switch in a circuit [2]
Figure 6: active and inactive coil
To our fortune we no longer need wires and devices to practice what we have been learning together, thanks to the simulator, which we have installed in the previous lecture. Let's create a new project on TIA portal software and test it with the PLCSIM simulator.
As this is the first time to use our software to write and simulate a ladder logic code, let us go step by step creating our very first project on the TIA portal software.
Figure 7: Creating a new project on TIA portal software
Figure 8: adding PLC controller
Figure 9: adding program block
I just want to say well done! And congratulate you that you are now all set to start writing your first ladder logic rung as shown in Figure 10. It shows on the left the project components including hardware i.e. devices and controllers, networking devices, configurations, program blocks etc. The most important thing you need to know for now is the program blocks which contain the only main block and other blocks as the project needs. Now! please stare your eye toward the right to see the icon bar that contains every ladder symbol. You can see the contact of normally open and normally closed. Furthermore, you should see the coil and more which we are going to go into detail later in our upcoming articles of PLC tutorial.
Figure 10: starting writing ladder code
Figure 11: writing the first ladder logic program
Figure 12: compiling ladder logic program
Figure 13: Example of an error in compilation
Figure 14: calling simulator and downloading program
Figure 15: the wizard of downloading the ladder program to plc controller
But wait! Will you continue pressing the push button for our motor to keep running? For sure No, there should be a way to let it keep running by just hitting the button thanks to the latching technique.
Figure 16: Simulating the first PLC code
Figure 17: forcing the inputs on and off
Figure 18: operating using simulator full control window
Now, how do you see your progress so far? I can see you have just completed the most basics of ladder logic programming. You are now very familiar with the ladder basic components, using the editor to write a ladder logic program, simulate your work for verifying your logic correctness. So you are doing progressively and that’s great to hear that. However, we still have a lot to learn to master ladder logic programming. For example, using blocks like timers, counters, mathematical blocks, data comparison etc. So we hope you have enjoyed what we have reached so far in our PLC tutorial and please get yourself ready for the next part. In the next part, you will learn about types of Timers and how you set their configuration and how you utilize them to achieve the timing-based tasks accurately.
As PLC is an Industrial Controller, it comes with built-in relays/transistors(with protection circuitry) and thus is quite expensive as compared to microcontrollers/microprocessors i.e. Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc. Moreover, if you are working on a real PLC, you need to do some wiring in order to operate it. So, in order to avoid these PLC issues at the beginning, instead of buying a PLC one should work on a PLC Simulator. Using PLC Simulator, we can program our PLC controller and imitate its real behavior without having the hardware, saving both time and money as now we don't need to buy a new PLC and can start right away.
To sum up, by completing this article you will have a complete lab that includes the software you are going to use, the simulator that plays as the hardware, and certainly, you will be familiar with installing a PLC programming environment by which you can program, configure, moving the program to the PLC hardware, retrieving the program from the PLC to the software environment, and testing your program on the simulator. In addition, we are going to test our environment setup with a very basic program and take the chance to show you how to program, configure, upload, and test your program on the simulator.
As I mentioned in the last tutorial, we are going to work on Siemens PLC throughout this tutorial, as it's one of the most common PLC controllers. So, we are going to install PLC Environment designed by Siemens and is called Total integrated automation (TIA). Along with this software, we will also need to install a PLC Simulator called S7 PLCSIM, again designed by Siemens. At the time of this writing, their most stable versions are 15.1, so download these two applications from below links:
After downloading the TIA and the simulator, we extract the package by double click on the file we downloaded, and then it will be self-extracted and initiate the setup wizard as shown in the below figure. The image shows many steps. Moving our eyes from left to right, on the first part, the downloaded package has been extracted. In the next part of the picture in the middle, the setup wizard gets started by general settings in which you can set the preferred language and select the preferred installation location. The third part shows the setup goes on progressively and takes you to the end of the installation of the software IDE. Congratulation! You know have the programming software IDE installed on your computer and the good news is, all packages of Siemens go with the same scenario, you download the software package files. Click them to be extracted. And then, the installation wizard is launched by the end of file extraction which is a very systematic and easy way.
Figure 2: TIA portal version 15.1 setup wizard
Well done so far! After having the programming software IDE completed, the next step is to install the simulator package which is PLCSIM version 15.1. Download PLCSim from the above link and then double-click the downloaded file of the simulator package as shown in Figure 3 to start extracting the packed file. You will be asked for the language and the location you prefer to have the installation folder. So you can leave it as the default or go with your preferences.
Figure 3: PLC simulator PLCSIM version 15.1 package extraction
After file extraction has been completed, the setup wizard will start automatically as shown in Figure 4 with the general setting screen by which you can set the preferred language and the location to install the simulator software. So you can use the default setting or update with your preferred choices.
Figure 4: the simulator setup general settings
Figure 5 shows the simulator setup configurations screen which helps you to configure and customize your installation. In this configuration screen, you can go with the typical options of installation in which all software components are selected to be installed or you can customize your installation to select or deselect components of the package. And by hitting the next button of this window, the installation will go on as shown in figure 6 until the end of the installation. During the installation progress, Siemens show off the features you may find in the software and the facilities you will enjoy by using this software. At the end of the installation, the wizard will request you to restart your computer now or later for completing the setup wizard by saving settings and registry values related to the installed software as shown in figure 7. That’s great! As for now, you have everything is ready and you are all set to get started and enjoy practice and learning the ladder logic programming and simulating your work.
Figure 5: the simulator setup configurations
Figure 6: the simulator installation screen
Figure 7: Simulator setup completion screen
Before going any further let us check the successfulness of the installation process of the software and PLC simulator. Simply go to start and open TIA portal 15 and S7-PLCSIM you will see the software opening with no problem as shown in Figures 8 and 9. In figure 8, you can see options to create a new project or open an existing project. Also, there is an option to migrate projects from one version to another version by upgrading or downgrading the version of the projects. In addition, you can enjoy the welcome tour to know about the software programming tools and be familiar with its components. In addition, there is an option to check the installed software to validate the packages you select to include within your installation. for any further information you can click help to search and inquiry about any doubts.
Figure 8: Opening the TIA 15 software for testing installation successfulness
Moving to the S7 PLCSIM simulator software, as you can see in Figure 9, it is a very smart and simple interface. It shows a power button by clicking it you can shutdown the PLC controller or turn it on. Also, all indicators like the real PLC controller are included. You can see the RUN/STOP indicator. In addition, the ERROR indicator blinks red for any faults with the CPU of the PLC. In addition, you can see the run and stop buttons to start and stop the controller. Also, the MRES button to reset the PLC to the default values at any time. In addition, there is a detailed interface of the S7 PLCSIM simulator as shown in Figure 10. You can launch the detailed or maximized interface of the simulator by hitting the top-right icon on the shortcut window version of the simulator.
Figure 9: Opening the PLC simulator PLCSIM 15 for testing installation successfulness
The shortcut or the small version of the simulator shows the basic functions of the simulator like starting and stopping the controller or resetting the PLC and showing the status of the controller i.e. Run, stop, in fault status. But, the maximized or the detailed window simulator interface shows more options and facilities of the simulator. For example, you can create a simulation project to link it with a PLC project. Showing status of all input and output channels on the Input and output modules. In addition, it enables you to set and reset any of the inputs as we will elaborate in detail later in the next articles.
Figure 10: Opening the PLC simulator PLCSIM 15 in detail mode
After completing the installation successfully of the programming tools software TIA version 15.1 and the simulator PLCSIM version 15.1, it should be validated to make sure all components are installed and working properly. Let us validate by going through the functions and wizard. You now get in the Lab by opening the TIA portal and hitting create a new project as shown in Figure 11. On the right, you just need to name your project like for example let it be “first_ladder_prog” and you may leave the default location of projects or alter the data to the project file location as you prefer.
Figure 11: Creating a new project on the TIA portal
By hitting create, the creating project wizard comes out as shown in figure 12. As you can see you have many options to do on this screen like configuring the hardware, designing visualizations by designing and programming a human-machine interface (HMI) screen, motion control, or writing a ladder logic program. As for now do not worry about all these options as they are all not our scope in this series except those are relating to ladder logic programming like writing program option and configuring PLC device and network which we will come to them later in the next articles. For testing the installed software, you can simply select write a plc program for now.
Figure 12: creating project wizard
By choosing to write a PLC program, the wizard takes us to add the controller on which we are going to run the designed program as shown in Figure 13. If you are not familiar with the type of PLC controller models and hardware for now. That is not an issue because we are here to learn Ladder logic programming which is general for most PLC controllers of all brands i.e. Siemens, Schneider, Rockwell Automation, Allen Bradley, Beckhoff, WAGO, et cetera. So, for now, let us for testing purposes select S7-1200 which is one of Siemens PLC controllers to use in our project. By hitting the yellow small cross icon to add a device. You will see the list of the Siemens controllers that have appeared. For each controller, you can see many versions. Each version represents firmware for example, by selecting S7-1200 CPU 1211C AC/DC/RLY, you will see three versions. Each version represents a specific controller CPU in the market i.e. the selected one if of firmware ver 4.2 as shown in figure 14. By seeing this long list of CPUs and models, that means the software has been installed successfully and is ready to be used in our projects. So congratulation for successfully setting up the working environment for our Lab of ladder logic programming and being ready for utilizing this environment including programming software TIA 15.1 and simulator S7 PLCSIM version 15.1 in our learning and practice.
Figure 13: adding PLC controller wizard
Figure 14: selecting S7-1200 CPU v4.2
There is a wide range of aluminum anodizing colors to choose from; therefore, product developers need to know how to color match before releasing the end product. Let’s examine more on anodizing aluminum parts, how to color anodized aluminum and the common anodized aluminum colors.
Anodizing is an electrolytic process that produces excellent mechanical properties to enhance aluminum parts' durability and visual appeal. Manufacturers use the anodizing process for corrosion resistance to prevent surface scratches and improve surface hardness, making it an ideal foundation for painting or coating.
The aluminum parts are coated using a wear-resistant oxide layer which meets the aesthetic requirement of most users.
Manufacturers use three common types of anodizing processes, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Each method differs due to the coating intensity.
This anodizing process is a “lighter” alternative. It uses chromic acid as the electrolyte. During the electrochemical process, the positive particles from the aluminum part form microscopic grooves, which are oxidized to form an oxide layer. Aluminum parts made via this process have better corrosion and heat resistance.
This is the most common method of anodizing aluminum parts. Instead of chromic acid, this process uses sulfuric acid, which is more potent and produces better positive aluminum particles than Type 1. The oxide layer becomes thicker; therefore, the parts have better paint retention properties.
The common color options for this process include blue, red, brown, purple, green, gold, black, and grey.
Type 3 is the ideal one for hard coating and making heavy aluminum products. It uses a higher voltage and sulfuric acid.
The anodizing aluminum colors are very different from the ones used in powder coating or painting. The colors will depend on the grade, size, and finish tapes. Here's the process.
The anodizing process begins with cleaning the aluminum part with detergent and rinsing tanks. The part is then etched to give a matte, polished and shiny surface finish. The etching and brightening are done to remove any trace amounts of metal. The material removed depends on the size, shape, temperature, and solution pH.
After cleaning, you need to build the oxide layer on the aluminum part. Depending on the coating intensity you want to achieve, you can use Type 1, 2, or 3 anodizing processes. Once the piece is suspended in the electrolyte, you need to keep in mind that the shape and size of pores depend on the metal alloy.
In addition, the depth of the pores will depend on the electric voltage, tank temperature, time in the tank, and solution concentration.
Manufacturers add anodized aluminum colors in four ways, dip coloring, electrolytic coloring, interference, and integral coloring.
With dip coloring, the part is placed in a tank containing a dye. Once the dye is absorbed into the pores, the surface is boiled in de-ionized water to stop further reactions. Although there are many coloring variants, they are not UV resistant.
On the other hand, with electrolytic, the part is immersed in a solution containing metallic salts. These salts fill the pores to form a UV-resistant layer. However, the colors are limited to brown and black.
Interference coloring works by enlarging the pore structure. The metals are then deposited, which results in blue, green, and yellow to red colors. These colors form because of optical interference effects. Integral coloring combines coloring and anodizing by adding bronze and black shades.
Once the aluminum part is completely dyed, the last step is sealing it off to preserve the color. This sealing process protects the part from absorbing undesired molecules.
There are several possible colors for anodizing aluminum. For effective results, the product developer needs to understand the concept of color matching. Let’s take a look at some of the critical factors you should look out for when matching colors.
To achieve the best aluminum reflective properties, the part of the film is essential. Use a sample with the same finish when color matching.
When anodizing aluminum parts, looks out for the grade. Each aluminum grade has a different color variant and shade, which could affect the color matching.
The crystalline structure affects the reflective properties of the aluminum part. Therefore, before you color match, check that the reflective angle is the correct one.
The dyes affect the color variation. When product developers use more dyes, there’s an increase in color variation. During layering, this variation also differs.
If you anodize your parts, here are some advantages.
Anodized aluminum parts have a visually appealing look. This makes them popular with users because they are market-ready.
The oxide layer from the anodizing process protects the aluminum parts from corrosion. This makes them durable than other parts which have had powder coating or painting.
After manufacturing is done, it’s essential to have a quality surface finish. There are different anodizing processes that product developers can use. It’s also vital to choose the best anodizing aluminum colors according to the aluminum part. This makes it easier to color match and get the best end product.
Anodizing has benefits such as boosting the product's aesthetic value, enhancing the surface finish, and increasing durability. Therefore, it's an essential step in manufacturing aluminum parts for any industry.
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share the 10th chapter in the PCB learning series. So far, we have studied the basics of PCB i.e. What is PCB? Main Types of PCB, techniques to mount components on PCB etc. Now, we are ready to have a look at the complete PCB Fabrication Process.
So, in today's tutorial, I am going to share a detailed guide on PCB Fabrication Process. We will discuss everything related to it i.e. How PCB boards are manufactured? Which material is used to fabricate printed circuit boards? etc. But before starting the Fabrication PRocess, we first have to understand a few terms/features. So, let's get started:
Here are a few of the factors affecting the laminate quality:
Key parameters of substrates are:
In the beginning, PCBs are designed on a clear mylar sheet having a photomask.
Modern PCBs are produced by adopting the following steps.
PCB manufacturing consists of many complex steps.
There are many online PCB Fabrication Houses available, offering PCB & PCBA manufacturing services. We are going to take the example of JLCPCB Fabrication House. Let's see How to place an online PCB Fabrication order on JLCPCB company.
So, that was all for today. In the next lecture, we will have a look at the PCB Panelization Process. I hope you have enjoyed today's lecture. Thanks for reading.
Hello friends, I hope you all are in good health. Today we will discuss a detailed overview of flexible PCB, its definition, types, advantages and manufacturing. We will also discuss why we need flexible PCB? We will discuss its uses and the reason for its high price, as it's expensive than other PCB types. I will try to deliver you my best knowledge about flexible PCB so you will clear understanding of flexible PCB. So let’s try to absorb everything about flexible PCB.
Let's discuss the pricing of Flexible PCB and here I am going to take the example of an online PCB Fabrication House named PCBWay. It's a well-renowned PCB house and provides competitive rates with a quality product.
The manufacturing process for FPCB is procedural and structural. that's the main reason for its high cost. The manufacturing process of Flexible PCB is too lengthy, complex and needs a special environment, which makes it too expensive to design. Let us try to understand three major steps involved in the manufacturing of FPCB.
The material used as a substrate is polyimide and in this step, the main focus is to save the base material because it is expensive than FR- 4. So to avoid wastage of polyimide circuits are placed close to each other. It includes the following steps:
Flexible printed circuit boards should have to be improved in the following aspects:
In the future flexible printed circuit board should be thinner and more flexible. They should have the flexibility of complete 360°.
Improved and developed substrates should be used to overcome the folding resistance.
At this time flexible printed circuit boards are too much costly. In the future, their price should be reduced to increase their market growth rate.
It is very difficult to make flexible PCBs because they required highly qualified personals, high machinery, and a lot of time. In the future, their process level should be upgraded and minimum line width and minimum aperture must meet higher requirements.
Many factors affect the cost of the flexible printed circuit board. But I am here to categorize these parameters into these cost drivers.
The size of the flexible PCB is measured in a square inch and the price is calculated as price/ square inch.
So for large flexible printed circuit boards having the vast size, the price will be high than the smaller one.
When the no of layers increases the price of flexible PCB increases. So double-layer FPCB has high price than the single-layer FPCB and multi-layer FPCB must be high in price than single and double layer FPCB. Price also depends upon the material used in the construction. Price also depends upon the no of pads, for more pads used in flexible PCB price will be high.
Price also depends upon the volume of flexible PCB. For greater volume price will be high.
Finishing determines the shelf life of the flexible printed circuit board. With good quality, the finishing price is affected.
It is difficult to make small holes, and for small holes, which are normally drilled in the flexible printed circuit boards, the price will be high than the big holes.
For more holes price will also be high.
When the custom specification is required that will add to the price of the flexible printed circuit board. Examples of custom specifications are contoured edges, side plating, and solder mask clearance.
In the future, flexible printed circuit boards will play a major role in security and entertainment dynamics.
The demand for flexible printed circuit boards is not high till 2016 but now their demand is increasing day by day. In future preference will be given to the flexible products in the market.
In short, the future belongs to flexible products.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected computing devices like digital machines, automobiles with inbuilt sensors, having unique identifiers and the ability to communicate data over a network without the need for human intervention.
Before implementation, let's first have a look at what is MQTT Protocol?Where To Buy? | ||||
No. | Components | Distributor | Link To Buy | |
1 | ESP32 | Amazon | Buy Now |
Fig 1: ESP32 MQTT Protocol
This messaging protocol follows the Publish and Subscribe model. The Publisher and Subscribers of the message, communicate via Topics and are separated from one another. The broker is in charge of their communication. The broker's job is to filter all incoming messages and distribute them to the subscribers in the most efficient way possible. The broker pushes the information to the client whenever something new becomes available, so the client doesn't have to pull the information.
Because there are so many ready-to-use brokers and client applications, getting started with MQTT is a breeze.
Fig 2: MQTT Publish and Subscribe architecture
It is a lightweight and versatile IoT communication and data transfer protocol aimed at IoT developers who want to strike a compromise between flexibility and network resources.
All the MQTT messages have a small footprint which adds a lightweight feature to this protocol.
In MQTT every message has:
MQTT protocol implementation will allow you to use your User name and password for security purposes. If you added the authentication feature while creating the MQTT server then stranger clients can’t communicate to your MQTT server.
There is no direct link between clients in MQTT.
A broker connects the subscriber and the publisher in this messaging protocol. As a result, the subscriber and publisher can converse about any issue that the broker handles.
Polling is a procedure in which the controlling devices wait for input from an external device to determine whether the device is ready to broadcast data. MQTT protocol follows instantaneous push-based delivery. So there is no need to continuously check or poll before sending data which results in reduced network traffic.
MQTT supports the storage and forwarding of persistent messages on the broker. Clients can ask for the broker to keep messages after they've been published. When this feature is used, any persisted message will be broadcast to a client who has subscribed to a topic. The most recent persistent message is the only one that gets saved. Unlike typical messaging queues, however, the MQTT broker prevents these persisted messages from being backed up inside the server.
It enables changes in communication patterns and functionality without causing a system-wide ripple effect.
As we have already discussed that MQTT follows Subscriber and Publisher architecture where the broker acts as an interface between the clients. So there is no need of computer to computer interface hence providing simplified communication.
Quality of service is a kind of indicator which ensures that messages are exchanged between the sender and the receiver. There are three levels of QoS:
MQTT protocol is mostly used in IoT(internet of things) applications for data transmission. The data can be read from some sensors or some temperature value.
Fig 3: MQTT Applications
Some other applications where you can use it are :
Adding libraries will be the initial stage.
#include <WiFi.h> #include <PubSubClient.h>
Fig 4: Adding library to Arduino IDE.
const char* ssid = "public"; //add your SSID const char* password = "ESP32@123"; // add your password
const char* mqttServer = ""; const int mqttPort = 1883; //12948; const char* mqttUser = "public"; const char* mqttPassword = "ESP32@123";
Serial.begin(115200); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000); Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi.."); }
Serial.println("Connected to the Wi-Fi network");
client.setServer(mqttServer, mqttPort); while (!client.connected()) { Serial.println("Connecting to MQTT..."); if (client.connect("ESP32Client", mqttUser, mqttPassword )) { Serial.println("connected to MQTT"); } else { Serial.print("failed to connect "); Serial.print(client.state()); delay(2000); } }
client.publish("esp/test", "ESP32");
client.subscribe("esp/test");Finally, we'll subscribe to the topic we're interested in. Other clients' communications will be published on that topic, and we will receive them this way. For that purpose, we use the subscribe method, which takes the name of the topic we want to subscribe to as an argument.
For testing purposes, we will use MQTT_lens which is a Google Chrome application to establish a connection with the broker.
Fig: MQTT_lens broker
This concludes today’s tutorial, hope you find it helpful.
The evolution of technology over the decades has helped almost all sectors to grow and flourish. And, the medical sector is no different. The way medicine was practiced a couple of decades ago has been completely changed today. This has obviously brought in multiple benefits to the patients. The treatment time has lowered and so has the accuracy increased. People now trust technology to get their treatments done.
This article highlights certain technologies that have transformed modern medicine.
This is the prime example of how technology has transformed the way of conducting treatments and keeping records. The paper filing system of patients is now long gone. It is now replaced with electronic record-keeping. This has made collaboration easier and smoother and facilities can focus better on patient care now. The entire medical history of patients is available in just a click and doctors can make better and detailed decisions about their treatment plan.
This is yet another great way by which technology is driving healthcare. With the evolution of wearable technology, patient engagement has increased more than ever. And, more healthcare facilities are trying to connect with their patients through these hyper-targeted and extremely personalized health and fitness plans. The data that is driving the results is extremely accurate and the recommendations are loved by the patients. The technology tries to understand every individual motivation and design solutions that reflect well with their lifestyles and that are manageable on both ends.
Virtual healthcare or telehealth was there initially also but it gained popularity pretty recently after the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It has increased the communication efficiency between the clinics, healthcare providers, and the patients who are seeking help. The information exchange has become simpler and one can easily track and monitor the changes that are visible after every telehealth interaction. The data is optimized and your treatment is curated across a stable plan of action.
Surgeries are equally benefited through this progressive technology. It is now possible to draw virtual 3D reconstructions before any major surgery on trauma patients. It helps the surgeons to make the most accurate incisions on the skin and have bony reconstruction with plates. This is a great way to plan the surgeries and monitor the flow of blood in those regions. We are hopeful the future will see more advanced improvements in this field to help the surgeons.
When both of these are combined, many new opportunities arise. There are handheld devices that use both of these technologies to make veins in a patient's body visible. They also help the doctors to sense heat by just using a single device. The combination of both these technologies improves the activities like drawing blood or IV insertions.
Besides these, there are many other innovations in health care devices that have streamlined the treatments to a great extent while helping the industry move forward. The patients can now confidently rely on the system for their treatments.
The energy management system will further help detect the failures in the process, leaks or anomalies, and provide information on how much the utilities are used during the non-production time. After assessing the data offered by this tool, you can decide to depend upon the real data and then collate the production data with the utility usage. You can get the best energy monitoring software online, one of the best places to get tools for energy management and monitoring for businesses.
There Are Various Benefits Of Using This Tool, And They Are-
As said before, Energy checking frameworks give clients information about their utilization designs so they can settle on informed energy the board choices and expand investment funds. It is completed utilizing energy observing programming that accumulates energy utilization information, dissects it. Afterward, gives valuable data straightforwardly to the customer's gadget.
The product utilizes counters or sub-counters situated nearby or in the structure to accumulate information for every item (power, heat, water, gas) to give a total image of energy utilization. Because of these energy observing methods, clients can monitor the amount they are devouring. They can also monitor how the item is utilized at some random season of day or night.
EMS framework focuses on unlimited authority over the Utilization and cost of utilities in the processing plant. Counters cautions and controlling dashboards give the client the likelihood of dealing with the utilities. They are also expected in all pieces of the processing plant – from the creation floor to workplaces. Relationship with creation information takes into consideration full examination and straightforwardness of the actual production costs. Dynamic checking upholds the identification of holes and misuse of utilities that can be not entirely obvious and fixed.
It helps to analyze all utilities in the current location with detailed information on planned and actual usage. It also helps in displaying trends and forecasts.
Information on utility utilization can get a connection with creation information, showing a precise image of complete creation and non-creation costs.
It is a tool for controlling the total amount of electrical power used to avoid the expensive penalties for breaching or crossing the limits. With the help of tracking the system, it issues warnings on the incoming faults with the proper advance.
Choose the EMS or the energy monitoring system, an advanced solution for monitoring energy consumption. In addition, it allows for the implementation of additional software like the contracted capacity guard. Choose EMS for the higher energy management at the workplace.