The Engineering Projects
A lot of Engineering projects and tutorials for the students to help them in their final year projects and semester projects.
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Write and Read an I2C EEPROM with STM32

I2C eeprom, Write and Read an EEPROM with STM32, STM32CubeMX project, Serial I2C, I2C EEPROM with STM32 Departments:Computer EngineeringComputer ScienceMicrocontrollers:STM32 NucleoCodings:CSoftwares:STM32 Cube IDE EEPROMs (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memories) allow the non-volatile storage of application data or the storage of small amounts of data in the event of a power failure. U ...

Designing Logic Gates in PLC Simulator

Ladder logic contact, Normally open contact, Normally close contact, The coil, Create our very first ladder program, Creating a new project on the TIA portal, Writing the first program on the TIA portal software, Simulating the first ladder logic program, Simulating our first program, Simulating ANR, OR, and NOT logic, AND logic, OR logic, NOT logic, Enjoying simulation of the latching ladder program, Latching output, Latching ladder code simulation, Latching using set and reset, The signal edges Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to design logic gates in PLC Simulator. It's our 4th tutorial in Ladder Logic Programming Series. We come today to elaborate the logic gates with comprehensive details for their importance in PLC programming. you can c ...

Creating the First Ladder Logic Program in PLC Simulator

Ladder logic contact, Normally open contact, Normally close contact, The coil, Create our very first ladder program, Creating a new project on the TIA portal, Writing the first program on the TIA portal software, Simulating the first ladder logic program, Simulating our first program, Simulating ANR, OR, and NOT logic, AND logic, OR logic, NOT logic, Enjoying simulation of the latching ladder program, Latching output, Latching ladder code simulation, Latching using set and reset, The signal edges Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to create the first Ladder Logic Program in PLC Simulator. It's 3rd tutorial in our Ladder Logic Programming Series. In our previous tutorial, we have installed PLC Simulator and now we can say our lab is ready to learn ...

Installing PLC Simulator for Ladder Logic Programming

Simulation environment setup, setup the working environment, downloading the software simulation packages, installing the programming software package, Installing the PLC simulator, Simulator setup, Checking the setup environment Hello friends, I hope you are doing very well! In today's tutorial, we will set up a simulation environment for Ladder Logic Programming. It's our second tutorial in Ladder Logic Programming Series. In our previous tutorial, we have seen a detailed Introduction to Ladder Logic Programming and we ha ...

Everything You Need To Know About Anodizing Aluminum Colors

Aluminum anodizing colors, What is aluminum anodizing, What are the types of anodizing processes, How to color aluminum parts using anodizing, How do you color match with the aluminum parts Manufactured parts need a quality surface finish and visual appeal before releasing them to the client or market. Although there are different methods of applying the surface finish, anodizing aluminum colors produce the best results. There is a wide range of aluminum anodizing colors to choose from ...

Why Flexible PCBs are expensive than other PCB types?

Flexible PCB overview, Flexible PCB definition, Types of flexible PCB, Materials used in FPCB, Manufacturing Process of FPCB in steps, Applications of flexible printed circuit boards, FPCB Market, Advantages or benefits of flexible PCB, Disadvantages or drawbacks of FPCB, Development prospect of flexible PCB, Parameters on which the cost of FPCB depends Hello friends, I hope you all are in good health. Today we will discuss a detailed overview of flexible PCB, its definition, types, advantages and manufacturing. We will also discuss why we need flexible PCB? We will discuss its uses and the reason for its high price, as it's expensive than other PC ...


What is MQTT, MQTT features, How does MQTT work, MQTT Connection and Broker, MQTT applications, MQTT with ESP32 or How to publish a message using ESP32 MQTT, MQTT testing, MQTT publish and subscribe architecture Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDE Hello readers, today we will learn about the messaging protocol supported by ESP32(called MQTT protocol), which is used for IoT applications. The communication protocol to be used fo ...

How Energy Monitoring System Helps In Managing and Functioning Of Business

enerygy monitoring systems If you want to monitor the utility usage in real-time and if you want to optimize the business utilities, you should make use of the energy monitoring system. It is the software that monitors the utility consumption online like the energy, fluids, gas, and so on. This system helps to calculate the ...